Use of soil texture analysis to predict subsurface fracturing in glacial tills and other unconsolidated materials (1).
Kim, Eun Kyoung ; Christy, Ann D.
ABSTRACT. Predicting the occurrence and development of fractures is
difficult because fracturing in glacial tills and other unconsolidated
materials has been observed across many geographic areas, climates, land
uses, soil types, and till units. This difficulty led to a statistical
investigation of historic geologic and soil data. Soil textures and
fracture depths from 9 field sites and 45 soil pedons (140 sample
points) were analyzed using statistical and graphical methods. When
plotted on the USDA soil texture ternary diagram, the data indicate that
tills having less than 10% clay or greater than 52% sand are unlikely to
support fracturing; conversely tills having greater than 10% clay or
less than 52% sand are more likely to do so. Based on the 95% hexagonal
confidence region for soil texture data, tills with less than 55% sand,
20-65% silt, and 5-53% clay would be more likely to form fractures. The
texture classes of tills predicted to sustain fracturing were mainly
clay, loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, and silty clay. The depth of
glacial tills having observed fractures ranged from 0.5 to 215 ft. These
results are useful to explain and document how fractures are created in
glacial tills and may be a useful tool for field engineers and
geologists allowing them to anticipate fractures in glacial tills in
Ohio and beyond.
Glacial tills, which cover two-thirds of Ohio, are composed of a
mixture of pebbles and cobbles in a matrix of sand, silt, and clay.
Fractures are present in many glacial tills (Brockman and Szabo 2000;
Weatherington-Rice 2003). Fractures occur due to desiccation,
freeze-thaw cycles, shearing from overriding ice, stress relief from
removal of ice, and volume change from geochemical processes (Brockman
and Szabo 2000). Fractures facilitate recharge to underlying aquifers
but they can also provide pathways for contaminants to pass through to
the ground water, resulting in ground-water contamination and
threatening public health when ground water is used as a source of
drinking water.
Soil texture is one of the principal factors affecting the genesis
and development of fractures in glacial tills (Tomes and others 2000;
Gross and Moran 1971; Steiger and Holowaychuck 1971). Tomes and others
(2000) investigated how the likelihood of fractures varied depending on
the relative amounts of clay, silt, and sand in unconsolidated materials
and concluded that fractures were more likely to occur in glacial tills
with loam, clay loam, silt loam, silty loam, silty clay, or clay
textures. In northeast Ohio, the range of grain size fractions in
glacial tills has been reported as 28-45% sand, 36-46% silt, and 18-35%
clay, that is, predominantly a loam texture (Gross and Moran 1971). In
western Ohio, soils observed to have fractures contained 2-38% sand,
30-52% silt, and 17-68% clay (Steiger and Holowaychuck 1971).
Ternary diagrams (Fig. 1) can be used for graphical and statistical
interpretation of soil data. The diagrams play a central role in soil
classification schemes and models of sand, silt, and clay proportions in
soils (Soil Survey Staff 1993). Raw point-data are amalgamated to form
the three groups, whose totals are normalized to yield ternary
percentages or proportions. The data points or their arithmetic means
may then be displayed in a ternary diagram. By using statistical
methods, confidence regions (predictive regions) can be constructed to
capture the scatter of data points in ternary diagrams using sample
means and standard deviations.
Weltje (2002) summarized the existing methods for construction of
predictive regions in ternary diagrams in various fields of sedimentary
petrology. The components (for example, rock fragments, sand, and
sandstone) resulting from weathering and transport from parent materials
were not independent of each other. He stated that multivariate
statistical methods might be more suitable than univariate statistical
methods (so-called hexagonal fields of compositional variation) in
sedimentary petrology. Based on the multivariate normal approximation,
he developed a computer FORTRAN program (Weltje 1993) to determine
confidence regions in ternary diagrams.
A hexagonal field of compositional variation in ternary diagrams,
introduced by Stevens and others (1956), was approximated by univariate
normal distribution. One assumption of univariate statistics is that the
components are independent of each other. These hexagonal fields of
variation have been used in sedimentary petrology (Ingersoll 1978;
Ingersoll and Suczek 1979; Weltje 2002).
Fracture occurrence can be correlated with soil depth in glacial
tills and unconsolidated soils. Several researchers (Brockman and Szabo
2000; McKay and others 1993) investigated the depth of soils having
fractures. McKay and others (1993) found that fracture zones have been
observed at depths ranging from a few meters to tens of meters in
Ontario, Canada. Brockman and Szabo (2000) reported that fracture zones
in Ohio have been observed at depths from 0.5-50.5 feet.
It is difficult to predict the occurrence and development of
fractures. No statistical analysis of soil textural data (sand-silt-clay
contents) in glacial till or unconsolidated soil having fractures has
been attempted until now. Another confounding factor is that fractures
cover a wide geographic area in Ohio. The soil textural data observed to
sustain fractures in glacial tills are very diverse with different soil
types (Tomes and others 2000) and different till units (Teller 1970).
Tomes and others (2000) presented the range of sand, silt, and clay
contents in a ternary diagram and soil texture classes for 95 glacially
derived soil types having fractures in Ohio. However, their research did
not include statistical analyses of these data or models to predict
fracture creation and development in other soils.
The hypothesis of this research was that the likelihood of
fractures is dependent on soil texture and depth and can be quantified
statistically. The goals of this research were to investigate how the
occurrence of fractures in natural settings varies depending on soil
texture and depth, and to quantify the probability of fracturing through
statistical analysis, which could serve as a useful tool to anticipate
and investigate fractures in glacial tills in Ohio.
Soil data were collected from historic references that documented
fractures in glacial tills or unconsolidated materials in Ohio. The
references were complied from published sources (Brockman and Szabo
2000; Tomes and others 2000; Lloyd 1998; Teller 1970; Weatherington-Rice
2003) and from published and unpublished reports collected by Bennett
and Williams Environmental Consultants Inc., Columbus, OH. Nine sites
where documented fractures were present were identified (Table 1). Soil
textures (the portion of clay, silt, and sand composing the soil matrix)
and depth information were collected from soil borings, backhoe
excavations, and natural stream cuts in the sites. The references
included the geological and hydrological information for each site. Soil
textures classified by the proportions of sand (2.0-0.05 mm), silt
(0.05-0.002 mm), and clay (<0.002 mm) at the sites were determined by
USDA classification from grain size distribution analysis (Soil Survey
Staff 1993). This study added these data collected from the nine field
sites to the 45 sampled pedons reported in Tomes and others (2000). The
combined soil texture data were analyzed using statistical and graphical
methods. MINITAB[TM] (MINITAB Inc. 2000) was used for summary
descriptive analysis including mean and standard deviations and
normality tests. The soil textures were plotted in ternary diagrams
using Sigma Plot (SPSS Inc. 2002). For depth analysis, the data were
collected from the nine field sites and from Brockman and Szabo (2000).
The statistical (predictive) models were defined by statistically
derived confidence regions. The confidence regions were used to predict
the range of variation of the entire data set in a ternary diagram.
Confidence regions of 90, 95, and 99% for ternary texture compositions
(sand, silt, clay) were constructed using both bivariate and univariate
statistical methods.
The bivariate statistical method involved log-ratio transformation
procedures and a computer FORTRAN program developed by Weltje (1993) for
construction of 90, 95, and 99% confidence regions. Any compositional
data that included zero values were eliminated from the raw data set,
and the remaining data were analyzed using the FORTRAN program. The
output points (40 points) forming the boundary of each confidence region
were plotted on a ternary diagram, along with the soil texture data.
Using log-ratio transformation procedures, ternary compositional
data (sand, silt, clay) were divided by one component (in this case,
silt) as the denominator. These components (sand/silt, silt/silt,
clay/silt) were then transformed logarithmically. A set of log-ratios
[log (sand/silt), log (clay/silt)] were plotted with confidence ellipses
of 90, 95, and 99% using SAS software (SAS Institute Inc. 2003). Forty
points randomly taken from within the confidence ellipse lines were
transformed back using the inverse log-ratio transformations. The
confidence regions for those 40 points in a ternary diagram were
constructed using SigmaPlot (SPSS Inc. 2002).
A hexagonal field of compositional variation was based on the
assumption of a univariate normal distribution. A hexagonal field of
variation was calculated by means of normal approximation including
arithmetic means, standard deviations, and upper or lower confidence
limits ([C.sub.U or L] = mean [+ or -] standard deviation x
[t.sub.df:[alpha]/2]). The confidence boundaries thus generated on a
ternary plot are a pair of parallel lines bracketing the arithmetic mean (Philip and others 1987; Howard 1994). The orientation of each pair of
lines is parallel to the side of the diagram that is opposite to that
component's vertex. The predicted upper and lower confidence
boundaries of each component were labeled with subscripts U and L. From
these boundaries, a set of six ternary compositions were constructed as
a matrix which defines the hexagon:
where 100 (%) is the constant-sum value. The six ternary
compositions were drawn on a ternary diagram using Sigma Plot (SPSS Inc.
2002). The confidence boundaries were illustrated with different line
shapes: "straight" for so-called true hexagonal confidence
regions and "spline" for the smoothed hexagonal confidence
Figure 2 shows the soil texture data (a total of 140 points)
plotted on an USDA ternary diagram for 9 sites having fractures and 45
pedons reported in Tomes and others (2000). When plotted on the USDA
soil texture ternary diagram, the data suggest that tills having less
than 10% clay or greater than 52% sand are unlikely to support
fracturing; conversely, tills having greater than 10% clay or less than
52% sand are more likely to do so (the unshaded region of Fig. 2). The
actual ranges of sand, silt, and clay in fractured field sites were
0-52%, 25-90% and 10-72%, respectively. The fracture data are located in
mainly loam, clay loam, and clay soil texture regions, corresponding to
what was observed by Tomes and others (2000).
Figure 3 shows the 90, 95, and 99% confidence regions constructed
using a computer FORTRAN program developed by Weltje (1993). The
confidence regions were triangular-shaped and captured most data points
but extended well past the areas of observed data, including sand, loamy
sand, sandy loam soil textures, which are not known to support
fracturing. The 95% confidence ellipse generated by log-ratio
transformation included an unwanted area between 0.25 and 0.75 in log
(sand/silt) because of fundamental statistical problems with the data
(no data existed in this area). The construction of the confidence
ellipse was based on means and standard deviations to determine the
major and minor axes. The unwanted zone resulted in the acute triangular
confidence regions of the untransformed data in Figure 3.
Figures 4 and 5 show the soil texture data (140 points) for the
field sites with true hexagonal and with splined hexagonal confidence
regions, respectively. The texture classes of tills predicted to sustain
fracturing were mainly clay, loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, and silty
clay. As shown in Figure 4, confidence regions of 90, 95, and 99% were
constructed using hexagonal fields of variance. Given standard practice
in geological sciences and environmental engineering, the 95% confidence
region was chosen for the statistical model, corresponding to a
significance level of 0.05. Based on the 95% hexagonal confidence
region, tills with less than 55% sand, 2065% silt, and 5-53% clay would
be predicted to have fractures. It is important to note that the model
gives an upper limit to the clay percentage; however that is probably an
artifact of the statistical method. It is more likely that there is no
real upper limit on clay content, and that 100% clay will indeed support
Table 2 shows summary statistics of data on depths of tills
observed to have fractures at eight of the nine field sites
investigated. When this dataset was combined with the data presented in
Brockman and Szabo (2000), the depths ranged from 0.5 to 215 ft. This
corresponds well to data from McKay and others (1993).
Data on glacial till sites having observed fractures were collected
from historical sources (140 points, covering 54 sites and/or soil
pedons). When plotted on an USDA ternary diagram, the data indicate that
tills having less than 10% clay or greater than 52% sand are unlikely to
support fracturing; conversely tills having greater than 10% clay or
less than 52% sand are more likely to do so. Based on the 95% hexagonal
confidence region, tills with less than 55% sand, 20-65% silt, and 5-53%
clay can be predicted at a 0.05 significance level to have fractures.
The soil textural classes predicted to sustain fracturing were clay,
loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, and silty clay. The depth of fractures
observed in glacial tills was 0.5 to 215 ft.
Future research is planned including laboratory fracturing
experiments to extend the dataset to cover a wider range of possible
soil textures and to improve the predictive model developed here. These
predictive models could be applied to future drilling sites in Ohio, and
the data collected could be used to further validate the model.
Statistical models and predictive formulas can be useful to explain
and document how fractures are created in glacial tills. These can be
useful tools for field engineers, geologists, and soil scientists, which
allow them to anticipate fractures in glacial tills in Ohio and beyond.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Special thanks are extended to Julie
Weatherington-Rice and Linda Aller of Bennett & Williams
Environmental Consultants Inc. who made their company's reports and
drilling records available for this research, Dr. Yun Kyoung Lee who
assisted with the statistical analyses, and Dr. G. J. Weltje of the
Department of Applied Earth Sciences at the Delft University of
Technology, Netherlands, for providing the ternary diagram FORTRAN
program. Additional thanks go to our peer reviewers who helped to polish
the paper. Salaries and research support were provided by state and
federal funds appropriated to The Ohio State University, Ohio
Agricultural Research and Development Center.
Brockman CS, Szabo JP. 2000. Fractures and their distribution in
the tills of Ohio. Ohio J Sci 100(3/4):39-55.
Gross DL, Moran SR. 1971. Grain-size and mineralogical gradations
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A Symposium. Columbus (OH): The Ohio State Univ Pr. p 251-74.
Howard JL. 1994. A note on the use of statistics in reporting
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Ingersoll RV. 1978. Petrofacies and petrologic evolution of the
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Lloyd BA. 1998. Stratigraphy of Late Wisconsinan tills from the
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McKay LD, Cherry JA, Gillham RW. 1993. Field experiments in a
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Steiger JR, Holowaychuck N. 1971. Particle size distribution and
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Ohio. In: Goldthwait RP, editor. Till: A Symposium. Columbus (OH): The
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Teller J. 1970. Early Pleistocene glaciation and drainage in
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(1) Manuscript received 27 December 2005 and in revised form 18
January 2006 (#05-01F).
Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 43210
Description of the sites
Site Name Means of Observations
CECOS Hazardous
Waste Landfill Borings
Envirosafe Hazardous Boring, and water
Waste Landfill line trenches
Tremont and Proposed
ClarkCo Solid Waste Borings and
Landfills excavations
Countywide recycling &
disposal facility lateral
& vertical expansion Borings
Willow Creek Landfill Borings and excavation
Proposed Solid
Waste Landfill Borings
Backbone Creek
Till Cut Natural cut
London Correctional
Institute Borings
Graessle Road Till Cut Natural cut
Site Name Site Location References
CECOS Hazardous Weatherington
Waste Landfill Clermont County Rice (3003)
Envirosafe Hazardous Lucas County, Unpublished
Waste Landfill City of Oregon report (B&W file)
Tremont and Proposed Clark County, North
ClarkCo Solid Waste and west of Tremont Unpublished
Landfills City report (B&W file)
Countywide recycling &
disposal facility lateral Unpublished
& vertical expansion Stark County report (B&W file)
Willow Creek Landfill Portage County Unpublished
report (B&W file)
Proposed Solid Allen County, Unpublished
Waste Landfill Spencerville report (B&W file)
Backbone Creek Clermont County, North
Till Cut hank Back Bone Creek Teller (1970)
London Correctional
Institute Madison County Lloyd (1999)
Graessle Road Till Cut Franklin County Lloyd (1999)
Depths of observed fractures at the sites.
Site name Range (ft)
CECOS Hazardous Waste Landfill 4.8 - 129.0
Envirosafe Hazardous Waste Landfill 0.7 - 15.8
Tremont and Proposal ClarkCo Solid
Waste Landfills 1.5 - 145.2
Countywide recycling c& disposal facility
lateral & vertical expansion 5.0 - 74.5
Backbone Creek Till Cut 2.5 - 31.0
London Correctional Institute 5.0 - 215.0
Graessle Road Till Cut 8.3 - 16.4
OSU Molly Caren Agricultural Center 0.5 - 50.5