Mathematics from still and moving images.
Pierce, Robyn ; Stacey, Kaye ; Ball, Lynda 等
Digital photos and digital movies offer an excellent way of
bringing real world situations into the mathematics classroom. The
technologies surveyed here are feasible for everyday classroom use and
inexpensive. Examples are drawn from the teaching of Cartesian
coordinates, linear functions, ratio and Pythagoras' theorem using
still images, and quadratic functions using moving images. Resources and
tips for creating suitable images for analysis are given.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate the potential for
teaching mathematics using some of the technologies available to analyse
still and moving images. These technologies have been awkward to use in
the past, but are now becoming feasible for regular classroom use. In
particular, working with still images is now very easy, with both
equipment and software readily available. The curriculum ideas described
here have been developed as part of the RITEMATHS project (Real world
problems and Information Technology Enhancing Mathematics), which is a
collaboration between university researchers, six Victorian secondary
schools and Texas Instruments. Further curriculum ideas and information
about software can be obtained from our project website (HREF1), which
will be regularly updated.
Educationally, some of the benefits of using still and moving
images can be:
* to bring real world problems alive in the classroom,
* to personalise mathematics, thereby increasing engagement of
* to integrate mathematics with many other subjects,
* to make good use of information technology and students'
interest in it.
These benefits will be illustrated below by outlining some lesson
ideas for junior secondary school using different software. Details of
how to obtain the software are given at the end of the article. These
lesson ideas are focussed on mathematical topics, but there is very rich
potential to use this approach in integrating work with most other
subjects (e.g. science, technology, media studies or art, physical
Both students or teachers can take appropriate photos and videos
using home digital still and video cameras, and so there are real
possibilities for capturing the immediacy of an event at school, and
using images of personal interest to students. However, taking good
images for analysis requires thought, to overcome problems such as
perspective distorting measurements and angles. For this reason,
developing a school collection of shared images is recommended.
For many years, it has been recognised that good teaching of
secondary mathematics links the three representations of algebraic ideas: the symbolic, the numerical and the graphical. The use of digital
images lets us add a visual fourth representation that is much closer to
the real physical situation, and to do it in a way where the analysis
can be fully integrated with the other representations.
Mathematics from still images
GridPic and the equations of straight lines
GridPic was created at Luther College by a talented former student,
Gerard Visser, to the specifications of the mathematics teaching staff
led by Ian Edwards. An image is easily imported into GridPic and
Cartesian coordinates of points can be obtained automatically. For
example, Figure 1 shows a photo of a scissors lift at the Ballarat Air
Show, taken by Maxine Andrews of Mt Clear College. A window on the right
hand side shows the coordinates of the marked points, in this case (3.3,
-6.3) and (-7.6, -8.9). Straight lines, quadratics in different
algebraic forms, and other common curves can be plotted in the same
window by inputting coefficients in the designated entryboxes. Four
straight lines are shown on the photo. When they find the equations of
the three lines with positive gradient, students will see that parallel
lines have the same coefficient of x in their equations (here +0.5),
whilst the "reflected" line has slope -0.5. This provides a
new dimension to fitting functions to data. GridPic can be used with and
without the photo, which provides a transition into abstract
mathematics. GridPic was designed by teachers who wanted a product that
was focussed on their curriculum, did not require familiarity with
spreadsheets or allow access to automatic curve fitting functions and
which controlled distracting variation between students such as
placement of axes and scale. Availability is described on the RITEMATHS
website (HREF1).
DigitiseImage and a Water Jet
DigitiseImage (HREF2) is a small, free simple-to-use software
application, created by Jeff Waldock of Sheffield Hallam University. It
places a grid on the image, and outputs the Cartesian co-ordinates of
selected points to a spreadsheet where curve fitting or calculations can
be carried out. The user can choose the origin, the scale and the size
of the markers on the points. Just one mouse click exports the points to
Excel, where they are appear automatically in columns A (x-coordinates)
and B (y-coordinates) and are also displayed on an X-Y scatter plot.
Figure 2 shows another image taken by Maxine Andrews of a water jet for
irrigation in a paddock near her school in Ballarat. Points along the
water jet have been marked and their coordinates (shown in this case in
"twips" in the window on the right) can be exported to a
spreadsheet, where the quadratic of best fit can be found automatically
or manually. It is important that students understand the common
occurrences in real life of the mathematics that they learn, and
quadratics should be associated with projectile motion of many sorts,
including water jets. Oldknow (2003, HREF3) provides other examples and
discusses how data can be taken, instead of into a spreadsheet, into TI
Interactive! or graphics calculators to better deal with scale issues
involved with this elegant, simple-to-use and powerful freeware.
Image_and_Cursor and the Merri Creek
Image_and_Cursor is a small java application, which can be used in
many ways by being embedded in web pages containing written instructions
and information for students. Figure 3 shows a map of Merri Creek, in a
webpage of instructions. The Image_and_Cursor applet outputs the
coordinates of any selected points on the map. The coordinates are
measured in pixels with (0,0) at the bottom left-hand corner of the
image. This simple application could be used to familiarise students
with Cartesian coordinates, as well as to take measurements from the
map, for example to calculate the distance between Mt Ridley and the
With a further "lite app" embedded in the webpage, the
coordinates of marked points can be listed and then either exported to a
spreadsheet or entered by hand into a graphics calculator. Lengths,
distances and areas can then be calculated. For example, from a list of
coordinates of points along a segment of the creek, Pythagoras'
theorem could be used to find the length of the section, by using Excel
and filling down a formula such as (=sqrt ((A2-A1)^2+(B2-B1)^2)) and
adding the lengths obtained.
Image_and_Cursor is one of a series of "lite apps"
accessible through the Journal of On-Line Mathematics (JOMA) (HREF4).
These are most easily used with a direct Internet connection, but they
can be downloaded. An interesting example is "Water Squirt"
which has some of the curve fitting capabilities of GridPic. The
RITEMATHS website (HREF1) has links and information about how to handle
the files involved. It is easier to use the images provided, but your
own images can be substituted with just a little programming.
Introduction to similarity and ratio using dynamic geometry
Digital images can be imported into major dynamic geometry
applications, such as The Geometer's Sketchpad (HREF5) and Cabri
Geometry (HREF6). They are then available for curve fitting or as a
backdrop to geometric constructions. For example, Figure 4 shows a
motorbike leaning against a wall with a large triangular feature. The
lengths and ratios of the sides of the small and large right-angled
triangles can be measured and the ratios can be calculated and seen to
be invariant as the left-most vertical line moves.
In Figure 5, dragging the left-hand top point (B) of the picture
changes its size, and possibly its shape. Students are challenged to
move point B to keep the picture looking the same; an idea that is the
basis of geometric similarity. The figure shows the trace of point B as
the student tried to reduce the picture keeping it the same shape, and
also the diagonal line upon which it should have moved (added after the
students tried this challenge). This exercise draws on students'
intuitive ideas of similarity and the growing familiarity that many of
them have developed by using DVDs with aspect ratio, to introduce formal
mathematical ideas and properties of similar rectangles, and hence
similar triangles.
Specialised image software
Other specialised software for analysing images may be useful for
project work integrated with other subjects, especially at senior
levels. For example, the free product ImageJ (HREF7) can be used to
count the number of microbes on a slide, or give the percentage of a
photo of a leaf that is bright green, or find the area under a curve.
Mathematics from digital movies
Data highly relevant to students' lives can be captured from
digital movies taken with domestic digital video cameras. There are many
products available for the analysis of movies, including some free
products discussed below, and although they remain a little harder to
use than software for still images, their use is now becoming feasible
with only a moderate time investment. The software purchased by many
school science departments for use with physical data logging equipment
may be suitable. For example, Logger Pro (HREF8) software collects a
wide variety of data using Vernier's LabPro interface (e.g. light
intensity, pH, temperature, etc), but can also be used to obtain data
from video images. It supports statistical analysis and curve fitting,
can synchronise movies with data collection, and can playback
experiments at different speeds. Coordinating a purchase of software and
hardware with your science department is highly recommended.
Movies are analysed in a similar way to still images. Typically, a
point (such as the centre of the juggling ball) is marked by hand on
each frame of the video. Figure 6 shows the juggling ball marked in one
frame and the positions of the ball in other frames. The video analysis
software exports the coordinates of each of the points. The software
calculates time in seconds from the frame-number. Hence it is possible
to graph y against x, or either x or y against time. For realistic
modelling, it is good to have a scale in the movie (e.g., a ruler behind
the juggler on the wall). In the case of an object thrown into the air,
the graph of y against x will (ideally) be a parabola, with the gradient
at the start showing the angle at which the object is thrown. The graph
of x against t will be approximately a straight line and the graph of y
(in metres) against t (in seconds) will be a parabola, with first term
approximately -4.9[t.sup.2] (reflecting acceleration due to gravity).
Analysing movies lends itself to investigations in physics, and
especially to ideas of position, velocity and acceleration and all of
the advanced software will move automatically between position-time
graphs, velocity-time graphs and acceleration-time graphs. Since these
are rate of change concepts, this can be of great value in teaching
calculus. There are, however, a variety of situations that can be used
to support teaching other mathematics topics. For example, as well as
movies of fair ground rides, demonstration movies included with our
early version of Measurement in Motion (HREF9) included a candle burning
and changes in cross-sectional area of coloured liquid in a transparent
cube as the cube changes position.
We have experimented successfully with two free video analysis
products. Datapoint (HREF10) is very simple to use. It provides a list
of coordinates (t, x, y), which can be copied into a spreadsheet or
graphics calculator. Vidshell (HREF11), highly recommended by Adrian
Oldknow (2003), provides more features and a great set of sample movies.
The commercial products such as Measurement in Motion, World in Motion
(HREF12) and Logger Pro provide more features and are certainly worth
investigating with your science department. Further details, sample
activities and links on all of the above are provided on the RITEMATHS
website (HREF1).
Obtaining useful images and movies
Creating a good movie or image for digital analysis requires some
thought. Sometimes all that is needed is the general shape of an object.
For example, you may want to see if a rainbow is part of a circle or
not. You may want to see which of a water jet, a cross section of a
headlight or a hanging chain are parabolic in shape. Taking such photos
requires a direct view of the object, so that it is not distorted by the
perspective, and a normal lens that does not distort much. The photo
needs to be taken "front on", with all parts of the image
approximately the same distance from the camera. Of course, it is also
possible to study perspective effects themselves by comparing measured
distances on an image with the measured distances on the real object.
For example, our early version of Measurement in Motion included a movie
of a truck travelling along a freeway directly away from the camera on a
bridge across the freeway. The change in its apparent size could be
calculated by measuring the truck in successive frames. Landmarks along
the freeway could assist in calibrating distance away from the camera.
If measurements are required, it is a good idea to place something
of known size in the photo. For example, a metre ruler on the wall
immediately behind the juggler in Figure 6 would have been useful. Note
again that the ruler would need to be very close to the juggler to avoid
problems of the apparent size of ruler and object changing with distance
from the camera. Different software tools provide different ways of
linking the "real" scale and the scale in the photos, which
may be measured in pixels or in twips (one twentieth of a printer's
point, and equal to 1/567 of a centimetre). Sometimes conversion to the
real world units can be done within the software; sometimes not.
Obviously there are many opportunities here for students to use their
understanding of ratio and proportion.
Movies for analysis can be very short. Twenty or fewer frames are
adequate for many purposes, including to analyse motion such as a
basketball shot. Because not many frames are involved, the mark-up
process need not be sophisticated. Clicking on each frame to identify a
point is not a hard task. Similarly, if the program does not have its
own mathematical analysis tools (e.g. spreadsheet and graphing
capability), it is good if data is immediately exported to another
program, but retyping into a graphics calculator or spreadsheet is not
necessarily an onerous task. Some experimentation with the correct
digital compression formats is also required, so that images are not
blurred digitally in the storage process.
In summary, using still and moving images in teaching mathematics
is a technique that is just beginning to be practical. We already have
many good ideas for how this can be used, and some excellent resources.
However, there is still great potential for creative new ideas to grasp
the opportunities to bring the real world into the classroom.
We wish to thank teachers the RITEMATHS project schools (Ballarat
Secondary College, Canterbury Girls' School, Luther College, Mt
Clear College, Santa Maria College, Westbourne Grammar School) and in
particular Ian Edwards of Luther College and the programmer Gerard
Visser for GridPic, and Barry Hutton of Eltham High School for advice on
analysing movies. We also thank the Friends of Merri Creek
( for permission to use their map.
This paper was first published by the Mathematical Association of
Victoria in: B. Tadich, S. Tobias, C. Brew, B. Beatty & P. Sullivan
(Eds), Towards Excellence in Mathematics (Proceedings of the 41st Annual
Conference of the Mathematical Association of Victoria, Vol. 1, pp.
386-395), and is reprinted here with permission
Oldknow, A. (2003). Mathematics from still and video images.
Micromath, Summer 2003, 30-34.
(RITEMATHS, DSME, University of Melbourne)
HREF2: (DigitiseImage,
Sheffield Hallam University)
HREF3: (Adrian Oldknow's Home
HREF4: (Journal of On-Line Mathematics,
(Geometer's Sketchpad, Key Curriculum Press)
/features.html (Cabri Geometre, Texas Instruments)
HREF7: (ImageJ)
HREF8: (LoggerPro, Vernier Software and
(Measurement in Motion, Learning in Motion)
htm (Datapoint)
(Vidshell 2000, Doyle V. Davis)
HREF12: (World in
Motion, Physics Curriculum and Instruction)
Robyn Pierce,
University of Ballarat
[email protected]
Kaye Stacey
University of Melbourne
[email protected]
Lynda Ball
University of Melbourne
[email protected]