Equivalence and relational thinking: opportunities for professional learning.
Vale, Colleen
Various studies confirm that schools that succeed in improving
students' mathematics learning provide regular scheduled time for
teachers to collaborate for professional learning and to prepare for
teaching. In these schools, collaborative teacher professional learning
teams investigate children's mathematical thinking and achievement
and they also review and rehearse enactment of teaching approaches (Cobb
& Jackson, 2011; Kazemi & Franke, 2004). By working together to
analyse students' thinking using samples of students' work,
teachers can deepen their knowledge of mathematics and of their
students. Likewise collaborative exploration and rehearsal of teaching
approaches and learning tasks develop teachers' capacity to
anticipate and scaffold students' thinking.
In this article a report on a professional learning workshop
conducted for primary mathematics specialist teachers in Victoria on
equivalence illustrates the way in which professional learning teams
might collaborate to investigate their students' thinking and
preview approaches to teaching. The teachers who participated in this
workshop were experienced and taught classes from Prep to Year 6 at the
time of the workshop. During the workshop, teachers were encouraged to
compare and contrast students' mathematical thinking with regard to
efficiency. They also trialled a 'true-false number talk'
(Chapin, O'Connor & Anderson, 2009), a teaching approach and
task designed to develop children's relational thinking.
Equivalence is a big idea in mathematics. It describes a special
relationship between mathematical objects, where these objects could be
numbers, measurements, shapes, number statements or functions.
Equivalence means 'is the same as.' So equivalent numbers have
the same value but a different name, for example equivalent fractions;
equivalent measurements are the same size but a different shape, for
example the same capacity of water in two differently shaped glasses.
When children understand and use equivalence, they are able to make
connections between what might otherwise seem to be quite separate
mathematical ideas and procedures. They pay attention to relationships
between numbers, measurements or shapes, and they use equivalence to
derive mental strategies for computing operations and to solve problems
(Carpenter, Franke & Levi, 2003). This approach to thinking
mathematically is called relational thinking.
The professional learning workshop focussed on the following
questions: How do teachers know when children understand equivalence and
how can teachers recognise children's use of relational thinking?
How do children develop the capacity for relational thinking? How can
teachers scaffold this development?
Investigating students' thinking
The primary mathematics specialist teachers brought samples of
student work to the workshop and during the workshop, they collaborated
to analyse and categorise written records of students' thinking.
They identified misconceptions and three main thinking strategies used
by their students.
Collecting student work
Prior to the workshop the teachers asked the students in their
class to solve a missing number problem. They selected one problem from
the list included in Figure 1.
Teachers provided a variety of materials such as counters and base
10 materials so that children could choose whatever strategy they wanted
to solve the problem. The teachers asked the children to record their
strategy including their mental strategies or strategies using
materials. Teachers were encouraged to probe children's thinking
and record this thinking, especially for students who did not record a
clear explanation. Teachers were asked to bring a diverse selection of
students' work to the workshop.
Analysing student work
In the workshop, teachers were organised into groups according to
the missing number problem that their students had solved. They compared
and contrasted children's thinking recorded in the work samples
following the instructions shown in Figure 2. They were encouraged to
focus on the strategies children used to find the missing number as well
as their methods of calculation. They grouped students' responses
and observed the number of student responses that were misconceptions or
used a particular strategy.
Figure 2. Process for analysing of students' work on a
missing number problem.
Compare and contrast students' thinking
about the same problem for the samples of
student work in your group:
1. Sort these samples into two groups:
* Those that demonstrate knowledge
of equivalence and those that do not.
How do you know?
2. Compare students' strategies and sort
samples according to strategy.
* Analyse only those with
understanding of equivalence.
* What different strategies did students
3. Order these strategies from least
efficient to most efficient.
* What criteria did you use?
In general, the teachers were surprised by the high proportion of
students who did not demonstrate an understanding of equivalence.
Prevalence of misconceptions was higher for younger children but also
evident for children in the middle and upper grades. Consistent with
findings reported by researchers, the most common misconception was that
equals means 'find the answer' (Carpenter et al., 2003). These
children typically found the sum of numbers on the left hand side (LHS)
or the sum of all numbers in the equation.
Teachers were concerned about students who appeared to have an
understanding of equivalence but who made computational errors. In this
workshop, the teachers were encouraged to focus their analysis on the
strategies and mathematical thinking of students who were successful.
Understanding the strategies used by students who successfully solved
the problem enables teachers to appreciate the mathematical thinking
children demonstrate. This demonstrated thinking can then be used by
teachers in a carefully orchestrated whole-class discussion, thus
enabling children to learn from each other (Stein, Engle, Smith &
Hughes, 2010).
Successful strategies
The teachers identified three main strategies used by students.
Balance strategy
These students found the sum of numbers on the left-hand side (LHS)
and then used various addition strategies to find the missing number so
that the sum on the right-hand side (RHS) is the same. For example:
LHS: 7 + 21 = 28; RHS: [] + 11 = 28; 17 works; 17 + 11 = 28
Transformation strategy
These students found the sum on the left-hand side and then used
the inverse operation, in this case, subtraction, to find the missing
number. For example:
LHS: 7 + 21 = 28; [] = 28 - 11 = 17
Relational thinking
These students looked for relationships between numbers on the
opposite sides of the equals sign and used this relationship to
'balance' the sums on the left-hand and right-hand sides. For
example, 11 is 10 less than 21 so add 10 to 7 to balance it up. This
relationship is illustrated in Figure 3 and modelled using base 10
materials in Figures 4. Partitioning and the associative law are used in
the direct modelling of the problem shown in Figure 4. This reasoning
can be shown using mathematics symbols:
Teachers observed that children generally used the balance or
transformation strategy for each of the missing number problems. Some
children used relational thinking. The teachers agreed that this was the
most efficient strategy since calculation of sums on the left-hand or
right-hand sides was not needed. Examples of relational thinking were
found for each number problem, except for the problem, 9 + 3 = [] + 7.
In this instance, the most efficient strategy was the use of a known
fact to balance the sums on each side of the equal sign.
Computational methods
Teachers noted that children used a variety of computational
methods. These included:
* direct modelling with materials or drawings using ones, or tens
and ones;
* counting on, counting up to, or counting back;
* written place value algorithms for addition and/or subtraction,
including the place value algorithm for addition where children used
guess and check to find the missing addend;
* known facts, derived facts or mental computation.
Some students used mental computation. For example, one student
used a compensation method to calculate 45 + 37 and recorded their
thinking as:
45 is near 40 and 37 is near 40
40 + 40 = 80
5 - 3 = 2
80 + 2 = 82
When teachers analysed this student's thinking they realised
that this student had used an understanding of equivalence and the
associative law, possibly unconsciously, to find the left-hand side sum.
45 + 37 = (45 - 5 + 5) + (37 + 3 - 3) since 45 = 45 - 5 + 5 and 37
= 37 + 3 - 3
= 40 + 5 + 40 - 3 = 40 + 40 + (5 - 3) = 82
This example illustrates the way in which fluency with mental
computation demonstrates understanding of equivalence. Teachers can
therefore build on this fluency to develop students' relational
Teachers were encouraged to record examples of their students'
strategies using a grid of problem solving and computational strategies
(Figure 5). Teachers might choose to record children's names in the
relevant cells.
Investigating teaching approaches
Teacher collaborative learning should also include investigation of
teaching approaches (Cobb & Jackson, 2011). Many schools make use of
observation of teaching in person or via video or digital recordings.
Cobb and Jackson (2011) and Lampert and colleagues (2010) recommend
teachers rehearse key parts of a planned lesson with colleagues. During
the workshop, teachers were able to rehearse one approach for developing
students' relational thinking: a true-false number talk. Other
tasks were briefly described. Teachers collaborating in professional
learning teams could trial and rehearse these tasks when planning
lessons to address misconceptions regarding equivalence and to develop
relational thinking.
Developing understanding of equivalence
Given the high proportion of students with misconceptions regarding
the meaning of the equals sign, teachers in the workshop were keen to
identify tasks/approaches that would enable children to develop this
understanding or confront their misconceptions. The following relevant
tasks were briefly described:
* open-ended tasks such as number sentences with the operation
recorded on the right-hand side of the equal sign, for example, 36 = ;
* closed problems such as missing number sentences with the
operation on the right-hand side, for example, 12 = [] + 7;
* equal addition (or subtraction) cards (Stephens & Armanto,
* keeping the sum (or difference) the same (Department of Education
and Early Childhood Development [DEECD], 2006).
Developing relational thinking
To develop capacity for relational thinking, students need to
collaborate through group investigations and group or whole class
mathematical discussions where strategies are shared and reasoning
explained. Examples include:
* equal addition (or subtraction) arrays (Stephens & Armato,
* number sentences with two unknowns (Stephens & Wu, 2009);
* mental computation problems; and
* true/false scenarios (Carpenter et al., 2003).
A true/false number talk that challenged teachers' thinking
was rehearsed in the workshop. Number talks are short discussions
conducted with the whole class or a small group. Students can learn from
each other when teachers use targeted number talks and carefully
structured share time where students present ideas and strategies and
explain their thinking (Chapin et al., 2009; Stein et al., 2010). Number
talks provide students with the opportunity to clarify their own
thinking, consider and test other strategies, investigate and apply
mathematical relationships, build a set of efficient strategies and make
decisions about choosing efficient strategies. The teacher's role
is to establish respectful and supportive classroom norms, ensure
equitable participation and facilitate students' thinking.
Effective teachers restate a student's response (revoice), call on
another student to repeat this idea in their own words (repeat), ask a
student to apply their reasoning to someone else's reasoning
(reason) or ask another student to add on to the previous response or
contribute a new idea (add on) and use wait time (Chapin et al., 2009).
The teacher records the students' thinking on the whiteboard using
the representation described by the student or invites the student(s) to
do this.
True/false scenario
For this particular kind of number talk the teacher chooses a
mathematical statement and poses the question: "Is this true or
false?" The teacher then conducts the discussion using the actions
described above. True/ false scenarios are useful for a range of
mathematics topics as they require students to justify their thinking
(Carpenter et al., 2003). They are especially useful for confronting
misconceptions and proving relationships. In choosing the statement, the
teacher needs to have a clear objective in mind. Some examples for
equivalence and relational thinking are included in Figure 6. Using
larger numbers discourages calculation and encourages relational
thinking. Teachers can also plan to use a string or series of true/
false scenarios. The string in Figure 6 aims to develop understanding of
equivalence, the commutative property and relational thinking.
Investigating students' thinking and teaching practices with
colleagues in your school will probably take up a few sessions but it
will be worth it. Exploring equivalence provides opportunity for
teachers to make further connections between mathematics topics and
deepen their understanding of learning trajectories. Investigating,
planning, enacting and reflecting on number talks will enable teachers
to bring mathematical reasoning out into the open and enable students to
learn from each other.
The author wishes to thank participants in the Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development Primary Mathematics Specialist
Professional Learning Program for sharing their students' work and
Dr Elham Khazemi, University of Washington, who invited me into her
professional learning and pre-service teacher education classrooms to
participate in and witness the use of number talks.
Carpenter, T., Franke, M. & Levi, L. (2003). Thinking
mathematically: Integrating arithmetic and algebra in elementary school.
Portsmouth, NH: Heineman.
Chapin, S., O'Connor, N. C. & Anderson, N. (2009).
Classroom discussions: Using math talk to help students learn (Grades
K-6). Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions.
Cobb, P. & Jackson, K. (2011). Towards an empirically grounded
theory of action for improving the quality of mathematics teaching at
scale. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 13(1), 6-33.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD].
(2006). Equivalence 4.0. Accessed at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/
school/ teachers/teachingresources/discipline/
Kazemi, E. & Franke, M. (2004). Teacher learning in
mathematics: Using student work to promote collective inquiry. Journal
of Mathematics Teacher Education, 7, 203-235.
Lampert, M., Beasley, H., Ghousseini, H., Kazemi, E. & Franke,
M. (2010). Using designed instructional activities to enable novice
teachers to manage ambitious mathematics teaching. In M. K. Stein &
L. Kucan (Eds), Instructional explanations in the disciplines (pp.
129-141). Rotterdam: Springer Science & Business Media.
Stein, M., Engle, R., Smith, M. & Hughes, E. (2010).
Orchestrating productive mathematical discussions: Five practices for
helping teachers move beyond show and tell. Thinking and Learning,
10(4), 313-340.
Stephens, M. & Wu, W. (2009). Probing some key junctures in
relational thinking: A study of Year 6 and Year 7 students from
Australia and China. In R. Hunter, B. Bicknell & T. Burgess (Eds),
Crossing divides (Proceedings of the 32nd annual conference of the
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, pp. 499-506).
Palmerston North, NZ: MERGA.
Stephens, M. & Armanto, D. (2010). How to build powerful
learning trajectories for relational thinking in the primary school
years. In L. Sparrow, B. Kissane & C. Hurst (Eds), Shapingthe future
of mathematics education (Proceedings of the 33rd annual conference of
the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, pp. 523-530).
Fremantle: MERGA.
Colleen Vale
Deakin University
[email protected]>