Past and present forest composition and natural history of Deep Woods, Hocking County, Ohio (1).
Riccardi, Cynthia L. ; McCarthy, Brian C.
ABSTACT. Deep Woods, a 114-ha private preserve in Hocking County,
OH, is the site of an all taxa biotic inventory (ATBI) coordinated by
the Ohio Biological Survey. Here we describe the forest vegetation and
natural history of the site and evaluate the role of human disturbance
in structuring the regional landscape. Due to various abiotic factors,
the area offers a diversity of habitats and species. The bedrock geology
consists of sedimentary rock from the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian
formations with alluvial deposits along a riparian corridor. At least
three soil orders are represented: alfisols, inceptisols, and ultisols.
As is typical of most of unglaciated Ohio, the forests here have been
subjected to a long history of anthropogenic disturbance. The first
inhabitants of the area were ancient moundbuilders (ca. 2500 YBP).
During the 1700s, Shawnee and Delaware groups resided throughout the
county. Anglo settlers drove all Native American groups out of the area
by the early 1800s. The original land survey data (1801) suggested that
the dominant vegetation at Deep Woods was composed of Quercus alba, Q.
velutina, Carya spp., and Cornus florida (relative importance value, RIV = 34, 13, 12, 11%, respectively). Tax records show that Anglo-ownership
of the property dates from the mid-1830s. County death records indicate
occupations of 19th century landowners primarily as farmers. Dominant
vegetation types include: hydric floodplain, mesic upland, and xeric ridgetop. Betula nigra, Carpinus caroliniana, Ulmus americana, and
Liriodendron tulipifera (RIV = 16, 11, 11, 10%) dominate the floodplain.
Whereas L. tulipifera, Acer saccharum, and B. alleghaniensis (RIV = 21,
15, 11%) and A. rubrum, Q. prinus, and Q. alba (RIV= 27, 13, 9%)
dominate the upland and ridgetop, respectively. Several other minor
habitats also exist such as pasture fields, hemlock ravines, sandstone
outcrops, and rockhouse formations. We conclude that the present species
composition resembles the 1801 land survey, even though the post
settlement disturbances were different than Native American disturbance
Early conservation efforts tended to focus primarily on a single
species--usually an animal. However, during the last decade, there has
been a reawakening of the values of habitats and ecosystems, so the
emphasis has shifted to plants and diversity as a whole. The key element
to this new approach has been an interest in ecosystem management,
instead of a species-by-species approach. One of the many positive
by-products of this form of management has been the proliferation of
biological inventories. These inventories provide a wealth of
information regarding species composition, native versus non-native
flora and fauna, species status (threatened, endangered, rare), and
species-habitat relationships. In particular, floristic data can be used
for regional biological inventories, research, impact assessment, and
policy formation (Palmer and others 1995). Thus, information regarding
vegetation is becoming increasingly important for land management
decisions, especially in heavily populated states such as Ohio.
Moreover, there is an increasing need to identify representative
habitats in major physiographic provinces of Ohio and to establish all
taxa biotic inventories (ATBI). The Ohio Biological Survey has recently
identified and is coordinating just such an ATBI at Deep Woods, a 114 ha
privately owned preserve located in Hocking County (Anonymous 1998). The
area lies within the Cliff Section of the Cumberland and Allegheny
plateaus of the mixed mesophytic forest region of Braun (1950). Deep
Woods is dominated by sandstone cliffs and hemlock-lined ravines and is
thus representative of much of the Hocking Hills Region.
Unfortunately, conservation efforts are often hampered by a lack of
historical data. This is true of much of southeastern Ohio. Recently,
there has been a resurgence of interest in understanding the American
landscape before it was heavily impacted by Anglo-settlement (Williams
1989; Whitney 1994). The need to characterize and understand the natural
variability in ecosystems has made vegetation records prior to European
settlement quite valuable (Russell 1997; Swetnam and others 1999; Maines
and Mladenoff 2000). Also, the reconstruction of presettlement forest
communities and original vegetation patterns (Bourdo 1956; Maines and
Mladenoff 2000; Black and Abrams 2001; Dyer 2001) is essential if
presettlement data are to be used as a benchmark for conservation
efforts. Use of historical documentation (Russell 1997) further aids in
the identification of prior forest communities and the factors that
shaped them.
Here we describe the historical patterns of regional land-use,
dominant vegetation, and natural history of Deep Woods, a mature
second-growth forest community in Hocking County, OH. The specific
objectives of this study are to 1) collate and summarize baseline
information on physiography, geology, climate, and forest ecology of
Deep Woods to assist researchers of the ATBI, 2) elucidate the
anthropogenic history of the area, 3) quantitatively assess the current
vegetation, and 4) compare the current vegetation to historical forest
Study Site Description
Physiography: Southeastern Ohio, including Deep Woods, is located
within the unglaciated Allegheny Plateau region of the Appalachian
Plateau Province identified by Fenneman (1938). Brockman (1998)
subdivides the Allegheny plateau into 5 divisions of which the
Shawnee-Mississippi and Ironton Plateaus, respectively, describe the
Deep Woods area. Even though it is part of the unglaciated Allegheny
Plateau, the area was clearly affected by glaciers since it was
subjected to the glacial meltwaters (Anonymous 1997). The powerful force
of several major glacial events and subsequent production of meltwaters
changed the preglacial northwest-flowing drainage known as the Teays
River system (Stout and Lamb 1938; Hansen 1995) to the current
southeast-flowing drainage pattern. The majority of Ohio's
landforms can be attributed to the Wisconsin glacial stage (Peacefull
1996). The meltwaters of the Wisconsin created large terraces along
valleys with the deposition of large amounts of sand and gravel
(Lemaster and Gilmore 1989). Dissected hills and valleys dominate the
area around Deep Woods resulting in a total relief of 134 m. The broken
terrain is not conducive to agriculture, which is generally confined to
valley floors or windswept ridgetops (Lemaster and Gilmore 1989).
Geology: The variable topography of the Hocking Hills Region has
resulted in the exposure of different layers of bedrock geology. The
oldest sedimentary rocks are found at elevations ranging from
approximately 230-290 m and are part of the Mississippian system,
composed of the Cuyahoga and Logan formations. The Cuyahoga formation is
Cuyahoga shale topped with Black Hand sandstone; the Logan formation is
a mixture of sandstone, shale, and conglomerate (Lemaster and Gilmore
1989). The Logan formation overlies the Cuyahoga formation. The
Pennsylvanian system is found at the highest elevations, ca. 290 m, and
is composed of the Pottsville, Allegheny, and Conemaugh Groups (Lemaster
and Gilmore 1989). Only the Pottsville group is found within the
boundaries of Deep Woods (DeLong 1968) and is composed mainly of
sandstone, shale, and coal.
Soils: Various factors have resulted in three soil orders at Deep
Woods: alfisols, inceptisols, and ultisols according to Woods and others
(1999), and four soil orders according to Lemaster and Gilmore (1989):
alfisols, entisols, inceptisols, and ultisols. The associated
temperature and moisture regimes are mesic and udic, respectively (Woods
and others 1999). The mixed nature of the parent materials coupled with
the movement of rock material downslope has created soil complexes in
southern Ohio (Nash and Gerber 1996). For the county as a whole,
Lemaster and Gilmore (1989) refer to general soil associations rather
than soil complexes and classify the lowland soils to the
Chagrin-Orrville-Otwell association, while Shelocta-Dekalb-Lily
association pertains to the upland soils. The former association is
comprised of well-drained to rather poorly drained soils with slopes
ranging from 0-18% whereas the Shelocta-Dekalb-Lily association is
composed of well-drained soils with slopes of 8-70% (Lemaster and
Gilmore 1989).
Climate: The climate of Deep Woods is temperate continental as
temperature varies greatly throughout the year (Anonymous 1999). The
July 30-year mean maximum and minimum temperatures are 29.3[degrees] and
16.1[degrees] C, respectively. The January 30-year mean maximum and
minimum temperatures are 1.5[degrees] and -8.9[degrees] C, respectively.
The growing season can vary from year to year but often approaches 180
days. From 1961-1990, 90% of the time the last spring frost occurred on
or before April 15. During this same period, 90% of the first fall frost
occurred on or after October 19. The mean annual precipitation is 92.3
cm, with 58% of the precipitation occurring during the growing season.
The 30-year mean snowfall amount is 29.7 cm, with a record of 98.0 cm in
1938. The wettest month is July with a mean precipitation of 10.1 cm.
The driest month is February with a mean precipitation of 5.4 cm. The
regional fire season is divided into a primary fire season in March and
April with a secondary season in October and November (Sutherland 1997).
Land Use History: Murphy (1975) and Gordon (1996) divide aboriginal
Ohio into three cultural stages: Paleo-Indian (10,000-12,000 YBP),
Archaic (8,000-10,000 YBP), and Woodland (3,000-3,500 YBP). In the
Hocking Valley, Paleo-Indian artifacts are extremely rare whereas a
larger body of evidence exists for Archaic and Early Woodland peoples
(McKenzie 1967; Shane and Murphy 1967). The paucity of Paleo-Indian
artifacts in southeast Ohio may be due to the rugged, hilly terrain
which may have hindered access for both large Pleistocene mammals as
well as the hunters (Murphy 1975). Archaeological evidence shows that
Archaic people lived in riverine environments practicing small game
hunting, fishing, and gathering, and gradually relying less on big-game
hunting (Murphy 1975). The Archaic period is marked by the introduction
of ground stone tools and freshwater shell heaps, which are rarely found
in the Hocking Valley (Murphy 1975). Unfortunately, Archaic collection
sites in the Hocking Valley, that have yielded clues, have been
destroyed due to highway construction and development of a burial park
(McKenzie 1967; Murphy 1975). Studies suggest (Davies 1976; Gordon 1996)
that a warming trend of this time period resulted in the ecological
succession of coniferous forests to deciduous forests, but exact
transition dates are difficult to determine. The Late Archaic period,
4,500 to 3,000 YBP, is marked by the development of "modern"
forest composition, increase in taxonomic diversity, acceleration in
landscape disturbance, intensification in plant cultivation, and finally
a shift towards more permanent settlement. The last stage, Woodland, was
defined by the ancient moundbuilders, also known as the Adena and
Hopewell, who are also the first long-term inhabitants recorded in
southern Ohio. According to Murphy (1975) there is no evidence of Adena
village sites and only one Hopewell site within the Hocking Valley. The
decline and disappearance of these cultures was as much a mystery to
later aboriginal Indian groups as to the European settlers (Gordon
Subsequent Native Americans extensively utilized eastern forests
and consequently influenced vegetation (Maxwell 1910; Day 1953). During
the 1700s, parts of Hocking County were utilized by the Shawnee as
hunting grounds. The Wyandot established a village close to present-day
Logan, however, the village was abandoned around 1774. The Delaware also
inhabited portions of the area. All Native American groups were driven
out of the area by the early 19th century.
Christian Westenhaven in 1798 was the first settler in what is now
Hocking County. The county itself was not formed until 31 March 1818.
The current county seat, Logan, was laid out approximately in 1816 and
had a population of 250 in 1825 (Howe 1904). Benton is in township 11 of
range 18 and is one of the original townships of Hocking County. The
first settler of Benton Township was Christian Eby. His cabin was
located along Queer Creek close to South Bloomingville (Anonymous 1883)
approximately 5.0 km from Deep Woods.
Tax records from the mid-1830s indicate that John Chilcote was the
first owner of portions of Deep Woods. For the next 150 years the
property was divided and subdivided among many owners. County death
records indicate many of the 19th century owners as farmers. Indeed,
Williams (1989) confirms this status by reporting the results of the
Ohio State Forestry Bureau's 1885 survey of authorities and
educated farmers who responded that agricultural clearing was the
primary cause of forest destruction. Interestingly, no second or third
ranking causes were given for Hocking County. The current property
boundaries are a result of a purchase by the Blyth family (personal
communication, D. Blyth) completed in 1979.
Vegetation Analysis
Pre-settlement Vegetation: The original field notes of surveyor
Jesse Spencer and a copy of the plat map dated June 1801 were consulted
at the Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, OH. The original land survey
(OLS) of Hocking County occurred from 27 April to 12 June 1801. Mr.
Spencer recorded the diameter (in inches) of 182 trees at the section
comers (that is, two witness trees were recorded at 91 points). We
converted the data into metric units and the vegetation was assessed by
standard descriptors of mean diameter, total basal area
([m.sup.2]*[ha.sup.-1]), abundance, frequency, and relative importance
value (RIV; 0-100%) (Barbour and others 1987; Brower and others 1990;
Kent and Coker 1992). Frequency (FRQ) was calculated as the number of
points at which a species occurs divided by the total number of points
sampled, and RIV (expressed as a percent) was calculated as the sum of
the relative basal area and relative frequency divided by two (Brower
and others 1990). A subsample consisting of trees within the sections
adjacent to and including Deep Woods were analyzed resulting in a subset
of data from 12 of the 36 sections, which provided 2 witness trees
recorded at 35 points. Again basal area was derived from the original
data and abundance, frequency, and RIV of 70 trees at section comers was
calculated. Diameter class distribution based on the relative frequency
(%) was plotted using 20.0 cm increments starting with the 20.0 cm size
class. Number Cruncher Statistical Systems (NCSS, Hintze 1997) was used
to fit the size class data to the best model. Finally, standard
estimators of species diversity, such as richness (S), Shannon-Wiener
(H'), and evenness (E), were also calculated (see Magurran 1988 for
Present Vegetation: On two site reconnaissance visits, we evaluated
the area to better understand the property boundaries, topography, and
vegetation-site relationships. Visual estimates of indicator species as
well as topography were used to identify three major forest communities:
hydric floodplain, mesic upland, and xeric ridgetop. Sample stands were
then subjectively selected to represent each vegetation type and
sampling occurred during the Fall 1998. All woody vegetation [greater
than or equal to] 2.5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) was sampled in
twenty-two 0.1 ha circular plots. Seven plots were sampled in the
floodplain and ridgetop whereas eight were done in each of the upland
communities. Vegetation was assessed by standard descriptors of the mean
diameter, density (stems*[ha.sup.-1], total basal area
([m.sup.2]*[ha.sup.-1]), frequency, and relative importance value (RIV;
0-100%) (Barbour and others 1987; Brower and others 1990; Kent and Coker
1992). Density (DEN) is the number of individuals expressed per unit
area, FRQ is the number of points at which a species occurs divided by
the total number of points sampled, and RIV, expressed as a percent, is
calculated as the sum of the relative density, relative frequency, and
relative basal area divided by three (Brower and others 1990). Diameter
class distribution based on the relative frequency was plotted using
20.0 cm increments starting with the 20.0 cm size class. Data <20.0
cm was not used in this analysis since equivalent data was not recorded
in the historical survey. NCSS (Hintze 1997) was utilized for two
statistical procedures. First, to fit the size class curve to the best
model and second, to test for a significant difference between the
historical and present diameter means. Due to outliers in both
historical and present vegetation data sets, the minimum and maximum
diameters were winzorized (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). The nonparametric
two-sample Kolmogorov-Smimov (D) test was employed due to a failure in
the normality and variance assumptions (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). The
taxonomic authority used is Gleason and Cronquist (1991). Finally,
standard estimators of species diversity were calculated: richness (S),
Shannon-Wiener (H'), and evenness (E) (see Magurran 1988 for
Pre-settlement Vegetation
Clearly, anthropogenic influences on the southeastern Ohio
landscape have been profound. Unfortunately, Native Americans did not
leave comprehensive written records and early Anglo documentation of
their influence on ecosystems is often incomplete or non-existent. The
influence of Native Americans on the landscape is the subject of
considerable controversy (Day 1953; Russell 1983; McCarthy and others
2001), particularly with respect to the use and frequency of fire.
Presettlement dendrochronological data is too limited for adequate
inference. However, limited documentation is available on the use of
forest communities in southern Ohio by Anglo-settlers during the mid- to
late-19th century. According to Diller (1983) 25 million of the 26.3
million acres of land, or 95%, of what was to become the state of Ohio
was forested at the beginning of the settlement era. The 1840 census
ranks Ohio after North Carolina and New York in the production of naval
stores and potash, respectively (Diller 1983). Trees were also used as
fuel in charcoal fired furnaces for the production of pig iron. Lord
(1884 cited in Beatley 1959) estimated that 325-350 acres of forest were
required to sustain one blast furnace per year, so that by the 1880s
second-growth forests on company lands were being utilized. Burgeoning
human populations also created high demand for wood in order to build
businesses, homes, railroads, and other related structures. The
completion of the Hocking canal in 1838 opened the former wilderness to
trade, facilitating an influx of settlers and resulting in a population
of 17,057 recorded in 1860 (Howe 1904). After the Civil War, the iron
market decreased, the supply of trees was exhausted, rich agricultural
land of the Midwest was discovered, and people pushed westward. In time,
the forests began to recover as pioneer species invaded and resulted,
through succession, in the vast stands of second- and third-growth
vegetation that now cover much of southern Ohio (Millers and others
1989; Williams 1989; McCarthy 1995).
The 1801 survey of Hocking County suggested that the dominant
vegetation was composed of Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Carya spp., and
Cornus florida (Table 1). The subset of 12 sections surrounding and
including Deep Woods suggested that the dominant vegetation was Q. alba,
C. florida, Q. velutina, and Carya spp. In each case, a total of 16 tree
species were recorded (Table 2). Community measures of diversity (Table
2) indicate a fairly even abundance of each species. The results of the
historical vegetation may be more subjective and less indicative since
witness tree selection is known not to occur randomly (Bourdo 1956).
Trees were frequently chosen due to conspicuousness, indicator status,
or quality of the timber. For example, note the relatively high
importance value for C. florida (Table 1). It comprised 20% of the
witness trees chosen by Spencer. The survey was done in the spring so
the tree was conspicuously in bloom. Additionally, Peattie (1948) notes
that the inner bark was used by the Native Americans as a remedy for
malaria and by the pioneers as a remedy for ague (chills and shivering)
and, due to its non-splitting nature, as a wood for handles. It may also
have been used as an indicator species for calcareous soils.
One the earliest botanical surveys of this area, and one of the
most comprehensive to date, was done by Griggs in 1914. During this time
the area was referred to as the Sugar Grove Region, having been named
after the local railroad station (Griggs 1914). Transeau (1905) and
Sears (1925) used survey data to look at vegetation distribution in
Ohio; however, we do not rely heavily on their studies because of the
large scale employed. Specific data are difficult to extract from the
regional work of Transeau and the county-level of Sears. The
comprehensive local survey of Griggs (1914) provides the most
appropriate scale for detailed comparison to the 1801 and present data.
Griggs (1914) divides the forested areas into two broad categories
of Lowland Forest and Upland Forest. He then further subdivides the
former into the Hemlock Forest and the Liriodendron Forest, while the
latter is partitioned into three subdivisions: the Cliff-top, the Pine
Forest, and the Oak Forest. Interestingly, of the Lowland forest
associations, Griggs (1914) notes that hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and
tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) are common throughout the region.
However, there is no record of either species in Spencer's field
notes, in fact there is no record of any coniferous species in the notes
(Table 1). The Oak Forest subdivision of Griggs somewhat coincides with
the OLS and is generally composed of a mixture of oaks that is often
dominated by Quercus prinus, associated with Q. alba, Q. velutina,
Oxydendrum arboreum, and Castanea dentata. In addition, Sears (1925),
Braun (1950), and Gordon (1969) have all labeled the area as an
oak-hickory forest type coupled with the presence of hemlock, chestnut,
and pine. Note that the chestnut blight, Cry-phonectria parasitica,
appeared in the United States in 1904 (Braun 1950; Keever 1953; Woods
and Shanks 1959; Mackey and Sivec 1973) and, by the 1930s, had decimated
most populations of Castanea dentata, including those found in Ohio. The
absence of chestnut, which originally accounted for 10% of the basal
area, highlights a major difference between the historical and present
forest. Likewise, Cornusflorida populations may soon be dramatically
altered by Dogwood anthracnose (Discula destructive).
Present Vegetation
Betula nigra, Carpinus caroliniana, Ulmus americana, and L.
tulipifera (Table 3) dominated the floodplain. The hydric floodplain had
a mean density of 577.1 stems*[ha.sup.-1] and a basal area of 21.4
[m.sup.2]*[ha.sup.-1]. Community measures of diversity indicate that the
floodplain area exhibited the greatest evenness and diversity values
(Table 2). It is interesting to note that this community was dominated
by river birch, which is generally considered to be a more southern tree
species (Cribben and Ungar 1974). Other abundant species include
Platanus occidentalis, Prunus serotina, Carya cordiformis, and C.
Griggs (1914) divides the Bottom-lands into three divisions: The
Bottom-land Swamp, the Birch Bottomland, and the River-bank association.
Reconstruction of these communities is difficult since valleys are
historically the first areas subjected to clearing and settlement.
However, according to Griggs (1914) Acer rubrum, Alnus rugosa, and Ulmus
americana are typical of the wetter areas, whereas Quercus palustris,
Juglans nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Prunus serotina, to mention a
few, typify the drier sites of the Bottom-land swamp. The Birch
Bottom-land is dominated by Betula alleghaniensis and B. lenta, with
scatterings of B. nigra, Platanus occidentalia, A. rubrum, and Carpinus
caroliniana. The River-bank association is typified by herbaceous species and is not considered here. The woody species comprising the
hydric floodplain of Deep Woods are a mixture of Griggs'
Bottom-land Swamp and Birch Bottom-land associations. Several species
had relatively low importance values (<5). One of them, A. negundo,
was found to be characteristic of areas disturbed by timbering and
remains an important component of floodplain forests for approximately
100 years (Hardin and others 1989).
The mesic upland community is interesting because it closely
resembles northern hemlock-hardwood forests of New England. Its presence
is explained by geological factors. The Black Hand sandstone cliffs that
dominate Deep Woods create environmental and soil conditions that
encourage the growth of the following dominant tree species:
Liriodendron tulipifera, Acer saccharum, and Betula alleghaniensis
(Table 3). Other abundant species include Cornus florida, Quercus alba,
and Fagus grandifolia. The mesic upland had a mean density of 655.0
stems*[ha.sup.-1] and a basal area of 27.5 [m.sup.2]*[ha.sup.-1]. A
total of 25 species of woody plants was identified, and yielded a
relatively high evenness index (Table 2). The mesic upland community at
Deep Woods is similar to the Upland Forest association of Griggs (1914),
and the Oak-hickory Forest coupled with hemlock, chestnut, and pine of
Sears (1925), Braun (1950), and Gordon (1969). In addition, McCarthy and
others (1987) found Q. alba, A. saccharum, L. tulipifera, and Q. prinus
to be of the greatest importance in the tree stratum in a nearby forest.
The RIV of Tsuga canadensis was higher in the upland forest compared to
the other areas (Table 3). It is characteristically found along the
moist ravines typical of the region. The presence of this stately
conifer is certainly one of the special aspects of Deep Woods. As Griggs
(1914) states, T. canadensis is often found in association with B.
lenta, as is the case at Deep Woods.
Yet another group of characteristic tree species dominates the
xeric ridge-top community. These include A. rubrum, Q. prinus, and Q.
alba (Table 3). Other abundant species include A. saccharum, Ostrya
virginiana, P. serotina, and C. glabra. The ridgetop had the greatest
mean density of 677.1 stems*[ha.sup.-1] and basal area of 31.4
[m.sup.2]*[ha.sup.4]. However, it had the lowest community diversity
(Table 2). The relatively dry conditions of the ridge-top favor an
oak-hickory association in southeastern Ohio (Braun 1950). This is
partially supported by Held and Wistendahl (1978) who sampled an upland
forest and found Q. rubra the dominant species associated with Q.
prinus, Q. alba, and Q. velutina at a site in adjacent Athens County.
The abundance of red maple in this community can be attributed to
ecological features that allow this species to thrive as both an early
and late successional species (Abrams 1998). In addition, research
suggests that disturbance associated with fire played a major role in
establishment and maintenance of oak dominance in eastern forests
(Lorimer 1984; Abrams 1992). There has been no forest fire activity at
Deep Woods for at least 20 years (personal communication, D. Blyth).
Abrams (1998) states that gypsy moth and deer herbivory are less of a
problem for red maple than other species since it is not a preferred
food item. Gypsy moth has not yet been a problem at Deep Woods. Deer
herbivory is a serious problem in many areas (Marquis and others 1976;
Tilghman 1989; Gill 1992) but to date has not been recorded as a problem
in the forests at Deep Woods. Finally, in Ohio, pitch pine (Pinus
rigida) is often a component of the ridge-top communities. Pitch pine
can occur in stands or as individuals scattered on ridge-tops, or
occasionally on old-field sites in valleys (McClenahen and McCarthy
1990). Pitch pine is present in low numbers at Deep Woods in the xeric
ridge-top community, even though no individuals fell within the sample
The relative frequency distribution of DBH of the historical
Hocking County data and the present day vegetation data (floodplain,
upland, and ridge-top combined) was plotted in order to compare the
historical and present forests (Fig. 1). Even though the historical mean
tree diameter is significantly greater than the present (42.3 vs. 34.5;
D = 0.26, P = 0.05), the greater mean of the historical data may be due
to the subjective nature of the original land survey. In other words, it
could be due to surveyor bias. Alternatively, it could be that the trees
were actually larger than those found today. Also, note that there are
currently more trees in the smaller diameter classes than present in the
historical data. Finally, the historical data suggest that the past
structure was influenced by pulsed disturbance (model influences at 40.0
and 70.0 cm DBH) compared to the present structure which bears a
relatively smooth exponential function, suggesting a very different
disturbance regime. Both distributions are best explained ([R.sup.2] =
0.899) by a negative exponential curve (y = [e.sup.-x]) (Fig. 1), as it
typical of mature hardwood forests of the region (McCarthy and others
There are several other interesting habitats within Deep Woods that
merit attention. Sandstone rockhouses dot the property. Four of these
rockhouses at Deep Woods are referred to as: Big Falls, Circle Falls,
Deer Falls, and Rock Falls (Fig. 2). Three distinct habitats
characterize the rockhouses: backwall, ceiling, and floor (Walck and
others 1996), each often harboring endemic species. The rockhouses show
characteristic erosion features of Black Hand sandstone such as a recess
of several meters from the rim to the back wall. Water flows over Big,
Circle, and Rock falls during wet periods. In addition, three similar
habitats occur on the north side of the property. The owners refer to
them as Indian caves since Native American artifacts have been
discovered there. Unlike the four waterfalls, there is only an
occasional dripline component to these south-facing sandstone recesses
during wet periods. Native Americans used these shelters (Murphy 1975)
probably because a cave-like, thermally regulated environment (Farrar
1998) would have offered increased protection from the elements.
Sandstone outcrops are common at Deep Woods. Often the strong forces of
water erosion cause cracking and breaking of the joints or other weak
points. The result is the formation of narrow passageways among large
The current owners maintain three mowed pasture areas: Boot Field,
Deer Field, and the Potato Field (Fig. 2). The species composition
includes mostly indigenous and non-indigenous graminoid species. Common
indigenous species include Panicum clandestinum, Poa palustris, P.
sylvestris, and Tridens flavus, with Bromus inermis, Festuca elatior, F.
pratensis, F. rubra, Phleum pratense, and Poa pratensis as common
non-indigenous species found in the fields. The fields are mowed to
discourage the initiation of old-field succession, thus maintaining the
forb-herb cover. East Fork, a second-order stream that often experiences
seasonal flooding, flows through the property.
The goal of this study was to evaluate and summarize the natural
history and forest ecology of Deep Woods in the interest of providing
baseline information to the many researchers involved in the ATBI.
Despite the limitations of the historical data, it does provide an image
of what pre-Anglo vegetation in this region of Ohio may have been. Spurr
(1951) notes how little the forest of central Appalachia had changed
from colonial times as recorded in the journals of George Washington.
The 1801 land survey of J. Spencer also closely resembles present
species composition except for the current lack of chestnut. However,
the distribution of historical size classes deviated from the present
size class distribution. The deviation may be due to surveyor bias, the
lack of time for regeneration and growth since the last disturbance, or
different disturbance regimes. As expected, the present vegetation
distribution has a lower mean tree diameter. There are fewer trees in
the smaller (<20.0 cm) size class, suggesting a difference in the
structure of the forest. Community measures of diversity indicate that
the floodplain area exhibited the greatest species diversity and
greatest evenness value. However, evenness values from each community
suggest a fairly equitable distribution of species in all communities.
Finally, anthropogenic influences upon the landscape have a long and
rich history, but we do not find strong evidence that it has
dramatically altered forest composition.
The diversity of habitats and species is a product of the various
abiotic factors found in the dissected ridges and valleys of the
unglaciated Allegheny Plateau. Deep Woods lies within an area that has
long been recognized to contain a number of unique species for Ohio
(Griggs 1914; Schaffner 1915). The exceptional diversity of habitats and
species characteristic of this area lends credence to the conservation
and protection of Deep Woods.
Abundance, basal area, frequency and dominance of trees surveyed in
1801 by Jesse Spencer during the original land survey of Hocking
County. Two trees were identified and measured at each section corner.
Species are in alphabetical order. Totals may not sum to 100 due to
rounding error.
Hocking County (N = 91)
RIV ([double
Species Name Abundance TOTBA * FRQ ** dagger])
Acer rubrum 9 4,429 0.1 3.4
Acer saccharum 1 995 ([dagger]) 0.6
Betula spp. 1 1,642 ([dagger]) 1.4
Carya spp. 27 16,772 0.3 12.0
Castanea dentata 8 21,059 0.1 7.0
Cornus florida 38 5,422 0.3 11.3
Fagus grandifolia 5 4,358 ([dagger]) 1.7
Nyssa sylvatica 10 4,489 0.1 4.4
Oxydendrum arboreum 3 289 ([dagger]) 1.1
Platanus occidentalis 4 5,777 ([dagger]) 2.7
Quercus alba 46 92,393 0.4 34.2
Quercus prinus 6 3,390 0.1 2.5
Quercus rubra 5 9,121 ([dagger]) 3.2
Quercus velutina 16 38,034 0.1 13.3
Tilia americana 1 2,918 ([dagger]) 1.0
Ulmus spp. 2 375 ([dagger]) 0.4
TOTALS 182 211,459 1.6 100.0
12 sections around Study Site (N = 35)
RIV ([double
Species Name Abundance TOTBA * FRQ ** dagger])
Acer rubrum 5 2,620 0.1 4.1
Acer saccharum 1 993 ([dagger]) 1.4
Betula spp. 1 1,642 ([dagger]) 1.8
Carya spp. 8 7,180 0.2 11.0
Castanea dentata 2 1500 0.1 2.6
Cornus florida 18 2,711 0.4 13.5
Fagus grandifolia 4 4,175 0.1 5.0
Nyssa sylvatica 1 182 ([dagger]) 1.0
Oxydendrum arboreum 1 127 ([dagger]) 0.9
Platanus occidentalis 1 2,919 ([dagger]) 2.6
Quercus alba 17 35,921 0.4 34.1
Quercus prinus 1 730 ([dagger]) 1.3
Quercus rubra 3 5,067 0.1 4.7
Quercus velutina 4 15,100 0.1 12.4
Tilia americana 1 2,919 ([dagger]) 2.6
Ulmus spp. 2 375 ([dagger]) 1.1
TOTALS 70 84,159 1.7 100.0
* Total basal area (TOTBA) in [m.sup.2].
** Frequency (FRQ) expressed as number of points where a species occurs
divided by total points sampled.
([double dagger]) Relative importance value (RIV; 0-100%).
([dagger]) Value [less than or equal to] 0.05.
Species richness (S), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'), and evenness
values (E) for present and historical vegetation in Hocking County, OH.
Present vegetation sampled in three communities at Deep Woods Farm
during 1998. Historical vegetation based on original land survey of
Jesse Spencer in 1801.
Present vegetation Historical vegetation
Hydric Mesic Xeric Entire 12
floodplain upland ridgetop county Sections *
S 25 25 23 16 16
H' 2.46 2.33 2.13 2.21 2.22
E 0.92 0.89 0.81 0.94 0.93
* Includes the 12 sections immediately adjacent to and including Deep
Woods Farm.
Density, basal area, frequency and dominance of trees (stems [greater
than or equal to] 22.5cm DBH) on 0.1 ha plots in three habitats at Deep
Woods Farm, Hocking County, OH. Species are listed in alphabetical
order. Column totals may be slightly off due to rounding errors.
Hydric floodplain (N = 7)
RIV ([double
Species Name DEN * BA ** FRQ *** dagger])
Acer negundo 5.7 1.0 0.6 2
Acer rubrum 12.9 4.1 0.7 4
Acer saccharum 14.3 3.6 0.6 3
Betula alleghaniensis -- -- -- --
Betula lenta -- -- -- --
Betula nigra 71.4 39.6 1.0 16
Carpinus caroliniana 132.8 3.7 1.0 11
Carya cordiformis 70.0 7.7 0.9 8
Carya glabra -- -- -- --
Carya laciniosa 1.4 1.3 0.6 3
Carya ovalis -- -- -- --
Carya ovata 1.4 0.2 0.1 ([dagger])
Carya sp. 1.4 0.9 0.1 1
Carya tomentosa -- -- -- --
Cornus florida 8.6 0.5 0.6 2
Diospyros virginiana -- -- -- --
Fagus grandifolia 8.6 1.8 0.4 2
Fraxinus americana -- -- -- --
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1.4 0.6 0.1 1
Juglans cinerea 4.3 1.1 0.3 1
Juglans nigra 11.4 3.9 0.4 3
Liriodendron tulipifera 34.3 27.1 0.9 10
Nyssa sylvatica 1.4 0.3 0.1 1
Ostrya virginiana -- -- -- --
Oxydendrum arboreum 1.4 ([dagger]) 0.1 ([dagger])
Platanus occidentalis 15.7 23.3 0.7 8
Prunus serotina 47.1 12.6 1.0 8
Quercus alba 2.9 0.2 0.1 1
Quercus coccinea -- -- -- --
Quercus prinus -- -- -- --
Quercus rubra 1.9 1.5 0.9 4
Quercus velutina 0.1 0.2 0.1 1
Sassafras albidum 0.6 0.4 0.3 1
Tilia americana -- -- -- --
Tsuga canadensis 2.9 0.5 0.1 1
Ulmus americana 87.1 13.7 1.0 11
Ulmus rubra -- -- -- --
TOTALS 577.1 149.8 12.9 100
Mesic upland (N = 8)
RIV ([double
Species Name DEN * BA ** FRQ *** dagger])
Acer negundo -- -- -- --
Acer rubrum 16.3 1.2 0.5 2
Acer saccharum 190.0 16.4 0.9 15
Betula alleghaniensis 73.8 31.3 0.8 11
Betula lenta -- -- -- --
Betula nigra 2.5 1.4 0.3 1
Carpinus caroliniana 32.5 0.9 0.9 4
Carya cordiformis -- -- -- --
Carya glabra -- -- -- --
Carya laciniosa -- -- -- --
Carya ovalis -- -- -- --
Carya ovata 5.0 4.0 0.4 2
Carya sp. 6.3 4.9 0.4 2
Carya tomentosa 3.8 2.9 0.3 1
Cornus florida 70.0 2.3 0.9 7
Diospyros virginiana 2.5 1.2 0.1 1
Fagus grandifolia 33.8 8.1 0.9 6
Fraxinus americana 2.5 0.7 0.3 1
Fraxinus pennsylvanica -- -- -- --
Juglans cinerea -- -- -- --
Juglans nigra -- -- -- --
Liriodendron tulipifera 92.5 90.7 1.0 21
Nyssa sylvatica 2.5 1.8 0.3 1
Ostrya virginiana -- -- -- --
Oxydendrum arboreum 8.8 1.0 0.5 2
Platanus occidentalis 3.8 5.7 0.1 1
Prunus serotina 2.5 ([dagger]) 0.3 1
Quercus alba 13.8 28.7 0.5 7
Quercus coccinea -- -- -- --
Quercus prinus 6.3 4.8 0.4 2
Quercus rubra 1.3 0.1 0.1 ([dagger])
Quercus velutina 2.5 0.3 0.3 1
Sassafras albidum -- -- -- --
Tilia americana 1.3 0.2 0.1 ([dagger])
Tsuga canadensis 65.0 9.2 0.5 6
Ulmus americana 10.0 0.5 0.4 2
Ulmus rubra 6.3 1.8 0.5 2
TOTALS 655.0 220.1 11.3 100
Xeric ridgetop (N = 7)
RIV ([double
Species Name DEN * BA ** FRQ *** dagger])
Acer negundo -- -- -- --
Acer rubrum 301.8 57.4 1.0 27
Acer saccharum 47.2 6.5 0.9 6
Betula alleghaniensis -- -- -- --
Betula lenta 2.9 0.4 0.1 1
Betula nigra -- -- -- --
Carpinus caroliniana 4.3 ([dagger]) 0.1 1
Carya cordiformis -- -- -- --
Carya glabra 34.3 8.8 0.6 5
Carya laciniosa -- -- -- --
Carya ovalis 2.9 0.8 0.1 1
Carya ovata -- -- -- --
Carya sp. -- -- -- --
Carya tomentosa 2.9 0.8 0.1 1
Cornus florida 27.2 0.7 0.9 4
Diospyros virginiana -- -- -- --
Fagus grandifolia 4.3 0.1 0.1 1
Fraxinus americana -- -- -- --
Fraxinus pennsylvanica 8.6 1.7 0.4 2
Juglans cinerea -- -- -- --
Juglans nigra -- -- -- --
Liriodendron tulipifera 12.9 14.7 0.4 4
Nyssa sylvatica 2.9 0.8 0.1 1
Ostrya virginiana 47.2 2.5 1.0 6
Oxydendrum arboreum 1.4 ([dagger]) 0.1 1
Platanus occidentalis -- -- -- --
Prunus serotina 17.2 15.2 0.7 5
Quercus alba 41.5 33.4 0.6 9
Quercus coccinea 7.2 4.7 0.4 2
Quercus prinus 60.1 51.8 0.7 13
Quercus rubra 21.5 3.2 0.7 4
Quercus velutina 18.6 13.8 0.6 5
Sassafras albidum 4.3 1.1 0.3 1
Tilia americana -- -- -- --
Tsuga canadensis 5.7 1.0 0.3 1
Ulmus americana -- -- -- --
Ulmus rubra 1.4 0.3 0.1 1
TOTALS 678.0 219.6 10.6 100
* Density (DEN) expressed as stems * [ha.sup.-1].
** Basal Area (BA) expressed as [m.sup.2] * [ha.sup.-1].
*** Frequency (FRQ) expressed as number of points were a species occurs
divided by total points sampled.
([double dagger]) Relative importance value (RIV; 0-100%).
([dagger]) Value [less than or equal to] 0.05.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors extend our thanks to the Ohio
Biological Survey, The John Houk Memorial Research Grant program, and
the Department of Environmental and Plant Biology at Ohio University for
their generous financial support. Special thanks go to JE Brown for
field assistance and D Blyth for sharing his knowledge and the land.
Appreciation is also extended to the Ohio University Cartographic Center
and to two anonymous reviewers.
(1) Manuscript received 3 July 2000 and in revised form 5 May 2002
(2) Corresponding author: address--see above;
[email protected]; phone--740-593-1615
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