Peculiarities of producing and measuring circular scales/Apskritiminiu skaliu gamyba, matavimo ypatumai.
Sabaitis, Deividas ; Giniotis, Vytautas ; Rybokas, Mindaugas 等
1. Introduction
Laser instruments are widely used as manufacturing and measuring
tools. Laser scanners are widely used in geodesy, structural and machine
engineering areas. Such application gives new opportunities for
measuring the length and angle position of an object in such places and
positions where measuring instruments used for a general purpose are not
available or have no possibility of application. The paper presents the
methods of manufacturing circular scales for determining the angular
position of the rotating part of the instrument and looks at some
results of employing the laser instrument for producing and measuring
scales. The issues of producing and measuring circular scales are
discussed in the majority of cases as they are less covered in technical
and scientific literature.
The tasks of testing and calibrating angle measuring instruments
are quite important since a number of angle measurement devices are
employed in many branches of industry. Generally, there are several
groups of plane angle measurement methods that could be successfully
implemented (Giniotis 2005):
1) solid angle standard method--polygons (multiangular prisms) or
angle gauges used for comparing the accuracy of the object under
2) trigonometric methods are applied when the standard angle is set
by means of linear values;
3) circular scale method is put in practice for determining plane
angle comparing it with the etalon scale or using a full circle with
two, three or four microscopes.
The calibration of the angle measuring instrument is usually
performed by means of comparing the instrument under testing against the
reference measure or reference instrument. Several technical decisions
for angle determination can be implemented. The most significant means
used for creating a reference measure consist of:
--Moore Precision Index table;
--circular scale/microscope(s);
--angular encoders;
--ring laser (laser gyro);
--interferometric angle generator.
There is a need for using an expensive and complicated
centring--levelling device for the alignment (centring and levelling) of
the reference measure and an object to be measured. Additionally, in
some cases (as with polygon/autocollimator), only a limited number of
angular positions could be tested which is typical using Moore's
Precision Index or the circular scale as the entire process of
calibration can hardly be automated. Some methods cannot be implemented
under industrial conditions.
Various types of circular scales are used in rotary encoders or
angle measuring instruments in geodesy (Ingensand 1990; Katowski,
Salzmann 1983). Some examples of circular scales are shown in Figures 1,
2 and 3.
2. Development of producing circular scales
Forming circular scales of high accuracy is based on the classical
principles of mechanical cutting and the cutters supplied with
artificial diamond tips. Later development was elaborated using
photolithographic methods and means using a cutter to cut the layer of
photoresist material plating on the surface of the disc. After cutting,
the strokes are formed using chemical materials for etching the strokes
on the surface of the scale. These methods were further improved using
DIADR, AURODUR and other technologies.
Many advantages offer the use of laser cutting technology for
developing circular scales (Kiryanov et al. 2006). The examples of the
scales made by raster scanning technology are developed in the Siberian
Branch of Russian Academy. The formation of structure is performed by
raster scanning on the surface of the disc rotated on the surface of the
rotary table. The authors point to a high accuracy of the raster scale
made following this principle.
There were first trials for laser cutting of the circular scales
made in the course of this research. Drawing trial scales of laser
cutting is shown in Fig. 3. Some trials of laser cutting on various
surfaces of the disc were conducted and examples are shown in Figures 4,
5, 6 and 7. Some trials were carried out on the CD surface changing the
power of the laser cutter and positioning of the disc.
3. Circular Scale Calibration
The main methods of circular scale calibration are described in
(Brucas et al. 2010; Brucas, Giniotis 2008; Giniotis et al. 2004a). More
interesting methods for calibration are those using laser instruments
(Sharp 2009). Also, new developments in circular scale calibration are
presented in (Sharp 2009; Giniotis 1997, 2002). The use of optical
(including laser) means and methods offers a possibility of achieving
high quality and quantity information about the accuracy of the raster
scale. This parameter can be assessed applying information entropy for
evaluating the accuracy of the raster scale.
Considering the theoretical basis for the information theory and
some ways of applying it (Giniotis et al. 2004b), full information
entropy would be expressed as:
[H.sub.0] = -[summation over ([DELTA])] [log.sub.a] 1/m =
[log.sub.a] m. (1)
It is based on the fact that when a variable has discrete values m,
the entropy is maximised and distribution is homogenous since completely
homogenous distribution has maximal entropy when all values have the
same probability. The simplest demonstration of this fact is provided by
binary random variables distributed uniformly when their probabilities
are equal to 0.5. Such statistical evaluation is valid for measuring
systems when in case of monitoring only predetermined parameters are
selected and its values are set within particular limits. Information
received after calibration, i.e. the expression of the accuracy of a
part of the scale will be:
[H.sub.1] = [log.sub.a] b, (2)
where b = m/k is the number of calibrated strokes on the scale.
These strokes were measured c times each for statistical evaluation.
Then, reduction in information uncertainty (indeterminacy) due to the
information received (Giniotis et al. 2004b) is:
I = [H.sub.0] - [H.sub.1] = [log.sub.a] m - [log.sub.a] b; (3)
In case of using the laser measuring head to control accuracy,
equation (3) becomes
[log.sub.a] m - [log.sub.a] m = 0.
It means that the indeterminacy of the accuracy parameters of the
scale is eliminated. The problem is the use a reference measure--etalon
for calibration. For this purpose, a high accuracy laser gyro or rotary
encoder can be used.
4. Conclusions
The analysis of laser methods and means for circular scale
production and accuracy control shows strong possibilities of using them
for such purpose.
The equations derived for information entropy assessment show the
advantages of assessing the results of calibrated scales. This approach
gives more information about the measuring process and the accuracy of
the scales.
Further tests should be performed both in the field of scale
manufacturing and for the accuracy assessment of the scales. Some
improvements could be made taking into account the above mentioned
methods allowing an increase in the accuracy of scale production and
doi: 10.3846/13921541.2011.626246
This research was funded by grant No. VP1-3.1--MM-07K-01-102
provided by the Research Council of Lithuania.
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Deividas Sabaitis (1), Vytautas Giniotis (2), Mindaugas Rybokas
(3), Gintaras Dmitrijev (4)
(1,4) Dept of Geodesy and Cadastre, (2) Institute of Geodesy, (3 )
Dept of Information Technologies, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails: (1)
[email protected] (corresponding author); (2)
[email protected]; (3)
[email protected];
[email protected]
Received 13 July 2011; accepted 07 September 2011
Deividas SABAITIS. A doctorial student at the Department of Geodesy
and Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania (Ph +370 5 274 4703, Fax +370 5 274 4705),
[email protected]. MSc (2007). Research interests: linear and circular
scales, scale production technologies.
Vytautas GINIOTIS. Prof., Dr Habil at the Department of Geodesy and
Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania (Ph +370 5 274 4703, Fax +370 5 274 4705),
[email protected]. The author of a monography and more than 220
scientific papers. Participated in many international conferences.
Research interests: precision angular, linear and 3D measurements.
Mindaugas RYBOKAS. Assoc. Prof., Dr at the Department of
Information Technologies, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania (Ph +370 5 274 4832),
[email protected]. The author of more than 35 scientific papers.
Participated in many international conferences. Research interests:
analysis of information measuring systems.
Gintaras DMITRIJEV. Doctorial student. Dept of Geodesy and
Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania (Ph +370 5 274 4703, Fax +370 5 274 4705),
[email protected].
MSc (2009). Research interests: control of measurements and
information evaluation of precision angle measurements.