Evaluation of the social economic indicators of the municipalities of the Sao Paulo State Groups 1, 2 and 3 with the use of multivariate analysis of Variante/Avaliacao de indicadores socioeconomicos dos grupos 1, 2 e 3 de Municipios Paulistas com o uso da analise multivariada de variancia/Evalucionde indicadores socioeconomicos enlos grupos 1, 2 y 3 de Municipios de Sao Paulo con el uso de analisis multivariante de la varianza.
Gouvea, Maria Aparecida ; Varela, Patricia Siqueira ; Farina, Milton Carlos 等
In the last decades, one of the core issues of State reform is the
radical change in the rule concerning the social division of labor, that
is, the responsibility taken by municipalities and by the private sector
in the production of goods and services, which were considered a duty of
the State (OSZLAK, 1998, p. 53).
In the specific case of the municipalities, decentralization has
been the strategy of choice both for the State reform process and for
the redemocratization of the country, making possible the transfer of
power, resources and attributions to local governments.
Local governments were the major beneficiaries of the tax
decentralization started in the second half of the 1970s and reinforced
by the 1988 Constitution, especially due to the federal and state
transfers they received. The federal Municipalities Participation Fund
(FPM) and the state Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS)
quota are the main transfers made to the municipalities.
To the majority of municipalities, constitutional transfers
represent the most significant source of funding for their expenses.
Bovo (2001, p. 114) states that, for more than 3.000 out of the 5.550 or
so municipalities in the country, constitutional transfers, especially
the FPM, make up 90% of their resources.
It must also be stressed that the main municipal taxes--the Tax on
Services (ISS) and the Tax on Urban and Territorial Property
(IPTU)--show greater power of collection in medium-sized and large
municipalities. Moreover, in the criteria for the transfer of the ICMS
tax quota belonging to the municipalities (25% of the total collected by
the State), the intensity of economic production exerts great
influence--that is, the transferred values are directly related to the
potential for wealth generation at the municipal level. "[...] the
predominant logic underlying this tax is to reward economically
successful municipalities." (ABRUCIO; COUTO, 1996, p. 44).
The criteria for distribution of the resources which make up the
FPM has a significant impact on the finances of small municipalities.
According to Subsection II, art. 161, of the 1988 Federal Constitution,
is the duty of the complementary law to establish rules on how FPM
resources must be distributed, seeking a socio-economical balance
between municipalities. Currently, the main criterion for FPM allotment
is the size of the population. However, one may inquire whether this
criterion alone would be enough to achieve the socio-economical balance
intended, as the differences between the municipalities are not
restricted to this factor exclusively, but are also dependent on
economic terms, urbanization levels, physical conditions, capacity for
tax collection, and other factors, besides proper resource management by
the municipality.
Analysis of the reality of local governments in Sao Paulo state
under the lens of the Sao Paulo State Social Responsibility Index (IPRS)
shows groups of municipalities with different combinations of wealth
levels, longevity indicators, and education indicators (FUNDACAO SEADE,
2005a). The present study focuses on three groups of municipalities with
discrepancies in wealth levels and social indicators. One hypothesis
raised is that the criteria for FPM distribution influence the capacity
for social investments of the groups by being a means of income
Based on the premise that larger municipalities have higher
economic output and, consequently, collect more taxes and are given
larger ICMS transfers, FPM transfers should favor small municipalities.
Thus, the following research question was established:
Are the mean values of the variables (i) per capita tax revenue,
(ii) per capita ICMS quota, and (iii) per capita FPM different between
groups of municipalities within the state of Sao Paulo as defined by the
The aim of this study is to ascertain whether some of the groups of
Sao Paulo state municipalities as defined by the IPRS have different
mean per capita values of FPM transfers, ICMS quotas, and collected tax
revenue. Furthermore, we will attempt to determine the relationship
between these variables as a set and the classification of the
municipalities given by the IPRS.
This section presents the theoretical framework on which the study
is based.
2.1. Municipalities Participation Fund--FPM
The main feature of the Brazilian experience concerning the
decentralization process was the lack of coordination, which, in turn,
brought consequences such as an increase in inter- and intra-regional
socio-economical inequalities and inadequate distribution of fees to the
three federal levels by the Federal Constitution of 1988, which implies
the coexistence of gaps or an overlapping of functions (AFFONSO, 1996).
This was due to the fact that the decentralization process, which began
in the late 1970s in the context of redemocratization, was commanded by
the states and, mainly, by the municipalities, not by the federal
government (AFFONSO, 1996).
The Constitution's lack of definition on the division of
competencies notwithstanding, states and municipalities ended up taking
on new responsibilities due to an increase in the volume of available
resources coming from fiscal decentralization, decreasing federal
expenses and pressure from civil society (AFFONSO, 1996).
According to Abrucio and Couto (1996), municipalities began to face
a double challenge: to ensure basic social welfare conditions for their
populations (welfare function) and to promote the economical development
based on actions at the local level, in partnership with civil society
(development function).
To the authors, facing these challenges would depend on three
parameters: the federal fiscal structure, the socio-economical
differences between the municipalities, and the characteristic political
dynamic of municipal government (ABRUCIO; COUTO, 1996).
The fiscal decentralization process, which began in the 1970s, was
reinforced by the Federal Constitution of 1988, having as its main
consequences an increase in the tax-levying power of subnational unities
within their own jurisdictions and an increase in the availability of
non-earmarked resources for municipalities, as a result of
constitutional transfers, including the Municipalities Participation
Fund (FPM) and participation in ICMS revenue (ABRUCIO; COUTO, 1996).
Although local governments had increased their fiscal potential,
this process did not occur in a homogeneous fashion among Brazilian
municipalities. Bovo (2001) points out that the main source of tax for
the municipalities are the Tax on Services Rendered (ISS), the Municipal
Real Estate Tax (IPTU) and the Property Transfer Tax (ITBI), which are
taxes with better collecting potential in medium-sized and large
municipalities, as urban property and the service sectors in small
municipalities, which are eminently rural, are of little significance.
"The insufficiency of available redistributive tools,
especially at the municipal level, is an aggravating circumstance"
(ABRUCIO; COUTO, 1996, p. 43). Resources transferred by the Union and by
the states to municipalities should serve as a device for generating
equitable conditions to allow Brazilian municipalities to face the new
social responsibilities. However, this is not always the case, as with
the ICMS quota, which rewards economically successful municipalities
(ABRUCIO; COUTO, 1996, p. 44).
Thus, municipal performance in the social area is highly influenced
by the redistributive efficiency or inefficiency of the Municipality
Participation Fund. The FPM is a constitutional transfer made by the
Union to the municipalities, which comprises 22.5% of the Tax Revenue
(IR) collected and the Tax on the Industrialized Products (IPI).
The transfer of the resources that make up the FMP is divided into
three parts:
* 10% are distributed to the state capitals according to
coefficients that take into account the inverse of per capita income and
the population of the State.
* 86.4% are distributed to municipalities in the countryside,
according to coefficients defined by population brackets in Decree-Law
* 3.6% are destined to the Reserve Municipalities Participation
Fund, which are distributed between the municipalities in the
countryside with a coefficient of 4.0 until 1998 and 3.8 from fiscal
year 1999 onwards. Reserve resources are a complement to the values
received according to the prior item, and the distribution occurs
according to the coefficients of the inverse per capita income and the
population of the State.
In all three cases, the participation of each municipality is given
by the division of its coefficient by the sum of the coefficients of the
Brazilian municipalities within each group.
According to Section 4, art. 91 of Decree-Law no. 1881/81, the
upper and lower limits of the population brackets will be readjusted
when, according to census data, the total population of the country is
shown to have had a percentage increase based on the previous census.
According to Section 1, art. 1 of Complementary Law 91/97,
municipality participation quotas will be readjusted yearly based on
official population data obtained by the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics (IBGE). However, Section 2 of the same article
establishes that the 1997 FPM participation coefficients will remain
unchanged for the municipalities which had their coefficients reduced
due to IBGE estimates. The added earnings resulting from this decision
have been gradually eliminated since 1999, and are expected to be
totally eliminated by 2008.
Abrucio and Couto (1996) view the criteria for the distribution of
the FPM as inefficient, as they consider the income factor only for
larger cities and state capitals.
In other municipalities, the main criterion for FPM resource
distribution is the size of the population, with coefficients of
participation being established by population brackets instead of a
specific number, as can be seen in Table 1.
The range of the brackets and the fact that coefficients do not
increase in the same proportion as the population brackets do is the
cause of a large difference between municipalities if the per capita FPM
is considered, benefiting small municipalities.
Data from the National Treasury Department (STN, 2007) show that 86
out of 516 Sao Paulo state municipalities received the amount of R$
2,176,261.73 in FPM transfers in 2004. Of these 86 municipalities, the
smallest one (Nova Castilho), with a population of 1020, received an
annual per capita FPM of R$ 2. The largest municipality, Valentim
Gentil, with a population of 9,990, received an annual per capita FPM of
R$ 217.84. The same FPM amount is given to municipalities with very
different population sizes, but within the same population bracket.
These disparities occur for all values of FPM revenue within the various
Apart from the city of Sao Paulo, the municipality of Osasco was
given the highest amount of total FPM, R$ 28,212,304.42; concerning the
per capita distribution, it was given one of the lowest amounts, R$
40.54, because the amount from the FPM does not increase in the same
proportion of the population.
There is a tendency for larger municipalities to receive lower per
capita FPM transfers. There are also differences in the fiscal capacity
of the municipalities and in the management of the benefits coming from
the distribution of the ICMS quota.
2.2. Sao Paulo State Social Responsibility Index
In the public sector, several initiatives and experiences in the
use of social indicators can be observed. The best known is from the
United Nations (UN), which, during the 1990s, created the Human
Development Index (HDI), introducing in its conception the variables of
longevity and education, as well as income, to compare national
Other experiences have appeared since the creation of the HDI, as
is the case of the Sao Paulo State Social Responsibility Index (IPRS).
This index was constructed by the State Data Analysis System Foundation
(SEADE), a Sao Paulo state government organization, in response to a
request from the leaders and counselors of the Forum Sao Paulo--Seculo
XXI for the construction of indices that would allow the continuous
detection of progress--or not--of the development of the Sao Paulo state
municipalities towards a much-desired society widely discussed in the
The objective of the IPRS is the classification of Sao Paulo state
municipalities regarding the quality of life of their inhabitants. In
order to achieve this, the three dimensions within the HDI (income,
longevity and education) were taken into account, although using other
variables more appropriate to the municipal reality. The initial idea
was to use indicators which could evaluate not only the results of the
efforts made by the public power in favor of local-level development,
but the level of participation and control of the civil society over
those actions as well.
To obtain this index, Sao Paulo state municipalities were
classified by cluster analysis into groups with similar features of
wealth, longevity and education, and named as follows: (1) hub
municipalities, (2) economically dynamic and low social development, (3)
healthy and low economic development, (4) low economical development and
undergoing social transition, and (5) low economic and social
The variables considered in each of the IPRS dimensions and the
corresponding weighting structure are summarized in Table 2.
The synthetic indicator of each dimension is the result of the
combination of the variables, and the weight of each variable in
combination was obtained through factor analysis. To make comparison
between the municipalities easy, the indicator was turned into a scale
from 0 to 100.
SEADE Foundation synthesized the indicators of municipal wealth,
longevity and education into a categorical scale, which express the
"general pattern" of the created groups. The synthesis of the
criteria for the creation of the groups of municipalities by the IPRS is
described in Table 3.
Table 3 shows different combinations of municipal levels of wealth
and social indicators. Three groups stand out: group 1 for its high
level of municipal wealth and good social indicators; group 2 for high
levels of wealth and average or low levels of social indicators; and
group 3, despite its low level of wealth, shows good performance in the
social context.
Group 1 is made up of large Sao Paulo state municipalities and
important regional hubs located along the main highway axes of the
state, and in 2002 was home to 50% of the state population (nearly 19
million people). Group 2, with a population of more than 10 million,
contains municipalities located mainly in the metropolitan areas and
their surroundings, and are characterized by industrial activities,
gated communities, and potential for tourism. Group 3 comprised 201
small and medium municipalities with an estimated population of 3
million in 2002. The small size of the population in group 3 is,
theoretically, a factor which should make the tools of decentralization
in health and education more transparent and efficient.
Therefore, the question arises of whether government transfers,
especially the FPM, influence the capacity of the municipalities, in the
three groups, of making social investments. However, it is important to
emphasize that social indicator patterns are not dependant exclusively
on funding conditions. Quality of spending and environmental factors,
such as the seasonality of the population of tourist destinations, are
determinant factors of public policy performance as well.
The following section describes the methods of this study.
3.1. Population
The target population concerns the capital and the Sao Paulo state
countryside municipalities belonging to groups 1, 2, and 3. The
particularities of groups 1, 2 and 3 suggest the possibility of a
distinct distribution of the FPM, ICMS quota and tax revenue. This led
to an interest in the analysis of these three groups.
3.2. Data collection
Data were collected on four variables: FPM, ICMS quota, Tax
revenue, and IPRS municipality groups.
Data were obtained from two sources: 2002 SEADE Foundation website
data (2005b) on all Sao Paulo state municipalities, that is, all 645
municipalities of the state; and 2007 National Treasury Department data
on 518 Sao Paulo state municipalities.
3.3. Prior treatment of data
To confirm the significance of the per capita tax revenue values of
the three groups studied, the multivariate analysis of variance
technique was employed.
The independent variable is named iprs, which identifies the
municipalities from groups 1, 2, and 3 of the IPRS, and the dependant
variables are the per capita values of FPM transfers, ICMS quota and tax
Some premises inherent to the multivariate analysis of variance
must be checked. Such suppositions can be summarized into: (1) absence
of outliers, (2) normality of the dependent variables, (3) absence of
multicollinearity between the dependent variables, and (4) equality of
variance and covariance matrices.
The following section presents an investigation of missing data and
our verification of these suppositions.
3.3.1. Treatment of missing data
Regarding missing data, we must focus on the reasons which led to
their being missing in the first place (HAIR JR. et al., 2006, p. 49).
There were no National Treasury Department data on all 645 Sao Paulo
State municipalities, only on 518. According to Hair Jr. et al. (2006),
the simplest and more straightforward approach is to include only
complete data observations in the study, which was our chosen approach.
3.3.2. Treatment of outliers
Of the 518 municipalities, two had wrong data, with excessively
discrepant FPM values (Bento de Abreu and Ouroeste), suggesting errors
in the data available on the National Treasury Department website (STN,
2007). Therefore, treatment of outliers was made on the 516 remaining
municipalities. The advantage of analyzing the whole set is that in this
way the variables from public revenues of each municipality are compared
to the observations on all Sao Paulo state municipalities, as the IPRS
classification covers the whole state.
The disadvantage lies in the fact that if the analysis was made in
respect of groups 1, 2, and 3, there would be fewer outliers. This
restrictive treatment, however, could raise doubts concerning its
legitimacy in the use of multivariate techniques.
The chosen detection method for outliers was the Mahalanobis
distance, which is recommended in the multivariate context (HAIR JR. et
al., 2006). For the simultaneous focus on the three variables of per
capita public revenues in this study, a centroid was calculated and the
Mahalanobis distance of each municipality in relation to this centroid.
Each distance is then compared to a critical value obtained in the
Student's t distribution. The municipalities of Paulinia, Aguas de
Sao Pedro and Sao Paulo were considered outliers, as their distances
exceeded this critical value. After the treatment of missing data and
outliers, the total sample was narrowed down to 513 municipalities.
Group 1 has 61 municipalities, group 2 has 70 municipalities and group
3, 154 municipalities, for a total of 285 municipalities in the three
The three variables for per capita public revenue were also
standardized using the Z-scores method.
3.3.3. Normal Distribution
For the standardized per capita dependent variables subjected to
the normal logarithm, a nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit
test was applied. A transformation to the natural logarithm was
necessary to obtain better fit to the normal distribution. The per
capita FPM, ICMS and tax revenue variables obtained the following
significance levels: 0.156, 0.523, and 0.294 respectively, which
reinforces the goodness of fit to the normal curve of the 3 variables.
The notations fpmt, icmst and rect that were used from this section on
correspond to the per capita variables standardized and subjected to the
natural logarithm.
3.3.4. Multicollinearity
We will first check the correlation between the pairs of variables
on Table 4:
Table 4: Group correlation matrix
fpmt icmst rect
fpmt 1.000 0.386 -0.631
icmst 0.386 1.000 -0.167
rect -0.631 -0.167 1.000
Source: Authors.
The correlations which can be considered significant in modulo are
fpmt with icmst (0.386) and rect with fpmt (-0.631). The results show
that federal resources (fpmt) and state resources (icnst) are positively
correlated, that is, municipalities which receive more resources from
the Union also receive more resources from the state and vice-versa.
However, municipalities with more municipal resources (rect) receive
fewer federal resources (fpmt).
The negative correlation between icmst and rect indicates that
state resources (icmst) do not reward economically successful
municipalities, although this correlation is not very high in modulo
The use of multivariate analysis of variants (MANOVA) presumes that
the dependent variables are correlated. Thus, a certain level of
multicollinearity between them is desired. Bartlett's test and the
Roy-Bargman stepdown F-test were used in the evaluation of intensity of
multicollinearity. Table 5 presents the results of Bartlett's test.
Table 5 shows rejection of hypothesis that the correlation matrix of the three variables presented in Table 4 is equal to the identity
matrix. Thus, the use of MANOVA is justified.
Table 6 presents the results of the Roy-Bargman stepdown F--test.
Table 6 shows that, for each variable, the hypothesis that its mean
is the same in the three groups is rejected when the other variables are
included. So, each of the three dependent variables has features that
distinguish groups 1, 2 and 3. Therefore, the intercorrelation between
the three variables does not characterize a high level of
multicollinearity, supporting the use of MANOVA.
3.3.5. Variance and Covariance Matrix Equality
According to Table 7, Box's M test presented a significance of
0.040--that is, the null hypothesis is rejected, considering the 0.05
level, but not strongly. The expectation in this test is the
non-rejection of the null hypothesis, which states the equality of the
three groups' covariance matrices. Authors such as Hair et al.
(2006, p. 409) clarify that this test is extremely sensitive to sample
fluctuation and size. When the result practically straddles the border
between hypothesis acceptance and rejection, the authors believe that
the study did not stray far from the supposition established for correct
application of the technique. Thus, the result of this test does not
negate the use of MANOVA.
To test the hypothesis that the variance of each variable was
homogeneous across all three groups, we used Levene's test. Table 8
shows that variances may be considered equal only with significance
levels that are more restrictive (lower than 1.3%).
Therefore, generally speaking, all premises for application of
MANOVA were met.
The core MANOVA question is as follows: do variables fpmt, icmst,
and rect, considered simultaneously, have different means in groups 1,
2, and 3?
This section will show some univariate and multivariate statistics.
4.1. Descriptive statistics
This section will show some univariate statistics.
Table 9 below shows the descriptive statistics relative to means
and standard deviations in each group.
The negative means of the fpmt variable in groups 1 and 2 suggest
that lower values of this revenue were transferred to wealthier
municipalities. Wealth is proved by the positive means of rect. The
opposite is found with means in group 3, which comprises low-wealth
municipalities, that is, it showed a positive fpmt mean and a negative
rect mean.
Notably, standard deviation values were very high, showing great
heterogeneity within each group.
4.2. Multivariate analysis
4.2.1. Variable mapping
Seeking to visualize the relationship between the variables and the
three groups, we created two ranges for each variable and conducted
multiple correspondence analysis. Creation of these ranges made the
variables non-metric, a requirement for the use of this technique. Chart
1 shows this relationship.
Suffixes 1 and 2 correspond to ranges 1 and 2, with code 2
corresponding to the highest values of each variable. For iprs, groups 1
and 2 had the highest rect and lowest fpmt values--the opposite of group
3. This chart suggests that the variables, when considered
simultaneously, have the power to distinguish the three study groups.
4.2.2. Multivariate test for equality of means
The test's statistical hypothesis ([H.sub.0]) corresponds to
the equality of the vector of the means of the three dependent variables
along the three groups (independent variable).
Table 10 shows the results of the multivariate test for equality of
Table 10 contains the four multivariate tests most used in MANOVA.
The results of each test point to rejection of the null hypothesis, that
is, public revenues, when considered as a set, show a highly
statistically significant difference among the three groups of
municipalities studied.
The statistical power obtained for each test was 1.00, showing that
group sizes and group effect sizes on dependent variables were
sufficient to ensure that the statistical differences detected were
After concluding that the three public revenue variables differed
as a set in all three groups studied, we examined each variable
separately to assess its distinguishing value for each group. To test
the equality of means for each variable in the three groups, we used the
F test, available in MANOVA, the statistic of which is the same as that
obtained in univariate ANOVA. As shown in Table 11, we found that means
could be considered different with a significance level of 0.05.
The highest value for the F-test statistic was found for variable
rect. Thus, rect is the variable most able to distinguish the three
groups, followed closely by the fpmt variable.
Table 12 below shows the group that most differs from the others
for each dependent variable, according to Scheffe's post-hoc test
for multiple comparisons, performed due to rejection of the null
hypothesis in all three study groups.
"X" marks the group whose mean is statistically different
from the means of the other two groups for each public revenue variable.
In group 3, the highest FPM transfers were consistent with what is
expected for making funding conditions for this group more equitable as
compared to those of the two other groups.
Our interest in comparing the revenues of specific groups of
municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo arose from the existence of
different economic and social levels, which led to the question of
whether government transfers particularly FPM transfers--are
contributing to the generation of equitable conditions for spending on
public services.
The volume of resources available at the local level for use in
socioeconomic projects depends on the fiscal capacity of each
municipality and on existing mechanisms for the redistribution of
resources. Given the greater capacity of larger municipalities to
collect revenue independently at the municipal level, due to the
characteristics of municipal taxes, criteria for municipal participation
towards federal and state revenues are expected to be effective in terms
of revenue redistribution. However, as our theoretical review and
analysis of empirical data showed, this is not always the case.
Mean per capita public revenues were different across groups 1, 2,
and 3.The former had higher per capita tax revenues and lower per capita
FPM values.
Analysis of the relationship between variables showed that the
greater the fiscal capacity of a municipality, the lower its per capita
FPM revenue and the higher its per capita tax revenue will be. Testing
for equality of means showed that the per capita tax revenue variable
was most capable of distinguishing among the three groups of
We may also say that, in the three groups studied, FPM distribution
criteria are contributing towards the effective use of available
FPM criteria contribute towards the treatment of horizontal
inequalities, that is, the generation of equitable conditions for
municipalities to promote social welfare within their communities.
However, this will depend on their capacity to turn available public
resources into public goods adapted to the needs of the population -
which is considered one of the greatest advantages of decentralized systems --and on how each municipality carries out its distributive functions. It is important to stress that reducing inequality between
municipalities does not necessarily imply solving the issue of
socioeconomic disparities among their citizens.
The poor performance of group 2 in terms of social indicators when
compared to groups 1 and 3 cannot be justified merely by the findings of
this study. Other variables must also be considered, such as whether the
municipality is a tourist destination, whether the municipality is a
bedroom community, its internal inequalities, and the quality of public
spending. In fact, environmental factors and public spending should be
considered in the assessment of public policy results, but this falls
beyond the scope of this study.
We cannot state that these results are reproduced in other groups
of municipalities in the state of Sao Paulo or even other municipalities
in Brazil, and thus recommend that this analysis be repeated for other
select groups of municipalities.
Another suggestion involves the classification of municipalities by
the SEADE Foundation. It may be interesting to include not only
wealth-generating capacity as a criterion for grouping municipalities,
but also the availability of resources for public policies.
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Aprovado em: 7/9/2009
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Maria Aparecida Gouvea
Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration,
University of Sao Paulo School of Economics, Business Administration and
Accounting (FEA-USP)
Professor, Statistics and Research Methodology, Department of
Business Administration, FEA-USP-Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Patricia Siqueira Varela
Master of Controllership and Accounting, University of Sao Paulo
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting (FEA-USP)
Doctoral student, Controllership and Accounting program, FEA-USP-
Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Milton Carlos Farina
Master of Business Administration, Escola de Administracao de
Empresas de Sao Paulo, Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV)
Doctoral student, Administration program, University of Sao Paulo
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting (FEA-USP)
Professor and coordinator, Information Systems, Statistics, and
Actuarial Sciences programs, Centro Universitario
Capital--Unicapital-Sao Paulo-SP, Brazil
[email protected];
[email protected]
Table 1: Individual FPM Participation Coefficients
Population brackets Coefficient
10,188 or less 0.6
10,189 to 13,584 0.8
13,585 to 16,980 1
16,981to 23,772 1.2
23,773 to 30,564 1.4
30,565 to 37,356 16
37,357 to 44,148 18
44,149 to 50,940 20
50,941 to 61,128 2.2
61,129 to 71,316 2.4
71,317 to 81,504 2.6
81,505 to 91,692 2.8
91,623 to 101,880 3.0
101,881 to 115,464 3.2
115,465 to 129,048 3.4
129,049 to 142,632 3.6
142,632 to 156,216 3.8
over 156,216 4.0
Source: Adapted from Decree-Law no. 1881/81, Article 1.
Table 2: Summary of selected variables and weighting structure
Dimension Selected variables Contribution towards
Municipal Residential power consumption 44%
wealth Power consumption in the 23%
agriculture, commerce, and
service sector
Mean compensation of 19%
registered and public 14%
sector employees
Per capita fiscal added value
Longevity Perinatal mortality 30%
Child mortality 30%
Mortality in the 15-to-39-year 20%
age bracket
Mortality among those 60 years 20%
or older
Education Percentage of youths 15 to 17 36%
years old who graduated
elementary school
Percentage of youths 15 to 17 8%
years old with at least four
years' formal education
Percentage of youths 18 to 19 36%
years old who graduated
secondary school
Percentage of children 5 to 6 20%
years old who attend preschool
Source: FUNDACAO SEADE, 2005b.
Table 3: IPRS group formation criteria
Groups IPRS group formation criteria Description
Group 1 High wealth, high longevity, High wealth level and
medium education good social indicator
High wealth, high longevity, levels
high education
High wealth, medium longevity,
medium education
High wealth, medium longevity,
high education
Group 2 High wealth, low longevity, High wealth levels, but
low education unable to reach good
High wealth, low longevity, social indicator levels
medium education
High wealth, low longevity,
high education
High wealth, medium longevity,
low education
High wealth, high longevity,
low education
Group 3 Low wealth, high longevity, Low wealth level, but
medium education good social indicator
Low wealth, high longevity, levels
high education
Low wealth, medium longevity,
medium education
Low wealth, medium longevity,
high education
Group 4 Low wealth, low longevity, Low wealth levels and
medium education medium longevity and/or
Low wealth, low longevity, education indicators
high education
Low wealth, low longevity,
medium education
Low wealth, high longevity,
low education
Group 5 Low wealth, low longevity, Financially and socially
low education disadvantaged
Source: FUNDACAO SEADE, 2005b.
Table 5: Bartlett's sphericity test
Chi-square Degrees of Descriptive
freedom level
131.989 5 0.000
Source: Authors.
Table 6: Roy-Bargman stepdown F-test
Variables Mean square Mean square
between groups within groups Stepdown F
fpmt 64.108 0.688 93.232
icmst 18.203 0.734 24.802
rect 12.742 0.513 24.845
Variables G. L. G. L. Stepdown F
Between Within significance
fpmt 2 282 0.000
icmst 2 281 0.000
rect 2 280 0.000
Source: Authors.
Table 7: Results of Box's M test
Box's M 9.707
Approximate F 1.701
df1 12
df2 156466
Significance 0.040
Source: Authors.
Table 8: Levene's test
Levene test
F Sig.
fpmt 3.834 0.023
icmst 3.192 0.043
rect 5.986 0.013
Source: Authors.
Table 9: Descriptive Statistics
Variables Mean SD
Group 1 fpmt -0.8290 0.9346
icmst 0.4726 0.9788
rect 0.8253 0.7878
Group 2 fpmt -0.9818 0.7324
icmst -0.2891 1.1807
rect 1.1015 0.9404
Group 3 fpmt 0.4312 0.8264
icmst 0.1243 0.8568
rect -0.2913 0.6774
Source: Authors.
Table 10: Multivariate test
G. L. G. L.
Test Value F Entre Dentro
Pillai's criterion 0.608 40.942 6 562
Wilks' lambda 0.435 48.254 6 560
Hotelling trace 1.203 55.926 6 558
Roy's largest root 1.114 104.364 3 281
Test F significance Effect size Power
Pillai's criterion 0.000 0.304 1.00
Wilks' lambda 0.000 0.341 1.00
Hotelling trace 0.000 0.376 1.00
Roy's largest root 0.000 0.527 1.00
Source: Authors.
Table 11: F test
F test
F Sig.
fpmt 93.232 0.000
icmst 10.155 0.000
rect 96.771 0.000
Source: Authors.
Table 12: Descriptive statistics
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
fpmt X
icmst X
rect X
Source: Authors.