Using the counting on mathematics strategies: an action research case study.
Mead, Katie ; Maxwell, Tom W.
KATIE MEAD & TOM W. MAXWELL describe an action research project
designed to improve the place value, multiplication, and division skills
of a group of students
Katie (1), was required to engage in an action research (AR)
project as part of a 10 week internship in the eighth semester of her
BEd(Primary) course. Action research is defined by Macintyre (2000, p.
1) to be: 'an investigation, where, as a result of rigorous
self-appraisal of current practice, the researcher focuses on a
'problem' (or a topic or an issue which needs to be
explained), and on the basis of information ... plans, implements, then
evaluates an action then draws conclusions on the basis of the
findings'. AR is a "form of practical action which teachers
undertake as part of, not separate from, their professional work"
(Grundy, 1995, p. 7). The following is an account of an AR project which
demonstrates how AR research can be undertaken as part of everyday
teaching practice.
Identifying the question
Also known as the "reconnaissance phase", this is the
first step is identifying the AR question. Katie undertook a
reconnaissance to "ground" her AR in the realities of her
workplace, to reflect on her professional practice in context, and to
consider the benefits of professional opinion and relevant literature.
Nine of Katie's students were below the NSW average in
mathematics. As she began taking on the teaching load for the
mathematics key learning area, she began to notice these nine students
had significant difficulties compared to the other students when
completing mathematical calculations mentally. This was a concern
because these skills are fundamental to being able to develop a deeper
understanding of mathematical concepts and perform more complex
calculations (NSW Department of Education & Training, 2004, pp.
5-6). The two areas with which the students had difficulty were
multiplication and division, including the use of mental strategies.
Testing revealed that the nine students had little concept of place
value and used inefficient mathematical methods, such as counting by
ones, to group numbers. These nine students became target students for
Katie's AR project.
Katie knew that she would need to engage these students in
activities which they believed they were capable of completing and that
they found interesting. Following discussion with colleagues, she
decided that the Counting On (NSW DET, 2004) mathematical games could
achieve both of these objectives because they are designed to be
accessible and entertaining. However, Katie had never been involved in
actively implementing Counting On and realised that she would need to
develop a deep knowledge about the games if she was going to base her
lessons and research around its strategies. Her supervising teacher
assisted by providing the DVDs and texts that comprised the Counting On
teaching and learning package.
The Counting On program introduces a learning framework with five
interrelated steps which are intended to move students from "naive
strategies, to increasingly sophisticated strategies in order to solve
number problems" (NSW DET, 2008. p. 5). This is illustrated in
Figure 1. The aim is to assist students to progress from the lower
steps, through to the highest step on the scale. At the upper point the
student will have successfully acquired the skills to complete complex
number problems.
Further evidence of the likely effectiveness of the Counting On
activities was provided by a report of an intervention using similar
strategies that was conducted in Illinois (Fatta, Garcia & Gorman,
2009). Other research showed that establishing goal-setting and
implementing a mentoring program to "reinforce mathematical
concepts and skills", improved student motivation and achievement
(Adami-Bunyard, Gummow, MilazzoLicklider, 1998, p. 4). Katie took into
account the strategies Adami-Bunyard et al. used for goal setting, by
giving students individual goals for the project, as well as the group
goal that "every student will improve their skills in place value
and multiplication and division this term".
In addition to consulting the literature, Katie acted upon the
advice of her supervising teacher, using two Counting On games per week
and starting from the third step in the Counting On Learning Framework,
as this is the level at which the majority of students were working (NSW
DET, 2008, p. 6). Following this intensive work Katie was able to
identify her AR question as follows:
Can the third step in the Counting On mathematics program,
"Building multiplication and division through equal grouping and
counting", improve a group of targeted ... students' abilities to
use more sophisticated numeracy strategies for multiplication and
division, and allow them to progress from poor mathematical
strategies to sophisticated strategies?
Action research cycle
The AR question prompted entry into the AR cycle (Kemmis &
McTaggart, 1988). The cycle served as the analytical framework although,
in reality, the four parts--plan, act, observe and reflect--were not as
discrete as presented here.
After the reconnaissance phase and the development of the AR
question, two plans were developed: for "action" and for
"observation", that is, data gathering. During the remaining 8
weeks of the internship was as follows; the nine target students spent
15 minutes per day, separate from the rest of the class, engaging in
mathematical activities based around place value, multiplication and
division from the Counting On program. Two activities were completed
each week, with the first activity being modelled and attempted on
Monday, and repeated again on Tuesday. The second activity was modelled
and attempted on Wednesday and repeated again on Thursday. On Friday
each student was given the opportunity to choose an activity to
participate in from any of the activities learned that week.
There were four data gathering strategies. Firstly, a student
survey was conducted in Weeks 3, 6 and 10. This survey required the
students to assess themselves in relation to their understanding of
place value, multiplication and division by putting either B
(beginning), P (Practicing) or M (mastery) into a box against a
particular skill. Self assessments are particularly useful because they
provide students with insight into their abilities as well as
contributing to confidence building when improvements are noted. Two
different pre- and post-tests were administered, one class-based test,
and one interview-style test (NSW DET, 2004, pp. 2-3) in which students
used concrete objects to demonstrate their grouping strategies. During
the interview style test the students were also asked a range of
questions to gauge their mental computation abilities and methods. The
tests were age appropriate and also consistent with curriculum
requirements and Counting On. In addition, students maintained a daily
journal noting any improvements, comments or misunderstandings.
Action and observations
In Week 3 of the term implementation of the Counting On program
began. The nine students attended school on a regular basis and enjoyed
participating in the Counting On activities, often asking if the
sessions could run overtime as they were enjoying them so much!
The average score for the pre-test was 6.9 out of 12 correct
answers, whereas the average score for the post-test was 10.1 out of 12
correct answers. Figure 2 displays these data in terms of the number of
wrong answers recorded before and after the eight week program. Although
it is possible that the nine students may have become test-wise, the 8
week period between administrations makes this unlikely.
There was a decrease in the number of incorrect answers for almost
all questions. This was pleasing but closer examination of individual
questions yielded further important insights. For example, for Question
4, shown in Figure 2, it was apparent that every student who chose a
wrong answer selected the same wrong answer. The students were asked to
explain the reasoning behind their responses. Of the five students who
answered this question incorrectly, three students admitted that they
had not taken enough time to examine the question closely. The other two
students seemed to have trouble reading the numbers correctly. Katie
then pointed to the correct sequence and explained. Katie believed that
these students had not quite grasped the concept of place value and
further work in this area would be needed. Question 11, shown in Figure
2, was another question in relation to which little improvement was
shown. The question involved a division algorithm. Several students had
difficulty with understanding the concept of division, while procedural
errors appeared to account for the remaining incorrect answers. Apart
from these questions, there was an improvement in every student's
The results from the Counting On interview style test (Figure 3)
correspond to the five interrelated steps in the Counting On framework
(Figure 1). The level of each student derives from their method of
answering the questions. If the student uses a more sophisticated method
to determine their answers, they are ranked higher on the framework.
During this test, students are asked, "So how did you come to get
that answer then?" and "Did you count on by ones or did you
group the numbers?" Following pre-testing in Week 2, the majority
of students were at the second or third level of the framework (see
Figure 3, light). In Week 10 when they were re-tested, every student had
progressed along the scale, and the majority were now on the fourth
level (Figure 3, dark).
The analysis of the students' journals also provided evidence
of improvement over time. Katie noted various occasions when students
chose to use more effective methods of counting than used previously.
For example, on one occasion, she noted that Student 3 was using a very
ineffective method to complete a simple multiplication question:
"Josh had 20 almonds for recess every day for 2 weeks (14 days).
How many almonds did he eat all together?" The student used the
strategy of counting by ones--a Level 1 response on the Counting On
framework. However, in Week 7 when a similar multiplication question was
attempted and Katie noted:
Student 3 ... has moved from concrete materials to mental
computation for simple multiplication problems. Today I asked
Student 3, "In a hotel there are eight rooms which each accommodate
two people. If the hotel has no vacancies, how many people are
staying there?" Student 3 was not only able to calculate the answer
promptly, she was also able to explain her reasoning for her answer
Student 3 had, thus, progressed from Level 1 to Level 3 of the
Counting On framework. Katie monitored each of the nine students in this
manner to identify the progress of each over time.
The student self assessment surveys conducted in Weeks 3, 6 and 10
for times tables (Figure 4) indicated that the students believed that
they had made improvements in multiplication. There were many fewer
Beginner (B) ratings (darkest columns in Figure 4) and increasing
numbers of Mastery ratings (lightest columns in Figure 4) by the end of
the AR. These data are consistent with results in the other two areas of
the self assessment; place value and division. It thus appeared that the
targeted students had appeared to have gained confidence in their
mathematical abilities in relation to place value, multiplication and
The implementation of Counting On strategies assisted the nine
students to progress from relatively inefficient strategies to more
sophisticated ones and at the same time to develop their competence. By
revisiting the fundamental understandings of place value, multiplication
and division, the students developed a sound understanding of these
The students appeared also to benefit from being in an
unthreatening environment working with other students at a similar
academic level to their own. The students took more risks with their
learning than they may have in other contexts and they found the
activities enjoyable.
Through implementing this AR project, Katie improved her teaching
practice as well as developing her knowledge of the process and benefit
of AR. Katie intends to use the processes learned during this AR project
throughout her teaching career. Furthermore, she has developed a broad
understanding of the Counting On mathematics program, and the importance
of ensuring that students have a firm grasp of the fundamental skills
before moving on to more difficult mathematical ideas. Although the AR
project has ended, the supervising teacher intends to continue the
Counting On strategies into his everyday teaching, aiming to bring all
of the students up to the highest step in the framework.
For Katie, the AR process was an interesting and rewarding
experience. She learned that critical reflection on data gathered over
time about teaching and learning can lead to improved teaching practice
and student outcomes. Being involved in an in-depth study of student
performance gave Katie a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in
knowing that she was able to help the students improve on some vital
mathematical skills. She is now equipped with the strategies to assess
her practice through action research and will take this experience with
her throughout her teaching career.
Adami-Bunyard, E., Gummow, M. & Milazzo-Licklider, N. (1998).
Improving primary student motivation and achievement in mathematics.
Chicago, Illinois: Saint Xavier University.
Fatta, J. D., Garcia, S. & Gorman, S. (2009). Increasing
student learning in mathematics with the use of collaborative teaching
strategies. Chicago, Illinois: Saint Xavier University.
Grundy, S. (1995). Action research as professional development.
Occasional paper No. 1, Innovative Links Project. Canberra: AGPS.
Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. (1988). The action research planner.
Geelong, Vic.: Deakin University Press.
Macintyre, C. (2000). The art of action research in the classroom.
London: David Fulton.
NSW Department of Education and Training. (2004). Counting On:
Re-connecting conceptual development. Sydney: Author.
NSW Department of Education and Training. (2008). Count me in too:
Learning framework in number. Sydney: Author.
KATIE MEAD & TOM W. MAXWELL Katie Mead & Tom W. Maxwell
University of New England <
[email protected]> APMC
(1) Katie was a final year BEd(Primary) student and Tom was her
university supervisor.