Textural and mineralogical characteristics of tills of northeastern and north-central Ohio (1).
Szabo, John P.
ABSTRACT. Textural and mineralogical parameters of over 3400 till
samples are summarized to provide a database for scientists and
engineers working with fractured tills in Ohio. Matrix textures (%
<2.0 mm), carbonate contents (% <0.074 mm), and diffraction
intensity ratios (illite/chlorite + kaolinite) were commonly measured.
Texturally, most tills become sandier and less clay rich as they are
traced onto the Allegheny Plateau. The overall distribution of mean
textures of the Illinoian tills is similar to that of the Late
Wisconsinan tills. Incorporation of local clastic bedrock on the plateau
or changes in mode of deposition may be the reason for increased sand
content. Carbonate contents of tills are generally larger in the Lake
and Till plains provinces, and carbonate contents decline along
transects from the Till Plains to the Allegheny Plateau. Exceptions to
this trend are caused by the release of far-traveled carbonates from the
englacial load of glaciers during formation of end moraines. Similarly
the lithology of the sand fraction (1.0-2.0 mm) reflects the underlying
bedrock, but proportions of igneous and metamorphic rock fragments
increase within end moraines where englacial load is released.
Diffraction intensity ratios decrease onto the plateau because of the
entrainment of Pennsylvanian-age shales containing kaolinite. Numerous
factors such as glacier dynamics, topography of the underlying bedrock,
bedrock lithology, amount of bedrock exposure, and dilution by older
glacial deposits affect the texture and composition of tills. Future
research should examine the possible relation of texture and mineralogy
to joint width.
Pleistocene geologists have recorded the presence of fractures in
outcrops and exposures of tills of northeastern and north-central Ohio
since Read (1880) first described them. Fractures occur in tills
throughout the glaciated part of Ohio (Brockman and Szabo 2000).
Oxidation and related cementation along fractures have penetrated
laterally 2.0 cm into gray, unaltered Illinoian tills exposed in
tributaries to the Cuyahoga River. Secondary iron, which acts as a
cement, has accumulated to the extent that some fractures stand out in
relief when compared to the unweathered matrix of the tills (Szabo
1987). Thin coatings of light gray, calcareous silt often veneer joint
planes in oxidized zones of Wisconsinan tills (Szabo and Ryan 1980;
Fausey and others 2000). In northeastern Ohio this phenomenon frequently
occurs in exposures of the Late Wisconsinan Hayesville Till, and
additional movement of water along fractures is indicated by the
formation of authigenic gypsum crystals up to 4.0 cm in length, 4.0 m
beneath the surface. Gypsum crystals are found at the boundary between
oxidized brown till and unoxidized gray till on uplands in Summit County
(Fig. 1). Other occurrences of gypsum crystals at contacts between
calcareous Wisconsinan tills and underlying lacustrine units (Bain 1990)
suggest that geochemical conditions changed as groundwater flow was
affected by differences in hydraulic conductivity. All these features
suggest that water flows through clay-rich units along fractures and
eventually recharges underlying aquifers.
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of textural and
mineralogical characteristics of fractured tills found in northeastern
and north-central Ohio that can be used as a database by scientists and
engineers working with tills. Discussion of the database and its
relation to physiographic provinces (Fig. 2a) and glacial processes may
explain variations within tills at specific field sites. Correlations of
units found on the Allegheny Plateau (White 1982; Szabo and Totten 1995)
are summarized in Table 1. Correlations of Illinoian tills of the Scioto
lobe (Fig. 2b), especially those units in the Lake Plain and Till Plains
physiographic provinces, are very tenuous and have been made based on
descriptions and lithologic character.
Samples used in this summary were collected from outcrops or from
cores in 21 counties (Fig. 1). Texture, Munsell color, consistency,
structure, reaction to dilute HCl, and the nature of lithologic contacts
were recorded in field notes. Matrix textures (% <2.0 mm) of the
samples were determined using settling and pipetting methods of Folk
(1974). In this study the sand-silt break is 0.063 mm, and silt-clay
break is 4.0 [micro]. The carbonate content (% <0.074 mm) was
determined using a Chittick apparatus (Dreimanis 1962); this grain size
was used because it contains the terminal grades of calcite and dolomite and can be related to provenance of tills. A terminal grade is the
smallest grain size to which an entrained clast may be reduced by
crushing and abrasion under a glacier. The terminal grade varies among
minerals and is dependent on the mineralogical properties and available
energy at the base of the glacier. Diffraction intensity ratios (Dis) of
the clay fraction (<2.0 [micro]) were calculated by measuring the
area under the illite peak at 1.0 nm and dividing it by the area under
the kaolinite and chlorite peak at 0.7 nm (Willman and others 1966;
Bruno and others 2006). Two other parameters were occasionally measured
in research on which this paper is based. The lithology of the 1.0-2.0
mm-sand fraction is representative of the clast content of tills
(Anderson 1957). Ratios of quartz to feldspar in the 0.250-0.125
ram-sand fractions are suggestive of the amount of local sandstone
incorporated into the ice (Gross 1967).
Members of the Department of Geology at the University of Akron have performed laboratory analyses on approximately 8000 samples of
glacial sediments over the past 25 years. Data from 3415 samples from
the University of Akron, from published articles, and from unpublished
reports of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey are summarized in
Table 2. Data for the 1.0-2.0 mm-sand lithology and quartz-feldspar
ratios are not included in the table because of the small number of
analyzed samples. Descriptive statistics from individual studies were
combined to calculate the grand means and total number of samples for
till units in each physiographic province. Because not all sources
provided standard deviations or variances, combined variances or
standard deviations could not be calculated. Some standard deviations
for combined data are available from the author.
The non-uniform number of samples of each till in each
physiographic province (Table 2) and the lack of occurrences of some
tills in these provinces makes interpretation of the summary table
difficult. Texturally, most tills become sandier and less clay rich as
they are traced onto the plateau. This trend is illustrated by samples
of the Navarre Till in which sand increases from a mean of 20% in the
Till Plains to one of 34% on the Allegheny Plateau. Clay content
declines from 30% to 23%. The Hayesville and Northampton tills are
exceptions to this trend (Table 2); they both exhibit increases in clay
content and decreases in sand content. Data sets for these tills are
biased by the large number of samples from the Cuyahoga Valley where the
Northampton Till overlies clay-rich lacustrine deposits and soft shale
and is overlain by Hayesville Till (Szabo 1987).
Carbonate contents tend to decline along transects from the Lake
Plain onto the Allegheny Plateau. Calcite contents decrease during this
transition across physiographic provinces, but dolomite contents remains
similar. The Illinoian Millbrook Till and its equivalents (Table 1) are
readily traceable because of their lack of calcite and their consistent
dolomite contents (Table 2); they can be used as a regional marker bed.
In a similar fashion, examination of their respective proportions of
calcite compared to dolomite may separate the Wisconsinan Hiram and
Hayesville tills, which have nearly identical field characteristics in
the Lake Plain. The Hiram Till often contains more calcite than
dolomite, whereas the Hayesville Till contains about equal proportions
of those minerals (Table 2). The consistent proportion of calcite to
dolomite in the Illinoian Northampton Till appears to be an identifying
characteristic of that till.
Where enough data are available, Dis (diffraction intensity ratios)
for some units decrease on the plateau. The validity of the use of this
parameter is controlled by the degree of weathering in the tills. The
calculation of consistent and reliable Dis requires that the samples be
from exposures of unoxidized till. Chlorite alters to vermiculite before
calcite begins to leach (Willman and others 1966); thus, any oxidation
of the till in the exposure could lead to erroneous calculations of DI.
Samples in the data set (Table 2) are only from un-weathered gray
samples. Many samples collected from younger Wisconsinan tills were
oxidized brown throughout their thicknesses and could not be used for
comparisons among physiographic provinces. Older Illinoian tills exposed
through recent erosion by streams in deep valleys or by excavations for
landfills provided reliable measures of DI.
The texture and composition of tills are affected by numerous
factors such as glacier dynamics, topography of the underlying bedrock,
bedrock lithology, amount of bedrock exposure, and dilution by older
glacial deposits (Clark 1987; Szabo and Totten 1992). Within the area
covered in this summary, the Allegheny Escarpment marks a transition
along which the bedrock surface rises from the lowlands of the Till
Plains to the higher elevations of the Allegheny Plateau (Fig. 3).
Locally this escarpment affected subglacial processes responsible for
the composition of tills (Szabo and Totten 1992). Brockman and Szabo
(2000) concluded that fractures in tills of the Allegheny Plateau are
more frequent than in tills within the Till Plains because, as ice
flowed around resistant bedrock knobs on the plateau, local stresses at
the base of the ice produced shears in underlying older tills.
The distribution of mean matrix textures of tills as shown on
ternary diagrams (Fig.4) is similar to the range of matrix textures
plotted on a similar diagram in Tomes and others (2000). The
distribution of values for the Wisconsinan tills (Fig. 4a) is comparable
to the Illinoian tills (Fig. 4b). In most cases values derived from
samples taken from the plateau or escarpment areas are shifted toward
the sand apex of the ternary plot, whereas values from samples taken
from the till and lake plains contain less sand and are displaced
towards the clay apex. Some deviations from these observations do occur.
The Northampton Till from the plateau is skewed towards the clay apex
because of its association with lacustrine sediments in the Cuyahoga
valley, and the Late Wisconsinan Navarre Till from all provinces is
sandier than the younger tills (Table 2, Fig. 4a).
The matrix textures of most units become sandier for two possible
reasons. First, the underlying bedrock changes from carbonates and
shales of the Till Plains to sandstones and conglomerates of the
Allegheny Plateau. Examination of the 1.0-2.0 mm-sand fraction of tills
(Viani 1986) showed a strong local bedrock component in the tills on the
plateau. Secondly, some of the tills on the plateau were deposited as
subglacial or supraglacial meltout deposits; meltwater may have removed
some of the fines producing sandy tills (Fig. 3).
Generally the carbonate contents of tills decline from the Till
Plains to the Allegheny Plateau because of dilution through the
incorporation of noncalcareous clastic rocks along the flow path. Figure
5a shows that samples from late Wisconsinan tills from the Lake Plains
and Till Plains have larger calcite and dolomite contents than those
from the same units sampled on the escarpment or the plateau. Szabo and
Totten (1992) showed some exceptions to the trend illustrated by the
Hayesville Till on the plateau (HY-P, Fig. 5a). They demonstrated that
at locations along the escarpment normal to ice flow, englacial ice
containing carbonate-rich debris was reactivated to become basal ice on
the plateau and served as a mechanism responsible for some tills having
a carbonate content greater than expected (Fig. 3). Additionally,
supraglacial meltout deposits of the Navarre Till derived from englacial
ice contain more carbonate than subglacial deposits derived from the
basal ice that had been diluted by older deposits (Frolking and Szabo
1998). Although there is some variation among lithofacies of tills, the
greatest variation generally occurs within the supraglacial deposits
(Szabo and Bruno 1997; Brockman and Szabo 2000). The Illinoian
Northampton and upper Millbrook tills follow the same general trend as
the Late Wisconsinan tills (Fig. 5b). Among the other Illinoian tills,
only the Millbrook Till occurs in all four provinces, and the samples of
it from the Till Plains have larger dolomite contents than those from
other provinces. The point representing this till in the Lake Plains
(Fig. 5b) comes from only one sample because this unit generally has
been eroded away by younger ice advances.
Changes in clay mineralogy generally reflect a regional change in
the underlying bedrock. Within a given unaltered till unit, Dis display
a remarkable lack of variation and may represent some process of
homogenization of fine particles during glacial transport. The general
decrease in Dis from the Till Plains onto the Allegheny Plateau (Fig. 3)
results from a change in the underlying bedrock. Paleozoic shales of the
Till Plains contain more illite and chlorite than kaolinite, whereas
Pennsylvanian shales or underclays of the plateau contain a larger
proportion of kaolinite (Volpi and Szabo 1988). The incorporation of
these shales into tills of the plateau lessens the DIs (Fig. 3) by
increasing the kaolinite component in the denominator of the DI. Another
factor, as yet unquantified, is the effect of the incorporation of
weathered older glacial deposits into younger tills. Weathered tills
should contain kaolinite and expandable clay minerals. These also may be
responsible for some of the variation in Dis either in the Till Plains
or on the Allegheny Plateau.
Other parameters, measured in isolated studies (Viani 1986; Szabo
and Ryan 1980), show some very general trends. Quartz to feldspar ratios
are larger in the Till Plains than over the Allegheny Escarpment or the
Glaciated Allegheny Plateau. The higher values in the Till Plains are
perplexing because of the carbonate bedrock, but possibly the source of
increased quartz could be incorporation of alluvium or preglacial outwash deposits. The moderate values on the plateau (Gross 1967)
suggest erosion of the sandstone underlying higher parts of the plateau
(Fig. 3). The lithology of the very coarse-sand fraction definitely
reflects the composition of the underlying bedrock. The apparent
increase in igneous and metamorphic rock fragments produced over the
long transport distance to the plateau occurs in samples taken from end
moraines where the englacial load of the ice was released. These rock
fragments were entrained in Canada, lifted above the bed of the glacier,
and transported in the englacial zone. As the ice stagnated, rock
fragments in the englacial zone were released as the ice melted.
Descriptions of the outcrops and exposures from which samples were
collected to compile the statistics for this study generally note the
occurrence of fractures within the glacial sediments. These fractures
are often noted because they either are iron stained or contain
precipitated secondary minerals. Although fractures appear to be
ubiquitous and independent of the matrix grain size, carbonate
mineralogy, clay mineralogy, and possibly age, many questions still
remain. The influence of these parameters upon fracture width needs
consideration. Do both the clay content and the type of clay minerals in
the tills affect the width or type of fracture? Does leaching along
fractures produce a larger fracture width in tills having large
carbonate contents than in those having lesser carbonate contents?
Understanding the controls on fracture width is essential in determining
the regional significance of fractures and subsequently the vertical
hydraulic conductivity of tills and the movement of pollutants.
Anderson RC. 1957. Pebble and sand lithology of the major Wisconsin
glacial lobes of the Central Lowland. Geological Society of America Bulletin 68:1415-50.
Angle MP. 1987. Glacial geology of Sandusky County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Angle MP. 1991. Evolution of till stratigraphy in Union County,
Ohio. Ohio J Sci 91:83-9.
Bain RG. 1990. Diagenetic, nonevaporative origin for gypsum.
Geology 18:447-50.
Brockman CS. 1998. Physiographic regions of Ohio [map]. Available
from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus, OH.
Brockman CS, Szabo JP. 2000. Fractures and their distribution in
the tills of Ohio. Ohio J Sci 100(3/4):39-55.
Bruno PW, Szabo JP, Foos A. 2006. Mineralogy of weathered
Wisconsinan till along a fracture in the root zone. Ohio J Sci
Clark PU. 1987. Subglacial sediment dispersal and till composition.
J Geol 95:526-41.
Dreimanis A. 1962. Quantitative gasometric determination of calcite
and dolomite by using a Chittick apparatus. J Sedimentary Petrology 32:520-9.
Fausey NR, Hall GF, Bigham JM, Alfred BJ, Christy AD. 2000.
Properties of the fractured glacial till at the Madison County, Ohio,
Field Workshop Pit Site. Ohio J Sci 100(3/4): 107-12.
Fernandez RL. 1986. Glacial geology of Seneca County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Folk RL. 1974. Petrology of sedimentary rocks. Austin (TX):
Hemphill Publ Co. 182 p.
Frolking TA, Szabo JP. 1998. Quaternary geology along the eastern
margin of the Scioto lobe in central Ohio. Columbus (OH): Ohio Div of
Geological Survey Guidebook 16.40 p.
Gross DL. 1967. Mineralogical gradations within the Titusville Till
and associated tills of Northwestern Pennsylvania [Unpubl MS thesis].
Available from: Dept of Geology, Univ of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 207 p.
Hofer JW, Szabo JP. 1993. Port Brace ice-flow directions based on
heavy-mineral assemblages in tills from the south shore of Lake Erie in
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Read MC. 1880. Water supply of drift-clay lands of Ohio. Columbus
(OH): Ohio State Board of Agriculture 34th Annual Report for the Year
1879. p 491-8.
Storck RJ, Szabo JP. 1991. Lithofacies and mineralogy of the late
Wisconsinan Navarre Till in Stark and Wayne counties, Ohio. Ohio J Sci
Szabo JP. 1987. Wisconsinan stratigraphy of the Cuyahoga Valley in
the Erie basin, northeastern Ohio. Canadian J Earth Sciences 24:279-90.
Szabo JP, Ryan DE. 1980. Quaternary stratigraphy of the lower Mud
Brook basin, Northampton Township, Summit Country, Ohio. Ohio J Sci
Szabo JP, Totten SM. 1992. Glacial dispersal rejuvenation on the
Allegheny Plateau, north-central Ohio, based on till carbonate patterns.
J Sedimentary Petrology 62:1044-53.
Szabo JP, Totten SM. 1995. Multiple pre-Wisconsinan glaciations
along the northwestern edge of the Allegheny Plateau in Ohio and
Pennsylvania. Canadian J Earth Sciences 32:2081-9.
Szabo JP, Bruno PW. 1997. Interpretation of lithofacies of the
Ashtabula Till along the south shore of Lake Erie, northeastern Ohio.
Canadian J Earth Sciences 34:66-75.
Tornes LA, Miller KE, Gerken JC, Smeck NE. 2000. Distribution of
soils in Ohio that described with fractured substratums in
unconsolidated materials. Ohio J Sci 100(3/4):56-62.
Totten SM. 1973. Glacial geology of Richland County, Ohio. Columbus
(OH): Ohio Div of Geological Survey Report of Investigations 88. 55 p.
Totten SM. 1985a. Glacial geology of Huron County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Totten SM. 1985b. Glacial geology of Morrow County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Totten SM. 1986. Glacial geology of Marion County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Totten SM. 1987. Glacial geology of Crawford County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Totten SM. 1988a. Glacial geology of Hardin County, Ohio [Unpubl
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Totten SM. 1988b. Glacial geology of Geauga County, Ohio. Columbus
(OH): Ohio Div of Geological Survey Report of Investigations 140. 30 p.
Totten SM. 1989. Glacial geology of Lorain County, Ohio [Unpubl
manuscript]. Available from: Ohio Div of Geological Survey, Columbus,
Viani CW. 1986. Stratigraphy and mineralogy of tills in Knox
County, Ohio [Unpubl MS thesis]. Akron (OH): Univ of Akron. 98 p.
Volpi RW, Szabo JP. 1988. Influence of local bedrock on the clay
mineralogy of pre-Woodfordian tills of the Grand River lobe in
Columbiana County, Ohio. Ohio J Sci 88:174-80.
White GW. 1982. Pleistocene geology of northeastern Ohio. Columbus
(OH): Div of Geological Survey Bulletin 68. 75 p.
Wilman HB, Glass HD, Frye JC. 1966. Mineralogy of glacial tills and
their weathering profiles in Illinois, Part II. Weathering profiles.
Urbana (IL): Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 400. 76 p.
(1) Manuscript received 15 October 2002 and in revised form 20 May
2003 (#02-02F).
JOHN P. SZABO, Department of Geology, University of Akron, Akron,
OH 44325-4101
Tentative correlation of lithologic units in north-central and
northeastern Ohio. Locations of lobes are shown in Figure 2b.
Scioto Lobe
Time Western Eastern
Late Wisconsinan Hiram Till Hiram Till
Hayesville Till Hayesville Till
Navarre Till Navarre Till
Middle Wisconsinan
through Sangamonian
Millbrook till U
"young" till Northampton Till
Illinoian "older" till Millbrook Till
"oldest" till Gahanna Till
Chesterville Till
Time Northern Lobe
Late Wisconsinan Hiram Till Hiram Till
Hayesville Till Hayesville Till
Navarre Till Navarre Till
Middle Wisconsinan
through Sangamonian
Millbrook till U
Millbrook till M Northampton Till
Illinoian Millbrook till L Millbrook Till
Cuyahoga Grand River
Time Lobe Lobe
Ashtabula Till
Late Wisconsinan Hiram Till Hiram Till
Lavery Till Lavery Till
Kent Till Kent Till
Middle Wisconsinan
through Sangamonian
Northampton Till not found
Illinoian Mogadore Till Titusville Till
Keefus Till
Summary of laboratory data for lithologic units found in
north-central and northeastern Ohio. A more extensive table, in
which data are classified by individual study including variances
where published, is available from the author.
Unit Sand * Silt * Clay *
Location % <2.0 mm % <2.0 mm % <2.0 mm
Ashtabula Till
Lake Plain 16/233 ** 53/233 31/233
Hiram Till
Lake Plain 13/29 42/29 45/29
Till Plain 15/173 40/173 45/173
Escarpment 19/19 48/19 33/19
Plateau 18/6 47/6 35/6
Hayesville Till
Lake Plain 19/89 42/89 39/89
Till Plain 19/492 43/492 38/492
Escarpment 24/94 45/94 31/94
Plateau 0013 48/82 41/82
Navarre Till
Lake Plain 20/12 50/12 30/12
Till Plain 26/322 43/322 31/322
Escarpment 28/126 44/126 28/126
Plateau 34/254 43/254 23/254
Millbrook till U
Lake Plain 23/81 42/81 35/81
Till Plain 21/132 43/132 36/132
Northampton Till
Lake Plain 18/15 48/15 34/15
Till Plain 19/96 46/96 35/96
Escarpment 30/20 41/20 29/20
Plateau 10/445 48/445 42/445
Millbrook Till
Lake Plain 28/5 49/5 23/5
Till Plain 28/44 44/44 28/44
Escarpment 31/81 45/81 24/81
Plateau 34/265 45/265 21/265
Gahanna Till
Escarpment 33/19 43/19 24/19
Plateau 34/105 44/105 22/105
Chesterville Till
Escarpment 34/32 45/32 21/32
Plateau 33/148 43/148 24/148
Unit Calcite Dolomite
Location % <0.074 mm % <0.074 mm
Ashtabula Till
Lake Plain 2.2/194 5.6/194
Hiram Till
Lake Plain 11.5/22 7.0/22
Till Plain 4.6/84 7.8/84
Escarpment 2.8/19 7.4/19
Plateau 4.5/6 4.9/6
Hayesville Till
Lake Plain 9.0/73 8.1/73
Till Plain 7.2/387 9.5/387
Escarpment 2.8/95 8.1/95
Plateau 8.1/82 7.3/82
Navarre Till
Lake Plain 6.1/12 5.0/12
Till Plain 5.9/314 11.1/314
Escarpment 1.9/126 7.7/126
Plateau 1.4/183 7.2/183
Millbrook till U
Lake Plain 10.3/73 8.7/73
Till Plain 7.8/86 8.5/86
Northampton Till
Lake Plain 6.1/15 8.1/15
Till Plain 6.0/85 9.6/85
Escarpment 5.5/20 9.9/20
Plateau 3.5/450 6.6/450
Millbrook Till
Lake Plain 0/1 4.2/1
Till Plain 0.3/44 6.6/44
Escarpment 0.1/85 4.8/85
Plateau 0.3/216 4.1/216
Gahanna Till
Escarpment 4.5/19 15.2/19
Plateau 3.4/105 11.6/105
Chesterville Till
Escarpment 1.4/32 9.0/32
Plateau 1.3/137 9.2/137
Unit Total Carb DI
Location % <0.074 mm <2.0 [micro]]
Ashtabula Till
Lake Plain 7.8/194 1.3/180
Hiram Till
Lake Plain 18.5/22 n.a. ([dagger])
Till Plain 14.0/112 n.a.
Escarpment 10.2/19 n.a.
Plateau 9.4/6 n.a.
Hayesville Till
Lake Plain 17.1/73 1.8/14
Till Plain 17.4/478 1.9/36
Escarpment 11.1/95 n.a.
Plateau 15.4/82 n.a.
Navarre Till
Lake Plain 11.1/12 n.a.
Till Plain 17.4/322 1.9/10
Escarpment 9.6/126 1.3/3
Plateau 8.6/183 1.6/101
Millbrook till U
Lake Plain 19.0/73 n.a.
Till Plain 15.7/133 n.a.
Northampton Till
Lake Plain 14.2/15 n.a.
Till Plain 16.0/92 1.4/29
Escarpment 15.4/20 n.a.
Plateau 10.1/450 1.5/87
Millbrook Till
Lake Plain 4.2/1 1.5/1
Till Plain 6.9/44 n.a.
Escarpment 4.9/85 1.4/20
Plateau 4.4/216 0.9/216
Gahanna Till
Escarpment 19.7/19 1.2/8
Plateau 15.0/105 1.2/102
Chesterville Till
Escarpment 10-4/32 1.0/20
Plateau 10.5/137 1.5/101
* Percentages of sand, silt, and clay are based on matrix weights
after gravel was removed.
** Numerical sequence is mean/number of samples.
([dagger]) n.a. = not analyzed.
FIGURE 3. Summary of changes in texture and composition along
a hypothetical west-east transect from the Till Plains to the
Glaciated Allegheny Plateau. C[O.sub.3] = carbonate, Ig. = igneous,
Meta. = metamorphic, Kao. = Kaolinite, Chlor. = chlorite,
Mod. = Moderate.
Allegheny Allegheny
Parameter Till Plains Escarpment Plateau
Matrix Texture Clayey Sandier Sandy
C[O.sub.3] Content High Low Mod.-High
Quartz/Feldspar High Low Moderate
Dominant Clasts C[O.sub.3] Shale Sandstone
Abundance of Low Low Higher
Ig. & Meta. Clasts
Illite/Kao. + Chlor. Constant Constant Lower
Parameter Interpretation
Matrix Texture Incorporation of sandstone bedrock.
C[O.sub.3] Content Dilution by bedrock & older drift over
the escarpment.
Quartz/Feldspar Quartz decreases over escarpment
but increases over sandstone bedrock.
Dominant Clasts Erosion of local bedrock & comminution
of extralocal bedrock.
Abundance of Comminution of far-traveled clasts
Ig. & Meta. Clasts to sand size.
Illite/Kao. + Chlor. Dilution of regional bedrock composition
by local bedrock.