Photogrammetry requirements for digital camera calibration applying Tcc and MatLab software.
Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Jurate
1. Introduction
High precision digital, professional, fixed focal length lens
ensures that a calibrated camera is used for precise close-range
photogrammetry work. Calibration is set at the photo-camera and the lens
optical decentring correction. The process requires creating the
pictures of objects conducting deformation tests, controlling compliance
with the constructed object and producing solutions to other important
purposes. Camera calibration could be performed in a special laboratory
or employing specific software and special different configuration of
test field calibration (plate). However, Lithuania does not own
calibration laboratories, which makes important to conduct scientific
research, and therefore camera verification tests employing suitable
software and referring to the obtained results suggest the preferred
method and calibration work.
2. The Goal of Camera Calibration
The purpose of camera calibration is to determine the model of a
geometric camera referring to the parameters of interior orientation
(Luhmann et al. 2006):
-- focal length of the camera (c);
-- image coordinates of the principal point ([x.sub.0], [y.sub.0]);
-- radial--symmetric distortions (A1, A2);
-- tangential (asymmetric or decentring) distortion (B1, B2);
-- affinity and shear of the image coordinate system;
-- additional parameters.
3 different camera calibration methods characterised by the used
reference object and the time and location of calibration can be
introduced (Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Brucas 2009a):
-- Laboratory calibration. The parameters of interior orientation
are determined employing goniometers, collimators or other optical
alignment techniques where the image direction or angles of light rays
are measured through the lens of the camera. The advantage of this
method is that calibration takes place under laboratory conditions, and
hence, better accuracy of defining unknown quantities is achieved.
Laboratory calibration is generally used only for metric cameras and
applied before surveying.
-- Test field calibration. This type of calibration is based on a
suitable targeted field of object points with known coordinates and
distances. The images of the test field are taken from different
positions and directions from several camera stations (the number of
camera stations depends on the size of the test field), thus ensuring
good ray intersection and filling the format of the image. Neighbouring
images should be overlapped. The coordinates of the measured image and
approximately known object data are processed by bundle adjustment so
that to provide the parameters of the camera model (interior
orientation) as well as to adjust the coordinates of the tested field
and parameters of exterior orientation. Test fields can be either mobile
or stationary.
-- Self-calibration. For this type of calibration, the images
acquired for measuring the actual object are used. In this case, the
test field is replaced by the actual object that must be imaged under
conditions similar to those required for test field calibration itself
(spatial depth, tiled images and suitable ray intersections).
Self-calibrations do not require the coordinates of the known reference
points. The parameters of interior orientation can be calculated solely
by the photogrammetric determination of the object shape. If employed,
reference points can be used for defining a particular global coordinate
system for the parameters of exterior orientation.
The procedure for camera calibration can be divided into several
stages: making images of the test field target, processing the resulting
images and the estimation of camera parameters.
Determining the parameters of cameras (camera calibration) is
absolutely necessary for processing successful images
(Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Brucas 2009b).
The following (3, 4) sections describe calibration procedures for
non-metric camera Canon EOS 1D Mark II with Tcc (Germany) applying
Matlab software.
3. Digital Camera Calibration Applying Tcc Software
The calibration of the non-metric camera Canon EOS 1D Mark II was
performed applying Tcc software and the calibration test field
(plate)-cube (Abraham 2004) (Fig. 1).
The test field consists of retro reflective targets, including the
known coordinates and distances. In order to capture all types of
distortions and stabilize the determination of focal length (when using
longer focal lengths in particular), the images were taken considering:
-- different orientations; at each station, the camera was rotated
around its optical axis by 0[degrees], 90[degrees] and -90[degrees];
-- different inclinations.
All parameters of the automated camera (zoom, auto focus, aperture,
white balance, etc.) were kept constant during capturing data (turned
off) (Wojtas 2010). In that particular case, for successful processing
of calibration, 30 images were taken.
The images were processed and computations of camera calibration
parameters were made employing Tcc software. During the adjustment
procedure, software created an approximate 3D model of the points marked
on the test field. The coordinates are required to number retro
reflective targets detected in the image and to set up correspondences
between the targets in different images. Software also created a file
with calibration parameters and a new project.
The accuracy of the obtained results is defined by standard
deviation from the weight unit ([[delta].sub.0]) in units [micro]m.
Standard deviation ([[delta].sub.0]) shows the accuracy of measuring the
mean point for all images of adjustment statistics. The value of
standard deviation cannot exceed 15 [micro]m.
The parameters of camera calibration are recommended to be
calculated in the first approach to image processing:
-- focal length of the camera (c);
-- scale coefficient (sxy);
-- principal point coordinate [x.sub.0], [y.sub.0] corrections in
the images (xh, yh);
-- radial-symmetric distortion of the camera (A1).
The focal length of the new objective is shown in the project file.
The new camera calibration parameters calculate in the second approach
the image processing. The calculation results are given in Table 1.
In the result file there is given these photo-camera calibration
parameters in the unit pixel:
c 3.11558077E+003
sxy 1.00049666E+000
xh -1.75566691E+001
yh 9.49991289E+000
A1 -8.30927617E-009
A2 6,62456720E-016
B1 -5.71643097E-008
Calibration parameters have been tested referring to two
overlapping object images. The images have been processed applying
PhotoModeler (Russia) software. The qualities of the object 3D model are
defined a value of root mean square (RMS) by the measure point in the
images and a triangulation process result. The triangulation accuracy is
defined as the discrepancies points coordinates of images with geodetic
coordinates. Those are points plane ([E.sub.XY]) and height ([E.sub.Z])
discrepancies. The accuracy of RMS is shown in Fig. 2.
The value of RMS is 0.386 pixels which is 2.5 mm (Fig. 2). The
results of calculating triangulation are:
[E.sub.XY] = [E.sub.Z] = 6.0 mm.
This is a good result. The calibration parameters of the new
definite camera could be used for making corrections to optical errors
in images made by the camera.
4. Digital Camera Calibration Applying MatLab Software
MatLab is widely used software package of interactive digital
computation and data visualization. To calibrate MatLab software
environment, digital cameras use Toolbox kalib program. The main steps
of camera calibration applying MatLab program are as follows (Heikkila,
Silven 1997; Marzan, Karara 1975; Zhengyou 1999).
Creating the chess plate for test field calibration (Fig. 3).
Following recommendation that the plate has to complete at least a wise
half of the image, the plate of 1320 x 1320 mm (11 x 11 size of squares)
has been chosen.
Taking the images of the calibration plate applying a digital
The function of calibration starts from the Matlab command window,
save calib_gui. This command opens the way to upload a Table 2 to select
The programme proposes two modes of image input to the computer:
standard and memory efficient.
In the standard mode, all the images to be used in the calibration
process are input into memory once reading from the disk is not
repeated. This reduces referral to the number of computer memory as well
as increases image processing and display functions of speed.
If images are large or very large, the program can display the
warning message OUT OF MEMORY. In this case, the mode of high
performance memory (Memory Efficient) is used: each image is loaded
separately adding images to a folder on the computer screen above the
Table 3 of the main options.
For selecting the function Image Names in the main options, enter
the name and format of the images.
MatLab main options for selecting the function Extract grid corners
made measurements the main four plate corners in the images (Fig. 4).
The basic corners of the plate could be measured manually or
automatically. First, measuring a non-automatic mode is recommended.
The calibration parameters of calculating select the main options
table Calibration function. The click starts the calibration process of
calculation taking place at two stages. The first stage calculates the
focal length of the objective (c) and image coordinates of the principal
point ([x.sub.0], [y.sub.0]). In the second stage--calculated
distortion. Camera Canon EOS-1D Mark II that obtained results of the
calculations are have the following parameters:
c = [3162.45189];
[x.sub.0], [y.sub.0] = [2794.85759, 1883.93452];
A1, A2, B1 = [-0.07673, 0.05097, -0.00026];
[[delta].sub.0] = [0.89353].
The program allows monitoring the location of distortion (Fig. 5).
A visual expression of the distortion of camera lens (Fig. 5) shows
that the largest distortion of optical lens reaches 80 pixels (~0.5 mm)
and is situated around the edges.
The obtained results, similar to those received from calculations
using Tcc program, were verified referring to the images of the same
object (see Section 3). A geometric model of the measured point for
measuring the root mean squared error RMS = 0.428 pixels is 2.7 mm. The
triangulation result are shown that average error of measured points in
the geodetic coordinates are [E.sub.XY] = 5 mm, [E.sub.Z] = 6 mm. The
result is good.
5. Summary of Results
The calibration values of the accuracy of the Canon EOS-ID Mark II
are shown in Table 4.
6. Conclusions and Recommendations on Digital Camera Calibration
1. Camera calibration is prepared to take the images of a special
test field (plate) that has to include as large area as possible. The
angle of view of the camera depends on the focal length of the
objective: the shorter is the focal length of the objective, the wider
is the angle of view.
2. The camera must be stable when shooting the test field.
Therefore, it is recommended to use a tripod. Images shooting necessary
to be used are manual objective focus and the lens focusing to infinity.
Images are taken in three positions: from the middle, left and right.
The camera is rotated at 360[degrees]. There are 4 test field images in
each position. It has to proceed and be repeated only changing the angle
of the test field.
3. The images of the test field are possible to be processed
applying software described in the article, namely Tcc and MatLab.
Finalizing camera calibration with the help of the above mentioned
software has determined that the index ([[delta].sub.0]) of calibration
accuracy has not exceeded the recommended value 15 mm.
4. The calibration results obtained using software Tcc influence
the number of the identified points of the test field image. In case
software recognises less than 13 points on the plate, the calculations
of calibration have to be cancelled. The number of identified points is
proved by the size of the formed file of the image. The size must not
exceed 1 kb.
5. To process the images of calibration, test field software MatLab
requires extensive resources of the operational system built in the
computer. In case the available amount of memory is not sufficient,
software suspends the calculation procedure.
6. The final amendments of the images representing the measured
objective were made. Defects were caused by the distortions of the lens
of the camera made by software Tcc and MatLab when executing
photogrammetric measurements. Therefore, the mean square error
(parallax) of the geometric measurements of the model points differs
only by 0.2 mm while the accuracy of triangulation results tends to
remain constant. High accuracy of triangulation calculations indicates
that the results obtained employing software Tcc and MatLab are
considered to be satisfactory and reliable.
doi: 10.3846/20296991.2012.728895
Abraham, S. 2004. Tcc-a Software for Test Field Based
Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera-Systems. Institute fur Photogrammetrie,
Universitat Bonn. 39 p.
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Luhmann, T.; Robson, S.; Kyle, S.; Harley, I. 2006. Close Range
Photogrammetry: Principles, Methods and Applications. Scotland, United
Kingdom. 510 p.
Marzan, G. T.; Karara, H. M. 1975. A computer program for direct
linear transformation solution of the co linearity condition, and some
applications of it, in Proceedings of the Symposium on Close-Range
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Suziedelyte-Visockiene, J.; Brucas, D. 2009a. Digital
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Suziedelyte-Visockiene, J.; Brucas, D. 2009b. Influence of digital
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International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
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Zhengyou, Z. 1999. Flexible Camera Calibration by Viewing a Plane
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Jurate SUZIEDELYTE-VISOCKIENE. Assoc. Prof., Dr at the Department
of Geodesy and Cadastre, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania, Ph +370 5 2744703, Fax
+370 5 2744705. Doctor (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2003).
Research interests: digital photogrammetry, land management.
Jurate Suziedelyte-Visockiene
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania
[email protected]
Received 23 May 2012; accepted 21 September 2012
Table 1. Results of Canon EOS 1D Mark II
calibration applying Tcc software
Approach Distortions c, mm [[delta].sub.0],
1 A1 19.716 9.739
2 A1 19.718 9.807
3 A1, A2 19.925 231.00
4 A1 19.719 9.843
5 A1, A2 19.923 8.561
6 A1, A2 19.910 27.707
7 A1, A2 19.947 7.194
8 A1, A2, B1 19.948 8.395
9 A1, A2, B1 19.933 8.267
10 A1, A2, B1 19.935 11.326
11 A1, A2, B1 19.939 8.15
Approach Coment
1 30 images
2 corect c
3 [[delta].sub.0] is
very big. Calculate
A2 impossible
4 corect c
5 corect c
6 corect c
7 corect c
8 corect c
9 corect c
10 [[delta].sub.0] is
bigger, corect c
(9 approach)
11 good result
Table 2. The models of the image input
Camera Calibration Toolbox--Select mode of operation:
Standard (all the images are stored in memory)
Memory efficient (the images are loaded one by one)
Table 3. The main options of the camera cabration toolbox
Camera Calibration Toolbox--Standard Version
Image names Read images Extract grid corners
Show Extrinsic Reproject on images Analyse error
Add/Suppiess images Save Load
Comp. Extrinsic Undistort image Export calib data
Image names Calibration
Show Extrinsic Recomp. corneis
Add/Suppiess images Exit
Comp. Extrinsic Show calib results
Table 4. Calibration accuracy of
the camera.
Rate/Software Tcc MatLab
Objective focal 19.94 20.24
length (c), mm
Precision of 8.15 5.6
RMS, mm 2.5 2.7
[E.sub.XY], mm 6.0 6.0
[E.sub.Z], mm 5.0 6.0