Randomness, sample size, imagination and metacognition: making judgments about differences in data sets.
Stack, Sue ; Watson, Jane
Consider this:
An experimental treatment for mildly to moderately depressed
patients is tested by taking two groups of 15 to the Caribbean. One
group swims 4 hours per day for 4 weeks (the control group) and the
other group swims for 4 hours per day for 4 weeks with dolphins (the
treatment). Ten out of 15 of the dolphin group improve, whereas 3 out of
15 of the swimming only group improve (Rossman, 2008).
What could you claim from this experiment and for what population?
How certain would you be? Why? What types of things are you thinking
about to inform your decision? What would you like to know more about?
What are the big statistical ideas in this problem?
This was one of the problems that Grade 10 mathematics students
were challenged to consider as a part of an action research project,
where two teachers trialled a statistics and probability unit specially
developed by the second author. A key intent of the five week unit was
to help students develop conceptual and technical tools to be able to
make informal inferences (statistical judgments) about whether claims
based on one sample could be generalised to larger populations, and
about whether differences in data sets were significant or whether the
differences might have occurred by chance (a random event). Through
using the TinkerPlots program (Konold & Miller, 2011) students could
collect samples and create simulations that would enable them to develop
visual and intuitive understandings alongside statistical
The lead teacher was keen to expose her students to technical tools
that might expand their notion of what mathematical inquiry is and liked
the way that the unit combined ideas of probability and statistics,
concerned that the normal way of teaching probability was around gaming
A key challenge of the project was building an understanding of the
concept of randomness within the activities in such a way that students
could draw meaningful conclusions about populations from small samples.
The conversations that the two teachers and the two researchers had with
students problematised the existing understandings of what randomness
was--it highlighted the range of different meanings and contexts, and
how and when they are used. As a result they became active inquirers
into concepts around randomness, realising that in building student
capacity for inference it was crucial explicitly to develop and
distinguish different ideas around randomness.
Based on the activities used with the students, one aim of this
article is to tease out some of the aspects of randomness that emerged
as a result of this project that might be useful for other teachers. A
metacognitive frame for thinking about informal inference is introduced,
which takes into account the thinking that students were actually
engaged in during the unit of work. It was realised how important the
role of imaginative thinking is in helping students to engage with the
context, imagine alternative hypotheses, imagine the probability space,
imagine their data in new ways and imagine whole populations.
Swimming with dolphins
Take a moment to imagine the issues in the dolphin problem. Does it
help to imagine being there in the Caribbean swimming with dolphins?
What might be the reasons that swimming with dolphins is a positive
experience (special experience, bonding, dolphins are friendly) and why
might it be negative (scary, not in control)? Does it help to imagine
how the scientists may have designed the experiment? Did they select the
30 people randomly from an entire population of depressed people, or did
they invite people to participate? Would a randomly selected sample be
representative? How would we know it was representative? Would inviting
people to participate tend to select people who like dolphins and
therefore the experiment would be difficult to generalise to a larger
population? How was the control group of 15 people selected out of the
30 people? Was it done randomly and why might this give a fairer test?
What constitutes an improvement? How long was the improvement sustained
after the tests?
Chance devices Measurement contexts
Single random outcome Random sample size of 1
from a population
Expect an unpredictable Expect an unpredictable
outcome: outcome.
* Toss of a coin. Could Unknown likelihood to be
be either head or tail. representative of the
* Roll of dice. Could be
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Small random sample of Small random sample
Expect variation in Expect that small samples
outcomes from the are likely to vary from
probability model. the population. Comparing
Repeating these samples different small samples
will show high variation of the same sample size,
between the samples. each randomly selected
from a population, will
Toss a coin 10 times. show variation among
Might have 7 heads and 3 them.
tails. Repeating this
five times might have the
following results: 6/10H,
4/10H, 7/10H, 5/10H,
Large random sample of Large sample size
outcomes randomly selected
Expect a pattern to Expect close agreement
appear reflecting the with the population.
underlying probability Comparing different large
model. random samples will show
little variation among
* 1000 coin tosses. them.
Expect percentage of
heads to be close to
50% (theoretical
* 1000 dice throws.
Expect relative frequency
of each number to be
close to 1/6 (theoretical
Now look at the data: Sixty-seven per cent of people improved when
swimming with dolphins and 20% of people improved just swimming. This
seems to indicat that swimming with dolphins does make a difference. But
could this result hav happened by chance? Perhaps it was an extreme
random event. The sample i very small--only 15 people in each group. In
small samples would we expect mor extreme events? How could we test
whether this is the case for these data?
How many different ways have we considered randomness in this
problem What student experience and understanding of randomness are we
It is useful to consider randomness in two key mathematical
contexts: random ness as used in chance devices (where it is
theoretically possible to generate infinite populations from single
trials), and randomness in measurement context (where there is a finite
population of fixed yet undetermined values that sampling aims to
discern). How does randomness behave in these different contexts an can
understanding randomness in one context help to understand it in the
Randomness and the long term
A key idea for chance devices is that in the long term (for large
samples) we will see an emerging pattern of outcomes that reflects the
underlying theoretical probability model. This is a model that can be
deduced through imagining all of the possibilities in the probability
space. Research suggests that as a result of playing games few students
are likely to believe that in the long term random generation ensures
fairness (Watson & Moritz, 2003). In the short term (or for small
samples) there is an unpredictability and it is possible that extreme
values occur. The result may not appear fair or representative at all.
Compare 30 rolls of a die versus 3000 based on random generation of data
in TinkerPlots in Figure 1.
The unusual outcome on the left of Figure 1 might lead us to
believe it was caused as a result of a specific intervention (i.e.,
using a loaded die), when in fact it might just be a "usual"
characteristic of randomness--the generation of an extreme event.
Research suggests that students have difficulty in discerning between
caused and random extreme events generated by chance devices (Chiesi
& Primi, 2009). Young students for example, seeing 5 heads in a row
might be likely to predict another Head, thinking it is a caused
pattern, whereas older students might predict a Tail because they expect
the results to even out, not recognising that each toss is an
independent event. A typical assumption by students is that a large
sample of random events will be replicated in a small sample (Watson
& Moritz, 2000). It is difficult for many to imagine how the sample
size might affect the number of extreme events that we see.
Comparison of sample sizes in chance devices
Using simulation we can compare a range of sample sizes to generate
random data. We toss a coin 10 times to represent a sample size of 10,
and compare that with 30, 50 and 100 tosses, to represent larger sample
sizes (see Figure 2). For each one we do this for 1000 trials to get a
sense of what the pattern will look like in the long term. The plots
show the frequency of outcomes for heads. The students were interested
in seeing how often heads occurred more than 60% of the time in each set
of samples--these outcomes represented an 'extreme' event. As
the sample size got larger the percentage of extreme events reduced.
Comparison of sample size for fixed populations
The previous simulation is a very visual demonstration about how
sample size in the context of chance devices affects the generation of
extreme events. We would expect a similar trend comparing a range of
sample sizes of large finite populations--the smaller the sample size
the greater the chance of extreme events.
In the following situation we have a known population of 677 data
points. Each data point represents a person who came on the First Fleet
and the value of the crime for which he or she was transported (see
Figure 3; data from Watson et al., 2011). We can put these data into a
random sampler and then select samples of 10 data values and compare
their variation and medians with the actual population measures. For a
small sample size taken over several trials we see much variation in the
medians of the individual samples (Figure 4). Considered together, 100
of the sample medians have their own median of 26.2 (Figure 5). As the
sample size increases to 30 data values, the cluster of medians has less
variation (Figure 6) and the median of the medians (29.5) is closer to
the population median of 29 (Figure 3).
Discussion questions: To what extent might notions of random
sampling being fair and representative hold for samples of 10 versus 30?
On what are you basing your judgments? What are implications for
sampling unknown populations?
Random re-allocation of data
Can we use the above ideas to help us think about the dolphin data
taken from a small sample of an unknown population? We want to be able
to discern if the results mean that the improvement in depression is a
caused by swimming with dolphins for our small sample and then be able
to generalise to a larger population.
To help us do that we need to imagine that the reverse is true.
Despite the logical contextual reasons that swimming with dolphins
causes improvement and our expectation that it might be true, we are
going to imagine that the dolphin experimental results are merely due to
a random extreme event.
Consider each data value as representing one person with
information about what group he or she is in (dolphin or control) and
his or her result (improved or not improved). This can be represented by
the two-way table in Figure 7. We have 13 people who improved (10 from
the dolphin group) and 17 people who did not (5 people from the dolphin
group). Now what if the treatment had no effect? We would expect the
results of improved/not improved to be randomly spread across the two
groups. We can estimate this possibility using a TinkerPlots simulation
where we put our results into a random generator and then re-assign the
results to the two groups (dolphin or control). Details for carrying out
the re-allocation with TinkerPlots are found in Watson (2013). (1)
We might find that when randomly re-assigned there are only 6
people who 'improve' by swimming with dolphins, then 4 for the
next trial, then 8. When we do this for 100 trials we can look at the
randomly generated frequency distribution of people who
'improved' by swimming with dolphins (Figure 8).
The random simulation created a spread in values for improvement
after swimming with dolphins, and only 1% showed the result that 10 or
more people 'improved' when they swam with dolphins. We
therefore get a numerical value that suggests the likelihood that the
result of the actual experiment was random. We can say, "If we
randomly re-allocate the data again and again only about 1% of the time
is the randomly generated result the same or more extreme than our
experimental result." This gives us high confidence in the actual
experimental results for this sample. From this we can take the next
step to generalise to a larger population.
In the unit, students also used this process when comparing two
different frequency distributions, e.g., the number of meaningful words
memorised versus the number of meaningless words memorised--two data
sets that they had experimentally generated themselves. This activity
was based on suggestions of Shaughnessy, Chance and Kranendonk (2009).
The aim of the random re-allocation process is to help students
have more confidence and discernment in generalising from a sample to a
larger population due to having a numerical likelihood of it being a
random occurrence for a given number of trials. In this step, however,
students also need to draw in aspects about the experimental design that
they have considered earlier: how certain is it that experimental bias
has been mitigated, how was the small sample selected from the
population, what population might this be reasonably generalised to?
When these factors are considered then students should be able to
provide an overall level of confidence in being able to generalise the
outcome to a larger population.
Metacognition, imagination and making explicit the thinking
The action research project highlighted how important it is to help
students create concept maps for the thinking they are doing. It would
help if the class developed a glossary and map of the terminology that
they were using, particularly notions about randomness, samples and
populations. It would be helpful during the course of the unit to spell
out the different slang meanings versus statistical meanings, the
problems with the meanings as they come up in new conceptual contexts,
and questions around these.
It is important to make explicit the sort of thinking that is
involved in making effective inferences and discerning judgments. When
teachers are drawing on rich contexts in mathematics they may find
themselves participating in more general discussions where understanding
the context is as important as understanding the mathematics and for the
students the lines between the two contexts become blurred. Initially
some students drew on other forms of thinking such as scientific
thinking in critiquing the experimental design and general reasoning in
looking for why an experiment might work, with more focus on the context
than on a statistical evaluation of the data. They often felt one
dimension of evaluation was enough and did not bring the different types
of evaluation together.
In reflecting on the student responses for the dolphin problem it
was clear that many of them drew on valuable forms of thinking that need
to be made explicit as part of an overall process of making informal
inferences. Figure 9 attempts to capture the type of thinking different
students were engaged in during the unit and within this context provide
a framework for making informal inferences. At every stage of the
inference process imagination is required in thinking about the
questions posed. Without the questions and imagination to think about
alternatives, the process becomes a textbook exercise.
It is important to have metacognitive conversations with students
to encourage them to reflect on their thinking and what they are drawing
on in coming up with judgments. As they describe the "sources"
of their thinking these can be captured, valued, discussed, refined and
mapped in a similar way to what is shown in Figure 9 in creating a
metacognitive frame for the unit. This then creates visible thinking
tools that students can use along with specific statistical thinking
such as using the concepts of variation, distribution, expectation,
randomness, and informal inference. A key part is helping students
overcome limitations in thinking about mathematics being only associated
with formulae and calculations, rather, that it requires imagination and
flexibility in thinking.
There is considerable research on the difficulties students have in
conceptualising individual concepts of probability and statistics (see
for example, Bryant & Nunes, 2012; Jones, 2005). The unit of work
developed for this action research project was specifically designed to
address some of these in order to help students create visual and
intuitive understandings of the issues of sampling, randomness and
populations. The interweaving of concepts, combined with the technical
skills, was challenging for the teachers, students and researchers.
To create meaningful and deep learning experiences for students
requires considerable teacher knowledge and skill, being able to weave
together concepts with context and metacognitive thinking. In
particular, it takes skill in helping students to draw out from diverse
activities the central and connecting themes. At the end of the program
the lead teacher said she had previously never thought of designing a
unit around a key idea such as randomness or inference. Being able to
use such big conceptual ideas as a theme for a unit provided a very
valuable and interesting experience, certainly deepening her own
experience of the nuances within the ideas and how to build more
connective conceptual experiences for the students.
Figure 9. Metacognitive frame for making informal inferences
for the dolphin context.
Making statistical judgements
about differences in data sets
1. Hypothesis
Prediction of the generalisation for a wider population based
on an experiment to discern different treatments.
2. What are logical reasons that the hypothesis may or
may not be true?
3. Experimental validity
* What are the likely biases that could distort the results?
* What strategies can mitigate bias?
(e.g., random selection, control group)
* How representative is this sample of the more general
* How would you describe this sample size and its adequacy
for generalisation?
4. Description of the evidence
* Distribution, central tendancy, differences.
* Is there an indication that the difference is significant
for these data?
5. Could this have happened by chance?
* How frequently would a random generation of these numbers
create this experimental result if repeated 100 times in a
simulation using random re-allocation of data?
* Based on this, how certain are you that this is caused
result, rather than a random one?
6. Generalisability of the experiment
* What is your claim?
* What is the population that you could generalise this
claim to?
* What is the certainty of your claim based on the
experimental validity and the random re-allocation of
data simulation?
7. Implications and recommendations
* Is this result significant enough to recommend any
* How might these data be used?
* What questions are still remaining?
For students who go on to study formal statistics, the hope is that
the experiences with informal inference in memorable contexts such as
the dolphin problem will provide a foundation for appreciating and
understanding the formal statistics associated with t-tests and
p-values. For those who do not go on to study formal statistics, it is
hoped that they have gained an appreciation of randomness and its
usefulness in decision-making, moving beyond seeing random only as
Informal inference
* based on evidence
* can be generalised to a larger population
* gives an estimate of certainty.
Random phenomenon
A phenomenon is called random if the outcome of a single repetition
is uncertain but there is nonetheless a regular distribution of relative
frequencies in a large number of repetitions.
Simple random sample
A simple random sample of size nconsists of n units from the
population chosen in such a way that every set of nunits has an equal
chance to be the sample actually selected.
(Definitions from Moore and McCabe, Introduction to the Practice of
Statistics, 1993)
In the action research project students initially used
'random' as a slang word meaning 'unexpected'.
'It is random' meant it could be anything.
Students expected to see the frequency distribution of the die to
even out in the long term, but were surprised by how many rolls of the
die it took.
Some of the students had problems in comparing different samples
with the population and making a judgment on how similar or different
they were. Part of the reason for this is that outliers changed the X
axis for each plot so students had to manipulate the graphs to get
comparative scales.
Most students initially found it difficult to imagine that the
results of the dolphin treatment could be due to chance, rather than
caused by the treatment. They were captured by the conviction that the
treatment was logically effective and therefore true.
At the beginning many had difficulty in understanding what random
reallocation was, how it worked and why they were doing it. Some would
get the idea, only to lose it later, then regain it. It was conceptually
difficult and needed considerable teacher support. With several
examples, however, most students developed a visual/intuitive sense of
the likelihood that a result could have been a caused versus a random
event. It was important to give some examples where the difference was
less obvious.
Bryant, P. & Nunes, T. (2012). Children's understanding of
probability: A literature review. London: Nuffield Foundation. Retrieved
from wwww.nuffieldfoundation.org
Chiesi, F. & Primi, C. (2009). Recency effects in primary-age
children and college students. International Electronic Journal of
Mathematics Education, 4(3), 259-274.
Cobb, G. (2007). The introductory statistics course: A Ptolemaic
curriculum? Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 1(1).
Retrieved from http://escholarship.org/uc/item/6hb3k0nz
Jones, G.A. (Ed.). (2005). Exploring probability in school:
Challenges for teaching and learning. New York: Springer.
Konold, C. & Miller, C.D. (2011). TinkerPlots: Dynamic data
exploration [computer software, Version 2.0]. Emeryville, CA: Key
Curriculum Press.
Moore, D. S. & McCabe, G. P. (1993). Introduction to the
practice of statistics (2nd ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman.
Shaughnessy, J. M., Chance, B. & Kranendonk, H. (2009). Focus
in high school mathematics reasoning and sense making: Statistics and
probability. Reston, VA: NCTM.
Watson, J. M. (2013). Resampling with TinkerPlots. Teaching
Statistics, 35(1), 32-36.
Watson, J., Beswick, K., Brown, N., Callingham, R., Muir, T. &
Wright, S. (2011). Digging into Australian data with TinkerPlots.
Melbourne: Objective Learning Materials.
Watson, J. M. & Moritz, J. B. (2000). Developing concepts of
sampling. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31, 44-70.
Watson, J. M. & Moritz, J. B. (2003). Fairness of dice: A
longitudinal study of students' beliefs and strategies for making
judgments. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34(4),
Sue Stack
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>
Jane Watson
University of Tasmania
[email protected]>
(1) This process of random re-allocation is a visually intuitive
yet numerically based alternative to a t-test approach that some
students will meet in later years. It is the technique recommended by
Cobb (2007).