PloS One: Declining orangutan encounter rates from Wallace to the present suggest the species was once more abundant.
Meijaard, E. ; Welsh, A. ; Anerenaz, M. 等
Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) currently occur at low
densities and seeing a wild one is a rare event. Compared to present low
encounter rates of orangutans, it is striking how many orangutans each
day historic collectors like Alfred Russel Wallace were able to shoot
continuously over weeks or even months. Does that indicate that some 150
years ago encounter rates with orangutans, or their densities, were
higher than now? We test this hypothesis by quantifying encounter rates
obtained from hunting accounts, museum collections, and recent field
studies, and analyzing whether there is a declining trend over time.
Logistic regression analyses of our data support such a decline on
Borneo between the mid-19th century and the present. Even when
controlled for variation in the size of survey and hunting teams and the
durations of expeditions, mean daily encounter rates appear to have
declined about 6-fold in areas with little or no forest disturbance.
This finding has potential consequences for our understanding of
orangutans, because it suggests that Bornean orangutans once occurred at
higher densities. We explore potential explanations--habitat loss and
degradation, hunting, and disease--and conclude that hunting fits the
observed patterns best. This suggests that hunting has been
underestimated as a key causal factor of orangutan density and
distribution, and that species population declines have been more severe
than previously estimated based on habitat loss only. Our findings may
require us to rethink the biology of orangutans, with much of our
ecological understanding possibly being based on field studies of
animals living at lower densities than they did historically. Our
approach of quantifying species encounter rates from historic data
demonstrates that this method can yield valuable information about the
ecology and population density of species in the past, providing new
insight into species' conservation needs [authors].
5(8): e12042.