Positive experiences with negative numbers: building on students in and out of school experiences.
Beswick, Kim
The introduction of negative numbers should mean that mathematics
can be twice as much fun, but unfortunately they are a source of
confusion for many students. As one teacher observed, "All of a
sudden there are these concepts in maths where half the numbers are
negatives and they've got no idea what it's all about..."
Despite the confusion that working with negative numbers can cause
for middle school students, there is evidence that the concept of
numbers less than zero is not difficult. In fact the National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2000) recommended that "in grades
3-5 all students should explore numbers less than 0 by extending the
number line and through familiar applications". Simple games that
involve losing as well as gaining points or experiences with debt can
facilitate quite young children believing that it is possible to have
less than nothing and that such amounts are less than zero. In the
Australian curriculum (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting
Authority (ACARA), 2011) although the continuation of number patterns is
mentioned from Year 1 and could lead to the discovery of negative
numbers they are not specifically mentioned until Year 6. In the middle
years, particularly Years 7 and 8, students need to build on their
intuitive understandings in order to use negative and positive integers
to represent and compare quantities and extend number properties
developed with positive integers to negative integers as well.
Difficulties occur in moving from such intuitive understandings to
formal mathematical representations of operations with negative and
positive integers. This paper describes a series of activities that were
used with a group of 14 middle school students. The approach taken
attempted to bridge the gap between students' intuitions, existing
mathematical knowledge and recent experience, and the mathematical
concepts of operations on negative and positive integers. The activities
also needed to cater for the diversity of experience and ability in the
group of participating students, 12 of whom were from composite Year 7/8
classes with a further two Year 5 students. The students had been
identified by their teachers as likely to benefit from additional work
in mathematics but not necessarily highly motivated. The lessons
described here were part of a series of weekly classes of approximately
one and a half hours, conducted over an 11 week school term, and planned
and delivered by the author in conjunction with one of the Year 7/8
Linchevski and Williams (1999) pointed out that useful contexts for
building mathematical understandings in classrooms need to be familiar
to students but must also be transferable in an authentic form to the
classroom context. They acknowledged, however, that classrooms are
unique in that the expectation of both the teacher and students is that
learning mathematics is the over-arching purpose of activities. It is
arguably not possible to evoke with complete authenticity in the
classroom, non-classroom based experiences. Nevertheless, the challenge
for teachers is to build on students' existing knowledge and
intuitions as meaningfully as possible.
Familiar contexts
The broader community in which the school was set and the students
lived provided a range of contexts that were useful in stimulating their
initial thinking about numbers less than zero. These were:
1. Negative temperatures: the students were familiar with
temperatures a few degrees below 0[degrees]C. The photograph shown in
Figure 1 was taken in a place with a much colder climate but the
students were able to locate familiar temperatures, above and below
zero, on the thermometer scale shown.
2. Sea level: an island location made this a readily accessible
context. Most students were familiar with heights above sea level (some
recalled particular examples that were signposted on roads in the
state), and could envisage depths below sea level in the contexts of
fishing and diving.
3. Debt: many students were aware of phrases such as "in the
red" referring to debt and all were aware of credit cards and hence
the idea of bank balances of less than 80.
4. Underground mine levels: Underground mining is a major industry
in the state in which these lessons were taught and hence familiar to
students who were able to envisage ground level as a reference point or
'zero'. The photo shown in Figure 2 was not taken locally but
students could connect it to these understandings.
Possible contexts that may be relevant to other students include
golf scores and BC time. Although the students in this group had some
knowledge of these contexts they did not resonate with them to the same
extent as the four listed.
Number lines
Although we were aware of alternative approaches that offer
particular benefits it was decided to use number lines as the basis for
the lessons because (1) most of the contexts described above are
represented in ways analogous to number lines, and (2) the lessons
preceding those on negative numbers had involved working with number
lines in relation to rational number operations. Number lines were thus
a model that connected well to students out of school experience and
with which they were familiar in the context of mathematics lessons.
It is usual in mathematics classrooms to represent number lines
horizontally, but at least three of the four contexts discussed above
(i.e., 1, 2, and 4) lend themselves most naturally to vertical number
lines. Horizontal number lines have advantages in terms of placing the
full length in reach when displayed on a classroom wall or whiteboard
but vertical number lines marked on floors or pavements or drawn on
paper might arguably better evoke familiar contexts. We chose to use
horizontal number lines because of the convenience of wall based lines
and the fact that the students were already very familiar with
horizontal number lines from recent mathematics lessons.
Number line representations of numbers can be ambiguous in that a
number has a particular position at a point on the line and can also be
thought of as a length, that is, a distance from zero. The students with
whom we were working had spent quite a lot of time considering the
positions of rational numbers on the number line and had conceptualised
'larger' as a position further to the right. They had also
worked on tasks that involved identifying numbers between given pairs in
order to build their understanding of the density of the number line
(i.e. that in any given segment of the number line there are infinitely
many numbers). In contrast to these activities that regard numbers as
points on the number line, they had also used the length model of
numbers for operations on rational numbers, for example by modelling 4 x
1/2 as shown in Figure 3.
Representing difference on the number line
After considering contexts in which the students had encountered
numbers less than zero we briefly reviewed recent number line work. To
this end a number line was drawn on the whiteboard with '0'
marked approximately in the middle. This was a small change from
preceding lessons in which positive numbers had been the focus and
'0' had been placed close to the left hand end of the line and
was readily accepted by the students. The following problem was then
In a certain place the minimum temperature was 3[degrees]C and the
maximum was 10[degrees]C. What was the difference between the
highest and lowest temperatures? Show the difference on a number
line. Write a number sentence that gives the difference?
Although the calculation involved was trivial, the task served to
connect the operation of subtraction with the number line and the
symbolic representations of the difference between the two temperatures,
i.e., 10 - 3 = 7. Students repeated the exercise with other pairs of
temperatures all 7[degrees] apart. These included 0[degrees]C and
7[degrees]C, -2[degrees]C and 5[degrees]C, and -4[degrees]C and
3[degrees]C. The students were able to suggest many others and
appreciated that there were infinitely many pairs of temperatures with a
difference of 7[degrees]C. The set of problems was designed to reinforce
understandings already established for positive numbers of the
relationship between addition and subtraction and extend these to
negative numbers. In addition, we wanted to consolidate the
students' conception of subtraction as finding a difference that
could be located anywhere along a number line. We believed that such a
conception of subtraction combined with a strong visual image of the
number line would be helpful in thinking about subtraction involving
numbers either side of zero.
Operations with negative and positive numbers
Because of the students' recent experience, explicit teaching
of addition and subtraction of negative and positive integers was
designed to build upon existing understandings developed in the context
of positive numbers. That is, (positive) numbers can be regarded as
distances to the right of zero. Addition is movement in a forward
direction and subtraction is movement in the opposite (backwards)
direction. The result is the number represented by the distance from the
beginning of the first number to the end of the second.
In keeping with ideas that were intuitively reasonable to the
students, negative numbers were seen as distances in the opposite
direction from positive numbers, that is, to the left. Students were
able to appreciate and articulate that this made sense because, for
example, subtracting or taking away a negative temperature would amount
to increasing the temperature (e.g., The overnight minimum on Cradle
Mountain was -5[degrees]C. On Mt. Ossa it was -8[degrees]C. How much
warmer was Cradle Mountain than Mt. Ossa?). Before formalising the model
or mandating any particular representations we gave the students the
following series of problems:
a. The lift was on the 3rd floor. A man got in and wanted to go
five floors higher than that. For which floor was he heading?
b. I had $3 in my wallet. My sister reminded me that I owed her $5.
What is my overall balance?
c. The temperature was -6[degrees]C. If it got 2[degrees]C warmer,
what would the temperature be?
d. I had 5 bracelets until I lost 2. How many do I have now?
e. The water level in the dam was 5 cm below its normal level
(normal level is 0). As a result of hot weather it dropped a further 2
cm. What was the water level then?
f. I owed my little brother 7 jelly beans. He decided I didn't
need to repay 4 of them. How many jelly beans do I have now?
We hoped that, in grappling with the problems, including how to
show how they arrived at their solutions, the students would make
connections between their existing in and out of class experiences with
number lines and numbers less than zero.
Figure 4 shows how Bella (Year 8), used number lines to represent
her answers to these problems. She correctly calculated the answers to
each question but did not always write a number sentence that matched
her answer. It is likely that she used intuitive understandings of the
situations to answer the questions before attempting to produce a number
line representation. For Question c, the number sentence that she wrote,
6[degrees] 2[degrees] = 4[degrees], suggests that she considered the
problem in terms of the change in temperature rather than in relation to
the particular numbers involved. She was, however, able to place the
increase of 2[degrees] correctly on the number line and to identify the
solution as -4.
Bella's number sentence for Question e is incorrect, even
though her answer (-7) is correct. She appears to have interpreted
"below" and "dropped" as negative numbers but also
represented the operation as subtraction. This is the only example of
the juxtaposition of an operator and a sign in these work samples and
was used similarly rarely by other students in the group. In the vast
majority of cases, students avoided the use of negative numbers by
interpreting the situations in the problems in terms of addition and
subtraction of positive integers. With the exception of Question e,
Bella's number line representations all began at the position
indicated by the first number in the calculation. That is, she treated
this number as a point on the number line and the operation as a move.
In subsequent lessons the number line model for operations on
positive numbers was extended more formally to account for negative
numbers, and particularly to address the students' difficulty with
juxtaposed operations and negative or positive signs. The model can be
described succinctly as; positive numbers are distances to the right and
negative numbers are distances to the left, addition is moving forward
and subtraction is moving backward. The result is the distance from the
beginning of the first number to the end of the second and the direction
of this move determines its sign: to the right is positive and to the
left is negative. Figure 5 shows how a range of calculations can be
represented using this model. These diagrams follow the conventions
described by Van de Walle (2004) who also illustrated how students can
use much less elaborate versions of these diagrams.
We only rarely asked students to produce diagrams, and instead had
the students physically step out their solutions in front of a number
line drawn on the whiteboard or along a number line marked on the floor.
The students were more willing to engage with the ideas modelled in this
way rather than using pen and paper. For a positive number they faced
right, for a negative left. Addition meant stepping in the forwards
direction and subtraction stepping in the backwards direction. The
students quite quickly dispensed with the need to do this but were able
to articulate their thinking in terms of steps on the number line and
would occasionally get up and step to check their thinking.
The students also soon noticed that two different signs next to one
another are equivalent to subtraction and two similar signs, addition.
That is, they arrived at the rules for addition of subtraction of
negative and positive numbers and became fluent in their use.
Importantly, however, these rules were grounded in and linked to
meaningful experiences and the students had strategies for thinking
about problems that they could and did go back to when unsure.
Multiplication and division
Multiplication of any number by an integral amount can be modelled
as repeated addition. For multiplication of two non-integral amounts,
however, this way of thinking is not helpful and we were aware that
students need to conceive of multiplication as an operation distinct
from addition (Siemon & Breed, 2006). Nevertheless, because the
students were accustomed to thinking in terms of repeated addition
(e.g., as shown in Figure 3) we maintained this model for multiplication
involving positive and negative integers. Thus, a positive number
multiplied by a positive number was modelled as repeated steps to the
right thus yielding a positive result; a positive number multiplied by a
negative number as repeated steps to the left thus yielding a negative
result; and a negative number multiplied by a negative number as
repeated backward steps facing left resulting in a distance to the right
of zero and hence a positive result.
Division of integers was connected to the relationship between
multiplication and division using the measurement understanding of
division. That is, an expression such as 6 / 2 was interpreted as
"how many 2s make 6" and answered by counting the number of
moves of +2 needed to get from 0 to +6. Because these moves are to the
right the result is positive. Dividing a negative number by a positive
number means finding out how many right facing moves are needed to get
from 0 to a position left of 0. Because the moves will need to be
backwards the answer is negative. Dividing a positive number by a
negative number, requires left facing moves to be made backwards and so
the result is negative. Finally, dividing a negative number by a
negative number is asking how many left facing moves do I need to make
to get to a position left of 0. These moves will be in the forwards
direction and hence the result is positive. An example of each of these
possibilities is shown in Figure 6.
There is a danger, of course that the rules for these
representations can simply be learned and followed as mechanically as
the traditional "same signs make a positive" and
"different signs makes a negative". To be of any benefit,
students must be required constantly to articulate their reasoning and
to justify their solutions. We found the number line model to be less
obvious and hence less useful in the case of multiplication and division
than for addition and subtraction.
Some additional problems
Two quite challenging tasks that we offered the students were:
1. Using four -2s and whatever operations you like, write
expressions that are equivalent to as many of the integers between 1 and
20 as you can. Some may be impossible.
2. Fill in each of the numbers -15, -12, -9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, and 9
so that every row, column and diagonal has the same sum.
The students seemed to enjoy the first task and the fact that it
was open-ended meant that all could and did engage with it. The numbers
and operations could, of course be varied endlessly to suit the needs
and abilities of students. The magic square was particularly
challenging. Some of the students took this on and worked on it out of
class time. Others were less inclined to persevere.
The task shown below was used as part of an end of term assessment.
It required knowledge of order of operations as well as of operations
with integers. Nine of the 14 students completed it successfully or made
just a minor error, usually in inserting brackets to correct an
A class were asked to write expressions using three operations and
at least one negative number that equalled 4. Here are some of the
equations that they came up with:
16 / 2 / -2 x -1 = 4
8 / -1 + -1 x -1 = 4
-7 + 5 x 2 + 1 = 4
-2(-2 + 7) - -2 x 3 = 4
-2 x -3 - -2 + 4 = 4
1. Which of the equations are correct?
2. Some of the incorrect equations would be correct if brackets
were added. Rewrite these expressions with the brackets that are needed
so that they equal 4.
Reflections on the time spent
The tasks offered and the approach used, were successful in
engaging students with the concepts of negative numbers and operations
on them. The students had strong intuitions built on experiences, from
which they could draw. Although the students became proficient at
performing calculations involving negative and positive integers we are
reluctant to use this as a measure of success of the approach. As Van de
Walle (2004) pointed out, that objective could more easily be achieved
by simply providing the standard rules without justification or any
attempt to provide them with conceptual meaning. We are also conscious
of Linchevski and Williams's (1999) observation that models and the
rules for their use can be every bit as unjustified and meaningless.
Teaching negative numbers perhaps brings this dilemma into focus more
than other topics because the contrast between the speed with which
traditional rule giving and approaches aimed at concept development
result in procedural efficiency is so great. Furthermore, it is a topic
in relation to which conceptual understanding is perhaps less valued
than for other topics in which such understanding more clearly forms a
basis for further conceptual development and flexible application
(understanding fractions as a basis for understanding and working with
other forms of rational number would be an example). It would have been
beneficial to have spent considerably more time helping students to
build links for themselves between their informal understandings and the
number line model. Nevertheless, we are confident that these students
did not come to see operations with negative and positive numbers as
"arbitrary and mysterious" (Van de Walle, 2004, p. 459) and
hence the time was well spent.
Alternative approaches
Other approaches are essentially of two kinds, (1) those based on
discrete objects (e.g., counters) that 'cancel' each other
out, and (2) those based on extending the mathematical structure of
operations with positive numbers to negative numbers. Linchevski and
Williams (1999) described two teaching experiments in which they used
the first of these approaches. They described how using situations such
as the numbers of people entering and leaving a disco recorded using a
double abacus (one colour for people entering and another for people
leaving), and dice games in which the double abacus is used to keep
score can be used to facilitate students' gradual construction of
negative numbers and operations on them. Van de Walle (2004) described
an equivalent approach using counters of two colours. The same
complexities that arise with the number line model in relation to
multiplication and division also emerge using counter models and hence
they are also less likely to be obvious and helpful for students in
relation to multiplication and division than for addition and
Liebeck (1990) set out to compare a counters approach, using a card
game called 'Scores and Forfeit', with the number line model.
She presented test data for two groups of students taught essentially
the same lessons but with the different models. The results for the
Scores and Forfeits group were significantly higher than for the number
line group (Liebeck, 1990). Although there are many variables that are
difficult to control in such a small scale comparison (e.g., there were
different teachers with significantly differing amounts of experience)
the fact that one group performed better on a test that did not require
explicit evidence of conceptual understanding again raises the question
of the purpose of using models at all. Van de Walle (2004) stressed that
finding one or other model (number lines or counters) easier does not
mean that that model is best.
Freudenthal (1987, cited in Linchevski &Williams, 1999)
concluded that because neither counter nor number line models are
entirely satisfactory for building understanding, the introduction of
negative numbers should be delayed until students are able to follow and
believe arguments based on mathematical structure. This is the second
alternative approach. It relies on extending patterns observed in
operations with positive integers. For subtraction, this is essentially
what the activity described in this paper that was aimed at helping the
students to conceptualise subtraction as difference was doing. Patterns
leading to multiplication of a positive integer by a negative integer
and a negative integer by a negative integer could be:
+3 x +2 = +6
+3 x +1 = +3
+3 x 0 = 0
+3 x -1 = -3
+3 x -2 = -6
+2 x -1 = -2
+1 x -1 = -1
0 x -1 = 0
-1 x -1 = 1
-2 x -1 = +2
Mason (2005) has developed freely downloadable interactive grids
that can be used to explore these and other patterns in number and
algebra. Division, particularly of a negative number by a negative
number, is more challenging because we must avoid dividing by zero. It
is best and certainly in keeping with a mathematical structure approach
to use the inverse relationship between division and multiplication. For
example, if +3 x -2 = -6, then -6 / -2 = +3. For division of a negative
integer by a positive integer the following sequence could be used:
+6 / +2 = +3
+4 / +2 = +2
+2 / +2 = +1
0 / +2 = 0
-2 / +2 = -1
-4 / +2 = -2
Arguments based on mathematical structure rely, for their
credibility on students believing that mathematics is about pattern and
Additionally, approaches that view numbers in terms of their
relative sizes, building on the conception of addition and subtraction
as concerned with difference to see multiplication and division in terms
of stretching and shrinking, have the potential to avoid the need to
view of these operations as repeated addition or subtraction.
The number line approach to negative numbers described in this
paper was chosen to suit the particular context, including the
students' out of school and recent in school experiences. There is
evidence that it enabled students to make some useful links between
these experiences and operations with negative numbers and to develop a
degree of understanding of the conceptual bases of procedures for
performing these operations. Using a counter model could well have
achieved these outcomes just as effectively. Regardless of the model,
much more time devoted to very carefully helping students to construct
links between their existing knowledge and the new ideas would have been
In terms of which approach, Van de Walle's (2004) argument is
persuasive. That is, students can benefit from multiple approaches
particularly when connections between them are a focus of class
discussion. A useful combination of approaches could involve either or
both of the number line and counter models for addition and subtraction,
and a mathematical structure approach for multiplication and division.
Regardless of the approach or combination of approaches used, avoiding a
situation in which negative numbers and operations with them appear
'magical' and 'meaningless' is of paramount
The research was funded by Australian Research Council grant
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2011).
The Australian curriculum: Mathematics version 1.2. Accessed 3 June 2011
from http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/Mathematics/Curriculum/F-10
Liebeck, P. (1990). Scores and forfeits: An intuitive model for
integer arithmetic. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 21, 221-239.
Linchevski, L., & Williams, J. (1999). Using intuition in
everyday life in 'filling' the gap in children's
extension of their number concept to include negative numbers.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 39, 131-147.
Mason, J. (2005). Structured variation grids. Downloaded 7 May 2010
from http://mcs.open.ac.uk/jhm3/SVGrids/SVGridsMainPage.html#Current_Grids
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and
standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM.
Siemon, D., & Breed, M. (2006). Assessing multiplicative
thinking using rich tasks. Paper presented at the annual conference of
the Australian Association for Research in Education. Downloaded 13 May
2010 from http://www.aare.edu.au/06pap/sie06375.pdf.
Van de Walle, J. A. (2004). Elementary and middle school
mathematics (5th Ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Kim Beswick
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>