Influence of digital camera errors on the photogrammetric image processing/Skaitmenines fotokameros optikos klaidu itaka atliekant fotogrametrini nuotrauku apdorojima.
Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Jurate ; Brucas, Domantas
1. Introduction
Recently the methods of digital photogrammetry based on the images
processing by the special softwares together with a 3D laser scanning
are being implemented for the 3D digitalisation of the industrial,
architectural heritage, construction site etc objects.
The images for photogrammetric purpose are taken by the analogue or
digital photo cameras. To control the precision of optical system and
compensate the optical distortions, photo cameras usually are calibrated
before the use. There are 3 different methods of optical errors
calculation (correction of principal points, focal length, and lens
distortion characteristics).
* Before surveying. In a laboratory the unknown elements of
internal orientation and distortion of lens shall be defined. The
advantage of this method is that the calibration takes place under
laboratory conditions and hence better accuracy at defining of unknown
quantities is achieved. The problem is that none of the laboratories are
available in Lithuania.
* Calibration during the image processing. The unknown parameters
are defined by means of mathematical polynomial. During the images
process ing a large number of geodetic control points is needed--it is
recommended to have at least 5 points per geometric model.
* Self-calibration. The images of a test-field with approximately
known coordinates are taken from different positions and directions. All
unknown parameters (errors of optical system) are mathematically
calculated by the overlapping areas on the images.
Determining the parameters of photo cameras (cameras calibration)
is absolutely necessary for the successful processing the images.
The purpose of the experiment described in this article--to define
how the photo camera calibration parameters (optics errors) influence
the processing of images. For such a geometric model, photo
triangulation had to be made and the results and precision of stereo
digitalization analysed.
2. Camera calibration process
Normally the camera calibration process can be divided into several
stages: test-field target images making, processing of the resulting
images and estimation of the camera parameters.
For the calibration of camera the images of the testfield should be
made at different camera positions and angles (Fig. 1).
For the successful processing of images the following is necessary:
* Small intersection angles between the viewing rays in
triangulation of the test field target should be avoided. It is
important to take the image pairs from different position in relation to
the test field.
* A stable adjustment of the principal point coordinates (interior
orientation) requires a rotation of the camera about optical axis (or
rotation of the test field).
This process is very important for achieving a suitable geometric
configuration. Otherwise the software does not check the geometry.
Unsuccessful configuration results in unreliable calibration data. The
Fig. 2 shows a proposal for taking test-field images with a stable
For processing the test-field images special Tcc software was
developed at the Laboratory of Photogrammetry of University of Bonn. The
software consists of the following modules (Abraham 2004):
* TccAdj (adjustment);
* TccImg (images importing);
* TccLut (processing results).
The software creates an approximate 3D model of the points marked
on the test-field. The coordinates are required to number the targets,
that are detected in the image and to set up correspondences between the
targets in different images. The numbers of the points are always
unique, otherwise the result of the bundle adjustment alignment will be
inadequate. The accuracy of the result can be defined by the standard
deviation and variance factor a0 of test-field points determination,
which should be smaller than 2.0. The value of the factor can be
determined after adjusting of the triangulation.
After the successful calculations of camera lens errors, which are
described by 6 parameters: [A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], [A.sub.3]--radial
symmetric distortion, [B.sub.1], [B.sub.2], [B.sub.3]--radial asymmetric
distortions, are tabled in the * .lut file (Marzan, Karara 2003; Labe,
Forstner 2004).
These parameters will later be used for correction of the camera
optical errors in images.
The correction of distortion according to the calibration results
can be performed using special Tcc DistortionCorrect software (created
at University of Bonn), which corrects the images itself, use the
calibration results during the further processing images (if such a
feature has been included in the software) (Labe, Forstner 2004).
3. Calibration of digital Canon EOS 350D camera
Calibration of photo camera used for the described project was
performed at Photogrammetric Institute of University of Bonn, using Tcc
software in 2006. The specifications of Canon Eos 350D digital camera
are shown in Table 1.
Calibration was performed using a test-field with the mark points
(Fig. 1) (Suziedelyte-Visockiene 2007). Calibration results and
precision parameters of camera are following: principal distance
(c)--3149.66 pixel; scale of images ([S.sub.xy])--0.99; definition of
principal point in the images [x.sub.0]--12.32 pixel, [y.sub.0]--3.22
pixel; radial symmetrical distortion [A.sub.1]--2.39 x [10.sup.-01]
pixel, [A.sub.2]--1.16 x [10.sup.-01] pixel; radial asymmetrical
distortion [B.sub.1]--4.78 x [10.sup.-02] pixel, [B.sub.2]--3.72 x
[10.sup.-02] pixel; rate of precision ([[sigma].sub.0])--1.4563 pixel.
Investigation in how do cameras calibration parameters influence
creation of geometric model, calculation of photo triangulation and
digitalization of model are described in the next chapter.
4. The experiment
Triangulation is highly important while making maps or plans by the
photogrammetric methods and is based on the creation of geometric model.
Photo triangulation can be created by means of dependent and independent
model methods. In case of the first method the model obtained in the
photogrammetric coordinate system is being reduced to the geodetic
coordinate system. For this purpose the mark points are placed on the
researched area or on the object and the coordinates of those marks are
being determined by means of geodetic instruments. In case of the second
method, every photogrammetric model is creating independently, i.e.
without any connecting to the geodetic coordinates (Skeivalas, 2008). At
the stereo-pair points coordinates are measured and calculated, image
orientation elements adjusted. Several independent models then are
connected to the general network by overall tie points, using the
spatial linear conformal transformation formulas. All these tasks can be
performed by the digital photogrammetric PhotoMod (Russia) system
Digital PhotoMod photogrammetric system consists of such modules:
* PhotoMod Montage Desktop, used for creating the projects and
connecting it to other modules;
* PhotoMod AT--measurement of points and creation of the geometric
* PhotoMod Solve--calculating of photo triangulation;
* PhotoMod Stereo Draw--stereo digitalization;
* PhotoMod DTM--creation of digital terrain model;
* PhotoMod Mosaic--creation of orthophotomap.
For experiment 2 overlapping images of central facade of Arnionys
mansion-house in Moletai were chosen. Images were taken by Canon EOS350D
photo camera (Fig. 3).
The correction of images was done by the Tcc DistortionCorrection
software, which was specially designed for correction of images errors
emerging from the cameras system faults (optic and electronic), i.e.
distortion and shift of the principal point in images. Then the results
of camera calibration performed by the Tcc software (* .lut format) are
needed (Chapter 3). The digital sizes of the experimental images have
changed after the correction (Table 2).
The results presented in Table 2 show that the digital sizes of
images increased approximately by 30% after the correction, though the
resolution of images have not changed.
Using the Montage Desktop module of software PhotoMod 2 projects
(Arnionys mansion-house) for the experiment were created. In the first
one the images without the correction of photo camera optics errors
(distortions) were used, in the second--the corrected images. The
geometric models were created by the PhotoMod AT module using the same
geodetic and tie points in the images (Fig. 4).
The results of precision rate of created geometric model are shown
in Table 3.
The size of a single pixel is 6.4x6.4 |im. In case of the corrected
images (the optics errors being evaluated) the parallax of point
measurement decreased by 68% and RMS--50%.
Using the PhotoMod Solve module the calculation of photo
triangulation of geometric model based on 7 points of model were made.
The coordinates of these points were known from the geodetic
measurement. Differences in coordinates of the processed points are in
Table 4.
In the above table: [E.sub.xy], [E'.sub.xy]--the x and y
coordinates differences between the photo triangulation and geodetically measured points; [E.sub.z], [E'.sub.z]--the z coordinate
differences between the photo triangulation and geodetically measured
points. In that case the geodetic measurements (performed by total
station) are considered as the reference ones.
The results of the photo triangulation increased by 530%, in case
of using the corrected images in the project.
Using the PhotoMod Stereo Draw module, the stereo digitalization of
both projects was made. The results of stereo digitalization are shown
in Fig. 5.
To evaluate the results of photo digitalisation, differences of the
same 24 points in case of both projects were calculated. The deviations
and the root mean square (RMS) of the measurements were calculated. The
calculations are in Table 5.
In Table 5 [E.sub.x], [E.sub.y], [E.sub.z]--x, y and z coordinate
differences of stereo digitalization points in case of both projects.
The mean coordinate deviations of points are--0.15-0.11 m,
RMS--0.06-0.20 m.
Using the data obtained from the second (in which the corrected
images were processed) the drawing of the central part of facade of
Arnionys mansion-house were made (Fig. 6) by AutoCad software.
5. Conclusions
Generalising the obtained results, it might be stated that in case
of a precise photogrammetric works it is absolutely necessary to include
correction of the optical errors of the camera calculated during
calibration into the images processing, or to use the images already
corrected by a special software.
According to the described research, it was determined that:
1. The optical errors of the digital camera are quite small,
nonetheless they have a great influence on the image processing.
2. After the correction due to the errors of camera optics the
digital volume of the images increased up to 30 %, though the resolution
(the number of smallest point elements--pixels) remained the same.
3. After the creation of the geometric model by means of the
PhotoMod AT software module, it was determined, that in case of using
the corrected images, the radial discrepancies of the geodetically
determined (reference) and the tie points decreased by 68% and the
RMS--50 %.
4. After the calculations of photo-triangulation (PhotoMod Solve
module) by the corrected images for the project, the RMS of the points
measurement (identification) decreased by 5-30%, compared to the results
obtained using the noncorrected images.
5. The stereo-digitalisation of the facade of the architectural
object showed, that in case of the mean coordinate difference of the
same digitalised points in case of 2 projects (using the corrected and
non-corrected images) is up to 0.15-0.11 m, which is a quite high value,
showing that the camera calibration is absolutely essential in case of
photogrammetric measurements.
doi: 10.3846/1392-1541.2009.35.29-33
Received 2008 10 12, accepted 2008 12 23
Abraham, S. 2004. Tcc--a software for test field based
self-calibration of multi-camera-systems. Institute fur Photogrammetrie,
Universitat Bonn. 39 p.
Marzan, G. T.; Karara, H. M. 2003. A computer program for direct
linear transformation solution of the coolinearity condition, and some
applications of it, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Close-Range
Photogrammetric Systems. Falls Church, VA: American Society of
Photogrammetry, 420-476.
Labe, Th; Forstner, W. 2004. Geometry stability of low-cost digital
consumer cameras. Institute fur Photogrammetrie, Universitat Bonn,
Commission I/2, 7 p.
Skeivalas, J. 2008. GPS tinkle teorija ir praktika [Theory and
practice of GPS networks]. Vilnius: Technika. 287 p.
Suziedelyte Vsockiene, J. 2007. Skaitmenines matuojamosios
fotokameros kalibravimo parametru itaka nuotraukas transformuojant i
plokstuma [Definitions influence on Digital Photocamera parameters of
calibration on transformation of photos in the plane], Geodezija ir
kartografija [Geodesy and Cartography] 33(1): 26-30.
PhotoMod 4.3. User Manual. Racurs, Moscow, 2007. Available from
Internet: <>.
Jurate Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Domantas Brucas
Department of Geodesy and Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail:
[email protected]
Jurate SUZIEDELYTE-VISOCKIENE. Doc. dr Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Dept of Geodesy and Cadastre (Ph +370 5 274 4703, Fax +370 5
274 4705).
The PhD thesis defended in 2003. Author of more than 15 research
Research interests: digital photogrammetry, land management.
Domantas BRUCAS. Dr Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Dept of
Geodesy and Cadastre (Ph +370 5 274 4703, Fax +370 5 274 4705).
The PhD thesis defended in 2008. Author of 11 research papers.
Research interests: development and investigation of comparator for
angular measurements, automation of the processing the measurement
Table 1. Characteristics of Canon EOS 350D digital camera
Characteristics Value
Focal length, mm 20
Resolution, pixel 8 mln.
One pixel size, [micro]m 6.4x6.4
Image size, mm 22.2x14.8
Image size, pixel 3456x2304
Format of images JPG, RAW
Table 2. Sizes of digital images after correction
Size of images, Mb
Image No. Original Corrected Alteration %
0005 2.75 3.60 30.9
0006 2.90 3.76 29.6
Table 3. Precision rate of model
Max. error of RMS ** of point
point parallax * measurement
Images in [micro]m in [micro]m
Non-corrected 5.8 3.2
Corrected 3.9 1.6
* transversal discrepancies of the same points in images.
** RMS--root mean square error.
Table 4. Coordinate deviations of photo triangulation points
Non-corrected images Corrected image
Points No. [E.sub.xy] m [E.sub.z], m [E'.sub.xy] [E'.sub.z]
109 0.055 0.132 0.007 0.012
119 0.043 0.164 0.003 -0.033
121 0.029 0.115 0.007 0.012
204 0.055 0.000 0.002 0.004
2484 0.114 -0.161 0.006 -0.009
2485 0.004 -0.076 0.003 0.002
2486 0.080 -0.173 0.001 0.012
Rate of precision, m
Average 0.054 0.117 0.004 0.006
Max. error 0.114 -0.173 0.007 -0.033
RMS 0.063 0.130 0.005 0.015
Table 5. Deviation of stereo-digitalization points
in the projects
Rate of precision, m
[E.sub.x] [E.sub.y] [E.sub.z]
Min. dev. 0.016 -0.029 -0.007
Max. dev. 0.195 -0.316 0.091
Average 0.108 -0.149 0.043
RMS 0.125 0.201 0.058