The challenges and opportunities experienced by parent supervisors in primary school distance education.
Downes, Natalie
For a number of children living in rural and remote regions of
Australia, distance education is regarded as one of the most effective
means of providing access to primary school education. In this mode of
schooling, the teacher sends the student schoolwork to complete in their
home. With the teacher and student in different locations, another adult
is required to act as a supervisor of their learning, bridging the gap
between the teacher and the student. This is a role usually undertaken
by one of the child's parents, with this in most cases being their
mother. Despite the essential nature of their role, little is known
about the practices of parent supervisors and the opportunities and
challenges this role brings them. In this paper I report on one aspect
of a research project that aimed to gain an understanding of how parent
supervisors experience their role. To do this, semi-structured
interviews were conducted with volunteer parent supervisors of New South
Wales primary school distance education students to gain insight into
their practices and the opportunities and challenges they face in their
role. The interview transcripts were analysed using a three step data
coding framework to explore the themes that emerged in their
experiences. Specifically, in this paper I focus on the theme of
'teaching' that emerged and note the similarities between both
the practices and challenges of supervisors and those faced by new
teachers in rural and remote regions of Australia. This understanding of
their experiences will enable planning for the role to be improved. It
will contribute to the effectiveness of the education of children who
study by distance education through assisting an often overlooked cohort
of educators who are essential to education in rural Australia.
In primary school distance education, the role of the supervisor
has been largely unexplored. However, while little is known about the
supervisor's role, the role itself has been identified as essential
in the distance education process (Fitzpatrick, 1982; Lopes,
O'Donoghue & O'Neill, 2011; Tynan & O'Neill,
2007). Through an analysis of the roles and relationships of supervisors
and teachers, Fitzpatrick (1982) argued that supervisors are extensively
involved in their children's education, having a breadth of
knowledge that is essential to the teacher's planning process. This
is supported by Tynan & O'Neill (2007) who portrayed the
supervisor as being the person in charge and responsible for their
children's education while describing the management of
children's schooling by distance education. These views place great
weight on the role, implying that many aspects of children's
education are influenced by the input and decisions of the supervisor.
Tomlinson, Coulter & Peacock (1985) extend on these viewpoints,
concluding from an exploration of how primary school distance education
students learn that supervisors perform tasks similar to those of a
qualified teacher. Alston & Kent (2008) and Tynan & O'Neill
(2007) also testify to this, arguing that the role involves tasks such
as creating routines, managing lessons and assignments, organising mail
to and from the school and getting children ready for lessons. This is
indicative of some of the extensive duties supervisors undertake in the
distance education process, suggesting that the role is significantly
noteworthy in the distance education process.
Despite the established significance of their contributions to
distance education, reflections on the value of the role of the
supervisor were found to vary among distance education school staff and
supervisors themselves. Fitzpatrick (1982) suggests that some school
staff consider supervisors to be the defining influential factor in how
successful a student will be in distance education. Lopes et al, (2011)
supports this view, indicating that teachers consider the support of
home supervisors to be vitally important. As well as stressing the
significance of the role, these views indicate the magnitude of
responsibility involved in supervising a student's education. In
contrast to this, Taylor & Tomlinson (1984) identified that some
staff members feel that home supervisors have no real teaching role.
Instead they consider this to be the responsibility of the teacher. In a
similar manner to school staff, supervisors also placed varying values
on their role. Green (2006) and Tynan & O'Neill (2007)
identified that supervisors experience a great deal of pressure in their
role, and feel responsible for their children's progress. This
suggests that supervisors recognise the importance of their role in
their children's education. In opposition to this, while exploring
one family's experience in distance education, Green (2006) also
identified that while supervisors consider their role to be time
consuming and important, they felt it was just another part of their
day. This suggests that both supervisors and teachers often undervalue
the contributions of supervisors, with the nature of what their role
involves not fully understood.
The conflicting views about the contributions of supervisors may be
further influenced by a lack of clarity in regards to responsibility for
aspects of children's learning. Lee & Wilks (2007) established
that some supervisors feel they have to complete all learning tasks as
they are set out by the teacher, whereas others adjust them according to
the needs and interests of their children. Tomlinson et al, (1985)
claimed that some supervisors feel that it is necessary to adjust
learning tasks to keep their children motivated and prevent them from
losing interest. With the differences in approaches by supervisors, Lee
& Wilks (2007) reasoned that some supervisors are not comfortable
with making adjustments to tasks, as they feel it is the teacher's
responsibility and they lack the knowledge to do so themselves. This
suggests that while there is a need for supervisors to adjust set tasks,
some feel unsure about doing so and lack the confidence to do so. This
confusion among roles could be further contributed to by teachers'
views of the supervisors' skills. In evaluating a trial of a
training program that was conducted with supervisors, Boylan (1996)
concluded that teachers often overestimate the educational skills and
knowledge of home supervisors.
While little is known about the role itself, the person who
undertakes the role and the way this influences the role have been
identified. In the majority of families, the role of supervisor is
undertaken by one of the children's parents, with this generally
being the children's mother (Alston & Kent, 2008; Fitzpatrick,
1982; Lee & Wilks, 2007; Tomlinson et al, 1985; Tynan &
O'Neill, 2007). In a small number of families, a governess is hired
to undertake the role (Alston & Kent, 2008; Tynan &
O'Neill, 2007). Alston and Kent (2008) identify that while this is
an option, it is not usually chosen because of the cost involved. In
contrast to this, Tynan & O'Neill (2007) and Alston & Kent
(2008) reason that despite the costs of employing a governess, some
families choose this option as they do not feel they have the skills or
time to educate their child themselves. This draws attention to the
extensive bank of time and skills required when supervising
children's learning, as well as highlighting a lack of confidence
felt by parents.
When the duties of the supervisor are undertaken by a parent, they
supervise their children's education in addition to numerous other
roles and responsibilities in their life, with these influencing their
approach to the role (Green, 2006; Lee & Wilks, 2007; Tynan &
O'Neill, 2007). Tynan & O'Neill (2007) developed a theory
that incorporates a description of how supervisors manage the multiple
roles. They claim parents go through four stages- acknowledging,
interacting, surviving, and teaching, with movement back and forth
between the stages (Tynan & O' Neill, 2007). This is indicative
of the depth of responsibilities in the supervisor's role,
particularly with the description of the fourth stage
'teaching' likening the responsibilities of supervisors to
those of teachers. Taylor & Tomlinson, (1984) analysed the multiple
roles, arguing that an issue parents face is a lack of understanding
from school staff about how these impact on their role as supervisor.
This demonstrates that the complexity of the role and the time needed to
engage in it is often underestimated. A further implication of the
multiple roles parent supervisors undertake is the time they have
available to dedicate to supervising their children's learning.
Alston & Kent (2008) and Tomlinson, et al, (1985) claim that in some
instances outside factors such as needing to work on their family's
property results in supervisors being often unable to spend the time
expected of them in the role. This indicates that the multiple
commitments of supervisors and their influence on the role are often
underestimated, yet significantly impact on their ability to undertake
their role.
In situations where time for schoolwork is lacking, supervisors
make decisions about the educational experiences their children engage
in (Tynan & O'Neill, 2007), with this emphasising the
importance of their role in the distance education learning process.
Factors identified as influencing these choices are the time the
subjects take, (Tomlinson et al, 1985) the perceived importance of
subjects, or those that supervisors felt they don't have the skills
in (Tynan & O' Neill, 2007). This further demonstrates that
supervisors lack confidence in their ability to undertake their role,
while also highlighting the extensive amount of duties they are required
to undertake. A further consideration in decisions made by supervisors
was their own educational background and school experiences (Alston
& Kent, 2008; Green, 2006). Most supervisors do not have background
training in the field of education (Lee & Wilks, 2007; Taylor &
Tomlinson, 1984). Along with this, Taylor & Tomlinson, (1984)
identified that little training is provided to supervisors to conduct
their role. This suggests that the role and requirements of the
supervisor are undervalued.
From a review of the literature, it can be ascertained that the
supervisor's role in distance education is crucial, involving a
number of different responsibilities that are juggled with a multitude
of other daily tasks. Despite the complex nature and extent of the role,
it appears to be significantly undervalued. It was noted that differing
opinions, descriptions and values were placed on the supervisor's
role, with a lack of understanding of the depth of supervisors
contributions to the distance education process. While perspectives,
approaches and influences on the supervisor's role have been
explored, this has given a brief insight into the day-to-day experiences
of supervisors. However, a deeper understanding of the practices and the
opportunities and challenges parent supervisors face is needed to
establish how they experience their role. This will also clarify some of
the apparent confusion about what the role involves, by identifying the
practices, challenges and opportunities parent supervisors face in their
To explore the research question 'how do parent supervisors of
primary school aged distance education school students experience their
role', I conducted ten semi-structured interviews with parent
supervisors of primary school aged distance education school students.
The interviews were conducted using Skype VoIP calling, to overcome the
barrier of geographical isolation restricting access to participants
(King & Horrocks, 2010). Potential participants were contacted and
invited to participate with the assistance of the Isolated
Children's Parents' Association of New South Wales (ICPA), a
key support network for parents living in isolated regions of the state.
The New South Wales ICPA extended an invitation to its members to
participate, with parent supervisors of students studying by distance
education being one of the key member groups supported by ICPA. All
supervisors who volunteered to participate were included in the research
sample. The research was conducted with the approval of the University
of Canberra Human Research Ethics Committee.
The ten parent supervisors who participated in this research were
all mothers of the children involved in distance education from three
different distance education primary schools in New South Wales. While
they are all parents undertaking the role, throughout this paper, I have
referred to them as supervisors. The supervisors had between one and
five children, aged from one year to over eighteen. One of the ten
supervisors had a background as a teacher in a distance education
school, while the rest had no formal qualifications or experience in
teaching. To protect privacy, pseudonyms have been used throughout this
Questions in the interviews involved asking parent supervisors to
describe their experiences and daily practices within the role. This
method of data collection was chosen to give participants a means of
describing their experiences from their own point of view (Cohen, Manion
& Morrison, 2011; Corbetta, 2003). It enabled flexibility for the
interviews to focus on what participants saw as important in their
experiences, with the interviews being guided by their responses and
ideas (Tierney & Dilley, 2001). Prior to conducting the interviews,
participants were given a copy of the basic interview guide questions to
enable them to reflect on their experiences. Before conducting the
study, the interview questions were piloted with a parent who previously
had children undertaking distance education. This enabled the
effectiveness of the questions in gaining the information to answer the
research question to be trialled (Lynskey & Sussman, 2001).
The interviews were then transcribed with participants given the
opportunity to confirm and validate their transcripts before they were
analysed. Data was first coded manually, using a three step coding
framework to explore the themes that emerged in their experiences. The
three steps undertaken were from a grounded theory approach to data
analysis, being open coding, axial coding and selective coding (Ezzy,
2002; Grbich, 2007). The open coding stage involved exploring and
reflecting on the data to break down the information contained in the
transcripts with key concepts and ideas in the data noted, categorised
and compared (Babbie, 2007; Grbich, 2007). The second step of axial
coding involved combining codes of data already created in the open
coding stage. Connections were established between codes and integrated
into categories to describe the practices of parent supervisors (Bryman,
2008; Grbich, 2007). The third step of selective coding involved
identifying the central themes that were the focus of analysis in their
experiences (Babbie, 2007). The use of this framework ensured data was
coded until saturation point was reached, where no new categories, links
or codes could be found to ensure thorough data analysis (Babbie, 2007).
After data was coded manually, the key concepts and themes that emerged
were verified using the data analysis program Leximancer (University of
Queensland, 2005) to ensure the validity of the themes that were
identified in the manual coding process.
A predominant theme that emerged in the supervisors experiences was
the significant teaching role that they undertake. As supervisors are
not qualified teachers, there is little consideration of them as
educators, yet their practices indicate that they undertake many of the
responsibilities of a teacher. In considering this, while the challenges
of parent supervisors have not been widely explored, there have been
several studies conducted that identify the challenges and issues
experienced by teachers in rural and remote schools (Green, 2008; HREOC,
2000; Roberts, 2005; Sharplin, 2002). One of the main challenges facing
teachers in rural and remote regions of Australia is being unprepared
for teaching in these communities (Green, 2008; Sharplin, 2002). Most
teachers are new and inexperienced in the profession, with it being
their first teaching job (Roberts, 2005). Combined with this, teachers
describe experiencing professional and personal isolation, lacking
access to professional development and opportunities for networking with
other teachers (Green, 2008; HREOC, 2000; Roberts, 2005). With the small
number of staff in rural schools, new teachers have few people to ask
for assistance and guidance when experiencing difficulty (HREOC, 2000;
Roberts, 2005). In the classroom, some of the challenges the teachers
identify are the difficulty of working with multi-age classes (Page,
2006), and with small number of staff, being required to take on
teaching subject areas outside their area of expertise (HREOC, 2000).
Teachers also take on more roles early in their career due to the small
number of school staff resulting in workload pressures (Roberts, 2005).
Within their teaching role, the practices of parent supervisors can
be described in terms of seven main categories. These are organising and
structuring their children's school learning, creating a learning
environment, planning and preparing, assessing children's learning,
motivating and engaging students, conducting lessons and engaging in
relationships to enable them to teach their children effectively.
1. Organising and structuring school learning
Supervisors created a routine so that their children could work
through the lesson packs sent to them by the teacher and get organised
for satellite lessons or teleconferences with their teacher. Most
supervisors tried to model school hours, with a set starting time for
school and breaks for lunch and recess. Within this structure, the
organisation of working through the key learning areas of their
schoolwork varied. Approaches included working on each subject area for
a set period of time, getting what the supervisors considered to be the
most important subjects completed first, and working around their
children's needs and interests. One supervisor Sarah reflected on
the organisation of her week:
"... my whole week revolves around prioritising and it's
just sort of getting in and getting the important stuff done first and
leaving the lighter stuff to the end of the week when the kids are
fizzled out from the mental side of things, so I'll quite often get
in and do the maths, the important stuff first, or what I class as the
most important and then go from there to basically try and pace it at
their level."
School learning was also structured around the number of children
supervisors had enrolled in distance education, with supervisors
utilising time when one child was undertaking a satellite lesson to work
with their other children. While most supervisors aimed to model school
hours, they also needed to structure their schooling around home
responsibilities, attending to younger children and farm and work
2. Creating a learning environment
Supervisors created a learning environment for their children to
complete their schoolwork in. This was usually set up in a separate
school building or a room within their house. It was considered by most
to be where all school learning occurred. Naomi reflected on the purpose
of having the separate schoolroom:
"So our schoolroom is a very old set of shearer's huts,
but it is holus bolus that is what our schoolroom is, it's nothing
else so the kids know when they go in there it's time to learn.
Well I hope that's what they're thinking!"
All school resources were kept here and it was where satellite
lessons occurred from. Most schoolrooms were also set up with posters,
displays of her children's work and awards from the teacher.
3. Planning and preparing
Upon receiving the packaged work from the teachers, supervisors
spent time preparing to implement the lessons with their children. They
read through the lessons set by the teacher to ensure they could
understand their requirements and how to deliver them to their children.
They also planned to ensure that the schoolwork was at a level their
children could understand, considering how they would need to adjust the
work for their children's needs if necessary. This included adding
extension work if they felt their children already had the level of
skills and knowledge a lesson was aiming to help them develop.
Supervisors also spent time finding extra resources that were needed for
schoolwork or extension work.
4. Assessing children's learning
On completion of the lessons they conducted with their children,
supervisors assessed their children's level of understanding and
provided feedback to the teacher on this. This was usually through a
feedback sheet for the teacher, or in some instances recorded and sent
by email to the teacher. While providing feedback wasn't essential,
most acknowledged how it was important so teachers could further plan
for the children's schoolwork. One supervisor Emma described how:
"The more feedback you give, the more they can grasp your end
of the situation and then it gives them the opportunity to reflect, put
that into their reports and also prepare the next lot of work that comes
in the next term."
This feedback also enabled teachers to work on areas the
supervisors identified their children to be having difficulty with when
conducting satellite lessons. Supervisors then packed up their
children's completed schoolwork and posted or emailed it back to
the teacher for them to further evaluate and provide their own
assessment of the children's level of understanding.
5. Motivating and engaging students
Supervisors implemented strategies that they felt motivated their
children and encouraged them to complete their schoolwork. This was
necessary across all year levels, particularly when children worked more
independently of supervisors on their schoolwork. The main strategy used
by supervisors for motivating students was a system of rewards. This
generally involved children receiving privileges such as opportunities
to play their favourite games, or getting new toys for completing their
schoolwork. Supervisors also motivated children to complete their
schoolwork by placing time limits on activities and encouraging children
to beat the time limit. Having a positive attitude in the schoolroom and
using praise to encourage students to engage with their schoolwork was
also important. Other strategies used by supervisors to engage their
children in schoolwork were altering the lessons set by the teacher to
target the students learning styles and incorporating games to engage
students with their schoolwork.
6. Conducting lessons
The largest part of the supervisor's role in the early years
of their children's schooling involved working through lessons with
their children. In the early years of primary school, the teacher sent
the supervisor a written script telling them almost word for word how to
work through the lessons with their children. While some supervisors
worked through the lessons according these scripts, most found that they
needed to adjust them in some way to meet their children's
individual needs. One participant Anna, reflected on the necessity of
"If you just did what they sent, I think it's pretty
good, but sometimes it gets a bit confusing. Sometimes they do, usually
in the maths tracks units there's a game of some description to do
with them and I find sometimes that it confuses him. So that's
where a lot of the time I use something that I've found, or on
Mathletics or something I look on there first, something that's
related to what the unit that we're doing."
There were many different strategies used to adjust lessons. One of
the main ways supervisors did this was in consideration with their
children's learning styles and interests. An example of this was
incorporating ball games with spelling activities and counting by
jumping on the trampoline to engage kinaesthetic learners. Supervisors
also noted how they changed activities to make them more meaningful and
relevant to their children. Mary, a supervisor living on a farming
station gave an example of how she utilised opportunities within
everyday life experiences to help her children learn to count:
"With kindergarten we had to prove that we could count from
one to a hundred, I could tick that off without even doing that in the
classroom because I know that we'd completed it while driving along
or mustering in the paddock or whatever."
Supervisors also adjusted work to the level of their
children's capabilities. If students were not understanding the
examples given in the lesson guides, they would give other examples or
provide extension work if it was considered too easy for the student.
When children were in the upper years of primary school and had
developed a higher level of literacy skills, they worked more
independently on lessons. The supervisor was less involved in conducting
the lessons; instead they set the learning tasks for their children,
motivated them to work through it and provided assistance when the
children were having difficulty.
7. Relationships
Within their role, supervisors engaged in relationships with a
number of people around them to assist them to undertake their teaching
role. In particular they had a cyclical relationship with the distance
education teacher. Supervisors relied on the distance education teacher
to provide guidelines to structure the lessons they conducted with their
children. The supervisor then implemented these lessons and provided
feedback to the teacher for further planning. Supervisors also relied on
teachers for behaviour reinforcement, assistance when they had
difficulties with lessons and for training opportunities for their role.
The majority of supervisors also tried to establish a supervisor-student
relationship with their children, similar to what they felt that of a
teacher-student relationship should involve. One participant Anna
described this as:
"... the difference between being mum and being the teacher,
you just about need different hats. Like when he sits down I'll say
good morning Peter even though I've seen him the two hours
it's taken me to get him to the school desk ..."
Supervisors also developed relationships with other supervisors
from their attendance at mini-schools and camps, using these to share
strategies for their role and emotional support. In addition,
supervisors also contacted other people with experience in the field of
education for assistance, such as tutors from the Volunteer for Isolated
Students Education (VISE) program and friends who were teachers.
From exploring the challenges encountered by parent supervisors,
there were considerable similarities between the challenges they
experience and those of new teachers. Like many new teachers, one of the
main challenges supervisors describe was feeling uncertain. Many were
not sure about the expectations of them in their role and felt they
lacked knowledge and experience to undertake the role. Having no
training as a teacher and receiving little training for the role was
considered to be a disadvantage in their role. Supervisors often doubted
the effectiveness of their practices, particularly in the early years of
their role. In reflecting on her early experiences in her role, Kate a
supervisor of five children described her self-doubt and uncertainty:
"... you always probably second guess yourself or not quite
sure if the kids are up to standard, 'cause you don't have
anything to compare it to. You don't know, you've never been
in a classroom, you don't know if they're going along alright
While supervisors had their children's teacher to ask for
help, some identified barriers to this. This included embarrassment in
asking for help as they felt they should know what they were doing. One
participant Helen reflected on the challenges she faced in asking for
"If you have any problems you're supposed to ring them. I
always found that a bit of an issue because of the cost, if you were
insecure, if you rang up every time you had a problem you'd be
spending a lot of money and there was no 1300 number for the school, so
back then it does make you feel more isolated."
Some also felt that while the teachers were helpful, they, along
with others, did not quite understand the challenges their role posed,
with this contributing to the sense of personal isolation they
With their key role in undertaking lessons with their children,
supervisors described difficulty in developing effective strategies to
conduct lessons. Recognising and engaging different learning styles,
particularly more active learning styles, and adjusting the lessons set
by the teacher to make learning relevant and meaningful to the student
was difficult. Developing strategies to engage their students in lessons
when they were considered boring or irrelevant was also challenging.
Supervisors felt that they lacked the knowledge of the key learning
areas they were teaching their children. This was particularly an issue
with the areas of mathematics and English, with supervisors often
reflecting on their own subject knowledge the way Naomi describes:
"I do find this a bit with maths, because we do what they call
maths tracks which is a bit of a sore point with a lot of parents.
Sometimes I have a bit of trouble understanding it because maths was
never my strong point to start with ..."
Supervisors also experienced difficulty in balancing time between
teaching multiple children at once. This was particularly during the
early years of schooling when the children required more time and
assistance from the supervisor.
The workload required of supervisors was also considered to be a
challenge. With the workload of the role considered by many to be like
that of a full time job, supervisors also had to fit in other
responsibilities in their life including attending to work and farm
responsibilities and also caring for younger children. With this issue,
supervisors reported experiencing time pressures and tiredness, being
concerned about getting everything done that they needed to in the day.
While parent supervisors reported that their role involved
considerably more challenges then opportunities, they felt that the
opportunities it did provide made the challenges seem worthwhile. The
main opportunity supervisors identified within their role was being able
to be extensively involved in their children's schooling. In
particular, they enjoyed observing the process of their children
learning and developing new skills and all the important milestones that
occurred such as learning to read. Supervisors also gained satisfaction
and pride in knowing that they had a key role in helping their children
learn new skills and gain new knowledge. One participant, Naomi
reflected on these opportunities:
"I know it sounds terrible or silly, you get to see them
achieve a lot more as opposed to what you would if you actually sent
them to school. 'Cause sometimes you feel like you're not
getting anywhere with anything with the kids then all of a sudden out of
the blue they'll be reading to you really well or they can do
spelling, they can complete them without any help, and they just start
recognising things, like when they're first learning to read and
A small number of supervisors considered their role to allow them
to provide additional learning opportunities for their children as they
felt their parental relationship provided them with the advantage of
knowing their children better than a school teacher. A small number of
supervisors also identified the opportunity to incorporate more everyday
learning experiences as they integrated their children's school
learning into everyday life experiences. Their role also provided the
opportunity to develop strong relationships, both with their children
and other supervisors, with support networks among supervisors
identified to be particularly important in their role.
From an exploration of the experiences of parent supervisors it can
be seen that they undertake many duties of a qualified classroom
teacher. With this acknowledgement, their role, like that of a teacher,
is vital for their children's educational opportunities and
outcomes. Further to this, in undertaking their role, supervisors
experience their role in a comparable manner to that of a new teacher in
a rural and remote school, facing similar challenges. These challenges
include difficulty in developing strategies for managing multi-age
groupings, teaching in areas outside their expertise, workload and time
pressures, professional and personal isolation and difficulty in asking
for assistance with their roles. However, while there are these distinct
similarities, unlike teachers, parent supervisors undertake their role
without any training in the field of education. With these
considerations, I argue that supervisors should be viewed in a
comparable manner to teachers when planning for their role to enable
them to undertake their role in the most effective manner possible.
Roberts, (2005) acknowledged that teachers in rural and remote schools
need to receive adequate support to enable them to conduct their
responsibilities to the best of their ability. As supervisors have a
similar educational role to that of a teacher, they too should be
provided with support to enable them to provide the best quality
education for their children. This support needs to be tailored to the
individual needs and educational setting of the supervisors and their
children, with the exact nature of this support being an area for
further investigation. This understanding of their role and experiences
will enable planning to be improved for the role of an often overlooked
cohort educators who are essential to education in rural Australia.
The author would like to acknowledge Assistant Professor Philip
Roberts, University of Canberra, for his assistance and support
throughout this research project. The assistance of the Isolated
Children's Parents' Association of New South Wales and the
time and input of the parent supervisors who participated in this
research is also greatly appreciated.
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Natalie Downes
University of Canberra, ACT, Australia