Using technology to support statistical reasoning: birds, eggs and times to hatch.
Reeve, Elizabeth Lizzy ; Beswick, Kim
The Statistics and Probability strand of the Australian Curriculum:
Mathematics (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority,
2012) includes the content descriptions shown in Table 1 for Data
representation and interpretation in the middle primary school years.
The content and ordering of the content descriptions implies at
least three things. Namely:
* that children should work with data that they have collected for
* working with and understanding categorical data is easier than
working with and understanding numerical data, and
* that the kinds of data representations that are appropriate are
independent of whether or not digital technologies are used.
The investigation described in this paper provides an example of
how, in accordance with the first of these implications, working with
familiar data can help children to access important ideas in Statistics
and Probability. It also challenges the second and third implications.
We suggest that if the data and context are familiar, the use of
technology can facilitate a shift in the focus of an investigation from
producing prescribed data displays to interpreting displays that can be
readily created and manipulated. This, in turn allows more sophisticated
ideas to be accessed, and both categorical and numerical data to be
worked with in a meaningful way.
The paper describes an investigation initiated and conducted
outside the classroom by a Year 3 student (Lizzy) who was 9 years old.
Her mother (Kim) provided support as needed. TinkerPlots Dynamic Data
Exploration software (Konold & Miller, 2005) was used to create
scatter plots to show relationships between pairs of variables.
TinkerPlots is designed to be used by students throughout the middle
primary school and early secondary years. It allows students to work
intuitively with data and to create data displays that help them to
interrogate data and tell stories from it. Although the content
descriptor, "Identify everyday questions and issues involving at
least one numerical and at least one categorical variable, and collect
data directly from secondary sources" appears at Year 9, and
"Use scatter plots to investigate and comment on relationships
between two numerical variables" appears at Year 10, we demonstrate
that with the help of technology and with a focus on intuitive
understanding rather than statistical calculation, much younger children
can access this content. Lizzy was able to make sense of the scatter
plots made in this investigation because they were created to answer
questions that arose directly from it.
The investigation
The description that follows is organised into six stages that
could be useful in planning other investigations. These stages were:
1. Noticing, and forming an hypothesis about a relationship
2. Specifying the variables in the question
3. Changing/refining the focus
4. Describing and testing relationships
5. Considering an outlier
6. Reflecting on the learning.
The quotations included are from email exchanges between the
1. Noticing, and forming an hypothesis about a relationship
The authors live on a small rural property with a number of ducks
(some are shown in Figure 1) and chickens, both of which provide eggs
for the family. The investigation was sparked when Lizzy noticed that
duck eggs are bigger than chicken eggs and ducks are also bigger than
chickens. This prompted her to ask, "I wonder if bigger birds have
bigger eggs and if the smaller birds have smaller eggs?" Lizzy
thought that they might and decided to check by using the Internet to
find the sizes of both emus and sparrows and their eggs.
2. Specifying the variables in the question
It quickly became apparent that before she could find the sizes of
the birds, we had to decide what size meant: it could mean mass, length
or height. After some discussion, we decided to use mass because that
would tell us about the size of the bird, whatever shape it was, and so
it would be possible to compare the sizes of differently shaped birds.
It proved difficult to find both pieces of data for sparrows, so Lizzy
looked up robins instead and also swans. These were familiar birds with
differing sizes. No duck eggs were available to be weighed on the day
these data were collected, so ducks were not included either. Entering
the data on data cards (one for each bird) in TinkerPlots was easy to
understand, and making the scatter plots simply involved dragging and
dropping variables onto the axes of a plot. An example of a data card
(from later in the investigation) is shown in Figure 2 and the initial
scatter plot is shown in Figure 3.
3. Changing/refining the focus
The investigation was conducted in the spring; there were lots of
ducklings in the yard and cygnets on the river, so Lizzy turned her
attention to the time it takes different eggs to hatch and wondered
whether this might also be related to the mass of the bird. The Internet
again provided data that were added to those already collected. In the
process, spread over about 10 days, Lizzy discovered many interesting
facts. She wrote:
It takes about 50 days to hatch an emu egg.
The male usually picks out where he wants
the female to lay her eggs. She will lay 1 egg
every 3 days and when she has got 6-8 eggs
in the nest the male will brood. The male sits
on the egg not the female.
A sparrow egg takes 3-16 days to hatch.
Here's something interesting, it takes 32-40
days for a swan egg to hatch but it depends
on the breed of the swan.
Baby swans are called cygnets.
We made two kinds of plots: one showing egg mass and hatching time
and the other showing bird mass and egg hatching time. Different
versions were made as data for more birds were added. Later versions are
shown in Figures 4 and 5.
4. Describing and testing relationships
When Kim asked, "Can you describe the pattern?", Lizzy
replied, "As the birds get heavier the egg takes longer. But did we
get the right gender?" Lizzy understood the relationship that the
scatter plots showed, but a new factor that we had not considered had
also occurred to her. We speculated about whether male and female birds
of the same kind actually have different masses and thought that the
mass of the female would probably be the most relevant, although emus
could be an interesting case (the male broods). Unfortunately we could
not find data that would allow us to pursue this line of inquiry.
In order to test further our hypothesis about the relationship
between bird mass and hatching time, Lizzy found data on more birds and
these were added to the data set.
She wrote:
I have found out how long an egret egg takes
to hatch and a crane's.
A whooping crane takes 29 to 31 days to
hatch its eggs.
I found out about the great egret. The great
egret is the tallest, largest white egret that
can be seen in the Sungei Buloh Nature Park.
It lays about 1-6 eggs and they hatch at
different times about 25 days later.
But then I found out that our theory is
completely right because a finch is smaller
than a sparrow. The finch eggs take about 2
weeks to hatch.
I then found out a lot more birds so here they
Are ...
Gray headed king fisher--This bird is just
a small bird. Most king fishers are bigger.
The gray headed king fisher breeds at the
end of its first year. Its eggs take about
20-30 days to hatch.
Robin--It takes 12-14 days for them to
hatch but that's from when the last egg is
laid. When the chicks come out they have
to stay in the nest for 9-16 days!"
When ranges for the hatching times were found, we discussed the
need to have a single value to be entered in TinkerPlots and what a
reasonable number might be. We agreed that the midpoint of the range was
an appropriate number.
5. Considering an outlier
When the investigation seemed to have about run its course, Kim
suggested that Lizzy look up data for the Kiwi. When these data were
added, the scatter plot shown in Figure 6 was obtained. This led to a
discussion of exceptions, or outliers. Outliers are not mentioned in the
content descriptors of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics until Year
8 but, in the context of familiar data and representations of it, its
meaning was obvious. In addition, TinkerPlots has a feature that allows
a particular data point to be hidden and so the effect on a plot of an
outlier can be readily explored by alternately hiding and un-hiding the
relevant data point.
6. Reflecting on the learning
In preparation for writing this paper, Lizzy looked back over the
email trail and summarised the investigation as follows:
We found out that an emu egg takes about
50 days to hatch. The male usually picks
out a place where he wants the female to
lay her eggs. She will lay 1 egg every 3
days and when she has 6-8 eggs in her
nest the male will brood. We also found out
that the female does not sit on her nest the
male does. A sparrow egg will take a shorter
amount of time. A sparrow's eggs will hatch
in about 3-16 days. We also found some
interesting facts about swans. We found out
that it takes 32-40 days for a swan egg to
hatch depending on the breed. We also found
out that baby swans are called cygnets. We
found out that the heavier birds' eggs take
longer to hatch. The birds' egg hatching times
go according to their sizes: sparrow (3-16
days), chicken (21), duck (28), swan (32-40)
and emu (50 days). A Whooping Crane takes
29-31 days to hatch their eggs. We found that
the Great Egret will lay 1-6 eggs and in about
25 days time they will hatch. We proved our
theory finding out that a finch is smaller than
a sparrow and their eggs take only 2 weeks to
hatch. A Gray headed King Fisher's eggs take
about 20-30 days to hatch. Whereas a Robin
only 12-14 days for their eggs to hatch and
she found out that after they have hatched
the chicks have to stay in the nest for the next
9-16 days!
Using TinkerPlots in this investigation allowed Lizzy to explore
relationships between pairs of numerical variables in an intuitive and
meaningful way. Describing the relationship between variables was as
natural as reporting other facts about birds and their breeding habits.
Although this investigation was carried out at home, it could have been
pursued in a classroom context. The key features that we believe made
the ideas accessible were that the ideas arose from Lizzy's
experiences, she was allowed to pursue questions that interested her,
and the technology removed the tedium of constructing data displays,
allowing her to focus on their meaning.
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2012).
The Australian curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved from http://www. Curriculum/F-10
Konold, C. & Miller, C. D. (2005). Tinkerplots: Dynamic data
exploration [software]. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press.
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Reeve
St. Anthony's School, Tas.
Kim Beswick
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>
Table 1. Selected content descriptors for Statistics
and Probability in the Australian Curriculum.
Year 3 Identify questions or issues for categorical
variables. Identify data sources and plan
methods of data collection and recording
Collect data, organise into categories and
create displays using lists, tables, picture
graphs and simple column graphs,
with and without the use of digital
Year 4 Construct suitable data displays, with and
without the use of digital technologies,
from given or collected data. Include
tables, column graphs and picture graphs
where one picture can represent many
data values
Year 5 Pose questions and collect categorical or
numerical data by observation or survey
Construct displays, including column
graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate
for data type, with and without the use of
digital technologies
Describe and interpret different data sets
in context