Box plots in the Australian curriculum.
Watson, Jane M.
The purpose of this article is to compare the definition of box
plot as used in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics with other
definitions used in the education community; to describe the
difficulties students experience when dealing with box plots; and to
discuss the elaboration that is necessary to enable teachers to develop
the knowledge necessary to use them effectively.
The box plot is 40 years old (Tukey, 1970, 1977). Like many
40-year-olds the box plot has changed its shape and varied its personal
descriptors over the years (Wickham & Stryjewski, 2011). Its power
to inform exploratory data analysis has gained it a place in statistics
curricula at various levels in many countries. The Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Authority [ACARA], 2012) has placed it at Year 10 in the Statistics and
Probability strand of the learning area. As the curriculum document is
sparse in its description and elaboration of the term, three issues
relating to the needs of the teachers required to implement the
curriculum are discussed here: there is not one universally accepted
definition of a box plot and teachers need to be aware that they and
their students may encounter contradictions in different contexts where
different conventions apply; teachers need to be aware of the
difficulties their students encounter in understanding box plots; and,
there is minimal advice in the curriculum elaborations about how the box
plot can be used effectively in a statistical investigation.
The extract from Australian Curriculum: Mathematics Glossary that
defines box plot is shown in Figure 1. To assist in understanding the
definition, the extracts for quartile and median are presented in Figure
2. Choosing a box plot format that extends the whiskers to the minimum
and maximum values in the data set makes instructions for students
straightforward but this is not the common convention in tertiary
statistics courses. There the convention is usually to extend whiskers
from the quartiles that form the edges of the box to the farthest values
from the centre that are less than or equal to 1.5 times the
interquartile range. In fact under the definition of parallel box plots,
there is implicit acknowledgement of this convention as seen in Figure
3. MacGillivray (2011) in writing for the TIMES project supporting the
Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, Year 10, Data Investigation and
Interpretation, first acknowledges the definition of box plot in the
curriculum and then immediately moves to the more common tertiary
convention. This description is shown in Figure 4. If all data values
lie within 1.5 times the interquartile range from their closest
quartiles, then the box plots using the two conventions will look the
Figure 2. ACARA (2012) definitions of Quartile
and Median.
Quartiles are the values that divide
an ordered data set into four
(approximately) equal parts. It is only
possible to divide a data set into exactly
four equal parts when the number of
data of values is a multiple of four.
There are three quartiles. The first,
the lower quartile (Q1) divides off
(approximately) the lower 25% of data
values. The second quartile (Q2) is the
median. The third quartile, the upper
quartile (Q3), divides off (approximately)
the upper 25% of data values.
Percentiles are the values that
divide an ordered data set into 100
(approximately) equal parts. It is only
possible to divide a data set into exactly
100 equal parts when the number of
data values is a multiple of one hundred.
There are 99 percentiles. Within the
above limitations, the first percentile
divides off the lower 1% of data values.
The second, the lower 2% and so on. In
particular, the lower quartile (Q1) is the
25th percentile, the median is the 50th
percentile and the upper quartile is the
75th percentile.
The median is the value in a set of
ordered data that divides the data
into two parts. It is frequently called the
'middle value'.
Where the number of observations is odd,
the median is the middle value.
For example, for the following ordered
data set with an odd number of
observations, the median value is five.
1 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9
Where the number of observations is
even, the median is calculated as the
mean of the two central values.
For example, in the following ordered
data set, the two central values are 5
and 6, and median value is the mean of
these two values, 5.5
1 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10
The median provides a measure of
location of a data set that is suitable for
both symmetric and skewed distributions
and is also relatively insensitive to outliers.
For the user of box plots the major difficulty with the definition
of box plot in the curriculum is the ambiguity associated with the
definition of quartile when the number of data values is not evenly
divisible by 4. The use of "approximately" can lead to many
possibilities for decisions on the placement of the edges of the box. A
common convention is to use the median of the upper and lower halves of
the data (historically called the Tukey hinge). Given that the median is
defined (see Figure 2) this would appear to be a reasonable convention
for teachers to use when an "approximate" value is required.
The use of the word "approximately" in the definition of
quartile means that in many instances there is unlikely to be one
"correct" answer to the shape of a box plot, which in turn
means that teachers will need to be flexible in marking student work.
The discussion so far has illustrated that unlike many other areas
of the mathematics curriculum where definitions are fixed and immutable,
the definition of box plot is not. Because students will meet box plots
in many contexts in other learning areas and in the world outside of
school, it is important to impress upon them the need for flexibility in
interpreting new box plots presented to them. As Wall and Benson (2007)
show, students are going to be reading and interpreting many different
representations across learning areas as they progress through school.
Wickham and Stryjewski (2011) make this point even more strongly for box
plots as they survey the development of the box plot over the last 40
years. A few of the adaptations they discuss include making the width of
the plot proportional to the size of the data set for comparing data
sets of different sizes; displaying density of values within the box
using the shape of the box (narrower for fewer points and wider for
more); using colour to indicate density with darker shading being more
dense; and developing conventions for two-dimensional data sets.
Although students might be shown some of these alternatives to create an
awareness of diversity, it is unlikely they would be employed in the
Teachers themselves need to be aware of the variation of the
presentation of system data in box plot form as part of their
professional lives. The example shown in Figure 5 is of the type
provided by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
(2010) for a hypothetical school's NAPLAN results. As can be seen
from the key, 20% of the data are not represented in the box plots. For
those not attending to the key, there may be a belief that the range of
scores for the school for Writing is larger than the range for the
state. As the school is a subset of the state, this is clearly
impossible, regardless of the appearance of the box plot. Similar
confusion could occur for the boxes in Figure 6 where there are no
whiskers and 40% of the data are missing in plots reporting the outcomes
for the five NAPLAN learning areas for two imaginary students. Pierce
and Chick (in press) found that many teachers struggled with appropriate
interpretation of plots like those in Figures 5 and 6.
The message for students, and in many cases for teachers as well,
is "Read the key" for any box plot encountered. The examples
given here are evidence that there is no universally accepted convention
for presenting summaries of data sets in box plot form. The power of box
plots is in their ability to act as an intermediary between a complete
plot of a data set, perhaps as a stacked dot plot or histogram, and a
listing of statistics such as the five-number summary or the mean and
standard deviation. When many data sets are being compared, box plots
are a convenient visualisation if the representation is completely
Student difficulties with box plots
As part of developing the pedagogical content knowledge necessary
to teach about box plots, teachers need an appreciation of students as
learners (Callingham & Watson, 2011) in relation to the concepts
involved. By Year 10 it would be expected that students know the
definitions and can distinguish between mean and median as measures of
centre. These concepts are introduced in Year 7 of the curriculum and
employed in various ways in Years 8 and 9. Research has shown, however,
that the intuitions associated with the concepts often are not
consolidated (Mokros & Russell, 1995; Watson & Moritz, 2000) and
it is not natural for students to imagine using the measures for example
as evidence to support the difference in two data sets (Watson &
Moritz, 1999). As seen in the Glossary extract in Figure 2, percentiles,
and hence percents, are important in the creation of box plots and the
median is equal to the 50th percentile. Traditionally, of the three
rational number representations--fractions, decimals, and
percentages--percentages have received the least attention in the
classroom. Research confirms that percentages cause considerable
difficulty for students (Parker, 2004) and teachers need to be prepared
to provide a review of percent linked to percentiles and creating box
plots. Although not specifically mentioned in the curriculum the ogive,
or cumulative relative frequency plot, can be a way of developing
concrete understanding of percentiles (Siegel, 1988).
The most difficult aspect of straightforward box plots, as defined
in Figure 1 based on the five-number summary, is the density
representation in each of the four parts of the plot. Since each of the
four quarters of the plot represent (approximately) 25% of the data, the
linear length of the four segments represents the spread of the 25%
rather than a larger or smaller number of data values. This is
non-intuitive for many students who, for example, are used to a longer
length representing "more" centimetres and a shorter length
representing "fewer" centimetres on a ruler. The usual
representation of a box plot without the accompanying data is a very
useful shorthand for those who understand this inverse relationship: the
smaller the associated length of the component of the plot, the more
closely packed the same member of values are compared to the other
components. This difficulty, reported by Bakker, Biehler, and Konold
(2005), led them to suggest that box plots not be introduced to middle
school students. Although one might expect that by Year 10 the density
concept would be understood, Pierce and Chick (in press) found that many
teachers in their study continued to experience difficulty as
professionals interpreting system data.
Although for statisticians there is no need to see the data that
create a box plot, for beginners it would appear useful to be able to do
so. Three box plots created with the software TinkerPlots (Konold &
Miller, 2011) are shown in Figure 7. In the top box plot, matching the
main definition of box plot in the curriculum (Figure 1), 60 data values
are shown under the plot, whereas in the middle plot the dividers also
highlight the 25% of data in each quartile. In the bottom plot the data
are hidden, giving the students a chance to imagine recreating the data,
which can then be revealed again for reinforcement. The data in Figure 7
are symmetrically distributed and the lengths of each of the four
components are roughly the same. Plots like this one are common but do
not highlight the density issue.
The top plot in Figure 8 shows the box plot and the associated data
set for Mark Taylor's batting scores for his first innings in his
first 63 cricket test matches (available at These data are skewed to the right
with a very short whisker to the left and a very long whisker to the
right. Without the data visible many students may judge by the length of
the right whisker that Mark Taylor was a great batsman because most of
his innings resulted in high scores. With the data visible, however, it
can be seen that the data under the left whisker are very bunched up
whereas the data under the right whisker are very spread out. Hence
students should observe that the best quarter of Mark Taylor's
innings resulted in scores more varied than all of the other
three-quarters of his innings. The data in the second quartile are
similarly more bunched up than the data in the third quartile but the
difference is not as extreme. The plot at the bottom of Figure 8 shows
the box plot and data set for the dates on 100 randomly collected
Australian 10 cent coins. This distribution is skewed in the opposite
direction to the cricket scores. Again the spread-out then bunched-up
nature of the data is seen as the eye moves from left to right along the
axis. The contexts of these two examples provide an excellent
opportunity for teachers to discuss why skewness occurs in some data
sets. Contrasting the shapes of the data distributions in Figures 7 and
8 allows some introductory discussion of normal distributions (e.g.,
Figure 7) and where they arise in contrast to asymmetric distributions.
Being able to hold such a discussion using only the box plots without
the actual data present is a sign of high level functioning and
understanding of what box plots represent.
For students who struggle with box plots or for younger students
there is a more basic representation, known as the hat plot, provided in
TinkerPlots. As seen in Figure 9 in comparison to Figure 7, the median
is not represented and the whiskers drop down to become the brim of the
hat. The central 50% of the data are now clustered under the crown of
the hat. Watson, Fitzallen, Wilson, and Creed (2008) showed that
students in Years 5 to 7 could use hat plots to describe and compare
data sets and develop language for the middle such as
"clustered" and "squeezed up." Talking about the
middle 50% of the data in the crown also reinforced links to percent,
which had been taught to some of the students recently.
There are many aspects of learning about box plots that require
careful planning and reinforcement by teachers. The final constant
reminder is to look for and read a key if it is present.
Use of box plots
Table 1 contains the three descriptors and four associated
elaborations related to box plots in Year 10 of the Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics. The verbs "construct,"
"interpret," and "compare" are indicative of what
teachers can plan to do with box plots in the classroom and the last two
words are "draw conclusions." What is missing, however, is an
indication of how box plots "can facilitate comparisons between
data sets." There is no indication of criteria to be used in
drawing conclusions when making comparisons.
Research has shown that when comparing two data sets, students
often are initially reluctant to declare a likely difference if there is
any overlap of the data values in a plot. Once over that hurdle,
however, sometimes they will declare a very small, perhaps negligible,
difference to be "real" (Watson, 2008). Wild, Pfannkuch,
Regan, and Horton (2011) provide some guidance on making comparisons
based on random samples of different sizes using box plots. Although
some of their criteria may be considered too detailed for Year 10,
several can be very useful. If there is no overlap for two box plots,
including the whiskers, then it is safe to conclude there is a
difference in populations underlying the two data sets. Wild et al.
first base "making a call" about difference on the criteria in
Figure 10. The 3 / 4 - 1 / 2 rule is particularly useful.
The left of Figure 11 shows a plot of travel time to school for 30
randomly selected students (from the ABS Census@School site) who travel
to school in three different ways. It is not possible to claim a
difference in travel time for Australian students who walk or come in a
car but because the box for bus is to the right of the box for car, it
is possible to claim that travel time by bus tends to be longer than
travel time by car for Australian students. The right of Figure 11 shows
an example of the 3 / 4 - 1 / 2 rule for dominant-hand reaction time
data randomly collected for boys in Year 5 and Year 10 (from the ABS
Census@School site). Since the median for Year 10 is outside the box for
Year 5 (also true for the Year 5 median in relation to Year 10), in each
case half of the data from one set are more extreme than three quarters
of the data in the other set. It is hence possible to conclude that the
dominant-hand reaction time for Australian Year 10 boys tends to be
faster than the dominant-hand reaction time for Australian Year 5 boys.
These visual criteria provide concrete cues for students in drawing
conclusions, as suggested should be done in the elaboration in Table 1.
They could even be used with care for comparing data sets like those
shown in Figure 5.
The next stage in decision-making for Wild et al. (2011) is more
complex and is shown in Figure 12. It starts to become more procedural
and less intuitive and might be suggested for more advanced students to
use in project work. These criteria for decision-making are preliminary
to formal inference, which students may meet in Years 11 and 12 or
university. The suggestion of criteria to make decisions based on box
plots however is important in introducing students to the use of
evidence from samples to make informal inferences about populations,
acknowledging uncertainty (Makar & Rubin, 2009).
Although box plots in various forms have been taught in some
jurisdictions in the past, the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics
(ACARA, 2012) provides the opportunity to consolidate what is taught
across the country. Given the variations in the formats for box plots
that students are likely to meet in other curriculum areas and outside
of school, flexibility is important. Box plots are different from other
mathematical objects that can be more precisely defined. If ACARA
develops an assessment program employing box plots it will be necessary
to make clear that the version described in the glossary is to be
assessed and tasks will need to be devised based on data sets where
"approximately" does not make judging responses difficult. One
concern arises when observing the lack of criteria for drawing
conclusions in Table 1. Will assessment items be restricted to low level
procedural tasks? This would be a shame given the potential of box plots
to lead students to a high level of statistical thinking.
The author thanks colleagues on the ARC Linkage project
LP100100388, Ian Gordon, Robyn Pierce, and Helen Chick, for useful
discussions on the issues addressed in this article.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
(2012). The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, Version 3.0, 23 January
2012. Sydney, NSW: ACARA.
Bakker, A., Biehler, R. & Konold, C. (2005). Should young
students learn about box plots? In G. Burrill & M. Camden (Eds),
Curricular Development in Statistics Education: International
Association for Statistical Education (IASE) Roundtable, Lund, Sweden,
28 June-3 July 2004 (pp. 163-173). Voorburg, The Netherlands:
International Statistical Institute.
Callingham, R. & Watson, J. (2011). Measuring levels of
statistical pedagogical content knowledge. In C. Batanero, G. Burrill
& C. Reading (Eds), Teaching statistics in school mathematics
--Challenges for teaching and teacher education: Ajoint ICMI/IASE study
(pp. 283-293). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Konold, C. & Miller, C. D. (2011). TinkerPlots: Dynamic data
exploration [computer software, Version 2.0]. Emeryville, CA: Key
Curriculum Press.
MacGillivrary, H. (2011). Data investigation and interpretation: A
guide for teachers - Year 10. Statistics and Probability: Module 8.
Melbourne: The Improving Mathematics Education in Schools Project.
Available at
Makar, K. & Rubin, A. (2009). A framework for thinking about
informal statistical inference. Statistics Education Research Journal,
8(1), 82-105.
Mokros, J. & Russell, S. J. (1995). Children's concepts of
average and representativeness. Journal for Research in Mathematics
Education, 26, 20-39.
Parker, M. (2004). Reasoning and working proportionally "with
percent. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 9, 326-330.
Pierce, R. & Chick, H. (in press). Workplace statistical
literacy for teachers: Interpreting box plots. Mathematics Education
Research Journal.
Siegel, A. (1988). Statistics and data analysis: An introduction.
New York: Wiley.
Tukey, J. W. (1970). Exploratory data analysis. [Preliminary ed.]
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory data analysis. Reading, MA:
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2010). Reporting
guide: 2010 National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy. East
Melbourne: Author.
Wall, J. J. & Benson, C. C. (2009). So many graphs, so little
time. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15, 82-91.
Watson, J. M. (2008). Exploring beginning inference with novice
grade 7 students. Statistics Education Research Journal, 7(2), 59-82.
Watson, J. M., Fitzallen, N. E., Wilson, K. G. & Creed, J. F.
(2008). The representational value of hats. Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School, 14, 4-10.
Watson, J. M. & Moritz, J. B. (1999). The beginning of
statistical inference: Comparing two data sets. Educational Studies in
Mathematics, 37, 145-168.
Watson, J. M. & Moritz, J. B. (2000). The longitudinal
development of understanding of average. Mathematical Thinking and
Learning, 2(1&2), 11-50.
Wickham, H. & Stryjewski, L. (2011). 40 years of box plots.
Manuscript submitted for publication. Available at:
Wild, C. J., Pfannkuch, M., Regan, M. & Horton, N. J. (2011).
Towards more accessible conceptions of statistical inference (with
Discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 174(2),
Jane M. Watson
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>
(1) NB: In a separate document, Additional Information to Support
the Glossary (ACARA, 2012) (available at www.australiancurriculum. more detail is given
about dealing "with outliers under the definition of Box plot. The
description, however, should include "at least" as shown in
the following sentence: In constructing box plots, it is common to
designate data values that lie a distance of at least 1.5 x IQR from
either box end as possible outliers.
Table 1. Descriptors for Year 10 related to Box Plots
(ACARA, 2012, p. 63)
Data representation and Elaborations
Determine quartiles and finding the five-number summary
interquartile range (ACMSP248) (minimum and maximum values,
median and upper and lower
quartiles) and using its
graphical representation, the
box plot, as tools for both
numerically and visually
comparing the centre and spread
of data sets
Construct and interpret box understanding that box plots are
plots and use them to compare an efficient and common way of
data sets (ACMSP249) representing and summarising
data and can facilitate
comparisons between data sets
using parallel box plots to
compare data about the
distribution of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people by
age with that of the Australian
population as a whole
Compare shapes of box plots to Investigating data in different
corresponding histograms and ways to make comparisons and
dot plots (ACMSP250) draw conclusions