A nation still at risk.
Bennett, William J. ; Fair, Willard ; Finn, Chester E., Jr. 等
Fifteen years ago, the weaknesses of American education detailed in A
Nation at Risk catalyzed a reform movement that was supposed to
radically restructure the nation's schools. A new, follow-up report
says not much has changed.
Fifteen years ago, the National Commission on Excellence in Education
declared the United States a nation at risk. That distinguished
citizens' panel admonished the American people that "the
educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a
rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and
a people." This stark warning was heard across the land.
A decade and a half later, the risk posed by inadequate education has
changed. Our nation today does not face imminent danger of economic
decline or technological inferiority. Much about America is flourishing,
at least for now, at least for a lot of people. Yet the state of our
children's education is still far, very far, from what it ought to
be. Unfortunately, the economic boom times have made many Americans
indifferent to poor educational achievement. Too many express
indifference, apathy, a shrug of the shoulders. Despite continuing
indicators of inadequacy, and the risk that this poses to our future
well-being, much of the public shrugs and says, "Whatever."
The data are compelling. We learned in February that American
12th-graders scored near the bottom on the recent Third International
Math and Science Study (TIMSS): U.S. students placed 19th out of 21
developed nations in math and 16th out of 21 in science. Our advanced
students did even worse, scoring dead last in physics. This evidence
suggests that, compared to the rest of the industrialized world, our
students lag seriously in critical subjects vital to our future.
That's a national shame.
Today's high-school seniors had not even started school when the
Excellence Commission's report was released. A whole generation of
young Americans has passed through the education system in the years
since. But many have passed through without learning what is needed.
Since 1983, more than 10 million Americans have reached the 12th grade
without having learned to read at a basic level. More than 20 million
have reached their senior year unable to do basic math. Almost 25
million have reached 12th grade not knowing the essentials of U.S.
history. And those are the young people who complete their senior year.
In the same period, more than 6 million Americans dropped out of high
school altogether. The numbers are even bleaker in minority communities.
In 1996, 13 percent of all blacks aged 16 to 24 were not in school and
did not hold a diploma. Seventeen percent of first-generation Hispanics
had dropped out of high school, including a tragic 44 percent of
Hispanic immigrants in this age group. This is another lost generation.
For them the risk is grave indeed.
To be sure, there have been gains during the past 15 years, many of
them inspired by the Excellence Commission's clarion call. Dropout rates declined and college attendance rose. More high-school students
are enrolling in more challenging academic courses. With more students
taking more courses and staying in school longer, it is indeed puzzling
that student achievement has remained largely flat and that enrollment
in remedial college courses has risen to unprecedented levels.
The Risk Today
Contrary to what so many seem to think, this is no time for
complacency. The risk posed to tomorrow's well-being by the sea of
educational mediocrity that still engulfs us is acute. Large numbers of
students remain at risk. Intellectually and morally, America's
educational system is failing far too many people.
Academically, we fall off a cliff somewhere in the middle and upper
grades. Internationally, U.S. youngsters hold their own at the
elementary level but falter in the middle years and drop far behind in
high school. We seem to be the only country in the world whose children
fall farther behind the longer they stay in school. That is true of our
advanced students and our so-called good schools, as well as those in
the middle.
Remediation is rampant in college, with some 30 percent of entering
freshmen (including more than half at the sprawling California State
University system) in need of remedial courses in reading, writing, and
mathematics after arriving on campus. Employers report difficulty
finding people to hire who have the skills, knowledge, habits, and
attitudes they require for technologically sophisticated positions.
Silicon Valley entrepreneurs press for higher immigration levels so they
can recruit the qualified personnel they need. Though the pay they offer
is excellent, the supply of competent U.S.-educated workers is too
meager to fill the available jobs.
In the midst of our flourishing economy, we are re-creating a dual
school system, separate and unequal, almost half a century after
government-sanctioned segregation was declared unconstitutional. We face
a widening and unacceptable chasm between good schools and bad, between
those youngsters who get an adequate education and those who emerge from
school barely able to read and write. Poor and minority children, by and
large, go to worse schools, have less expected of them, are taught by
less knowledgeable teachers, and have the least power to alter bad
situations. Yet it's poor children who most need great schools.
If we continue to sustain this chasm between the educational haves
and have-nots, our nation will face cultural, moral, and civic peril.
During the past 30 years, we have witnessed a cheapening and coarsening
of many facets of our lives. We see it, among other places, in the
squalid fare on television and in the movies. Obviously the schools are
not primarily responsible for this degradation of culture. But we should
be able to rely on our schools to counter the worst aspects of popular
culture, to fortify students with standards, judgment, and character.
Trashy American culture has spread worldwide; educational mediocrity has
not. Other nations seem better equipped to resist the Hollywood invasion
than is the land where Hollywood is located.
Delusion and Indifference
Regrettably, some educators and commentators have responded to the
persistence of mediocre performance by engaging in denial,
self-delusion, and blame shifting. Instead of acknowledging that there
are real and urgent problems, they deny that there are any problems at
all. Some have urged complacency, assuring parents in leafy suburbs that
their own children are doing fine and urging them to ignore the poor
performance of our elite students on international tests. Broad hints
are dropped that, if there's a problem, it's confined to other
people's children in other communities. Yet when attention is
focused on the acute achievement problems of disadvantaged youngsters,
many educators seem to think that some boys and girls-especially those
from the "other side of the tracks"-just can't be
expected to learn much.
Then, of course, there is the fantasy that America's education
crisis is a fraud, something invented by enemies of public schools. And
there is the worrisome conviction of millions of parents that, whatever
may be ailing U.S. education in general, "my kid's school is
Now is no time for complacency. Such illusions and denials endanger
the nation's future and the future of today's children. Good
education has become absolutely indispensable for economic success, both
for individuals and for American society. More so today than in 1983,
the young person without a solid education is doomed to a bleak future.
Good education is the great equalizer of American society. Horace
Mann termed it the "balance wheel of the social machinery,"
and that is even more valid now. As we become more of a meritocracy the
quality of one's education matters more. That creates both
unprecedented opportunities for those who once would have found the door
barred-and huge new hurdles for those burdened by inferior education.
America today faces a profound test of its commitment to equal
educational opportunity. This is a test of whether we truly intend to
educate all our children or merely keep everyone in school for a certain
number of years; of whether we will settle for low levels of performance
by most youngsters and excellence only from an elite few. Perhaps
America can continue to prosper economically so long as only some of its
citizens are well educated. But can we be sure of that? Should we settle
for so little? What about the wasted human potential and blighted lives
of those left behind?
Our nation's democratic institutions and founding principles
assume that we are a people capable of deliberating together. We must
decide whether we really care about the debilitating effects of mediocre
schooling on the quality of our politics, our popular culture, our
economy and our communities, as dumbing-down infiltrates every aspect of
society. Are we to be the land of Jefferson and Lincoln or the land of
Beavis and Butthead?
The Real Issue Is Power
The Excellence Commission had the right diagnosis but was vague-and
perhaps a bit na[epsilon]ve-as to the cure. The commissioners trusted
that good advice would be followed, that the system would somehow fix
itself, and that top-down reforms would suffice. They spoke of
"reforming our educational system in fundamental ways." But
they did not offer a strategy of political or structural change to turn
these reforms into reality. They underestimated, too, the resilience of
the status quo and the strength of the interests wedded to it. As former
commissioner (and Minnesota governor) Albert Quie says, "At that
time I had no idea that the system was so reluctant to change."
The problem was not that the Excellence Commission had to content
itself with words. (Those are the only tools at our disposal, too.) In
fact, its stirring prose performed an important service. No, the problem
was that the commission took the old ground rules for granted. In urging
the education system to do more and better, it assumed that the system
had the capacity and the will to change.
Alas, this was not true. Power over our education system has been
increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few who don't really
want things to change, not substantially, not in ways that would really
matter. The education system's power brokers responded to the
commission, but only a little. The commission asked for a yard, and the
"stakeholders" gave an inch. Hence much of A Nation at
Risk's wise counsel went unheeded, and its sense of urgency has
Today we understand that vast institutions don't change just
because they should-especially when they enjoy monopolies. They change
only when they must, only when their survival demands it. In other parts
of American life, stodgy, self-interested monopolies are not tolerated.
They have been busted up and alternatives created as we have realized
that large bureaucratic structures are inherently inefficient and
unproductive. The private sector figured this out decades ago. The
countries of the former Soviet empire are grasping it. Even our federal
government is trying to "reinvent" itself around principles of
competition and choice. President Clinton has declared that "the
era of Big Government is over." It should now be clear to all that
the era of the Big Government monopoly in public education needs to end
as well.
The fortunate among us continue to thrive within and around the
existing education system, having learned how to use it, to bend its
rules, and to sidestep its limitations. The well-to-do and powerful know
how to coexist with the system, even to exploit it for the benefit of
their children. They supplement it. They move in search of the best it
has to offer. They pay for alternatives.
But millions of Americans-mainly the children of the poor and
minorities-don't enjoy those options. They are stuck with what
"the system" dishes out to them, and all too often they are
stuck with the least qualified teachers, the most rigid bureaucratic
structures, the fewest choices and the shoddiest quality. Those parents
who yearn for something better for their children lack the power to make
it happen. They lack the power to shape their own lives and those of
their children.
Here is a question for our times: Why aren't we as outraged
about this denial of Americans' educational rights as we once were
about outright racial segregation?
The Next Civil Rights Frontier
Equal educational opportunity is the next great civil rights issue.
We refer to the true equality of opportunity that results from providing
every child with a first-rate primary and secondary education, and to
the development of human potential that comes from meeting intellectual,
social, and spiritual challenges. The educational gaps between
advantaged and disadvantaged students are huge, handicapping poor
children in their pursuit of higher education, good jobs, and a better
In today's schools, far too many disadvantaged and minority
students are not being challenged. Far too many are left to fend for themselves when they need instruction and direction from highly
qualified teachers. Far too many are passed from grade to grade, left to
sink or swim. Far too many are advanced without even learning to read,
though proven methods of teaching reading are now well-known. They are
given shoddy imitations of real academic content, today's
equivalent of Jim Crow math and back-of-the-bus science. When so little
is expected and so little is done, such children are victims of failed
public policy.
John Gardner asked in 1967 whether Americans "can be equal and
excellent" at the same time. Three decades later, we have failed to
answer that question with a "yes." We have some excellent
schools-we obviously know how to create them-and yet we offer an
excellent education only to some children. And that bleak truth is
joined to another: Only some families have the power to shape their
children's education.
This brings us to a fundamental if perhaps unpleasant reality: As a
general rule, only those children whose parents have power end up with
an excellent education.
The National Commission on Excellence in Education believed that this
reality could be altered by asking the system to change. Today we know
better. It can only be altered by shifting power away from the system.
That is why education has become a civil rights issue. A
"right," after all, is not something you beg the system for.
If the system gets to decide whether you will receive it or not,
it's not a right. It's only a right when it belongs to you and
you have the power to exercise it as you see fit-when you are your own
power broker.
Inside the Classroom
Fortunately, we know what works when it comes to good education. We
know how to teach children to read. We know what a well-trained teacher
does. We know how an outstanding principal leads. We know how to run
outstanding schools. We have plenty of examples, including schools that
succeed with extremely disadvantaged youngsters.
Immanuel Kant said, "The actual proves the possible." If it
can happen in five schools, it can happen in five thousand. This truly
is not rocket science. Nor is it a mystery. What is mysterious is why we
continue to do what doesn't work. Why we continue to do palpable
harm to our children.
Let us be clear: All schools should not be identical. There are
healthy disagreements and legitimate differences on priorities. Some
teachers like multi-age grouping. Others prefer traditional age-grades.
Some parents want their children to sit quietly in rows while others
want them to engage in hands-on "experiential learning." So be
it. Ours is a big, diverse country. But with all its diversity, we
should agree at least to do no harm, to recognize that some practices
have been validated while others have not. People's tastes in
houses vary, too, yet all residences must comply with the fire code.
While differing in design and size and amenities, all provide shelter,
warmth, and protection. In other words, all provide the basics.
Guiding Principles
A. Public education-that is, the public's responsibility for the
education of the rising generation-is one of the great strengths of
American democracy. Note, however, that public education may be
delivered and managed in a variety of ways. We do not equate public
education with a standardized and hierarchical government bureaucracy,
heavy on the regulation of inputs and processes and staffed exclusively
by government employees. Today's public school, properly construed,
is any school that is open to the public, paid for by the public, and
accountable to public authorities for its results.
B. The central issues today have to do with excellence for all our
children, with high standards for all teachers and schools, with options
for all families and educators, and with the effectiveness of the system
as a whole. What should disturb us most about the latest international
results is not that other countries' best students outstrip our
best; it is that other countries have done far better at producing both
excellence and equity than has the United States.
C. A vast transfer of power is needed from producers to consumers.
When it comes to education reform, the formulation of the Port Huron
Statement (1962) was apt: "Power to the people." There must be
an end to paternalism, the one-size-fits-all structure, and the
condescending, government-knows-best attitude. Every family must have
the opportunity to choose where its children go to school.
D. To exercise their power wisely and make good decisions on behalf
of their children, education's consumers must be well-informed
about school quality, teacher qualifications, and much else, including,
above all, the performance of their own children vis-[alpha]-vis high
standards of academic achievement.
Strategies for Change
We urge two main renewal strategies, working in tandem:
I. Standards, assessments and accountability.
Every student, school, and district must be expected to meet high
standards of learning. Parents must be fully informed about the progress
of their child and their child's school. District and state
officials must reward success and have the capacity-and the
obligation-to intervene in cases of failure.
II. Pluralism, competition and choice.
We must be as open to alternatives in the delivery of education as we
are firm about the knowledge and skills being delivered. Families and
communities have different tastes and priorities, and educators have
different strengths and passions. It is madness to continue acting as if
one school model fits every situation and it is a sin to make a child
attend a bad school if there's a better one across the street.
10 Breakthrough Changes for the 21st Century
1. America needs solid national academic standards and (voluntary)
standards-based assessments, shielded from government control, and
independent of partisan politics, interest groups, and fads. (A
strengthened National Assessment Governing Board would be the best way
to accomplish this.) These should accompany and complement states'
own challenging standards and tough accountability systems.
2. In a free society, people must have the power to shape the
decisions that affect their lives and the lives of their children. No
decision is more important than where and how one is educated. At
minimum, every American child must have the right to attend the
(redefined) public school of his choice. Abolish school assignments
based on home addresses. And let the public dollars to which they are
entitled follow individual children to the schools they select. Most
signers of this manifesto also believe strongly that this range of
choices-especially for poor families-should include private and
parochial schools as well as public schools of every description. But
even those not ready to take that step-or awaiting a clearer resolution
of its constitutionality-are united in their conviction that the present
authoritarian system-we choose our words carefully-must go.
3. Every state needs a strong charter-school law, the kind that
confers true freedom and flexibility on individual schools, that
provides every charter school with adequate resources, and that holds it
strictly accountable for its results.
4. More school choice must be accompanied by more choices worth
making. America needs to enlarge its supply of excellent schools. One
way to do that is to welcome many more players into public education.
Charter schools are not the whole story. We should also harness the
ingenuity of private enterprise, of community organizations, of
"private practice" teachers and other such education
providers. Schools must be free to contract with such providers for
5. Schools must not harm their pupils. They must eschew classroom
methods that have been proven not to work. They must not force children
into programs that their parents do not want. (Many parents, for
example, have serious misgivings about bilingual education as commonly
6. Every child has the right to be taught by teachers who know their
subjects well. It is educational malpractice that a third of high-school
math teachers and two-fifths of science teachers neither majored nor
minored in these subjects while in college. Nobody should be employed
anywhere as a teacher who does not first pass a rigorous test of
subject-matter knowledge and who cannot demonstrate their prowess in
conveying what they know to children.
7. One good way to boost the number of knowledgeable teachers is to
throw open the classroom door to men and women who are well educated but
have not gone through programs of "teacher education." A NASA scientist, IBM statistician or former state governor may not be
traditionally "certified" to teach and yet may have a great
deal to offer students. A retired military officer may make a gem of a
middle-school principal. Today, Albert Einstein would not be able to
teach physics in America's public-school classrooms. That is
ridiculous. Alternative certification in all its variety should be
welcomed, and for schools that are truly held accountable for results,
certification should be abolished altogether. Colleges of education must
lose their monopoly and compete in the marketplace; if what they offer
is valuable, they will thrive.
8. High pay for great educators-and no pay for incompetents. It is
said that teaching in and leading schools doesn't pay enough to
attract a sufficient number of well-educated and enterprising people
into these vital roles. We agree. But the solution isn't
across-the-board raises. The solution is sharply higher salaries for
great educators-and no jobs at all for those who cannot do their jobs
well. Why should the principal of a failing school retain a paycheck?
Why shouldn't the head of a great school be generously rewarded?
Why should salaries be divorced from evidence of effectiveness
(including evidence that one's students are actually learning what
one is teaching them)? Why should anyone be guaranteed permanent
employment without regard to his or her performance? How can we expect
school principals to be held accountable for results if they cannot
decide whom to employ in their schools or how much to pay them?
9. The classroom must be a sanctuary for serious teaching and
learning of essential academic skills and knowledge. That means all
available resources-time, people, money-must be focused on what happens
in that classroom. More of the education dollar should find its way into
the classroom. Distractions and diversions must cease.
Desirable-but-secondary missions must be relegated to other times and
places. Impediments to order and discipline must be erased. And the
plagues and temptations of modern life must be kept far from the
classroom door. Nothing must be allowed to interfere with the ability of
a knowledgeable teacher to impart solid content to youngsters who are
ready and willing to learn it.
10. Parents, parents, parents . . . and other caring adults. It is a
fact that great schools can work miracles with children from miserable
homes and awful neighborhoods. But it is also a fact that attentive
parents (and extended families, friends, et cetera) are an irreplaceable
asset. If they read and talk to their children and help them with their
homework, schools are far better able to do their part. If good
character is taught at home (and in religious institutions), the schools
can concentrate on what they do best: conveying academic knowledge and
Hope for the Next American Century
Good things are already happening here and there. Most of the reforms
on our list can be seen operating someplace in America today. Charter
schools are proliferating. Privately managed public schools have long
waiting lists. Choices are spreading. Standards are being written and
rewritten. The changes we advocate are beginning, and we expect them to
spread because they make sense and serve children well. But they are
still exceptions, fleas on the elephant's back. The elephant still
has most of the power. And that, above all, is what must change during
the next 15 years in ways that were unimaginable during the past 15. We
must never again assume that the education system will respond to good
advice. It will change only when power relationships change,
particularly when all parents gain the power to decide where their
children go to school.
Such changes are wrenching. No monopoly welcomes competition. No
stodgy enterprise begs to be reformed. Resistance must be expected. Some
pain must be tolerated. Consider the plight of Detroit's automakers
in the 1980s. At about the same time the Excellence Commission was
urging major changes on U.S. schools, the worldwide auto market was
forcing them upon America's Big Three car manufacturers. Customers
didn't want to buy expensive, gas-guzzling vehicles with doors that
didn't fit. So they turned to reliable, inexpensive Asian and
European imports. Detroit suffered mightily from the competition. Then
it made the changes that it needed to make. Some of them were painful
indeed. They entailed radical changes in job expectations, huge
reductions in middle management, and fundamental shifts in manufacturing
processes and corporate cultures. The auto industry would not have
chosen to take this path, but it was compelled to change or disappear.
Still, resistance to structural changes and power shifts in education
must be expected. Every recommendation we have made will be fought by
the current system, whose spokesmen will claim that every suggested
reform constitutes an attack on public education. They will be wrong.
What truly threatens public education is clinging to an ineffective
status quo. What will save it are educators, parents, and other citizens
who insist on reinvigorating and reinventing it.
The stakes could not be higher. What is at stake is America's
ability to provide all its daughters and sons with necessary skills and
knowledge, with environments for learning that are safe for children and
teachers, with schools in which every teacher is excellent and learning
is central. What is at stake is parents' confidence that their
children's future will be bright thanks to the excellent education
they are getting; taxpayers' confidence that the money they are
spending on public education is well spent; employers' confidence
that the typical graduate of the typical U.S. high school will be ready
for the workplace; and our citizens' confidence that American
education is among the best in the world.
But even more is at stake than our future prosperity. Despite this
country's mostly admirable utilitarianism when it comes to
education, good education is not just about readiness for the practical
challenges of life. It is also about liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. It is about preparation for moral, ethical, and civic
challenges, for participation in a vibrant culture, for informed
engagement in one's community, and for a richer quality of life for
oneself and one's family. Test scores are important. But so, too,
are standards and excellence in our society. The decisions we make about
education are really decisions about the kind of country we want to be;
the sort of society in which we want to raise our children; the future
we want them to have; and even-and perhaps especially-about the content
of their character and the architecture of their souls. In the last
decade of this American Century, we must not be content with anything
less than the best for all our children.
On April 3, 1998, influential educators, business leaders, and
policymakers representing a variety of ideological and political
backgrounds gathered at a conference sponsored by The Heritage
Foundation, Empower America, the Center for Education Reform, and the
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation to discuss the state of the nation's
education system 15 years after the release of A Nation at Risk. At the
conference's conclusion, the attendees (listed below) endorsed A
Nation Still at Risk, the education reform manifesto published here.
Jeanne Allen Howard Fuller Will Marshall*
President Director President
Center for Education Institute for the Progressive
Reform Transformation of Institute
Leslye Arsht Marquette University Deborah McGriff
Co-Founder Senior Vice
Standards Work Carol Gambill The Edison
Math Teacher
William J. Bennett Sewickley, Penn. Michael Moe
Co-Director Senior Managing
Empower America Mike Gambill Montgomery
Business Leader
Randy Bos Sewickley, Penn. Paul Peterson
District Superintendent Professor of
Waterloo, New York P.R. Gross Harvard
Stacey Boyd Falmouth, Mass. Susan Pimentel
Founding Director Co-Founder
Academy of the Pacific Scott Hamilton Standards Work
Rim Charter Assoc. Commissioner of
Boston, Mass. Education Albert Quie
Massachusetts Former Governor
Frank Brogan Minnesota
State Commissioner of Eugene Hickok Member
Education Secretary of Education Natl. Comm. on
Florida Pennsylvania Excellence in
John Burkett E.D. Hirsch Diane Ravitch
Former Statistical Professor of English Senior Fellow
Analyst University of Virginia Brookings
Office of Educational
Research and William J. Hume Nina Shokraii
Improvement, U.S. Dept. Chairman Education
Policy Analyst
of Ed. Center for Education The Heritage
Murray Dickman Jay Sommer
President Raymond Jackson Former Teacher
of the
Pennsylvania President Year
ManufacturersAE Assn. ATOP Academies Member
Phoenix, Ariz. Natl. Comm. on
Denis Doyle Excellence in
Senior Fellow Lisa Graham Keegan
Hudson Institute Leah Vukmir
State Superintendent of Director
Dwight Evans Schools Parents Raising
Member Arizona Educational
Pa. House of Standards in
Representatives Yvonne Larsen
Board President Herbert J.
Willard Fair California State Board Research
Professor of
President of Education Education
The Urban League of Vice-chairman University of
Greater Miami Natl. Comm. on at Chicago
Excellence in Educ.
Chester E. Finn Jr.
President Thaddeus S. Lott
Thomas B. Fordham Senior Project Manager
Foundation Acres Homes Charter
Rev. Floyd Flake Houston, Texas
Allen A.M.E. Cathedral Robert Luddy
and School CEO
Queens, N.Y. Captive Aire Systems
* Mr. Marshall dissents from that portion of recommendation #2 that
would have public dollars flow to private and parochial schools on the
same basis.