Supporting "out-of-field" teachers of secondary mathematics.
Vale, Colleen
Principals are very aware that there is a great deal of competition
in attracting qualified teachers of mathematics to their school since
there are just not enough qualified mathematics teachers out there.
Recent studies of the qualifications of teachers in Australian schools
have confirmed that there is a crisis in the supply of qualified
teachers of mathematics for secondary schooling (Australian Council of
Deans of Science, 2006; Harris & Jensz, 2006; McKenzie, Kos, Walker
& Hong, 2008). In Australian secondary schools, significant numbers
of teachers of junior secondary mathematics (almost 50%) as well as
teachers of (usually less advanced) senior mathematics subjects (32%) do
not hold the recommended tertiary mathematics qualifications for
teaching secondary mathematics (McKenzie et al., 2008). Furthermore,
many of these teachers will not have completed pre-service training in
mathematics teaching.
The outlook is not good. There are falling numbers of students
studying tertiary mathematics and the subsequent shrinking of
mathematics faculty in Australian universities (ACDS, 2006). Also,
enrolments in each Australian state in an advanced mathematics subject
in the final year of secondary school, the prerequisite subject for
entry to tertiary mathematics, have shown a continuous decline since the
turn of the century (Forgasz, 2006). To address these trends the
Commonwealth Government has reduced tertiary fees for undergraduate
mathematics and science students. However, this program will take at
least four years to realise any significant increase in qualified
mathematics teachers. Some education systems have put programs in place
to increase the supply of teachers in fields of shortage (for example
the Career Change Program in Victoria) and the Commonwealth Government
has announced a program to attract highly qualified mathematics and
science graduates into a school-based pre-service program. However,
principals realise that they will need to continue to rely on
"out-of-field" mathematics teachers in their schools since
these initiative will take some time to change the availability of
qualified specialist teachers.
Fortunately, Australian governments are beginning to realise the
extent of the problem. In response to this disturbing situation, the
Council of Australian Governments made the following recommendation in
its National Numeracy Report (2008):
That in recognition of the likely continued reliance in the medium
term on teachers teaching secondary mathematics 'out of field,'
systems develop strategies to support such teachers to improve the
depth and extent of their mathematical and pedagogical content
knowledge. (Council of Australian Government, Recommendation 14)
Whilst this recommendation is welcome, it is long overdue. In the
medium term, what can schools do?
In response to this situation the mathematics education and
mathematics staff of Victoria University have designed and delivered two
professional learning programs for "out-of-field" teachers.
One was initiated by a secondary school in a regional city for
"out-of-field" teachers in their cluster and focussed on
preparing these teachers to teach senior secondary mathematics
(Victorian Certificate of Education Mathematics Professional Learning
Program [VCEM PLP]); the second was developed in collaboration with the
Western Metropolitan Region staff of the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development (DEECD) for "out-of-field"
teachers in four schools in the western region of Melbourne. The aim of
the second program was to enhance mathematical and pedagogical content
knowledge for the teaching of junior secondary mathematics (Junior
Secondary Mathematics Professional Learning Program [JSM PLP]), and
hence the focus was on the development of multiplicative thinking and
proportional reasoning and the connections with many concepts in junior
secondary mathematics (Goos, Stillman & Vale, 2007; Seimon, Virgona
& Cornielle, 2001; Shield & Dole, 2008). In each case the
schools and DEECD were supported by a funding grant from the Australian
Government Quality Teaching Project (AGQTP).
In this paper the first of these professional learning programs is
described, together with the role of the schools and their mathematics
staff, and the outcomes for teachers who participated in this program.
To understand the purpose and goals of the program what is meant by
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and mathematics knowledge for
teaching (MKT) is described, and reasons suggested as to why this
knowledge is important for effective teaching of mathematics.
PCK, MKT and effective teachers
The importance of teachers' mathematical content knowledge is
recognised as critical for improving students' mathematical
learning in recently reported Australasian studies and literature
reviews (Timperley, Wilson, Barrah & Fung, 2007; White, Mitchelmore,
Branc & Maxon, 2004; Council of Australian Governments, 2008).
Indeed the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)
recognises this importance in its Standards for Excellence in Teaching
Mathematics in Australian Schools:
Excellent teachers of mathematics have a sound, coherent knowledge
of mathematics appropriate to the student level they teach, and which is
situated in their knowledge and understanding of the broader mathematics
curriculum. They understand how mathematics is represented and
communicated, and why mathematics is taught. They are confident and
competent users of mathematics who understand connections with
mathematics, between mathematics and other subject areas, and how
mathematics is related to society. (AAMT, 2002)
Hill, Rowan and Ball (2005) claimed that mathematics knowledge for
teaching (MKT) was a specialised mathematics knowledge that is "the
mathematical knowledge used to carry out the work of teaching
mathematics" (p. 373). Hence, as implied in the AAMT statement,
pedagogical knowledge in the context of mathematics teaching and
learning is part of MKT. Much earlier, Shulman (1987) defined
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as "the blending of content and
pedagogy into an understanding of how particular topics, problems, or
issues are organised, represented, and adapted to the diverse interests
and abilities of learners, and presented for instruction" (p. 8).
Ma (1999), who focussed on primary teachers' knowledge of
fundamental mathematics, demonstrated the strong relationship between
profound understanding of fundamental mathematics and pedagogical
content knowledge. For her, profound understanding is more than
procedural and conceptual knowledge; it is "an understanding that
is deep, broad, and thorough" (p. 120), where depth means being
able to connect a topic with "more conceptually powerful ideas of
the subject" (p. 121), breadth as being able to "connect it
with those of similar or less conceptual power" (p. 121) and
"thoroughness is the capacity to connect all topics" (p. 124).
Research has shown that it is the knowledge of mathematical
connections and MKT that is strongly related to effective teaching of
mathematics (Askew, 2008; Hill, Rowan & Ball, 2005) rather than the
level of mathematics qualification alone (Askew, 2008; Stacey, 2008).
Agreeing with the importance of these elements of teachers'
knowledge in practice, Watson and Mason (2007) explained that effective
teachers are able to "act in the moment through having pertinent
possibilities come to mind" (p. 209).
"Out-of-field" professional learning programs
Being at home in the "work of teaching mathematics" and
being able to "act in the moment" were goals for the two
programs we designed specifically for "out-of-field" teachers
of junior secondary mathematics. While the specific content of these
programs are different, they followed the same structure. These two
programs differ from other contemporary practice-based models of
professional learning which typically focus on implementing new
curriculum or changing teaching approaches and methods. In these two
professional learning programs, teachers became students of mathematics.
The majority of the time spent in workshops was on solving mathematics
problems. Pedagogical content knowledge was not ignored. Rather it was
directly related to the teachers' experience of doing mathematics
in the program, drew on their general pedagogical knowledge as
practicing teachers and was enhanced by classroom and school-based
The Deputy Principal of a regional secondary school wished to
implement a professional learning program. The school was faced with the
prospect of having too few teachers with the knowledge of senior
secondary mathematics to be able to provide a full range of senior
mathematics options for the students in the near future. The school
decided to prepare some of the out-of-field teachers of junior secondary
mathematics to teach advanced senior mathematics. Victoria University
was approached to design a professional learning program for teachers in
the school and in other schools in the region.
The VCEM PLP involved seminars as well as school-based
self-directed inquiry and portfolio development. The program was
conducted over a school year for eleven teachers from five schools in
the regional city in 2007. Teachers attended three-hour fortnightly
seminars conducted in the afternoons during school terms. The 21
seminars were conducted in a school classroom, partly during school
working hours and partly in teachers' own time. The focus of the
program was on the mathematics content of VCE Mathematics Methods and
VCE Further Mathematics and we included both mathematics tasks and tasks
that focussed on pedagogical content knowledge (professional learning
tasks) during the seminars. The mathematics tasks were typical of those
used in senior secondary mathematics and included investigations,
problem solving, mathematical modelling, proof and exercises from
various sources (for example, Barnes, 1991, CASCAT project; Mason,
Graham & Johnston-Wilder, 2005; RITEMATHS), including textbooks for
VCE mathematics. The teachers were provided with CAS calculators and
learned to use these tools to aid their mathematical learning and
pedagogical content knowledge. The professional learning tasks were
related to the authentic work of teachers such as reviewing mathematics
tasks, designing problems and analysing students' responses to
problems. We were also able to use their experience of doing mathematics
in the program to discuss students' thinking and misconceptions.
The sequence of topics for the seminars followed the sequence
normally used by teachers of these Year 12 subjects. Hence, we included
seminars with tasks about the formal assessment tasks of the VCE
subjects at roughly the same time that VCE teachers were designing and
assessing students with these tasks. Experienced senior secondary
mathematics teachers also conducted a few sessions in the program. Their
sessions focussed on curriculum knowledge, long-term planning for
teaching and assessment, and strategies and resources for teaching and
assessing VCE mathematics.
The practice-based component of the program occurred in the
teachers' schools between seminars. We encouraged participants to
establish a mentor relationship with an experienced teacher of senior
secondary mathematics to support their school-based self-directed
inquiry. We recommended that they negotiate with their colleagues to
observe and/or team-teach Year 11 or 12 mathematics lessons, observe
students doing mathematics (in lessons or by tutoring students), reflect
on observations, analyse student work, research and critique teaching
and assessment resources and materials, and to participate in the
moderation processes of student assessment for these subjects.
In practice the school-based inquiry varied for the participants.
Three of the teachers in the program were mentored by an experienced VCE
mathematics teacher in their school. They discussed mathematics
problems, teaching resources and learning programs used in the classes
at their school. One of these teachers also participated in moderation
of Year 11 and Year 12 school-based assessment. Two other teachers were
mentored by an experienced teacher at another school and one of these
teachers continued to tutor Year 11 students at her mentor's
school. Two other teachers from one school volunteered to take
"extras" together for a Year 11 class on a couple of
occasions. The teachers in this program developed a portfolio of their
self-directed inquiry and presented selected artefacts to the group in
the final session.
To evaluate these programs participating teachers completed a
questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the program, field
notes on each of the seminars were kept, and samples from teachers'
portfolios gathered. Ten months after the completed of the program,
interviews with eight of the participants of the VCEM PLP were also
conducted. Outcomes in terms of teachers' MKT for participants in
the VCEM PLP have been reported elsewhere (Vale & McAndrew, 2008).
These findings are here summarised, and changes in the participating
teachers' professional situation and identity briefly reported.
Teachers' professional situation and identity
The teaching experience of the ten teachers who completed the VCEM
PLP ranged enormously; three of the teachers were in their second year
of teaching while two had more than 15 years' experience. They had
all taught junior secondary mathematics for at least one year and four
had taught mathematics for more than five years and two (one in their
first year) had taught a non-advanced Year 11 VCE mathematics subject
(General Mathematics).
Not surprisingly they appreciated and enjoyed the networking and
were still in contact with each other and continuing to share their
experiences of teaching mathematics six months later. Of particular
importance was the enjoyment in doing mathematics and the growth in
their confidence with mathematics that these teachers experienced during
the program. Two teachers were particularly positive claiming that they
rediscovered their passion and confidence:
I hadn't done maths for many years. At uni I [was] sort of put off
maths, I heard a lecture that was for super brain and so I went
from maths being, you know, I really loved [maths] in Year 12 to,
you know, losing confidence. I got my confidence back.
It's triggered I suppose, the passion to challenge myself more and
more again ... it will be just from that whole thing of challenging
my understanding again. Then you just pipelined us to keep doing
more and more in that. That's the way I have always been since I
was a kid.
Since all participants had worked collegially with their
mathematics teacher colleagues none reported major changes in their
relationships yet each one, in their own way, felt more at ease or more
involved in the activities of the mathematics faculty. Individual
teachers reported that they understood and participated more in
curriculum discussions or sensed that their senior school mathematics
colleagues were more supportive of their teaching or curriculum programs
in junior secondary mathematics.
There were no major changes to their mathematics teaching load yet
all saw teaching advanced mathematics in Year 11 and 12, with ongoing
support and mentoring from colleagues, as achievable and desirable
within the next few years. Two teachers were given the opportunity of
teaching a Year 11 General Mathematics class following the program and
two others were teaching a Year 10 mathematics class for the first time.
Two teachers took on new leadership positions in the school (Curriculum
Coordinator and VCAL coordinator) and believed that their involvement in
the program had enabled them to develop knowledge useful in these roles.
Mathematics knowledge for teaching (MKT)
Data concerning teachers' MKT collected during the VCEM PLP
have been analysed and reported in some detail elsewhere (Vale &
McAndrew, 2008). While the aim to develop teachers' knowledge of
mathematics needed for teaching senior secondary mathematics, it was
discovered that focussing on senior secondary mathematics had deepened
and broadened their understanding of junior secondary mathematics
content and pedagogy. This was particularly evident through the
connections that teachers made between mathematical concepts, the use
and understanding of multiple representations, deconstruction of content
into key components, understanding of students' misconceptions, and
an appreciation of the inadequacy of procedural and instructional
In the follow-up interviews teachers' referred to the
deepening of their understanding of junior secondary mathematics. When
providing examples of mathematics knowledge that they had developed
through the program they commonly cited mathematics concepts that with
which they were familiar prior to taking the course and teaching in
their mathematics classes in 2008. This is perhaps understandable since
none were teaching the algebra, calculus or statistics content that
featured in the program.
However, all teachers discussed these examples from the perspective
of having a better understanding of more advanced mathematical concepts.
At least five of the interviewees claimed to have a more connected
understanding of mathematics with implications for their teaching
practice. They described adopting a more careful and critical approach
to the role of mathematical language (terms, symbols and their
meanings); the importance of fluency in fundamental skills such as
decimals and fractions, and representation of data; the importance of
identifying students' prior knowledge at the beginning of a topic,
and revisiting key ideas; and, having a stronger awareness of structure
and the implications for understanding. Two teachers described their
structural awareness of functions with reference to properties and
transformations and one thought that everything we did was connected:
"I suppose the main thing that stands out for me is the integration
of all the topics that we have learnt ... it is not like separate
chapters of knowledge."
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
The participating teachers believed that they each had become more
aware of students' needs or their mathematical thinking. Each
described an aspect of practice that paid more attention to
students' needs, either by taking more care to find out
students' prior knowledge, or by developing approaches that were
more engaging for students, especially high achievers and students who
needed to be challenged.
I feel confident in what I am doing, that probably comes from
having a better background as to where the students are heading
with their learning so, instead of just simply knowing where they
have come from, I can identify where they are going to with their
learning and having that knowledge informs what I am teaching them
at times. So the bigger picture has been a really valuable help.
Teachers' new-found confidence had enabled them to be less
dependent on the textbook; to use alternative resources and approaches;
and, to trust their personal knowledge of mathematics to design or adapt
tasks, or develop differentiated learning programs for their students.
The VCEM PLP was successful in affirming teachers' identity as
teachers of secondary mathematics, building their confidence, knowledge
and practice and relationships with colleagues, and enabling them to
plan a career in mathematics teaching. Critical for the success of this
program was the sustained "teachers as learners of
mathematics" design of the program. It was found that the school
and its mathematics staff can make a great contribution to the success
of such programs, and contribute to the enhancement of teachers'
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and mathematical knowledge for
teaching (MKT). In the schools where there was a more clearly defined
and ongoing mentoring relationship the teachers were able to gain more
practice-based experience of senior secondary mathematics teaching and
learning, to put this knowledge into practice in Year 10 or 11 classes,
and then use this knowledge to enhance their teaching of junior
secondary mathematics. Preliminary analysis of data from the JSM PLP
suggests that the role of coaches (or mentors) and sustained
collaboration with colleagues have also been important for enhancing
Of concern are the structural impediments in schools that limit
teachers' opportunity to learn from colleagues, to broaden and
deepen their mathematics knowledge by observing and engaging with
teachers and students located on senior campuses. Schools need to engage
in succession planning for the teaching of senior secondary mathematics
and to provide professional leadership in junior secondary mathematics.
The initiative of the schools involved in these programs is a step in
the right direction. It is to be hoped that the success of the program
described in this paper will inspire others to develop programs to
support other out-of-field teachers of mathematics who are generously
teaching mathematics and who are keen to learn and do the best possible
for their students.
We would like to thank Siva Krishnan for his assistance with
transcription and analysis of interview data.
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Colleen Vale
Victoria University
[email protected]>