Geocaching: finding mathematics in a global treasure hunt.
Bragg, Leicha A.
If you love taking mathematics lessons outdoors, then you will love
this article. Leicha Bragg describes geocaching, which combines
technology, treasure hunting and mathematics, and results in purposeful,
authentic and engaging mathematics.
Teachers are encouraged to create or source authentic tasks that
motivate, engage, and develop students' mathematical conceptual
understanding. Meeting these criteria is a tall order for teachers with
limited time and resources (Leong & Chick, 2011). Geocaching is an
outdoor adventure that encapsulates what many educators teachers aspire
to in a mathematics task: engagement, educational value, and fun.
Geocaching is a global treasure hunt that invites students out of the
classroom into a world of discovery. This paper unveils the 'secret
world' of geocaching and describes a geocaching educational program
that was purposely designed for primary students to increase their
conceptual understanding of mathematics, particularly location, and
instill a sense of wonder of mathematics in the environment. It is
argued that geocaching offers teachers an authentic approach to develop
mathematical understandings through the students' quest to explore
their surroundings in search of 'riches'.
To get started, all that is required is a global positioning system
(GPS) enabled device, Internet access, and a sense of adventure.
The basics of geocaching
Geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing) is a global treasure hunt with
approximately 2.3 million geocaches hidden around the world and over six
million geocachers--those who seek geocaches--searching all corners of
the earth for them. The word geocache is derived from the terms geo
(earth) and cache (hidden supply or treasure) (Christie, 2007). The
basic geocache (see Figure 1) is a small watertight container that holds
a pencil and a log book to record when the geocache is found. Small
treasures are often placed inside the geocache so those who discover its
location may have a physical reward for their find. The treasures inside
the geocache are typically trinkets or inexpensive toys.
To get started, a member of the geocaching community hides their
geocache, determines its location using GPS technology and posts a brief
description of the geocache and location coordinates online at a
geocaching website.
The most popular website is www.geocaching. com. Anyone with a GPS
enabled device can search for the geocache. A recommended GPS designed
purposefully for children interested in geocaching is the Geomate Jr.
The Geomate Jr can be locked for private use on your school grounds with
children creating their own school-based geocaching network before
venturing beyond the school gate to explore the thousands of
preprogrammed geocaches stored within the GPS. The geocaching etiquette
is that finders record their name in the log book, exchange a treasure
with something of equal or greater value, and re-hide the geocache in
the same location ready for the next geocachers (see Figure 2).
The finders log their experience online for others to view at the
geocaching website. An email is automatically forwarded to the owner of
the geocache informing them that their geocache has been visited.
Through regular input from the geocaching members, the owner is kept
up-to-date with the geocache's condition, including whether it
requires maintenance or has gone missing.
Geocaches come in various shapes and sizes. Some are carefully
disguised as another object, for example as a fake stone or rat (see
Figures 3 and 4). Others are hidden in unsuspecting places, such as
under a rock or pavement tile (see Figure 5). Noted in the website
description are two rating scales indicating the degree of difficulty to
find the geocache and how challenging the terrain is to negotiate. A
location such as in the middle of Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne
understandably earns a high rating for terrain difficulty due to
underwater diving required to obtain it. When commencing geocaching with
students, it is prudent to opt for low ratings, especially for the
terrain. It is also advisable to visit the geocache ahead of time to
determine the suitability of the location for your class.
Geocaching's place in education
Geocaching offers students access to a place-based approach to
education through a connection with the environment and the community of
local and global geocachers. Sobel (2008) describes place-based
education as,
"Emphasizing hands-on, real-world learning experiences. This
approach to education increases academic achievement, helps students
develop stronger ties to their community, enhances students'
appreciation for the natural world, and creates a heightened commitment
to serving as active, contributing citizens" (p. 6).
Geocaching has strong links with members of the community as it is
reliant on fellow treasure hunters creating and maintaining geocaches
and sharing their experiences. Geocachers hide their geocache in a place
that is of importance to them, e.g., overlooking a favourite pond. The
seeker is given an insight into a space that may only be known to
locals, thereby witnessing the world through other people's eyes.
This is the locals' hidden treasure. The geocaching community has a
strong emphasis on care and protection of the environment. A geocaching
motto is "Cache in, trash out" to urge ongoing protection of
flora and fauna as geocachers are encouraged to remove any rubbish on
their treasure hunting travels.
Geocaching offers "real and relevant mathematics"
(Sparrow, 2008, p. 4) through a need to develop spatial and location
skills to engage successfully in treasure hunting. The geocacher
requires an understanding and awareness of compass points, distance,
longitude and latitude, the functions of a GPS device, reading and
following maps, trip planning, drawing and using scale, interpreting
data, along with literacy and
ICT skills, and undertakes physical exercise (Bragg, Pullen &
Skinner, 2010). To encourage teachers to gain the most out of the
geocaching experience, a geocaching educational program (Bragg &
Skinner, 2011) was created to offer primary classes experience with
location skills before searching for geocaches.
Developing a geocaching program
The geocaching educational program was developed for students
across all levels of the primary school. The description below is a
summarised account of the trialling and further development of the
program with 65 Victorian primary-school children in their first year
and final two years of primary school.
Two pre-assessment tasks (a mind map and map drawing) were
conducted to provide insights into students' understandings and
reveal misconceptions related to location. First, students completed a
mind map task: Tell me everything you know about maps (see Bragg &
Skinner, 2011, pp. 2-3). Early years children undertook the task orally
with a teacher recording their responses.
While students demonstrated some understanding of mapping, most
responses were limited to the purpose of a map rather than specific
features of maps. The second pre-assessment task focused on the
students' mapping skills and the functionality of a map. Hide, map
and seek (Bragg, 2013) required the students to hide an item in the
classroom, draw a map indicating the location of the item, exchange
their map with a partner, locate their partner's item, exchange
feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of the two maps, and then
engage in a whole-class discussion about the experience. The weaknesses
raised were a lack of indicators of orientation, drawings not to scale,
and a misunderstanding and inaccuracy of symbolic representations.
The task was then repeated so that students could demonstrate any
newly acquired knowledge of mapping. This latter task provided students
with the authentic dual roles of cartographer and map user, and offered
the students insights into their mapping needs in situ.
Based on the information gained from the two pre-assessment tasks
and whole-class discussions, it was apparent that the students
demonstrated a limited knowledge of compass directions, key components
of a map, scale, and more complex mapping structures such as longitude
and latitude. A series of tasks were developed to focus on particular
skills necessary to engage successfully in geocaching. These tasks were
underpinned by the selected Location and transformation sub-strand
content descriptors for the Measurement and geometry content strand of
the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (Australian Curriculum,
Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA], 2012), as well as location
skills more broadly. For example:
Year 5: Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe
routes using landmarks and directional language (ACMMG113).
Year 4: Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret
information contained in basic maps (ACMMG090).
Orientation and compass use
Initially, tasks that expanded the students' understanding of
orientation were implemented.
I am North was developed to assist grade 5 and 6 students "to
see at first-hand the connection between geometry (orientation and
angles), measurement and number" (Bragg, 2012, p. 8). Students were
given a card that had either the cardinal or inter-cardinal compass
points depicted as initials (such as SW), a bearing (90o) or picture of
a compass. The students stood in a circle to make a giant compass rose.
The student with the N (north) card revealed that card. The rest of the
students moved to their card's designated position within the
compass rose then shared their strategies for finding their position.
Once the foundations for the compass points had been established,
children moved on to using a hand-held compass to explore location as it
related to their school environment. For example, students drew a chalk
compass rose in the playground (see Figure 6) and identified what they
could see in particular directions and the direction of the classroom,
school gate, office, etc. from their position.
The next stage included pairs of students designing a scaled map of
the school with pathways leading to a hidden treasure. The pairs would
exchange maps with classmates and employ a compass to navigate the
designed course. Students soon realised that indicating steps towards a
location was insufficient for accuracy and a consistency in the units of
measurement was required.
Latitude, longitude and GPS use
Once the understanding of compass points and basic mapping had been
consolidated, older students learned to input data into the GPS tracking
device and read the display, which required an understanding of
longitude and latitude. Sticky Balloon (see Bragg & Skinner, 2011,
p. 27) was a useful activity here. It has two students sitting
back-to-back, each holding an inflated balloon. Student A places a
sticker on the balloon and proceeds to describe the location of the
sticker to Student B who places their sticker on the same location on
their balloon. Students soon realise that without a point of reference,
the ability to locate the sticker is almost impossible. Then the
students are instructed to draw a dotted line around the centre of their
balloon--the equator. The balloon now has two hemispheres, north and
south, and locating the sticker has become a little easier. The students
are instructed to draw lines down the balloon to indicate the prime
meridian and the 180th meridian. Each pair of students continues to
insert a number of lines of longitude and latitude until Student B can
successfully locate the sticker on their balloon. The whole class
discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the task before repeating it.
Sticky Balloon was successful in highlighting the need for lines of
longitude and latitude in pinpointing with accuracy any place on a
The next step was introducing students to the wonders of the global
positioning system (GPS) and the GPS tracking navigation devices that
utilise this technology. The students examined a GPS device and recorded
its features and functionality, such as marking waypoints and tracks.
The students located each corner of the school property and marked the
waypoints by recording the longitude and latitude of each point, then
discussed the differences they discovered in the numbers produced by the
GPS. This discussion was promoted to develop the students' under
standing of the significance of the longitude and latitude in
pinpointing with accuracy locations on the globe. On a large world map,
students noted the longitude and latitude of major cities throughout
Australia and the world. Students shared their families'
backgrounds and selected major cities from these countries. The students
started to build a picture of where a particular longitude and latitude
may be located in the world and thus developed a stronger understanding
of northern and southern, eastern and western hemispheres as well as the
measurement of latitude and longitude.
In summary, these pre-geocaching lessons were designed to build on
prior knowledge of location through exploratory, hands-on tasks with a
strong mathematical focus. The pre-geocaching knowledge and skills
included experiences with distance, direction, compass points,
co-ordinates, angles, map reading and creating, scale, and longitude and
The students worked collaboratively both inside and outside the
classroom environment. Once this foundation knowledge was established,
the geocaching adventure began.
The students were introduced to the geocaching website and they
read about geocaches they could find in the local area. Students were
surprised to discover many treasures were within walking distance of
their school. The logistics of the treasure hunt was planned, parental
permissions sought, and a group of 14 students set off geocaching with
two teachers and two parent helpers. The students were armed with their
GPS device, a description of the geocache, and their treasure to
exchange. The excitement was palpable.
Geocaching enabled students to engage immediately in the
mathematics required to find the hidden treasure. The students handled
the GPS device in a confident manner, referred regularly to it as they
walked (or ran), and interpreted the co-ordinate information it provided
effectively. The students directed each other using compass points and
offered regular updates on distances to be covered to the geocache. Once
the geocache was discovered, the students logged their find, exchanged a
treasure and explored the local area.
The teachers and students also used this activity to develop
open-ended mathematical questions about their environment. For example:
a painted steel sculpture of a bird and worm measuring 13 metres high
and 19 metres long was a source for many questions, such as "How
much paint was used?", "How much would the bird eat in a day
if it was real?", or "How big is the bird and how long is the
Sharing the students' experiences
The students' mathematical learning throughout the geocaching
educational program was assessed through a range of formative and
summative assessment tasks, such as student work samples, reflective
journals, video diaries, student interviews, teacher observations, and
anecdotal notes. Journal entries pleasingly highlighted many of the new
skills experienced through geocaching as noted by the following
"I never knew how to use it [a compass] properly but now I
know how to use it and all of the different directions"
"I didn't know co-ordinates that well, so I am pretty
good at it now"
"With scale I learned more about m, cm, km. I was really proud
of myself because I didn't really know that much about it."
It was encouraging to observe the students' skills developing
in geocaching transfer to other situations,
"I hope that I will be able to help people with the skills I
have learnt through geocaching."
Overwhelmingly, the students enjoyed the experience and many
continued to geocache outside school hours with their families. When
asked, "What do you see your children learning through
geocaching?" a parent shared the following: "Caring for the
environment, botany, satellites, wildlife, maps and GPS; these are
conversations that we have had during our twenty finds so far. I
can't wait to see what questions will be next."
Concluding remarks
Although it was expected that the students would be engaged in the
Geocaching Educational Program, the level of excitement, motivation, and
fascination was remarkable. The students actively participated in
mathematical thinking that was challenging and, at times, beyond the
prescribed level for their grade in order to engage in geocaching.
This rich experience of geocaching in a primary school supports the
argument that geocaching is an authentic, innovative and imaginative way
to develop mathematical understandings.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA].
(2012). The shape of the Australian Curriculum, Version 3. Retrieved
from Bragg, L. A. (2012). I am north: Understanding location
through exploring compass points. Prime Number, 27(4), 7-9.
Bragg, L. A. (2013). Hide, map and seek: Assessing students'
understanding of location and direction. Australian Primary Mathematics
Classroom, 18(4), 3-7.
Bragg, L. A. & Skinner, M. (2011). Geocaching: A mathematical
treasure hunt. Middle and upper primary. Bayswater, Vic.: Teachers First
Bragg, L. A., Pullen, Y. & Skinner, M. (2010), Geocaching: A
worldwide treasure hunt enhancing the mathematics classroom. In R. Lesh,
P. Galbraith, C. Haines & A. Hurford (Eds), Proceedings of the 47th
Annual Conference of the Mathematical Association of Victoria (pp.
54-62). Brunswick, Vic: Mathematical Association of Victoria.
Christie, A. (2007). Using GPS and geocaching engages, empowers and
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Leong, Y. H., & Chick, H. L. (2011). Time pressure and
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Sobel, D. (2008). Childhood and nature: Design principles for
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Sparrow, L. (2008). Real and relevant mathematics: Is It realistic
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Leicha A. Bragg
Deakin University
[email protected]