Food for thought: the mathematics of the kitchen garden: Anthony Lyon and Leicha A. Bragg outline how mathematics may be integrated with other areas of the curriculum when creating a kitchen garden and harvesting fresh produce.
Lyon, Anthony ; Bragg, Leicha A.
A kitchen garden is not just a place to grow food for cooking; it
is a place of sensory stimulation through extraordinary explorations and
investigations into the natural world. A kitchen garden contains
vegetables, fruits, herbs, edible flowers, and/or ornamental plants; and
animals such as chickens for supplying eggs as well as manure for
composting. The Stephanie Alexander Foundation
( believes that by teaching children
in a pleasurable way about growing, harvesting, preparing, and sharing
food, they can create a significant force for change (Alexander, 2010).
The foundation has supported the construction of over 100 kitchen
gardens nationally through grants and an online support network. Many
schools build on the Stephanie Alexander Foundation's philosophy of
positively influencing children's food choices through creating
their own kitchen gardens to promote healthy eating. Many schools such
as ours decided to run the kitchen garden independently with some
financial assistance from community organisations.
Incorporating a kitchen garden infrastructure into primary schools
allows students to witness first hand how the produce they eat regularly
is grown.
Nice idea but where is the maths?
In relation to mathematics, the kitchen garden initiative has
provided a real world context for our Year 5 and 6 students through the
creation of authentic tasks that ensure the mathematics is "real
and relevant" (Sparrow, 2008, p. 4). Real and relevant programs
provide opportunities to generate genuine engagement and excitement in
mathematics for students (Bragg, Pullen & Skinner, 2010). Engagement
in learning tasks may increase when participating in meaningful and
individual settings (Skamp, 2008). Switching on to learning was the aim
of the kitchen garden project described below with upper primary school
children at Wooranna Park Primary School in North Dandenong, Melbourne.
The kitchen garden project
The initial stage of the project consisted of a basic site plan to
determine size and quantity of raised garden beds, a couple of days
labour from enthusiastic teachers, parents or other members of the
community, and donated materials from local businesses. Clarkson (2010)
described alternative ways of watering school gardens. If the local
community is not able to assist financially, one of the economic gems of
a kitchen garden is that it can be constructed on any budget along with
a little elbow grease. The students investigated the requirements of the
kitchen garden through surveying home gardeners, and created a budget
using spreadsheets (Excel) of the necessary items.
Student ownership was seen as important for creating a respectful
culture within the school for taking care of their garden. This was the
students' garden with which they were empowered to make
recommendations, changes, and/or improvements. The students formed their
own committees to assist in maintaining gardening equipment; weeding,
watering and pest control; maintaining the chicken coop; and organising
fund raising activities to generate monies for furthering the project.
During the early stages of the project, open-ended questions were
utilised to examine the design of the kitchen garden. For example,
students were asked to "design to scale a layout of the garden beds
to fit within the kitchen garden area while providing enough room for
access". A flurry of measurement calculations ensued including
length, perimeter, area, volume and capacity. The designs were elaborate
and demonstrated that the students were developing understanding of
scale (see Figure 1). The problem was further refined to include a
condition that the sizes of the garden beds must be evenly divisible by
2.4 metres to accommodate the size of the sleepers available for
purchase and not have any waste. The optimum design to ensure ease of
access to all plants and cost-efficiency included the creation of garden
beds that were 2.4 m x 1.2 m and two sleepers high. Students who found
the mathematics of scaling drawings more challenging could work with cut
out templates of the garden beds and walkway clearances to assist with
their design.
The kitchen garden area was initially covered in gravel to combat
mud and dust from student traffic. Raised hardwood timber garden beds
were constructed, as the soil existing at the site was clay-based and
lacked structure and nutrients. Raised garden beds have many benefits
including: reducing the need for the physical demands of bending down;
keeping the footpaths separated from the produce; and creating a barrier
for keeping weeds from the crops. The construction process required
adult involvement, particularly with the use of power tools. The
students were involved in the multitude of mathematical computations
required during the construction process and witnessed the relevance of
mathematics in the real world. The students faced the typical problems
associated with building a garden, such as measuring (twice) the lengths
of wood for cutting (once), calculating the soil capacity of the garden
bed, and ensuring the garden beds were level and plumb. The students
employed appropriate mathematical terminologies (length, depth, width,
height, etc.) and the garden bed construction offered the ideal
opportunity to discuss the meaning of volume versus capacity. These
problems added to the authenticity of the task which was noted in their
mathematics journals that were maintained by these Year 5 and 6 children
throughout the process.
Installation of a water tank caused great excitement and intrigue
within the school. The students explored the physical features of the
tank; they felt it, banged it and walked around it. They found the water
level and recorded the capacity, discussing the maximum capacity of the
tank. Students began knocking on the plastic tank to hear a change in
sound to identify the water level. They estimated the number of litres
of water in the tank. This estimation activity proved to be a rich task
in identifying students' knowledge on fraction terminologies such
as half, quarter, eighth, and also conversions from millilitres to
litres, just as the garden bed construction explored conversion from
millimetres to centimetres to metres.
Planting and growing
The students became true gardeners and approached the planting task
with gusto. They filled a garden bed with soil and an organic mix which
provided an ideal growing medium for our initial vegetable crops. The
students drew on their understanding of ratio to calculate the correct
combination of organic mix to soil. The use of wheel barrows and shovels
proved to be an educational opportunity to discuss appropriate soil
weight and shovel capacity. The students' estimations included
asking how many wheel barrow loads it would take to move the soil from
the large pile to the garden beds. They considered the load capacity and
time allowances for children compared to adults, as adults tend to move
greater quantities in less time. A highlight of the planting sessions
was to witness a student who is typically disengaged in classroom work
become enthralled with the planting and keen to participate.
The types of fruit and vegetables grown in the kitchen garden will
vary depending on local climate and access to water (many run on tank
water). The selection of produce may be connected to the students'
cultural background and prior gardening experiences. Many of our
students shared stories of their family's vegetable patches and the
produce grown at home. The students and their families were encouraged
to provide seeds and seedlings from their own gardens for the
school's kitchen garden. Despite the cultural diversity of the
school, the initial crops consisted of traditional western garden
species such as carrots, broccoli, beans, peas, lettuce and some herbs;
as the seeds and seedlings were easily accessible. Over time we hope to
diversify the range of produce to include more Asian-influenced choices.
We explored spacing of plants and the requirements of individual
plants to provide room to grow, as noted by the following journal entry
by Tahir: "We planted several tomato plants. To plant them evenly
spaces [sic] we placed them in the garden bed so we could see even
distance between each plant. We did this so we could give each plant a
similar sized area of space to grow".
Shay observed the varied approaches to estimating length in his
reflection: "We had to plant them 50 cm apart so that they had
space to grow. We had to estimate the 50 cm. Some people used their
hands and some people used their fingers to estimate this
measurement." Shay was also cognisant of the movement of the sun
and how this would impact on plant growth, as illustrated in his
comment, "We had to plant them [the tomato plants] where they would
get a lot of sun, so we didn't plant them too close to the shed so
they wouldn't get afternoon shade."
One of the typical mathematical tasks associated with gardening is
graphing the growth of seedlings over several weeks or months. From the
home gardener perspective, this activity lacks authenticity as they do
not typically measure their vegetables to graph the growth. Scientists,
on the other hand, may measure growth of plants to understand many
different variables, for example, the effectiveness of specific
fertilizers. The children were encouraged to view this task through the
eyes of a "horticultural scientist". The class selected three
specimens to measure from each species of vegetable; using visual
estimation for the smallest, tallest and a mid-range seedling before
using a ruler to measure heights accurately (see Figure 2). An average
height was calculated and recorded. The students' developing
understanding of the changeable nature of mean in relation to plant
growth was evident in journal reflections such as the following:
In the kitchen garden I have done some
measuring of plants so we knew how big
they were growing ... First you find the
smallest one and you measure it and record
in on a sheet. Then you find the biggest
and measure it. Also find a medium sized
plant and measure it too, then record it.
Then you have got to find the average of
all of the plants and record your average.
Your group know the average of how big
the plants you measure have grown. If you
do this on a daily bases you will get a bigger
average due to plant growth. (Sara, Year 6)
Over several months it can prove difficult to sustain student
engagement in recording growth. To maintain the students'
perseverance in the measurement task and enhance the potential for
learning, ten minutes, once a week, was dedicated to recording the
More lengthy periods of time were allocated to other authentic
mathematical tasks that held the students engagement and connected to
the wider curriculum. These included creating rain gauges, investigating
ideal planting conditions, and creating organic pesticides.
In pairs, the students created rain gauges using reusable materials
such as a range of different sized plastic bottles (see Figure 3). The
students marked the gauge on the side of the bottle at 100 mL increments
by filling the bottle with water from a measuring jug. It was pleasing
to note that the students recognised that the circumference of the
bottle had a bearing on the distance between the measuring marks on the
side of the bottle. When positioning rain gauges in the school it is
useful to distribute the gauges throughout the grounds to determine if
different positions provide different measures and why this might occur.
Helpful teachers in your school living in different areas of your town
or city might erect one of the student-built rain gauges at home. They
could record the data for their area by taking a digital photo of the
rain gauge to provide to the students.
An indoor garden can be created to prepare and extend outdoor
activities for the kitchen garden. Placing seed trays in larger shallow
tubs provides environmental education as students germinate, propagate
and care for seeds and seedlings. At our school, the students have set
up the tubs in a bright, warm area between two learning spaces (see
Figure 4). Currently, the students are growing six "bush food"
species. These will be moved out into the makeshift green-house (a shed
with laser light replacing corrugated iron sheets on the roof) to
provide warmth, controlled watering and plenty of light for growth
before planting in an area designated for indigenous plants.
Plant care
One of the real problems facing the kitchen garden is the threat of
pests and diseases when growing fruits and vegetables. The students
viewed an entertaining and informative animation series called Minuscule
(Futurikon, 2006) via YouTube to provide an insight in the world of
insects. These 4-5 minute animations involved insects and arachnids
engaging in human-like parodies. The creatures displayed accurate
characteristics to real insects and are shown in realistic habitats. The
children became aware that insects, like those in the animations, were
drawn to the kitchen garden habitat. In order to protect the garden and
repel pests in a respectful way, we discussed organic methods for pest
control which included mixing vinegar, garlic, chilli or numerous other
ingredients. Creating the organic pesticides led to a contextualised
lesson on ratio as the students were required to create the
"right" pesticide mix and generate a large batch for all the
garden beds. These activities proved an ideal accompaniment to the
outdoor sessions especially when the weather was not suitable for
outside activities in the garden. Composting too, has provided
opportunities to explore ratios and saturation levels. Students combine
wet or dry material to maintain appropriate moisture levels for
effective decomposition and minimising odour.
In summary
The development of a kitchen garden provided the students with an
insight into the desirability of applying mathematical understandings to
real-life situations. The students were engaged and demonstrated a
desire to understand the mathematics required to assist in creating
their kitchen garden. Journaling of the daily goings-on in the kitchen
garden provided an opportunity to highlight the explicit need for
particular mathematical skills to become a successful gardener. As
illustrated earlier, reflections on each journal entry raised a
mathematical situation that could be drawn on in the classroom. The
students' excitement about learning mathematics through gardening
was evident in this excerpt from a summary reflection of the kitchen
garden program by Marek:
It was a fun and organic way in learning
maths and science. Everyone enjoyed the
amount of maths there was though. These
maths skills included scaling the growth
of plants, we used capacity to measure
garden beds, averages of the baby plants,
and measurement which we learned while
finding averages in plants and building
stages of the garden bed. It was so much
more fun than we expected, there was so
much to learn. I was so surprised with all
the maths and science I learned from the
program. All the things were transformed
into a fun and attractive way of learning.
The kitchen garden has also raised an awareness of sustainable
living, bush plants and food, healthy eating; and inspired the students
to create home gardens and try their hand at cooking using the
ingredients from the kitchen garden. Our experience of the kitchen
garden supports Clarkson's (2010) observation that school gardens
provide a jumping off point for sustainable living issues that allow the
mathematics to unfold.
We would like to thank Principal Ray Trotter at Wooranna Park
Primary School, Dandenong North, for his enthusiastic support of the
Kitchen Garden Project.
Alexander, S. (2010). Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Foundation. Retrieved 19 August 2010 from http://
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2010).
The Australian Curriculum. Retrieved 3 February 2011 from
Bragg, L. A., Pullen, Y. & Skinner, M. (2010). Geocaching: A
worldwide treasure hunt enhancing the mathematics classroom. In M.
Westbrook, D. Treeby, C. Sexton, A. Kilpatrick, A. McNamara, M. Huggan,
M. Ross, J. Penny, P. Walsh, J. Bowden, J. Carroll, S. Ferguson & D.
Lipson (Eds), New curriculum, new opportunities (Proceedings of the 47th
Annual Conference of the Mathematical Association of Victoria, pp.
54-62). Brunswick, Vic.: The Mathematical Association of Victoria.
Clarkson, P. (2010). Mathematics and water in the garden: Weaving
mathematics into the students' lived environment. Australian
Primary Mathematics Classroom, 15(1), 10-13.
Futurikon. (2006). Minuscule. Retrieved 12 August 2010 from
Skamp, K. (Ed.). (2008). Teaching primary science constructively
(3rd ed.). South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning.
Sparrow, L. (2008). Real and relevant mathematics: Is it realistic
in the classroom? Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 13(2), 4-8.
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2006). Victorian
essential learning standards. Melbourne: Author.
Kitchen garden unit planner
Measurement and geometry
Year 5--Make connections between different types of triangles and
quadrilaterals using their features, including symmetry and explain
Year 6--Visualise and solve problems relating to packing and
stacking. Understand and use different ways of calculating perimeter and
area of rectangles and volume of rectangular prisms using metric units.
Number and Algebra
Year 5--Recognise and represent numbers involving tenths; read,
write and order those numbers and connect them to fractions.
Year 6--Apply multiplication and related division facts to solve
realistic problems efficiently using mental and written strategies and
calculators justifying the reasonableness of answers and explaining
Year 6--Recognise and solve problems involving unit ratio ... and
check for reasonableness of answers.
Statistics and Probability
Year 5--Identify the mode and median in lists and on dot plots.
Year 6--Construct, read and interpret tables and graphs including
ordered stem and leaf plots, and construct pie charts and other simple
data displays including using technology.
Cross curriculum dimensions
Science--Understanding--Biological Science
Year 5--Living things have structural features and adaptations that
help them to survive in their environment.
Year 6--The growth and survival of living things are affected by
the physical conditions of their environment.
Science Inquiry Skills--Questioning and predicting; Planning and
conducting; Processing and analysing data and information; Evaluating;
Sustainability--Developing an understanding of the interaction
between social, economic and environmental systems and how to manage
Geography--Students explore effective ways to care for local
places, and are provided with opportunities to initiate and participate
in an action on an environmental issue of personal or group concern.
Health--Students analyse and explain physiological, social,
cultural and economic reasons for food choices and analyse and describe
food selection models. Students describe how to prepare and store food
The above learning foci were selected from the Australian
Curriculum (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority,
2010) and the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (Victorian
Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2006).
Design garden beds
Students design symmetrical and asymmetrical garden bed layouts and
explore the features of different shapes, in particular quadrilaterals,
when considering the functionality and aesthetics of the design.
Students are required to visualise and solve problems related to 2D and
3D design; i.e., allowing adequate space for paths and access to garden
beds. Open-ended question: "Design to scale a layout of the garden
beds to fit within the kitchen garden area while providing enough room
for access."
Students may use garden bed templates to assist with the design
Budgeting and benefits
The students survey parents and friends about their requirements
for home gardens. Brainstorm items required to establish a kitchen
Students search the internet to investigate the cost of items and
use the MS excel program to itemise and create a budget for the kitchen
garden. Students create pie charts using excel to determine the
allocation of funds for particular elements of the kitchen garden; e.g.,
construction, plants, fertiliser and ongoing maintenance.
Cost benefit analysis comparing school grown and store bought
produce: is monetary/financial cost the most important? Students analyse
health and environmental benefits for kitchen garden food choices.
Students plot, measure and mark out garden bed designs in the
ground using trundle wheels, tape measures, set square, string and
stakes. Students measure lengths of timber, ensure garden beds are level
and plumb, estimate and calculate capacity of garden beds for soil.
Installation of water tank: estimate and calculate capacity for tank.
Open-ended question: estimate how many watering cans the water tank
would fill. Construct rain gauges for installation around the school.
Focus on conversion of units for usefulness and accuracy of measurement.
Planting and growing
Students investigate appropriate plants to grow for the location.
Open-ended question: Design the planting bed for our selected plants so
that the plants are not overcrowded. Consider the projected height of
plants so that plants to the front of the garden beds do not block
access to plants at the rear.
Students collate data on plant growth and rainfall from rain
gauges. Students construct appropriate graphs to represent these data;
e.g., stem and leaf or bar.
Plat Care
Students/horticultural scientists investigate and create
appropriate pesticides and compost for the garden. Ratio is explored to
produce larger quantities of pesticides and ensure the correct moisture
balance for decomposition. Students investigate and calculate the water
flow required for plant hydration based on the size of the garden beds
and habitation.
Students examine recipes using ingredients of their choice from the
kitchen garden. Students prepare dishes using ingredients from the
kitchen garden showing understanding of hygienic food preparation
Anthony Lyon
Deakin University
[email protected]>
Leicha A. Bragg
Deakin University
[email protected]>