Length-weight relationships of the Emerald Shiner (Notropis atherinoides--Rafinesque, 1818) in the Western Basin of Lake Erie.
Atkinson, Tiffany ; Desrosiers, Scott ; Townsend, Tessa 等
ABSTRACT. Total length and standard length (mm) were compared to
weight (mg) in the Emerald Shiner (Notropis atherinoides--Rafinesque,
1818) in the western basin of Lake Erie. Length and weight relationship
(n = 400), length- frequency distribution, and sex ratios were evaluated
for coastal and tributary habitats and compared to open water habitats.
A strong positive correlation was observed between length and weight for
both males and females. For males (n = 195) there was a significant
positive relationship between standard length (SL) and weight (F =
935.64, d.f = 195; [R.sup.2] = 0.989) and between total length (TL) and
weight (F = 918.75, d.f. = 195; [R.sup.2] = 0.991). In females (n =
205), there was also a strong positive correlation between SL and weight
(F = 1108.18, d.f. = 204; [R.sup.2] = 0.976) and between TL and weight
(F = 1208.86, d.f. = 204; [R.sup.2] = 0.983). This same positive
relationship between SL and weight (F = 1909.58, d.f. = 399; [R.sup.2] =
0.984,) and between TL and weight (F = 1960.07, d.f. = 399; [R.sup.2] =
0.988) that was found for the individual sexes was present in the
combined data for the two sexes. Length-weight relationship patterns in
Emerald Shiner were significantly influenced by sex (ANCOVA, F= 313.03,
p < 0.01) and habitat (ANCOVA, F = 6.693, p = 0.013). Three separate
age classes were distinguished in the data. Age 0 males ranged from
15-33 mm TL, while age 0 females ranged from 18-30 mm TL. Age I males
ranged from 39-78 mm TL and Age I females ranged from 42-78 mm TL. Age
II+ males ranged from 78-111 mm TL and Age II+ females ranged from
81-108 mm TL. Emerald Shiner exhibit indeterminate growth and sex
influenced growth patterns based on the von Bertalanffy growth model.
Date of Publication: 02 February 2015
The fish fauna of Lake Erie is comprised of an estimated 114
species (Leach and Nepszy 1976); however, little information is
available on the basic life history for the majority of the non-game
species (Hartman and others 1992). Cyprinidae represent 51 percent of
the Lake Erie fish fauna (Hubbs and others 2004) and are an important
staple of most game fish species diets (Simon 2011). Minnows are
essential to energy transfer from lower to upper trophic levels by
converting nutrients from zooplankton and aquatic insects to the broader
food web (Hartman and others 1992). Understanding the rates of growth
and relationships between weight and length are important for our
knowledge of life history and population age structure. Accurately
modeling aquatic ecosystem function depends on information that can be
acquired through simple and cost effective techniques (Froese 2006).
The Emerald Shiner (Notropis atherinoides--Rafinesque, 1818) is a
relatively abundant minnow native to the Great Lakes. Its range extends
from Eastern Texas to Alabama and northward to the Finger Lakes of New
York State and the Mackenzie River of the Northwest Territories
(Campbell and MacCrimm 1970). Emerald Shiner inhabits lakes and rivers
and is a popular prey item for highly sought after piscivores, such as
Sander vitreus. A regional bait industry has developed around its use by
sport fisherman (Pothoven and others 2009). Despite their extensive
range and relative abundance, Emerald Shiner populations declined in the
Great Lakes during the 1950s, coinciding with the introduction of the
Alewife, Alas a pseudoharengus, which is known to compete directly for
zooplankton prey items and also is known to consume Emerald Shiner eggs
and larvae (Schaeffer and others 2008). Although Emerald Shiner has
recovered, the condition remains unknown throughout much of its range.
This study investigated the relationship between length and weight
in Emerald Shiner to understand growth patterns based on sex with
respect to habitat. In addition, the sex ratio and length-frequency
distribution was used to predict age structure. Both length and weight
relationships are useful in comparing different populations and
evaluating ecological patterns. Lake Erie individuals were collected
from both coastal shoreline and tributary habitats in the western basin
and were compared to open water populations. The purpose of this study
was to determine patterns in sex growth differences, and specific
correlations between two measures of length (i.e., total length [TL] and
standard length [SL]) and weight based on sex. Differences in growth
were assessed to find whether differences between Emerald Shiner
populations in the western basin were associated with coastal (i.e.,
shoreline and tributary water) compared to open water habitats. Lastly,
the growth range and age structure of individuals from the Bass Islands
were compared to other populations in the Great Lakes region.
Study Area
The Laurentian Great Lakes encompass one-fifth of the available
freshwater in the world (Steffen and others 2014). Lake Erie is globally
the 10th largest lake and stores about two percent of the total volume
of all of the Great Lakes (FWPCA 1968; Munawar and others 1999). Lake
Erie is the shallowest, most southern, and the most productive of the
Great Lakes (Michalak and others 2013). It has three separate basins,
the western, central, and eastern basins, with depth increasing in an
easterly direction (FWPCA 1968). This study was conducted in the western
basin near the Bass island archipelago, which is comprised of 31 islands
in Ottawa County, Ohio. The study area has four major tributaries that
include the Huron, Portage, Sandusky, and Vermillion rivers (Fig. 1).
Field Methods
All study data were collected in the western basin of Lake Erie
between 2004 and 2014 using a variety of gears to reduce bias. Studies
were collected for a variety of purposes as part of investigations of
the Bass Island region. Individual Emerald Shiner were collected from
coastal (including shoreline and tributary habitats) and open water
habitats. Individuals used in the current study were collected during
ichthyological investigations during the spawning season of 2014
(June-July) (see Supplemental Materials: Specimens Examined Section).
Length and weight relationships were based on 400 individuals from
coastal and open water habitats, while length-frequency distribution and
sex ratios were based on random samples of 400 individuals from dates in
July. Lot collections are part of the permanent collection of the Museum
of Biodiversity, F.T. Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University and
are housed at Gibraltar Island.
Laboratory Methods
Individual fish were randomly subsampled from site-specific
collection lots and blotted dry to remove excess moisture prior to wet
weighing using a Sartorius balance with a resolution of 1 [micro]g
(Middleton and others 2013). Due to the precision of the balance used in
the analysis it was impractical to measure live individuals or to
attempt to weigh fish in the field. Fish were anesthetized in MS222 and
fixed in 10 percent formalin. Fish used in the laboratory analysis were
soaked in water just prior to being measured. The relationship between
freshly preserved individuals was tested to verify weight accuracy. Fish
shrinkage was stable after seven days after which lengths and weights
were measured. Shrinkage was less than five percent of the true weight
of live individuals; however, it is recognized that data might not
completely reflect the length-weight relationships of live individuals.
All specimens had similar treatment methods, so it is assumed that there
is no reason to expect that preservation bias varied by location or sex.
Sex was determined using a Zeiss dissection microscope. Male gonopods
were elongated, sausage-shaped, and resided within a shallow trough just
posterior to the anus and anterior to the anal fin origin, while the
female cloaca possessed a circular, mound of villiform tissue with a
short, flattened tube for egg deposition. Length measurements included
standard length (SL) and total length (TL), which was measured using
digital calipers to the nearest 0.01 mm. The SL was measured from the
tip of the snout, horizontally, to the posterior tip of the notochord at
the hypural plate, while TL was measured from the tip of the snout,
horizontally, to the tip of the depressed caudal fin (Hubbs and Lagler
2004). All measurements were based on the standard procedure described
in Hubbs and Lagler (2004). Age groups of individual Emerald Shiner were
determined using length-frequency distribution analysis (Nielson and
Johnson 1983), where ages were decided according to elevated peaks in
the distribution.
Regression analysis was used to model weight as a function of
length (i.e., SL and TL). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)(STATISITICA
11.0) with length as the covariate was used to compare weight between
sexes and habitats. Habitat class was assessed to determine size effect,
by separating populations into coastal (tributary and shoreline) and
open water groups (Sokal and Rohlf 2012). Emerald Shiner age groups were
determined by sex using length-frequency distribution analysis (Nielsen
and Johnson 1983). A two way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Sokal and
Rohlf 2011) was used to determine if there were significant differences
in size distribution according to age or sex. A chi-squared test was
performed to see if there was any significant difference in the sex
ratio between males and females in the random subsample. Fulton's
condition factors for males, females, and the general population were
calculated using the relationship between weight and total length (TL)
of each individual (Nielson and Johnson 1983). Weight was plotted by TL
for all individuals within each subset and a trend line was applied to
best fit each scatter plot graph, with the b value of each line equation
representing the Fulton's condition factor. The von Bertalanffy
growth model was used to determine growth rate for each sex using the
L(t) = [L.sub.[infinity]] * (1 - exp (-[K.sup.*] (t -[t.sub.0])))
where, L (t) is the length at any given age (years), K is equal to
the b-value or slope of the regression plot of -ln (1 -
[L.sub.(t)]/[L.sub.[infinity]]) (von Bertalanffy 1934; Ricker 1975).
We examined 12,863 individuals from 19 Western basin Lake Erie
sites and randomly subsampled 400 individuals based on coastal (n = 265
individuals), tributary (n = 19 individuals), and open water (n = 116
individuals). Male Emerald Shiner showed a significant positive, power
function between SL and weight ([R.sup.2] = 0.989, F = 935.64, d.f. =
194, Fig. 2a) and between TL and weight ([R.sup.2] = 0.991, F = 918.75,
d.f. = 194; Fig. 3a). Female Emerald Shiner had a strong positive, power
function between SL and weight ([R.sup.2] = 0.976, F = 1108.18, d.f. =
204; Fig. 2b) and between TL and weight ([R.sup.2] = 0.983, F = 1208.86,
d.f. = 204; Fig. 3b). The combined data for the two sexes showed a
significant positive, power function between SL and weight ([R.sup.2] =
0.984, F = 1909.58, d.f. = 399; Fig. 2c) and between TL and weight
([R.sup.2] = 0.988, F = 1960.07, d.f. = 399; Fig. 3c). These regression
analyses, comparing TL to weight and SL to weight, were found to have
Fulton Condition Factors (b) of -5.379 and -4.995, both representing
negative allometric growth (Fig. 4a and 4b).
Length-weight relationship patterns in Emerald Shiner were
significantly influenced by sex (ANCOVA, F = 313.03, p < 0.01). There
was a significant difference in length-weight relationships between
coastal compared to open water habitats (ANCOVA, F = 6.693, p = 0.013).
The sex ratio from the random subsample of 400 individuals was not
significantly different (Chi-squared p = 0.383). Males were slightly
outnumbered byfemales 1:1.05. Length-frequency distribution of male
(Fig. 5a) and female (Fig. 5b) individuals showed no significant size
difference within age class (p > 0.05). There were no significant
difference in age class size for Age 0 male and female individuals
(ANOVA F = 0.506, d.f. = 25, p = 0.483); Age I (ANOVA, F = 0.567, d.f. =
317, p = 0.452); and Age II+ (ANOVA, F = 0.271, d.f. = 52, p = 0.605).
Male Age 0 individuals ranged from 15-33 mm TL, while female Age 0
ranged from 1830 mm TL. Male Age I ranged from 39-78 mm TL, while female
Age I ranged from 42-78 mm TL. Male Age II+ ranged from 78-111 mm TL,
and female Age II+ ranged from 81-108 mm TL (Table 1). The von
Bertalanffy growth model observed that individual growth occurred at a
greater rare in males than females for the Western Lake Erie population
(Fig. 6).
Carlander's (1969) review of age and growth relationship
studies found three previous studies had been published. Relationships
on size and age included South Dakota (Fuchs 1967), Alabama (Swingle
1965), and Manitoba, Canada (Schaap 1989). Relationships between length
and age (in years) have been studied in Illinois (Dobie and others 1948,
1956), Michigan (Hubbs 1922), Ohio (Fish 1932; Gray 1942; Trautman
1957,1981), South Dakota (Fuchs 1967), Wisconsin (Becker 1964, 1983),
and Canada (Campbell and MacCrimmon 1970) (Table 1). No latitudinal
gradient was observed within the Great Lakes region, i.e., northern
latitudes of Wisconsin to southern latitudes of Ohio. This study found
that southern populations attained larger size at age than northern
populations. In addition a positive relationship was observed between
age and weight. Sex based differential growth was observed with females
tending to be larger than males based on both mean TL and mean weight;
however, in this study males attained larger size within age than
females for every age class. The positive regression analysis
relationships of Emerald Shiners show that they are indeterminate
growers. Positive correlations between length and weight show that a
significant, positive relationship between age and length, as well as
age and weight, exists for Western basin populations. A difference in
size at age between sexes was observed between males and females with
mean male differences of 3-5 mm TL larger than females. The analysis of
length and weight by sex were not statistically different; however,
other studies found size differences between sex. These were not
statistically tested, but were based on observed differences. We
evaluated our results using ANOVA, ANCOVA, length-frequency, and von
Bertalanffy growth models. Our results show that although males were on
average larger than females at each age class that the variance
associated with each sex was not statistically significant. Growth rates
from the von Bertalanffy calculations showed that males grew at a faster
rate than females.
Our test of habitat was simply the difference between tribuatary
compared to lake coastal shoreline and island populations. Significant
differences in TL and weight were not expected between sex or habitat
due to lack of isolation and ability to migrate freely between habitats.
ANCOVA analyses and von Bertalanffy growth models found that there was a
difference in relationship between sex, while ANCOVA analyses showed
that lake individuals were larger than tributary individuals based on
slope differences in habitat length-weight relationships. Differences
might have been attributed to females were expected to have increased
weights and increased Fulton Condition factors than males due to the
timing of the study. The Fulton Condition factor, which is based on the
b-factor in the logarithmic relationship between length and weight,
showed that Emerald Shiner exhibited negative allometric growth. This
suggests that individuals were growing in length faster than they were
putting on weight. Potential explanations might be that the metabolic
energy needs to yolk ova in females caused a decrease in expected
Gray (1942) reported on Emerald Shiner growth in the Bass Island
region of Lake Erie. Our current study revealed increased growth for
every age class compared to Gray's (1942) study of Emerald Shiner
from the Bass Islands. Our study also found that Bass Island region
individuals exhibited smaller size than statewide individuals during age
0, while better growth was seen during ages I and II+. Similar growth
was observed during age II for most of the Great Lakes populations
(Table 1). Length at age relationships found in this study of the Bass
Island region of Lake Erie found that maximum length sizes, i.e.,
[L.sub.[infinity]] values are the highest in the Great Lakes.
The importance of understanding basic length-weight, age and
growth, and condition factors of members of the family Cyprinidae is
critical for determining the trophic structure of a dynamic system such
as Lake Erie. Although population dynamics of cyprinids have not been
well studied, the high economic significance of a strong minnow
foundation in the food web is critical for stability in the Western
basin (Hubbs and others 2004). Emerald Shiner populations may reflect
changing conditions and can serve as an early warning indicator of Lake
Erie fish assemblage stability. They are extremely important
commercially since they support a large bait fish industry and can serve
as a dominant food source for top predator, whole body carnivores (Hubbs
and others 2004).
Specimens Examined
OHIO: Ottawa Co. Lake Erie, Alligator bar, SW Shore Gibraltar,
Gibraltar Island, Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.657450N -82.822980W, VI:19:2013,
EEOB 5930, (N=26 [25]); Lake Erie, Eastpointe, East North Bass Island,
North Bass Island, Put-in-Bay Twp. 41.280900N -82.169910W, VIII:5:2004,
N. Utrup & EEOB621 (N=15 [14]); Lake Erie, NE Island, Rattlesnake
Island, Trawl 0.125 mi NE of Rattlesnake Island, Put-in-Bay Twp.,
40.965000N -82.511360W (B), 41.412990N -82.507820W (E), VI:24:2013 TP
Simon & EEOB 5930 (N = 5 [5]); Lake Erie, 1.3 mi off Catawba Island,
ODNR Trawl track #021, Catawba Island, Put-in-Bay Twp. 41.561683N
-82.867983W (B), 41.556423N -82.867400W (E), VI:27:2011, TP Simon &
EEOB 621 (N=5634 [33]); Lake Erie, off Lutz Point Trawl #2, Schoolhouse
Bay, Middle Bass Island, Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.686417N -82.784533W (B),
41.685517N -82.795533W (E), VII:8:2011, TP Simon & EEOB 621 (N=3594
[30]); Lake Erie, Dock Beach, 0.5 mi N Put-in-Bay, SW Gibraltar Island,
Gibraltar Island, 41.657648W- 82.820960W, V1:25:2014, TP Simon &
EEOB 5930 (N=166 [46]); Lake Erie, NE Beach Access, NE Beach, 0.5 mi N
Put-in-Bay, Gibraltar Island, Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.657648N -82.820960W,
VI:25:2014, TP Simon & EEOB 5930, (N=166 [30]); Lake Erie, Dock
Beach, SW Gibraltar Island, 0.5 mi N Put-in-Bay, Gibraltar Island,
Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.657710N -82.821800W, VI:22:2012, TP Simon & EEOB
5930 (N=2365 [40]); Portage River, at Ohio State Rd 590 bridge, Elmore,
Elmore Twp., 41.476660N -82.953200W, VII:9:2001, NJ Utrup & EEOB
621, (N=2 [2]); Portage River, Ohio State Road 51 bridge, Elmore, Elmore
Twp., 41.476660N -82.953200W, VII:7:2000, C.L. Smith & EEOB 621
(N=17 [17]); Lake Erie, 1.3 mi off Rattlesnake Island, Rattlesnake
Island, Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.6761 ION -82.854500W (B), 41.668170N -
82.856900W (E), VI:23:2003, C.L. Smith & EEOB 621 (N=16 [16]); Lake
Erie, Lookout beach, N side Gibraltar Island, 0.6 mi N Put-in-Bay,
Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.688773N -82.820780W, VI:25:2014, TP Simon & EEOB
5930 (N=30 [30]); Lake Erie, South side End of Catawba Ave, 1.6 mi S
Put-in-Bay, South Bass Island, Put-in-Bay Twp. 41.642120N -82.836490W,
VI:27:2014, TP Simon &EEOB 5930, (N=23 [22]); Lake Erie, Trawled NE
direction off trawl position B, Schoolhouse Bay, Middle Bass Island,
Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.666928N -82.783509W (B), 41.683413N -82.783427W (E),
VI:30:2014, TP Simon & EEOB 5930, (N=26 [26]); Lake Erie, Alligator
Bar, SW Shore Gibraltar, 0.5 mi NW of Put-in-Bay, Gibraltar Island,
Put-in-Bay Twp., 41.65745N -82.822980W, VII:6:1983, RF Jezerinac (N=356
[10]); Lake Erie, 1.3 mi off Rattlesnake Island, Rattlesnake
Island-Green Island trawl track, Green Island, Putt-in-Bay Twp.,
41.676110N--82.8545W (B), 41.668170N -82.856900W, VI:27:2011, TP Simon
& EEOB 621, (N=212 [6]).
The authors appreciate the assistance of faculty, students, and
staff of the Stone Laboratory who collected, curated, and maintained the
specimens used in this study. We specifically thank Matt Thomas, Kevin
Hart, Dr. Christopher Winslow, and Dr. Jeffrey Reutter for their
support. We acknowledge the Friends of Stone Laboratory and Ohio Sea
Grant for financial support of this study.
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(1) F.T. Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University, 878 Bayview
Drive, Put-in-Bay, OH, USA (2) F.T. Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State
University and the School of Public and Enviromental Affairs, Indiana
University, 1315 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN, USA
(1) Address correspondence to Thomas P. Simon, School of Public and
Environmental Affairs, 1315 E. Tenth St., Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN 47405. E-mail:
[email protected]
Table 1
Emerald Shiner age and growth relationships based on literature
from the Great Lakes region and Midwestern United States
TL Range (mm)
Location Age 0 Age I Age II+ Study
Male 18-38 50-79 82-88 Campbell and
MacCrimmon (1970)
Female -- 51-84 85-96
Illinois -- 44 76 Dobie and others
(1948); Dobie and
others (1956)
Michigan -- 32-72 84-108 Hobbs (1922)
Ohio 35-58 33-71 64-84 Trautman (1981)
Ohio (statewide) 25-58 33-71 99 Trautman (1957)
Lake Erie, 10-23 30-63 55-89 Gray (1942)
Bass Islands
Lake Erie 5-23 -- -- Fish (1932)
Lake Erie, Current Study
Bass Islands
Male 15-33 39-78 78-111
Female 18-30 42-78 81-108
South Dakota -- 45-92 75-95 Fuchs (2011)
Wisconsin 38-45 45-61 73-95 Becker (1983)
41-53 -- -- Becker (1964)