Using mathematical tasks built around "real" contexts: opportunities and challenges for teachers and students; the need for greater challenge and relevance for students in the middle years.
Clarke, Doug ; Roche, Anne
From 1985 to 1989, Charles Lovitt and Doug Clarke coordinated the
Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching Program (see, e.g., Lovitt &
Clarke, 1988). During that time, they had many opportunities to ask
teachers to identify their concerns about the teaching of mathematics in
the middle years, which for the purposes of this article, we regard as
Grades 5 to 8. Common responses can be summarised as follows:
mathematics is seen by many students as boring and irrelevant; little
thinking is involved; the subject is too abstract; there is a fear of
failure; too much content is covered in too little depth; assessment is
narrow; and it is a huge challenge to meet the needs of a wide range of
Recent reports indicate that these concerns and others remain
issues in middle years' mathematics. For example, the Executive
Summary of Beyond the Middle (Luke et al., 2003), a report commissioned
by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training, and
involving a literature review, a curriculum/policy mapping exercise, and
system, school and classroom visits, included the following statement:
There needs to be a more systematic
emphasis on intellectual demand and
student engagement in mainstream
pedagogy... This will require a much
stronger emphasis on quality and diversity of
pedagogy, on the spread of mainstreaming
of approaches to teaching and learning that
stress higher order thinking and critical
literacy, greater depth of knowledge and
understanding and increases in overall
intellectual demand and expectations of
middle years students (p. 5).
The purpose of the Third International Mathematics and Science
Study (TIMSS) Video Study was to investigate and describe mathematics
and science teaching practices in a variety of countries. The
researchers videotaped and analysed in great detail a total of 638 Grade
8 lessons from seven participating countries, including Australia.
Altogether, 87 Australian schools and one teacher in each school were
randomly selected in a way that was representative of all states,
territories, school sectors, and metropolitan and country areas. Each
teacher was filmed for one complete lesson.
The authors noted that Australian students would benefit from less
repetitive work, higher-level problems, more discussion of alternative
solutions, and more opportunity to explain their thinking. They noted
that "there is an over-emphasis on 'correct' use of the
'correct' procedure to obtain 'the' correct answer.
Opportunities for students to appreciate connections between
mathematical ideas and to understand the mathematics behind the problems
they are working on are rare." They noted "a syndrome of
shallow teaching, where students are asked to follow procedures without
reasons" (Hollingsworth, Lokan & McCrae, 2003, p. xxi).
Although this study focussed on Year 8 classrooms, our experiences
indicate that these descriptions could apply reasonably across Years 5
to 8.
As well as the documented problems in the kinds of mathematics
offered to students and the ways in which it is presented, there is the
affective domain. So many students look back on their experiences in the
middle years mathematics with resentment, frustration, and an abiding
belief that they "can't do mathematics."
So, there are many challenges facing teachers, schools and systems
in improving both cognitive and affective aspects of students'
mathematics learning in the middle years.
In the remainder of this article, we discuss the use by teachers of
'Type 2 tasks' within the Task Types in Mathematics Learning
(TTML) Project, i.e., those in which the mathematics is situated within
a contextualised practical problem. It is argued that these kinds of
tasks have great potential for challenging and engaging students, and
showing how mathematics can help us to make sense of the world.
We also discuss a major challenge, as we see it, for mathematics
teachers generally, but particularly for those who take a problem
solving approach to their teaching. The challenge is developing
appropriate techniques and strategies needed in "pulling the lesson
What are Type 2 tasks?
When using Type 2 tasks as defined by the TTML Project, teachers
situate mathematics within a contextualised practical problem where the
motive is explicitly mathematics. This task type has a particular
mathematical focus as the starting point and the context exemplifies
this. The context serves the twin purposes of showing how mathematics is
used to make sense of the world and motivating students to solve the
task. For example, a Type 2 task can be created from the following
question: "How many people can stand in your classroom?"
(Lovitt & Clarke, 1988) where the task is of the kind, "Imagine
we have the opportunity to put on a concert in this classroom with a
local band to raise funds for more school computers. How many tickets
should we sell?" Here, the context provides a motivation for what
follows and dictates the mathematical decisions that the students make
in finding a solution. The teacher will have broad intentions, in
advance, about how the content relates to relevant curriculum documents,
specifically, an understanding of area, estimation strategies, and the
notion of measurement errors. Although the contexts are in some cases
contrived (as with the lesson above), it is important to distinguish
Type 2 tasks from word problems (e.g., Fennema, Franke, Carpenter &
Carey, 1993), which are only contextualised in a very basic way. In
typical word problems (e.g., I purchase a CD for $32.50; how much change
would I receive from a $50 note?), the context is not intended to
motivate students or help them to make sense of the world particularly,
but largely provides what Maier (1991) called school problems coated
with a thin veneer of "real world" associations.
Within the TTML Project, it is assumed that the teacher will pose
the task, clarify terms, context and purpose, but will not tell the
students what to do or how to do it. The teacher will orchestrate a
class discussion after students have engaged with the task to hear
interesting responses that teachers have specifically identified while
the students are working, and will seek to draw out commonalities, and
Where was this photo taken? An example of a Type 2 task
A number of teachers have used what we have come to call the
Signpost task. The photos within this article and discussion are based
largely on the use of the Signpost task developed by Doug Clarke and
used by Anne Roche and Carli Kawalsky's in Carli's Year 5
class at Malvern Central School.
Setting the scene
The teacher asked students whether, during family travels, they had
ever seen a sign at lookouts or at other tourist places which showed how
far and in which direction a number of key places were from their
current location. Some had seen such a sign (mostly at lookouts), and
they shared their experiences. The teacher then held up a picture which
had been taken of such a sign (shown in Figure 1) showing the distances
in kilometres of 14 other cities from the signpost, and explained that
today's lesson would involve the students working, in pairs, on
trying to find out the location of the signpost.
Students were asked to offer initial thoughts on the location prior
to setting them to work. The somewhat 'tropical' background
can often be something of a distraction in their predictions.
The teacher then indicated that students were free to work on this
problem in any way they wished. Atlases were provided for each pair.
Enabling prompts
Although most pairs decided upon a starting strategy and got to
work, several students seemed unable to make a start on solving the
problem and required some assistance. Sullivan, Mousley and Zevenbergen
(2004) coined the term "enabling prompts" to refer to
appropriate variations on the task or suggestions to students which
might help those who are having trouble making a start on the problem.
One helpful enabling prompt in this case was to suggest to students that
they pick a city named on the sign and find out how far on the map it
would be from the sign's location and therefore which "mystery
city" might contain this signpost.
This prompt seemed helpful, but it still provided a challenge, as
it involved students using scale to see how the distances on the map
related to the real distances in kilometres. For example, if Seoul is
9636 kilometres away from the signpost, what would this be in
centimetres? Some students used the scale below by measuring with their
ruler the length from zero to 4000, doubling this length to make 8000 km
then adding the length from zero to round about 1600 to make a length
that closely represented the distance to Seoul.
We acknowledge that scale is a challenging topic for Year 5 and not
addressed until later years in some curriculum documents. However, the
students in Carli's class persisted in their problem solving
attempts and appeared to learn a lot about scale along the way.
Having come up with an approximation, students then measured in a
straight line that many centimetres in a variety of directions to
establish possible locations for the signpost.
Students varied in their abilities to read and use a scale, and to
convert the distances shown on the signpost to centimetres on the map.
In discussion with teachers, it was clear that students in the middle
years rarely are asked to either create or use a scale, and that this
topic probably needs greater attention.
It is important to stress here that because the map is a flat
representation of the 3D world, all scales can only be used
approximately. Nevertheless, most pairs were making a start, and
starting to rule cities in and out as possibilities.
A more helpful strategy
For some students the enabling prompt was not necessary as they had
noted that Sydney and Fiji were almost equidistant from the signpost
(2159 km and 2157 km, respectively) and the closest places to the
"mystery city."
On one world map, the scale was expressed as "1 cm on the map
represents 450 km on the ground." Some students needed assistance
to see that the calculation of 2159 / 450 would give an approximate
distance on the map from Sydney to the mystery city. Explaining that
this equation is solving "How many lots of 450 would go into
2159?" seemed to be helpful. Once this was understood, they were
encouraged to estimate this ("About 4 or 5,") and then to find
the answer using a calculator.
Some difficulties arose around the need to be accurate when
converting and measuring, particularly when working with some of the
larger distances. Students were free to choose any cities and atlas maps
to work on, but not all of the signpost cities (nor the mystery city)
were on the maps which students chose. This meant that students had to
estimate or even guess where their cities might be. Students sometimes
needed to move between maps of the world and maps of the Pacific region,
once they realised that the mystery city was likely to be somewhere not
that far from Australia.
Building upon students' insights
One pair of students had worked out that the mystery city was close
to 5 cm from Fiji on the map. The pair then showed the teacher their
insight that by rotating their ruler around Fiji, and noting where 5 cm
from Fiji 'reached,' they knew that the city must be somewhere
along this imaginary circle. The teacher took this opportunity to share
the insight with the class, and introduce the use of a compass to make
the measurements more accurate. It was not long before some students
realised that drawing the same-sized circle around Sydney would provide
other important information.
The challenge for students then was to take these two circles and
decide what it actually told them. The first student to speak decided
that it must be within the region created by the overlap of the two
circles. The teacher pointed to a spot within the region, and asked the
students whether this point was 5 cm from Fiji. After some further
discussion, there was a consensus that the mystery city must be close to
one of the two intersection points of the two circles.
The students then excitedly used other information about distances
to establish that it must be the southernmost of the two points, leading
to an answer of somewhere in New Zealand.
Pulling it together
In most of the classes where this task was used, the teacher called
upon a small number of pairs to share their reasoning. The pairs were
generally chosen to represent a variety of different approaches and/or
challenges faced. In several classes, teachers asked the students to
talk about the mathematics they had learned (e.g., creating and using
scales, careful measurement, using a compass to create circles,
estimating, predicting and checking).
Some students also noted that strictly speaking, even two distances
were enough to narrow down the possible cities to two (the intersection
A number of key writers in the problem solving area (e.g., Brown
& Walter, 1993) have stressed the importance of problem posing by
students. Several teachers in the project took the opportunity in
subsequent lessons to extend the work on the task, by encouraging
students in groups to create their own signposts with cities of their
own choice, and then to pose their problems to another group. This was
an excellent way of consolidating the learning that had taken place
during their work on the original task. Students appreciated being able
to choose their own cities.
Project teachers' views on advantages and difficulties in
using Type 2 tasks
Advantages: After at least one school term of trialling a range of
Type 2 tasks, teachers were asked to comment on the "advantages of
using this task type in your teaching." The comments below were
* More hands on.
* Some were good for the student who struggles with mathematics.
* The mathematical skills and strategies are made purposeful and
meaningful by being situated in a "real world" context.
* Increases the students' abilities to think.
* Allows the students to draw on a variety of understandings and
topics--engaging and relevant to what they are doing.
* Engages advanced students. Combines knowledge and skills, e.g., a
task may need measurement, calculation, logic.
* Each task can be taken in various directions by the students.
There are different ways to solve the puzzle and are very engaging.
Difficulties: Teachers were asked, "What makes teaching this
task type difficult?" Typical responses were the following:
* Some of the tasks were too challenging for support students
[lower ability grouped students] and too long!
* The different learning needs and abilities of the students; at
times some students arrived at their conclusions more quickly then
* Students who are less confident have very little idea of where to
start if left to their own devices rather than assisted. These tasks can
compound their negative feelings about themselves and maths.
* Not all the real situations are relevant to middle years'
students and may not fit neatly into the existing curriculum.
* You need to do some preparation with the students. Students are
more interested in the answer than the process.
Peter-Koop (2004) summarised many of the difficulties that students
face when solving context-based problems, including comprehension of the
text, and the identification of the mathematical core of the problem.
Freudenthal (1984) referred to the construction of a magical
compatibility, where an answer of 37.5 jeeps in a transport problem
where students are asked to calculate the number of jeeps needed to
transport soldiers, is seen by the students as perfectly acceptable.
It is worth noting that teachers in secondary schools generally
found using the Type 2 tasks more challenging than did teachers in
primary schools.
The challenge of pulling the lesson together: How do you
"nail" the mathematics?
Most mathematics lessons can be considered to fall roughly into
three phases:
(i) some kind of brief introduction to outline the proposed work
for the day, to propose a problem or task, or to engage students with
the mathematics through some motivational context;
(ii) anextended period of time when students work on the assigned
problem(s) individually or in small groups; and
(iii) a whole class discussion where the teacher facilitates a
conversation around the main mathematical points of the lesson.
One of the challenges teachers face when using Type 2 tasks is that
of pulling the lesson together at the end (phase iii), in order to
maximise the potential mathematics learning of students. Quite often, we
observe mathematics classrooms where, for a variety of reasons (e.g.,
lack of time, the lesson heading into a detour which was unanticipated,
class management issues, teacher confidence with the content), the
lesson kind of just "dies." This means that the chance is not
provided for the teacher to gain a clear sense of what students have
learned from the activity, to make the mathematical focus clear for
those students for whom it was not, to make connections with previous
mathematics activity, to focus on where today's learning could be
applied in other contexts, or to enable the students to learn from each
Alternatively, sometimes teachers encourage many students to share
what they have found or what they have learned, but do not attempt to
synthesise these comments, or they allow the conversation to remain at
the trivial level, unrelated to the particular mathematical focus for
the day (e.g., "I learned that I can do maths well if I try
Although there are many possible ways of pulling a lesson together,
we offer the following guidelines which may be helpful:
1. Being clear on the mathematical focus.
It may be stating the obvious, but it is important that the teacher
begins the lesson having a clear idea of the mathematical focus of the
day. In the case of the Signpost task, this might be that students will
use scale to solve a practical problem. In clarifying the focus, a
teacher might ask herself, "What is it that I want my students to
know and be able to do after today's lesson which they did not know
and couldn't do before the lesson?" In the case of a Type 2
task, this may include both a mathematical and contextual component. For
the Signpost task, it therefore might include a greater awareness of the
location of a number of cities around the world.
2. Considering the likely responses students will make to the
tasks, and particularly the difficulties they might experience.
It is not always easy to anticipate how the lesson will
"go," but it is certainly worth thinking about the variety of
ways in which students might respond to the task, so that these can be
taken into account in pulling the lesson together. The teacher can be
thinking about likely solution strategies, but also appropriate probing
questions to ask during the main working part of the lesson and the
pulling it together part.
3. Monitoring students' responses to tasks as they work
individually or in small groups on the tasks.
Although the teacher will have considered how students might
respond to the task(s) in advance of the lesson (see part 2 above),
things rarely go exactly according to plan, and it will be important for
the teacher to observe the students at work and gain a sense of common
strategies and difficulties.
One of the challenges in using any kind of task is maximising the
chances that other students understand the solution paths offered by
individuals during the "reporting time." In order for the
teacher to facilitate this well, it will be important for the teacher to
understand the various strategies which are offered by students. A
teacher will be well prepared for the discussion time if they have a
clear sense, during individual or small group work, of the kinds of
strategies which students are proposing and using.
4. Selecting students who will be invited to share during the
discussion time.
In contrast to having everyone who wants to contribute having the
"floor," the monitoring above will enable the teacher to
select carefully those students whose sharing will provide an
opportunity to maximise the learning of the whole group. One possible
ordering of reporting back is to have a student or group share first who
made some progress but did not completely solve the problem, possibly
revealing a common misconception or difficulty. This could be followed
by a student or group who solved the problem in a satisfactory but
common way. Finally, a student or group of students could present who
provided an innovative and/or particularly elegant solution. It is
likely that it will be sufficient for two or three students or groups to
5. Focusing on connections, generalisation and transfer.
Depending upon the task and the teacher's purpose for it, the
"pulling it together" phase provides the chance to encourage
students to think about making connections between student solutions or
connections with previous work. Another focus might be generalising from
what they have learned and/or what can be transferred to new tasks, with
questions like: "What kinds of things have we learned today which
will help us to solve other problems?" "Could that method or
strategy work no matter what numbers were involved?" "When
would you use that particular strategy other than in tasks of this
Boaler (1993) provides an insight into the potential transfer of
mathematical understanding when she notes that "it also seems
likely that an activity which engages a student and enables her to
attain some personal meaning will enhance transfer to the extent that it
allows deeper understanding of the mathematics involved" (p. 15).
She notes that "school mathematics remains school mathematics for
students when they are not encouraged to analyse mathematical situations
and understand which aspects are central" (p. 17).
Watson and Mason (1988) provide a wonderful collection of prompts
which encourage students to reflect on their learning, with a particular
focus on generalising and specialising. For example, "What is the
same and what is different about...?" "How can we be sure
that...?" "What can change and what has to stay the same so
that ... is still true?" "Sort or organise the following
according to..." "Tell me what is wrong with..."
In summary
In this article, we have described the features of Type 2 tasks as
defined by the TTML Project, shown the way in which they have the
potential to motivate students' work in mathematics as they see how
mathematics can help make sense of the world, and highlighted the kind
of teacher actions which can ensure that the tasks are meaningful for
students. We believe strongly that such tasks can support the
development of connected mathematics learning for students in the middle
years. As we have indicated, pulling the lesson together is a
challenging but crucial skill in mathematics teaching. Hopefully, the
discussion above provides some food for thought in maximising the
learning which emerges from worthwhile tasks such as the Signpost one.
Where was the photograph taken?
The photograph was taken inside Auckland International Airport in
New Zealand.
Boaler, J. (1993). The role of contexts in the mathematics
classroom: Do they make mathematics more "real"? For the
Learning of Mathematics, 13(2), 12-17.
Brown, S. I. & Walter, M. I. (1993). Problem posing:
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Fennema, E., Franke, M. L., Carpenter, T. P. & Carey, D. A.
(1993). Using children's mathematical knowledge in instruction.
American Educational Research Journal, 30(3), 555-583.
Freudenthal, H. (1984). Wie alt ist der Kapitan? Mathematik Lehren,
5, 38-39.
Hollingsworth, H., Lokan, J. & McCrae, B. (2003). Teaching
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Maier, E. (1991). Folk mathematics. In M. Harris (Ed.), School,
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Peter-Koop, A. (2004). Fermi problems in primary mathematics
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Sydney: MERGA.
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Doug Clarke & Anne Roche
Australian Catholic University, Melbourne
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