Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology for Asia & the Pacific: The Case for Rainforest Foragers: The Starch Record at Niah Cave, Sarawak.
Barton, Huw
2005, The Case for Rainforest Foragers: The Starch Record at Niah
Cave, Sarawak. Asian Perspectives: Journal of Archaeology for Asia &
the Pacific, Vol. 44, Issue 1, 56-72.
A study of preserved starch grains from sedimentary sequences at
Niah Cave, Sarawak, Borneo, reveals direct evidence for the use of
rainforest plants rich in digestible carbohydrates. Plants identified
include several species of Aroids (Alorcasia sp., Cyrtosperma sp.), at
least one species of yam (Dioscorea sp.), and the pith of sago palm (cf.
Caryota mitis, Eugeissona utilis). Starch grains from a total of
fourteen recurring types indicate that a wide range of starch-rich
plants are present in Pleistocene occupation sediments from the cave,
and await identification using a more comprehensive reference collection
of tropical species. The technique of starch extraction from
archaeological sediments presents archaeologists with a new and powerful
tool for investigating the past diet of tropical forest