When Learning Takes Flight.
Smith, Christine
For a young person interested in an aviation career, math and
science concepts can come to life in the context of a private airplane ride. Find out how your school can get involved--and how to get your
students a free ride.
Their mission is to open the minds and hearts of youth to all
aspects of aviation, and with more than 170,000 members on the case
nationwide, the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is covering a
lot of ground with its Young Eagles program. To inspire interest in
aviation careers, the EAA has developed this program and others. One of
Young Eagles' big selling points is a free plane ride for
"We found aviation was sort of taking a back seat to other
vocations, and we're trying to bring our profile up a little bit to
compete with everyone else," says Steve Buss, executive director of
the Young Eagles program. Buss says there will continue to be job
opportunities in various areas of the aviation field as the armed forces
continue to cut back. "As the military pool continues to shrink,
the [pool of] available pilots coming out of the military continues to
shrink," he says. "So the aviation industry is looking toward
the civilian sector. Schools like Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University [in Daytona Beach, Fla., and Prescott, Ariz.] or the University of North
Dakota [which specializes in aviation training] help fill the need, but
even those universities are almost at capacity, if not beyond capacity.
They can't turn out pilots fast enough."
This is the gap the EAA and the EAA Aviation Foundation aim to fill
with the Young Eagles program. Through Young Eagles and various other
educational programs--like the Science-Math-Technology (S-M-T)
Leadership Project--the EAA provides interactive Web pages, flight
simulators (at various sites), lesson plans, hands-on activities and
more. The EAA's resources allow educators to get information about
aviation into school curricula in the contexts of math and science, Buss
says, adding that some of the EAA's newer educational materials may
not be ready until early next year. New flight simulators are one
"We're looking at having the test sites ready this
fall," Buss says. "The flight simulator won't be as much
a game [as it will be] a learning activity. Instead of just flying an
airplane from point `A' to point `B,' [students] may fly the
airplane from those two points, but then have to figure for wind
correction angle or fuel burn. They'll have to use the [academic]
skills they're learning in the classroom and apply them to the
aviation exercise."
Young Eagles is open to all youth ages 8 to 17. All participants
are entitled to an airplane ride provided by volunteer EAA pilots and
members of affiliated aviation organizations. To date, more than 500,000
Young Eagles have taken flight, and Buss has piloted about 70 of them.
"Any young person who wants to take an airplane ride, has an
interest [in an aviation career] or isn't sure if [he has] an
interest, we say, `Come on. We'll show you what it's about.
Maybe it's for you. We hope it is.' We try to provide a
positive aviation experience--something they will remember fondly ...
They can take a look at their hometown, neighborhood, school or the
local mall. They may have seen it for years from ground level, but
it's a whole different picture from the air."
While the Young Eagles program is aimed at grabbing young
people's attention and nurturing their aviation interests, the
S-M-T Leadership Project is the EAA's way of reaching out to
teachers. Project participants receive learning modules that use science
and math concepts in the context of aviation to engage students in
hands-on learning activities. Buss says all teachers need to do is pick
up the phone and contact the EAA to participate.
"To the educators, I say sometimes the maths and the sciences
are not the most exciting things kids can learn--at least that's
the way I remember it," he says. "Either you really like it or
not at all. I loved science, but math and I did not get along. But if
someone had said to me in high school, `You know the stuff you're
learning in geometry? Well, here's how you [can use that] to
triangulate a course. This is ... how you can use it in real life,'
it would have made more sense."
For more information about the Young Eagles program, call
877-806-8902 or visit www.youngeagles.com. For more on the S-M-T
Leadership Project, call 920-426-6520 or visit
Christine Smith is a freelance writer based in Howard, Colo.