Cactus: graphing software.
Hyde, Hartley
Students use complex educational software at many levels of
comprehension. This article considers the ways students use graphing
software and the expectations we may have of some commercial products.
At the most basic level students use the software as a tool to
print a graph as quickly and easily as possible so that they can
illustrate an important concept for a purpose that may be quite
unrelated to mathematics.
If we are teaching mathematics and graphing skills we may wish to
use software to generate a variety of related graphs so that the effect
of changing a constant can be studied. At other times students will be
asked to confirm what they have done as desk-work or we might want
students to revise their learning by predicting what will appear on
their screen before generating a graph. In all of these modes it is
important that the graph produced on the screen reinforces the skills we
have taught as desk-work.
For a parallel example, who would dream of asking their Australian
students to use a word processor if the default speller was set to
American spelling? How could we expect students to learn to spell if
they are constantly being bombarded with inappropriate spelling
Most of us are just as disturbed when graphing packages contradict
concepts we are teaching. It is tempting to give up and teach students
to use the same style the software uses because the students are going
to follow the software's preset style anyway.
Unfortunately the graphing software available is often designed by
programmers who have little memory of school mathematics. Autograph and
FX-Graph are both designed by teachers and the better quality shows.
Let me describe what I expect when my students graph a function by
hand. I expect students to use appropriate paper. In most cases this
will be from a pad of squared paper but I may have to distribute paper
that has been prepared for drawing log-log, semi-log, isomorphic or
polar graphs. Such paper was once produced by photocopying pages from
John Craver's must useful Graph Paper From Your Copier. Now it is
easier to visit Software sufficiently
flexible to draw this variety of graphs is rare.
Students should keep a sharp 2B pencil for drawing graphs. If they
attempt to shape a curve using an HB pencil they will leave ruts in the
paper and it is then impossible to draw a nice curve through the ruts.
The equivalent requirement of graphing software is that it should be
possible to print a smooth curve completely free of pixilation.
We used to expect that a well drawn curve could be read accurately
to two-and-a-half significant figures (meaning that the third figure was
unreliable). Computers should be more accurate than this, but often
produce a curve too thick to read accurately.
Most graphing applications are now able to draw a reasonable
quality, jaggy-free curve. The better packages let you control the
thickness of the curve and allow you to export a much better quality
graph that is good enough for publication. I was impressed to find that
an app for the iPhone is capable of emailing a reasonably detailed
I expect that the axes will be marked X and Y and have arrow heads
on the positive ends of each axis. The origin should be clearly marked
with a circle or the number "0". I have always been pedantic
about the way students draw arrow heads. This shows students at an early
stage how serious I am about getting the entire graph looking good. Even
graphing software that does attempt to draw arrowheads settles for a
">" or a triangle on the end of each axis.
There is a tutorial that draws polar graphs at coordinates.html. It shows
one polar axis as a ray pointing to the right from the pole. So--this is
not just an Australian thing! Why then do foreign applications insert
cartesian axes on polar graphs?
How then can we blame students who think the software programmer
knows more about graphing than their teacher? Version 4 of FX-Graph can
be forced to draw a correct polar graph if we switch off both axes and
draw the ray 8 = 0. Graphing applications seldom offer enough polar
graph options.
Scales on graphs should increment in multiples of ten of the
integers 1, 2 and 5. It is a good idea to borrow some voltmeters from
the physics lab and show students the types of scales used on
instrumentation. The first graphing packages used typewriter characters
on line printers. It was common to see scales like 6.82, 13.65, etc. The
first generation of iPhone apps sometimes make the same error (see next
page). Thankfully most packages now get this right but scales like 0, 3,
6, 9 still occur. We should always stress the importance of including
the origin and the distortion that occurs if this is ignored. Excel
graphs are prone to this error.
I expect students to write the function name somewhere in a clear
space near the top of each graph. It is a tall ask that software can
recognise a clear space, but most applications can now write formulas
using the correct notation. It cannot be that hard to place a panel on
each graph, with a correctly formatted, version of the function that the
student can easily move to a clear space.
Very few graphing applications bother to identify asymptotes. In
the worst cases (see next page) the software joins the last point
calculated before a vertical asymptote to the first point calculated
after the asymptote. Version 4 of FX-Graph does add asymptotes while
Autograph expects that students will add their own vertical asymptotes.
We also expect that students can interpret what is happening at
special points on their graph. When a graph cuts an axis at a point
which is not labelled by the scale, the value on the axis should be
added. If the graphing software is part of a CAS package it is
reasonable that the labels should be in surd form when appropriate. We
should expect similar labelling at asymptotes, turning points, points of
inflection and points of symmetry. Such labels should be movable so that
they can be moved to uncover the graph, the axes and the specific points
described (just like the labels for Cabri). The PocketCAS application
for iPhone overcomes the obvious limitations on real estate by inserting
a small coloured square at each point of interest. When the user touches
the point, the coordinates are displayed. Hopefully later versions will
show the coordinates in surd form when appropriate. Students who use
Autograph are expected to add their own labels.
Autograph has a scribble feature where students can anticipate what
will appear on their screen when a graph is drawn. To appreciate the
worth of this feature, take a piece of paper and graph the cube root
function. Open WolframAlpha from your browser or iPhone and type y =
I wonder how many people who are capable of following the
explanation at are ever
likely to graph the cube root function? Educational software should try
to anticipate the maturity of the likely users.
Above left you will see a graph generated by a free app for the
iPhone. There was a time when graphing software on mainframe computers
was worse than this. The curves were represented by patterns of
asterisks that landed on the paper as close as possible to where a point
should be. Students had then to draw a curve of best fit between the
asterisks. The scales were just as bad and there was no attempt to
manage asymptotes.
Above right you will see the same function graphed as I believe it
should be graphed using modern computers. There is no package that I
know off that can do all of this. This is a composite that should be
Even then the graph falls short of what I expected my students to
draw. A sketch graph had to fill half a page. If the graph was to be
measured it had to fill the page with the best meaningful closeup. The
curve should be thinner, but thin curves do not show up well in magazine
illustrations. There was a time when students could gain half the marks
needed to pass by getting the graph question correct. We all took
graphing very seriously.
Progress has to be paid for. When we buy a software package we are
also paying for the programmer to invest time improving the package. If
we simply download free software that produces graphs that are close
enough then that is what we will get back from our students: close
enough is not good enough.
Such programming must cater for a variety of pedantic expectations.
However, it is these expectations that set the tone for the effort we
require from our students. The further away from home you roam the more
variety you will find in those expectations. That is why the variety of
settings and an ability to set defaults is so important if the software
is to sell widely.
Setting up the software options to match your expectations may take
time, but if you don't do that, it is a waste of time teaching your
students any other way: over time, their graphing habits will be
reinforced by the default software settings you have established for
them to use.
Hartley Hyde
[email protected]