Environmental education in a culturally diverse school.
Tangen, Donna ; Fielding-Barnsley, Ruth
Abstract School gardens provide a unique learning environment for
English as Second Language (ESL) students; students are able to engage
in experiential outdoor learning that will enhance in-class lessons.
This study evaluated the effects of school gardening on ESL
students' learning about good nutrition. Data collected indicated
that there were positive gains in student learning and feelings of
belonging to the school community. Indications from the study suggest
that teacher attitudes play a big part in ESL student engagement in the
learning process for environmental education. Garden-enhanced lessons
about nutrition provided experiential learning for ESL students that
effectively supported in-class learning.
Keywords: ESL; school garden; nutrition; experiential learning.
Australia's school population has become more culturally and
linguistically diverse than ever before. For example, according to Education Queensland (2006), 40% of Queenslanders are migrants or
children of migrants, 10% of Queenslanders over 5 years old speak a
language other than English at home and Queensland contains more than
200 nationalities. Teaching to diversity means being aware of and being
sensitive to cultural and linguistic difference. Newly arrived children
aged 5 to 12 are usually placed in a classroom at their local school
rather than being placed in a special English-as-a-Second Language (ESL)
class as a way to have students assimilate quickly into the established
Queensland school culture (Osborne & Dawes, 1992). To assist with
such assimilation, ESL teachers' expertise helps to shape learning
for these students through curriculum development and classroom
School grounds are an ideal environment in which to engage the
potential of ESL students providing them with opportunities that can
lead to improved attitudes and behaviours towards the outdoor school
environment and better overall feelings for the school within the
community and themselves as members of the school community (Skamp &
Bergmann, 2001). Outcomes for learning can be developed to address a
range of learning skills and abilities. When lessons are aimed at the
level of children's understanding there seems to be no reason why
environmental studies should not be taught. For example, Davis (2005)
described a sustainability program implemented for preschoolers. These
young children were active participants in planting eco-friendly plants
in their school grounds and monitoring water use. For such a program to
be successful, Davis suggested that ideally such a program needs to be
implemented as a whole-school approach. Such an approach ensures that
all the children at the school have an opportunity to learn about their
natural environment and that staff are working in coordination with each
other across the grades.
However, when there is not a whole-school approach, individual
teachers can do much to address the needs of their students. For
example, an ESL teacher can support individual classroom teachers to
assist in preparing students for environmental education. As
specialists, ESL teachers deal with learning needs that go beyond the
content level for it often happens that when children migrate to a new
country with a new language to learn they lose their ability to
communicate at the same level as their peers (Makin, 1992). Teachers can
use an arsenal of strategies and techniques (Gibbons, 1991; Gersten
& Baker, 2000) to assist children in their language development and
to help them feel safe and secure about their learning. Learning
activities in outdoor settings encourages ESL students to take control
of their learning through shared participation with their peers,
releasing them from the intensity of classroom seatwork where their lack
of proficiency in the English language and learning is revealed.
One example where such learning can occur is through active
involvement in a school garden. Children can become involved in the
process of planting and harvesting food. Thematic studies involving the
garden as an outdoor classroom can include language and literary
development, mathematics and areas of social and environmental studies.
Yet, Skamp and Bergman (2001) found that in spite of the perceived
benefits, few schools use the outdoors as an environment for learning.
Teachers tended not to engage environmental knowledge learnt in the
classroom with environmental action outcome outdoors. In a school
garden, children can acquire environmental knowledge through hands-on
experiential learning, interacting directly and indirectly with their
environment (Malone & Trantor, 2003). Pranis (2003) described school
gardens as living laboratories of hands-on experiential learning. One
theme that can be used for such hands-on learning is garden-enhanced
nutrition (Morris & Zindenber-Cherr, 2002). Planting and harvesting
a school vegetable garden in combination with in-class lessons on
nutrition can help to improve students' nutritional knowledge and
also increase their consumption of nutritious foods to which they might
not have been otherwise exposed (Reynolds et al., 2000). McAleese and
Rankin (2007) found that garden-based activities run alongside
nutritional education resulted in an increase in fruit and vegetable
consumption for students. They noted, though, that prolonged change in
dietary behaviour is an ongoing process rather than expecting change to
occur with a one-off program.
The diversity of food now available in Australia reflects the
diversity of students' home cultures. Campey (2002) suggested that
for immigrant and refugee children to settle into their new environments
it is essential that they see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
Incorporating learning about foods from different cultures as part of
the curriculum can provide children with a sense of belonging. Children
new to Australia may be confronted with foods previously unknown to them
(see Reynolds et al., 2000). Working in a school garden, ESL students
learn not only about the cycle of plant life and how to support the
environment in a more global sense but also learn about new foods and
good nutrition.
The Gardening Project
The research reported on in this paper examined the utilisation of
a school garden for ESL student learning in a small primary school, in
south Brisbane, Australia to promote an awareness of good nutrition. The
school consists of 153 students of which 67 are English-as-a-second
language (ESL). Students' home cultures and languages include
Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Finnish, Ukrainian, Polish and Indigenous
Australian. These students had various levels of English language
proficiency, which for some depended upon whether they had older
siblings in the school who were also learning English. Significantly, of
the 67 ESL students, 33 were Sudanese refugees. These students arrived
in Australia without any formal schooling, having lived in refugee camps
before their arrival in Australia; they spoke no English and had no
knowledge of Australia or Australian culture before their arrival. The
large number of students from the Sudan at the school had an impact on
shaping the environmental education in that their previous knowledge of
foods and their particular learning needs were taken into account in
curriculum development on good nutrition.
Gardens at the school were built as a short course on school
gardening by a local Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institution.
Arrangements were made for a group of TAFE students to come to the
school during the final term, two days a week for a period of ten weeks
to establish a series of no-dig gardens, a worm farm and the
beautification of areas such as preparing a quiet place in the school
grounds for students and teachers. TAFE students were actively recruited
from the school community (parents and former students of the primary
school) and from the wider community. Classes of students were welcomed
to visit the gardens at any time during their construction. Two teachers
in particular, the Grade 2 teacher and the ESL teacher, utilised the
outdoor learning area and are the subject of the current report.
Teachers' Utilisation of the Garden
The Grade 2 Teacher: Half the students in the Grade 2 class were
ESL. For the most part, these students remained intact as part of the
class; however, three of the students originally from the Sudan had
additional ESL lessons apart from the class two mornings each week. The
Grade 2 class spent time in the garden planting and harvesting herbs and
vegetables but they were less than enthusiastic about weeding. To
motivate the children in weeding the garden, composting methods for
water conservation were introduced. The children added the weeds to the
compost bin, the contents of which would then eventually be returned to
the gardens to promote healthy growing plants and, thus, promote good
The Grade 2 students grew plants familiar to Australian diets such
as tomatoes and lettuce but also grew plants that the students from the
Sudan were accustomed to eating such as okra and rosellas. When the
plants produced fruits and vegetables, the students learned how to
harvest them and began including them in their lunches, learning about
both the cycle of plant life and what foods to eat for healthy
Additionally, learning gained by working in the school garden was
connected to learning about worm farming. The Grade 2 children could
describe how they kept the worms alive by providing them with nutritious
foods and how, in return, the worms provided fertiliser for the garden:
Teacher: And what have we been doing at lunch time with C [adult
Student 1: Collecting scraps to feed the worms, like apple cores
and banana peel.
Student 2: They like apples.
Student 3: They're pet.
Student 4: They like the dark.
Student 3: They eat manure ... it's poo ...
Student 2: And they can eat compost.
Student 1: They eat some bugs in there too. Some cockroach and some
ants, some flies.
Student 2: Worms don't have eyes or noses. They only have
mouths and bums
Researcher: How do they breathe?
Student 2: They just use their mouth.
Researcher: How many worms are in there [the worm farm]?
Student 1: About twenty thousand.
Making sure that the worms ate healthily meant that the children
needed to eat healthily. Their classroom displayed clear evidence of a
strong connection between the learning environment outside and
curriculum activities in the classroom with numerous posters and charts
on the walls depicting the various stages of student learning. For
example, there was a chart on the wall of foods for the worm farm. The
chart was divided into "Yum Foods" and "Yuck Foods'.
Students learned to cut their apple cores and other scrap food into
bite-size bits for the worms and learnt that the worms would become sick
and die if they were fed "Yuk" food. One student in particular
changed his lunch time eating habits from processed foods, chocolate
biscuits and chips, to healthy foods that he could share with the worms.
The children learned that worms cannot stay healthy eating
"yuk" foods so students needed to eat healthy foods in order
to provide "yum" food for the worms.
The ESL Teacher: The ESL teacher worked both with the classroom
teachers and in isolation, withdrawing ESL students to a separate unit
for part of the day. The ESL teacher described that many of the children
did not have gardens at home and became quite excited about many aspects
of gardening such as watching seeds sprout. Interactive learning within
the context of the garden played an important part in English language
development for these students. It has long been recognised that
experiential learning enhances students' language development (see
Dare & Polias, 2001) and remarks from the ESL teacher appeared to
bear this out. She described how the freedom of learning outside the
confines of a regular classroom allowed the ESL students to explore
concepts in an environment where they felt safe to express themselves.
In a conversation with the researchers, the teacher asked a group
of students from the Sudan to describe their seed sprouting activity.
Classroom seed planting was developed to reinforce learning that
occurred in the garden and to allow the students to learn at their own
pace in a place where they could make mistakes without penalty:
Teacher: Can you tell us what you did [re planting the seeds]? How
did you get them to shoot?
Student: You get cotton wool and then you put it cotton square and
put lima beans on and put lot of beans on cotton square and then you put
some water and then you put it on the sun.
Teacher: And just leave it?
Student: Yes and then watch and then it crack a bit and stuff come
out ... and more water.
When the seeds were established, the students would plant them in
the school garden for harvesting along with other food plants they had
been tending. Additionally, the ESL students kept a gardening diary in
which they recorded what they planted, how they went about planting
things and how they monitored the growth of their plants. Their diaries
were used to assist in English language development but also to
reinforce learning that occurred in the school garden and related
classroom activities. The students confidently showed the researchers
their drawings and descriptions of gardening activities in their diaries
and then pointed out their plants growing in the garden, making the
connections between outdoor and indoor learning.
Clair (1995) suggested that many teachers do not understand the
complexity of learning that students who are ESL must undertake. Not
only must these students learn the same content as the native English
language learners in the class but they must process that learning
through two languages, in effect learning through learning English
(Cummins, 1991). Teachers who do not know how to teach students who are
ESL may keep students engaged at busy work (non-academic or lower
academic work than what the rest of the class are doing) so that it
appears as if these students are on task (Gersten, 1996). Busy work,
however, requires constant vigilance on the part of the teacher to
ensure that students keep busy. Students, for their part, express
embarrassment that they have to do what they perceive to be
"baby" work, so it is not surprising that students become
bored and distracted being in the same class as their English proficient peers. Students expect to work at the same age and grade level as their
peers, not be stigmatised at working below that level. In the case of
the students from the Sudan, the ESL teacher acknowledged their
capabilities as learners and provided an environment wherein they could
learn at age and grade level but in a safe environment.
In the garden the ESL students were learning the same lessons as
their peers but with a curriculum that was adapted to meet their
particular learning capabilities. Being able to go out to the garden to
learn was an important element, helping the ESL students develop a sense
of belonging to the school community. The ESL teacher's perception
was that the children felt safe and happy working in the garden so that
when they joined their peers in the regular classroom (such as the Grade
2 class) they were better equipped with the knowledge they had gained
from working in the garden with the ESL teacher.
The Effects of the Garden on Learning
There were benefits for the ESL students whose learning was
connected to the school garden. English language development, both oral
and written, for these students was enhanced through their experiential
participation in growing and harvesting food. In the garden setting the
ESL students worked well alongside non-ESL classroom peers. The
researchers observed that the ESL students contributed as fully in the
garden activities as their classmates and were just as eager to describe
what they were doing as were their classmates. The ESL teacher explained
that it had taken the students a full year to feel comfortable enough to
participate at such a level. These students, many from war-torn Sudan,
found a safe haven in the school garden. According to both the ESL
teacher and the Grade 2 teacher, the students felt a sense of purpose to
ensure the plants did not die and in doing so created a bond with fellow
students and teachers who shared in maintaining the garden.
In maintaining the worm farm, the ESL students learnt about the
cycle of life first hand. They could track how their human waste of food
scraps was utilised by the worms to be transformed into a powerful
medium for renewal and growth. The children's eating habits changed
through their awareness of appropriate foods to feed the worms; in order
to share healthy food with the worms, the children had to bring healthy
food to school for themselves. The scraps from their lunch boxes were no
longer discarded in the bin as had happened with "Yuk Food"
previously brought to school.
The children learnt which foods grow in drought conditions--some of
the introduced garden plants were ones similar to those grown in the
marginal regions of the Sudan. Students discussed how much water
"European" plants need to grow in comparison to how much water
"indigenous" plants that can tolerate drier conditions need.
Students incorporated concepts of water conservation such as composting
and being water wise into their learning and were careful with their
watering cans not to waste this precious resource in the garden.
Introducing plants indigenous to the Sudan sent a strong message to the
ESL children that they were valued members of the school community and
that their customs and culture were very much of interest to their
fellow school members. The ESL teacher drew upon the Sudanese
children's culture through the support of a Sudanese community
member that the children called "Auntie". Auntie helped in the
classroom and in the gardens in identifying plants and describing
Sudanese culture. There is much in the literature that suggests that the
socialising and academic focus of parents and families can have a
profound effect on a child's preparation for school (Igoa, 1995;
Li, 2002). ESL students, particularly from the southeast Asian
countries, described that many of the foods grown in the school garden
were grown at home in their own gardens, making the connection between
home and school gardening in relation to growing and eating nutritious
Learning was successful for these students because the teachers
made it relevant to their lives. According to the Grade 2 teacher,
through their awareness of appropriate foods to feed the worms the
children brought healthy food to school for themselves. The Grade 2
teacher was himself a father of young children who was teaching his own
children about environmental issues and so maintained a high level of
enthusiasm for the project through his home-school interests. Weston
(2005) suggested that in order to ensure that environmental education
does not remain a one-off academic unit of study, not only must
environmental issues be relevant to students' lives they must also
be relevant to teachers' lives. One staff member described the
Grade 2 teacher's enthusiasm:
He's really loving it. He comes out with the kids every day and
they watch the worms and water the little seedlings and he's just
dying to get them into the garden bed and he's doing, you know,
stuff almost his whole day.
While the literature suggests that it is preferable that
environmental education programs are part of a whole-school approach
(see Davis, 2005), results in the Grade 2 class indicates that
individual teachers can make a big difference in raising the awareness
of environmental issues with particular groups of students.
The current study examined ESL students' nutritional learning
within the context of a school garden and found that the students gained
in environmental knowledge related to growing and eating nutritious
foods. Other areas of learning occurred in English language development
and a sense of belonging to the school community. An important factor in
the students' learning was the teachers' commitment to the
gardening program. Other teachers at the school did use the garden on
occasion but none to the extent of the Grade 2 and ESL teachers. For the
potential of school gardens to be fully realised in raising the level of
good nutrition, all students at the school should have the opportunity
to utilise the space. School gardens offer students a positive
environment for learning about the natural world. Properly structured
programming assists students in making connections between classroom
lessons and the world outside the classroom.
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Donna Tangen ([dagger]) & Ruth Fielding-Barnsley
Queensland University of Technology
([dagger]) Address for correspondence: Donna Tangen, Lecturer,
School of Learning & Professional Studies, Queensland University of
Technology, QLD 4059. Email:
[email protected]