A middle-school classroom inquiry: estimating the height of a tree.
Watson, Jane ; Brown, Natalie ; Wright, Suzie 等
There is an old saying that "there is more than one way to
skin a cat." Such is the case with finding the height of tall
objects, a task that people have been approximating for centuries.
Following an article in the Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom
(APMC) with methods appropriate for primary students (Brown, Watson,
Wright, & Skalicky, 2011) this article presents two more methods
that are appropriate for middle school students who are beginning to
learn about the trigonometric functions.
In The Shape of the Australian Curriculum (National Curriculum
Board, 2009), the foundation for numeracy is seen to be built primarily
in the mathematics curriculum but reinforced in other learning areas (p.
10). Measurement, one of the key areas of study in mathematics in the
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (ACARA, 2010), is the basis of two
investigations presented here to estimate the height of a tree. The
investigations involve students using ratio, proportional reasoning,
properties of triangles, and the trigonometric function tangent (tan) to
calculate an estimate of the height of something that they are unable to
measure directly. In the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, development
of proportional reasoning features from Year 3 onwards (p. 5) and in
Year 9, students are encouraged to "solve problems involving direct
proportion" (p. 41). Congruence and similarity of triangles are
introduced in mid secondary school (pp. 38-45) and trigonometric ratios
are formally introduced in Year 9 when students "use similarity to
investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a
given angle in right-angled triangles" (ACARA, 2010, p. 42).
As background to the investigations presented here, the three upper
primary investigations described by Brown et al. (2011) moved from: the
informal measurement technique used by Native American Indians, in which
they would bend over and look at the tree through their legs; to the
more formal use of proportional reasoning through using the estimation
technique of "chunking;" and using ratio in a comparison of
the lengths of shadows cast by the tree and by a stick of measureable
The activities suggested in this article are intended for use with
middle school students and it is important to check that students have
the necessary prerequisite skills. Maxwell (2006) describes how a
teacher in America introduced the use of a clinometer to estimate the
height of trees to his middle school students by first reminding the
students of important ideas about "units of measure, the process of
counting discrete objects, the additive nature of measurement, and the
relative precision of instruments" (p. 133). The first
investigation presented here was used by the authors during a
professional learning session with middle school teachers (in the ARC
funded research project "Mathematics in an Australian Reform-Based
Learning Environment" (MARBLE)). The second investigation was used
with pre-service teachers as part of the Bachelor of Teaching program in
the Faculty of Education at the University of Tasmania.
As well as being a hands-on activity for students, the methods used
in these investigations have real-life relevance and are employed by
architects, planners and surveyors who use the same principles to
estimate the height of buildings, and/or land formations, often
employing the use of a clinometer for accurate measurements. These
methods are also used in the forestry industry where knowing the height
of trees is necessary for safe and efficient felling and logging. Trees
are used in these investigations as one would expect to see trees in and
around most schools. The investigations can be modified so that students
measure the height of buildings or other tall structures. For example,
Quinlan (2006), with a class of Year 9 students, used the properties of
triangles and rectangles, and ratio to measure the height of the
Investigation 1
Framing the activity
Using knowledge of triangles, estimate the height of a tree.
Data collection
Students need to work in pairs. Each pair needs a ruler and
measuring tape.
* Both students stand at the base of the tree.
* Student [alpha] walks backwards, from the base of the tree,
holding a ruler vertically until the length of the ruler matches the
height of the tree (the bottom of the ruler matches the bottom of the
tree, and the top matches the top of the tree), represented as Position
1 in Figure 1.
* Student [alpha] rotates the ruler 90 degrees so that it is
parallel with the ground, noting that since the eye is above the ground
the ruler will stick out a bit on one side of the trunk of the tree.
* Student [beta] walks slowly sideways from the base of the tree at
right angles to Student a stopping when Student a indicates that he/she
is visually aligned with the "top" end of the ruler (refer to
Position 2 in Figure 1).
* Student [alpha] now measures the distance between the base of the
tree and Student [beta]. Adding this measurement to the height of
Student a's eye above the ground estimates the height of the tree.
Repeat the process until all students in the class have an
opportunity to estimate the height of the tree.
Data representation
Students can use a table to record their measurements.
Student Distance of student Height of eye Height of tree
from tree
Ingrid 11 m 1.5 m 12.5 m
Students can create a graph of their estimates and discuss reasons
why they are not the same. Reasons might include errors in judgement of
the 90[degrees] angle, twisting the ruler slightly, inaccuracy in
measuring the distance of the student from the tree, or variable
estimates of the centre of the tree.
Thinking about the mathematics
How does this method of measuring the height of a tree work?
The success of this method relies on the principle of similar
triangles, where two triangles have the same shape but are of different
sizes. In this investigation the ruler forms a triangle similar to the
triangle made by the tree, as shown in Figure 1 (Position 1) and
simplified in Figure 2, which shows two triangles, ABC and DEC, in which
A represents the top of the tree, B the point on the tree equal to the
height of the eye above the ground, C the observer's eye, D the top
of the ruler, E the point where the ruler crosses the line from the eye
to the tree, and G and F at ground level. The triangles are similar as
angles A and D are the same, angles at B and E are the same (both are
right angles), and both triangles share the same angle at C.
Once similar triangles have been established, to measure the height
of the tree above the eye height of the person holding the ruler,
compare the large triangle ABC with the large triangle formed when
Student a turns the ruler at right angles and Student [ walks away from
the base of the tree (as shown in Figure 1, Position 2, and simplified
as triangle BCX in Figure 3); again the triangles are similar. The
triangle formed from Student [beta]'s final position (indicated as
X in Figure 3), to the trunk of the tree and then to the observer (C)
and the original triangle ABC both have a right angle at B. The side of
the triangle from the observer (C) to the trunk of the tree (B) is
shared between the two triangles, and the side B to A and from B to X
are also equal. Using the Side Angle Side (SAS) rule, which states that
if two triangles have two equal sides and an equal included angle then
these triangles are congruent triangles, means that the lengths of all
corresponding sides of the triangles will be the same (Rehill, 2010).
Therefore, the distance from B to X will be the same as B to A and hence
the height of the tree above the eye level of Student a is equal to the
distance walked by Student [beta]. All that is necessary is to add the
height of the eye (CF = BG) to the distance from the tree. This gives
the estimated height of the tree.
Investigation 2
Framing the activity
Using a clinometer, measure the height of a tree.
Collecting data
For this investigation, the authors used an Invicta clinometer
('Invicta' Plastics Limited, England) and instructions are
specific to this instrument. The underlying principle is the same,
however, regardless of the type of clinometer used, and if necessary
students can make their own. Instructions on how to make a clinometer
can be found online (for example, TeacherTube,
http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=21956) or refer to
Maxwell (2006).
Students work in pairs and need a clinometer and a tape measure or
trundle wheel.
* Student a stands sufficiently far from the tree to be able to see
the top.
* Student a holds the clinometer like a target pistol with the arm
outstretched and the forefinger on the trigger (refer to Figure 4). The
student points the clinometer at the top of the tree ensuring that the
line of vision follows the line of the clinometer, and presses the
trigger when the top of the tree is in the line of sight. The student
keeps the trigger held pressed until the graduated disc stops moving.
* Student a then releases the trigger. Without touching the trigger
again, the clinometer can be lowered to allow the student to read the
angle of elevation (indicated by the "Read Here" arrow).
Record the angle.
* Student [beta] now measures the distance from the base of the
tree to Student a. Record this measurement.
* Student [alpha] measures the height of Student a from the ground
to eye-level only. Record this measurement.
* Refer to Figure 5 for a pictorial representation of the
measurements needed to calculate the height of a tree, using the
following formula:
Tree height = Distance from tree x tan(Angle) + Eye height
Data representation
Students can use a table to record their measurements and estimate
of the tree's height. Again students can create a graph of their
calculated heights and discuss the variation in their measurements. Are
the estimates closer together this time?
Student Distance Angle Eye Tree height
from tree height Distance from tree x tan(Angle)
+ Eye height
George 29.5 m 48 1.6 m 29.5 x 1.11 + 1.6 = 34.4 m
Thinking about the mathematics
How does a clinometer measure the height of a tree? Why is the
angle of elevation important?
The method using a clinometer goes one step further than the
earlier method in that it translates the proportional reasoning in the
triangles into the trigonometric function tangent (tan). The tangent is
defined for an acute angle of a right angle triangle as
"opposite/adjacent." Figure 6 shows this in a simple form for
the angle looking at the height of a tree from the ground. In this case,
tan [theta] = opposite/adjacent = height of tree/distance to tree
then opposite = adjacent x tan [theta]
= distance to tree x tan[theta].
It is interesting to note that the first method from the North
American Indians described by Brown et al. (2011) uses the same
principle as shown in Figure 6. However, a clinometer is held at eye
level so the distance of the eye above the ground needs to be taken into
account, as shown in Figure 7. Hence the
Height of the tree = Distance to tree x tan [theta] + Height of eye
from ground.
Variation and estimation in measurement
Within the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, variation is
introduced as early as Year 3, when students are encouraged to
"identify the variation between trials" (ACARA, 2010, p. 22),
and continues to be a major focus of the Statistics and Probability
strand in upper primary school and throughout the secondary years of
schooling (pp. 32, 40, 48). Either one or both of these investigations
provide an excellent opportunity to discuss the variation that occurs
when indirect measurements are made to estimate a fixed but inaccessible
length (here, height). Linking the language of variation and estimation
is important in the area of measurement. The estimated height of a tree
is equal to the actual height plus the variation due to error in
measurement. This variation can obviously be either positive or
negative. Collecting many estimated measurements and calculating their
average is likely to give a better estimate of the actual measurement
unless there is systematic error. Systematic errors can lead to
inaccurate although possibly precise measurement. Also, the variation
observed in the estimates reflects the quality and precision of the
method used. More variation is likely to reflect a less precise method.
Even direct measurements of lengths are likely to show considerable
relative variation as was shown in the activities described by Watson
and Wright (2008) when many students measured the arm span of a single
Not only is it possible to consider the variation within the data
collected for each method but also it is possible to consider the
variation between the methods. One might expect less variation among the
estimates of a tree's height with a clinometer than with the method
using a ruler. Considering the ranges of the estimates from the two
methods and the "clumping" of values can be the basis of
written reports.
Extension activity using technology
Using the educational software package TinkerPlots (Konold &
Miller, 2005) it is possible for students to enter their measurements
from each investigation, and that of their classmates, into data cards
to investigate the degree of consistency between the two measurement
techniques. Figure 8 shows the possible format of data cards and the
TinkerPlots Formula functions that can be used to calculate the height
of the tree for both Investigations 1 and 2 (differentiated in the data
cards with the prefix I1 and I2 respectively). The Invicta clinometer
used in Investigation 2 provides a reading of elevation in degrees
however the "tan" function in TinkerPlots returns the tangent
of an angle in radians. Therefore, the TinkerPlots formula in
Investigation 2 converts the angle measurement from degrees to radians.
This extension activity relies on some or all of the class
measuring the same tree for each of the investigations. Once the data
have been entered for each investigation, students can use the formula
function and an "if statement" to create a single entry for
the attribute Height, as shown in Figure 9. This attribute can then be
plotted to compare the height measurements obtained from the two
different investigations, as also seen in Figure 9. In TinkerPlots
students can plot the mean and discuss how outliers may affect its
The purpose of this article, in conjunction with the APMC article
(Brown et al., 2011), has been to motivate teachers to present their
students with meaningful investigations that lead to an appreciation and
understanding of a variety of ways to estimate the height of an object
that cannot be measured directly. Each of Brown et al.'s primary
school investigations, and the middle school investigations presented
here, require students to use computational estimation. Van de Walle
(2004) describes this type of estimation as the process of
"determining a number that is an approximation of a computation
that we cannot or do not wish to determine exactly" (p. 229).
In these investigations, the tree's height is never directly
measured because it is impractical to do so. However, this does not mean
that the estimations are simply guesses. As Van de Walle (2004) says,
students often confuse the idea of estimation with guessing, but
computational estimation requires some form of computational reasoning
and the implementation of a suitable computational strategy (p. 229).
These hands-on investigations allow students to develop further their
computational estimation skills in a measurement context, as well as to
make connections between different mathematical concepts, such as ratio,
proportionality, and the properties of triangles, and to use their prior
mathematical knowledge for an unfamiliar and "non-routine"
problem--ideals endorsed by the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
(ACARA, 2010, p. 5).
The use of technology in the extension activity enables students to
explore the concept of variation in measurement and build upon their
understanding in this area. This can be done without technology but use
of TinkerPlots satisfies calls for the use of technology in the
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (ACARA, 2010, p. 9).
The MARBLE project was supported by Australian Research Council
grant number LP0560543. Key Curriculum Press provided TinkerPlots to the
schools in the project.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
(2010). Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Version 1.1, 13 December,
2010. Sydney, NSW: ACARA.
Brown, N., Watson, J., Wright, S., & Skalicky, J. (2011). A
primary classroom inquiry: Estimating the height of a tree. Australian
Primary Mathematics Classroom, 16(2), 3-11.
Cavanagh, M. (2008). Trigonometry from a different angle. The
Australian Mathematics Teacher, 64(1), 25-30.
Konold, C. & Miller, C.D. (2005). TinkerPlots: Dynamic data
exploration [computer software]. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press.
[A trial version of TinkerPlots can be downloaded from
http://www.keypress.com/ and can be used to create data cards and plots
for these investigations but files cannot be saved or printed.]
Maxwell, S.A. (2006). Measuring tremendous trees: Discovery in
action. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 12(3), 132-139.
National Curriculum Board. (2009). The Shape of the Australian
Curriculum. Barton, ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.
Quinlan, C. (2006). Sparking interest in trigonometry. The
Australian Mathematics Teacher, 60(3), 17-20.
Rehill, G.S. (2010). Building a strong foundation in mathematics.
Year 9 Interactive Maths (2nd Ed.). Retrieved from
Van de Walle, J. A. (2004). Elementary and middle school
mathematics: Teaching developmentally (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
Watson, J. & Wright, S. (2008). Building informal inference
with TinkerPlots in a measurement context. The Australian Mathematics
Teacher, 64(4), 31-40.
Jane Watson, Natalie Brown, Suzie Wright & Jane Skalicky
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>