Listening to children in order to capture potential learning.
Cheeseman, Jill ; Michels, Deborah
The story that we relate happened in a Year 4 classroom which is a
part of the Encouraging persistence maintaining challenge research
project (1).
This project is founded on a belief that while it is possible for
everyone to learn mathematics, it takes concentration and effort over an
extended period of time to build the connections between topics and
mathematical ideas, and to be able to transfer learning to practical
contexts and new topics. The type of actions that are associated with
learning mathematics include connecting, representing, identifying,
describing, interpreting, sorting, applying, designing, planning,
checking, imagining, explaining, justifying, comparing, contrasting,
inferring, deducing and proving. All of these require persistence
(Sullivan et al. 2011). One of the research questions we are
investigating is, "When teachers pose challenging tasks, how do
students respond, and are there interventions that can influence that
response positively?" The story of James (a pseudonym for a
student) helps to describe ways in which students respond to challenging
tasks and how teachers' actions can support their thinking.
The participants in our project, including James' teacher,
expect their students to persist in mathematics lessons and, as members
of the research team, they have been experimenting with challenging
tasks. We hypothesise that challenging tasks allow students
opportunities to:
* plan their approach, especially sequencing more than one step;
* process multiple pieces of information, with an expectation that
they make connections between those pieces, and see concepts in new
* engage with important mathematical ideas;
* choose their own strategies, goals, and level of accessing the
* spend time on the task;
* explain their strategies and justify their thinking to the
teacher and other students; and
* extend their knowledge and thinking in new ways (Sullivan,
Cheeseman, Michels, Mornane, Clarke, Roche & Middleton, 2010).
At the time of this event, the mathematical focus in Year 4 was on
strategic thinking for addition and subtraction. The incident involving
James concerned the complementary addition aspect of subtraction, where
subtraction is solved by counting up, "which is an amazingly
powerful way of solving subtraction" (Van De Walle, 2007, p. 223).
In an earlier class discussion the students had been taught to
label this thinking as a "building up idea". Some students had
made a classroom poster for the wall (see Figure 1) in which they were
trying to explain how to solve a subtraction by counting up. The same
idea has been referred to as the "inverse-of-addition"
structure; for example, the subtraction 542 - 275 can be interpreted as
"What do you add to 275 to get 542?" (Haylock, 2010, p. 93).
A challenging task (first designed by Brian Tickle in 2003) was
presented to the students of Year 4.
In James' classroom, the students were asked to find the
example that was most challenging for them and to try to work it out. As
observers, we (the authors) wrote the narrative of the lessons we were
invited to observe. We listened to the interactions between the teacher
and students, between student and student, and occasionally asked a
student to talk to us about what they were doing and why.
On this occasion, Deb (one of the researchers) spoke to James about
what he was trying to do. The example James selected was 9357 - 4689. He
reported to Deb that he had attempted the problem using each of the
strategies his class had discussed but had had no success in finding a
solution. He was determined to solve this particular problem but was at
a loss as to how to proceed. This is when he asked for help. The
reconstruction of James' thinking was based on Deb's notes and
an audio record of their conversation.
Deb's story of James
When James sought my assistance, the class was nearing the end of
its time on task. James reported that he had already attempted to solve
the problem using all the strategies posted in the classroom but he had
not been successful. I needed to probe into his recent attempts at using
a variety of different strategies in order to appreciate what
understandings and capabilities he already had.
The first strategy he reported to have attempted was "take
tens, then ones." James concluded that that this strategy was not
appropriate because the numbers were too big. "We can't take
tens and ones. It's kind of like take thousands ..." He
recognised the inefficiency of taking tens and ones from numbers in the
thousands and understood that it would be efficient to start by taking
away thousands, but did not actually follow through on his idea, perhaps
because he did not recognise it as a valid strategy, as it was not
posted as part of the collection of class strategies.
The next strategy James reported attempting was "add them
up." James had broken down each number into its place value units
and then attempted to build up to each value individually, starting with
the thousands.
4000 + 600 + 80 + 9
9000 + 300 + 50 + 7
He started by adding 5000 to 4000 to get to 9000 but proceeded to
run into trouble with the next three place values as the initial values
were greater than the end values. He declared that it would not work
because 600 plus another number cannot equal 300. This illustrated his
limited understanding of the idea of regrouping or decomposition which
is crucial for understanding the vertical subtraction procedure.
Then he tried vertical subtraction (a formal subtraction algorithm)
despite the fact that it was not one of their class mathematics
strategies nor was it a technique he had been formally taught at school.
When that failed to work for him, he decided to make the numbers easier
to work with by removing the thousands digits, leaving him with the
problem: 357 - 689. This left him with the same difficulty he
experienced when trying to add up: "300 take away 600: you
can't do that."
The last strategy James attempted was the use of a number line. He
drew a line and labelled two points at opposite ends. He labelled the
lesser point 4000 and the greater point 9357. From there he showed me
how he had begun to draw in intervals, counting backwards from 9357. He
quickly realised that this was a very lengthy and inefficient process
and would not work given the constraints of time and the available space
on the number line. This was the point at which James sought my
From listening to James explain his choices and reasoning, I
realised that he had a good grasp of basic place-value ideas. I did not
know whether or not to explore how James had got stuck using the inverse
methods of adding up and subtracting the decomposed numbers because I
was intrigued by his excellent number sense and his ability to decompose
numbers and compute quickly, easily and flexibly, and yet he had not
employed those abilities with these two methods. He was somehow
constrained when confronted with "impossibilities" that both
methods (inverse methods, really) illuminated. It never seemed to occur
to him that when confronted with "300 - 600" and "600 + ?
= 300" he could decompose the numbers further when moving into
other place values.
I made a decision to use the number line strategy for two reasons.
The first reason was to offer James a flexible tool to record his mental
strategy. The second reason was to allow James the opportunity to
flexibly add up chunks of numbers that were comfortable for him. I told
James that we could use the number line in a different way to what he
had already done. I asked James, "What would be the greatest number
you could add to 4000 in your head to bring you closer to 9357?"
This question was a way not only to get a good idea of the magnitude of
numbers James was comfortable working with mentally, but also a way to
scaffold him to the usage of the empty number line. James answered that
he would "want to get to 8000 by adding 4000" because "if
we add 5000 we would go too far". I then added the subtrahend as a
point on the number line and asked, "What if we started with 4689
from the problem and added 4000 to it?" He mentally calculated with
ease, bringing us to 8689, which I recorded as an interval. He then
offered, "We can do hundreds now." After trialling a complex
number and finding it too difficult to calculate mentally, he adjusted
his next chunk to 400, bringing us to 9089. It was here that he began to
struggle because he was keen on getting to 9357 as quickly as possible,
thus wanting to stick with larger numbers that were too unwieldy to
calculate mentally. I offered the possibility of adding on 1 to bring us
to 9090 and James seemed quite pleased with the idea. "That's
easier!" From there, he added on 10 to get to 9100 and then added
257 to reach our finally destination of 9357. By then, the class had
been called to the front of the room together to report their thinking.
Reporting session at the conclusion of the lesson
Several students were chosen to report their thinking to the class.
James was recommended as having a way of showing a 'building
up' strategy to solve a very tricky subtraction. He confidently
stepped up to the whiteboard to describe his method. Figure 3 shows a
slightly messy record as he inadvertently transposed his figures and
wrote 4869 for 4689 and corrected them when he realised his mistake.
However, that was his only error. He drew his solution and explained his
reasoning using the empty number line as a way to support 'adding
up' from 4689 to 9357.
He explained to his classmates that "to find the answer you
just need to add up all of the jumps along the number line". So he
did it in the way that was easiest for him: 257 + 1 = 258; 258 + 10 =
268; 268 + 400 = 668; 668 + 4000 = 4668.
What was clear from James' explanation was that the empty
number line had helped to support his thinking as he found the
difference between 9357 and 4689 using a 'building up'
approach. It is a powerful mathematical model for use in such
The potential of the 'empty number line' model
Empty number lines have great potential for primary-school students
as a model that scaffolds mental addition and subtraction calculations.
They model linear counting situations, support students' intuitive
thinking, and lead towards more sophisticated thinking strategies. They
appear in the curriculum recommendations of several countries around the
world as reported in Cheeseman (2005, 2010) and Bobis and Bobis (2005).
The so-called 'empty number line' was originally proposed as a
central model for addition and subtraction by Treffers (Treffers, 1991;
Treffers & De Moor, 1990) in The Netherlands in the 1980s. Results
of research on Dutch children using empty number lines have been
impressive (Gravemeijer, 1994). At the end of Grade 2, success of
students on the difficult subtraction problems in the National
Arithmetic Test confirmed that the empty number line was a powerful tool
for instruction (Klein, Beishuizen & Treffers, 1998). Subsequently,
the use of empty number lines has been advocated by curriculum documents
in The Netherlands (van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, 2000), England, New
Zealand and Australia (New South Wales Board of Studies, 2002).
What is it?
There are no marks or numbers on this model. Students only mark the
numbers they need for their calculation. It is worth noting that the
marks on the empty number line are not intended to be proportional, they
are used as a way of recording thinking as it happens. The empty number
line is a sort of sketch of the steps of thinking that happens when
using mental computation.
Why use it?
The empty number line is a model that fits the counting aspect of
number. Freudenthal (1973) described four aspects of number: counting
number, numerosity number ("manyness"), measurement number,
and reckoning number. In the James' case, he was reckoning number.
An empty number line supports informal solution procedures in that
it is not restrictive and allows students to express and communicate
their own solutions in a variety of ways. Marking numbers on the number
line scaffolds a way of thinking. It shows partial results, the way an
operation has been carried out, and what remains to be done. The empty
number line also fosters the development of more sophisticated thinking
strategies. The most basic strategy would involve counting by ones.
Next, structured counting sequences may be used by counting in groups of
tens and ones. The empty number line also supports strategies for
skilful calculating such as 'compensating'; for example, in
solving 76 - 49, first subtract 50 then add. Eventually, students'
strategies become so sophisticated that they no longer need empty number
lines to scaffold mental computation. The model becomes superfluous
because children use it to sketch their thinking when they need the
support, and as their abstract ideas become stronger, they no longer
need it. Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of the model is its
'planned obsolescence'.
With an increasing emphasis on developing students' mental
computation and building mathematical concepts from students'
intuitive thinking, there seems to be a place for the empty number line
in our 'toolkit' in the primary school.
Concluding comments
We learned from James some characteristics of students who persist
with difficult mathematics and insights into the advantage of having a
knowledgeable teacher. Persistent students really want to succeed with
mathematical problems. They seem to relish challenge and try everything
they know to find a solution. If they are 'stuck' after that,
they ask for help. In this case, James was fortunate that Deb had the
time and the inclination to listen carefully while he described the
approaches he had already tried. Further, Deb was able to identify an
appropriate model for his particular problem and match it to his skill
set. She then connected what he had tried with a slightly new twist. He
was eager to learn and she was ready to teach him. It could be said that
she was able to offer the right mathematical model to support his
thinking at just the right time.
We have three suggestions for classroom teachers of mathematics:
* offer children challenging tasks and expect persistence;
* listen carefully to children to be aware of the learning
potential children bring to the task;
* be knowledgeable about a range of mathematical models that
support children's thinking.
Board of Studies NSW (2002). Mathematics K-6. Sydney: Author.
Bobis, J. & Bobis, E. (2005). The empty number line: Making
students' thinking visible. In M. Coupland, J. Anderson & T.
Spencer (Eds), Making mathematics vital (Proceedings of the 20th
Biennial Conference of The Australian Association of Mathematics
Teachers, pp. 66-72). Adelaide: AAMT.
Cheeseman, J. (2010). Empty number lines: How can we help children
to use them? Prime Number, 25(2), 3-6.
Cheeseman, J. (2005). Empty number lines: How can we help children
to use them? In J. Mousley, L. Bragg & C. Campbell (Eds),
Mathematics: Celebrating achievement, 100 years, 1906-2006 Melbourne:
Mathematical Association of Victoria.
Freudenthal, H. (1973). Mathematics as an educational task.
Dordrecht: Reidel.
Gravemeijer, K. (1994). Educational development and developmental
research in mathematics education. Journal for Research in Mathematics
Education, 25(5), 443-471.
Haylock, D. (2010). Mathematics explained for primary teachers (4th
ed.). London: Sage.
Klein, A. S., Beishuizen, M. & Treffers, A. (1998). The empty
number line in Dutch second grades: Realistic versus gradual program
design. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29(4), 443-464.
Sullivan, P., Cheeseman, J., Michels, D., Mornane, A., Clarke, D.,
Roche, A. & Middleton, J. (2011). Challenging mathematics tasks:
What they are and how to use them. In L. Bragg (Ed.), Maths is
multidimensional (pp. 133-46). Melbourne: Mathematical Association of
Treffers, A. (1991). Didactical background of a mathematics program
for primary education. In L. Streefland (Ed.), Realistic mathematics
education in primary school (pp. 21-56). Utrecht, The Netherlands:
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University.
Treffers, A. & De Moor, E. (1990). Proeve van een nationaal
programa van het rekenwiskunde-onderwijs op de basisschool, Deel 2:
Basis vaardigheden en cijferen [Specimen of a national program for
primary mathematics teaching, Part 2: Basic mental strategies and
written computation]. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Zwijsen.
Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. (2000). Mathematics education in the
Netherlands: A guided tour. Freudenthal Institute Cd-rom for ICME9.
Accessed at http://
Van de Walle, J. A. (2007). Elementary and middle school
mathematics: Teachingdevelopmentally. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
(1) The Encouraging persistence maintaining challenge project is
funded through an ARC Discovery Project funded project (DP110101027) and
is a collaboration between Peter Sullivan, Jill Cheeseman, Doug Clarke,
Deborah Michels, Jim Middleton, Angela Mornane and Anne Roche of Monash
University, Australian Catholic University and Arizona State University.
The views expressed are those of the authors. We acknowledge the
generous participation of the project schools.
Jill Cheeseman
Monash University
[email protected]>
Deborah Michels
Monash University
[email protected]>
Figure 2. Task You Decide.
Work on this sheet with a partner. There are 30 number problems on
this page. Write a tick ([check]) next to any problem you think you
could work out without a calculator or pencil and paper.
Take turns to explain your strategy to your partner. Share your
strategies with the rest of the class.
1. 14 - 5 =
2. 78 - 40 =
3. 100 - 6 =
4. 83 - 27 =
5. 5000 - 1 =
6. 700 - 100 =
7. 1002 - 4 =
8. 57 - 19 =
9. 42 - 2 =
10. 800 - 150 =
11. 4573 - 0 =
12. 100 - 47 =
13. 986 - 700 =
14. 976 - 976 =
15. 9357 - 4689 =
16. 400 - 263 =
17. 1000 - 13 =
18. 40 - 17 =
19. 101 - 6 =
20. 7777 - 1111 =
21. 923 - 876 =
22. $1.00 - 65c =
23. 787 - 86 =
24. 1206 - 7 =
25. 6748 - 99 =
26. 32 - 7 =
27. 60 - 24 =
28. 8241 - 7663 =
29. 100 - 98 =
30. 48 - 32 =