1. Introduction.
Beck, Daniel ; Bosshart, Louis
"Sports and the mass media enjoy a very symbiotic relationship in American society" (McChesney, 1989, p. 49). This statement holds
true not only for the United States but also for most contemporary
industrialized societies. The "very symbiotic relationship"
between the media and sports has profoundly affected both participants.
And the advertising industry forms an important part of the
relationship. Both sports and mass media keep trying to reach people as
spectators, fans, and consumers; both actively affect the audience as
well as the advertising market (including the sponsors).
Sport refers to a playful self-development, self-actualization, and
competitive use of physical and mental skills. The history of sport
activities is as long as the history of humans. Fitness played an
important role in human evolution. For example, hunting, one of the main
adaptive problems in evolutionary history, requires physical fitness and
good teamwork. For hunters, these qualities meant more and/or better
food; better and/or more food meant better chances in the battle for
survival. Good physical, mental, and social shape improved the chances
to successfully protect groups and tribes from other groups of
aggressive intruders. Because of this connection, we can say that the
first sportsmen were hunters and soldiers. Indeed, there are strong
theories of sports being symbolic hunts, either for other humans or for
Most civilizations know sport activities of an elementary nature:
running; boxing; wrestling; animal fights; horse races; throwing the
javelin, the discus, or stones; archery; swimming; dancing; etc. No
wonder contemporary players and fans still find sports very attractive.
The development of sports from pre-historic times until now is a
function of industrialization, modernization, and telecommunication.
In themselves, sports provide reliable mirrors of societies. They
reflect social values that can extend from individual values like
discipline, asceticism, and self control to collective values like
sportsmanship and fairness, and generally accepted values like the
belief in effort and productivity, the advantage of competition,
and--following the logic of capitalism--the survival of the fittest.
Sports also act as seismographs of social and cultural changes within
social units of any size. They are strongly linked to the prevailing
lifestyles in modern societies. Sports, to a certain degree, can even
replace a function of religions by defining a specific set and hierarchy
of values.
Sports are integrative and image building elements for individuals,
segments of societies, and entire societies. They act as unifying forces
and strong factors of socialization, improving the social acceptance of
athletes and their fans. Sports can also support social and cultural
identities and the construction of national identities.
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Daniel Beck and Louis Bosshart
University of Fribourg--Freiburg (Switzerland)
[email protected];
[email protected]