Licorice production and manufacturing: all-sorts of practical applications for statistics: Jane Watson, Jane Skalicky, Noleine Fitzallen and Suzie Wright describe a rich task aimed at helping students from grade 1 to middle school appreciate the source of variation as they generate and examine their own data.
Watson, Jane ; Skalicky, Jane ; Fitzallen, Noleine 等
Among the practical applications of statistics is the collection of
data from manufacturing processes. Often collected in the form of a time
series, data collected from a series of measurements show the variation
in those measurements, such as mass of a product manufactured. Limits
are set for quality control and if these are exceeded then a decision is
made about the process; perhaps it is halted and adjustments made to
create a more uniform product over time. Can turning the primary (or
middle school) classroom into a "food production line" promote
learning outcomes that assist students in appreciating the essence of
what the chance and data curriculum is about: variation? (Moore, 1990;
Watson, 2007)
Konold and Harradine (2009) claim that although many teachers
appreciate the need to provide students with real data, those data are
often presented to students "cold," with the assumption that
students can quickly gain a familiarity with the context from which they
came. The focus of classroom activities often then remains on the
computation of statistics and the drawing of graphs as mandated by the
curriculum. Students are not likely, however, to appreciate the factors
that produced the variation in the data, if they are not very familiar
with the process that produced the data. For most students this
"story behind the data" is too often inaccessible. Konold and
Harradine therefore believe that having students experience the process
that creates variable data provides a powerful foundation on which
students can build an understanding of data and motivate statistical
ways of interpreting those data. Particularly powerful are contexts that
involve the repeated actioning of a process that generates objects. This
type of process allows learners to experience the "creation of
variation" and sets the stage for defining the measurements they
want to collect and choosing the graphic representations of those data
that reveal both the variability and the structure in those data.
Although it might seem as if many students have thought little about the
variability of such processes and expect uniformity in all measures,
becoming involved in the process themselves could provide first-hand experience of the variability produced.
The opportunity to mimic a manufacturing process arose from the
work of Harradine (personal communication, 1 May 2007) through an
activity presented in a professional development session for teachers as
part of the StatSmart project (Callingham, Watson & Donne, 2008).
The activity mimics the manufacturing of a product in two ways: "by
hand" and "by machine." An extension looks at a
commercially manufactured product. The first part of this article
describes how a version of the activity was carried out in Grade 1 and
Grade 3 classrooms. The second part of the article details a
professional development session carried out with 27 teachers to
introduce them to the concept of variation in an environment suitable
for upper primary and middle school students.
Many variations on the design of the activity are possible,
depending on time and resources. As described here, the activity is
based on "manufacturing" licorice sticks from play dough,
hence a quantity of play dough must be purchased or made. Licorice is
chosen because students are likely to identify what they produce with
commercially-produced licorice sticks. Given a set of standards for
length and diameter, groups create their own play dough licorice sticks
by hand and measure them. The sticks are then weighed and their masses
recorded, to be displayed on a whole class stacked dot plot (1). Then a
Fun Factory Play-doh extruder is used to create another group of sticks
with the same dimensions, and again they are measured and recorded (2).
It is expected that the variation in the second set of sticks will be
less than the first. As an extension, packets of commercial licorice
sticks can be measured and compared with the others for consistency (3).
Figure 1 shows the materials used with the students and teachers
discussed in this article. Further, the links to the topics of
measurement and estimation in the mathematics curriculum are clear, as
is the potential for links to social science and innovation.
Manufacturing in Grades 1 and 3
As part of activities for National Mathematics Day, students in two
classes, Grades 1 and 3 in different schools, were introduced to the
idea of variation with a discussion of the difference between home-made biscuits and those bought in the supermarket. The children were shown
some of each and asked to describe the attributes of each that could be
seen to vary. The consistency of shape and size of the supermarket
biscuits was noted and students were asked to suggest reasons why these
biscuits might be more similar than those made at home. Students were
then asked, "If you bought a packet of licorice sticks would you
expect them all to be the same?" At this point students were shown
laminated colour photos of the production of licorice at the Licorice
Factory in Junee, NSW. Three of these are produced in Figure 2. Further
questions were then asked of the students: "What if the licorice
sticks were hand-made rather than by a machine? What difference would we
Students were shown the Fun Factory equipment and invited to try
their skills at making play dough licorice sticks by hand themselves and
with the Fun Factory machine. Students were asked which way would be
able to create more consistent products and how they would test this.
The commercial factory made 8 cm sticks, so it was decided to make a
similar length by hand and with the Fun Factory. It was hence necessary
for the children to measure lengths carefully with a ruler. It was
decided that rolling the play dough to a diameter of approximately 1 cm
would be appropriate. Measuring the mass of the sticks in grams then
produced the attribute to be used to show and compare the consistency of
the two manufacturing processes.
Students were divided into groups and each student made three
licorice sticks by hand and three with the Fun Factory. In using the
scales, the Grade 1 students recorded the number of grams shown on the
electronic scales to the left of the decimal point. For the Grade 3
students, there was a discussion of decimals and they recorded their
data to one decimal place (e.g., after examples showing that 7.3 g was
bigger than 7.1 g). This was supported by a number line activity using
rope and pegs to revise and consolidate place value understanding to one
decimal place. Data for the two methods were recorded on sticky notes.
Figure 3 shows the students working in the Grade 1 class. Class
discussion then took place on how to record the data collected and the
minimum and maximum values were reported in order to decide the extreme
values on the axes for each of the two stacked dot plots. In the Grade 1
class the data were recorded by the teacher (the third author) on the
whiteboard as shown in Figure 4. The summing up of the activity took
place in a class group, also shown in Figure 4. Student discussion of
the appearance of the plots included describing the plots of the
handmade masses as a "hill," a "landscape," and
"all kinds of shapes next to each other." For the plot of the
factory-made masses, the responses from students included: a "tall
building," "There are more in the middle," and "They
are more the same." Although impressed with the consistency of the
masses from the Fun Factory licorice sticks, many of the students were
convinced that making the sticks by hand was best, "because you can
try harder to make a better shape." Some also thought it would be
an advantage because they "might" get more big ones. When the
teacher returned to the class for National Mathematics Day the following
year, the students remembered the licorice activity and could describe
the outcomes and shapes of the plots.
Figure 5 shows the process of making the licorice sticks by hand
and with the Fun Factory machine in the Grade 3 class. In this class the
students recorded their mass measurements on sticky notes, one colour
for hand-made and another for factory-made. They then put the labels on
two separate whiteboards themselves, making the decisions on the
"axis" labels. The two plots produced are shown in Figure 6.
The whole class discussion (led by the second author) focussed on
the following questions:
* Is one group more spread out than the other?
* What is the difference in spread between the two groups?
* Is there a difference in the middle of the plots?
* Which is more consistent?
* Would we expect the same plot if we did our sample of licorice
sticks again? Would we be better at producing licorice sticks?
What would "better" mean?
After the discussion students were given the sheet shown in Figure
7 to summarise what they had learned from the activity.
Figure 7. Play-Doh Factories worksheet for students.
Today we made hand-made licorice sticks and factory-made
licorice sticks. We weighed all of our licorice
sticks to see how good we are at making them all
the same.
We investigated the questions:
How good are we at making licorice sticks all the same?
When we hand-made licorice sticks how different were they?
When we made licorice sticks using the play-doh factory how
different were they?
Write some sentences about what you found out:
Draw a picture that shows what you found out:
Following are examples of what the students wrote about their
* The licorice sticks were different because the factory sticks
were lighter and the handmade weren't as perfect because they were
longer and fatter. But the factory wons (sic) were short and thinner.
The factory had a hole in it to make them all the same. (S1)
* The hand-made and the machine-made ones do not weigh the same.
The hand-made ones were heavier than the machine ones. That licorice is
8 cm long. The machine ones came out the same width and the hand-made
ones were heavier because we might have put extra play-doh in it. (S2)
* The factory made was just about exactly the same but the hand
made was completely different. Because the factory made does the same
thing every time. But the hand made doesn't do the same thing every
time. (S3)
* Even though the factory made licorice sticks are not the same
size, hand made ones have got a larger range. (S4)
* The hand made licorice strips were like 10 to 20 grams apart
while the factory made ones were only 1 to 2 grams apart. The factory
made ones came at the same size and the hand made ones came out way
different. (S5)
Four of the drawings students made to show what they found are
produced in Figure 8.
The activities in both classrooms provoked a high level of student
interest and concentration. Care in measurement, without very much
prompting, was evident in both classes. In Grade 1 the measurement
skills, especially with rulers, were well beyond the level of curriculum
expectations. The hands-on nature of the activity was popular with both
classes and the comparison of the two methods of production created
intense interest. The idea of "better" being more uniform with
less variation was consolidated more confidently in the Grade 3 class
than the Grade 1 class, where "better" was more likely to be
associated with the creative act of making the licorice sticks by hand
and making larger sticks, than with uniformity of measurement. The
students in Grade 1 did, however, appreciate the greater variation in
the licorice sticks made by hand.
Manufacturing with middle school teachers
The licorice activity as implemented with middle school teachers
was structured in a more complex fashion than the activities with Grades
1 and 3. It was intended to model the activity with a range of
possibilities that could be adapted for middle school students of
varying abilities.
The data used in this article were collected from 27 teachers
participating in a chance and data professional learning session of
about two hours (organised by the first and fourth authors). The initial
discussion introduced the idea of a manufacturing process and the need
for uniformity in products produced. The teachers were aware of quality
control regimes and the measurement of variation from an ideal size,
shape, mass, or quantity. It was agreed that this was a good context in
which to introduce variation to upper primary and middle school students
and to challenge them to "manufacture" a product consistently.
Using the context of manufacturing play dough licorice sticks 1cm in
diameter and 8 cm long, similar to those that could be made by the Fun
Factory extruder, the hypothesis for the activity was: "We can make
licorice sticks as consistently as the Fun Factory machine." The
availability of commercially manufactured licorice sticks led to the
further question of the variation in the genuinely manufactured product
as well. Hence the investigation sought to explore the variation in the
products of the three processes with the expectation that the observed
variation would decrease from the hand-made to the Fun Factory
manufactured to the commercially manufactured licorice sticks.
After the initial introduction took place, teachers were split into
nine groups of three teachers and each group took part in each of the
three activities on a rotational basis. Although all teachers did not
complete the three activities in the same order, they experienced all
three. The groups created between 20 and 47 licorice sticks by hand,
based on their estimates of the diameter and length, weighing each stick
and recording the mass on a sticky note. A similar process was used with
the Fun Factory machine, the groups producing between 25 and 38 licorice
sticks. These were then added to large graphs on whiteboards; different
coloured sticky notes used for each group. For the commercially
manufactured licorice sticks, both the length and the mass were
measured. As this was happening, one of the leaders was entering the
data for each group into a TinkerPlots file (Konold & Miller, 2005).
Teachers in this session had TinkerPlots in their schools and it was
intended that they would have two methods of displaying the data with
their students: with sticky notes on whiteboards and with TinkerPlots
graphs. Some of the advantages of using TinkerPlots are shown in the
figures in this section. [For more information on TinkerPlots and
activities employing the software, see: Watson (2008); Watson,
Fitzallen, Wilson & Creed (2008); and Watson & Wright (2008).]
Discussion of the representations first focussed on the three
whiteboards, looking at within group and between group variation
(Harradine, 2005). Data for different groups could be distinguished by
the different coloured sticky notes and the consistency of one group for
the hand-made sticks stood out immediately, with that group being
accused of cheating and weighing their play dough before creating their
licorice sticks.
Later, similar trends were noted in the TinkerPlots graphs and
these are reproduced in the figures here. Given the overall variation in
the graph of the hand-made licorice sticks, one group (Group F) again
was quickly seen as an "outlier" in terms of small variation
in its production. As well there was discussion about the different type
of outlier production by Group G, whose sticks were consistently of
greater mass. This group claimed to have been given more dense play
dough! (4) Seeing the representations in TinkerPlots (Figure 9) and
comparing the variation across groups provided strong evidence of the
claim the teachers were making. The features in TinkerPlots that helped
to describe the differences in the groups' licorice-making skills
included the means for groups ([DELTA]) and hats, which show the
approximate middle 50%, and lower and upper 25% of the data sets.
Teachers agreed that this type of representation would create interest
in their classes as groups compared their manufacturing skills.
Initially, and somewhat surprisingly for the teachers, the
variation in the Fun Factory licorice sticks created by individual
groups did not appear that much less than that of the hand-made ones
using the plots on the whiteboard. When considered in TinkerPlots,
however, with the end points of the axes made the same, the lesser
variation in the masses became apparent. This is shown in Figure 10.
When considering the Fun Factory data by group as shown in Figure
11, the variation for Group F is no longer unusually small compared say
to Groups A and B, so it was decided that perhaps they did not cheat on
this part of the task. The greater average mass for Group G was seen to
support their claim of denser play dough. The smaller variation in the
groups is also seen again by comparing Figure 11 with Figure 9. The
ability to produce such graphs efficiently for groups within a class is
a motivational aspect for collaborative group work.
For the commercially produced licorice sticks, each group was given
a new unopened packet and carefully measured the mass of each stick in
the packet. There was considerable discussion about the masses of these
licorice sticks. One packet had a tiny piece of licorice weighing 2 g
and this was recorded but later eliminated as an outlier. Another packet
(measured by Group G) had sticks that were individually lighter than the
others and the teachers suggested that it must have come from a
different production run at the factory (see Figure 12). Eliminating
Group G's packet and using the same endpoints on the axis as were
used in Figure 9 demonstrated well the smaller range and variation in
the masses of the commercial product (see Figure 13). The presence of
Group G's packet, however, provided another stimulus for
discussion. First was the question of whether the total weight claimed
on the outside of the packet had been reached. When the number of
licorice sticks in Group G's packet was counted, however, there
were 30 in it, compared to 23 to 26 in all other packets. Several groups
then calculated the total mass of the sticks in their packets to see if
it reached 300 g. Figure 14, with the labelled mean values and the
number of sticks in each packet, provides a quick way of checking this
matter. It is also a good way of reinforcing understanding of the
formula for calculating the mean for middle school students, by working
"backward" to find the total mass of the packets'
contents. Teachers found it interesting that the range of total grams in
the packets was 309 g to 331 g.
The teachers were hence satisfied that one quality control measure
(total mass) could compensate for another (lighter mass per individual
These activities provide a wide range of experiences suitable for
students from Grade 1 to the middle years. They are especially useful in
exposing students to the concept of variation, which traditionally has
been left to later years. They also illustrate the power of the sequence
of experience suggested by Harradine and Konold (2009) and shown in
Figure 15. Although it requires planning and the collection of
materials, the effort is also well worthwhile in terms of exposing
students to links among various parts of the mathematics curriculum and
to an authentic application in the real world. (5) The use of
TinkerPlots as a technology dimension demonstrates the importance of
statistical software both for educational purposes (Fitzallen, 2007) as
shown here and for quality control purposes as related software is used
in the manufacturing industry. Besides all of the learning outcomes
there may be the added reward of licorice to share at the end of the
The activities for teachers described here took place as part of
ARC Linkage project No. LP0560543. The Sandy Bay Infants School and The
Hutchins School, in Hobart, participated in these activities as part of
National Mathematics Day in 2007. Thanks to Anthony Harradine for
suggestions at the beginning of this paper.
Callingham, R., Watson, J. & Donne, J. (2008). Influencing
statistical literacy in the middle years of schooling: The first year of
the StatSmart project. In R. Biehler (Chair), TSG 14: Research and
development in the teaching and learning of statistics, International
Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, July, 2008.
Fitzallen, N. (2007). Evaluating data analysis software: The case
of TinkerPlots. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 12(1), 23-28.
Harradine, A. (2005). Distribution division: Making it possible for
more students to make reasoned decisions using data. In G. Burrill &
M. Camden (Eds), Curricular Development in Statistics Education.
International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) Roundtable,
Lund, Sweden, 2004 (pp. 174-189). Voorburg, The Netherlands:
International Statistical Institute.
Konold, C. & Harradine, A. (2009, July). Contexts for
highlighting signal and noise. Paper presented at the Sixth
International Forum on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking and Literacy,
Konold, C. & Miller, C. D. (2005). TinkerPlots: Dynamic data
exploration [computer software]. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press.
Moore, D. S. (1990). Uncertainty. In L. S. Steen (Ed.), On the
shoulders of giants: New approaches to numeracy (pp. 95-137).
Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Watson, J. M. (2007). The foundations of chance and data.
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 12(1), 4-7.
Watson, J. (2008). Eye colour and reaction time: An opportunity for
critical statistical reasoning. The Australian Mathematics Teacher,
64(3), 30-40.
Watson, J. M., Fitzallen, N. E., Wilson, K. G. & Creed, J. F.
(2008). The representational value of hats. Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School, 14, 4-10.
Watson, J., & Wright, S. (2008). Building informal inference with TinkerPlots in a measurement context. The Australian Mathematics
Teacher, 64(4), 31-40.
(1) For this activity we used the UT Series Digital Pocket Scales
available from Aidley Co., PO Box152, St Clair, NSW 2759.
(2) The Play-Doh Fun Factory is available from Hasbro Australia
Ltd., 570 Blaxland Road, Eastwood, NSW 2122 (and found in most toy
(3) An appropriate brand of licorice to use is the Ricci
Traditional Soft Licorice (300 g) packet (available in most
(4) This claim was in fact true because most groups had
"home-made" play dough, whereas one group did have the play
dough that came with the Fun Factory kit.
(5) Have you ever wondered if a packet you picked up in the
supermarket contained the mass it claimed? Have you ever taken it to the
produce section to check it out? One of our teachers has and hence has
wonderful stories to accompany the activity in her classroom.
Jane Watson, Jane Skalicky, Noleine Fitzallen & Suzie Wright
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>