Embedding EfS in teacher education through a multi-level systems approach: lessons from Queensland.
Evans, Neus "Snowy" ; Ferreira, Jo-Anne ; Davis, Julie 等
Unprecedented threats to the wellbeing of current and future
generations brought about by disruptions to social and ecological
systems highlight the urgent need for schools and teachers to
deliberately engage with educational strategies aimed at addressing
sustainability issues. Preservice teacher education provides a
recognised strategy for ensuring that future teachers develop the
knowledge, understanding, values and skills necessary to embed education
for sustainability (EfS) into their teaching and learning practices.
Yet, during the 20th century and into the 21st century, the embedding of
EfS in teacher education has been an ad hoc or neglected area of
practice and scholarship (Ferreira, Ryan, & Tilbury, 2014a, 2014b;
McKeown-Ice, 2000; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organisation [UNESCO], 2009). Initiatives have mostly consisted of a
lone or, at most, two to three teacher educators working in isolation at
the subject/course level. While fully recognising the importance and
progress of such work to date, we propose that embedding EfS in
preservice teacher education requires a more coordinated and coherent
system-wide approach. This article details the fourth stage of an
ongoing Australian project working to enact wide-scale change for
sustainability in teacher education through developing a framework that
reflects a coordinated and state system-wide approach for embedding EfS
in preservice teacher education. Specifically, this article reports on
the outcomes and lessons learnt from the fourth stage that utilised the
Mainstreaming Change model (Ferreira & Ryan, 2012) to build on
previous efforts and to embed EfS within all preservice teacher
education institutions in Queensland.
Many Australian environmental and sustainability education
researchers and teacher educators will be familiar with the first three
stages of the research, undertaken by the former Australian Research
Institute in Education for Sustainability (now the Australian Research
Institute for Environment and Sustainability) and published in a number
of reports (Ferreira, Ryan & Tilbury, 2006; Ferreira, Ryan, Davis,
Cavanagh, & Thomas, 2009; Steele, 2010) and journal articles
(Ferreira, Ryan, & Tilbury, 2007a, 2007b; Ferreira & Ryan,
2012). The fourth stage, funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching
(OLT) during 2012 and reported on here, sought to deepen and extend the
findings of the earlier studies. The project developed an implementation
guide, a Queensland-wide multi-site case study on embedding EfS across
the state teacher education institutions, and expanded teacher education
networks (Stevenson, Ferreira, Davis, & Evans, 2014a). Outcomes
included an expansion of the Mainstreaming Change model with the
identification of strategies that contributed to enhancing the capacity
for change required to embed EfS in teacher education. Collectively,
these outcomes have shaped a state system-wide framework that can serve
as a scaffold for other states and/or territories wishing to embed EfS
in preservice teacher education.
Embedding or mainstreaming EfS in preservice teacher education
refers to the inclusion of sustainability as part of the core focus and
activity of teacher education policies and practices. EfS requires not
simply an adaptation of content and courses to fit in with current
educational structures, objectives and processes, but rather a
disruption and reorientation of existing (curriculum, pedagogical, and
managerial) systems (Scott, Tilbury, Sharp, & Deane, 2012; Sterling,
2012; Stevenson, 1987; 2007). We therefore contend that embedding EfS
demands transformation, rather than adaptation, of philosophies,
policies and practices that can be sustained in the long term.
Background to the Study
The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
(UN DESD) 2005-2015, together with a multitude of international
declarations since the early 1990s (e.g., Talloires Declaration, Swansea
Declaration, CRE Copernicus Charter) calling for universities to embrace
the principles of sustainable development, has stimulated many higher
education institutions around the world to commit to the integration of
EfS into their core activities. Reported outcomes point to significant
investments in campus management, operations and research, but somewhat
less attention has been paid to the integration of EfS into teaching and
learning (Cotton, Bailey, Warren, & Bissell, 2009). Although there
is a variety of available discipline-specific and general frameworks to
guide the integration of EfS into higher education curricula (e.g., Benn
& Dunphy, 2009; Lidgren, Rodhe, & Huisingh, 2006; Lozano, 2006;
Roome, 2005; Rusinko, 2010; Sammalisto & Lindhqvist, 2008; Scott
& Gough, 2006), we have known for some time that it is a difficult
task (Gray-Donald & Selby, 2004). This is also reflected in the
Australian context (Tilbury, Keogh, Leighton, & Kent, 2005).
Australia has many well-developed policies, curriculum frameworks
and other initiatives aimed at encouraging the embedding of EfS across a
number of educational sectors, including a National Action Plan
(Australian Government Department of the Environment, 2009),
sustainability as a cross-curriculum priority in the Australian
Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
[ACARA], n.d.), whole school approaches such as AuSSI (Australian
Sustainable Schools Initiative), QESSI (Queensland Environmental
Sustainable Schools Initiative), and the National Vocational Education
and Training Sector Sustainability Policy and Action Plan (2009). In the
university sector, the literature outlines engagement with EfS within
some disciplines, such as engineering (Brennan, 2013; O'Shea &
Baillie, 2011; Sheehan, Schneider, & Desha, 2012) and business
(Nowak, Rowe, & Thomas, 2008; Sanders & LeClus, 2011); however,
in general, adoption of EfS is believed to be low level (Australian
Learning and Teaching Council, 2010; Leihy & Salazar, 2011).
This low-level trend is also reflected within teacher education
that has, overall, been slow to incorporate EfS (Steele, 2010). EfS is
not a compulsory requirement in preservice teacher education in
Australia. Indeed, the National Graduate Teacher Standards and National
Program Standards for teacher education (Australian Institute for
Teaching and School Leadership, 2011), for example, do not mention EfS.
Many teacher education institutions, therefore, consider EfS an add-on
and either ignore the area or include it in a tokenistic way, rather
than in a thorough and systematic fashion (Ferreira et al., 2007b;
McKeown, 2012). The result is that many new teachers graduate without
the knowledge, understanding, skills, and commitment to implement EfS
initiatives once they begin to teach in schools (Miles, Harrison, &
Cutter-Mackenzie, 2006; Tilbury, Coleman, & Garlick, 2005). The
study this article reports on utilised the Mainstreaming Change model
(Ferreira & Ryan, 2012) to involve representatives from all teacher
education institutions in Queensland and related agents of change such
as the state Department of Education, Board of Teacher Registration and
professional associations, to collaboratively facilitate policy and
curriculum practices that reflect a coherent vision of EfS at the state,
institutional, and course levels. The research and project approach,
methods and processes, lessons learned, and the broader implications of
the outcomes for preservice teacher education are examined below. To
provide a context for the study, we begin with an overview of the first
three stages.
The Mainstreaming Sustainability Model
The first stage of this study developed a Mainstreaming
Sustainability model based on an extensive literature review of
professional development models used in preservice teacher education
initiatives (see Ferreira et al., 2006). This model combined the
strongest features of a participatory action research process with a
whole-of-system approach in an effort to concurrently initiate change
across a whole system (rather than a section or subsection) through deep
and meaningful but flexible engagement with key agents of change within
the system. The premise was that broad engagement with key change agents
across a system, combined with active and deep participation of
stakeholders within a system, ensures that multiple levels and contexts
within the system are aligned in their efforts to work towards embedding
sustainability (Ferreira et al., 2009). In preservice teacher education,
key agents of change (those who can influence the system) include
teacher education institutions, departments of education and the
environment, boards of teacher registration, professional teacher
associations, schools, and teacher education students. The Mainstreaming
Sustainability model is unique in that it provides a method for trying
to effect change by aligning all elements of the teacher education
system with a shared vision of EfS (Ferreira et al., 2006).
A second stage study piloted the Mainstreaming Sustainability model
in Queensland and Northern Territory teacher education systems. In
adopting a whole-of-system approach, this stage engaged stakeholder
representatives from within and across a range of related education,
government, business, and non-profit organisations. This included
teacher educators and students from five Queensland universities and two
Northern Territory universities and colleges, participants from the
business sector, state government departments of education and
environment, school and outdoor education centres, and environmental and
educational non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The project was
successful in establishing networks, partnerships and strategies for
mainstreaming sustainability in teacher education. Findings from stage
two highlight that the Mainstreaming Sustainability model is able to
facilitate change over time (Ferreira et al., 2009), but also note the
importance of building capacity for change. In the case of systemic
change for sustainability this means building change agents'
knowledge of EfS, conceptual skills in systemic thinking, organisational
change skills, and leadership skills (Ferreira, Ryan, & Davis,
Stage three used the Mainstreaming Sustainability model in one
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and three New South Wales (NSW)
universities and identified a number of enablers and constraints to
mainstreaming EfS within these two teacher education systems (Steele,
2010). This stage involved teacher educators mapping their individual
systems, identifying key agents of change within their systems, and
establishing baseline conditions for systemic change. This third stage
found that while individual teacher educators are motivated and able to
incorporate EfS into their courses, there is often a lack of systemic
support, and this acts as a constraint on achieving change (Steele,
In summary, stage one of the study conceived and developed the
Mainstreaming Sustainability model. Insights from stages two and three
informed further development of the model, including a renaming to the
Mainstreaming Change model (Ferreira & Ryan, 2012) and the need for
a systemic teacher education framework and approach. As outlined above,
the fourth stage's purpose was to extend and deepen the lessons and
recommendations from the first three stages and to expand the
Mainstreaming Change model into a state-wide system framework for
embedding sustainability into teacher education.
Research Approach, Methods and Processes
Based on stages one to three of the research, expanding the
Mainstreaming Change model to a comprehensive inclusive state-wide
system framework demanded involving key agents of change within and
across the Queensland 'teacher education system', broadly
defined. Therefore, stage four project participants, in addition to a
project team comprising three project leaders and a project manager from
James Cook University, Queensland University of Technology and Griffith
University, consisted of: one participant from each Queensland
university offering preservice teacher education (James Cook University,
University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland University of Technology,
Griffith University, University of Southern Queensland, Central
Queensland University, University of Queensland, Australian Catholic
University), as well as one participant from the state's teacher
registration authority--the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT), the
key State Government agency--Education Queensland (EQ), and two national
professional organisations--the Australian Teacher Education Association
(AATEA) and the Australian Association of Environmental Education
(AAEE). Participants comprised a combination of early, mid-career and
one experienced researcher, selected by the institutions. Out of eight,
two teacher educators had no understanding or prior experience in EfS,
three others had limited experience, and three had undertaken previous
research in EfS and embedded EfS knowledge and practices within their
own teaching. All participants from the professional associations had a
personal interest in sustainability, with those from EQ and AAEE also
having extensive professional experience in EfS.
A case study approach was adopted, with each participating
institutional representative asked to develop a case study outlining
efforts to embed EfS in teacher education at their institution.
Case studies are a common approach to studying innovations in
sustainability at all levels of education and can be useful for
enhancing understanding of existing educational practices and offering
new possibilities for understanding and improving practice (Stevenson,
2004). Seven of the participating teacher education institutions in this
project produced individual case studies capturing critical
context-based experiences of working to integrate EfS within their
respective institutions (Stevenson, Ferreira, Davis, & Evans,
The project team employed a variety of strategies to support
participants in collaboratively developing and enacting a set of
flexible multi-level policy and curriculum-based project activities
throughout 2012, as outlined in Table 1. Activities were supported
through three 2-day workshops spread throughout 2012, monthly
teleconference meetings, and phone and email conversations as required,
all designed to enhance capacity to embed EfS within their teacher
education faculties.
To guide project activities, we drew on conceptions of, and
frameworks for, sustainability and EfS (DEWHA, 2009; Tilbury &
Cooke, 2005; Fien, 2001), systems theory and thinking (Capra, 1997;
Sterling, 2004), and leadership and change theory (Hargreaves &
Fink, 2006; Sterling, 2001), along with a participatory action research
(PAR) approach to change. Although there are multiple definitions, PAR
can be understood as a collaborative and critically reflective approach
where participants negotiate research activities and combine systematic
inquiry with learning and action to enact change (ARIES, as cited in
Ferreira et al., 2009; Kemmis & McTaggart, 2000; Greenwood et al.,
1993). In this study, project leaders and participants used PAR to
negotiate, inform, guide, enact, and revise project activities (as
outlined in Table 1) and as a way of researching the impacts of actions
in working towards embedding EfS. We also engaged participants in
reflective discussions throughout the workshops, teleconference
meetings, and email and phone conversations. An external evaluator was a
critical friend for the action research, and a formative and summative
project evaluator.
The three workshops, strategically held at the beginning, midway
and at the end of the project, focused on developing a shared conceptual
understanding of systems, organisational change, EfS, and the Queensland
teacher education system as it pertains to EfS. This was undertaken
through specific activities and exercises, many of which were trialled
in previous iterations of the research (Ferreira et al., 2009; Steele,
2010) and included: mapping teacher education systems and participant
institutional systems, discussions on conceptions of EfS, visioning
change exercises, and generally opening communication spaces for
participants to share experiences and understandings. An implementation
guide, Embedding EfS In Teacher Education: An Introductory Guide to
Using the Systems Model (Stevenson, Ferreira, Davis, & Evans,
2014b), was developed to help participants begin or expand the embedding
of EfS within their own institutions. The guide includes many of the
workshop activities and exercises described above, as well as background
on key concepts and themes related to sustainability and education; the
theory and application of the Mainstreaming Change model, including
implementation processes, strategies, and tools; potential barriers,
opportunities, and desirable outcomes related to embedding EfS; and a
repertoire of supporting resources. This includes guides for creating
institutional teams, mapping organisational systems, undertaking
curriculum reviews and renewal processes, key websites, help guides,
policy papers, reports, books, journals, and conferences.
The monthly teleconference meetings focused on discussing and
reflecting on developing conceptual understandings as well as actions
taken by participants within their particular institutions. Participants
reported that these monthly meetings helped them to stay focused on the
project and provided the opportunity to discuss and clarify issues,
concerns and/or understandings as they emerged.
Data collected included: field notes and minutes from workshops and
monthly meetings; text-based exercises that participants undertook, such
as the systems-mapping exercises; notes derived from the action research
process at each institution; formative and summative comments and
reports by the external project evaluator; and a focus group interview
with the Queensland-based participants. An inductive approach was used
to analyse and interpret the data. The inductive approach provides a
systematic procedure when the primary aim of analysis is to derive
concepts, themes and/or models from raw data (Thomas, 2006). This
entailed undertaking detailed readings of raw data to allow findings to
emerge from dominant and significant themes that were intrinsic to the
raw data collected. Diagrams and mindmaps were also created to focus on
different emergent themes and connections between other aspects of the
project. This exercise facilitated understanding of the processes and
thinking involved in developing the type of change process required for
the embedding of EfS at multiple levels, as outlined in Table 1.
Lessons Learned From the Project
Four key lessons emerged from this study, namely that building
capacity and foundations for change in embedding EfS in teacher
education: (1) is an evolving process influenced by the institutional
context; (2) is enhanced by mapping the agents of change at the state
and institutional levels of the teacher education system and creating
expanded networks that engage these agents; (3) demands robust dialogues
about the meaning and significance of EfS without necessarily being
dependent on a shared understanding and conceptualisation of EfS; and
(4) is assisted by making connections to current structures, policies
and programs that support EfS and/or being opportunistic in taking
advantage of changing circumstances. We expand on these below.
The first lesson is that embedding EfS in teacher education is an
evolving change process influenced by the prior institutional history
and current state of cultural and structural engagement with
sustainability at both the teacher education and whole university
levels. Some institutions had established structures (such as discrete
offices and/or committees), policies and mission statements concerned
with sustainability practices, programs and/or research. Others were in
the process of developing sustainability initiatives, such as graduate
attribute statements of sustainability competencies. The evaluator noted
that the EfS teacher education activities in these institutions
'either engendered or cohered with existing sustainability programs
elsewhere in the institutions' (Robottom, as cited in Stevenson et
al., 2014a, p. 48). Differences in institutional activities were also a
function of the experience, status and networks of the participating
institutional representatives. These differences were manifested in
different levels of engagement with EfS, from a focus on working within
a teacher education program or subject subgroup (e.g., science teacher
educators) to working towards institutional-wide approaches.
The second lesson is that the process of change is facilitated by
mapping the key agents of change at the state and institutional levels
of the Queensland teacher education system and creating or expanding
networks to engage these agents. Participants reported that the mapping
exercises helped familiarise them with both the state-wide teacher
education system and their university's institutional system, as
well as assisted them to identify the influential system players--which
was seen as important in planning and taking strategic action. All
participants indicated that involving more people, especially those who
may not see EfS as their primary concern, was found to be crucial for
progressing change. Some participants reported that system mapping
enabled them to enact change through collaboration across program/course
and/or institutional levels within their own universities by connecting
with already established structures and networks. For example, through
joining teaching and learning or other institutional committees (e.g.,
on sustainability). Some built or expanded a network by engaging other
colleagues within their universities, sometimes from different
departments not usually associated with sustainability.
The third lesson, that embedding EfS in teacher education does not
depend on a shared understanding and conceptualisation of EfS, is not
surprising if we consider contemporary understandings of EfS as a fluid
(Kates, Parris, & Leiserowitz, 2005; Vercoe & Brinkman, 2012)
and contested concept that is open to interpretation (Fien &
Tilbury, 2002; Stevenson, 2006). Although project participants initially
searched to find a common definitional and conceptual understanding of
EfS, it soon became apparent that settling on one agreed conception
across a whole teacher education system was problematic. The project
evaluator argued that this situation 'is not to be viewed
negatively' (Robottom, as cited in Stevenson et al., 2014a, p. 50)
since a similar lack of clarity has been reported at major international
conferences focusing on conceptualising EfS (e.g., see Bjorneloo &
Nyberg 2007). Multiple conceptions of EfS are to be expected owing, in
part, to the vagueness and broad scope of the foundational concept of
sustainability, which is open to multiple interpretations (Stevenson,
2006). Instead of seeking a common understanding of EfS as initially
planned, robust dialogues about the meaning and significance of
sustainability and EfS enabled participants to develop understandings of
the different concepts of and debates about EfS and to draw on
conceptions most relevant to their particular contexts. These
conversations took place not only in meetings among the project
leadership team and institutional representatives but, in many cases, in
meetings arranged by the latter group, often supported by materials
shared in the workshops and included in the implementation guide. In
addition, several participants included this issue within their own
internal research of staff efficacy related to knowledge of
sustainability and teaching of EfS. Some participants also acknowledged
shifts in their conceptual understandings of EfS. For example, one
individual recounted that at the beginning of the project she strongly
identified EfS with the science curriculum area. However, the
conversations during the life of the project exposed her to the
interdisciplinary nature of EfS and therefore its relevance to all
curriculum areas.
The last lesson is that the process of embedding EfS in teacher
education can be assisted by identifying current structures, policies,
and programs capable of supporting EfS and/or by being opportunistic and
taking advantage of changing circumstances in the form of curriculum, or
organisational reviews, or restructuring. Support for embedding
sustainability in teacher education was provided by institutions where
there were current or emerging developments of mission statements,
policies and structures (e.g., dedicated offices/organisational units
and committees) related to sustainability. As the project evaluator
stated, the EfS teacher education activities in these cases
'cohered with existing sustainability programs elsewhere in the
institutions' (Robottom, as cited in Stevenson et al., 2014a, p.
48). This project took place within a context of change for Australian
universities, including institutional restructures and reorientations,
course reaccreditations, curriculum refresh exercises, and emergent
national education agendas and policies such as the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers. These changing circumstances were
reported by a couple of the participants as providing a set of
opportunities (as well as challenges) for change that they were able to
take advantage of to leverage for EfS--an important lesson for other
universities. For example, a 'curriculum refresh' exercise at
one university offered the opportunity to advocate for embedding of EfS
within that institution's teacher education courses.
Implications of Project Outcomes for Teacher Education Policies and
Taken together, the four related lessons learned suggest major
project outcomes that have important implications for teacher education.
Specifically, the outcomes point to strategies for building capacity for
embedding EfS at the individual and the institutional levels of the
teacher education system. This fourth stage of the research was
concerned with building on the previous systems model by trialling the
revised framework for engaging with stakeholders, both within and
outside teacher education institutions in the Queensland system.
However, owing to the 1-year time limitation on our project we focused
on working with the preservice teacher education institutional
representatives and did not pursue in depth how the other agencies could
contribute to building state-wide capacity for embedding EfS.
A major outcome of this project, as revealed in the multi-site case
study, was that the collective efforts of the institutional
representatives enabled an expansion of the institutional teacher
education component of the state-wide systems framework, now renamed the
Embedding EfS Change Model. The model focuses on identifying the agents
of change and the institutions and structures that comprise the teacher
education system (e.g., heads of schools/faculties, lecturers,
curriculum committees in teacher education institutions). The value of
identifying the people to involve was confirmed in this OLT-funded
project in that all institutional representatives reported being
assisted by mapping of both the state-wide teacher education system and
their own institutional teacher education and sustainability subsystems.
What this project contributed to the model was that, beyond this
mapping, the multi-site case study revealed processes and strategies
that enable change agents to engage productively in building capacity
for embedding EfS in preservice teacher education. While the project
team worked collectively and individually with the institutional
representatives to identify and develop EfS initiatives, the case
studies describe how the diverse history, specific context, and
individual staff experiences of engaging with EfS across these
institutions resulted in different approaches and processes used to
integrate EfS. These ranged from individually initiated activities and
actions to working through existing university committees, networks and
systems. This diversity suggests there are distinctive ways that teacher
educators in Queensland experience efforts to embed EfS within their
respective institutions, including opportunities and barriers that shape
the way sustainability is taught and learnt.
Generally, those participants with more experience in the fields of
both EfS and teacher education were more likely to undertake activities
to leverage change widely across their institution, rather than at the
individual subject or lecturer level. Examples of these broader
activities include: liaising with heads of school/faculty/teaching and
learning deans, engaging with key university documents and policies,
understanding and seeking opportunities to work across disciplines,
developing resources to assist academics, and developing or using a
community of practice. In contrast, new or novice teacher educators
tended to focus on: (1) mapping the EfS policies and practices currently
in place (or missing) in their teacher education program(s) by auditing
curriculum or surveying staff and/or students on their views on
sustainability and EfS, and (2) developing their own and their
colleagues' understanding of EfS
A cross-site analysis of the institutional case studies suggests
that the following five main strategies need to be employed by teacher
educators as agents of change for embedding EfS:
* mapping the key agents of change--within both the state system
and their institutional teacher education and sustainability subsystems;
* establishing and strengthening networks of engaged
colleagues--within their school/faculty and across the university;
* building more complex understandings of sustainability and
EfS--through robust dialogues that are likely to result in multiple
conceptualisations of EfS;
* mapping the EfS policies and practices currently in place (or
not)--in teacher education and the whole institution;
* working towards an institutional systems-based approach to
embedding EfS--for example, incorporating sustainability competencies
into expected student graduate attributes.
Taken together, the above strategies led to expanded and enhanced
participation and engagement of staff in EfS which, in turn, can be
expected to increase individual and institutional capacity for embedding
EfS in teacher education. At the individual teacher educator level,
participants developed capacity for change through activities that
enabled them to: (a) develop or enhance their understanding of EfS; (b)
become familiar with the EfS and teacher education system within their
respective schools/departments, institutions, and across Queensland; and
(c) identify the central content and process characteristics of their
particular subject/courses as a way to explicate their conceptualisation
of and orientation to EfS. At the institutional level, participants took
advantage of either institutional structures or emergent opportunities
within their particular context to introduce EfS (Stevenson et al.,
2014c). At the state level, capacity for embedding EfS across the whole
teacher education system was more limited, but enhanced to some extent
through the development of cross-institutional networks that transcended
traditional discipline silos (Stevenson et al., 2014a).
The power of networks, which are a recognised strategy for
achieving change (Chapman & Aspin, 2008), was evident throughout the
project. Efforts were made to build networks of teacher educators and
other relevant stakeholders within and across the institutional, state,
and national levels to enable participants to share and expand on ideas
and strategies for embedding sustainability into preservice teacher
education. To be effective, networks need to be nurtured, supported and
incentivised (Parker & Gallagher, 2007). Thus, the teacher education
participants at the institutional level and the project team at the
state level worked collaboratively to do so through collegial meetings
(with food often provided) that emphasised robust conversations, as well
as curriculum development and research activities, throughout the life
of the project.
In an effort to begin to build a national network of teacher
educators for sustainability, one participant from a teacher education
institution in each state and territory was invited to participate in
the final workshop. Collectively, we considered how best to maintain and
nurture networks beyond the life of the project but, once the project
and the funding finished, demanding workloads and competing commitments
undermined our capacity to continue developing the networks. As a result
we have no evidence of lasting change or further developments and/or
influences of the collaboration. However, in 2015 we secured further
funding from the OLT to extend this project by disseminating the
processes and findings to all other states and territories in Australia.
This gave us the opportunity to reconnect with and expand network
members, identify ongoing or further issues and impacts resulting from
the fourth stage of the project, and to survey teacher educators'
needs for and suggestions for utilising and expanding an existing
national network or creating a new one around the participants in this
project. The overwhelming desire was to focus on solidifying and
expanding one of the existing networks rather than try to sustain
multiple networks. The major criterion for the identification of a
suitable network was the availability of a coordinator who could
maintain regular communication and support network activities.
The contribution of this project (in conjunction with the three
previous stages) lies in the development of a holistic, coherent and
context responsive system-wide approach to change. This fourth stage has
tested and expanded a model to mainstream sustainability into teacher
education and developed resources to enhance and support the model.
Collectively, the developments arising from this project may serve as a
holistic framework for other states interested in developing EfS in
higher education.
Results of the fourth stage of the project suggest that the
Embedding EfS Change model can contribute to building capacity for
change at multiple levels. At the individual level, the project has
developed innovative teacher education approaches and strategies to
assist lecturers to embed EfS into teaching and learning, regardless of
their experience or specialisations. At the institutional and state
levels, the model has encouraged inclusive and systemic approaches to
building capacity for embedding sustainability, thereby encouraging a
shift away from fragmented approaches. The project offers important
examples, insights, and resources for other teacher education
institutions wishing to embed EfS, as well as to a range of agents
seeking to bring about similar change within other complex educational
systems and contexts.
doi 10.1017/aee.2015.47
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Author Biographies
Dr Snowy Evans is a lecturer in Education at James Cook University,
Cairns campus. Snowy's research interests intersect with her
teaching in the areas of pedagogy, curriculum and sustainability. Most
recently, Snowy has been exploring the implementation of active learning
pedagogies for deep learning.
Associate Professor Jo-Anne Ferreira is Deputy Head of School
(Teaching and Learning) in the School of Education, Southern Cross
University. Jo-Anne's research interests are in the sociology of
education with a special interest in post-structuralist theories of
identity, embodiment and power, and environmental and sustainability
Julie Davis is Professor of Early Childhood Education at the
Queensland University of Technology, with specialisations in education
for sustainability in the early years and systemic approaches to
embedding sustainability into teacher education. She co-editor the first
research text in ECEfS, Routledge's 'Researching in Early
Childhood Education for Sustainability: International Perspectives and
Bob Stevenson is Professor and Research Leader (Education for
Sustainability) and Director of the Centre for Sustainability Education
at James Cook University. He co-edited the International Handbook of
Research in Environmental Education (AERA/Routledge, 2013) and is
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Environmental Education. His research
focuses on EE theory-policy-practice relationships.
Neus (Snowy) Evans, (1) Jo-Anne Ferreira, (2) Julie Davis (3) &
Robert B. Stevenson (1)
(1) James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
(2) Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
(3) Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland,
Address for correspondence: Neus (Snowy) Evans, James Cook
University, PO Box 6811, Cairns QLD 4870, Australia. Email:
[email protected]
TABLE 1: Activities to Facilitate Change for
Sustainability at Multiple Levels
State level Program level Institutional
activities activities level
* negotiated a * participants * participants
vision for EfS; worked to mapped teacher
incorporate EfS education systems;
* created and content, skills and
expanded a state processes into * participants
network; current subjects; worked to enhance
participation and
* developed a * participants engagement of
revised systemic collaborated with academic staff
model based on and peers to develop EfS across schools of
supported by a initiatives across education and
Queensland-wide their institution; disciplinary
multi-site case specialisations;
study; * participants
worked to * participants
* developed a incorporate EfS convened
repertoire of skills into graduate sustainability
curriculum attributes; networks within
strategies and their own
resources for * participants institutions and
embedding published and organisations;
sustainability in disseminated related
teacher education. research and case * participants
studies of their aligned teaching
experiences. units with graduate
consistent with