In-school sustainability action: climate clever energy savers.
Buchanan, John ; Schuck, Sandy ; Aubusson, Peter 等
The need for environmentally sustainable practices is becoming more
urgent with time, and calls within Australia and internationally are
gaining momentum (Fielding & Head, 2012; Sund & Ohman 2014).
This article reports on aspects of the Climate Clever Energy Savers
(CCES) program, established and jointly managed by the New South Wales
(NSW) Department of Education and Communities and the NSW Department of
Environment, Climate Change and Water. The program began in 2010 and
concluded in 2014. The 3 aims of the CCES program are to:
* assist school students in Years 3-10 (i.e., students aged between
8 and 16 years) to devise proposals for reducing electricity consumption
in their schools;
* provide an interdisciplinary approach to studies of
* offer a real-world, problem-solving approach to issues of
sustainability, supported by the Department and its available personnel,
online and other resources to assist in implementing projects (NSW DET,
In particular, this article focuses on the process used to assist
students in identifying and addressing issues related to electricity
consumption. A central component of this is the Sustainability Action
Process (SAP). The paper asks: To what extent and in what ways can a
framework, in this case the SAP, assist students and teachers in
achieving educational, sustainability, and project-related outcomes? The
research team analysed surveys completed by participating teachers and
transcripts of interviews with a sample of teachers, and some student
work samples. These, along with school modifications, formed the main
tangible sources of evidence of behavioural and knowledge change. We
concede that attitudinal change is more difficult to discern and can
only be inferred from the previously mentioned artefacts. Surveys
enquired about the amount of funding requested, logistics of the
project, such as allies, affordances and hindrances, and the extent to
which, and ways in which, the project achieved its goals and met student
learning outcomes.
Data analysis methods included coding using NVIVO, as well as
manual categorisation of artefacts such as lesson outlines and student
work samples. This article was derived from a 3-year evaluation
undertaken for the Department of Education and Communities to
investigate the outcomes of this school-based sustainability initiative.
Background and Context
As iterated above, the need and mandate for informed and
evidence-based sustainability action are becoming increasingly urgent.
In a phone poll of more than 1,500 respondents, Hamilton (2011) found
that level of education affected attitudes to climate change. According
to Hamilton, left-of-centre voters tended to be more concerned about
anthropogenic climate change the more highly educated they were.
Intriguingly, however, he found that more highly educated conservative
voters tended to be more sceptical about this than those with less
education. This is suggestive of a tendency to 'cherry-pick'
evidence for or against anthropogenic climate change. Because it is
young people who will be most affected by environmental impacts
(Fielding & Head, 2012), education needs to focus on them and their
attitudes and behaviours. The school is an appropriate locus of action
for developing in children sustainable habits of living. As Nelson and
Cassell (2012) point out, overlooking this in the school years
constitutes valuable time lost in responding to 'a human-induced,
global ecological crisis' (p. 63). The discussion that follows
addresses environmental sustainability education, its place/s in
curriculum, and examples and frameworks, before focusing on the
Sustainability Action Process as one such framework.
Environmental Sustainability Education
More than ever, an education is needed that can help students
'become sustainability literate citizens capable of working
together so to bring about more viable futures' (Huckle, 2012, p.
35). One important goal of sustainability education is to provide
students with skills in decision-making so that they can make choices
about their behaviours that will support sustainability (Hungerford
& Volk, 1990). Another goal is to develop a sense of personal
responsibility for the environment that will enhance students'
ability to search for innovative solutions to particular environmental
problems (Griset, 2010), as part of a problem-based learning approach
(Savery, 2015). The CCES program sought to meet such goals through its
design and implementation, including personnel and online support. We
note here some of the limitations of problem-based learning (Boud &
Feletti, 1997), such as institutional and organisational impediments
(Little & Sauer, 1997), the need for perseverance (Schwartz, 1997),
and congruence between conceptualisation and implementation (Hung,
2011). Dierking, Falk, and Storksdieck (2012, p. 359) refer more broadly
to 'free-choice' learning. The project- and problem-based
learning aspects of the CCES projects afford scope for student
creativity and innovation, and lateral and critical thinking derived
from the power of ideas, even those that do not eventuate in projects.
Other features of effective sustainability education have been
posited. Australia's Department of Environment and Heritage (2000)
asserted that environmental education requires involvement from
everyone, and needs to be holistic in nature, involving connections,
causes and effects. It should be practical rather than theoretical in
its approach. It is a lifelong undertaking, which should be accorded
equal priority with social and economic goals, and should operate, where
possible, in harmony with those goals. Moreover, effective
sustainability education needs to transcend classroom behaviour. Reed
(2010) speaks of 'developing an ecological worldview' (p. 141)
and argues that change in this regard is as much cultural as it is
ecological; while Holdsworth, Thomas, and Hegarty (2012, p. 355) call
for a 'sustainability curriculum that is holistic,
multidisciplinary and contextually relevant'. Australia's
Department of the Environment and Heritage (2005, p. 7) observed that:
environmental education for sustainability pervades all aspects of
the school operations, curriculum, teaching and learning, physical
surroundings and relationships with the local community ...
environmental education for sustainability is a core feature of the
school ethos--the value structure of the school.
A key element of environmental education is education for
sustainability. As Maude (2012) points out, notions of sustainability
typically refer to finding a balance between current generations'
and future generations' needs. Such views, however, arguably
commodify the environment, rather than recognise its value per se. In
the Australian curriculum, sustainability is a cross-curriculum
priority, emphasising student agency and responsibility (see also
Buchanan, Aubusson, & Schuck, 2014). According to the Australian
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA, 2013):
The Sustainability priority is futures-oriented, focusing on
protecting environments and creating a more ecologically and
socially just world through informed action. Actions that support
more sustainable patterns of living require consideration of
environmental, social, cultural and economic systems and their
This tenet of the Australian Curriculum affords a starting point
for sustainability projects such as Climate Clever Energy Savers. The
CCES is compatible with many of the above features: its practical nature
transcends and has impact beyond classroom activity; it sets out to
involve all class members and implicitly makes demands on all; and it is
futures- and change-oriented.
Sustainability and Curriculum
While space here does not permit a detailed critique of local
curriculum documents, we note that, in a British context, Huckle (1996)
is sceptical about the transference of lofty curricular statements into
changed behaviour, and this author views such statements as tokenistic.
Similarly, Smith, Collier, and Storey (2011, pp. 176-177) are critical
of teacher professional development in sustainability, typifying it as
'ad hoc; designed to meet short term needs of specific groups of
educators; variable in terms of quality and delivery; limited in
availability; and not linked or integrated across sectors, issues or
fields'. Craddock, O'Halloran, McPherson, Hean, and Hammick
(2013) warn that top-down approaches can impede recourse to the
application of learning theory. See also Stevenson and Evans (2011) for
a discussion of the characteristics of sustainability education research
in Australia, such as the adoption of global and socially critical
perspectives to critique and theorise the curricular structure and
conceptualisation of sustainability education. Their research also
brought to light gaps in environmental education. The in-service support
offered to teachers for the CCES program was positively viewed by
participants (Buchanan, Aubusson, & Schuck, 2014; Buchanan, Schuck,
& Aubusson, 2013, 2014).
Sustainability education fits more neatly into some areas of the
primary and secondary curriculum than others (Cupitt & Smith, 2012;
Buchanan, 2012). In terms of the Australian Curriculum, sections of
which are currently under development, these subjects include Geography
and Science, but sustainability education also lends itself to literacy
and numeracy development, and the arts, among other subject areas.
Moreover, cross-curricular approaches within and beyond these two
subject areas are also productive; Nowotny (2005, p. 15) refers to
'emergent interfaces between the natural sciences, humanities and
social sciences'. Hill (2005) warns against treating sustainability
education as an add-on, advising that complex problems demand holistic,
integrated and complex responses. Summers, Childs, and Corney (2005)
advise that Sustainability Education ideally involves 'concepts,
evidence, controversy and values--in an integrated, non-fragmented
way' (p. 627). The NSW Department of Education and Communities
(DEC, 2014, para. 2) asserts:
[Learning for sustainability] is best delivered through a wide
range of teaching and learning activities utilising all of the Key
Learning Areas. Students will develop strong environmental
knowledge, awareness and capacity for positive environmental change
when it is contextualised or taught using real examples, problem
solving and with active student participation.
The CCES's cross-curricular approach and philosophy aligns
with such a pedagogy.
Sustainability Education Examples and Frameworks
There are many ways of categorising and evaluating sustainability
education programs. Henderson and Tilbury (2004) investigated five
sustainability education programs and observed features that appeared to
contribute to their effectiveness. These included community and other
partnerships, a cross-curricular approach, support through professional
development, mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and reflection, and
whole-school participation (Ferreira, Ryan, & Tilbury, 2007).
Katayama and Gough (2008, pp. 418-420) outlined four characteristics of
sustainability education programs, describing such initiatives as being
problem(-solving)-oriented, responsibility-oriented,
creativity-oriented, and skills-oriented in nature. Significantly, these
characteristics appear to apply as much to participants as they do to
the sustainability issues being addressed. Cheong (2005) outlined an
approach she calls Community Problem Solving (CPS). This approach
entails 'resolving or improving local issues through a problem
solving process' (p. 98), and lends itself to addressing problems
of an environmental and/or social nature. The CCES approach depends on
partnerships and calls participants to responsible action.
Flannery (2006), among others, draws attention to the
interconnectedness of environmental systems. This system inter- and
intra-connectivity can render them difficult to understand
comprehensively, especially for younger children. Conceptual or
procedural frameworks can assist in making this complexity conceptually
manageable by breaking systems down into their constituent parts and
processes, introducing a local-scale response to a global-scale problem
and setting out a possible pathway of action. Sustainability frameworks
typically include: the identification of a problem or area in need of
improvement on a local or broader scale, creative and critical thinking
about realistic responses, and recruitment of allies. Tilbury and
Wortman (2004, p. 11) offer a framework that includes: imagining a
better future, critical thinking and reflection, participation in
decision-making, and partnerships. They add systemic thinking to their
suite of approaches, with a view to synthesising components such as
imagination, critical thinking and the like. Hunting and Tilbury (2006)
recommend: adopting a clear and shared vision for the future or
'visioning' (p. 7), building teams rather than champions,
thinking critically and reflecting, transcending stakeholder engagement
(see also Brundiers & Wiek, 2011; and Wiek, Talwar, O'Shea,
& Robinson, 2014, for similar recommendations), adopting a systemic
approach, and accepting that change might not follow a linear pathway.
The complexity/simplicity dichotomy is one of a number encountered
as we sought patterns of response and behaviour effected by the CCES
project. One aspect of this dichotomy is isolation as opposed to
systemic interconnectivity (as well as intraconnectivity). In both,
teachers attempt to render the complex and the interconnected
sufficiently simple and discrete, if only temporarily, to help learners,
particularly young learners, come to terms with phenomena under study.
While space here does not permit a detailed discussion of each of these,
other dichotomies, or apparent dichotomies (Oyama, 2000) encountered
include: attitudes and behaviours, espoused and actual lifestyles,
theoretical or conceptual and practical responses to ecological crisis.
It should be noted that any given framework has potential
limitations. Sterling (2004) advises against simply breaking systems
down into their constituent parts, in the absence of identifying
connections and thinking holistically or systemically. Hunting and
Tilbury (2006) also recommend a systemic approach to sustainability
issues. With these caveats in mind, however, frameworks can provide a
useful starting point for analysis and identification of problems and
The Sustainability Action Process
The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
(DEWHA, 2010) proposed one such framework, the Sustainability Action
Process. The SAP is described as a 'learning and action methodology
that underpins the Sustainability Curriculum Framework', according
to the Victorian Association for Environmental Education (VAEE, 2015).
It is a five-step procedural framework for sustainability action: making
a case for change, defining scope for action, developing a proposal for
action, implementing the proposal, and evaluating and reflecting (DEWHA,
2010, p. 9). The VAEE (2015) continues: 'Through this five step
process students investigate a sustainability or resource issue, scope
possible actions for the context, e.g. school, plan a suitable action
and reflect on their success in addressing the original issue.'
According to the NSW Department of Education and Communities (NSW
DEC, 2014, para. 3):
When sustainability action is applied as a systematic process to
issues and needs, it can be modelled, reapplied to new problems and
learned by students with increasing levels of sophistication and
complexity. The ultimate learning goal is for students to be able
to implement sustainability action with such fluency that they can
operate independently of the need for a scaffolded process.
The SAP derives from knowledge of systems and repertoires of
practice (DEWHA, 2010, p. 8). Knowledge of systems applies to both human
and ecological systems, and repertoires of practice consist of world
viewing, systems thinking, and futures and design thinking (p. 9).
The SAP is not without its critics. Maude (2012) contends that the
SAP makes no demands on students 'to think about the causes of the
sustainability issue they are investigating' (p. 58). While it
could be argued that this is implicit in the first step, making a case
for change, the call for informed action is nonetheless apt. Indeed,
Quinn and Lyons (2013, p. 1) refer to 'action-competence'.
Beyond that, there is little in the literature critiquing the SAP, thus
making this study timely.
The SAP is a key component that is built into the CCES program.
Sustainability action, according to ACARA (2014, p. 1), 'is
designed to intervene in ecological, social and economic systems in
order to develop more sustainable patterns of living'. Arguably,
one of the SAP's greatest virtues is its action component. As Quinn
and Lyons (2013, p. 3) note:
A 'disposition' to action, desirable though it is, does not
necessarily equate to action competence in the messy argumentative
real world when dealing face to face with real people, power
imbalances or conflicts, inertia, apathy, turgid bureaucracies and
the other impediments to changing established practices.
The Program and Projects
The SAP has been adopted as a central facet of the NSW Department
of Education and CCES program. As noted above, the CCES program assists
students in Years 3-10 in devising proposals to reduce their
school's electricity consumption. The program adopts an
interdisciplinary approach to studies of sustainability, and offers a
real-world problem-solving approach to issues of sustainability.
Department personnel such as regional coordinators and the Sydney-based
program managers provide advice and information to students and teachers
undertaking their projects. This support is offered both in person and
through online technologies. Students are invited to submit applications
for funding to support an initiative to reduce their school's
electricity consumption and costs. Each project can apply for up to
The CCES resource kit offers suggested teaching/learning activities
for each of the five steps in the Sustainability Action Process
(Witchard & Mulcahy, 2010; see also Cupitt & Smith, 2012, p.
20). It also suggests syllabus links in English, Human Society and its
Environment, Maths and Science for Years 3-6, and in Design and
Technology, Geography, Science, and in Technology (mandatory). It
contains exemplar scopes and sequences, as well as annotated lists of
resources, for both primary and secondary levels of study.
Conduct of the Study
The research sought to investigate the effectiveness of the CCES
program in achieving the three aims of CCES indicated earlier. More
specifically, the project investigated the extent to which and the ways
in which the school projects achieved their aims. It achieved this by
exploring questions concerning expectations, and the extent of
participation, cross-curriculum emphasis, behaviour change, educational
outcomes and energy savings. Related literature (see, e.g., Tilbury
& Wortman, 2004) indicates that these factors are crucial to the
success of sustainability education projects. The research team
investigated views of participating teachers and evidence provided
primarily by participating teachers on the outcomes, effectiveness,
affordances and barriers to their school-based projects. Data sources
included surveys, self-evaluations, case studies, and examination of
artefacts such as CCES funding applications and student work samples
(Buchanan, Schuck, & Aubusson, 2014). The surveys included Likert
scale questions identifying the usefulness of various support
mechanisms, and open-ended questions eliciting comments, opinions and
reported outcomes provided by participating teachers.
Over the life of the project, 434 teachers furnished survey
responses regarding the nature, approaches and outcomes of their school
projects. This represents close to 100% of all participating teachers;
furnishing the survey was a condition of receiving funding. Fowler
(2013) sets out the advantages and purposes of surveys as a data
collection instrument. Some survey responses included student feedback,
work samples, and reported sustainability modifications to the school,
such as installation of skylights or timer switches. Project
applications, completed as a means of acquiring funding, were also
analysed (see Buchanan, Aubusson, & Schuck, 2014; Buchanan, Schuck,
& Aubusson, 2014).
In 2010, all participating teachers (n = 122) completed
self-evaluations that comprised open-ended responses, exemplars of
lessons and student work samples, and evaluations of project outcomes.
This method gave voice to teachers and was instructive in informing the
researchers as to what teachers felt had worked well in the program and
what needed adjusting. In response to feedback from teachers regarding
the workload required for the self-evaluations, the data collection was
modified for the remaining 2 years of the study. An online survey was
developed that allowed similar information to be collected more
efficiently and with fewer time demands on the teachers. The reporting
mechanism of an online survey, adopted in 2011, was repeated with few
changes in 2012, allowing for more specific comparison of results. The
limitations of self-reporting are acknowledged here. To mitigate these
effects, however, participants were able to respond anonymously if they
chose. Moreover, responses were post hoc: funding and other support were
not contingent upon responses furnished at the completion of the
The self-evaluation surveys were analysed using NVIVO. Text was
first analysed using a framework of key elements derived from the
research questions, such as successes, failures or frustrations, and
reasons for these. Additionally, open coding was used to highlight
themes evident beyond the predetermined framework. The surveys were
analysed quantitatively using descriptive statistics to determine
frequencies of responses. For example, projects were analysed according
to their salient features or purpose. The principal categories were:
education campaigns, including behaviour modification campaigns
(switching off lights and appliances when not in use; putting on or
taking off a jumper rather than using heating/cooling); building
modifications (such as installing skylights or blinds); and appliance
modifications (such as timer switches). Open-ended aspects were coded
for common themes. Student artefacts were analysed with regard to their
achievement of project and syllabus outcomes.
The above data were supplemented by 16 illustrative
project-specific site visit case studies. Site visits permitted the
research team to triangulate the data, and to compare espoused and
observed practices. Moreover, the project outputs and outcomes are often
tangible, such as installation of skylights or timer switches. We
concede, though, that the outcomes of education campaigns, and even
behaviour modification campaigns, are more difficult to discern,
particularly longitudinally. Typically, one teacher per project was
interviewed. The choice of case study sites was designed to represent
the gamut of school contexts: urban, rural and isolated, higher or lower
socio-economic status, and the like. Schools and regional coordinators
were also identified if they adopted what appeared to be innovative
approaches to the project. We acknowledge some limitations of case
studies, such as their potential for being non-representative, while
noting that Merriam (1998) recommends the use of interviews,
observations and document analysis as part of case study research, and
Yin (2012) advocates the use of case study for evaluations. The
interviews pursued issues such as contextual and demographic information
about the school, an outline of the project/s, identification of allies,
breakthroughs and challenges in its implementation, and outcomes
relating to learning and project metrics. The two CCES program leaders
and two of the ten regional coordinators were also interviewed.
The 16 case studies, from primary and secondary, urban, regional
and remote schools, allowed an in-depth and rich picture of illustrative
projects in situ to emerge (Stake, 1995). Data emerged from school
visits, or phone and email communication in the case of more isolated
schools, and were informed by interviews with teachers and other key
stakeholders as appropriate, and analysis of documents, including
student work samples. Work samples were analysed according to criteria
such as age and stage of the student, and their demonstration of meeting
syllabus and CCES project-related outcomes.
Findings reported here pertain principally to the effectiveness of
the SAP and the extent to which and ways in which it assisted in
devising, undertaking and evaluating the effectiveness of the projects
undertaken by teachers and students. Other aspects of the program have
been reported elsewhere (Buchanan, 2012; Buchanan, Aubusson, &
Schuck, 2014; Buchanan, Schuck, & Aubusson, 2014).
Findings in this section derive from the survey data, and are
illustrated by quotes and observations from the case study site visits.
They report the advantages and difficulties encountered with the SAP in
meeting project outcomes.
Iterative Nature and Use of the SAP
The act of developing and making a submission for CCES funding
contributed to students' active learning about environmental
sustainability with a strong local focus, well before the projects
themselves were implemented within their schools. The following
response, from a primary school in South Western Sydney, provides an
indication of the processes and strategies undertaken in preparing
submissions, as well as the influence of the SAP in guiding the planning
and operation of the project. Stages of the SAP are placed in square
brackets. The SAP may well be iterative rather than linear in its
operation. From the following, it appears that even before
implementation, the other four stages of the SAP were practised. The
numberings are subjective and indicative only:
Students investigated renewable and non-renewable energy and the
effect of continued use of non-renewable energy sources. They performed
an energy audit to find out how we use energy, why we need to act and
what our needs, wants and opportunities for change were [SAP Step 1].
Students then drew conclusions from the audit to consider what else they
need to know about energy and whether or not sustainability is possible
on a small scale. They considered the preferred future for school use,
what we need to change, why we need to change, and how to communicate
ideas [SAP Step 2]. Students also discussed how they would know if
change would be successful, and considered the improvements made in
other schools or workplaces [SAP Step 5]. Resources were then
identified, and an action plan and a timeline were agreed upon.
[Students] considered the amount of funding necessary to implement their
plan and then completed their proposals [SAP Step 3]. Students presented
their ideas to the Principal and staff and me, to ascertain what our
best options were. (Primary school teacher, 2011)
Further to the iterative nature of the SAP process, in some cases
unanticipated stumbling blocks were encountered and students were
required to revise their original projects and plans. The SAP allowed
students to return to an earlier stage in the planning process, as the
following account suggests:
Groups investigated sustainability and sources of energy, both
renewable and non-renewable. Groups developed ideas to conserve energy
and the best idea was selected. Posters were placed around the school
encouraging and reminding people to conserve energy by switching off
lights, computers etc. Automatic timers were purchased to switch off hot
water systems etc. Environmental monitors were established and a weekly
energy savers class award system was set up. A skylight was to be
installed but even though plans were approved, workmen refused to
install it because of safety concerns. The groups then decided to
purchase energy efficient light bulbs in several of the schools
buildings instead [of skylights]. (K-6 teacher, 2012)
Reflective Evaluation of the SAP's Contribution
At the conclusion of the CCES projects, teachers' reflections
of the SAP were largely positive. In 2011 and 2012, participating
teachers were asked to nominate the most helpful support mechanisms for
their projects. See Table 1 for combined responses.
As can be seen from Table 1, the SAP was regarded as the
second-most helpful resource by teachers, with more than one respondent
in four nominating this. The SAP was surpassed only by support from the
CCES team, in terms of meeting teachers' approval. Support from the
executive was rarely nominated as most helpful. Two respondents
identified 'support from trades people' as the most useful
source of support.
More specifically, teachers were asked to indicate the usefulness
of the SAP. See Table 2 for combined results for 2011 and 2012. These
percentages provide a broad-brush picture of the perceived value of the
As can be seen from Table 2, just over three-quarters of
participating teachers found the SAP either very or quite useful, with
more than a third finding it very useful. This figure climbs to 96% of
teachers when those who found the SAP moderately useful are included.
Only one respondent found the process not at all useful.
Contributions of the SAP to Learning Outcomes
Many teachers highlighted the ways in which the SAP promoted rich
engagement of students. The following comment illustrates a typical view
of teachers in the project:
It was refreshing and enlightening for me to see the capabilities
of younger students in Year 4 develop their skills and understandings
using the sustainability action process. I was impressed by the level of
application, diligence, critical thinking and teamwork demonstrated by
this age group. (Year 4 teacher, 2010)
This teacher went on to comment that the process was simple to use
and it helped her and her students to learn gradually. It also helped
them to teach each other about energy, as well as related problems and
solutions. This reflected a representative view of the broader teacher
Furthermore, in at least some instances it appeared that the SAP
would continue to influence teaching and learning beyond the life of the
projects. A secondary teacher noted that: 'The 5-Step
Sustainability Action Process is now embedded in our science programs
for future teachers of this topic' (Science secondary teacher,
2010). It is difficult to ascertain the breadth of this sentiment among
teachers. The question was not specifically posed as part of the
research; this was an unsolicited comment.
The teachers outlined a number of ways in which the SAP assisted in
planning and implementing their projects. The terms 'model',
'guide' and 'scaffold' were regularly ascribed to
the action plan and its functions. At one primary school, the steps were
'marked off on the poster as they were achieved (see Figure 1).
Another K-6 teacher recounted: 'We used the [five-step] poster to
plan out the steps of the project--then to follow through from step to
step as we worked through the project. We also used the main headings to
display our findings on our back wall (K-6 teacher, 2010).
One K-6 teacher described the SAP as:
a great model to support the development, implementation and
evaluation of student ideas ... a very structured process ... students
found that it supported their thought processes and guided them ...
nothing was missed. (K-6 teacher, 2010)
Other teachers emphasised the way the systematic approach offered
by the SAP ensured that 'outcomes were achieved'. One said,
'This allowed us to really stay on task ... giving all of us
achievable goals.' Other schools featured the SAP as part of their
project displays, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Contributions of the SAP to Project Outcomes and Beyond
A key element of environmental education is that it should seek to
promote actions to support sustainable living. Teachers commented on the
way in which the SAP contributed to environmental action:
It was a good way to reinforce these learning objectives for active
citizenship. Fieldwork is based on an action process: investigate,
inquire, research, test, find solutions and take up your role as a
citizen working with community groups and government agencies.
(Secondary school teacher, 2011)
Although the SAP focused on initiating actions to be carried out in
the school setting, teachers also commented on the potential for the
impact of the school-based initiative to have on behaviour at home:
We used the process to engage the students to think about how we
could become more sustainable at school and do it consistently, as well
as [to] have the students take the knowledge home and share it with
their families and make changes at home. (Teacher, 2012)
Indeed, when teachers were asked to identify student learning
outcomes from CCES projects, the second most commonly cited outcome was
sustainable behaviours at home (the most common being sustainable
behaviours at schools).
Reservations and Limitations
There were, however, reservations from some teachers about the
process and its use. While considerable support accrued to the five-step
program, one secondary teacher noted that some aspects of steps 2 and 3
(i.e., Defining the scope for action, and Developing the proposal for
action) were somewhat repetitive. These processes were, therefore,
'quite heavy going' and 'left the students fairly
overtaxed'. A K-6 teacher advised that the SAP was 'a useful
starting place, but needed constant explanation and guidance'
(2010). Others claimed that 'the language of the Sustainability
Action Process [was] too complex'.
Other teachers commented that projects were often driven by small
numbers of motivated students. In some instances, this had a positive
effect of drawing in the majority of the class. However, in other
instances, 'a small group of highly motivated students completed
the bulk of the project. While the students did very well and were quite
successful, I felt that it was a lot of work for only a handful of
students' (K-6 teacher).
Some teachers experienced difficulties working with the SAP,
especially during the initial phase of their projects. Teachers noted
that the SAP appeared particularly challenging for young children.
Examples of responses from teachers who experienced difficulties are
shown here:
I found it quite overwhelming at first, as I had no idea where to
start. The guidelines for this project were hard to follow and the
expectation of teachers was never truly explained. The SAP made sense
after a while and did prove to be useful. (K-6 teacher, 2011)
I found it quite awkward to communicate the steps of the SAP to the
students--particularly the Defining the Scope for Action step. When I
first explained the project to them, they were very enthusiastic and
full of ideas. They found it very difficult to put aside these ideas
(what is described as 'solution jumping') until the very end.
For K-6 level students, if this is to be a student-directed project, the
structure of the SAP and e-folio needs a lot of simplification. (K-6
teacher, 2011)
Even these comments, however, do not express an outright rejection
of the SAP, but rather are recommendations for its adaptation and
implementation. It is also noted here in passing that both of these
comments are from teachers of younger children, and the limitations of
the SAP might be restricted with regard to such students. Moreover, such
comments were in the minority.
The comments provided above are just a small sample of the
overwhelmingly positive reactions to the SAP (Buchanan, Schuck, &
Aubusson, 2014). Evidence from the evaluation suggests that the SAP, in
conjunction with support from the centralised project support team and
classroom teacher, has provided helpful guidance and structure for
sustainability projects undertaken by students in a variety of contexts.
The success of any environmental sustainability project can be
measured by its capacity to generate ideas for, and to implement, action
(Wiek, Ness, Schweizer-Ries, Brand, & Farioli, 2012; Hacking,
Cutter-Mackenzie, & Barrratt, 2012; Zint, 2012). Heimlich, Mony, and
Yocco (2012, p. 262) speak of the 'vital link' between belief
and behaviour. Action is a prominent theme in ACARA's (2015)
explanation of sustainability. 'Act' and its cognates appear
eight times in ACARA's discussion of sustainability. The CCES
program sought to achieve these behavioural outcomes in a school setting
by involving students in all aspects of the program (see Buchanan,
2012). This included identifying an energy conservation problem,
developing project submissions, and implementing funded projects. A
critical cornerstone of the CCES program was the SAP. Its five steps of
making a case for change, defining scope for action, developing a
proposal for action, implementing the proposal, and evaluating and
reflecting provided a scaffold for the projects. For the majority of
participants, the SAP appears to have established a clear pathway for
implementing the project and supported the achievement of the
project's goals.
According to ACARA (2015), sustainability derives from 'three
key concepts: systems, world views and futures'. Cupitt and Smith
(2012) also adopt this approach in their approach to studying energy,
among other sustainability issues. While the SAP is practice- and
goal-oriented, it also has a conceptual orientation. The 'making a
case for change' and 'defining the scope for action'
stages, in particular, require justification as to why the proposed
project is worthwhile from economic and sustainability points of view.
This perhaps explains why some younger children struggled with the
latter of these two stages of the SAP process (defining scope for
action). Lang et al. (2012) assert that sustainability initiatives need
to find new ways of producing knowledge and guiding decisions. We have
reported elsewhere more specifically on some of the related conceptual
issues, such as a comparison of various energy production methods
(Buchanan, Aubusson, & Schuck, 2014).
A critical feature of the CCES program was that it gave students
both choice about the area with which to engage and control over the
ways they implemented the projects. The literature indicates that
student choice is an important contributor to successful project
outcomes (see Dimick, 2012; English & Kitsantas, 2013). Although
teachers reported on the projects, the responsibility for the project
implementation at schools lay not with the teacher, but with the
students. Teachers consistently reported that they were surprised by the
capacity of students to lead the project as well as engage in critical
and analytical thinking about the work. Furthermore, students monitored
the impacts of their actions on energy consumption to evaluate and
inform the actions they were taking. A highlight of the program included
the active citizenship that emerged as students designed and conducted
the projects. As a consequence, the students also influenced
environmental action for sustainability in their homes. The program and
its associated school-based projects could be applied to other problems
and initiatives. Projects initiated and driven by students could lend
themselves to a number of social and environmental causes. These could
operate either at the local school/community level or, more broadly,
with schools collaborating to address, for example, sustainability
problems related to their river catchment area, as outlined in Table 3.
Some teachers commented that it was often initially difficult to
work with the SAP process. The CCES program was new to all teachers and
students in the study. It is not clear, therefore, whether this
criticism is simply a consequence of teachers and students struggling to
familiarise themselves with a new initiative. Of those who reported
difficulties with the SAP, many reported that they were eventually able
to overcome initial challenges. However, some teachers offered
suggestions that might improve the process, including simplifying the
language of the SAP. The ways that younger students negotiated the
initial complexity suggests that some modification of the SAP language
for younger students may be appropriate. This study only focused on
first-time users in each of the 3 years. Further study of teachers
working with the SAP for a second or third time might produce further
insights on the extent to which problems can be minimised with
subsequent projects.
While the SAP incorporates questions that correspond to each stage,
as outlined previously, these questions could be made more prominent and
simplified. Teachers routinely ask questions of their students and this
approach is therefore likely to be readily recognisable and intelligible
to students. This might help students in earlier years in particular, as
well as others who might struggle conceptually with the SAP for other
reasons. Table 3 shows an exemplar in which the SAP can be adapted,
using another local environmental issue as an example.
As noted in Table 1, the SAP was ranked in second place on the
survey, in terms of its usefulness for the success of the projects. It
was only surpassed by the assistance provided by the CCES leadership
team. Accordingly, we assert that a good framework can supplement, but
not supplant, support from dedicated personnel with expertise in the
field (see Buchanan, Schuck, & Aubusson 2014).
Conclusions, Recommendations and Implications for Future Research
As stated above, the project's research questions were: To
what extent and in what ways can a framework, in this case the SAP,
assist students and teachers in achieving educational, sustainability
and project-related outcomes? Based on the range of data collected in
this project, the SAP has been an effective vehicle for promoting
awareness and action with regard to sustainability education--a
'significant life experience' (Liddicoat & Kransy, 2012,
p. 289). Specifically, the 'making a case for change' stage
generated awareness of the implications and management of energy. The
problem-based learning approach (in particular, the developing,
implementing and evaluating stages) helped students acquire the autonomy
needed to identify a local problem and develop strategies to address it,
and then reflect on the success thereof. As noted previously, the vast
majority of participating teachers found the SAP a useful framework and
among the most useful support mechanisms for their projects. It appears
to have been helpful in maintaining the motivation of children, as they
were able to note the stage that they had begun or completed, while
having before them a blueprint of 'where to next'. Most
importantly, the SAP appears to have assisted children in undertaking,
and then evaluating the effect of, the changes they implemented.
We do note some of the problems encountered with certain projects,
which align with limitations observed by Boud and Feletti (1997) and
others. Means for improving the SAP's usefulness in supporting
school initiatives appear mainly to focus on providing teachers with
more information on its operation and purposes, such as a more explicit
explanation of the iterative, back-and-forth nature. A diagrammatic
representation of the SAP as a flow chart might be useful in this
regard. Some teachers expressed difficulties in explaining the process
to younger children. We concede that a project such as this may be more
complex than anything middle-primary students are accustomed to. One
possible response to this could be vertical groups of students engaging
in projects, with older students mentoring younger ones. A future
investigation of this would be of use. Finding and discussing best
practice in involving all students--not just a committed subgroup--in
projects would also be worthy of research. By contrast, the
effectiveness of the process in this program suggests its wider
application is also worthy of further investigation both within schools
and in other contexts, and in its lifelong and life-wide capacities. In
a broader context (development programs), Myers, Fisher, Pickering, and
Garnett (2013) lament the dearth of longitudinal evaluations. The SAP
has potential for application in other subject areas, such as Science.
Similarly, the real-world learning at school transferred to the homes of
at least some students in this program. These potentials could also be
investigated in subsequent research. We also recognise that electricity
consumption is but one of a suite of un/sustainability problems that
require behaviour change, as well as the interconnectivity and
subsequent outcomes and consequences of sustainability problems and
responses. The extent to which student behaviours transfer, or fail to
transfer, in the minds and lives of students and teachers would be
another interesting focus of research.
With the support of the SAP, their teachers and the CCES leadership
team, the students took responsibility for their learning and were
motivated to address their concerns about energy usage. Furthermore,
teachers reported that the initiative in the school influenced the way
students behaved in settings outside the school, such as their homes.
The SAP promoted actions that support sustainable living. In response to
a global ecological crisis, we see this program as one that sets out to
find hope (Kelsey & Armstrong, 2012) through a 'pedagogy of
possibility' (Bussey et al. 2012, p. 77). While a longitudinal
study tracking these children into adulthood would be required to
ascertain longer-term changes, we trust that the features of the
projects--student-led, problem-based, project-oriented, and with
tangible outcomes--will be among the elements of these children's
schooling that prove to be more memorable and enduring, and will
translate into subsequent sustainable life-habits.
doi 10.1017/aee.2015.55
John Buchanan, Sandy Schuck & Peter Aubusson
University of Technology Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
We would like to acknowledge the teachers and students who
enthusiastically and creatively responded to the challenge of devising
sustainability projects, and the coordinators for their leadership and
their help in setting up contacts for us.
Financial support
We would like to thank the NSW Department of Education and
Communities for funding this project.
Conflicts of Interest
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Author Biographies
John Buchanan is Associate Professor, Teacher Education Program,
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney.
Sandy Schuck is Professor of Education in the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney.
Peter Aubusson is Professor of Education and Head of the School of
Education in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of
Technology Sydney.
Address for correspondence: John Buchanan, University of Technology
Sydney, 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia. Email:
[email protected]
TABLE 1: Teachers' Views on the Most Helpful
Support Mechanisms, 2011, 2012
Support mechanism Number of responses
(percentage of
Support from the DEC CCES Team 159 (49)
The Five-Step Sustainability 91 (28)
Action Process
Support from colleagues 50 (15)
Support from executive 10 (3)
Other 15 (5)
Note: n = 325; response rate 71%.
TABLE 2: Teachers' Views on the Usefulness of
the Sustainability Action Process, 2011, 2012
Number of responses
(percentage of valid
Very useful 117 (37)
Quite useful 132 (41)
Moderately useful 55 (18)
Not very useful 12 (4)
Not at all useful 1 (<1)
Note: n = 317; response rate 73%.
TABLE 3: An Investigative, Problem-Solving Approach to
Socio-Environmental Studies
Sustainability action 'Our Creek' sample questions
Making a case for change What is wrong with our creek?
(Erosion, litter or chemical
pollution, habitat loss,
eutrophication, obstacles to
fish migration, etc.)
Defining scope for action What can we reasonably do about it?
Developing a proposal How will we go about this? What
for action will we need? Who can help us? How?
Implementing the proposal Where are we up to? How are we doing?
Evaluating and reflecting How do we know if we've been successful?