Authentic and engaging virtual practice teaching for rural and remote pre-service teachers.
Gregory, Sue
Imagine being able practise your teaching techniques when enrolled
in a teaching degree without the use of a 'live' classroom. It
is a common phenomenon for off-campus (online) pre-service teachers
living in rural and remote regions to not have access of schools to
practise their teaching skills. Discussed in this article is a solution
to this ever-increasing problem of finding a classroom of students where
pre-service teachers can engage in their teaching to practise ideas and
techniques in an authentic teaching environment. They practise from
their own home, through a virtual school created in Second Life,
complete with teacher and student avatars and role-play scenarios.
The University of New England (UNE) is a regional university
located 200 kilometres inland from the eastern New South Wales (NSW)
coastline approximately halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. There are
approximately 22,0000 students enrolled at UNE with 80 per cent
(University of New England, 2013) opting to study in an online mode,
that is off-campus, from a distance (previously known as external
studies). Lectures, workshops or tutorials are provided face-to-face to
on-campus students. For online students, study materials are provided in
a variety of formats that are accessible only through online means,
usually through the Learning Management System (LMS), in UNE's
case, Moodle. In the School of Education (SoE), at UNE, there are around
4,000 to 5,000 students enrolled each year with 12 per cent enrolled in
on-campus mode (McGarry, 2014), leaving the remaining 88 per cent,
higher than the UNE overall percentage, opting to study online. The
number of students opting to study in online mode has increased over the
past few years in the SoE. Outlined are the results of a research
project that examined the results of 3,236 students comparing those who
participated in virtual worlds activities to those who did not, and the
perceptions of students who used a virtual world for complimentary
professional experience practice.
The author began teaching Information Communication Technology
(ICT) at UNE in the SoE in 2006. Since 2007, she has been exploring the
use of a 3D immersive virtual world as a teaching and learning tool.
Over a period of four years, from 2008 to 2011, 3,236 student grades
were examined, comparing those students who chose to undertake virtual
world activities (voluntary participation) and those who chose not to
(non-participation). The results indicated that voluntary participation
students outperformed their non-participating peers (Gregory, 2013).
This research did not determine the reason for this significant
difference but acknowledged that the virtual world did have an impact on
the voluntary participating student's learning. These voluntary
participating students may be the students that would have been
successful no matter what they had chosen to do.
From 2010 to 2012, a resource was developed by the author with a
team of educators to assist pre-service teachers to practise their
teaching skills, through a process referred to as virtual professional
experience (VirtualPREX, see http://www.virtualprex.coml. VirtualPREX
was established through an Office for Learning and Teaching grant and
was created for pre-service teachers to practise their teaching skills
(Gregory, Dalgarno, Crisp, Reiners, Masters, Dreher, & Knox, 2013).
Through VirtualPREX, a space was created in Second Life, a 3D simulated
virtual world, so that pre-service teachers could practise their
teaching skills with their peers, who role-played as primary school
students, prior to going out on professional experience in a real
classroom. Students would use a teacher avatar to teach a classroom of
student avatars in order to practice their teaching skills, trialling a
way of teaching or learning, whilst conducting a seven minute lesson.
(Please see acknowledgements of the team who assisted in this project
coming to fruition and being used in pre-service teacher education today
in the SoE at UNE.)
All pre-service teachers are required to participate in
professional experience in a school every year of enrolment (full-time
equivalent year of enrolment). The duration is dependent on the year in
which they are enrolled, but can range from 10 days to eight weeks.
During VirtualPREX, all pre-service teachers were provided with roles to
be enacted with allocated behaviours as either actively or passively on
or off task. The teachers practiced his/her skills to determined ways in
which to, firstly, teach the students, but secondly, keep students
involved in the lesson by implementing various engagement strategies
learnt during the course of their studies as pre-service teachers.
Non-player characters (bots--meaning that they are not controlled by the
humans but programmed to interact with other avatars through gestures,
movement and speech) were also created for the role-plays but are yet to
be sufficiently programmed to be usable by the practising teacher. All
avatars have been created to look like either teachers or school
students between eight and twelve years of age (see student avatars in
Figure 1) so they could be used with either primary or secondary
pre-service teachers.
Demonstrated in Figure 1 are two student avatars that have been
created for the VirtualPREX roleplays, where peers take on the
characters (and persona) of a primary school student. These peers are
provided with roles to play and act as either on or off task, passive or
active. The scope of the role is that peers only acted in these specific
roles 20 per cent of the lesson time, providing the teacher with some
time to conduct their lesson.
To date, approximately 150 on-campus pre-service teachers have
trialled VirtualPREX and 12 online pre-service teachers who were
predominantly living in rural or remote locations (42 per cent living in
locations of 18,000 or fewer people). There were only 12 online
pre-service teachers participating in VirtualPREX because it was
voluntary and timetabled at the end of a trimester when students were
busy preparing for exams and final assignments. Also, VirtualPREX, due
to various reasons, was not offered to online students every year.
Provided in this article is context and results from this VirtualPREX
Rural professional experience
There are insufficient places in schools for pre-service teachers
to undertake professional experience (Le Cornu & Ewing, 2008),
particularly for rural pre-service teachers. At the same time, there is
a perceived disconnect between educational theory and teacher practice.
There is also a strong political argument for a greater emphasis on
professional experience in pre-service teacher education. A 3D virtual
world can provide an alternate means for practising teaching skills. It
could also possibly reduce the problem of insufficient professional
experience places available in schools, particularly in rural schools
(Green, 2008).
Pre-service teachers experience a gap between the realities of
teaching and on-campus courses which becomes evident from the first
practice teaching session undertaken by pre-service teachers (Allen
& Peach, 2007, p. 31). The Hon. Christopher Pyne, current Minister
for Education, believes that pre-service teachers are currently
receiving too much theory and not enough practical training in their
undergraduate degrees and declares that I want [undergraduate teacher
training] to be more practical, I want [pre-service teachers] to have
better experiences in the classroom rather than in universities and I
want it to be less theoretical (Pyne, 2014, online). However, schools do
not have the capacity for more professional experience placements for
pre-service teachers. Further, the high attrition rate of beginning
teachers has been partially attributed to the fact that there are too
few available placements in schools for professional experience (Le
Cornu & Ewing, 2008) with an oversupply of pre-service teachers to
available school ratio. Indeed, 45 per cent of newly recruited
pre-service and beginning teachers leave their teaching careers either
during their studies or within the first five years of teaching
(Buchanan, 2010, 2012; Ingersoll, 2001). Pre-service teachers can enter
the workforce ill prepared for their professional role (Boylan, 2008;
Ferry, Kervin, Cambourne, Turbill, Puglisi, 2004). To address this
shortfall, Pyne (2014, online) argues that the more a teacher is in the
classroom learning on the job ... the better, and Korthagen, Loughran
and Russell (2006, p. 1020) state many pleas are heard for a radical new
and effective pedagogy of teacher education in which theory and practice
are linked effectively.
Discussion at the end of the 20th century pushed for a
restructuring of teacher education that placed emphasis on practice
instead of theory, just as it is today. However, to date, nothing has
been done to bridge this gap. Pyne's terms of reference from the
Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group, formed January 2014, are
to identify, among other things, common components regarded as
world's best practice in teaching education with particular focus
on professional experience and improving university and in-school
professional experience opportunities for pre-service teachers (Pyne,
While finding adequate professional experience placements is a
universal issue, it is particularly difficult to find them in rural
areas. VirtualPREX does not focus on this, but does provide a means in
which students can practice their teaching skills as if it were in a
rural school. Green et al., (2006) explored the special challenges of
rural placements and notes the additional challenge to attract, prepare,
develop and retain quality teachers in rural schools in NSW (Green,
2008, p. 7). Further, the preparation of teachers for these schools
requires specific attention to social, cultural, geographical,
historical, political and service access issues (Boylan, 2008, p. 28).
It has been recommended that all preservice teachers wishing to teach in
rural schools gain experience in teaching in these schools. However,
there simply are not enough schools to cater for the lack of placements
for pre-service teachers (Le Cornu & Ewing, 2008). Research
indicates, in some states, that less than 22 per cent of rural schools
take pre-service teachers for professional experience (The Teacher
Education Taskforce, 2012).
Geographical location, particularly for rural and remote schools,
is seen as problematic, particularly for high quality teacher education
(Kruger, Davies, Eckersley, Newell, & Cherednichenko, 2009). The
National Inquiry into Rural and Remote School Education reports that
teacher training institutions should incorporate into teaching courses
compulsory modules on rural and remote teaching and they should
facilitate rural placements and recruitment strategies to prepare and
encourage undergraduates for rural teaching positions (Sidoit, 2000,
online). The National Inquiry into Teacher Education in 2007
acknowledged that there were still ongoing concerns about the quality of
teacher preparation, with the practicum identified as a key persistent
problem area (Parliament of Australia, 2007, online). There is not
necessarily equilibrium between the supply of pre-service teachers and
the spaces available in schools for professional experience to be
undertaken. This is more significant with professional experience
placements in rural schools. As Ure, Gough and Newton (2009, p. 5) point
out, careful consideration must be given to the costs and resources
needed for professional experience.
Universities, whilst theoretically not tied to regional areas, in
reality have a monopoly on the schools within their geographical region
for professional experience placements. Therefore, finding suitable
schools for professional experience can be very difficult for
universities who predominantly have online students, such as UNE with 80
per cent of students studying from a distance (University of New
England, 2013). Universities find placements for on-campus pre-service
teachers as they have access to geographically co-located schools. In
the School of Education at UNE, for example, professional experience
placements are found for the approximately 12 per cent of pre-service
teachers who are on-campus students. Of the remaining 88 per cent of
students studying off-campus, approximately half are located in urban
areas and half from rural or isolated locations around Australia. UNE
does not have access to schools in these geographically dispersed
locations and cannot undertake to find placements. This vast majority of
pre-service teachers (88 per cent) are therefore required to find their
own school placements.
The VirtualPREX teaching classrooms and other spaces
VirtualPREX is located in Second Life, a 3D immersive virtual world
where users can interact with the environment and the people who occupy
the space. It offers role-plays with peers and synchronous teaching with
bots in an authentic virtual classroom environment. The activities are
authentic as they align with following ten characteristics of an
authentic task (Herrington et al., 2010, pp. 46-48):
* Has real world relevance and it matches as nearly as possible
with the tasks performed by expert practitioners of the field;
* Is not oversimplified but rather ill-defined, requiring and
promoting problem solving and higher order thinking rather than
memorizing correct answers;
* Requires significant investment of time and intellectual
* Offers an opportunity to examine a problem from different
perspectives, using multiple resources;
* Requires collaboration;
* Offers an opportunity for the student to make decisions and
reflect on their learning;
* Can be applied across subject areas and require interdisciplinary
* Is seamlessly integrated with assessment;
* Creates a polished product that is valuable in its own right;
* Allows alternative solutions and outcomes instead of a single
right answer.
Such complimentary virtual world professional experience for
pre-service teachers has not been offered to date, either nationally or
internationally. Ferry, Kervin, Cambourne, Turbill, Puglisi, Jonassen
and Hedberg (2004) have created ClassSim where pre-service teachers can
work by themselves through text descriptors of classroom events
providing choices of how they would teach. SimSchool (Christensen,
Knezek, Tyler-Wood, & Gibson, 2011) and the Cook District School
(Girod & Girod, 2006) have created simulations where the results of
pre-service decisions are displayed using text and graphical
representations of the output. The closest virtual world professional
experience to VirtualPREX is TeachLivE, however, this simulation
requires actors, with expertise in puppeteering and child behaviour, to
control the avatar school children during a lesson (Dieker, Hynes,
Stapleton, & Hughes, 2007). These simulations remove the spontaneity
and authenticity that is offered by VirtualPREX as a pre-service teacher
would have to read text and make a choice of how they teach, or organise
actors to play the roles of school students. Figure 2 displays a
pre-service teacher undertaking a teaching lesson in a virtual world
with their peers who are acting as primary school avatars, sitting at
desks, or walking around and participating in the lesson, through a
role-play activity.
There is a considerable amount of research on the benefits of using
a 3D virtual world as a teaching and learning tool (Warburton, 2009;
Dalgarno, Gregory, Carlson, Lee, & Tynan, 2013). However, the uptake
has been slow because even though the evidence has been provided to the
sector that 3D virtual worlds provide an alternate, effective and
immersive learning environment in which preservice teachers can
experiment with practice teaching techniques, most feel that the costs
would override the benefits.
Background to the use of VirtualPREX
There are currently insufficient teaching practice placements
available for pre-service teachers and there is also a high attrition
rate of pre-service and early-career teachers, either during their
studies or within the first five years of teaching (Ingersoll, 2001).
The use of an immersive 3D virtual world can provide a space for extra
practice teaching and thus work towards alleviating both these problems.
One way to alleviate the significant problem of pre-service
teachers having difficulty in sourcing practice time in the classroom is
to use alternative resources, such as an immersive 3D virtual world.
There is a demand for more hands on experience without real life
practical experience places available. For the ever-increasing
proportion of university students opting to study by distance, an
immersive 3D virtual world could provide an alternate place in which to
learn (King, 2012; Moore, 2013). VirtualPREX has been created for
teachers to practise their teaching skills and is a tested virtual
teaching environment where four virtual classrooms have been created,
complete with teacher and school student avatars, and is available for
use by the higher education sector. VirtualPREX enables four virtual
classroom teaching scenarios to be undertaken concurrently. Pre-service
teachers can practise their teaching techniques in the virtual world
where they are provided with autonomy and at no cost. It also provides
them with the opportunity to trial teaching techniques that do not have
adverse consequences on their students or themselves if they do not work
or are inappropriate. A further classroom has been established to enable
asynchronous teaching with student bots, which will be utilised once
fully functional.
To overcome the shortage of professional experience placements in
schools, VirtualPREX is used as a complementary (not supplementary) tool
for professional experience. This shortage of professional experience
placements has always existed but, over the past 12 months, has
increased due to new accreditation of all pre-service teachers prior to
participating in professional experience and a mandated increase in the
number of days a pre-service teacher must be in the classroom.
Experienced mentor teachers are now retiring and those capable of being
mentors are decreasing due to new rules and regulations. The lack of
available placements in schools is reaching a crisis point. If students
are more prepared when they undertake professional experience due to
their practice through a virtual world, this problem could be overcome.
This research provides pre-service teachers with a rich forum in
which to practise their teaching skills as an adjunct to their
professional experience. It enables those pre-service teachers who are
unable to find school placements a possible alternate means in which to
practise their teaching. As it is a complementary tool, it does not
replace professional experience, but could become an alternative in the
future. Individual universities worldwide have been trialling a variety
of non-immersive ways in which to teach virtually through the use of
text selection or human intervention (see, for example, Christensen et
al., 2011; Dieker et al., 2007; Ferry et al., 2004; Girod & Girod,
To date, researchers have relied on education learning theories
that were not developed for a 3D virtual world context. Past researchers
have used experiential learning (Kolb, 1984), behaviourist (Anderson,
2008; Pavlov, 1927), constructivist (Bruner, 1990), transformative
(Cranton, 1992), and connectivism (Siemens, 2004) learning theories.
Outlined is how the five theories are incorporated into virtual world
* Experiential learning--through immediate, concrete experiences by
undertaking role-play activities in the virtual world;
* Constructivism--learning by building on knowledge already
acquired by participating in weekly virtual world activities;
* Connectivism--where new information through virtual world
activities is continuously being acquired, requiring processing and
drawing distinctions between vital and non-vital information;
* Transformative--where pre-service teachers reflect on actions
undertaken during virtual world activities, paying attention to when
reflections occur;
* Behaviorist theories--teaching the facts, such as how to use
various resources in the virtual world.
This research is underpinned by the use of a social constructivist
framework. Social constructivism provides a firm pedagogical foundation,
understanding that learning is undertaken through social and cultural
interaction; that is, interaction, sharing of ideas and discussions, all
being built from past experiences, knowledge, perceptions and supporting
new knowledge. For pre-service teachers generally, new knowledge around
what it means to be a teacher in the classroom will come from prior
knowledge (gained through classroom study, engagement with theory,
role-plays, ideas around pedagogical best practise) and their experience
in the classroom on practical experience. The extra practical experience
offered to pre-service teachers through VirtualPREX has been designed to
promote authentic learning through tasks that are either identical or
similar to those that they would encounter in a real classroom; that is,
the pre-service teachers construct ideas based on their prior knowledge
(bringing in real world experiences) into their virtual world
(complementary) practice teaching.
The virtual classrooms were first trialled in 2009 by Gregory and
Masters (2012) where de Bono's (1985) Six Thinking Hats strategy
was undertaken with on-campus and online pre-service teachers. This
role-play activity has been so successful that it has been undertaken
every year since with online students and provided the virtual world
space and ideas to create VirtualPREX.
All student grades were examined to determine if there was a
difference between those who chose to participate in virtual world
activities and those who did not. All units (subjects) in which virtual
world activities were offered as part of the student's learning
were examined. From 2008 to 2011, this totalled 3,236 students, of which
232 were voluntary participation (i.e. online students).
From 2011 to 2014, approximately 200 on-campus pre-service teachers
in the SoE at UNE were provided with VirtualPREX workshops to practise
their teaching skills. Pre-service teachers were invited to complete
post VirtualPREX teaching experience surveys. The surveys enabled
pre-service teachers to provide their perceptions of the role-play
activities through open-ended questions. The surveys consisted of a
combination of demographic and likert scale questions, as well as
open-ended responses. Pre-service teachers were asked to complete
questions on demographics, ICT and virtual world knowledge and they were
also asked open-ended questions in order to drill into their perceptions
of their teaching experiences (such as best and worst things about the
activity, what worked well, what didn't, and how valuable the
activity was in contributing to their professional teaching confidence,
skills and/or attitudes). These open-ended responses reported here are
supported by some of the demographic responses. Further results of both
on-campus and online VirtualPREX teaching activities are reported
elsewhere (see dissemination at
Twelve online pre-service teachers participated in VirtualPREX
role-play activities from 2011 to 2013. Although a large sample of
online pre-service teachers were enrolled and participated in virtual
world learning activities, the VirtualPREX role-plays were offered to
pre-service teachers at an inconvenient time. All pre-service teachers
were given the opportunity to play the role of the teacher and their
peers acted in the roles of school students. The lessons went for
approximately seven minutes and the teacher role was rotated. The
pre-service teachers were able to teach any lesson that they felt
comfortable with or wanted to trial. The teaching was not part of an
assessment task, although assessment tasks have been built around the
machinima (video recorded of virtual world activities) of the lessons
(see assessment at
Pre-service teachers who participated in VirtualPREX teaching
role-plays from 2011 to 2013 were asked a series of questions in
relation to their perceived skill level prior to commencing their
studies at UNE and after the VirtualPREX activity. Table 1 indicates
that pre-service teachers felt their ICT skill levels were either high
or very high prior to commencing their studies (75 per cent), with the
remaining 25 per cent believing their ICT skills were very low prior to
commencing their studies. After undertaking the VirtualPREX activity,
approximately eight weeks into the trimester, pre-service teacher's
perceived skill level had not changed for those in the 'high'
or 'very high' range. For the remaining 25 per cent, the
ratings had changed from the 'very low' category to
'average' perceived skill. This was a very significant change
in the pre-service teachers' perceived skill rating (up two
levels). During the VirtualPREX activities, it was observed that all
pre-service teachers demonstrated the skill level required to be able to
undertake the activity without the need for any technical intervention.
After the VirtualPREX activity, pre-service teachers were asked to
comment on various aspects of their session, such as the 'best
thing about the activity', the 'worst tiling about the
activity', 'how could the activity be changed' or
'did they think that the activity prepared them for their
professional experience in the real classroom'. Various themes
emerged from these questions. These themes are indicated through the use
of italics.
To the question, 'what was the best thing about the
activity?', pre-service teachers reported that the VirtualPREX
teaching activities provided interaction with their peers and they were
able to ask questions without embarrassment. They enjoyed the
opportunity to implement their learning using the latest technology and
that they were able to present a lesson infrotit of peers and be able to
get constructive feedback (pre-service teacher perception). They felt
that the VirtualPREX activity provided insight into other's
teaching strategies and one comment that depicted this was: Enjoyable to
see what others did and how they coped with the situation i.e. a safe
environment where you could make mistakes and learn from them
(pre-service teacher perception). The pre-service teachers also thought
that they got a feel for teaching by using VirtualPREX. Pre-service
teachers felt that the VirtualPREX classrooms provided an authentic
place in which to practice their teaching techniques, as one person
stated: It recreates the classroom environment, more than I expected
(pre-service teacher perception).
In response to the question, 'what was the worst thing about
the activity?', the pre-service teachers felt that it was difficult
to get an overall view of what was going on in the classroom. They felt
that classroom management was difficult without being able to gauge body
language. One comment from a pre-service teacher depicted exactly what
happens in a real classroom: It was very difficult to be the teacher. I
found that it was hard to ... keep up with what was being said while
also keeping an eye on students' whereabouts in the classroom, plus
remember where you were up to with your lesson (pre-service teacher
perception). They also thought that classroom behaviour was difficult to
However, the question 'do you believe that the virtual worlds
role-play activity was helpful in preparing you for your professional
experience in a real classroom?' provided great insight into the
perceptions of the pre-service teachers in using VirtualPREX. One
pre-service teacher felt that they needed to consider classroom
management skills when teaching as it has made me think a little more
about my 'off the cuff discipline methods and it has made me
realise that I need to have a more proactive approach to the 'off
task' behaviour (pre-service teacher perception). The pre-service
teachers felt that they needed to have control of the class before the
students were going to learn. VirtualPREX gave you a place to practice
and get feedback without actually being out there in tire real world.
You are able to do a lesson in front of your peers, which as an external
student I don't get to do. It also gives you an opportunity to view
other teachers and how they structure lessons and manage behaviour
(pre-service teacher perception).
The pre-service teachers also felt that VirtualPREX provided an
'authentic learning' experience: Yes. It recreates real life
experience. It's a magnificent tool and great for role playing
(pre-service teacher perception). The pre-service teachers thought that
VirtualPREX enabled them to see what others did and how they coped with
situations in a safe environment where you could make mistakes and learn
from them (pre-service teacher perception). One pre-service teacher
summed up their experience and the question of whether VirtualPREX would
help with their future teaching with the following comment: Yes it would
help, because it allows you to understand that when in a class room it
does not always run smoothly and the interruptions can be endless
(pre-service teacher perception).
Overall, the feedback was extremely positive and provided insight
into how to improve the VirtualPREX role-plays. Students provided their
views on what worked, what didn't and how it could be improved, but
most importantly, whether they believed this process could assist with
their teaching in a classroom full of real students.
Finally, as one pre-service teacher summed up VirtualPREX practice
... the opportunity to stand up and teach a lesson in front of
others was invaluable. I had started my prac but was on observation
so this activity occurred at a particularly great time for me. It
is daunting standing up in front of a class for the first time.
This could probably be extended to being able to practice lessons
you have planned. I am finding it difficult to judge how long
things take with lesson planning and could find it useful to
practice with pre-programmed bots who could throw in occasional
interruptions, toilet requests, requests for help or further
understanding, just to get a feel of how long a lesson should be
(pre-service teacher perception).
On-campus students participated in compulsory workshops, and online
students participated voluntarily in VirtualPREX activities. All
students enrolled in first year education courses were invited to
complete post VirtulPREX and professional experience surveys.
Comparisons were made of voluntary versus compulsory participation in
VirtualPREX of pre-service teachers, rural versus metropolitan living
pre-service teachers, on-campus vs online pre-service teachers through
the use of mean, standard deviation, effect size, cluster analysis,
T-test and chi-square to determine differences, significance and
distribution. How, when, where, what and why questions were used in
order to provide more insight. (Please see for more dissemination of
Being able to properly prepare pre-service teachers in and for
rural employment is of significant consequence to the Australian economy
and educational system and creates a flow on effect from early childhood
training through to adult education. There is a need to find
opportunities for professional experience for rural students, especially
when additional professional experience is becoming more emphasised and
valued. UNE is well placed to address this issue with 71 per cent of
students residing in rural and regional areas across Australia, 22 per
cent residing in a capital city and six per cent from overseas
(University of New England, 2013). Addressing the lack of off-campus,
and in particular, rural professional experience placements, is a key
step towards achieving appropriate levels of training for pre-service
teachers. The use of a 3D virtual world for complementary professional
experience practise can also go towards achieving this.
VirtualPREX is not used as a replacement professional experience
but as complementary experience and space in which to practice teaching.
Teaching in a 3D virtual world is different from real classroom teaching
for a number of reasons--peers played the role of students (and do not
really know how a student may really respond), teachers have to use a
range of ICT skills to control their avatar, which they would not have
to do in a normal classroom, (for example, writing on the board required
the avatar to click on the board and then type the text), talk is
spontaneous, but, like a normal classroom, if everyone spoke at once you
couldn't hear (and can possibly cause audio feedback). Although
teaching in a virtual world can provide spontaneous teaching and
responses, it isn't always the case if the student is unfamiliar
with the 3D virtual world teaching space. However, this is overcome by
providing familiarisation lessons prior to the teaching role-plays.
There are multiple benefits to using VirtualPREX for complementary
practice teaching. Firstly, if roleplays are undertaken, the students
are not confronted with their peers as they would be in a real life
role-play scenario. Therefore, by using child avatars, the role-plays
are more realistic. In a real life role-play, again, the voice of the
person playing the role would not align with the voice of a student.
Therefore, using text for the student avatars is of benefit, even if it
is time consuming. By using bots, the students can practice their
teaching at any time that suits them. They do not have to organise peers
or a classroom of students who are not always available in the same
place and at the same time as others. This makes the VirtualPREX
role-plays very useful, in particular for off-campus students. The
role-plays have been designed to be as authentic as possible and
students often comment on how authentic they appear, especially when
they were not expecting them to be.
The research reported here works within an area of existing
innovation through a 3D virtual world, but one that users are cautious
of taking up because of the way it challenges preconceived notions of
what constitutes quality education.
The impact of using a virtual world for teaching and learning arose
from a comparison of 3,576 student grades. The positive impact of using
a virtual world for teaching and learning has been demonstrated through
research conducted by the author since 2008. This research found that
voluntary virtual world pre-service teachers out-performed the
non-virtual world peers (Gregory, 2013). Pre-service teachers (79.3 per
cent) who chose to study using a virtual world attained a grade of 75
per cent or higher compared with 46.5 per cent of those who chose not to
participate in virtual world activities.
Other than higher grades overall, just over twenty percent of
voluntary virtual world participant students and 53.7 per cent of
students who chose not to participate in virtual world activities
received less than 65 per cent in their studies. While this research
provided evidence of the positive use of a virtual world for adult
educators, particularly those learning from a distance, it did not
determine the reasons for this demonstrated difference in achievement.
There are two factors at play regarding success in the voluntary
participation in virtual world activities. The first is many of
participants have self-identified as having very high or high levels of
1CT skills. The units that pre-service teachers were enrolled in were
either ICT or teaching and learning units. The second factor that should
be considered is that the higher achieving students could be more
generally apt to do something extra to what they need to in order to
complete a unit.
Of the pre-service teachers who participated in UNE virtual world
activities 22.9 per cent resided in rural or remote locations with a
total of 52 per cent living in locations of 18,000 or fewer people
(Gregory, 2013)--see Figure 3. This has implications for the pre-service
teachers in finding a suitable school for their professional experience
placement. As one pre-service teacher who undertook virtual world
activities stated:
... we have geographically dispersed adult learners, so [virtual
world practice teaching activities] could be a way to get everyone
together in one place without actually going anywhere [such as a
school]. We could also create scenarios to train staff on how to handle
difficult [teaching] situations (Gregory, forthcoming, p. 4).
Online pre-service teachers have reported that virtual world
learning activities stopped them feeling so isolated and by using a
virtual world, distance education seems more real, like a part of the
classroom. Others stated that there could even be several classes
interacting at the same time, which is what VirtualPREX has been
designed to cater for.
The future and concluding remarks
Pre-service teachers could be encouraged to practice their teaching
skills using a virtual world to complement their learning and/or
teaching. Ultimately this could reduce attrition rates to provide a
group of teachers who are more confident and better prepared for
classroom teaching due to the extra practice that they are able to
undertake through the use of a virtual world.
The VirtualPREX research addresses the significant problem of not
having enough classrooms to practise teaching or the resources to be
able to do so. Practice teaching in a virtual world could provide the
pre-service teacher with skills that they were not otherwise able to
acquire prior to teaching in a real classroom. VirtualPREX compliments
existing professional experience and creates more opportunities for
professional experience practice without placing additional burden on an
already over-loaded placement system. This has a flow-on effect for
rural placements.
Indicators to support this learning could provide the sector with
an alternate means in which to undertake teaching practice. Those
pre-service teachers wishing to teach in rural schools will be provided
with the experiences to be able to do this confidently and effectively
through virtual practise.
It is acknowledged that the best and most effective professional
experience is from a face-to-face experience, and that additional
professional experience for pre-service teachers is both desirable and
warranted. However, it is also acknowledged that this extra experience
is not always possible, especially if it leads to placing additional
burden on an already over-burdened placement system. Using a virtual
world is a way of addressing these issues through the effective
application of new technologies, but there remains a resistance to its
use. Demonstrating its effectiveness in providing professional
experience practice, as well as identifying a synopsis of the types of
pre-service teachers that choose to study using virtual worlds, will
assist in promoting quality pathways to gaining practice teaching
techniques and trial ideas, without the need of a real classroom.
Professional experience is entrenched with traditional practices, but
not necessarily better practices, and it is the responsibility of
universities to bring about change (Patrick, 2013) that can benefit
pre-service teachers. There is a need for a "new school-university
partnership to ensure high quality professional experience" (Le
Cornu, 2012). By providing a virtual world for practice teaching as an
alternate way to overcome this problem will be of benefit to pre-service
teachers if they implement VirtualPREX practice teaching into their
resources. VirtualPREX practice teaching uses virtual worlds as a
teaching and learning tool to teach pre-service teachers virtually, from
their place, in their own space.
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VirtualPREX project (see of the following:
Yvonne Masters (University of New England), Barney Dalgarno (Charles
Sturt University), Torsten Reiners (Curtin University) Geoff Crisp
(RMIT), Heinz Dreher (Curtin University), Vicki Knox (University of New
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Sue Gregory
University of New England, School of Education
Table 1: Pre-service teachers perceived skill
level prior to commencing studies and after
virtual world activities (2011 to 2013)
Perception of ICT Perception of ICT
Skill skills prior to skills after
rating commencing studies undertaking studies
Very high 25% 25%
High 50% 50%
Average 0% 25%
Low 0% 0%
Very low 25% 0%
Figure 3: Demographics of pre-service teachers participating
in virtual world activities
Series1, Rural or
remote (less than
5,000 people), 22.9%
Series1, Live in town or
surrounds (5,000 to
18,000 people), 29.1%
Series1, Small city and
hinterland (18,000 to
50,000 people), 22.3%
Series1, Regional
major city (50,000 to
250,000 people), 16.7%
Series1, Metropolitan
(above 250,000
people), 8.9%
Note: Table made from bar graph.