Fostering mathematical understanding through physical and virtual manipulatives.
Loong, Esther Yook Kin
When solving mathematical problems, many students know the
procedure to get to the answer but cannot explain why they are doing it
in that way. According to Skemp (1976) these students have instrumental
understanding but not relational understanding of the problem. They have
accepted the rules to arriving at the answer without questioning or
understanding the underlying reasons for why a certain procedure is
carried out. To help students grasp abstract mathematical concepts and
form relational understanding of these concepts, research has found that
it is often necessary to make use of physical or virtual materials to
help scaffold their understanding and/or simplify the abstract idea
(Sowell, 1989; Suh & Moyer, 2008). This paper presents some ways in
which fundamental concepts such as subtraction with regrouping,
equivalent fractions, dividing and multiplying fractions, and
measurement topics such as area and perimeter, can be explored and
clarified. A range of physical and virtual manipulatives are suggested
to help foster and consolidate the relational understanding needed to
grasp these concepts. A number of examples are provided which are
suitable for teachers from primary through to middle years. Even though
some of these concepts seem basic and related to primary mathematics,
they are addressed here because they underpin the efficient working out
of the more abstract concepts associated with middle school mathematics.
Having a strong relational understanding and subsequent mastery of these
concepts help prevent misconceptions and errors, and position students
better in their mathematics learning. Additionally, these activities and
strategies have the potential to help struggling middle school students
grasp these basic concepts.
Physical manipulatives aid deep conceptual understanding because
they present alternative representations that help reconstruct concepts
(Shakow, 2007 cited in Yuan, 2009) and aid concrete thinking (Sowell,
1989). Students who have worked with manipulatives tend to perform
better in maths (Raphael & Wahlstorm, 1989). Terry (1995) found that
a combination of concrete and virtual manipulatives helped students make
significant gains compared to students using only physical manipulatives
or only virtual manipulatives. Takahashi (2002 cited in Moyer, Salkind
& Bolyard, 2008) similarly noted that students benefitted from
instruction from both physical and virtual geoboards. Linked
representations in the virtual fraction environment have been found to
offer meta-cognitive support by keeping record of the user's
actions and numeric notations. This support allowed special needs
children working with equivalent fraction to observe and reflect on
connections and relationships among the representations (Suh &
Moyer, 2008). Special needs children (aged 8-12) with difficulty in
subtraction problems up to 100 with the ones-digit subtrahend being
larger than the ones digit in the minuend have benefitted from using
dynamic virtual manipulative (Peltenburg, van den-Heuvel-Panhuizen &
Doig, 2009).
Selecting manipulatives
When selecting manipulatives, Zbiek, Heid, Blume & Dick (2007)
recommended that the following aspects be considered.
* Mathematical fidelity: the degree to which the mathematical
object is faithful to the underlying mathematical properties of that
object in the virtual environment.
* Cognitive fidelity: how well the virtual tool reflect the
user's cognitive actions and possible choices while using the tool
in the virtual environment
* Pedagogical fidelity: the extent to which teachers and students
believe that a tool allows students to act mathematically in ways that
correspond to the nature of mathematical learning that underlies a
teacher's practice. The following section looks at how careful
selection of physical and virtual manipulatives can potentially help
address common errors and misconceptions.
Addition and subtraction requiring regrouping
One of the most common errors students make with number operations
relate to the subtraction of one number from the other where one of the
digits in the subtrahend is larger than the corresponding digit in the
minuend (see Young & Shea, 1981). See example in the problem below.
This problem shows that the digit in the ones place value of the
subtrahend (7) is larger than the corresponding digit (3) in the
minuend. Students often mistakenly subtract the 3 from 7 as they are
often told to subtract the smaller digit from the larger digit resulting
in the answer being 1124 instead of 1116. Teachers often find that
students become even more confused when zero is one of the digits in the
minuend; e.g., 1203 (minuend)--167 (subtrahend). What can be done to
help these students overcome these problems?
Understanding place value
To help students overcome such problems, it is instructive to help
them understand the place value of each digit in a number. By using
base-10 blocks and a place value mat (see Figure 1) and other concrete
manipulatives such as number expanders or arrow cards, students know the
value for each digit in a number.
This understanding can be consolidated through the use of a virtual
manipulative such as the virtual base 10 blocks in the website National
Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM). In this applet, the number of
decimal places on the applet can be changed to enable students to learn
about place value for whole numbers and decimals. This applet can also
be used to teach bases other than base 10. The number of columns in the
place value chart can also be varied from two to four thereby allowing
for up to four digit numbers. Instructions and explanations are provided
to the user on how to use the applet (see Figure 2).
Once students are familiar with place value concepts, addition and
subtraction of numbers can be carried out. To assist students who have
difficulty working out addition problems requiring trading, base 10
blocks can be used. By playing the game 'Win a flat' where
students roll a die to determine the number of units to be added and
when the units added together becomes more than ten, they can be
substituted with a higher unit that represents ten, trading or
regrouping is carried out and the person who is first to trade for a
flat wins the game. This concept can also be reinforced using the Base
10 Addition blocks in the NLVM site. Likewise subtraction concepts can
be reinforced by playing the game "Lose a flat" or using
virtual Base 10 subtraction blocks. By dragging a tens bar to the ones
column, the bar splits into ones which allows subtraction to occur (see
Figure 3).
Base block decimals (Figure 4) can also be used to explore and
reinforce the idea of subtraction of decimals by replacing the idea that
the unit block is one tenth.
The physical and virtual imagery of a lesser number of units in the
minuend as well as the inbuilt mechanism in the software that inherently
disallow the subtraction of the larger unit in the subtrahend from the
minuend means that students have to rethink their steps so that
regrouping must first occur before subtraction can take place. This is a
form of scaffolding that enables students to remember to regroup or
trade in subtraction or addition problems.
Naming fractions
When students work with fractions, it is not uncommon to see
problems such as the one in Figure 5 answered in this manner. To
represent one third and one sixth, the student has divided the circle
into three parts and six parts respectively without realising that each
of the parts have to be equal in size and shape. This might be because
the student is familiar with dividing a square or a rectangle into equal
parts by drawing lines of equal widths in a square or a rectangle.
To ensure a comprehensive understanding of fractions that is not
limiting it is advisable to use a variety of whole shapes such as
squares, rectangles, circles and triangles and fraction parts as well as
sets (see Figure 6). It is important to highlight that when comparing
fractions, the whole needs to be the same (Figure 7).
Addition of fractions
In spoken form, 1/5 + 1/5 is often read as one fifth plus one fifth
is two fifths. However, a common error students make when expressing
this in written symbolic form is
[1/5] + [1/5] = [2/10]
This is because the numerators and denominators are regarded and
treated as whole numbers instead of being parts of a fraction. Thus,
[1/3] + [1/5] = [2/8]
for example, is a common error that needs to be addressed. Adding
fractions with different denominators can present problems for some
students. The root cause of this problem lies in students not
understanding equivalent fractions. To help students learn about
equivalent fractions, paper strips can be used to make equivalent
fractions to form a fraction wall. Each strip shows a fraction and by
placing them side by side, students can match the fractions that fit
into another. For example one half is the equivalent to two quarters and
one third is equivalent to two sixths. It is important to highlight that
in order to compare fractions, the whole must be of the same shape and
To reinforce this idea and to give students a range of values for
the denominator, virtual fraction strips can be used and can be found in
this applet (see Figure 9).
Through this virtual manipulative students can learn to rename
fractions so that they have the same denominator before adding the
fractions together (see Figures 10 and 11).
Multiplication and division of fractions
Conceptual understanding of the multiplication and division of
fractions is also problematic for some students. However, by using paper
strips and suitable language the multiplication of fractions can be made
more explicit. For example,
[1/3] x [1/2]
can be read as 'one third of one half.
By folding the strip into two we get a half. Folding the half into
thirds gives six parts in the whole when we open up the paper strip.
Hence one third of one half is one sixth (Figure 12).
When the denominators of fractions become larger it is difficult to
manipulate the folding of paper strips. A virtual manipulative then
becomes more manageable and visually compelling. Figure 13 shows what
multiplication of two fractions means in pictorial form.
Another common problem that confronts students is the division of
fractions. A fraction divided by a whole number is quite easily done
using a paper strip. For example, 1/2 divided by 3 means half of the
strip is divided into three equal parts and each part becomes 1/6.
However when a fraction is divided by a fraction, using a virtual
fraction bar allows this concept to be made clearer. Hence 3/4 divided
by 1/2 is 1/2 times of halves (see Figure 14).
Misconceptions in area and perimeter
Area and perimeter are terms that are often confused or used
interchangeably by students and the units are often wrongly attributed;
e.g., perimeter incorrectly given in square centimetres. A common
misconception in students as well as adults is the
same-perimeter/same-area misconception (Dembo, Levin & Siegler,
1997). Shapes with the same perimeter are thought of as having the same
area. A manipulative that can help students overcome this problem is the
geoboard. The physical geoboard is either a board with nails or pegs
lined up in rows and columns (Figure 15). By counting the number of
squares or the length of the sides, area and perimeter can be
differentiated. This tool is also ideal for exploring how the area of a
shape change with perimeter.
Students will learn that the more regular the shape is the larger
the area. Hence the closer the rectangle approximates to a square the
larger the area and conversely the closer the rectangle approaches a
line the greater the decrease in area. While these geoboards are
versatile and effective tools, they can be cumbersome to carry around.
Figure 16 shows a virtual geoboard which is similar in function,
colourful and easily managed
By creating various shapes with the bands and exploring the area
and perimeter of each of the shapes, students can be asked to
investigate the relationship between area and perimeter. How does
perimeter change if the area is kept constant? This kind of concrete
albeit virtual manipulations is supported by the basic intuition that an
area is proportional to the number of units contained within it (Dembo
et al., 1997).
Other areas of investigations can include:
How does area increase or decrease with the same perimeter (e.g.,
when the points of the shape are as far apart as possible)? What is the
maximum area that can be created while keeping the perimeter to a
minimum? This manipulative provides concrete evidence that allows
students to see the consequences of changing the shape through the
'Measures' feature and to see that increases in perimeter does
not necessarily result in increase in area. Students' reasoning
skills can potentially be sharpened as they justify and explain their
This paper has presented different ways in which physical and
virtual manipulatives can be used to assist students make meaning of
fundamental yet seemingly problematic mathematical concepts such as
place value and regrouping, multiplying and dividing fractions and, area
and perimeter. Whilst the time spent investigating and exploring these
concepts can be considerable, it will be time well invested as potential
misconceptions can be alleviated as these manipulatives help students
appreciate and grasp the concepts better. These activities may also be
used as remedial measures for struggling students whose progress into
middle school mathematics are impeded due to poor relational
understanding of these concepts. For an abstract or symbolic idea to
have meaning for these students, it is sometimes necessary to provide a
connection using some form of concrete, kinaesthetic and/or visual
experience so that an 'aha!' moment can occur. It is
imperative that as teachers we facilitate such moments.
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Esther Yook Kin Loong
Deakin University
[email protected]