A response to reorienting teacher education towards sustainability.
Ferreira, Jo-Anne ; Ryan, Lisa ; Tilbury, Daniella 等
It is 7 years since we wrote this article, yet the reorientation of
teacher education towards sustainability remains a challenge. However,
there have been some pockets of progress internationally and in
Australia (Belgeonne, Clough, Inman, Rogers, & Warwick, 2014; UNECE,
2012). The project discussed in this article has had a number of
subsequent projects, each seeking to build upon and refine the original
concept in the following ways:
* the development and trial (in Queensland and the Northern
Territory) of a system-wide framework to serve as a model for others
(see Ferreira & Ryan, 2012; Ferreira, Ryan, Davis, Cavanagh, &
Thomas, 2009; Ferreira, Ryan, & Tilbury, 2007);
* additional barriers and enablers to mainstreaming EfS using a
system-wide approach were explored in New South Wales and Australian
Capital Territory (Steele, 2010); and
* the creation of a network of teacher educators and system
stakeholders interested in embedding EfS in their institutions
(Stevenson, Davis, Ferreira, & Evans, 2014).
A key factor for success not identified in the original article,
but which has since emerged, relates to the need for teacher educators
to learn to be leaders for change. Indeed, this requires the development
of a whole new skill-set (Ferreira, Ryan, & Davis, 2014; UNECE,
doi 10.1017/aee.2014.40
Belgeonne, C., Clough, Inman, S., Rogers, M., & Warwick, P.
(2014). Education for sustainable development and global citizenship:
Good practice case studies in teacher education. York, UK: The Higher
Education Academy.
Ferreira, J.-A., & Ryan, L. (2012). Working the system: A model
for system-wide change in pre-service teacher education. Australian
Journal of Teacher Education, 37(12), 29-45.
Ferreira, J.-A., Ryan, L., & Davis, J. (2014). Leadership for
change: The importance of developing knowledge and leadership capacities
for change in pre-service teacher education systems. Manuscript in
Ferreira, J.-A., Ryan, L., Davis, J., Cavanagh, M., & Thomas,
J. (2009). Mainstreaming sustainability into pre-service teacher
education in Australia (A report prepared by the Research Institute in
Education for Sustainability). Canberra, Australia: Australian
Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.
Ferreira, J.-A., Ryan, L., & Tilbury, D. (2007). Mainstreaming
education for sustainable development in initial teacher education in
Australia: A review of existing professional development models. Journal
of Education for Teaching, 33(2), 225-239.
Steele, F. (2010). Mainstreaming education for sustainability in
pre-service teacher education in Australia: Enablers and constraints (A
report prepared by the Research Institute in Education for
Sustainability). Canberra, Australia: Australian Government Department
of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.
Stevenson, R., Davis, J., Ferreira, J.-A., & Evans, N. (2014).
A state systems approach to embedding the learning and teaching of
sustainability in teacher education (Final report). Sydney, Australia:
Office of Learning and Teaching.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). (2012).
Learning for the future: Competences for education for sustainable
development. Geneva: Author.
Jo-Anne Ferreira is a Senior Lecturer at Griffith University in the
School of Environment. Jo-Anne is the immediate past Editor of the
Australian Journal of Environmental Education. Email:
[email protected]
Lisa Ryan is a current PhD student at Griffith University and a
highly experienced environmental educator. Email:
[email protected]
Daniella Tilbury is a Professor of University of Gloucestershire.
In 2010, she became Marie Curie Professor in Education for
Sustainability, and in 2014, Dean of Sustainability. Email:
[email protected]
Jo-Anne Ferreira, (1) Lisa Ryan (1) & Daniella Tilbury (2)
(1) Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
(2) The University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire,