The problem-solving approach.
Igo, Carl ; Moore, Donna M. ; Ramsey, Jon 等
Such a bold generalization by British theorist Michael Kirton would be
applauded by generations of agricultural education practitioners
dedicated to the problem-solving approach to teaching. This approach has
been recommended over the years as the primary teaching method by an
assortment of well-respected educators. In career, technical and
agricultural education (CTAE), the problem-solving approach to teaching
usually involves an interest approach, a description of teaching
objectives, identification of the problems to be solved, actual problem
solution, testing of the solution, and an evaluation of the solution
(Newcomb, McCracken, Warmbrod, and Whittington, 2004). While this method
is familiar to many CTAE professionals, its title and methodology is not
ingrained in mainstream educational research and practice. A question of
importance for today's academic leaders centers on the potential
for career, technical and agriculture programs to influence student
achievement. Investigators of the problem-solving approach believe
students become more engaged using inquiry-based, problem-solving
learning strategies. Student engagement is maintained when coupled with
highly qualified, caring teachers who use a contextualized curriculum
that connects new ideas and skills to students' past knowledge and
What is Problem-based Learning?
Problem-based learning (PBL), sometimes referred to as case-based
learning, is an instructional tool that has been effectively used in
medical training for decades. PBL expects students to collectively
experience contextualized, relevant, ill-structured problems and to
strive to find and create meaningful solutions. This method needs to be
facilitated by instructors, but learning is primarily constructed by
students who have been presented with the problem. Thus, the defining
characteristics of PBL include:
1. Learning is driven by challenging open-ended problems.
2. Students work in small collaborative groups.
3. Teachers take on the role of facilitators of learning.
As a teaching process, PBL requires students to learn in groups.
Social interaction provides learners with opportunities to test and
defend their own understanding as well as enrich and expand their
knowledge by examining the views of others (Richardson, 2003, as cited
in Burris 2005). Teachers may facilitate PBL by making their
classrooms/labs communities of learning. The PBL method requires an
encounter with the problem or case and a seeking of information and
solutions prior to content area instruction. Additionally, most problems
to be solved using PBL are "messy" or
"ill-structured." Specifically, problems to be solved via PBL:
1. Confuse just enough to provoke curiosity and provide a reason
for learning.
2. Provoke thought on new things in new ways.
3. Help students discover what they do and do not know.
4. Ensure that students reach beyond what they know.
5. Create a need and desire for skill and knowledge.
6. Lead to understanding the relationship of a procedure to the
problem that makes the procedure sensible.
7. Naturally lead to interdisciplinary inquiry.
8. Build strong communities of learners.
9. Create cooperation in the strongest sense that is based on the
will and desire to succeed rather than a set of dictated behaviors that
are advocated for the sake of politeness.
Contextualized learning is a fundamental factor associated with
PBL. PBL is a form of education in which knowledge is mastered through
the same context in which it will be used. The contextualized nature of
PBL does not refer to subject-specific or compartmentalized problems.
PBL allows career and technical education (CTE) programs to use the
context of their discipline to reinforce the basic skills of math,
science and English in a hands-on, inquiry-based environment.
What is Inquiry Learning?
Most practitioners make a distinction between PBL and inquiry
learning, although there are numerous similarities. Joyce, Well, and
Calhoun (2000) explained inquiry as a learning process whereby questions
are created or problems are developed by the students based on facts and
observations examined logically. Once the learning group has developed
questions, available resources are examined to answer the questions or
solve the problems.
A central point to the inquiry teaching method is involving
students in developing questions, then utilizing problem-solving
strategies to discover answers to the questions. Inquiry learning causes
students to develop problem-solving abilities they will likely use in
the future, while also creating an environment in which the students
must examine specific content associated with the problem, thereby
increasing content knowledge.
Key to inquiry learning is the notion of a cycle or spiral of
inquiry. Bruce and Davidson (1996) developed the inquiry cycle (see
Figure 1), but stated it should be viewed as a three dimensional spiral.
Learners should think of asking, investigating, creating, discussing and
reflecting as means for gaining both knowledge and skill for a
particular concept; however, the learners should understand the solution
to one problem or question often leads to a more complex problem. As
with any formal education, the process may be undertaken within the
confines and safety of a controlled learning environment, such as a
classroom. Important is the transferability of the content and the
process to those uncontrolled situations of the real world.
Theory Behind PBL and Inquiry Learning Theorists are stressing the
need for curriculum that provides what is termed
"knowledge-in-action" rather than
"knowledge-out-of-context." The acquisition and structuring of
knowledge in PBL was thought to work through the following cognitive
1. Initial analysis of the problem and activation of prior
knowledge through small-group discussion.
2. Elaboration on prior knowledge and active processing of new
3. Restructuring of knowledge and active processing of new
4. Social knowledge construction.
5. Learning in context.
6. Stimulation of curiosity related to presentation of a relevant
These cognitive effects, inherent to PBL and inquiry learning, are
grounded in constructivism, which does not itself suggest a particular
pedagogy, but rather provides an explanation of how learning ought to
occur. Methods associated with constructivism are often referred to as
"learning by doing". Without doubt, PBL and inquiry learning
are both learning by doing and exploring.
Recommendations for Teaching with the PBL Method
When considering the use of PBL in the classroom, it is important
to consider the role the teacher and students will play. A common theme
associated with PBL is that students have a mixed response when
encountering a PBL class format. Common concerns expressed by students
include frustration because of the ill-structured nature required of the
method. PBL requires that students work in groups with the help of a
tutor or facilitator. Needed areas of learning are identified and used
as a guide to individualize study. Students must identify what they know
and do not know and go beyond their textbooks to other resources in the
pursuit of knowledge (White, 1996 as cited in Burris, 2005).
Knowledge and skills that are learned in the process are applied to
the problem to evaluate the effectiveness of learning and to reinforce
and contextualize learning (Maxwell, Bellisimo and Mergendoller, 2001).
Finally, learning that has occurred is integrated into the
student's existing knowledge base. The instructor takes on a much
different role in PBL as compared to more traditional instructional
strategies. Most often, the teacher becomes a facilitator, guide or
coach. The facilitator maintains the focus on learning, guides the
process, meters the challenge, and provides appropriate feedback to each
student and group. Teaching using PBL provides students with
opportunities to hone their critical thinking skills while practicing
important teambuilding behaviors (Vernon, 1995).
The student-centeredness, hands-on nature and opportunities for
application of acquired knowledge make PBL an effective instructional
method. Teachers must focus on the beginning of instruction and the
closure of instruction. Setting the stage and establishing the case at
the onset are critical to student success. Planning for and facilitating
reflection is also a key to successful anchoring of knowledge that will
be gained by students.
While PBL experiences have a structured format of steps or phases
for completion of a given task, inquiry-based learning provides an open
format that allows learners to formulate their own inquiry process. To
engage students in an inquiry-based learning experience, instructors may
consider simply providing a laboratory activity prior to the discussion
of the curriculum content. In science classrooms, the traditional
sequence of instruction was flipped to begin with a laboratory
experiment, followed by instructor questions, and finally a discussion
of the content, thereby allowing the instructor to check for
understanding after the completion of the activity and before
introducing the content. Allowing students to report their findings in
their own creative way encourages students to communicate their
experience and findings in their own words. Encouraging this open
communication process may take more time for the teacher to interpret
and provide feedback.
During the initial laboratory experience, an instructor's role
must also shift from answering students' questions to asking
leading questions that encourage students to articulate solutions. Only
after some experience with the inquiry method should a teacher pose a
lab question for students to answer without a given set of procedures.
When using inquiry-based instruction in non-science classrooms students
need to develop an interest in the topic, have a plan for how to
research it, and have a purpose for engaging in the project. Developing
appropriate questions is key; teachers must recognize that questions act
as the vehicle to understanding and may help move students past the
traditional research questions of who, what, where and when to asking
"What does this mean, and how can I use this information?"
Teachers report that successful integration of inquiry-based learning
requires students to seek out materials for the discovery process;
teachers rely heavily on questioning but do not reveal the concepts to
students prior to their explorations.
Although initially uncomfortable, the students develop their own
explanations for the inquiry problem rather than simply accepting an
explanation provided by the instructor. While instructors of
science-based classes may engage their students in inquiry learning on a
daily basis, CTE disciplines may find the method complementary to other
instructional methods currently being used. Teachers know their students
and classrooms; it is important that this knowledge be considered in
order to assess student readiness for the various levels of inquiry
learning. Structured inquiry activities should be used with students
until the instructor determines the groups are ready for guided inquiry
and the added task of developing a means for solving the given problem.
Educational researchers agree that an emphasis on inquiry experiences as
a means to push students to go beyond the simple memorization of facts
and regurgitation of information can provide a deeper understanding of a
specific topic.
Some research has indicated that inquiry-based instruction will be
difficult to implement in the current education culture because of
concerns regarding the preparation time needed, the perceived lack of
rigor in inquiry work, and the perception that students lack maturity to
handle the responsibility of directing their own learning. In contrast,
the researchers also reported that instructors believed inquiry-based
instruction would help students develop much needed skills in
independent thinking and problem solving.
Both PBL and inquiry learning have shown evidence as promising
practices in a variety of classrooms. If CTE educators in agricultural
education are going to add to their toolbox of teaching strategies by
engaging students in more than just the problem-solving approach, they
should take deliberate action to provide students appropriate
opportunities to direct their own learning activities and communicate
the findings from those activities in their own words through PBL and
inquiry learning. Teaching strategies incorporating PBL and inquiry
learning may provide an avenue for engaging the non-linear natural
thinking part of our problem-solving endeavors that are the keys to
learning and life.
Bruce, B.C., and Davidson, I. (1996}. "An Inquiry Model for
Literacy Across the Curriculum." Journal of Curriculum Studies, 28,
Burris, S. (July, 2005). "Effect of Problem-Based Learning on
Critical Thinking Ability and Content Knowledge of Secondary Agriculture
Students." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of
Missouri, Columbia.
Joyce, B., Well, M., and Calhoun, E. (2000). Models of Teaching
(sixth edition), Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Maxwell, N.L., Bellisimo, Y., and Mergendoller, J. (2001).
"Problem-based Learning: Modifying the Medical School Model for
Teaching High School Economics." The Social Studies, 92C2), 73-78.
Newcomb, McCracken, Warmbrod, and Whittington. (2004). Methods of
Teaching Agriculture (third edition). Upper Saddle River, N J: Pearson
Prentice Hall.
Vernon, D.T. (1995). "Attitudes and Opinions of Faculty Tutors
About Problem-Based Learning." Medical Education, 23, 542-558.
Jon Ramsey is a teaching associate al Oklahoma State University in
Stillwater, Oklahoma. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].
John C. Ricketts is assistant professor at the University of
Georgia in Athens, Georgia. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].
Donna M. Moore is a research assistant at Cornell University in
Ithaca, New York. She can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].
Carl Igo is on assistant professor at Montana State University in
Bazeman, Montane. He can be contacted by e-mail at
[email protected].