Ismael Hossein-zadeh. The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism.
Adams, Fred
Ismael Hossein-zadeh. The Political Economy of U.S. Militarism. New
York, NY: Palgrave Macmillian, 2006. Hardcover, $75.
In a well-written and very readable book, Ismael Hossein-zadeh
seeks to provide answers to two questions: Why have U.S. citizens been
unable to receive any "peace dividends," especially once the
Cold War came to an end. The other is why have American leaders been so
inclined to resort to the use of military force (and plenty of it, as
their fondness for the "shock and awe" approach attests) to
settle international disputes. His answers are inspired by the earlier
work of Sidney Lens on the military-industrial complex and of Ernest
Mandel on the periodization of capitalism.
Hossein-zadeh presents two lines of argument, ones that co-exist a
little uneasily. The first, and dominant, theme is that in the latter
part of the 20th century, the U.S. entered a new era of capitalist
development in which parasitic imperialism replaced benign imperialism.
Whereas in the earlier era leaders of capitalist nations used military
force only after concluding that they could obtain economic benefits by
doing so, in the new era they used force as a way to guarantee that the
military-industrial complex could claim a larger share of the public
treasury. The application of military power no longer was a means to an
end: it had become the end itself.
The growing power of the military-industrial complex is the reason
why the new form of imperialism appeared. With its base in the military
industry, Pentagon, and Congress, this bloc became powerful enough by
the late 1970s that it could control American foreign policy.
Interestingly enough, the major opponent of the military group were
international capitalists who wanted to reduce military spending and
create a world economy based on free trade. The militarists consistently
outmaneuvered them, however, primarily because of their ability to
manufacture foreign threats at just the right moment. Another aspect of
the argument is that the capitalist nature of the military-industrial
bloc makes it exceedingly dangerous. In countries where the government
controls the munitions industry, military spending somewhat corresponds
to perceived threats; but the U.S. munitions industry is privately owned
and driven by the profit motive. The industry has an insatiable drive to
increase profits, and historically wars have done wonders for the
industry's bottom line.
Hossein-zadeh said, "Imperial wars and demand for arms are
nowadays precipitated more by sales or profit prerequisites than the
other way around, as was the case with imperial powers of the past. It
is this built-in propensity to war that makes the U.S.
military-industrial complex a menace to world peace and stability, a
force of death and destruction," (200). According to this logic,
therefore, the military-industrial complex should be the prime mover behind the present war in Iraq.
The other (and secondary) line of argument that Hossein-zadeh
develops to explain the militarist orientation of America's policy
differs from the prior one. Rather than making the military-industrial
complex the main actor, he focuses upon the ways in which conservatives
have used military spending to further their overall domestic agenda. In
other words, he looks at military spending as part of a broader battle
over the structure of the country's political economy, with the
main issue being the legacy of the New Deal. Since the early years of
the Cold War, conservatives have used military expenditures as a way to
contain the New Deal and then to repeal it. By raising the
Pentagon's budget while simultaneously cutting taxes, conservatives
have reduced the amount of money available for many social programs.
What should we make of these arguments, ones that the author
presents in a very skillful and forceful manner? It is hard to quarrel
with his desire to try to explain why U.S. foreign policy has become so
heavily militarized in recent years. This is one of the most serious
problems that Americans, to say nothing of people throughout the world,
face. Nonetheless, his insistence that the military-industrial complex
is able to cause wars largely to enhance its segment of public spending
seems to me to overstate the case and to make this bloc, admittedly a
very powerful coalition, more decisive than it is. If we look at the
wars the U.S. has fought since 1945, it is hard to detect the hand of
munitions makes and their allies behind either the Korean or the
Vietnamese Wars. Admittedly Hossein-zadeh could counter that these
conflicts took place before the military-industrial complex reached
maturity. When we switch our attention to the period after 1980,
however, I still am not persuaded that the military-industrial complex
was the decisive factor leading to the two Gulf Wars. In the case of the
current war, moreover, the author himself assigns a pro-Zionist faction
as important a role as he does the military-industrial one.
What we never should forget is the fact that within the American
political framework, the president is the decisive player in foreign
affairs. He (maybe someday it will be a she) selects the top advisers
and decides which recommendations to listen to and which to reject.
Under the Constitution, moreover, the president, as commander-in-chief,
decides when to send in the troops. Although only Congress has the
formal rights to declare war, American presidents never have allowed
this Constitutional nicety to stand in their way. Thus somehow
Hossein-zadeh has to demonstrate that presidents now advocate wars in
order to enhance the profit margins of the military-industrial complex.
This is a tall order.
There is another issue to consider. In this account, the major
players (benign imperialists and parasitic imperialists) are two
factions of the dominant class. What of the other classes? Because of
their overwhelming numerical superiority, they are the decisive
political force: they are the ones who elect presidents. Why are large
segments of these classes inclined to support policies that, as
Hossein-zadeh correctly notes, serve to harm their interests? Therefore,
it seems to me that any attempt to account for a political economy of
militarism has to examine the process by which an appropriate political
carrier emerged. Only at the very end of the book does the author
mention that the future of "U.S. imperial military power,
ultimately boils down to the balance of social forces and the outcome of
the class struggle" (255). I wish that he had paid more attention
to this question throughout the manuscript. This is the reason why I
believe that his secondary argument about militarism as a means to
repeal the New Deal is potentially more persuasive than is his primary
Nevertheless this is a very compelling and timely work that
deserves a wide readership. It is controversial and will force people to
think carefully about the direction of American foreign policy. Because
of its accessibility, instructors should consider adopting it for
classroom use. The book will generate a lot of debate.
Fred Adams is Professor of History Emeritus at Drake University,
Des Moines, Iowa.