Informal Economies, Information and the Environment.
"If household and firm activities are not observable by
government, then they may not be observable by those affected by
environmental degradation either.... [W]e have a regulatory challenge:
when information is scarce, private bargaining is unlikely to suffice
... and government will lack a basis for regulatory action."
Many less developed countries (LDCs) contain sizeable shadow
economies. For example, informal economic activity constitutes perhaps
70 percent of the GDP of Nigeria and Egypt, and perhaps as much as 30
percent of the GDP of Chile, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay and
Colombia.(1) The magnitude of the shadow economy in these and other
countries may have serious environmental consequences. Environmental
regulators seeking to provide incentives for environmental protection
and conservation, for example, face enormous difficulties in monitoring
and enforcing laws in the shadow sector. Groups and individuals
operating in this sector recognize that they are not likely to be held
accountable for actions that degrade environmental quality. The lack of
accountability and incentives to comply with strong environmental
standards raises the possibility that parties operating in the shadow
sector will engage in activities that threaten the quality of the
environment. This includes activities that cause an increase in the
number of hazardous waste sites, the degradation of local air and water
quality, species loss and total greenhouse gas emissions.
While informal sectors exist in all economies, the impact of
unobserved economic activity on the environment might be more intense in
developing countries for at least four reasons: first, as suggested
above, the shadow sectors of LDCs are likely to represent a higher
proportion of gross GDP than in developed countries; second, LDCs
characteristically have more relatively rural and unpopulated areas, in
which the inhabitants lack sufficient incentives (economic or otherwise)
to motivate well-defined property rights;(2) next, developing countries
are poorer, and thus their governments have fewer resources with which
to monitor polluters; and finally, if environmental health is understood
as a "luxury good"(3) then developing countries may lack the
motivation to develop institutions that expose shadow sectors to
Given the challenge shadow economies pose to environmental
regulators, are there strategies that a well-intentioned government can
pursue to mitigate environmental damage? This paper will investigate
three major related questions:
1. How does the existence of shadow sectors affect the design of
environmental regulation?
2. How might regulators set environmental policies if they had more
information concerning economic activity within shadow sectors?
3. Could economic development (including income growth) and
increased international trade help "lift the shadow" and thus
aid environmental regulators in pursuing accountability?
In general, environmental economic policies should provide
appropriate incentives for firms and households to reduce environmental
degradation. Designed appropriately, such government intervention can
guide markets toward outcomes that are socially preferable if, as
expected, these actors ignore to some extent the environmental
consequences of their actions. Appropriate intervention, however, may
require expensive studies to gather useful information regarding actors
in the shadow economy. Thus, regulators may choose not to gather this
Consider the underlying policy problems: firms and households make
millions of choices every day which go unobserved by regulators and may
have an impact on the environment. These are choices such as: the
quantity and type of fuel to use; or, whether to dump hazardous wastes
or dispose of them properly If a regulator observed each activity and
thereby knew how much damage was caused, they could provide appropriate
incentives--facing polluters with the full costs of their activities.
For example, this could be accomplished by instituting a tax equal to
the environmental damage of each activity. Even in well-developed
regulatory systems, however, it is costly (in time and money) to obtain
information regarding all of the activities that occur, the damages they
cause and the costs of reducing pollution. Thus, in shadow economies,
where much of the economic activity is not officially observed, policy
options may be quite limited.(4)
In the view of many policymakers and citizens, limitations on
policy choices also arise due to an important tradeoff: environmental
protection may hinder production and consumption.(5) This is especially
noteworthy considering the low levels of consumption in developing
economies containing substantial shadow sectors. For example, in New
England, restricting fishing to protect fish stock lowered incomes and
increased unemployment among fishermen. A ban on logging to protect the
spotted owl likewise encountered great resistance from logging
communities in the northwest United States. Both of these cases
highlight the difficulties in designing and implementing environmental
policy, even in developed countries. Likewise, an LDC government seeking
to restrict entry into a tropical forest in order to protect species may
threaten the well-being of those generating income--or subsistence--from
the forest. Without suggesting how a society or policymaker should value
any of these, it is important to remember the tradeoffs inherent in
making environmental policy
This paper considers the set of strategies available to an
environmental regulator with limited information. We study how the
existence of large, informal sectors affects the choices that regulators
make in limiting environmental damage, and then consider the effects of
economic growth on environmental quality, including the possibility that
growth may actually promote the formalization of what might otherwise be
"shadow" sectors. After more fully describing some underlying
policy problems, we consider policymaking conditions distinguished by
the amount of information available: policies made without information;
policies made with limited information; and policy situations in which
more information is available.
To judge the benefits of environmental regulation, it is important
to imagine the environmental consequences of an average person's
daily behavior in an economy that features no regulation. In an LDC,
bathing and cooking breakfast requires high-polluting fuels, such as
coal, wood, or even dung, which are cheap to purchase but will increase
local air pollution. Commuting to work contributes little to local air
pollution if one walks; while a person who rides a bus or drives a car
will contribute to local air pollution and global greenhouse gas
production. A manufacturing job may contribute to water and air
pollution. After work, a fish dinner may be provided by fishing that is
unregulated at the local lake. This lake may be polluted by runoff from
the household's daily water use, perhaps threatening the health of
the future fish stock and its consumers. In cooking this dinner and in
keeping his home comfortable in the evening, additional polluting fuels
are consumed. Thus, in the absence of regulation, while some will act
responsibly in their own visible environment, few will recognize, or
care, about the environmental consequences their actions have on society
at large.
Most households recognize that they contribute to pollution, but
they are likely to view themselves as too "small" to make a
difference. Each driver in Los Angeles contributes to local smog levels,
but if any one driver reduced miles driven, air quality would improve by
almost zero. Such effects therefore seem easy to ignore, but as a whole,
households impose significant negative externalities on the environment
(that is, imposes costs on others). The social costs of driving choices
therefore exceed the private costs, and private choices can lead to
socially undesirable outcomes.
These facts suggest that government action is needed to avoid the
damage caused by such externalities. The Coase Theorem, however,
suggests that socially efficient outcomes may be achievable even in the
complete absence of government regulation. It posits that as long as
parties on either side of the debate have strong property rights (that
is, a right to pollute, or a right to not have one's environment
polluted), and so long as those affected by externalities bargain with
those whose actions cause the external effects, socially efficient
outcomes will result.(6)
When the conditions of the Coase Theorem do not hold though,
externalities will yield social inefficiency. In many cases, it simply
is not feasible, or too costly, to encourage bargaining between sides.
For instance, it is difficult and costly for a fisherman in the Gulf of
Mexico to determine precisely which parties are responsible for
agricultural runoff that pollutes the Mississippi River (which in turn,
pollutes the Gulf) much less to actually bargain with them.
For shadow economies, high costs of bargaining between parties play
a crucial role. If household and firm activities are not observable by
government, then they may not be observable by those affected by
environmental degradation either. Thus, while an affected household
could in principle identify a polluting firm and offer to pay them not
to pollute, the prospect of doing so is bleak. The costs of finding the
firm, and the difficulty of enforcing such a deal, may be too great.(7)
Thus we have a regulatory challenge: when information is scarce, private
bargaining is unlikely to suffice between households and firms and
government will lack a basis for regulatory action.
Finally, we should place this likely environmental degradation into
a few distinct settings. Rural settlers may degrade common property such
as forests and lakes. Urban households may pollute the local water
supply, exposing a large population to high pollution levels. This local
effect may be observable. Urban firms may emit particulates into the
air, affecting towns far away who will not be able to identify the
pollution source. An energy sector such as China's may affect the
entire global population because they choose to use cheap high-carbon
coal, thus increasing global greenhouse-gas emissions. In all cases, the
decision-makers recognize that the "shadow" provides
"privacy" for polluters, such that they will not be held
accountable for their actions.
If we assume that regulators have no information about household
and firm actions, then these actors are unlikely to be held accountable
for the environmental harm they cause. Consider the examples of forest
degradation and lake fishing. Nations may be able to conduct a yearly
inventory of environmental assets using satellite photos of forest cover
or sampling of fish stocks. However, the government will not know who or
what is generating the changes in those forest or fish stocks and
therefore can not take actions based on individual acts of degradation.
Suppose that households can fish each night without being detected,
and that this seems reasonable from their perspective; their catch would
not appear to threaten the supply of fish. Further, if the fish stock is
being depleted, and if this household does not catch the available fish,
then somebody else will. In aggregate, this can lead to socially
inefficient outcomes, such as a complete and irreversible elimination of
the fish stock, even in cases where many could have benefited from that
natural fish resource in the future, if it had been managed well. What
then, can the regulator do? They may wish to raise the price of access
to the lake, for instance, through a user fee. However, if they can not
observe the use of the lake, this fee can not be enforced.
Nonetheless, the regulator may be able to raise the
"price" of access, for example, by banning actions that lower
the costs of access and egress. For example, the government could ban
the construction of roads leading to the lake. If access costs are
increased, the net benefits people receive from lake fishing will
diminish, and thus, fishing would be discouraged. Naturally, this
approach may not always work, for instance, if local users access the
lake by alternative means.
Generally, though, increasing the costs of access, or increasing
the benefits of being somewhere else, affects environmental outcomes.
Consider the construction of roads in the Brazilian Amazon, which in the
past have intentionally been constructed into relatively unpopulated,
forested areas to "bring people without land to land without
people."(8) This surely reduced the costs of access to the region,
and raised the returns from economic activity (by lowering the costs of
inputs from distant markets, and raising the net prices of outputs sold
to the markets). Some argued, however, that the roads were not a big
factor. Pfaff,(9) though, finds that roads were significant determinants
of deforestation in that region. That is, access costs did affect
The study also found that the effect of increases in population on
the forest decreased with the number of people already present. This
suggests that for a given total population, aggregate impact on the
forest is smaller if the population is concentrated in a few
locations.(11) If that is the case, then for spatial planning, perhaps
good roads should be built between existing cities, (instead of out into
pristine spaces). Further, one might wish to make non-forest areas look
relatively attractive, for example, by redirecting subsidies to support
dispersed agriculture. This policy would support jobs in the urban
Would the relative benefits of living in urban areas, instead of
rural areas, significantly affect land use, and thus, forest
degradation? Pfaff looked at historical urban development in New
England.(12) Around 1830, the population started to urbanize and
spatially concentrate within cities. This was precisely the time when a
revolution in transport (railroads, canals and steamships) improved the
links from New England to the Midwest, which reduced transport costs.
The agricultural productivity of the Midwest and the drop in transport
costs meant that agriculture in New England, that is, production outside
the cities, became unattractive. Thus, people concentrated within the
cities as the region became more industrialized. It appears that this
shift in the relative benefits of producing within cities (rather than
outside) in turn permitted the return of New England forests, which had
largely been cleared. Thus, changing incentives for location can affect
the level of degradation. While this outcome was not the result of a
planned policy, it demonstrates the potential for policy options.(13)
Such stories concerning the environmental impact of 19th century US
urbanization may be relevant for developing countries. Rapid
urbanization is ongoing in these countries, as they solve sanitation and
water supply issues and education levels rise. Urbanization and reduced
fertility may reduce the number of potential participants in the rural
shadow economy, thus reducing pressure on resource extraction in the
countryside. While development economists have long bemoaned
rural-to-urban migration for various reasons, in the spirit of the New
England case, we note that one environmental benefit of this type of
urbanization is a reduction in rural degradation. This is significant if
the environmental assets of greatest value, or those, which are most
difficult to protect, exist in rural areas. However, as suggested above,
urban environmental problems also exist. For example, as more people
move to Santiago or Mexico City, air quality is further degraded and
more people may be exposed to high levels of pollution.
Finally, current environmental policy debate can be cast in terms
of how these types of problems affect individual decisions, and thus,
environmental outcomes--even in the presence of complete
"shadows" over environmental regulators. For some time,
analysts have advocated helping rural producers "intensify"
production, for example, by using fertilizer to raise the yield on the
land they are using, but to use less land, and thus clear less forest.
Recent arguments of this sort use logic akin to the arguments noted
above. While a higher yield may lead to expanded production and, also,
environmental degradation in the region where producers are already
located, it might lower the incentives for producers to move elsewhere
and begin degradation anew.(14) Thus, the current location is viewed
much as urban areas are above; that is, aiding agricultural
intensification is similar to providing subsidies for urban
employment--both try to make one location look better in order to
discourage migration elsewhere.
This section has focused on regulation "in the dark." In
reality, no national economy features complete information
"shadows" across all sectors. Imagine, then, a nation in which
60 percent of economic activity can be observed by the government (and
is taxed and regulated), while the other 40 percent is "in the
dark." This heterogeneity of information across sectors raises
another point about the location choices of polluters and the resulting
environmental consequences: attempts to enact more stringent regulation
may drive environmentally damaging activity "underground," or
"into the dark." Evidence that regulation can induce
"migration" of this type (to less intensely regulated
locations) is found in the United States. Due to differences in
geography and in the spatial agglomeration of economic activity, some
areas such as Los Angeles feature much higher air pollution levels than
other parts of the nation (such as Idaho). The Clean Air Act focuses its
regulatory intensity on areas featuring high population levels and high
pollution levels. An unintended consequence of this regulation offers an
incentive for dirty manufacturing (such as the inorganic chemicals
industry) to migrate to less intensely regulated areas. For example,
Kahn reports that greater growth in county manufacturing employment
occurs in counties where air quality is not monitored, (which serves as
a proxy for regulatory intensity) relative to counties that do monitor
air quality.(15)
The previous section focused on the scenario in which
regulators' knowledge about what occurs within the shadow sector is
extremely limited. In this section, we study a scenario where the
regulator can direct resources in order to gain improved knowledge about
polluter activity. We will assume now, that both environmental
regulators and private citizens have some ability to observe, and
perhaps contract (or base punishments upon) the activities of polluting
households and firms. For instance, it may be possible for a regulator,
at some cost, to identify a firm that has violated an environmental
regulation. In addition, it may be possible for groups of private
citizens, such as an environmental non-governmental organization (NGO),
to associate emissions to a given firm.
If a regulator can randomly audit a firm and generate enough
information to determine whether that firm is emitting in violation of
an environmental regulation, then the firm will have an incentive to
comply with the law.(16) This facilitates production of additional
information. Pfaff and Sanchirico show that in principal, the firm can
be provided with an incentive to produce information regarding its own
compliance status if it receives an offer of lowered fines for
violations (when the firm produces the evidence of violation).(17) In
particular, risk-averse firms may prefer to pay a smaller fine with
certainty, versus taking the risk of a larger fine. Thus, they may be
willing to make use of their superior information regarding their own
emissions and compliance status in order to enhance the regulator's
audit efforts.
This benchmark scheme would lower the fine proportionally to the
amount of self-investigation conducted by the firm in order to determine
compliance status. However, in a shadow economy it may be impossible to
observe the level of investigation conducted. Still, using observable
substitutes for an equal amount of self-investigation could provide
incentives for firms to produce information about their compliance
status. Briefly, three such proxies are:
1. A random audit (versus a whistleblower mailing information
generated by the self-investigation to the regulator);
2. An announcement of the findings and provision by the firm of its
self-investigation; and
3. The clean-up behavior undertaken by the firm.
The idea, however, of providing incentives for firms to generate
more information than the regulator would otherwise receive, appears to
be generally attractive. One limitation in developing countries is that
these activities would likely take place solely within the urban sector
(that is, not within remote, empty regions) since only in that setting
would the initial possibility of being caught by random audit apply.(18)
Given the partial visibility of household and firm activities, it
is not only the government, but also citizens and non-profit
organizations that help to "roll back the shadow" and push
toward better environmental outcomes, (which also leads to more
efficient social outcomes if environmental consequences have been
ignored). If information concerning polluter emissions or environmental
degradation is costly for the regulator to collect, then concerned
citizens can play a key role in providing the regulator with key
information. Households that are located next to a polluting factory
have a comparative advantage in monitoring that factory (in contrast to
an environmental bureaucrat located in the nation's capital,
hundreds of miles away). Recent World Bank research has focused on the
role of NGOs and local media in generating information about local
polluters and their emissions.(19)
Indonesia's Proper Prokasih program provides an example, in
which polluters are assigned one of five colors signifying their degree
of environmental friendliness. In a highly publicized report, polluting
factories suffer a "Day of Shame" if they are reported as
being polluters. As a result, factories that care about their reputation
have an incentive to become more "green." As the World Bank
research points out, firms do not operate in a social vacuum. Polluters
may face demands for compensation by community groups, social ostracism of firm employees, threats of physical violence, boycotts or negative
publicity Thus, a regulator, by using the information on levels of
pollution can in a sense deputize local citizens to hold polluting firms
accountable for their actions. Other nations such as the Philippines,
Mexico and Colombia have initiated similar programs. These
information-based policies are useful in shadow sectors, because they
increase accountability
More generally, there is now a growing trend in which nations are
using information as a regulatory mechanism. For example, the Toxic
Release Inventory (TRI) was started in 1986 in the United States in
order to empower the local constituency The TRI mandates disclosure of
toxic releases and transfers by US industrial facilities. Substantial
penalties are imposed for failure to comply with reporting requirements.
Thus, the TRI is a public information tool. Using the TRI as objective
evidence, local governments and citizens can use this information to
take actions, such as filing a lawsuit against a local polluter. While
informing citizens and consumers may well have real effects, we should
investigate systematically whether a TRI does in fact have substantial
effects.(20) Note that the TRI itself is an example of the regulator
taking self-reported data on firms' emissions and sharing this
information with local concerned citizens. Shadow economies present the
opposite scenario. The regulator knows nothing about what is going on in
the shadow sector while households living near the polluter may possess
better information. Ideally, concerned citizens should "build"
the data set for the regulator, which would help to identify the heavy
polluters. Armed with the information from these informal audits, which
aggregates reports of concerned citizens, the regulator then could take
steps to mitigate environmental externalities.
We might even ask whether, given citizen action and an activist
media, environmental regulators are needed for socially efficient
outcomes. Looking again at the research, we note potential problems with
over-reliance on citizen-based environmental monitoring. In some nation,
such as Brazil and Indonesia, the government undertakes little
inspection, but responds to citizen complaints. One clear problem that
this method presents is that citizens complain only about what they
perceive. Yet not all environmental hazards are perceived. In China,
World Bank research documents that citizens are not complaining about
invisible hazards. Despite the fact that experts who work for the
government may have the technical ability to conduct complex audits and
detect such hazards. While citizens could in principle hire experts, it
may be that when expenditures are involved, collective action failures
become significant. That is, individual households may "free
ride" on others' contributions. They may not take private
costly action s to monitor a local polluter, hoping that someone else
will bear the auditing costs.
In considering whether further regulation is needed "in the
shadows," we might revisit the Coaseian idea of bargaining and
cooperation (which occurs between the actors causing the problem and
those affected). If household and firm actions are to some extent
observable, then perhaps different parties could contract with each
other to achieve socially efficient outcomes.
First, private citizens may be able to obtain and use more
information about the activities of other private citizens than the
government. Compared to a national government, which may be located in a
distant urban center, NGOs and the local media may have an advantage in
collecting valid data. The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh provides a fine
example of how to use information as an advantage to providing
incentives. At Grameen, peer monitoring and credit contracts make groups
of citizens jointly liable for each other's debts. These
characteristics strengthen the ability of the bank to extend (micro-)
credit productively where other actors have failed due to informational
Second, citizen groups possessing information regarding each
other's activities can interact to efficiently manage a commonly
owned resource (especially when their information is of better quality
than that possessed by the government). Empirical evidence suggests that
this can indeed happen.(21) The Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer and subsequent actions regulating
ozone-depleting chemicals serve well as evidence that given some
information, countries can participate in cooperative arrangements that
are similar (even countries with large shadow sectors). While this may
not happen, the possibility of cooperation contrasts with our gloomy
assumptions about degradation in the absence of centralized public
Providing theoretical support for this idea, Sethi and
Somanathan(22) note that cooperative behavior could arise, such as in
the ways mentioned in Dasgupta's discussion of the literature:(23)
1. Communities may function like small states with authority
structures sufficient to coerce individuals;
2. Cooperation may be in equilibrium in a game-theoretic structure
with the threat of sanctions in a dynamic setting; and
3. Self-interest may be superseded as a motivation for behavior by
norms internalized by community members.
The authors then provide a distinct theoretical explanation for why
such cooperation arises; one that can be seen as a framework for
establishing which norms can be internalized. They demonstrate that
cooperative behavior guided by social norms of restraint and punishment
can be stable, despite the potential for self-interested behavior. While
price, technology and social parameters may cause this sort of
cooperation to collapse, it is worth noting the potential for stable
cooperative equilibria.
Thus, given less-than-complete shadow economies, regulatory
initiatives along with private information provision and private
cooperation offers hope for avoiding socially inefficient outcomes.
However, while both private approaches offer hope for doing so without
government intervention, the World Bank perspective on the experiences
with information-provision, and the fact that private cooperation
depends on a certain set of socioeconomic conditions, suggests that
social efficiency may depend on regulation.
For the government, technological advances, such as recording
emissions with remote sensing technology, may offer new opportunities to
"lift the shadow" by reducing the cost of learning about the
degradation caused by the shadow sector. In some developing countries,
such as Peru, it has been estimated that over 80 percent of the bus
fleet are part of the shadow economy Since the transportation sector is
a major contributor to local particulate and smog levels, this suggests
that environmental regulators may have little ability to reduce overall
emissions through regulations. However, engineers have de. signed
remote-sensing devices that would allow the authorities to locate high
polluters. This may permit the appropriate incentives for bus owners in
Peru; if they know they are likely to pay a hefty fine if ticketed for
an "emissions violation," bus owners may purchase cleaner
buses and maintain them better. Thus, lowering information costs through
technology can have. significant effects on environmental outcomes.
Developed countries feature more environmental regulation and
smaller shadow sectors than LDCs. Does development, then, improve
environmental quality by reducing the shadow sector and allow regulators
to tackle observable environmental externalities? Macroeconomic research
has documented the growth in per capita real income within and across
nations--and that such shifts can have real effects. Note that a nation
whose GNP grows at 3 percent per year will double its per capita income in 24 years. But does economic growth generate the information necessary
for effective regulation?
Consider first how individuals will react to increased income in
the absence of regulation. As often pointed out by environmentalists,
the typical household consumes more as income rises. This suggests
increased environmental degradation as incomes rise. Another effect of
income growth though, is an increased demand for higher quality products
and a higher quality of life, which even economists recognize is not
fully measured by consumption of marketed goods. As nations become
wealthier, individuals may choose to exercise their options to incur
extra expense on environmental preservation and protection. This
individual-choice behavior leads to shifts both in how goods are made,
and in which goods are produced and consumed.
It is important to recognize that the overall effect of economic
growth is not clear. For instance, improvements in quality of life may
result from increased consumption of marl, et goods. Economic
development can lead to degradation of environmental quality because the
economy may become industrialized as a result of generating jobs for the
consumption lifestyle that people demand. For example, if production
involves more heavy manufacturing and consumers demand more vehicles per
capita, the environment will suffer from economic growth. In this way,
the demands for environmental quality of life and for increased
consumption can be opposed.
Environmental regulation appears to be more likely to be enacted
and enforced in wealthier nations. In the United States, for instance,
the Environmental Protection Agency came into existence only in 1970,
following a period of post-war prosperity Further, the regulatory
apparatus and budgets that render regulations less like "paper
tigers" (compared to other countries' tough-sounding laws)
have only evolved over time. It is a commitment to infrastructure behind
the laws that generates the information needed for enforcement. And
again, the fact that this was a set of politically viable actions would
appear to be linked to increases in household income.(24) Research also
supports this claim: Kahn and Matsusaka's analysis of environmental
referenda in California reveals a positive effect of household income
and education on the choice to support greater environmental
Economic models of comparative advantage and specialization suggest
that both individuals and nations become richer when they have the
opportunity to trade with others. If international trade increases
national income, then following the reasoning above, a nation that
increases its trade may devote greater resources to environmental
protection.(26) Conversely trade may increase the demand for the shadow
sector's output and thus encourage greater resource degradation in
the unregulated sector. Thus, trade could be damaging by increasing
exposure to external demand for degrading activities (in particular, if
partial information makes regulation difficult). For instance, greater
demand for resources or resource-intensive goods may increase strip
mining of extractable resources. Or, if Asian demand for ivory from
Zambia is high, then increased trade between Asia and Zambia may
translate into increased degradation of wildlife stocks.
Economists have identified three impacts of growing world trade on
the environment. These have been labeled "scale, composition and
technology effects."(27) Regarding composition, there is concern
that international trade will lead to poor countries becoming
"pollution havens."(28) Poor countries may choose to develop
by specializing in highly polluting activities, that is, by shifting
production towards goods that are "dirty" to produce (note
that firms may make this choice more often if informational shadows
lower the risk of being fined). However, the empirical literature has
found little evidence that poor countries are becoming major pollution
havens (perhaps attributable to transportation costs over long
distances).(29) For technology, trade may lead to technology transfers
to developing countries from wealthier countries that are not only more
productive in terms of output, but also relatively "cleaner."
Also, greater international integration may increase environmental
protection if citizens of developed countries are willing to pay to
protect environmental assets. Eco-tourism is a prime example: US
citizens who will pay to visit an African wildlife area provide a
monetary incentive for African villages to preserve wildlife (for
example, to monitor anti-wildlife activity within the village). Or,
since citizens of developed countries may be concerned about the
deforestation of the Amazon, the creation of new markets and trade in
forest preservation (that is, payments for carbon sequestration under
the Kyoto Protocol,(30) pharmaceuticals or sustainable wood products)
may create new methods to finance protection of forests. In shadow
economies where local citizens may have the best information, it is
important to recognize that this creates local incentives to monitor.
Greater openness may also increase the likelihood that global
environmental treaties are signed and enforced. This can be viewed as
benefits to trade within international relations; countries that are in
contact with each other can bargain through "issue linkage."
For instance, the US held out on ratification of NAFTA, and thus
withheld economic benefits from Mexico until language was added to the
treaty regarding environmental protection within Mexico. Since Mexico
could do whatever it wanted to do within its own borders regarding the
environment, it had to be "paid" with economic benefits in
order to do what the US preferred. Generally, we can think of
sovereignty as entitlement to property rights that sets up Coase Theorem
bargaining once countries are willing to have dialogue. Another example
of this is that China can do as it wishes with Chinese coal, even if its
airborne emissions affect Japan. We might expect, then, that the
wealthier country will "pay" in negotiations; for example,
Japan can give China cleaner coal technology. However, we must recall
the shadow-economy perspective on this point about integration. When a
country has the best information about activities within its own
borders, it may be that monitoring of such treaties is difficult, since
monitoring across borders inherently takes place "in the
We began with the view that if household and firm activities have
effects on others not involved in those activities, then unregulated
private choices lead to socially inefficient outcomes. Further,
efficient regulation of those activities requires a fair amount of
information. This suggests the difficulty of environmental regulation
teat would achieve a socially efficient balance of consumption and
environmental protection in countries featuring significant shadow
Thus, in shadow economies, where one defining property is that much
of the economic activity is not observed (or at least not officially
observed), we must expect that policy limitations may be severe. We
suggested, though, that even if no information exists, there are actions
a regulator or government could take to influence individual decisions
regarding their damaging activities, and therefore influence
environmental outcomes. These policy actions can lower the returns from
damaging activities and raise the returns of alternative activities.
Also, when less-than-ideal information may be available, a
regulator could use this information to set incentives for cleaner
activities and for those regulated to produce additional information. In
addition, if government regulation is simply not feasible or
cost-effective, recent experience has suggested that some informal
"regulation" can be achieved by providing the information that
exists about firms to the public, who may then confront the firms.
Further, private actor's such as NGOs may be able to get better
information than the government, and may act in concert with private
individuals to efficiently manage commonly-owned local resources. In
general, however, it appears that a socially efficient balance requires
some level of regulation.
The final section of the paper considered effects of economic
development on the environment and on generation of information for
environmental regulation. We are conscious that consumption growth
causes environmental degradation, and that the political process may not
permit sufficient regulation to solve environmental problems that even
citizens would like to address. For example, even if most voters
preferred more regulation, lobbying and campaign donations might prevent
it. On the other hand, we expect that increasing incomes will lead to
greater preference being expressed for an improved environment,
including the creation of a regulatory infrastructure that generates the
information necessary to roll back the shadow and achieve environmental
Throughout this paper we have assumed complete integrity of
environmental regulators seeking to achieve socially efficient balances
by internalizing environmental effects. This simply may not be the case.
While economic research has increasingly focused on government
corruption, and more generally, on the potential gap between the agendas
of regulators and their constituencies, we know of little research which
focuses on the impact of corruption on enforcement of environmental
regulation. Further, there is reason to be more worried about this in a
shadow setting, where the actions of firms are difficult to observe.
The need for an actor with the public interest in mind, and perhaps
also, better information than the government, is apparent. In this
setting, local NGOs play an important role in investigating and
publicizing environmental abuses; for example, "Days of Shame"
can be used to discipline not only socially irresponsible firms but also
socially irresponsible officials. How environmental accountability can
be achieved "in the shadows" is an important area for further
(1) See capstone article in this issue: Matthew Fleming, John Roman
and Graham Farrell, "The Shadow Economy," Journal of
International Affairs, 53, no. 2 (Spring 2000).
(2) Looking across a country, county size often shrinks as
population density and economic activity increase. Regulatory
infrastructure per unit area is a function of activity levels (which
creates a need to adjudicate more issues).
(3) "Luxury goods" can be thought of as items for which
demand rises significantly only at income levels where basic consumption
has already been satisfied.
(4) The longstanding push by environmental economists for
"market-based policy instruments" in place of "uniform
standards" (or "command-and-control" regulations)
reflects precisely this informational issue, given the reasonable
assumption that different firms have different costs of controlling
pollution. Command-and-control regulations are seen as inefficient,
since they mandate that each firm takes the same pollution-control
actions while an efficient intervention would trade off benefits and
costs of regulation and thus permit different levels of pollution
abatement by different firms. However, it's not firm-specific
mandates per se, which are the problem; if a regulator could observe
each firm's costs of pollution abatement, she could set different
mandates for each firm. The problem is that for lack of such
information, mandates are not usually differentiated in this way. Given
the cost of getting this information and thus the likelihood that the
regulator will lack this information, environmental economists push for
policy instruments which provide firms with the right incentives to make
use of their own, superior information about their own costs of
pollution abatement. If the regulator possesses information about the
benefits of regulation, this can allow for each firm's action to
equate its costs with those benefits, and thus for efficiency. If the
regulator is not sure about the precise benefits but has chosen to
implement a given environmental standard, this can allow for that
standard to be achieved in the least costly fashion, an outcome which is
often described as "cost-effectiveness."
(5) Some, notably Michael E. Porter and Claas van der Linde,
"Toward a New Conception of the Environment-Competitiveness
Relationship," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, no. 4 (1995)
pp. 97-118, argue that environmental policies can be
"win-win," and can increase not only environmental quality but
also economic activity. The more common view among economists is that
there may be occasional and small economic gains from such policies, but
even if so, these are generally more than cancelled out by losses in
economic activity. The view that we are normally trading off these net
economic losses against the environmental gains from regulation has been
put forth by many, including recently, Karen Palmer, Wallace E. Oates
and Paul R. Portney, "Tightening Environmental Standards: The
Benefit-Cost or the No-Cost Paradigm?," Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 9, no. 4 (1995) pp. 119-132.
(6) In particular, it does not matter who has good property rights;
the efficient outcome should result from bargaining. Of course, the
party possessing the property right determines who makes the payment in
order to permit shifts in the outcome.
(7) Here we assumed that governments and citizens would have the
same information regarding polluters. It is also possible that private
citizens who are affected will have better information, in particular,
if they live near polluters.
(8) Susanna Hecht and Alexander Cockburn, The Fate of the Forest:
Developers, Destroyers, and Defenders of the Amazon (London: Harper
Collins, 1990); provide this cite from General Emilio Medici, and
further quote General Golbery de Couto de Silva as referring to
"vast hinterlands waiting and hoping to be aroused to life and to
fulfill their historic destiny"
(9) Alexander S.P. Pfaff, "What Drives Deforestation in the
Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from Satellite and Socioeconomic Data,"
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 37, no. 2 (1999) pp.
(10) Note also that in preliminary work on land use and
deforestation in Costa Rica, Kerr, Pfaff, Sanchez and Boscolo (1999)
also find that roads, along with ecological conditions, are a
significant determinant of the forest stock.
(11) Here it is important to remember that the environment has
multiple dimensions, and that an action, which lessens the expansion of
the area, used for rural production could lessen forest degradation but
increase some other form of degradation. For instance, where the
population becomes densely concentrated, air and water may get polluted.
See Pfaff (1999).
(12) Alexander S.P. Pfaff, "Benefits of Urbanization as
UnSprawl: The Return of New England Forests," submitted to Journal
of Urban Economics (2000).
(13) See Matthew Kahn, "The Silver Lining of Rust Belt Manufacturing Decline," Journal of Urban Economics, 46 (1999) pp.
360-376, which provides yet another example of environmental outcomes
affected by re-location. Here, competition from abroad makes
manufacturing in the "Rust Belt" unprofitable. This relocation
improves air quality in that area.
(14) For example, this argument appears in Anna Almeida, Luiza de
Ozorio and Joao S. Campari, Sustainable Settlement in the Brazilian
Amazon (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995) p. 189.
(15) Matthew Kahn,"Particulate Pollution Trends in the United
States," Regional Science and Urban Economics (27 February 1997)
pp. 87-107.
(16) Note that with limited resources, such audits are not going to
cover many firms, nor is an audit going to be able to consider all of
the many substances that could be emitted in violation of a regulation
(this is true even in the United States today; see, for example,
testimony by John Aloysius Riley, Director of the Litigation Support
Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission:
"Resource-restricted environmental regulatory agencies are not
capable of inspecting every regulated entity on any regular basis ...
governmental resources are spread thin" (21 May 1996, before the
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Administrative
Oversight). However, a firm does face some chance of a large fine (note
that the fine would have to be large for the firms expected fine to be
large enough to give a real incentive, since the probability of being
caught in violation will be low, as just discussed).
(17) Alexander S.P. Pfaff and Chris William Sanchirico,
"Environmental Self-Auditing: Setting the Proper Incentives for
Discovery and Correction of Environmental Harm," Journal of Law,
Economics & Organization (forthcoming 2000). The authors'
analysis was tailored to US circumstances.
(18) Another limitation on applying this to developing countries
featuring large shadow sectors is that small informal sector firms may
not have the capital to finance regulatory mandates. See, for example,
Allen Blackman and Geoffrey Bannister, "Pollution Control in the
Informal Sector: The Ciudad Juarez Brickmakers Project," Resources
for the Future Discussion Paper 98-15 (February 1998).
(19) World Bank at
(20) For instance, Linda Bui and Christopher Mayer,
"Capitalization and Regulation of Environmental Amenities: Evidence
from the Toxic Release Inventory in Massachusetts," (1999 mimeo)
look at housing prices for an indication that the release of TRI
information affects the desirability of living in a given location, but
find essentially no indication that this is the case.
(21) See E. Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of
Institutions for Collective Action (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1990); and D. Bromley et al., eds., Making the Commons Work (San
Francisco: ICS Press, 1992).
(22) R. Sethi and E. Somanathan,"The Evolution of Social Norms
in Common Property Resource Use," American Economic Review, 86, no.
4 (1996) pp. 767-788.
(23) P. Dasgupta, An Inquiry into Well-Being and Destitution (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993).
(24) Thomas M. Selden and Daqing Song, "Neoclassical Growth,
the J Curve for Abatement, and the Inverted U Curve for Pollution,"
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 29, no. 2 (September
1995) pp. 162-68.
(25) Matthew Kahn and John Matsusaka, "Environmental Demand:
Evidence From California Voting Initiatives," Journal of Law and
Economics (April 1997).
(26) Jagdish Bhagwati, "The Case for Free Trade,"
Scientific American (November 1993) pp. 41-49.
(27) Brian Copeland and Scott Taylor, "North-South Trade and
the Environment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109 (1994) pp.
(28) Judith Dean and Patrick Low, eds., "Trade and the
Environment: A Survey of the Literature," International Trade and
the Environment, World Bank Discussion Papers, no. 159 (1992).
(29) See, for example, Matthew Kahn, United States Pollution
Intensive Trade Trends From 1972 to 1992, (Columbia University mimeo
2000), where he investigates the pollution content of US trade over
(30) Forests capture carbon and store it in the plant material.
Under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol, countries
required to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions would pay poorer
unrestricted areas to permit forestry growth (through protection, for
Matthew E. Kahn is Assistant Professor of Economics and
International Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs,
Columbia University His research interests are focused in environmental
and urban economics. Professor Kahn is the author of "New Evidence
on Trends in Vehicle Emission," "Particulate Pollution Trends
in the United States" and "New Estimates of Climate Demand:
Evidence from Migration."
Alexander S.P. Pfaff is Assistant Professor of Economics and
International Affairs at the School of International and Public Affairs,
Department of Economics and Center for Environmental Research and
Conservation of Columbia University His research interests are focused
on environmental and natural resource economics and policy as well as
applied microeconomics and policy He has authored several articles,
including: "Environmental Self-Auditing: Setting the Proper
Incentives for Discovery and Correction of Environmental Harm" and
"What Drives Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon? Evidence from
Satellite and Socioeconomic Data."