Fractures and Their Distribution in the Tills of Ohio(1).
ABSTRACT. Fractures in till may be horizontal, parallel high- to
low-angle, or polygonal (when viewed on a horizontal surface). They have
been attributed to several geologic processes, the most important of
which are desiccation, freeze-thaw, glaciotectonics, and lodgement till
deposition. A literature review, a field study, and core examinations
have identified many areas in Ohio where fractures are relatively
common. All types of fractures are present within the state, but the
depths, relative abundance of types, and their concentrations differ
among physiographic regions.
OHIO J SCI 100 (3/4):39-55, 2000
Bedrock fractures, which include joints, fissures, and cracks, have
been a popular topic of geologic investigation for more than a century.
Fractures have been observed in unconsolidated materials in Ohio for at
least that long (Read 1880); however, their investigation has lagged far
behind their more brittle counterparts, and for good reason. Joints or
fractures in rock could be interpreted to answer important geologic
questions of the day such as the alignment of local and regional
tectonic stresses as well as practical questions such as the prediction
of the sizes of granite blocks at increasing depths in the quarries of
New England (Jahns 1943). Fractures in unconsolidated materials,
however, have been an overlooked curiosity until relatively recently,
when hydrogeologists began interpreting leakage through clayey
unconsolidated aquitards as the result of naturally occurring openings
in otherwise low-permeability materials. Fractures in unconsolidated
sediments (commonly called joints in the literature of Pleistocene
geology) have been related to a number of other geologic phenomena,
including slope failures in till (McGowan and Radwan 1975; Highman and
Shakoor 1998), lacustrine sediments (Babcock 1977), and loess (Bradford
and Piest 1980). Harrell and others (1991) suggest fractures in till are
responsible for radon gas movement in areas having less than 6 m (20 ft)
of clayey drift over radon-producing shale. For modern society,
fractures in till have become a health issue. Many of our facilities and
activities rely on relatively impermeable clayey sediments in their
natural state to protect surface and ground water from a multitude of
contaminants. Fractures in surficial materials affect aquifer
sensitivity and pollution potential; however, fracture types and
distribution are generally not considered when modeling ground water
flow--an unhealthy situation for ground water consumers.
Fracture studies in unconsolidated materials in Ohio are in their
infancy. Fractures in Ohio till and other fine-grained materials are
common, but that simple statement would have been widely questioned just
a few years ago. Today the questions are: how are fractures formed, are
they ubiquitous at the surface, and are they common in the subsurface?
The purpose of this paper is multifold: 1) to provide a concise review
of fracture processes and occurrence in unconsolidated deposits, 2) to
compile the locations of recorded fractures in Ohio tills, 3) to
investigate fractures in till cores and a large test pit in Ohio, and 4)
to model the distribution of fractures in Ohio tills based on facies,
geomorphic setting, and physiography.
Mechanics of fracturing
The field of mechanics of materials provides a useful way to study
fractures in rock and brittle unconsolidated materials. In a mechanical
view of materials, a deposit's reaction to stress is considered
with little regard to its other physical or chemical properties,
properties which are important in other aspects of the geology of
fractures and which will be discussed later.
Pollard and Aydin (1988) summarized the geometry and mechanics of
fracturing in rock. Their preferred definition of fractures (a general
term that includes joints, fissures, and cracks) was first proposed by
Woodworth (1896) and stresses the geometry rather than the genesis of
fractures. According to this definition, joints are fractures that gape
so as to preserve plumose or feather structures. Klint and Fredericia
(1998) agreed and applied the definition to unconsolidated sediments,
adding that fractures are larger than the grain size of the sediment and
generally lack shear displacements. Fractures that have shear
displacements develop slickensides rather than plumose structures and
are more properly termed microfaults and shears. Plumose structures,
however, are rare in the weathered zone of unconsolidated sediments
owing to alteration.
Modern concepts of the mechanics of materials, including
unconsolidated geologic materials, have led to a number of conclusions
about the growth of fractures (Pollard and Aydin 1988). For example, in
a homogenous material, fractures initiate at flaws such as pebbles or
fossils that naturally perturb the stress field in such a way that the
sum of local stresses at the flaw exceeds the tensile strength of the
material. Fracture growth is incremental and a result of stress
conditions at the fracture tip. Theoretical models of fracture growth
suggest that when two fractures of unequal length are subject to equal
driving stress, the longer fracture will lengthen first. In a varying
stress field among equal-length fractures, those subject to the greatest
stress will lengthen first. As a collection of fractures develops, the
energy available for fracture propagation is used to form longer
fractures at the expense of shorter ones, thus offering a partial
explanation for the common observation that fracture frequency decreases
with depth (McKay and others 1993; Jakobsen and Klint 1998). The natural
heterogeneity of geologic materials results in growth that leaves smooth
to twisted fracture planes. Fractures may terminate at a boundary with a
stiffer medium or a region of greater compressive stresses. Fractures
can grow across a bedding plane if there is cohesion between the
surfaces such as that provided by high friction or high normal stress.
Fractures grow as a function of time as well. A common observation
of stratigraphically older materials, especially tills, is that
fractures are more common and more developed than in younger deposits
(White and Totten 1982; Kirkaldie 1988). As stress and material
conditions change through time, as they do during diagenesis, fractures
may periodically arrest or grow.
There is a growing body of field observations of fractures in
unconsolidated deposits. These observations note physical and, to a
lesser extent, chemical characteristics of fractures. Observations have
led to a host of interpretations about the particular geologic processes
responsible for the stresses that induce fracture formation. These
studies identify three major forms of fractures in unconsolidated
materials: 1) vertical fractures, which decrease in frequency at depth
and join to form polygons when viewed on a horizontal surface; these are
attributed to desiccation and freeze-thaw processes; 2) horizontal and
subhorizontal fractures, which also become less frequent at depth; these
are attributed to desiccation, stress release, shear, and freeze-thaw
processes; and 3) high- to low-angle fractures that show little change
in frequency, may show displacement, and do not join to form polygons;
these are attributed to shearing or lateral stress release. Important
and historic fracture studies are summarized below.
Fractures in Fine Grained Unconsolidated Materials
The ever-curious G. K. Gilbert (1882) noted streams on the floor of
Salt Lake Desert, Utah that followed fractures in unconsolidated clay.
The presence of fractures surprised him because he associated fractures
with rocks and not soft, laminated clays and marls; Gilbert asked his
readers for an explanation of their occurrence. LeConte (1882)
responded, stating he believed desiccation to be the operative mechanism
and suggesting that it also explained deep cracks in thick overbank
deposits of the Sacramento River in California. These cracks were up to
18 m (60 ft) deep and connected to form surface polygons 3.0-5.0 m
(10-15 ft) across.
Babcock (1977) studied sets of fractures in Pleistocene lacustrine
deposits in central Alberta. The sediments developed sets of fractures
parallel and normal to steep outcrop faces, and there was no correlation
of directional trends between fractures in rock and those in lacustrine
materials. Babcock suggested the fractures did not originate from above
but from lateral stress release as a result of stream valley erosion and
desiccation processes. He also believed the fractures did not penetrate
more than a few meters into the outcrop face and had little control on
regional ground water movement.
Benson and Othman (1993) investigated the formation of horizontal
partings or fractures in a large cylinder of compacted clay that
experienced freezing and thawing while buried on the campus of the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Measurements showed that as freeze-thaw
cycles progressed through the winter, the clay dried and water
accumulated as ice in thin, horizontal bands above the freezing from.
Water migrated from as much as 50 cm (20 inches) below the freezing
front toward the thin ice lenses; vertical desiccation cracks formed
below the freezing front. Thickness and spacing of ice lenses depend on
freezing rate and soil saturation (Penner 1960). Ice lenses are thinner
and less frequent at depth, where the freezing rate is moderated and
overburden pressure is greater. Macroscopically, thawed soil exhibits
parallel horizontal partings or fractures many centimeters long and up
to 2.0 cm apart; the partings decrease in frequency from near-surface to
several decimeters below the local frost line, beyond which they are
absent. Besides partings, several microscopic sedimentary structures are
attributed to freeze-thaw processes (Mermut and St. Arnaud 1981).
Fractures in Till
Till, by far, is the most common and most complex suite of glacial
deposits. Its composition is a reflection of the materials it has
overridden, and its physical characteristics relate to the dynamics of
active ice and to the processes of stagnant or wasting ice. A better
understanding of the geology of fractures in till has slowly developed
in the last few decades from a handful of important papers that have
discussed fractures in undifferentiated till, newly formed till,
lodgement till, water-laid till, and buried till.
Grisak and others (1976) considered fractures ubiquitous in all but
the youngest tills in Canada's Interior Plains. He suggested a
laundry list of geologic causes for fractures in till, each with
potential for creating fractures with different characteristics. For
example, fractures may develop by desiccation, freeze-thaw cycles,
shearing from overriding ice, stress relief from removal of glacial ice,
crustal rebound, regional tectonic stresses, and volume change from
geochemical processes. Klint and Fredericia (1998), working in Denmark,
supplied a similar listing of geologic causes for fractures. Loading and
shearing-related mechanisms create fractures that have a dominant trend
(systematic fractures; see Connell 1984; Helmke and others 1998),
whereas desiccation and freeze/thaw develop fractures without a dominant
trend (nonsystematic fractures; see McKay and others 1993). In an
example from northwestern Pennsylvania, Cox and Harrison (1979)
suggested that fractures in till propagated from underlying fractures in
Ballantyne and Matthews (1983) documented polygonal fracture
development on a newly exposed till sheet in the periglacial environment
in front of a retreating glacier where the mean annual temperature was
-1 [degrees] to -2 [degrees] C (30-28 [degrees] F). The well-documented
retreat has exposed flat-lying sandy till (32% silt and clay) 1.0-2.0 m
(3-7 ft) thick overlying metamorphic bedrock. Cracks within 30 m (98 ft)
of the snout, an area deglaciated less than 4 years, are shallow (less
than 20 mm [about an inch] deep), narrow (less than 20 mm wide), and
short (less than 1.5 m [5 ft] long) and do not form polygons. In the
oldest area, deglaciated for 35 years, cracks are 30-55 mm deep by 20-60
mm wide (1.2-2.2 inches by 0.8-2.4 inches) and form polygonal networks;
individual polygons measure 0.2-0.4 m across (8-16 inches). Between the
old area and the snout, crack networks pass through transitional forms.
Fracture width and depth were shown to increase exponentially' for
35 years with no sign of leveling off. Surface clasts migrate via
surficial processes to the cracks and fill them. Evidence suggests that
the cracks formed by desiccation and that migration of (lasts continues
until vegetation is established.
Jakobsen and Klint (1998) investigated fractures in clayey
lodgement till in Denmark. They categorized fractures into four sets
based on orientation and character. The first set was large, straight,
and nearly vertical, and had a uniform strike, nearly uniform spacing
(about 0.6 m [2 ft]), and a nearly uniform fracture frequency until they
were no longer present at a depth of 8.0 m (26 ft). These fractures were
interpreted to be the result of loading from an overriding glacier
within lodgement till. A second subvertical set was less well developed,
having an irregular, rough-surfaced trace and more random orientation.
Fracture-trace frequency was high at the surface and decreased quickly
until fractures disappeared at a depth of 4.5 m (15 ft). The authors
were uncertain of their origin. The third set was primarily horizontal,
filled with silt and fine sand, and had a relatively uniform spacing
with depth. These fractures were interpreted as glacial (lodgement)
shears formed as sub-ice debris was lodged in sequential, thin
horizontal sheets during the accumulation of lodgement till. The final
set, also horizontal, was concentrated near the surface and intersected
numerous vertical fractures; these fractures may have formed by
freeze-thaw processes.
Two Canadian studies (McKay and others 1993; McKay and Fredericia
1995) of water-laid till considered the problem of determining fracture
width and also expanded upon the role of dry climate in deepening
fractures. The clay-rich (25-45% 2.0-micron clay) St. Joseph Till is a
water-laid till at Sarnia, southwestern Ontario, about 160 km (100 mi)
northeast of Toledo, OH. The till is weathered and fractured to at least
6.0 m (20 ft). At these depths, fracture width or aperture is expected
to be small and not directly measurable because of sampling disturbance.
Hydraulic fracture aperture was estimated from hydraulic conductivity measurements in the field. Most aperture values (90%), including those
at depth, were determined to be about 21[micro] wide; a few wider
apertures (21-43 [micro]) occurred in the upper 3.5 m (11 ft). Fractures
at depth were identified by staining on a surface, the presence of roots
(which decreased downward), and a tendency of till to part. Fracture
spacing decreased downward such that at 1.0 m (3 ft) depth, 80 fractures
could be counted crossing a horizontal line 2.0 m (6 ft) long; however,
at 6.0 m (20 ft) only one vertical fracture would cross the same
distance (McKay and others 1993). McKay and Fredericia (1995) noted a
N-S and E-W preference to the fractures at, Sarnia but interpreted the
trend as preferential opening of a pre-existing subset of fractures
reacting to local stress release parallel to the face of the excavation.
They proposed a conceptual model of fracture formation at the site that
is based on changes in the ground water table during the Middle
Holocene. The site is near Lake Huron and likely experienced a lowered
ground water table until about 6,000 years ago at the end of the dry
Altithermal period, when lake and ground water levels were lower
throughout the Midwest. Stresses from drying and shrinking in both
vertical and horizontal directions formed new and deeper fractures.
Fractures not only originate from the modern surface, but also may
extend downward from buried surfaces.... Helmke and others (1998)
recognized a fracture pattern in older pre-Illinoian loam till in Iowa
in which fractures were polygonal and extended throughout a 33 m (108
ft) section exposed by quarrying. The fractures, likely from
desiccation, are associated with several paleosol horizons developed in
interglacial times (M. F. Helmke 1999, personal communication).
Hildebrandt (1998) noted polygonal fractures in a till unit in Denmark,
sandwiched between two other tills. The polygonal fractures were
interpreted to have formed when the till's surface was exposed to
weathering during a short periglacial period between two minor glacial
Information was collected from three main sources to determine the
distribution and types of fractures in Ohio tills. First, historic
references of fractures in Ohio tills (and other unconsolidated
materials) were compiled from published and unpublished reports of the
Ohio Division of Geological Survey (DGS) and from discussions with the
surficial geology mapping staff and others. Since the 1960s, geologists
have mapped the Pleistocene geology of many Ohio counties with a goal of
understanding regional stratigraphy. Documenting fractures was not a
goal of any study; however, their presence was noted in many reports.
Secondly, fractures were described from a large test pit at the
Molly Caren Agricultural Center of The Ohio State University in Madison
County, about 33 km (20 mi) west of Columbus. The site lies in the
Southern Ohio Loamy Till Plain physiographic section (Brockman 1998)
(Fig. 1), in Wisconsinan-age till (Fig. 2). The pit was constructed to
demonstrate several aspects of fractures in till. The test pit site was
considered typical for the till plains and likely to contain many of the
fracture features observed in till cores and referenced in the
literature. Christy and others (2000) review the design and construction
of the test pit, which measured 25 m x 9 m x 3 m deep (84 ft x 30 ft x
12 ft). Fausey and others (2000) report on hydrogeologic and chemical
properties of the till and fractures in the pit. Christy and
Weatherington-Rice (2000) discuss the implications of an educational
workshop held at the test pit.
The test pit was located on a slight hummock (less than 1.5 m [5
ft] of relief) that has been mapped as one of the northernmost elements
of the London Moraine, a low, recessional moraine (see Fig. 3). Late
Wisconsinan-age Darby Till, a silt loam till deposited about 16,700
years BP (Quinn and Goldthwait 1985), is the surface material within
which a shallow, moderately well drained soil (Lewisburg) has developed.
The site overlies a large, deeply buried bedrock valley, most of which
is filled with Late Wisconsinan drift (Lloyd and Szabo 1997). Bedrock at
this location is about 70 m (225 ft) below the land surface.
In a preliminary investigation of the site, a 3.8 cm (1.5 inch)
diameter Giddings soil probe retrieved a sample from a depth of about
1.5 m (5 ft) that contained a fracture trace. Plans were then undertaken
to dig a large test pit in the vicinity. Over the course of 4 days in
late August 1997, the sides and benches of the test pit were prepared
using knives and trowels to allow fractures to be seen, described, and
The third source of data was cores from the DGS core repository. In
the late 1980s, DGS augered 25 undisturbed cores for stratigraphic studies using a continuous sampling system. The 24 cores that contained
till (Fig. 3) were evaluated for the presence of fractures. The
air-dried, 5.0-cm (2.0-inch) diameter vertical cores were split into
15-cm (6.0-inch) longitudinal sections with a hydraulic core splitter at
0.3-2.5 m (1.0-8.0 ft) intervals. They were described noting lithology,
fracture depth and geometry (horizontal, vertical, or angled), as well
as the geomorphic setting of the core site. Fractures were considered
horizontal (within 10 [degrees] of 0 [degrees]) or vertical (within 10
[degrees] of 90 [degrees]); angled fractures fell between those values.
The geomorphic setting of the core sites was determined from analysis of
topographic maps and from the literature. Core sites were on lake plain,
ground moraine, and several types of ridge moraine: recessional moraine
(St. Johns Moraine), end moraine (Powell Moraine), and superposed
(palimpsest) moraine (Broadway Moraine). These geomorphic settings are
relatively common in the state. The dominant lithologies of the cores
range from silty clay till to loam till and stratigraphically are named
(from youngest to oldest) Hiram and Hayesville Tills (Late Wisconsinan),
and upper, middle, and lower Millbrook till (Illinoian age). The cores
were compared using simple statistics to note relationships among
fractures, lithology, and physiography.
Although fracture information found in Ohio's geologic
literature is more general than that from either core records or the
test pit, it covers a much wider geographic area. Fractures in
unoxidized till have been recorded in published reports and field notes
from at least 37 Ohio counties (Fig. 4), which include every surficial
Illinoian and Wisconsinan till unit on the Quaternary Geology of Ohio
map (Pavey and others 1999). The locations of these records reflect
areas of DGS mapping projects, rather than an actual absence of
fractures in counties not listed. These fractured-till units represent a
great variety of ages, facies, and textures, including Wisconsinan- and
Illinoian-age tills and lodgement, melt-out, water-laid, and wave-planed
tills that range from clay loam to loam. Tornes and others (2000)
discuss the range of textures of fractured Ohio soils that have
developed from parent materials of till and other unconsolidated
deposits. White and Totten (1982) noted that in northeastern Ohio,
fractures in older tills are much more strongly oxidized and have a
greater variety of geometries than Late Wisconsinan tills, which have
closely spaced polygonal fractures.
The test pit provided a three-dimensional view of fractures that
was unavailable in the Ohio literature, yet, matched descriptions from
elsewhere (near-surface horizontal fractures, though present, were not
evaluated at this site; see Tornes and others 2000). The fractures were
polygonal in plan view and primarily vertical on vertical surfaces.
Figure 5a,b,c summarizes aspects of fractures and fracture polygons in
both oxidized and unoxidized Darby Till. Fractures on a vertical surface
were vertical to subvertical and their frequency decreased from dozens
per horizontal meter (13.0 ft) near the soil surface to approximately
one or two per meter (3.0 ft) at the bottom of the test pit (3.2 m, 12
ft) (see Fig. 5a). On a planar bench in the pit at 1.06 m (3.5 ft),
fractures formed 4-to 7-sided irregular polygons; their largest
diagonals ranged from 0.7 to 1.0 m (2.3-3.2 ft). At the 1.86 m (6.1 ft)
bench, there were fewer polygons per area, and diagonals ranged from 1.0
to 2.0 m (3.2-6.5 ft) (see Fig. 5b). Fracture faces were irregular
planes having a relief of about 2.0 to 7.0 mm (0.1-0.3 inch) over an
area of 1 [cm.sup.2] at a depth of 1.5 m (4.9 ft), providing a
moderately rough path for ground water flow. A zone of white secondary
carbonate precipitate about 1.0 to 6.0 mm (0.04-0.25 inch) thick coated
fractures (see Fig. 5c).
Plumose structures could not be seen on fracture faces. Low- to
high-angle fractures with offsets also were not noted. Darby Till in the
pit was remarkably uniform in appearance and texture (see Fausey and
others 2000); at the bottom of the pit was sand and gravel of unknown
thickness. Following the criteria of Dreimanis (1989), Darby Till at the
site was considered a sub-ice melt-out facies formed while stagnant ice
melted upward from below.
Some fracture patterns that are noted in the DGS cores of central
and northern Ohio are similar to those observed in Darby Till at the
Molly Caren Agricultural Center. Benefits of studying fractures in cores
are that observations can be much deeper than a test pit, and outcrop
problems, such as incomplete vertical exposure or surface alteration
from recent freeze/thaw and wet/ dry processes, are absent. On the other
hand, fractures induced by augering or core splitting are absent in
outcrop. Induced fractures, however, can be distinguished from natural
fractures in most cases (Kulander and others 1990). The limited lateral
exposure in a core can make some interpretations difficult. For example,
irregular horizontal fractures and low-angle fractures can appear the
same in core, whereas in outcrop, a low-angle fracture distinguishes
itself by rising from a horizontal plane. Also, till facies
determinations, difficult even from outcrops, are very uncertain in core
and were not included in this analysis. Table 1 lists site and fracture
characteristics of the cores. Although the core-holes were vertical and
not as likely to encounter vertical fractures as a test pit or angled
coreholes, 22 of 24 (92%) cores in till contained vertical fractures,
38% contained angled fractures, and 96% contained horizontal fractures.
General trends among all types of fractures are: 1) they develop in silt
and fine- to medium-textured tills and diamict; 2) fracture aperture and
frequency decrease with depth; 3) most fractures below about 6.0 m (20
ft) appear closed when viewed with low magnification; and 4) fractures
are deeper in ridge moraines than ground moraine.
Site and fracture characteristics of central and northern Ohio till
a(*) b c d e
DGS geomorphic core T/ fracture-
site # core # setting DT (m) host lithology
1 3051 LP 17.72/30.50 silt
cl-si till
cl-si till
si-loam diamict
cl-loam diamict
2 3052 LP 17.7/30.5 sand
cl-loam diamict
cl-si till
cl-loam diamict
3 3299 GM 3.39/3.39 cl-si till
cl-si till
4 3289 GM 9.03/13.42 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
loam till
5 3292 GM 3.29/3.66 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
6 3290 GM 10.98/18.91 cl-si till
cl-si till
7 3285 GM 12.96/16.17 cl-si till
cl-si till
8 3298 GM 9.33/18.30 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
9 3041 GM 7.32/12.20 cl-si till
cl-si till
10 3042 GM 7.02/12.2 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
11 3043 GM 1.59/12.20 cl-si till
loamy diamict
12 3044 GM 8.57/12.20 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
13 3045 GM 5.00/12.20 silt
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
14 3286 GM 6.59/10.98 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
15 3291 GM 14.73./14.73 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
16 3296 GM 5.80/6.41 cl-si till
cl-si till
17 3294 RM-St. Johns 14.43/14.43 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
18 3295 RM-St. Johns 11.71/11.71 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
19 3297 SM-Broadway 16.32/16.87 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
20 3046 EM-Powell 21.05/21.05 cl-si till
cl-si till
loam till
21 3047 EM-Powell 22.11/22.11 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
si-loam till
si-loam till
loam till
22 3048 EM-Powell 21.69/21.69 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
loam till
23 3049 EM-Powell 8.54/21.35 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
24 3050 EM-Powell 2.71/21.35 cl-si till
cl-si till
cl-si till
a(*) f g h i
till fracture fracture fract open
site # unit depth (m) geom or closed
1 NA 0.92-1.59 h closed
Hsv or uMb 1.59-3.66 h NE
Hsv or uMb 8.85-8.97 a closed
NA 10-10.25 a closed
NA 10.58 a closed
NA 10.86-13.36 a closed
NA 13.88-14.12 a closed
2 NA 0-1.46 NA NA
NA 9.03-9.27 a closed
NA 10.07-10.49 a closed
Hsv or uMb 10.71-12.99 a closed
NA 12.99-14.09 a closed
NA 15.34 a closed
3 Hi, Hsv & uMb 0.52-2.38 h open
uMb 2.99 v NE
4 uMb 0.58-2.41 h open
uMb 2.14 v NE
uMb 2.44 h closed
lMb 8.24 a closed
5 Hi or Hsv 0.46-2.1 h open
uMb 2.29 v NE
uMb 2.84 a or h closed
6 Hsv & uMb 0.46-3.29 h open
uMb 3.97 v NE
7 Hsv 0.61-2.44 h closed
Hsv 2.75 v NE
8 Hsv & uMb 0.15-1.68 h open
uMb 2.84 a closed
uMb 4.42 v NE
uMb 4.82-4.91 a open
uMb 5.30 a closed
9 Hsv or uMb 0.25-1.74 h NE
mMb 5.10 v NE
10 Hsv or uMb 0.46 a closed
Hsv or uMb 0.31-1.59 h open
Hsv or uMb 1.86 a or h open
Hsv or uMb 2.93 a closed
Hsv or uMb 3.42 h NE
Hsv or uMb 3.80 v NE
11 Hsv or uMb 0.25-1.37 h NE
NA 1.53 v NE
12 Hsv or uMb 0.25-1.89 h NE
Hsv or uMb 2.84 v NE
Hsv or uMb 3.66 v NE
Hsv or uMb 3.45-3.72 h NE
13 NA 0.25-0.64 h NE
Hsv or uMb 0.64-2.59 h open
Hsv or uMb 2.84 v NE
Hsv or uMb 3.39-3.42 v NE
Hsv or uMb 3.39-3.42 a closed
14 Hsv 0.61-2.32 h closed
Hsv 2.84 v NE
uMb 6.28 h closed
15 Hsv 0.92-2.23 h open
Hsv 3.81 h closed
Hsv 3.97 v NE
Hsv 4.64 h open
16 Hi & Hsv 0.15-2.59 h open
Hsv 2.75 v NE
17 uMb 1.07-2.59 h open
uMb 3.05 h closed
uMb 3.05 v NE
uMb 4.88 a closed
18 Hi & Hsv 0.27-2.14 h open
Hsv 3.81 v NE
uMb 5.06 h open
19 Hsv 0.15-2.65 h open
uMb 3.81 v NE
uMb 4.88 v NE
uMb 6.86 a closed
uMb 7.50 v NE
uMb 7.78 h closed
20 Hi & Hsv 0.31-3.05 h open
Hsv or uMb 5.80 v NE
lMb 14.95-15.01 a or h closed
21 Hi 0.25-1.83 h NE
Hsv or uMb 3.54 h NE
Hsv or uMb 5.55 a closed
Hsv or uMb 5.83 v NE
uMb or mMb 12.69-12.99 h closed
uMb or mMb 13.42-14.03 h closed
lMb 15.40 h closed
22 Hi & Hsv 0.31-2.44 h open
Hsv or uMb 3.05 v NE
Hsv or uMb 4.58 v NE
lMb 1321 h closed
23 Hi & Hsv 0.98-2.47 h open
Hsv or uMb 2.90 v NE
Hsv or uMb 3.36 v NE
Hsv or uMb 4.12 v NE
24 Hi 1.07 h NE
Hi 0.25-1.95 h NE
Hsv or uMb 1.95 v NE
a(*) j
site # comments
1 silt w/ smooth, regular horiz fracture surfaces,
0.3-0.5 cm apart
faint horiz fractures w/ irregular subhoriz surfaces.
0.5-1.5 cm apart; spacing increases w/depth
several low-angle fractures, 1 cm apart
low-angle shear fractures, 0.5 cm apart, small fragments
of silt dragged along fractures
high- and low-angle shear fractures
shear fractures, low-angle (top of interval) to
high-angle (bottom)
high-angle shear fractures
2 no fractures in sand
numerous low-angle shear fractures which pinch and
swell; 0-1 cm spacing
as above
numerous low angle fractures which pinch and swell,
0.3-1.0 cm
interval w/small sheared silt inclusions
shear zone w/small voids between brecciated clasts
3 shallow core: numerous fractures, spacing increases
downward from 0.5 to 1 cm
vert fracture in 3rd tilt unit
4 irregular fracture surfaces about 0.5 cm apart
throughout interval
fracture w/reduced center and oxidized rim
single fracture
2 tow angle fractures, 0.5 cm apart
5 irregular fracture surfaces 0.3-1.0 cm apart; reduced;
some fractures with Mn coating
single fracture
6 irregular fracture surfaces 0.7-1.5 cm apart; fracture
surfaces oxidized
7 irregular fracture surfaces 0.5-1.5 cm apart; fracture
surfaces oxidized
8 irregular fracture surfaces about 1.0 cm apart
several intersecting low-angle fractures, not reduced,
which intersect reduced vert fracture
3 low-angle fractures within interval w/many short
openings along them
several low-angle fractures, 1 cm apart
9 numerous fractures w/surfaces about 0.5 cm apart
numerous vert fractures
10 single low-angle fracture among horiz fractures
most fractures closed near 1.5 m depth
single fracture
high-angle fracture
single fracture, oxidized
coating of Mn and gypsum crystals on fracture
11 shallow core; numerous fractures v, / surfaces 0.5-1 cm
Ca[CO.sub.3] coatings on fracture
12 numerous fractures, spacing increases downward from 0.3
to 1 cm
Fe, Mn coatings on fractures
sand- and gypsum-filled fracture
several fractures w/ surfaces up to 1 cm apart
13 numerous fractures w/closely spaced surfaces in soil
numerous fractures w/faint Fe stains and surfaces up to
1 cm apart; apertures thin w/depth
CaCO3 coatings on fracture
fracture intersected by 2 low-angle fractures
2 low-angle fractures in interval, both intersect
vertical fracture
14 fractures faint
several fractures not parallel (pinch)
15 irregular fracture surfaces, spacing about 1 cm
irregular fracture surfaces, spacing about 0.5 cm
single fracture
16 irregular fracture surfaces, spacing about 1 cm
17 irregular fracture surfaces, spacing 0.3-1.0 cm
single fracture, irregular surface
single high-angle fracture
18 irregular fracture surfaces
single irregular fracture, oxidized surface
19 irregular fracture surfaces, spacing 0.5-2.0 cm
Fe on fracture
2 fractures, dip about 30 degrees, about 1.5 cm apart
CaCO3 coating on fracture
2 fractures 0.7 cm apart
20 irregular fracture surfaces
Fe, Mn coatings on fractures
fractures pinch and swell, spacing about 1.0 cm;
in paleosol
21 numerous fractures w/surfaces up to 1 cm apart
single fracture
long axis of pebble aligned along low angle fracture
Fe, Mn coatings on fractures
numerous fractures pinch and swell, 0.3-1.0 cm apart;
faint Fe stains on fractures; paleosol
numerous fractures pinch and swell, 0.3-1.0 cm apart;
faint Fe stains on fractures: paleosol
several faint fractures pinch and swell, about 1.0 cm
apart: paleosol
22 irregular fracture surfaces
visible joint termination, Fe stain
3 parallel fractures
faint fractures; in paleosol
23 numerous fractures, 0.2-1.3 cm apart openings less
frequent and thinner with depth
vert fracture intersected by horiz and low-angle
two parallel fractures
Fe coating on fracture
24 single fracture w. CaCO3 coating; shallow- core
numerous fractures w/surfaces 0.7-1 cm apart; clay
coatings on fractures
Fe and CaCO3 coatings on fractures
(*) Column explanations:
a) Sites 1 and 2 are 4.6 m (15 ft) apart, sites 9-13 are 9.2 m (30
ft) apart, sites 20-24 are 4.6 (15 ft0 apart. b) Cores are permanently
housed at the Ohio Division of Geological Survey (DGS) and are available
for study. c) LP = lake plain, GM = ground moraine, EM = end moraine, RM
= recessional moraine, SM = superposed moraine. d) Core thickness/drift
thickness at the core site; drift thickness estimated from DGS
bedrock-topography maps. e) Lithology in which fractures are developed;
cl = clay, si = silt. f) Till units, youngest to oldest: Hiram (Hi),
Hayesville (Hsv) Tills (Late Wisconsinan); upper Millbrook (uMb), middle
Millbrook (mMb), and lower Millbrook (lMb) till (Illinoian). h) Fracture
geometry, h = horizontal (0-10 [degrees]), v = vertical (80-90
[degrees]), a = angled (11-79 [degrees]), NA = till unit not applicable.
i) A fracture is considered open if it appears gaped under a hand lens.
Gaping may be natural or may occur during drying or splitting of the
core: NE = not evaluated, NA = not applicable.
Horizontal fractures in the cores may be divided into three sets:
1) a near-surface, closely spaced (high-frequency) set, 2) a
high-frequency set in a deeply buried paleosol, and 3) a randomly spaced
set. The set of near-surface horizontal fractures is essentially
ubiquitous in the upper few meters of all cores in fine-grained
materials. In silt, horizontal fracture planes are smooth and parallel
(Table 1, site 1) and in till they are rough and less parallel (many
sites) (see Fig. 6). The distance between horizontal fracture planes
increases with depth from about 0.3 cm to 1.5 cm (0.1-0.6 inch) and they
may be cross-cut by vertical and angled fractures (Table 1, sites 4, 5,
10, and 16). The near-surface set of horizontal fractures is generally
open and the apertures decrease with depth. Near-surface horizontal
fractures are deeper in ridge moraines than ground moraine (Table 2), a
trend that tracks with depth of water table and depth of wintertime
freezing front. In the two lake-plain cores (sites 1 and 2) which are
just 4.6 m (15 ft) apart, near-surface horizontal fractures were either
entirely absent (at site 2, 1.46 m [4.8 ft] of medium-grained beach sand
halted their development within the sand and in the fine-grained
materials below) or they are the deepest of all 24 cores (Table 1, site
1, 3.66 m [12 ft] in silt and till). These two sites exemplify the
effect of unconsolidated lithology on near-surface fracture development.
The near-surface set of horizontal fractures are similar to those
documented in the freeze-thaw experiment of Benson and Othman (1993) at
Madison, WI. The authors consider me near-surface set of horizontal
fractures in the cores to be caused by freeze-thaw processes that began
in the Pleistocene and continue today.
Deepest occurrence of fractures in cores from common geomorph
geomorph horizontal fractures, near surface set
setting mean (m) STD (m) range (m) # of cores
GM 2.10 0.58 1.37-3.29 14 of 14
RM,EM,SM 2.38 0.40 1.82-3.05 8 of 8
LP 3.65 NA NA 1 of 2
geomorph vertical fractures
setting mean (m) STD (m) range (m) # of cores
GM 3.25 0.97 1.53-5.10 14 of 14
RM,EM,SM 4.56 1.77 1.95-7.50 8 of 8
LP NA NA NA 0 of 2
geomorph angled fractures
setting mean (m) STD (m) range (m) # of cores
GM 4.96 1.70 2.93-8.24 4 of 14
RM,EM,SM 5.75 1.00 4.88-7.78 3 of 8
LP 14.73 0.86 14.12-15.34 2 of 2
(*) See Table 1 for abbreviations; STD = standard deviation.
Another set of high-frequency horizontal fractures was identified
in a buried oxidized zone (part of a paleosol) in the top of the lowest
till unit (lower Millbrook till) at sites 20, 21, and 22, which are
within 4.6 m (15 ft) of each other. The fractures are especially well
developed at site 21, where iron-stained horizontal fractures span a
2.71 m (8.9-ft) zone and share many characteristics with the set of
near-surface horizontal fractures. The authors consider these fractures
to be the result of freeze-thaw activity when the lower till was at the
surface during the Illinoian age.
The randomly spaced set of horizontal fractures consist of a single
to a few closely spaced fractures that generally occur in the dense
tills of the lower stratigraphic units (upper, middle, and lower
Millbrook tills). They are present at one or two elevations in 25% of
the cores and are rarely open. They are absent in the lake plain cores;
however, in the till plain cores they extend 5.13 m (16.84 ft) below the
bottom of the near-surface set (see Table 3). The authors consider
randomly spaced horizontal fractures that are not associated with
high-frequency horizontal fractures to be related to lodgement or
glacial ice loading/unloading processes.
Fracture depth of the set of randomly-spaced horizontal
deepest depth below
geomorphic depth of near-surface near-surface
site # setting random h (m) set (m) set (m)
10 GM 3.42 & 4.82 1.59 1.83 & 3.23
12 GM 3.45-3.72 1.89 1.56 & 1.83
14 GM 6.28 2.32 3.96
15 GM 3.81 & 4.64 2.23 1.58 & 2.41
18 RM,EM,SM 5.06 2.14 2.92
19 RM,EM,SM 7.78 2.65 5.13
(*) See Table 1 for abbreviations.
Vertical fractures are among and below horizontal fractures, and,
like horizontal fractures, their frequency decreases with depth.
Vertical fractures are shallower on ground moraine than on ridge
moraine, where hilly, dry sites are more common (Table 2). They are
absent in the cores on the lake plain. The depths of vertical fractures
reported here are shallow compared to elsewhere (6.0 m [20 ft]; see
McKay and others 1993) because values from several shallow cores and
cores with missing intervals were included in the data analysis (Table
1, sites 3, 5, 11, and 24). Also, cores, unlike large, deep excavations,
only rarely encounter the deepest, infrequent fractures. Within a small
area, the observed maximum vertical fracture depth in cores varies about
30% (Table 1, sites 9-13 and 20-24). Vertical fractures may penetrate
multiple till units (Table 1, sites 3, 8, and 19). No vertical fractures
were observed in paleosols or buried oxidized zones (Table 1, sites 20,
21, and 22). Vertical fractures were not evaluated as open or closed in
this report. The authors consider vertical fractures in the cores to be
components of fractures that are polygonal in plan view and have
developed by desiccation processes.
Angled fractures span a greater range of depths than other types of
fractures. They are found near the ground surface (Table 1, site 10) and
to a depth of 15.34 m (50 ft) (Table 1, site 2). Very few (5%) appear
open (Table 1, site 8). Low-angle fractures are much more common than
high-angle fractures, perhaps because, in part, the centimeter-scale
irregularities of some horizontal fractures may have been misidentified
as low-angle fractures. Pebbles and soft-sediment clasts may be aligned
along some angled fractures (Table 1, sites 1, 2, and 3). Angled
fractures are common at depth in both of the lake plain cores (Table 1,
sites 1 and 2) (see Fig. 7). The fractures in the lake plain cores are
at similar depths, suggesting they span at least 4.6 m (15 ft), the
distance between the cores. They are developed in a complex diamict
between stratigraphically lower lacustrine silts and an overlying till.
Such a sequence has been interpreted to be caused by ice overriding,
grounding, and then incorporating proglacial lake sediments of an
ancestral Lake Erie (R. R. Pavey 2000, personal communication). On
ground moraine, only 4 of 14 cores contained angled fractures, which,
like horizontal and vertical fractures, were shallower than those on
ridge moraines (see Table 2). The cores on ridge moraines were the only
ones drilled at or near bedrock. There, angled fractures were 9.53 m
(31.3 ft) or more above bedrock, seemingly reflecting an absence of
shear related to drag along bedrock. Angled fractures were found in all
till units but were concentrated above the lowest till unit. The authors
consider angled fractures in the cores to result from shearing
The Facies, Landscapes, and Physiography of Fractures
A useful way of generalizing the distribution of fractures in till
is by relating models of fracture formation, where-possible, to types of
till materials and then to local geomorphic setting or regional
physiography. Of the three basic geometric types of fractures in
till--horizontal, parallel high- to low-angle, and polygonal
(vertical)--the first two are found in particular facies of till. Basal
till may contain horizontal fractures that form as a consequence of the
lodgement process. These fracture planes may be lined with sand due to
removal of fine materials. The set of characteristics that have been
used to differentiate lodgement (basal) till from other till facies
(basal melt-out and surface melt-out) are open to interpretation.
However, the most diagnostic lodgement characteristics, in addition to
horizontal fracture planes, include a relatively uniform pebble fabric,
high bulk density, stratigraphic position below melt-out type facies,
and glaciotectonic features such as sheared till matrix, and nontill
beds thrust into the till matrix (Dreimanis 1989). Lodgement facies have
been assumed to be almost universally present under melt-out facies,
especially in areas well behind an ice margin where ice thickness was
great enough to induce lodgement processes in basal glacial debris.
Lodgement facies have been identified in many of the named till units of
Ohio; however, there are few studies of their distribution. In the Ohio
cores, only two lodgement characteristics are identifiable: dense till
and randomly spaced horizontal fractures. These characteristics alone do
not confirm the presence of lodgement till, although the assumption that
it is relatively common at depth is still viable.
Horizontal fractures also may form by processes that are
independent of till facies. They may arise from stress release as a
consequence of changes in soil volume (from desiccation or thermal
expansion/contraction), unloading from erosion, or ice unloading.
Information provided by core analysis suggests that horizontal fractures
related to freeze-thaw processes may be pervasive. Soil scientists
commonly recognize these fractures in the C horizon of many modern soils
throughout the state and call them horizontal partings or cleavages
(Tornes and others 2000). Their distribution is related to geologic
material (they are absent in thick, coarse grained materials),
topography (they are deeper on rolling sites), and ultimately
physiography. Compared to the relatively flat ground moraine of the Till
Plains, near-surface horizontal fractures are deeper in well-drained
regions having a lowered ground water table that is characteristic of
hummocky or dissected high-relief uplands, such as most sections within
the Glaciated Allegheny Plateaus. Such regions also have potential for
deeper polygonal (vertical) fractures (Fig. 8). There is potential for
an absence of near-surface horizontal fractures in thick surficial sands
that are common in several regions of the state, including the kames and
eskers of the Akron-Canton Interlobate Plateau and the Mad River
Interlobate Plain (Fig. 1, physiographic regions 11 and 3.4), beach
ridges and sand sheets of the Maumee Lake Plains (region 7, especially
7.2), and outwash trains (Fig. 8).
Systematic or uniformly trending high- to low-angle fractures are
almost always of glaciotectonic origin in Ohio and result from shear
displacement by active ice of previously deposited unconsolidated
materials and bedrock. (Neo-tectonic fractures from earthquakes, for
example, have not been documented in Ohio.) Systematic or parallel shear
fractures are considered more prevalent in ridge moraines where glacial
ice has undergone regional compression (Moran 1971). Shear fractures
trend relative to former ice flow, and surface traces commonly parallel
nearby ridge moraines but may diverge under the influence of former
local ice and topographic conditions. However, sweeping assumptions
about the vertical and lateral extent of ice-thrusting features may be
unfounded. For example, Totten (1969) has found that most end moraines
in northern Ohio are superposed and the till unit at the base, which is
most likely responsible for the landform, is different than the till
unit at the surface. Shearing related to end-moraine emplacement in a
lower till may not extend into an upper till. For example, in the
Broadway Moraine at site 19 (Table 1), which is a superposed ridge
moraine, angled fractures are evident in a middle till unit (upper
Millbrook till) but not in the lowest unit (lower Millbrook till). In
fact, very few angled fractures were observed in any central Ohio ridge
moraine. The Ohio literature presently distinguishes among recessional,
superposed, and end moraines, but an analysis of topographic types
suggests that even within a single moraine, there are many more
subdivisions and many more developmental mechanisms. Besides
physiographic factors, former local conditions may strongly influence
glaciotectonic deformation. Deformation styles may be ductile (folding),
brittle (thrusting, faulting, and fracturing), or plastic (dilation or
intrusion of soft sediments) and depend on factors such as sediment
type, water content, and temperature at the time of deformation (frozen
or unfrozen).
At this time, mapping suggests there may be portions of a few ridge
moraines in Ohio that have a theoretical potential of being more
affected by glaciotectonic shearing than other moraines. These are
portions of the relatively large, strongly trending end moraines that
form the southern boundary of Ohio's major Wisconsinan till sheets
(see Fig. 2). Besides defining the terminus of an ice advance, portions
of these end moraines include glaciotectonites (intact thrust blocks
that have been moved short distances and imbedded in till) (K. E. Miller
1999, personal communication) and bedrock cores. Lacking more direct
evidence, the association between parts of these end moraines and
increased frequency of shearing is tentative and a worthwhile direction
for further research.
Glaciotectonic shearing not related to moraine development has been
active in many areas of the state. Shears within glacially overridden
silt/clay diamict and lacustrine materials in the Maumee Lake Plains
have been discussed already (Table 1, sites 1 and 2). Another example of
glaciotectonic shearing is a spectacularly large piece of bedrock
(glaciotectonite) about 0.4 ha (1 acre) in area which was removed from
an isolated hill by Illinoian-age ice and imbedded in the till of the
Fort Ancient area of Warren County (Wolford 1932). Smaller, car- and
desk-size glaciotectonites of bedrock or paleosols have been observed in
till outcrops in Hamilton County (Brockman 1983) (Fig. 9), Clinton
County (K. E. Miller 1999, personal communication), Erie County (R. R.
Pavey 1999, personal communication), Franklin County (Fernandez and
others 1988), and northeastern Ohio (Moran 1971; Ryan 1980).
Glaciotectonic features in Ohio are subtle and their geomorphic
expression has not been identified to date; however, in Saskatchewan,
surface glaciotectonic features in till cover as much as 10% of the
province (Christiansen and Whitaker 1976).
Obstacles such as bedrock escarpments and dissected topography are
physiographic factors that impede glacial flow and cause compression and
shear fractures within glacial ice and the susceptible materials that
underlie it (Moran 1971). In Ohio, these physiographic factors are
present primarily in the Bellefontaine Upland, the hilly Glaciated
Allegheny Plateaus (Szabo and Totten 1992), and along some of the major
bedrock escarpments (Allegheny, Portage, Berea, and Columbus
escarpments; see Fig. 1). Isolated hills or large valleys that are
oriented transverse to ice flow also are obstacles, and unconsolidated
sediments in these areas may have more frequent shear fractures than
elsewhere. Isolated hills are present throughout glaciated Ohio and are
abundant in the Woodville Lake Plains Reefs and Berea Headlands
physiographic regions. Major buried valleys are present throughout most
physiographic regions except the Central Ohio Clayey Till Plain and the
Maumee Lake Plains. Parts of the Maumee Lake Plains, however,
experienced shearing within buried lacustrine deposits that were
overridden by an ice advance (see Fig. 7). Several regions that have
potential for few shear (angled) fractures are those with relatively
thick Pleistocene lacustrine deposits that were not overridden by
glacial ice, such as the Paulding Clay Basin, Grand River Finger-Lake
Plain, and the unnamed lacustrine basins within the Central Ohio Clayey
Till Plain (Fig. 10).
Polygonal fractures are common near-surface fractures in Ohio. In
the flat areas of the Till Plains, the longest vertical sides of
polygons may extend to a depth of 6.0 m (20 ft). In especially dry,
high-relief areas, vertical dimensions may be limited only by the height
of the slope. For example, the bare till bluffs along Lake Michigan at
Racine, WI, are fractured from the surface to the base of the 40 m (130
ft) cliffs. The fractures show characteristics of age in that they are
oxidized and contain secondary precipitate; they also extend into the
bluff an unknown distance (Weatherington-Rice 1995). The distance must
be much greater than the yearly cliff-erosion distance, which averages
1.3 m/yr (4.0 ft/yr). It may be reasonable to assume that even
vegetated, dry, steep slopes, such as in the Glaciated Allegheny
Plateaus and the Dissected Illinoian Till Plain, are likely to have
longer polygonal fractures than similar-aged tills in the low-relief
Till Plains. Desiccation and fracturing were probably heightened in the
Till Plains of Ohio during the dry Altithermal period (about 6,000 to
9,000 years ago) when prairies and grasslands of the Plains expanded
eastward to central Ohio. There are no Ohio studies of the geographic
area of a lowered ground water table; however, the Allegheny Escarpment and its slight orographic effect may serve as a logical eastern boundary
of regional soil desiccation and the moderately deep (6.0 m [20 ft])
polygonal fractures that resulted from it (see Fig. 8).
Local stratigraphy may have a drying effect on till. Unsaturated
sand and gravel underlying till may allow desiccation fractures to
propagate through the till more easily. Discrete till bodies in the
upper parts of sand and gravel aquifers, which are common within the
outwash trains of the Great and Little Miami Rivers of southwestern
Ohio, may be fractured from desiccation processes. Lastly, desiccation
and stratigraphy may determine some types of fracture coatings.
McBurnett and Franzmeier (1997) suggest that clay coatings form along
fractures in calcareous till that connect and drain to underlying
outwash, whereas carbonate coatings form along those fractures that are
undrained (Ryan 1980).
Because of their age, polygonal fractures in pre-Wisconsinan areas
(Fig. 2) are better developed and more readily visible than those north
of the Wisconsinan glacial margin. In older tills, oxidation rinds on
either side of fractures are more pronounced and more resistant to
erosion; in stream bottoms they commonly stand in slight relief above
the unoxidized matrix (Fig. 11). Some paleosols that may be preserved in
the upper surface of pre-Wisconsinan tills are fractured like modern
soils. Most paleosols, however, occur relatively near an ice margin in
southern Ohio where basal glacial erosion was minimal. Paleosols are
rare elsewhere in the state but have been identified in local areas
protected from glacial erosion (Table 1, site 21; see Szabo 1997; Hall
Different types of fractures and shears may intermingle at
particular sites. For example, a near-surface lodgement till that has
depositionally related horizontal fractures and parallel high-angle
shears may contain polygonal fractures as well. Weatherington-Rice
(1998) documented such a site near Tremont City in west-central Ohio.
The presence of fractures in unconsolidated materials is greatly
underacknowledged in the geologic literature for Ohio, and is mentioned
only incidentally, if at all, in most reports of Ohio's Quaternary
geology. Nevertheless, fractures have been reported from at least one
locality in the majority of glaciated Ohio counties (54% or 37 of 68
counties). No studies cite an absence of fractures in an area.
The mechanics of fracture formation in till can be modeled
following principles applied to rock. In the field and in cores,
fractures in till can best be described by their geometry rather than
assumed genesis because similar-appearing fractures can be formed by
more than one geologic process. For example, horizontal fractures can
form both by freeze-thaw processes and horizontal shear in basal tills.
The most common surface and near-surface fractures, polygonal
(vertical) and horizontal, decrease in frequency with depth until they
are absent between 3.0 and 6.0 m (10-20 ft). However, fractures that
have formed by loading, shearing, or lodgement processes may be present
both above and below these depths. Fractures also may be present on and
below buried surfaces.
If fractures are not ubiquitous, they are at least very common in
all glaciated regions of Ohio. The Till Plains, like other physiographic
regions, are fractured in all ways possible. However, more than other
regions, it was affected by heightened desiccation. The Lake Plains in
Ohio contain a stratigraphic sequence of silt and overlying till that
may extend over large areas in the subsurface and host a widely
occurring zone of shear fractures. Regions that have a concentration of
thick, coarse-grained materials at the surface (notably outwash trains
and parts of interlobate areas) will lack near-surface horizontal
fractures (see Fig. 8).
Bedrock topography has affected till deposition in the Glaciated
Allegheny Plateaus more than any other physiographic section in Ohio.
From a theoretical standpoint, local compression induced in glacial ice
by bedrock hills would have been more prevalent in the Glaciated
Allegheny Plateaus than elsewhere, as would the induced shears in
underlying bedrock and unconsolidated materials (see Fig. 10). These
shears, which originally formed well below surface deposits, may now be
exposed in deep stream cuts and offer additional avenues for water
Generalizations applied to physiographic regions, while not
applicable to particular sites, are useful for regional studies of
aquifer recharge, pollution potential, and gas migration, to name a few.
However, when considering a particular site, a useful generalization to
make is that the probability of finding fractures of some type at some
depth is relatively high.
(1) Manuscript received 20 September 1999 and in revised form 20
June 2000 (#99-28).
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C. SCOTT BROCKMAN AND, JOHN P. SZABO, Ohio Department of Natural
Resources, Division of Geological Survey, 4383 Fountain Square Drive,
Columbus, OH 43224, and Department of Geology, University of Akron,
Akron, OH 44325