Implementing Japanese lesson study: an example of teacher-researcher collaboration.
Groves, Susie ; Doig, Brian ; Widjaja, Wanty 等
There is growing worldwide interest in Japanese lesson study as a
model for professional learning, with large-scale adaptations of lesson
study taking place in many countries. This paper describes how teachers
and researchers collaborated in a lesson study project carried out in
three Victorian schools. It describes Japanese lesson study and the
typical structured problem-solving research lesson that forms the basis
for lesson study; and discusses how the collaborative planning process
and the resulting research lessons, together with the post-lesson
discussions, provided teachers and researchers with the opportunity to
collaborate in the research process.
Japanese lesson study
Japanese lesson study is a professional learning activity with
origins that can be traced back for almost a century. Unlike many
Western initiatives, richly funded and mandated, lesson study in Japan
is neither funded nor mandatory. Essentially school-based and organised
by teachers themselves, it pervades primary school education--and to a
lesser extent secondary school education--across the country, with
teachers researching their own practice in school-based communities of
Lesson study first came to worldwide attention as a vehicle for
professional learning through Yoshida's (1999) doctoral
dissertation and Stigler and Hiebert's (1999) accounts of Japanese
structured problem-solving lessons based on the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) video study. Since then, there has
been phenomenal growth of lesson study as a vehicle for professional
learning in countries such as the USA, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia and
Japanese lesson study has four components:
* formulation of over-arching school goals related to
students' learning and long-term development;
* group planning of a research lesson addressing these goals;
* one team member teaching the research lesson while the planning
group, and others, observe in order to gather evidence of student
learning; and
* the post-lesson discussion where the planning group and other
observers (usually including an 'outside expert') discuss and
reflect on the evidence gathered during the lesson, using it to improve
the lesson, the unit, and instruction more generally (Perry & Lewis,
2008, p. 366).
In Japan, the research lesson in mathematics is based on
'structured problem solving', a major instructional approach
designed to create interest in mathematics and stimulate creative
mathematical activity (Takahashi, 2006). Typically such lessons have
four stages: posing the problem; students solving problems individually,
in pairs or small groups; whole-class discussion; and summing up
(Shimizu, 1999). These lessons have a single focus and address a single
problem designed to "achieve a single objective in a topic"
(Takahashi, 2006, p. 4).
Critical in the process of planning a research lesson is the
selection of the problem or task for the problem-solving activity
through kyozaikenkyu, which is an intensive and complex investigation of
a large range of instructional materials, including textbooks,
curriculum materials, lesson plans and reports from other lesson
studies, coupled with a study of students' prior understandings
(Watanabe, Takahashi & Yoshida, 2008). While teachers cannot engage
every day in such deep kyozaikenkyu, conducting it for the purpose of a
research lesson leads to a deeper understanding of the curriculum and
the mathematical content and goals underpinning it, as well as the
importance of matching problems to both the mathematical goals of the
lesson and students' knowledge (see also Doig, Groves & Fujii,
Public observation and debriefing of research lessons is a key
feature of Japanese lesson study. Typically a research lesson will be
observed by all members of the lesson planning team, the school
principal, the other teachers at the school (or the other teachers in
the same subject area at secondary schools), and an 'outside
expert' who acts as the final commentator at the post-lesson
discussion. Depending on the scale of the research lesson, there may be
many additional outside observers--50 to 100 observers would not be
unusual. Observers focus on student learning and are expected to base
their comments in the post-lesson discussion on evidence they have
collected during the lesson. The purpose is to promote thoughtful,
data-focussed discussion of the lesson.
Teachers act as researchers in all phases of the Japanese lesson
study process, researching the curriculum, teaching resources, known
student misconceptions, and formulating their own research questions to
be addressed through the research lesson and subsequent post-lesson
Our lesson study project
The Implementing Structured Problem-solving Mathematics Lessons
through Lesson Study project worked with two Year 3 or 4 teachers from
each of three schools from a Melbourne school network to explore ways in
which key elements of Japanese lesson study could be embedded into
Australian mathematics teaching and professional learning. Teachers were
supported not only by members of the Deakin research team, but also by a
key leading teacher at each school (e.g., a curriculum specialist or
numeracy coach) as well as the network numeracy coach--a total of ten
Participants took part in an initial whole-day professional
learning session on lesson study in June, and completed one lesson study
cycle during each of Terms 3 and 4 of 2012. Each lesson study cycle
involved two cross-school teams of three teachers and two leading
teachers or coaches planning a research lesson on the same topic during
four two-hour planning sessions. Each team was supported by two of the
university researchers. One member of each team taught the research
lesson in front of observers, with both teams participating in the
post-lesson discussions. Key staff at each school, together with all
interested teachers who could be released from their classes at the time
of the research lessons, as well as other professionals such as numeracy
coaches and leadership teams from other network schools, and mathematics
educators, were invited to observe the lessons and take part in the
post-lesson discussions. Approximately 30 people observed the fourth
research lesson in December 2012. Due to the perceived success of the
project, the project has continued into the first half of 2013, with two
days of teacher release for each participating teacher being funded by
the Melton Network. Two research lessons are now being planned for the
second week of Term 2.
In this paper, members of the Deakin University research team
discuss how the collaborative planning process and the resulting
research lessons, together with the post-lesson discussions, provided
teachers and Deakin researchers with the opportunity to collaborate in
the research process, while one of the school numeracy coaches and the
network numeracy coach provide their perspectives on the project.
The collaborative planning process
Detailed and careful planning is central to the Japanese lesson
study process. Planning for lesson study in a Japanese school involves
setting overarching goals, as well as goals for the unit of work in
which the research lesson is embedded, and goals for the research lesson
itself. Teachers need to identify key mathematical ideas to be explored
in the lesson and anticipate students' mathematical solutions. In
keeping with the spirit of Japanese lesson study, which sets out to
engage teachers as "investigators of their own classroom
practices" and "researchers of teaching and learning in the
classroom" (Takahashi & Yoshida, 2004, p. 438), teachers and
coaches took full responsibility for the planning of the research
lessons. The Deakin research team facilitated the planning process by
sourcing potential mathematical tasks to be explored, modelling a
problem-solving lesson using a problem similar to the one to be used in
the first research lesson, and providing resources such as articles on
lesson study and sample lesson plans.
During the first planning meeting in each cycle, teachers and
numeracy coaches in the project engaged in solving the mathematical
problem proposed for the research lesson and participated in a
discussion of their solutions. Having first-hand experience in solving
the mathematical problem and discussing the attributes of various
solutions was instrumental in helping teachers anticipate the learning
potential for students and possible misconceptions students might have
when working on the problem. Furthermore, engaging in solving the
mathematical problems provided teachers with opportunities to deepen
their mathematical content knowledge.
Anticipating students' solutions is a key element of the
lesson planning process in Japanese lesson study (Shimizu, 2009). It
gives teachers a clear idea of what to look for when they observe
students' work, thus enabling them to orchestrate a productive
whole-class discussion that carefully sequences students'
solutions. The main teaching and learning takes place during this
whole-class discussion, which is designed to help students learn
something 'new' and advance their mathematical thinking.
(Shimizu, 2009; Takahashi, 2006; Watanabe, Takahashi & Yoshida,
Anticipating students' mathematical solutions was a new
element in the planning process for all teachers and coaches. Similarly,
orchestrating an extended whole-class discussion was not a common
practice in their mathematics lessons. Initially teachers expressed
concern about allocating 20 minutes for a whole-class discussion and
predicted that this would be challenging for their students. In order to
allow teachers to become more familiar with such a lesson structure and
to build their confidence in implementing such lessons, the research
team encouraged teachers to work closely with their school numeracy
coach in trialling a similar problem-solving task in their classrooms.
Teachers in both planning teams agreed to trial another problem with
their class and record students' responses. As a result, teachers
became more comfortable with conducting extended whole-class
discussions, with one teacher commenting that she had been "quite
wrong" when she had previously predicted that her class would not
be able to come up with many different solutions or be able to spend
extended time sharing these. This was a major breakthrough for this
teacher. Other teachers came to similar conclusions after trialling the
research lessons in different classes prior to the research lesson day.
Sharing the insights gained from trialling these problem-solving lessons
in the planning meetings was instrumental in advancing the planning
process. Through this trialling process, teachers were encouraged to
examine in detail various elements of the research lessons, such as the
exact phrasing of the task, ways to elicit students' mathematical
thinking through questioning, and planning the sequence of
students' solutions to enable a progression of ideas.
At the beginning, there might have been an expectation that the
researchers would lead the way in planning the research lesson. However,
members of the planning teams shared responsibilities to identify links
between lesson goals and curriculum documents. Collective effort by
every member was evident through the sharing of resources. The numeracy
coaches played a salient role in supporting teachers to conduct the
trial lessons by arranging a release time for teachers to observe each
other's trial lessons, analysing students' work and helping
teachers to plan questions to elicit students' thinking. The fact
that members of the research team stepped back and let the teachers and
coaches take control of the planning process was initially challenging
for some teachers. However this thinking had shifted by the end, after
teachers had observed the benefits of developing their own clear ideas
about different elements of the lesson through the process of
articulating their thoughts and ideas, guided by questions from members
of the research team. There was a strong sense of mutual trust among
members of the planning teams, driven by the intention to work on common
goals to generate knowledge by examining classroom practice with
questioning attitudes, an indication that the planning teams were
working as communities of inquiry (Groves, Doig & Splitter, 2000;
Jaworski, 2008).
In-depth planning of a research lesson requires a large time
commitment. While teachers and coaches saw the real benefits of in-depth
planning in deepening teachers' knowledge of mathematics and in the
changes to their lessons, ways to address the common concern about the
amount of time and continued support from the school community required
remain to be explored.
Teachers as researchers
On the surface, Japanese lesson study would not appear to be
related to teachers acting as researchers. However, examining one's
practice is a core aim of the research lesson. The purpose of the
research lesson in Japanese lesson study is not to provide "a
demonstration that showcases a particular teacher or approach"
(Watanabe, 2002, p. 37), but rather to provide a proving ground or
test-bed for an experiment in teaching and learning. While this may seem
a grandiose claim for a single lesson, albeit well-designed and taught,
Lewis and Tsuchida (1998) report that "Japanese teachers repeatedly
pointed to the impact of 'research lessons' ... as central to
individual, schoolwide and even national improvement of teaching"
(p. 12).
How does this work? In a Japanese lesson study cycle, teachers in
the planning group choose goals and design a lesson to achieve these
goals. The goals may be to improve student attitudes to mathematics, to
develop new skills, or to try an alternative approach to a curriculum
topic. In most cases, the goals include one that is directed towards
developing student understanding. For example, in our project, the task
in one research lesson was to find the number of dots in a 23 x 3 array,
without counting the dots individually. One of the two planning teams
listed the following as their two goals for their research lesson:
"to encourage students to use more effective multiplicative
thinking strategies (including the use of arrays and partitioning); and
to ensure students' mathematical explanations match their use of
the diagram".
These goals reflect the planning group's own goals or research
questions, one of which was "to build the content knowledge of
teachers as well as their capacity to ask more precise questions about
the student responses". In their lesson plan, this group included a
section on how these lesson goals related to their own lesson study
goals, stating that:
In this lesson we are looking at how the teacher
poses the problem in order to elicit student
thinking about multiplicative strategies. The
teacher questioning and discussion should
progress student thinking at their point of need
and the collaborative planning for this lesson
should result in improved teacher practice and
student learning.
Although the teachers' research questions are phrased as
goals, it is clear what the teachers planning the research lesson wish
to investigate.
Once the planning group has agreed on the goals, the lesson plan
starts to take shape. A critical feature of the planning is to
anticipate likely student solutions. Without a tradition of such lessons
to fall back on, teachers in the planning groups trialled the task in
their own classrooms, in order to identify likely solution strategies.
Researching likely solutions to a problem is a feature of planning for a
research lesson, revealing to the inquiring teacher not only many
aspects of how children interpret tasks, but also the range of
strategies that students employ in solving the problem. In the problem
involving finding the total number of dots in the 23 by 3 array,
teachers' research in their own classrooms found the following
strategies used by the Year 3 and Year 4 students: counting all the
dots; using repeated addition; skip counting by threes; writing the
number sentence 23 x 3 = 69; and using the vertical multiplication
algorithm. While some teachers were surprised with the range of
strategies found, others were surprised at the achievement of some of
their thought-to-be less capable students. As teachers gained more
interesting insights into their students' thinking, this also honed
the questions to be used within the lesson itself, as teachers
discovered the effect of using different wordings of the task on student
responses. This emphasis on deciding on an exact wording to a task in
order to stimulate desired responses from students took on a life of its
own and became a major influence in creating later lessons.
Finally, the observers invited to the research lesson (a hundred
extra eyes) were asked by the planning team to look for evidence that
would support the achievement of their goals for the research lesson,
thus helping the teachers gauge the effectiveness of their endeavour.
For example, the planning team referred to earlier, stated:
We would like the observers to focus on one or
two students to collect data on the strategies
used in the lesson. Specifically we would like
to know if the strategy used by the students
matches their recorded method using the
diagram and if the student is chosen to share,
how well does the student articulate the strategy
used and recorded method?
Over the complete lesson study cycle, teachers were continually
investigating "What would happen if we ...?" and worked on
answering their own questions. In a presentation at the 2012 Mathematics
Association of Victoria annual conference, two points were highlighted
that under-scored the heightened interest in researching practice by the
lesson study project teachers, namely the benefits to teachers and
students coming from: planning in teams with clear lesson goals; and
trialling lessons before conducting them.
In this project, it was apparent to both the teachers and the
university academics, that the teachers were researchers in the project
just as much as were the academics.
Creekside College: A need for lesson study
As a numeracy coach in a school of over 1400 students, leading the
development and evolution of a problem-solving culture in mathematics
looms as a challenging task. For teachers to teach through problem
solving, rather than the more commonplace 'teach a problem-solving
strategy a week' approach, it is vital to build a collaborative,
learning community model for planning mathematics units and lessons.
Teams of teachers need to work as professional learning communities,
where their mathematical knowledge for teaching is developed
collaboratively and in an ongoing way, enabling them to teach within a
problem-solving paradigm of mathematics teaching and learning. If
building teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching is the
priority, then Japanese lesson study offers a model within which this
can take place. Lewis, Perry and Murata (2006) outline the conjecture
that more than simply planning a lesson, lesson study strengthens three
pathways to instructional improvement (see Table 1).
Although the success of Japanese lesson study as a model for
improving instruction and teacher content knowledge in Japan has been
well-researched and documented, the ability of non-Japanese schools and
systems to adopt it as successfully must be considered. Lewis, Perry,
Hurd and O'Connell (2006) conducted research into the effectiveness
of North American schools and districts in utilising and adapting a
lesson study approach to improve teacher instruction and student
achievement. They found a distinct improvement in student achievement
data in mathematics with the inception of their lesson study approach.
Teachers also commented on the enhanced collaboration and development of
collective efficacy in the culture of the school. While the whole
process is built strongly around the established lesson study processes
of Japan, the schools in the United States were continuously mindful of
making it work in the USA, not simply replicating the exact program as
This not only allowed the schools to develop a model that worked
for them, but also allowed the schools, teachers and professionals
involved to take ownership of the lesson study process. It is these two
key pieces of research that have lead me to believe that incorporating
aspects of lesson study, if not entire lesson study cycles, into the
established planning and teaching practices of Creekside College
teachers would be a key strategy in the improvement of mathematics
teaching and learning at our school. The project with Deakin University
therefore provided the perfect catalyst for change.
A school-based coach's experiences of the lesson study project
The opportunity to take part in the lesson study project provided a
rich experience with myriad benefits, challenges and future implications
for both my coaching practice and the teaching and learning practice of
the teachers involved in lesson study. Successes of the project
included, but were not limited to:
* collaborative planning within a team;
* exploration of developmental continua throughout the planning
* increased mathematical knowledge for teaching, reported by all
teachers at the conclusion of each lesson study cycle;
* the opportunity to work with 'more experienced others'
throughout the planning process;
* planning, teaching and reflecting on a problem-solving approach
to mathematics;
* modifications to the established lesson structure to incorporate
more teaching taking place through reflection and sharing;
* consideration and planning for anticipated student responses to
the problem throughout the planning process;
* building the confidence of the classroom teachers involved in the
* careful, more deliberate task selection, design and modification
to meet the learning goals of the lesson and unit;
* the rigorous nature of the planning documentation;
* the honest and open nature and culture of the post-lesson
discussion, enabled by the thorough discussion of the lesson, lesson
plan, teaching and learning; and
* multiple cycles allowing all involved to hone skills and reflect
on learning through the new implementation.
Future implications for mathematics teaching and learning at
Creekside College as a result of the lesson study project included, but
were not limited to:
* extending share time to around fifteen to twenty minutes in most
numeracy lessons;
* student solutions being deliberately selected and ordered across
a continuum of learning rather than just having a student read our their
own work;
* use of moderation of problem-solving tasks as a pre-assessment
for units;
* running lesson study teams throughout the year;
* eventually having each team of teachers running a lesson study
* importance of teachers planning in a way that builds their
knowledge of misconceptions and how they teach through these; and
* in my role as coach, leading the development of teachers'
task design and questioning skills.
It is important to conclude with a reflection on why this project
was so important and what it means for the future. I feel vindicated in
my belief that if we can develop a planning model where teachers can
build their knowledge for teaching, then we can improve teachers'
practice and, most importantly, improve student learning. The ability of
this project to bring together mathematics researchers, numeracy leaders
and classroom teachers was a vital component in 'launching'
lesson study. Merely reading about it and then trying to implement it
within schools would not do the process justice. Having researchers who
have been involved in lesson study--on multiple occasions, in multiple
schools, across a number of years and countries--allowed us to run an
authentic lesson study, the benefits of which are countless. A project,
which allowed teachers to engage in their own research hand in hand with
more experienced others, provided ongoing opportunities for
self-reflection and the ability to engage in a genuine professional
learning community. I see my role as one where I 'teach a man to
fish' rather than give him a fish. Without this view, I believe
teachers will never gain the knowledge and confidence to teach high
quality mathematics programs and engage learners as problem solvers.
Leading and empowering others in collaborative learning communities is
essential if long-term, sustainable change is going to occur. Lesson
study provides one such paradigm, and this project has been the catalyst
for establishing lesson study cultures in our Australian schools.
Perhaps the most significant 'product' of the lesson
study project for Creekside College is the implementation of our first
lesson study cycles within the school in 2013. A group of six teachers
from across different year levels will be engaging in a full lesson
study cycle each term throughout the year. It is hoped that this will
become part of the culture of not only mathematics teaching and learning
practice, but also an in-built component to quality teaching and
learning practice across all curriculum areas into the future.
Lesson study in the Melton Network
As a numeracy coach to over 20 schools across the Melton Network in
the Western suburbs of Melbourne, I have been trying for many years to
implement the concepts underpinning Japanese lesson study. Last year I
got the opportunity to act as a project facilitator in an authentic
lesson study project. This involved inviting three schools in my network
to become involved in Deakin University's project. Considerations
included finding three schools in close proximity to each other to
overcome travelling issues; teachers were able to move between schools
during their lunch break. The first step was to convince the
school-based numeracy coach and the leadership team at each school that
this was a worthwhile project. As the facilitator of the school-based
numeracy coaches' professional learning in my network, I had
previously discussed the merits of a lesson study approach to develop
teacher content knowledge. So with Deakin University support of funding
and personnel this was an easy task and all schools approached were
extremely eager to be involved. All school numeracy coaches and
leadership teams within the network were invited to attend each research
lesson. While not all attended, those who did were excellent advocates
for the process and soon there was a need to give all principals within
the network some professional learning around the lesson study process.
As a result the Melton Network of schools agreed to support the original
schools in continuing a final lesson study for Term 1 in 2013 so that
all six classroom teachers in the project could have the opportunity to
conduct a research lesson.
As a result of the professional discussions and participation in
the lesson study project, schools involved in the project have:
* created greater levels of collegiality between teachers and
schools involved in the project;
* helped to build a common professional language and common
understanding of high quality pedagogy;
* provided opportunities for teachers to share high quality
teaching practice, thereby providing a forum to share ideas, success and
* had a reason to learn together as a result of participating in a
practical project that will help improve student learning;
* had to carefully prioritise the most important themes to tackle
in the research lesson;
* shared collective responsibility for producing more effective
learning for all students;
* used and built on what they know;
* created and implemented plans for achieving their project
aims--they think big, but start small and manageable;
* identified the professional learning strategies that most help
them learn; and
* combined outside-provided support (research findings, Network
Numeracy Coach, external consultants--Deakin University) and
work-embedded support (lesson observations, team-teaching, coaching).
While there have been numerous benefits from involvement in this
project for both the network and the schools involved, the next
challenge is to sustain this work. As my role as network coach is funded
through National Partnerships funding, it is unlikely it will continue
after this year. Many schools are placing their full time school based
numeracy coaches back into a full time classroom role and therefore
won't have the time to support the intensive planning needed to
develop research lessons. External funding from both Deakin University
and, this year, from Melton Network has definitely been a huge reason
for the success of this project. However, I am confident that all
schools involved in the project will try to modify and implement many of
the aspects of lesson study they have experienced through their
involvement in this project.
In Japan, lesson study is the main form of systematic professional
learning undertaken by teachers. Outside Japan, lesson study is
sometimes understood superficially as an activity aimed at perfecting
individual lessons. However, it should rather be seen as an activity
that allows teachers to collaborate with one another to research their
own practice. For example, Lewis and Tsuchida (1998) quote a teacher as
Research lessons help you see your teaching
from various points of view ... A lesson is like a
swiftly flowing river; when you're teaching you
must make judgments instantly. When you do
a research lesson, your colleagues write down
your words and the students' words. Your real
profile as a teacher is revealed to you for the
first time (p. 15).
Lesson study in Japan usually involves the participation of outside
experts--typically educational consultants, district personnel, or
university academics. While these outside experts may only participate
in the post-lesson discussions, their contributions help teachers
reflect on their practice and often inject new knowledge about relevant
research findings. Findings from our project suggest that lesson study
in Australia can also provide the opportunity for genuine
teacher-researcher collaboration.
Doig, B., Groves, S. & Fujii, T. (2011). The critical role of
the task development in lesson study: The key to effective teaching. In
L. C. Hart, A. Alston, A. Murata (Eds), Lesson study research and
practice in mathematics education (pp. 181-199). Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Springer.
Groves, S., Doig, B. & Splitter, L. (2000). Mathematics
classrooms functioning as communities of inquiry: Possibilities and
constraints for changing practice. In T. Nakahara & M. Koyama (Eds),
Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the International Group for the
Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 1-8). Hiroshima, Japan:
Hiroshima University.
Jaworski, B. (2008). Building and sustaining inquiry communities in
mathematics teaching development In K. Krainer & T. Wood (Eds),
Participants in mathematics teacher education (pp. 309-330). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers.
Lewis, C. & Tsuchida, I. (1998). A lesson is like a swiftly
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Lewis, C., Perry, R. & Murata, A. (2006). How should research
contribute to instructional improvement? The case of lesson study.
Educational Researcher, 35(3), 3-14.
Lewis, C., Perry, R., Hurd, J. & O'Connell, M. P. (2006).
Lesson study comes of age in North America. The Phi Delta Kappan, 88(4),
Perry, R. & Lewis, C. (2008). What is successful adaptation of
lesson in the U.S.? Journal of Educational Change, 10(4), 365-391.
Shimizu, Y. (1999). Aspects of mathematical teacher education in
Japan: Focusing on the teachers' roles. Journal of Mathematics
Teacher Education, 2, 107-116. doi:10.1023/A:1009960710624.
Stigler, J. W. & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap: Best
ideas from the world's teachers for improving education in the
classroom. New York: The Free Press.
Takahashi, A. (2006). Characteristics of Japanese mathematics
lessons. Retrieved 10 September 2008 from sympo_2006/takahashi.pdf
Watanabe, T. (2002). Learning from Japanese lesson study.
Educational Leadership, 59(6), 36-39.
Watanabe, T., Takahashi, A. & Yoshida, M. (2008). Kyozaikenkyu:
A critical step for conducting effective lesson study and beyond. In F.
Arbaugh & P. M. Taylor (Eds), Inquiry into mathematics teacher
education (pp. 131-142). Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
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Yoshida, M. (1999). Lesson study: A case study of a Japanese
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Susie Groves
Deakin University
[email protected]>
Brian Doig
Deakin University
[email protected]>
Wanty Widjaja
Deakin University
[email protected]>
David Garner
Creekside K-9 College
[email protected]>
Kathryn Palmer
Melton Network
[email protected]>
Table 1. Lesson study strengthens teachers' mathematical
knowledge for teaching (Lewis et al., 2006, p. 5).
Teachers' knowledge Teachers' Learning resources
and community
Knowledge of Motivation Lesson plans that
subject matter to improve reveal and promote
student thinking
Knowledge of Connection to
instruction colleagues who
can provide help
Capacity to Sense of accountability Tools that support
observe students to valued practice colle-gial learning
community during lesson study
Connection of
daily practice to
long-term goals