Software priorities.
Hyde, Hartley
The early eighties saw a period of rapid change in computing and
teachers lost control of how they used computers in their classrooms.
Software companies produced computer tools that looked so good that we
forgot about writing our own classroom materials and happily purchased
software--that offered much more than we needed--from companies that had
little knowledge of pedagogy. This article encourages you to budget time
and money for a better balance between teaching how to use powerful
computer tools and writing your own materials to meet the needs of your
In the sixties, there was only one item on our school computer
education budget: computer cards. The Computing Centre supplied all of
the other computing materials, including huge quantities of tractor feed
paper. The system software was supplied with the computer. The
educational software was written and shared by teachers.
In the late seventies, we budgeted to buy microcomputers, floppy
disks, printers and paper but there was still no thought of buying
software. The writing of software was a leisure time activity and was
seldom seen as "part of the job." We were enthusiasts and we
shared what we wrote. The software was therefore free, easily copied and
easily modified to meet the needs of different classes.
So how did we use computers? Taylor (1980) identified three modes
of computer education where the computer functions as a tool, as a
tutor, or as a tutee or student.
The most complicated tool I wrote helped me build school
timetables. That can now be done using dedicated timetabling
applications, database managers or spreadsheets, but these tools were
not then available.
A computer was used in tutee mode when students wrote small problem
solving programs using BASIC or APL. Later we preferred Pascal, Logo and
eventually JavaScript because these languages encouraged good structure.
We reasoned that if students understand a task (such as solving a
quadratic equation) well enough to program a computer to consistently
obtain the correct answer, then they have spent so much time working
through all the possibilities that they have covered the topic
This type of computer use is now rare because programming using
BASIC or Pascal got much harder, few teachers know how to program and
because programming tends to hog machines which can be used for more
important tasks such as essay writing, surfing the Net, sending e-mails
or downloading games and music. However, if you encourage your students
to program using JavaScript, they can do most of their work at home and
their enthusiasm to build clever web pages provides strong motivation.
Another form of tutee activity centred on a use of micro-worlds
such as the turtle-graphics part of Logo. The more complex features of
Logo were seldom taught. We did not need to buy Logo because there were
several free look-alikes that offered only turtle-graphics.
Another popular micro-world was Rocky's Boots in which
students had to build a virtual machine using logic gates--but by that
time we had to pay for good software.
Taylor would classify the rest of our computer usage as tutor mode.
There were many types of tuition software. Much of the better tuition
software was presented as a game and the tests were called quizzes.
Microcomputers allowed demonstrations of animated models. The Angle Park
Computing Centre, Adelaide, specialised in simulations of scientific or
mathematical topics, which could be built on a mathematical model.
I particularly liked drill and practice software because I found
drilling students quite boring. Why perform dull repetitive tasks
yourself when a computer can do it better? A computer can be programmed
to concentrate on material that the individual student finds difficult,
it gives immediate feedback and it is perceived as non-judgmental.
Tutorial software is not difficult to design, it can be modified to
suit the needs of each class and by using authoring software like PILOT
most teachers can learn to write their own. The latest version of PILOT
can produce smart interactive web-pages that can be used from home or
But the winds of change had been blowing. In 1976 a young man named
Bill Gates had written an open letter to the Homebrew Computer Club
accusing members of theft because they had shared copies of Altair 6800
BASIC. You can view a copy of the letter on the Wikipedia. Despite the
angry replies, Gates persisted. Good software would only be written if
people were prepared to pay for it.
The first "killer application" was Visicalc. 1979-1983
saw the worst drought in Victorian history. The Department of
Agriculture took a bold step. They wrote simple Visicalc spreadsheets
that allowed farmers to calculate the optimum number of sheep or cattle
to cull. If they killed too few, the food would run out and all the
animals would perish. Teachers from country centres were taught to use
the package and they took a computer, Visicalc and the spreadsheets back
to their school. At night they helped farmers calculate how many animals
to kill. This was the most compelling example of using a computer tool
that I had seen.
The worldwide impact of Visicalc was enormous. For the first time
we saw software that looked useful and worth buying. However, Visicalc
was fairly easily copied and could be acquired too easily in a culture
which still thought software should be free.
Other expensive tools were soon released. In 1980, several database
management systems appeared. By 1983 a variety of word processors could
be purchased for each type of machine and software for remote terminal
access became available.
When he reviewed the state of computer education in Australian
schools, Anderson (1984) described situations where all of Taylor's
modes were being used in our schools; but the early eighties saw rapid
change in so many aspects of computer use that natural selection was
bound to occur.
Change was accelerated when eight-bit machines such as Apple IIs
and BBCs were replaced with sixteen-bit Macintosh and Windows machines.
Although there had been thousands of tutorial packages for eight-bit
machines, very few of these were re-coded for the new machines because
the task was too challenging. Some of this type of software has since
been coded using Java or JavaScript and can be accessed using the
Some new tutorial software has come on the market and most of the
examples I have seen show that the authors have not done their homework.
Most of what we knew about the psychology of computer education and how
to write effective tutorials seems to have been lost or ignored. There
is not much money to be gained by selling tutorials to schools, so many
of the new tutorials are aimed at the concerned parent market.
Programming the new platforms using Pascal or BASIC was a much more
complex task. The only tutee environments easily available were Logo and
HyperCard scripts and even using graphics environments the results were
disappointing compared with the games students were buying for their
PCs. While some of us continued to teach programming, a tutee mode of
instruction did not blossom in the same way that teachers took to using
computers as tools.
When software suppliers offered attractive deals, schools around
the world surrendered a significant proportion of their instruction time
to training students how to use those tools. This meets with parent and
government approval because it is perceived as preparing students for
the "real world." Obviously we have to teach how to use the
tool first, but the medium should not be the message. Unless a use of
computers eventually leads students to learn aspects of our curriculum
in new and more powerful ways, we are wasting valuable instruction time.
In contrast, the various geometry packages have been designed for
student use, the menu system is simple and logical and little time is
needed to teach how to use the tool. When we use these packages we
expect our students to learn geometry.
When I first saw a graphics calculator, I thought that it was a
step backward into the Apple II era. A new generation of graphics
calculators now comes with a useful set of mathematical tools that have
been designed for students. When we use them, we do not expect to spend
very much time teaching how to use the tools. We go into the classroom
expecting to teach mathematics.
Some of the new graphics calculators also come with a potential to
develop our own software. Teachers who use ClassPads will know that they
can program many of the features using BASIC. This offers a potential to
re-introduce a tutee mode of teaching. Once hooked, some students will
spend much time enjoying their newfound mathematical power.
There may even be some of you who discover that you can develop
simple calculator software that actually teaches students
mathematics--it is possible to write tuition software for a ClassPad.
You could share with other teachers world wide using the Internet. The
software would be free and it could be modified to suit different
You may apply the same thinking to your use of computers. In
previous articles I have shown how to program using JavaScript and how
to use JavaSketchPad from within the browsers that come with your system
software. By including a use of PILOT it is fairly easy to produce smart
web pages that can tutor students at home or at school. All you need is
When you gain confidence producing your own materials, it is not
that much harder to take secondary students with you. We know that
students learn from drill and practice programs most effectively when
they believe they have written the programs themselves.
If I were preparing the computing section of a mathematics budget,
my highest priority would be buying conference time so that my staff
could learn how to use the software they already have and to use it more
I believe we lost control of our use of computers in the early
eighties when we allowed teaching how to use computer tools become more
important than tutor and tutee modes of instruction. A new generation of
teachers is capable of regaining control by learning how to write their
own computer materials and how to share this skill with their students.
Therefore my second priority would be finding time and ways to resource
and encourage volunteers to rediscover the potential and empowerment of
learning how to program using their graphics calculator, PILOT or
JavaScript. This is just a first step toward revitalising the
traditional and then perhaps discovering new modes of computer
Hartley Hyde
[email protected]
Anderson, J. (1984). Computing in schools: An Australian
perspective. Hawthorn: ACER.
Taylor, R. P. (Ed.) (1980). The computer in the school: Tutor,
tool, tutee. New York: Teachers College Press.