Real Estate and the Macroeconomy.
IN JULY 1987 MASSACHUSETTS governor Michael Dukakis began his run
for the presidency in the midst of what was being called the
Massachusetts Miracle, with employment growing rapidly and an
unemployment rate of 2.4 percent. An economy that had experienced 12.8
percent unemployment and an employment base in secular decline in the
mid-1970s had become the fastest-growing region in the country just over
a decade later. That summer, however, state revenue began to shrink and
real estate sales dropped sharply. By the time of the election in 1988,
employment was falling, and it continued to fall until the end of 1991.
In all, over 360,000 jobs were lost from a peak of 3.2 million,
representing more than 11.5 percent of nonfarm payrolls. Employment
declines in the other five New England states were comparable. In a
development symptomatic of widespread troubles in the region's
banking sector, Bank of New England Corporation, with $32 billion in
assets, received a CAMEL 5 rating in March 1990 and was closed by the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in January 1991.(1) Its closure
imposed net losses on the agency of $733 million.(2)
The extensive involvement of real estate in both the 1984-88 boom
and the 1988-92 bust in New England has been well documented.(3) A
dramatic rise in housing prices fueled consumer spending, construction
employment expanded more than 50 percent, and overall employment growth
was concentrated in "population serving establishments."(4)
According to call reports (balance sheet reports that banks file each
quarter with the Federal Reserve), 72 percent of all bank lending during
the boom was collateralized with real estate, and real estate loans
accounted for more than 90 percent of Bank of New England's
losses.(5) Mortgage default rates and foreclosure rates were high, and
losses were severe.(6) Higher vacancy rates, lower rents, and higher
capitalization rates (defined below) led to sharp declines in commercial
real estate values. Similar real estate involvement in the economic
cycle had been documented earlier in Texas and was observed later in
California, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Today the U.S. economy is in the tenth year of an economic
expansion. Both residential and commercial real estate values have been
rising steadily across the nation, and the volume of lending
collateralized by real estate has grown sharply. This paper explores the
involvement of both commercial and residential real estate in the
national economic cycle. It considers the role of real estate in the
expansion of aggregate demand, the risks to the financial sector from
using real estate as collateral, and the distributional consequences of
real estate inflation.
The Housing Market
Table 1 presents some very rough estimates of the size and value of
the U.S. housing stock in 1999. The estimates are based on a variety of
different but fairly consistent sources. In 1999 there were
approximately 103 million housing units occupied year round. About
two-thirds of these were owned by their occupants. In addition, 13.4
million units were seasonally occupied or vacant. Of those, 6.1 million
were seasonal or for rent.
Table 1. U.S. Housing Stock and Residential Mortgage Debt, End of
Units as indicated
Average Total Mortgage
value value debt
Type of Units (thousands (trillions (trillions
property (millions) of dollars) of dollars) of dollars)
occupied 67.5 132.0 8.9 4.6
Rental(a) 35.0 65.7 2.3 0.5
Seasonal or
vacant 13.4 27.5 0.4 ...
Total 115.9 ... 11.6 5.1
Sources: Author's calculations based on data from Bureau of
the Census, American Housing Survey, 1997; Federal Reserve, Survey of
Consumer Finances, 1998; Harvard University Joint Center for Housing
Studies, State of the Nation's Housing, 1999; Federal Reserve, Flow
of Funds Accounts; Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, House
Price Index, first quarter 2000; and Miles and Tolleson (1997).
(a.) Includes single-family rentals and government-owned and
-subsidized rental housing stock.
Table 2 presents national and regional data on housing price rises,
based on weighted repeat sales indexes for single-family properties,
from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO). The
table shows that home prices across the nation as a whole were up 6.5
percent year over year as of March 2000 and had risen 27.3 percent over
five years, for a 4.9 percent compounded annual rate. That would suggest
nominal capital gains of approximately $544 billion in the previous year
and $1.9 trillion over five years. Although sizable, these gains are
dwarfed by the increase in value of household financial assets over the
last five years: the comparable increase in stock market capitalization is over $8 trillion. These aggregate figures mask a great deal of
regional variation, however, which the rest of this section explores.
Table 2. Changes in Housing Prices by Region as of 2000(a)
Region One-year Five-year Since 1980
New England 10.2 33.4 242.8
West North Central 7.8 31.1 110.0
Pacific 7.1 28.5 166.8
Middle Atlantic 6.5 21.3 186.1
East North Central 6.3 30.8 139.1
Mountain 5.9 30.3 123.4
South Atlantic 5.7 25.1 129.4
West South Central 5.3 23.4 60.2
East South Central 3.9 26.2 117.2
United States(b) 6.5 27.3 137.8
Memorandum: change in CPI-U 3.2 12.4 105.9
Sources: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, House
Price Index, first quarter 2000; Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(a.) Through March.
(b.) Weighted regional average.
Home Values
A panel database of aggregate home values was constructed from
repeat sales price indexes applied to the 1990 census median values by
state. Case-Shiller (CS) weighted repeat sales indexes constructed by
Case Shiller Weiss, Inc. are available for sixteen states.(7) In
addition, OFHEO makes state-level repeat value indexes, produced by
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, available for all states.
The Case-Shiller indexes are the best available for our purposes,
and wherever possible they are used in this paper. Although OFHEO uses a
similar methodology to construct its indexes,(8) these indexes are in
part based on real estate appraisals rather than exclusively on
arm's-length transactions. CS indexes control, to the extent
possible, for changes in property characteristics, and it can be shown
that they pick up turns in price direction earlier and more accurately
than do the OFHEO indexes. Nonetheless, for purposes of capturing broad
movements over long periods, the indexes tend to track each other quite
well, and the OFHEO indexes are used in some states for which CS indexes
are unavailable in order to achieve broader coverage.
The panel on home prices was constructed as follows for each state:
home value in state i at time t
ownership rate in state i at time t
households in state i at time t
value of owner-occupied homes in state i in the first quarter of 1990,
repeat sales price index for state i, 1990:1 = 1.0.
Quarterly data on the number of households and rates of home
ownership were obtained by interpolation of annual data from the Current
Population Survey of the Census Bureau. The construction allows for
increases to the stock from pure appreciation as well as from increases
in the number of owner households.
The baseline figures for mean home prices at the state level are
based on owners' estimates reported in the 1990 census. A number of
studies have attempted to measure the bias in such estimates; the
results range from -2 percent to +6 percent.(9) John Goodman and John
Ittner point out that, for purposes of measuring wealth effects,
owners' estimates may indeed be the best measure of housing wealth,
because consumption behavior is likely to be based on perceived home
Figure 1 shows the sum of all the state-level aggregations. The
result indicates that the aggregate nominal value of the owner-occupied
housing stock in the United States rose from $2.8 trillion in 1982 to
$7.3 trillion in 1999. This figure takes as a base the value of the
stock in 1990 and attempts to isolate a quality-controlled increase in
value. The point is to approximate capital gains and isolate them from
increments to the capital stock itself. Hence one should expect this
figure, derived from detailed survey data, to be substantially lower
than the $8.9 trillion total value for the stock in 1999 reported in
table 1. The 20 percent difference should be approximately equal to the
net increment to the capital portion of the owner-occupied stock during
the period.
The Stock Market
Data on household financial assets were obtained from the Federal
Reserve flow of funds (FOF) accounts and compared with the aggregate
market capitalization of the three major stock markets. The FOF accounts
report the total value of corporate equities, pension fund reserves, and
mutual funds held by the household sector. The FOF series has risen in
nominal terms from less than $3 trillion in 1982 to $18 trillion in 1999
(figure 2). More than half ($8.4 trillion) of the gross increase between
1982 and 1999 occurred during the last four years of the period. Figure
2 also shows a measure of aggregate capitalization of the stock market,
demonstrating that nearly all the variation in the FOF data is due to
stock market variation.
To arrive at a state-by-state distribution of household financial
assets, mutual fund holdings by state were obtained from the Investment
Company Institute. These data are available for 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991,
and 1993. It is then assumed that, for the period 1982:1 to 1986:4, the
distribution was the same as it was in 1986, and similarly that the 1993
distribution held for the period 1993-99. It is further assumed that
direct household holdings of stocks and pension fund reserves were
distributed in the same geographic pattern as mutual fund holdings. This
is clearly a heroic assumption, but no alternative data could be found.
In addition, the time variation in the state series is virtually all
from the national stock market.
How Substantial Are Recent Capital Gains in Equities and Housing?
The housing price booms in Massachusetts and in California during
the 1980s were among the most dramatic in recent times. Figures 3 and 4
show aggregate home value on a quarterly basis for those two states
since 1982. During the Massachusetts boom, from 1983:3 to 1988:3, home
values increased by $116.8 billion, or 21.2 percent of cumulative state
personal income (from the national income and product accounts) over the
period. The California boom, which lasted from 1985:3 to 1990:3,
witnessed an aggregate increase in home value of $544.8 billion, or 19.4
percent of cumulative state personal income during the period.
Both booms were followed by busts. Massachusetts gave back $27.6
billion in aggregate home value between 1988:3 and 1991:1, or 8 percent
of cumulative state personal income. California gave back $121.5 billion
over the longer period from 1990:3 to 1996:1, although this was only 3.1
percent of state personal income cumulated over that period. The Texas
bust between 1986:3 and 1988:3 (not shown) saw a giveback of $30.6
billion, or 5.7 percent of cumulative state personal income.
Table 3 gives some indication of the relative magnitude of changes
in home and stock market values in a somewhat arbitrarily chosen set of
states and time periods. The table shows gross increases in stock market
value and in the aggregate value of owner-occupied housing, both as
percentages of aggregate state personal income. For example, between
1983:1 and 1986:4, the stock market holdings of households in Arizona
increased in value by 14.7 percent of that state's aggregate
personal income. During the same period the value of owner-occupied
housing stock in Arizona increased by 5.2 percent of aggregate personal
Table 3. Changes in Aggregate Values of Equities and Housing Held
by Households in Selected States, 1983-99
Percent of state personal income
State 1983-86 1986-90 1990-95 1995-99
Equities 14.7 9.4 20.5 28.7
Housing 5.2 5.8 7.4 8.8
Equities 12.1 8.6 16.0 27.5
Housing 9.3 20.9 -1.2 8.9
Equities 8.2 8.9 10.4 17.4
Housing 8.1 5.1 5.5 7.8
Equities 13.3 10.7 15.5 29.3
Housing 4.6 7.6 5.6 3.9
Equities 24.5 7.3 47.5 62.0
Housing 25.7 1.9 1.5 6.8
New York
Equities 16.2 10.6 26.2 41.5
Housing 12.9 4.9 0.6 2.6
Equities 8.9 7.1 9.2 17.2
Housing 1.3 -1.2 4.1 3.8
Equities 14.7 10.9 17.9 28.7
Housing 4.0 13.6 7.9 9.7
Equities 13.9 8.8 28.8 38.9
Housing 3.7 5.0 5.6 5.4
Sources: Author's calculations based on data from Bureau of
Economic Analysis; Federal Reserve, Flow of Funds Accounts; Investment
Company Institute; Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight;
Bureau of the Census; and Bureau of Labor Statistics.
There are several things worthy of note about these data. First,
stock market gains far exceeded home value gains in most periods and
states. Only in Massachusetts between 1983 and 1986 and in California
and Washington state between 1986 and 1990 did home value increases
outpace increases in stock holdings. Second, the sheer size of the stock
market gains, particularly in the latest period, has been remarkable. In
Massachusetts, for example, stock market gains exceeded 60 percent of
income between the end of 1995 and the beginning of 1999. Third, there
seems to be plenty of independent variation in stock values and housing
values. It should be noted that, for most households, the value of their
wealth in owner-occupied housing still exceeds their stock market
wealth, even though aggregate stock market wealth at the beginning of
1999 ($18 trillion) was double the aggregate value of the owner-occupied
housing stock ($8.9 trillion).(10)
Perhaps no topic in economics has been more widely discussed in the
press and in everyday conversation than the wealth effect of the stock
market's extraordinary performance. As James Poterba points out,
"even if the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is
smaller than the estimates in many macroeconomic models suggest, the
sheer magnitude of the wealth accumulation during the last decade still
translates into a substantial increase in aggregate consumer
But what about the wealth effect from housing? Federal Reserve
Board Chairman Alan Greenspan commented on November 2, 1999, that
Although ... the appreciation of stock prices has been vastly greater than
that of home prices, most estimates suggest that stock market gains are
consumed only gradually, with the level of consumer outlays lifted
permanently by around 3 to 4 percent of the wealth generated by the stock
market gain. The permanent increase in spending out of housing wealth is
somewhat higher, perhaps in the neighborhood of five percent, and is
financed in a different manner.(12)
Even if Chairman Greenspan's 5 percent figure is correct, a
gain of $1.9 trillion in housing wealth since 1995 would translate into
a spending increase of less than $100 billion annually. This would
account for over 4 percent of total growth in GDP over the period. Nor
is there published evidence that effects from housing are greater than
stock market wealth effects. Indeed, a forthcoming paper by myself and
Robert Shiller suggests that the effect is about half as large.(13)
Nevertheless, the data presented above provide convincing evidence that,
from time to time and place to place, wealth effects deriving from
increases in home values are potentially very large indeed. In those
regions of the country that have experienced boom-and-bust real estate
cycles, home value has been a substantial accelerator on the way up and
on the way down.
Another question that arises whenever home prices increase
significantly faster than inflation is, To what extent are these
increases driven by fundamentals as opposed to price inertia? To put it
more boldly, does today's real estate market exhibit the
characteristics of a bubble that is likely to burst?
Case and Shiller as well as Jim Clayton, among others, provide
considerable evidence that housing prices are sometimes driven by
inertia and that housing buyers and sellers are often motivated by
exuberant expectations.(14) This was particularly true during the New
England boom of 1983-88 and the California boom of 1985-90. Case and
Shiller show that the Boston and Los Angeles booms in the late 1980s
cannot be explained in terms of the fundamentals.(15)
In contrast, there is little doubt that the U.S. housing market
today is being driven by the fundamentals, particularly if one includes
the stock market as a fundamental. Employment has been rising at a
healthy rate in most metropolitan areas, pushing the unemployment :rate
below 3 percent in many. Personal income growth has been extraordinary,
and the gains in stock market wealth have already been discussed. The
pattern of housing price appreciation, both within and across
metropolitan areas, also seems to reflect fundamentals. During the
recent rise in home prices, studies have found the impact of both
demographics and stock market wealth to be significant.(16) In those
metropolitan areas where the demand fundamentals are strong but price
appreciation has been weak, there is evidence of expanding supply.(17)
Even when bubbles do burst, or when the fundamentals turn, housing
prices rarely fall dramatically. Housing prices are characterized by
downward stickiness similar to what has often been observed in the labor
market.(18) Sellers almost always have a firm reservation price or
simply resist selling property during recessions. This is not to say
that housing prices never fall, but rather that it takes a fairly severe
recession to produce the kind of decline in housing value observed in
Texas, New England, California, and Alaska during the last decade and a
In summary, the recent runup in house prices nationally does not
have the characteristics of a price bubble, and even if the economy
slows, a precipitous downturn in housing prices is unlikely. If,
however, the stock market were to decline sharply and the economy found
itself in a severe recession, housing prices would surely fall.
Mortgage Risk
The savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and the subsequent
massive banking problems in New England and California were largely due
to very high mortgage foreclosure rates. The financial system weathered
these storms in part because, during any given period, the losses were
concentrated in specific regions of the country. A legitimate question
is, How would the mortgage market react to a major, nationwide
recession? Housing prices are now rising faster than the rate of
inflation in every major metropolitan area; they have risen more than 27
percent over the last five years on average; and prices in many
metropolitan area submarkets have risen dramatically. The result is very
low current levels of default and foreclosure, but heightened risk in
the event of a downturn.
Table 4 presents a breakdown of total mortgage debt outstanding by
type of property and mortgage holder in 1989 and at the end of 1999. The
distribution of mortgage credit across property types changed only
slightly over that decade; the largest change was that in the share of
one-to-four-family housing, which rose modestly from 68.1 percent to
75.2 percent. The ownership of mortgage claims, however, has changed
more dramatically. For example, the share held by major financial
institutions has fallen from 54.0 percent to 37.6 percent. Almost all of
this decline has occurred within the savings and loan industry;
commercial banks have held their share. At the same time, the secondary
mortgage market has grown, with federal and related agencies now
accounting for 41 percent of the total, up from less than 30 percent in
1989. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac account for the bulk of the increase in
agency holdings, with a combined share of just under 30 percent of total
outstanding mortgage assets, up from 17.2 percent a decade earlier.
Table 4. Mortgage Debt Outstanding in 1989 and 1999
Units as indicated
1998 1999
Billions Percent Billions Percent
of of total of of total
Classification dollars dollars
By type of property
Nonfarm 3,505.7 97.8 6,079.3 98.4
One-to-four-family 2,443.0 68.1 4,647.9 75.2
Multifamily houses 287.2 8.0 372.5 6.0
Commercial 775.4 21.6 1,059.0 17.1
Farm 80.5 2.2 101.8 1.6
Total 3,586.1 100.0 6,181.1 100.0
By holder
Major financial 1,935.2 54.0 2,322.0 37.6
Savings institutions 910.3 25.4 676.3 10.9
Commercial banks 770.7 21.5 1,418.5 22.9
Life insurance 254.2 7.1 227.2 3.7
Federal agencies(a) 1,067.3 29.8 2,535.4 41.0
Individuals and others 583.6 16.3 1,323.7 21.4
Total 3,586.1 100.0 6,181.1 100.0
Insured by Federal 282.8 7.9 450.4 7.3
Insured privately 238.3 6.6 598.5 9.7
Guaranteed by Veterans 157.3 4.4 215.9 3.5
Retained by Fannie Mae 129.4 3.6 671.1 10.9
and Freddie Mac
Securitized by Fannie 489.4 13.6 1,111.5 18.0
Mae and Freddie Mac
Multiclass 112.4 3.1 621.9 10.1
Securitized by private 43.3 1.2 320.7 5.2
Subprime lending ... ... 472.0 7.6
Sources: Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1999
Report to Congress, 1999; Economic Report of the President, February
2000; proprietary data from Mortgage Insurance Companies of America and
MGIC Investment Corporation; National Mortgage News, various issues;
author's estimates.
(a.) Includes the Federal Housing Administration, Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, and others.
Securitization of mortgages increased meanwhile from 14.8 percent
of all mortgage assets in 1989 to 23.2 percent in 1999, and this figure
is likely to rise significantly in the next two years. In addition,
mortgage risk is more widely acknowledged and explicitly priced. The sum
of outstanding mortgages with some form of mortgage insurance or
guarantee (from the Federal Housing Administration or the Veterans
Administration, or through private mortgage insurance), the
risk-tranched securities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the subprime
market has increased from 16 percent to just under 40 percent of total
mortgage credit.(19)
Two important stylized facts about the housing and mortgage markets
are relevant to the issue of risk. First, as already mentioned, housing
prices are sticky downward. That is, during relatively minor downturns,
and in particular during downturns driven by high interest rates,
sellers hold out for reservation prices that are well above what will
clear the market.(20) Second, although default rates certainly rise
during recessionary times, actual losses to the financial system do not
rise substantially unless and until house prices fall sharply.(21)
In recent years the mortgage market has clearly taken on some of
the characteristics of a commodity market. Mortgage credit flows quickly
and efficiently to borrowers who are effectively collateralized. Indeed,
it also flows quickly and efficiently to many borrowers who are not
effectively collateralized: the number of high-loan-to-value and
subprime loans has increased sharply. More than half of all outstanding
mortgages are sold into the secondary market, most notably to Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, and well over half of those are ultimately securitized.
Half of these agencies' securitizations are classified by risk.
Mortgage holders face four kinds of risk: interest rate risk,
prepayment risk, credit risk, and market risk. Clearly, rising interest
rates reduce the present value of fixed-interest obligations, but
falling interest rates lead to refinancing and prepayment. Both of these
risks can be and sometimes are hedged in Treasury futures markets. In
today's market environment, with house prices rising in virtually
all markets, there is perceived to be very little market risk. As for
credit risk, current delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, and losses
are extremely low by historical standards. The result has been record
profits for secondary market players, portfolio lenders, and mortgage
insurance companies. In addition, the pattern of defaults and
delinquencies is well explained by borrower credit scores, which
suggests that risk-based pricing has been efficient.
Certainly the mortgage market has become much more sophisticated in
managing and pricing interest rate risk, prepayment risk, and credit
risk. In addition, those risks are widely distributed across
well-capitalized mortgage insurers, holders of mortgage-backed
securities, and portfolio lenders. In that sense the industry is better
positioned than it was a decade ago to withstand a substantial national
downturn. Three concerns remain, however: the absence of any way to
fully diversify around or to hedge market risk; the dramatic recent
increase in the size and volume of the subprime market; and a
substantial exposure of the federal government to catastrophic risk.
By far the bulk of losses suffered by holders, insurers, and
guarantors of mortgage paper in the past have been due to regional
declines in housing prices.(22) The simple fact is that delinquencies
become defaults and losses only when collateral is insufficient to cover
the debt. The losses incurred in Texas, New England, and California
between 1985 and 1993 as the result of collateral shortfalls dwarf the
losses in the rest of the country due to changes in borrowers'
economic circumstances. In the current economic climate, with home
prices rising in every region of the country, variations in borrower
characteristics such as credit scores explain most of the variation in
default and foreclosure. If the housing market were to suffer a 20
percent decline, default rates and losses would far exceed those
forecast by the most sophisticated credit-scoring models in the
This worry is to some extent heightened by the dramatic increase in
subprime, high-loan-to-value lending of the last few years. Although
hard data on the size of the B- and C-rated market are hard to come by,
trade publications such as Inside Mortgage Finance, Inside B&C
Lending, and National Mortgage News suggest that about 12 percent of
current originations fit the description. A conservative estimate puts
the currently serviced portfolio at about $500 billion. Seasoned
subprime paper exhibits default rates as much as five times higher than
traditional high-loan-to-value mortgages. Although this risk is priced
to some extent, these default rates are being observed in an environment
of rising home prices. Should prices fall, default rates will rise
Finally, Congress has become increasingly aware of the explicit or
implicit liability of the federal government for losses sustained on
portfolios held by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Government National
Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), the Federal Housing Administration,
and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Indeed, the government has some
exposure to more than half the nation's mortgage portfolio. To be
sure, the Treasury is protected by owners' equity, securitizations,
mortgage insurance, and OFHEO-imposed risk-based capital requirements (which are based on severe stress tests). Yet the government retains
substantial exposure to a sharp drop in real estate prices, and the
current debate about the proper role of the government in financial
markets is both interesting and important.
The Commercial Real Estate Market
The late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed a boom-and-bust cycle in
commercial real estate markets of worldwide dimensions. From 1988 to
1992, as commercial real estate values were dropping sharply in the
northeastern United States, the same thing was happening all over Europe
and in many parts of Asia. The losses in value were at times
extraordinary. The 1.4-million-square-foot Wang Towers in Lowell,
Massachusetts, which sold for $107 million in 1998, had changed hands
four years earlier for $525,000, or 38 cents a square foot. According to
the House Banking Committee's postmortem report on Bank of New
England's failure in 1991, the cause of the disaster was the
complete collapse of the bank's commercial real estate portfolio.
The striking similarity between the cycle experienced in the United
States and those in Europe and Asia were highlighted at two large
conferences in Paris of bankers, real estate professionals, and
Clearly, commercial real estate has played an important role in
accelerating the recent upswings and downswings of both regional and
national economies.(24) But given current conditions in the U.S.
economy, is commercial real estate today a source of vulnerability?
Table 5 presents some very rough estimates of the size of the
nation's portfolio of commercial real estate. Total commercial real
estate assets are just under $6 trillion. Of this total, $2.3 trillion
represents the approximate value of the nation's 35 million rental
housing units, both publicly and privately owned. Of the remainder, 71
percent of value is in the office and retail markets.
Table 5. Value of U.S. Commercial Real Estate by Type of Property
and Owner, End of 1999
Billions of dollars
Category Value
Type of property
Office 1,251
Retail 1,342
Industrial and manufacturing 836
Apartments 2,300
Hotels 222
Total 5,951
Excluding apartments 3,651
Corporate 1,682
Commercial mortgages 1,431
Equity real estate investment trusts 175
Commercial mortgage-backed securities 110
Other(a) 2,553
Total 5,951
Sources: Author's calculations based on data from Miles and
Tolleson (1997); Bureau of the Census, American Housing Survey, 1997;
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts; Economic Report
of the President, February 2000; CB Richard Ellis, Inc.; and EW. Dodge,
(a.) Includes direct household ownership, proprietorships,
partnerships and limited partnerships, institutional portfolios, and
Ownership of commercial real estate is diversified. Corporations
own more than a quarter of the total and a disproportionate share of the
office, retail, and industrial markets. Commercial mortgages held in the
portfolios of banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and other
institutions total $1.4 trillion, of which $110 billion has been
securitized. Equity real estate investment trusts account for $175
billion, not counting leverage. More than 40 percent of the total falls
into the category "other," which includes direct household
proprietorships, partnerships, limited partnerships, institutional
portfolios, and government (only the public housing stock is included in
these calculations).
A simple numerical example best illustrates the vulnerability of
commercial real estate values to changes in economic conditions. Since
the Tax Reform Act of 1986, real estate values can be reasonably
approximated with four variables: expected gross rents, vacancies,
operating costs, and a "capitalization rate," which is
essentially the rate of return a buyer would require to justify
purchasing the property. Table 6 shows how the four interact. The
starting point is gross rent per square foot. Gross rent, for the sake
of this illustration, is assumed to be adjusted for incentives offered
by landlords, such as free rent or custom buildouts. These are common in
weak markets and rare in strong ones. One can approximate a
building's value by adjusting expected gross rents for vacancies,
subtracting operating costs and taxes, and dividing the result by the
capitalization rate. Capitalization rates vary positively with interest
rates and with perceived risk.
The first row in table 6 shows such a calculation for an office
building that rents for $35 per square foot and has a zero vacancy rate.
Subtracting taxes and operating costs of $10 per square foot leaves an
effective rent of $25 per square foot. A capitalization rate of 9
percent produces a value of $27.8 million for each 100,000 square feet
of space.
The second row shows the effect of a 14 percent decrease in gross
rent, from $35 to $30 per square foot. With no changes in vacancy,
operating costs, or the capitalization rate, the building's value
falls by more than 20 percent, to $22.2 million.
The third row shows a further decrease in gross rent (a total
decline of 43 percent) similar to the decline in rent experienced in the
Boston office market in the late 1980s. Again assuming no change in
vacancy, operating costs, or the capitalization rate, value falls by
more than 60 percent, to $11.1 million. Adding a realistic increase in
vacancies (fourth row) and in the perception of risk on the part of
potential buyers, resulting in a higher capitalization rate (last row),
produces a loss in value of more than 75 percent.
These kinds of losses were actually experienced in some real estate
markets in the 1990s. Several factors contributed to the extent of the
damage. Very low vacancy rates in the early 1980s and optimism about
services sector employment contributed to a substantial building boom.
This was fueled by enthusiastic financial markets both nationally and
locally. The deregulated banking sector acquired a strong appetite for
asset-backed lending. Modern portfolio theory, then finding its way into
the asset allocation formulas of pension funds and insurance companies,
pointed heavily in the direction of real estate for diversification
purposes.(25) The Tax Reform Act of 1986 lowered marginal tax rates,
repealed the capital gains exclusion, altered passive loss rules, and
dramatically lengthened the depreciable lives of assets. These tax
changes interacted with the previous favorable provisions of the
Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 to drastically alter the tax landscape
for real estate. Of course, the late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed
sharp regional declines in employment and a national recession,
producing substantial job losses and office vacancies.
The cyclicality of commercial real estate markets is due in part to
very long lags between the planning and the production of new space. Any
office building must be planned, designed, presented to the community,
and zoned, and permits must be obtained. Development of a building, from
the beginning of its planning to the time it opens for business, can
take anywhere from five to ten years. The economic environment within
which expectations of future rents are formed can be very different from
that into which the finished building emerges. Clearly, this is true of
all production, but an overstock of automobiles, for example, can be
reduced simply by curtailing production in the next period, or by
shipping the excess inventory to markets with stronger demand. An
overstock of real estate assets, in contrast, merely gathers dust, while
debt service payments continue.
Current conditions in commercial real estate markets are very
strong. The average vacancy rate for the nation's metropolitan
areas as of the first quarter of 2000 was 9 percent, compared with 20
percent a decade ago.(26) Some markets are extremely tight. The vacancy
rate in the San Francisco metropolitan area is less than 1 percent, and
that in downtown Manhattan is 2.4 percent.(27) As a result, real rents
are at all-time highs. San Francisco leads the way, with asking rents in
excess of $80 per square foot per year. The average rent for class A
space in Boston is approaching $65 a square foot, and some buildings
there have leased space for as much as $75 a square foot. Although no
public data on effective capitalization rates are available, some large
transactions have been closed with capitalization rates between 6 and 7
percent. The unavoidable conclusion is that the figures in table 5 are
as high as they have ever been.
Does this mean the commercial real estate market is vulnerable to
the inevitable economic downturn? The answer appears to be yes and no.
First of all, many of the conditions that led to the real estate
problems of the 1980s are absent today. The rate of new construction has
been fairly modest around the country. In the first quarter of 2000 only
18 million square feet of new office space came online in the
metropolitan portion of the office market, about a 0.6 percent increase
in the existing stock.(28) Over the rest of 2000, construction activity
is forecast to continue to slow in response to rising investor caution
and higher interest rates. Given the experience of the early 1990s,
financial institutions, pension funds, and insurance companies have
become significantly more cautious in their real estate lending
practices. Finally, the basic tax treatment of real estate has not
changed dramatically since 1986.
Clearly, however, a national recession would have a significant
impact on the value of commercial real estate portfolios. One can see
this by estimating the impact of a significant recession on office
occupancy rates and rents. A downturn that reduced office employment by
1.8 million workers would cause as much as 270 million square feet, or
an additional 4 1/2 percent of the roughly 6 billion square feet of
office space nationwide, to become vacant. If rents fell 15 percent in
response (a reasonable guess), and capitalization rates rose from 8
percent to 9 percent, the value of the nation's office stock would
fall by about 37 percent, to $792 billion, for a loss of $460 billion.
Assuming comparable losses in retail, industrial, and hotel values, the
total loss could exceed $1.3 trillion.
Is this a big number or a small one? It is clearly large as a
percentage of the nation's real estate portfolio, but it is
relatively small as a fraction of national wealth, especially in the
wake of the dramatic appreciation in the stock market since 1995. If
stock market wealth is now $18 trillion, the entire hypothetical loss in
real estate would be the equivalent of a 7 percent stock market
correction--roughly a 245-point drop in the NASDAQ index and a 735-point
drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average from those indexes'
November 2000 levels.
In summary, commercial real estate is a significant part of the
nation's portfolio of assets. The market today is as healthy as it
is ever been, with no clear signs of overbuilding. Although commercial
real estate markets remain inherently volatile, many of the
destabilizing factors of the 1980s are gone. Certainly a significant
recession would create major losses in commercial real estate, but the
diversification of ownership and the stable capital base of market
participants would spread the impact broadly.
Distributional Effects of Home Price Appreciation and Rent
For the two-thirds of American households who are owner-occupants,
the real rise in home prices that the United States has been
experiencing for the past five years is unambiguously good. Most
homeowners have earned leveraged returns comparable, in percentage
terms, to those on the stock market, building substantial equity.
Meanwhile their out-of-pocket costs are protected by fixed-rate
mortgages or slowly adjusting adjustable-rate mortgages. In fact, most
homeowners face constantly declining real house payments.
It can, of course, be argued that a rise in housing prices makes an
owner no better or worse off than before: although the household's
assets have increased, at the same time the price of housing services
has increased to offset that gain. The budget constraint has shifted
outward, but the increase in the price of housing services has shifted
it back, resulting in only a modest gain in welfare. For example, a
homeowner who has lived for some years in Palo Alto, California, has
probably reaped an enormous capital gain, but that homeowner would find
it very expensive to buy another house in Palo Alto. However, such a
homeowner can be considered better off if the Palo Alto market has
inflated more than other markets where the homeowner might be willing to
move. He or she could decide to retire to Albuquerque and live in a
mansion, for example.
But a more important point is that homeowners in almost all regions
are much better off than renters in the same market. Home price
appreciation and rising rents are unambiguously bad for the one-third of
the population that pay rent. In most metropolitan areas, rents have
risen faster than other prices and incomes, and the potential for
homeownership is diminished. Although there is substantial variation
across metropolitan areas, the boom of the late 1990s has clearly
widened the real income distribution between owners and renters.
Calculating the total return to an investment in housing is clearly
a complicated matter, which must take into account appreciation, imputed
rent, tax considerations, opportunity costs, maintenance and repair, and
depreciation. But the variance in these returns over time is driven by
appreciation. Table 7 presents some calculations that illustrate the
benefits that have accrued to owners in the current market. The first
column of the table shows median home values in the Boston, Chicago, and
Los Angeles metropolitan areas for families at different points in the
distribution of income for owner-occupants; these values are derived
from cross tabulations of home value and income from the 1993 and 1995
American Housing Surveys. The second column is simply 20 percent of the
first column, or the initial equity of a buyer of the median home in
each category, assuming an 80 percent loan-to-value mortgage. The third
column uses zip-code-level weighted repeat sales indexes from Case
Shiller Weiss, Inc. to inflate home values and recompute equity at the
end of 1998. The index used to inflate home values for the top decile is
a weighted average of the indexes for the top 10 percent of zip codes
ranked by income in 1990, and so forth.
Table 7. Increases in Housing Equity by Income of Homeowner,
Value of
Decile or quintile by median Equity in Equity in
income house, 1995 house, 1995(a) house, 1998
Top decile 419,855 83,971 171,381
First quintile 313,127 62,625 125,487
Second quintile 204,355 40,871 77,536
Third quintile 165,603 33,121 60,840
Fourth quintile 124,864 24,973 46,792
Fifth quintile 74,513 14,903 27,792
Bottom decile 53,059 10,612 18,417
Top decile 378,240 75,648 112,048
First quintile 279,070 55,814 81,153
Second quintile 181,347 36,269 51,749
Third quintile 135,740 27,148 40,599
Fourth quintile 99,667 19,933 32,620
Fifth quintile 60,241 12,048 23,821
Bottom decile 42,222 8,444 17,777
Los Angeles
Top decile 449,223 89,845 176,610
First quintile 397,409 79,482 146,869
Second quintile 245,690 49,138 71,218
Third quintile 192,857 38,571 58,073
Fourth quintile 158,014 31,603 46,909
Fifth quintile 103,892 20,778 25,660
Bottom decile 75,200 15,040 18,890
Sources: Author's calculations based on data from Bureau of
the Census, American Housing Survey, various years; and Case Shiller
Weiss, Inc.
(a.) Assumes 20 percent down payment.
Looking at appreciation alone shows that leveraged investments in
housing have produced strong nominal rates of return for both lower- and
higher-income households. Those rates of return have continued into
early 2000 and are comparable to the recent stock market returns. For
example, the rate of return to a bottom-decile homebuyer in Chicago was
28 percent annually between 1995 and the end of 1998. High-income buyers
did better than low-income buyers in Boston (27 percent a year versus 20
percent) and in Los Angeles (25 percent versus 8 percent), whereas in
Chicago low-end buyers did better (28 percent versus 14 percent). It
should be noted that the 8 percent returns for low-income buyers in Los
Angeles would produce "negative leverage" against appreciation
if financed with a mortgage at a rate above 8 percent. Nationwide, if
one uses the OFHEO national index and assumes 80 percent leverage,
appreciation alone generated compound returns of 18.8 percent annually
between the first quarter of 1995 and the first quarter of 2000.
At the same time, real rents are rising. Notwithstanding
considerable variation across states and metropolitan areas, the
"rent of primary residence" component of the consumer price
index has risen 14.3 percent nationally since 1995, compared with 11.4
percent for prices in general. Increases in some metropolitan areas have
been significantly greater. For example, over the same period, rents in
the Boston metropolitan area are up 24.7 percent. At the same time,
figures from the Current Population Survey show that the mean income
received by the lowest quintile increased 10.4 percent between 1995 and
the end of 1998 (the most recent date for which data are available).
Meanwhile the mean income of the highest quintile increased 16.6
The combination of increasing assets and declining real
out-of-pocket payments for owners and rising real rents for renters has
clearly widened the already significant gap between owners and renters
in the distribution of income. According to the 1997 American Housing
Survey, the median income of owner-occupant households was $43,840 in
that year. The median income of renter households was $22,834, just
about half the figure for owners. Figure 5 shows the distribution of
income for owner and renter households.
In those metropolitan areas that have experienced the highest rates
of appreciation in housing prices, there is increasing interaction
between the rental and ownership markets. In cities like San Francisco,
Boston, and New York, demand pressure in the rental market combined with
supply restrictions are leading to enormous waiting lists for rental
assistance and public housing, in the midst of the longest period of
prosperity in the nation's history.
This paper has explored several dimensions of the relationship
between the real estate market and macroeconomic performance. It is
motivated by the extraordinary strength of national real estate markets
today and the powerful role that real estate has played in regional
business cycles over the years.
This paper's examination of the housing market focused on the
owner-occupied portion of that market. This market is large,
appreciation has been rapid, and capital gains to owners have been
significant. Yet even if the more extreme estimates of the wealth
effects of this rise were true, housing inflation would explain only a
small portion of the expansion of consumption since 1995. In addition,
inflation of housing prices during the late 1990s seems to have been
driven by the fundamentals rather than by speculation and price inertia
as has been the case in regional markets in the past. Moreover,
aggregate housing market appreciation is dwarfed by that of the stock
market during the past five years.(29) Finally, because house prices are
sticky downward and characterized by inertia, it is unlikely that an
economic downturn would lead to a precipitous decline in home values.
This paper's examination of the $6.2 trillion mortgage market
focused on residential mortgages and found that this market has become
much more sophisticated and efficient in recent years and currently is
very healthy. In addition, mortgage risk is widely distributed across
well-capitalized mortgage insurers, holders of mortgage-backed
securities, and portfolio lenders. Although a number of concerns remain,
including the inability of holders to diversify around or hedge market
risk, and the rise of the risky subprime market, the industry is better
positioned than it was a decade ago to withstand a substantial national
The aggregate value of commercial real estate markets, meanwhile,
is as high as it has been in history, and the volatile nature of this
category of real estate makes it vulnerable in the event of a downturn.
Mitigating this vulnerability, however, are a relatively slow pace of
construction activity and a fairly diversified and well-capitalized
ownership base. Here, too, likely potential losses are small relative to
the increase in the capitalization of the stock market over the last
five years.
Finally, the paper points out that rising real house prices, rising
real rents, and stagnant income at the bottom of the income distribution
have significantly widened the already large real income gap between
owners and renters.
An important question, not addressed in this paper, is to what
extent the current strength in real estate and mortgage markets is the
result, directly or indirectly, of the extraordinary performance of the
stock market. If the link is strong, a precipitous decline in the stock
market could trigger major losses in real estate and mortgage markets.
What now appear to be healthy and relatively well risk-managed and
diversified markets could all shed value simultaneously.
I am grateful to Maryna Marynchenko and Jenny Stack for invaluable
research assistance and to Robert Shiller, Ray Fair, John Quigley, and
Chris Mayer for insightful discussions on these topics.
(1.) CAMEL (capital adequacy, asset quality, management, earnings,
and liquidity) ratings are early-warning measures used by bank
regulators to identify potentially failing banks.
(2.) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1998).
(3.) See, for example, Case (1991).
(4.) Moscovitch (1990). Population-serving establishments are those
engaged in retail trade and local services as opposed to export
(5.) Case (1991).
(6.) Case and Shiller (1996).
(7.) See Case and Shiller (1987, 1989) for descriptions of these
(8.) OFHEO uses the weighted repeat sales method of Case and
Shiller (1987).
(9.) Kain and Quigley (1972) and Follain and Malpezzi (1981)
present estimates at the low end of this range, and Goodman and Ittner
(1992) at the high end.
(10.) Tracy, Schneider, and Chan (1999).
(11.) Poterba (2000), p. 108.
(12.) "Mortgage Markets and Economic Activity," remarks
before a conference on mortgage markets and economic activity sponsored
by America's Community Bankers, Washington, November 2, 1999, p. 3.
(13.) Case and Shiller (forthcoming).
(14.) Case and Shiller (1988, 1989, 1990); Clayton (1997).
(15.) Case (1986); Case and Shiller (1994).
(16.) Case and Mayer (1996); Green (2000).
(17.) Case Shiller Weiss quarterly forecasts prepared for the Wall
Street Journal.
(18.) Case and Shiller (1988).
(19.) The subprime market consists of lending to homebuyers who
have poor credit or who are taking out mortgages with a high
loan-to-value ratio.
(20.) Case and Shiller (1988).
(21.) Case and Shiller (1996).
(22.) Case and Shiller (1996).
(23.) The first of these, in December 1993, was sponsored by Groupe
Caisse des Depots; the second, in March 1998, was sponsored by Credit
(24.) Browne and Case (1992).
(25.) Browne and Case (1992).
(26.) CB Richard Ellis, Office Vacancy Index, 1st quarter 2000.
(27.) Press reports, however, indicate that rents for as much as 20
percent of the office stock in San Francisco are being paid with dot-com
stock warrants in lieu of cash.
(28.) CB Richard Ellis, Office Vacancy Index, 1st quarter 2000.
(29.) The paper has not explored the interaction between the stock
market and housing market. Preliminary results in a forthcoming paper by
Case and Shiller suggest that the stock market "causes" price
movements in the housing market, in a statistical (Granger) sense,
regionally and across time, but not vice versa.
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Comments and Discussion
Edward L. Glaeser: Karl Case has written an interesting and
thorough paper on an enormously broad question. By and large, he comes
up with answers that I agree with. Although individual housing markets
may look like bubbles, probably only a few truly are. The connection
between housing wealth and spending is probably pretty small. If real
estate does play a big role in the banking industry, that role comes
through the banking sector. In this discussion, therefore, I will try to
organize the hypothesized links between housing and the macroeconomy and
talk about each.
First, there is clearly a connection between aggregate economic
activity and the construction sector. This force cannot be large in the
aggregate, however--construction, after all, is not a huge sector of the
national economy--but there is no question that local labor markets have
often been substantially buoyed by construction employment. There are
some interesting questions about this sector, however, the answers to
which will influence our thinking about the cyclical importance of
construction. To what extent are construction markets national or local?
To what extent can construction workers freely move into and out of the
sector? Just how big are the shifts in this sector over the business
cycle? A future paper could usefully concentrate on these issues. But it
is hard to believe that construction will ever be big enough to drive
much in the macroeconomy.
A second connection involves the role of real estate as wealth and
the marginal propensity to consume out of real estate. Case's focus
on this connection is motivated, in part, by a claim by Federal Reserve
chairman Alan Greenspan that the marginal propensity to consume out of
real estate wealth is about 5 percent. This somewhat inscrutable, and
unsupported, claim seems awfully hard to accept, given what we know
about the basic economics of housing markets. Indeed, I take the view
that changes in real estate prices (holding the stock of housing
constant) have basically no effect on aggregate wealth. As such, this
entire discussion seems a little silly.
A house is both an asset and a necessary outlay. If people lived
forever and planned to reside in the same community forever, changes in
local housing prices would have very little effect on their net welfare.
If housing prices double, they then have twice as much wealth, but their
cost of living has risen by exactly the same amount. When my house rises
in value, that may make me feel wealthier, but since I still need to
consume housing there in the future, there is no sense in which I am
actually any richer. And because housing prices are themselves a major
component of the cost of living (indeed, they are the primary source of
geographic differences in the cost of living), one cannot think of
changes in housing costs in the same way as changes in the value of a
stock market portfolio.
The classic economic approach to utility gains from changes in
house prices suggests that utility rises for homeowners if housing
prices rise but also if they fall (a lesson I learned from Edward
Lazear). The argument is that whether house prices rise or fall,
individuals can always continue to consume their initial consumption
bundle. Thus, they cannot have lost utility. However, if housing prices
fall, they can, in principle, consume more housing and thus raise their
living standard. If housing prices rise, they can consume less housing
and still raise their living standard. However, this change in utility
will be far less than that which would come about from a cash transfer
to the homeowner equal to the price appreciation of the house. Thus
current homeowners might realize a gain in utility from the price
increase, but this gain comes from the ability to reoptimize their
consumption bundle with different prices. It will not have the same
magnitude as a rise in stock prices.
The arguments just advanced assume infinitely lived consumers who
own their houses outright (or at least are not highly leveraged) and
plan to stay in them. Naturally, the situation changes when we consider
consumers who are planning to move. Consider two hypothetical assistant
professors at Stanford, both of whom bought 1,800-square-foot bungalows
in 1995 for $250,000. Assume, for simplicity, that both paid cash. Both
bungalows are now worth $2.5 million. (If this is an overstatement of
the rise in the Palo Alto real estate market, it is not by much.) Now
assume that one of these professors has just been turned down for tenure
and is going to the University of Rochester. This professor has just
become much richer and will live quite well on his housing wealth. The
other has been promoted and will stay in Palo Alto. She is probably made
worse off by the housing price appreciation. She would like to trade up
to a 3,000-square-foot home, but such a home will be much more expensive
than she can afford. In short, the mobile professor gains from his
housing price appreciation whereas the immobile professor does not.
Does this mean that a significant fraction of U.S. homeowners will
benefit from housing price appreciation? Yes, certainly those with short
time horizons in certain locales will see real gains. But the existence
of a housing market means that, just as these people are selling, others
will be buying, and the rise in housing prices makes them equally worse
off. Thus, on net, the wealth of the United States has not increased.
Leveraging clearly exacerbates these effects. If the two Stanford
professors each put only $25,000 down on their houses, the one who is
leaving for Rochester will realize a 1,000 percent return on his
investment over the five years. The one who stays at Stanford receives
the same, although unrealized, gain. But this does not change the fact
that she is made worse off by the housing price increase, nor does it
change the fact that the person who buys the house from the
Rochester-bound professor will also be worse off. Leverage is important
to the housing market in many ways, but it does not alter the basic
argument that national wealth is close to neutral with respect to
changes in housing prices, because rising prices increase costs that
wholly offset the increase in wealth. Some individuals will benefit, and
others will equally lose.
A third channel that connects real estate prices and the
macroeconomy is the banking sector. Most banks hold massive real estate
portfolios--mortgage lending, after all, is a large part of what banks
do. It is a commonly accepted stylized fact (which, like many other
stylized facts, may not be entirely true) that banking crises are always
linked to overlending in real estate. By overlending, I mean lending
that looks excessive ex post, not ex ante. Of course, it is possible
that market failures in the banking sector (perhaps due to deposit
insurance) mean that this lending was socially inefficient ex ante as
well. As banks have increasingly been able to securitize mortgages, many
of the worst problems in this area may disappear. A common type of
banking crisis is that caused by rising interest rates. Higher interest
rates cause problems for banks because many of their assets are
long-term, fixed-interest mortgages whereas their liabilities are
largely short-term deposits, rates on which may change. As more
mortgages are securitized, this mismatch tends to disappear, and banks
function more as pure middlemen.
The final channel through which real estate prices affect the
macroeconomy is through their role in allocating workers and firms
across geographic space. The huge differences in wages between places
like New York and Mississippi suggest that there are massive differences
across space in the marginal productivity of workers and firms. A
benchmark figure is that the wage gap between workers in metropolitan
areas surrounding large cities (those with over 500,000 people) and
those in nonmetropolitan areas is about 30 percent. Naturally, this
means that moving people to more productive places could have a large
effect on national productivity. These effects grow even larger if the
rate of innovation is higher in dense urban areas.
The primary force that prevents people from moving into high-wage
areas is high rents. Indeed, in equilibrium, if real utilities are to be
equalized across space, high wages must compensate people for higher
rents in more productive areas. (In principle, lower levels of amenities
in those areas can also serve as an equilibrating device.) Within these
high-productivity areas, some workers do live in cheaper housing far
from the employment centers, but these workers can be said to be paying
in the time costs of commuting.
This view of the world suggests that workers do not freely flow to
high-productivity areas like New York City or Silicon Valley because of
high prices in those areas. In principle, if it were possible to reduce
housing costs in these regions, employment would move there from places
where productivity is lower, and the result would be a significant
improvement in GDP. Indeed, many authors (myself included) think that
the urbanization of the U.S. population in the past 200 years was one of
the major forces leading to higher levels of income and faster growth
This reasoning leads me to the only really policy-related issue of
this discussion. Is it possible, and is it desirable, for the government
to adopt policies that would lower housing costs in regions where they
are high? Standard economic analysis would suggest that land is a normal
commodity and that movements in its price reflect standard market forces
with which it is foolish to meddle. It is presumably true that
production of certain goods would improve if the government reduced the
price of steel, but it does not follow that the government should
subsidize steel production.
In some cases this analogy with steel might be apt, but in several
of the country's hottest real estate markets, high housing prices
have much more to do with government policies than with the market.
Silicon Valley is not short on land. Indeed, there are millions of acres
of undeveloped land fight in the heart of the Bay Area. This land is
undeveloped because of restrictions on development created primarily by
zoning regulations. New York City, in contrast, has little undeveloped
land, but much of that land has been developed at inefficiently low
density levels. These areas could be razed and rebuilt, if the zoning
environment were more favorable. It is hard to look at real estate
markets and not conclude that almost every extreme case of high housing
prices originates in restrictions on development.
There may be good reasons for certain types of zoning. After all,
zoning is meant to correct for externalities that we believe exist.
However, zoning in many places has much more to do with increasing
property values for existing residents, by restricting supply, than with
accomplishing anything socially efficient. Moreover, it is always the
case that current residents fail to internalize any of the benefits that
would accrue to current nonresidents from new construction. It is time
to rethink the entire system and ask whether we can move to a fee-based
system, where developers pay reasonably assessed externality-based fees
for new construction.
This type of radical innovation is possible. In the 1920s modern
zoning regulations were enacted in a massive wave of policy innovation
that swept the country. Similarly today, if the states and the federal
government exerted sufficient pressure, local governments could move to
more rational zoning rules. As I think about real estate prices and the
macroeconomy, I come to the view that lowering prices through zoning
reform in high-productivity areas is the most important area for new
Jonathan A. Parker: This paper by Karl Case describes recent
developments in the prices of both residential and commercial real
estate and contrasts these movements with those observed in the late
1980s. The most noticeable trend is that of housing prices. In some
areas of the country, housing prices have reached what many of us on
junior faculty salaries perceive as extremely high levels. A less
noticed phenomenon is that corporate real estate prices have soared in
much the same geographic areas. In the late 1980s the real estate market
also boomed; then, with the first signs of recession, it collapsed. A
credible argument can be made that this collapse was an important
contributor to regional economic downturns in the early 1990s.
My comments will focus on four questions about the current real
estate boom and its parallels with the previous boom-bust cycle. First,
what are the main issues at stake, and why should we care particularly
about real estate? Second, what are the main lessons that we can take
from this paper, and which of its findings are open to question? Third,
how can we better understand the links between the real estate market
and regional and national economic activity? Finally, is the real estate
market really less fragile today than at the end of the last expansion?
Residential and commercial real estate account for a substantial
share of both household wealth and the capital stock in the United
States. On average over the postwar period, one-third of household net
worth has been real estate; this number is a little lower at present
because recent increases in the value of corporate equity have
significantly exceeded increases in real estate values. Real estate also
typically accounts for about half the net market (replacement) value of
nonfarm, nonfinancial corporate business assets. Thus, large changes in
the value of these assets will cause significant changes in demand for
investment and consumption. I make this comment with caveats. Reverse
causation is likely: stronger demand for these assets surely increases
their prices. Also, an increase in the price of housing represents an
increase in the cost of consuming housing, so that an increase in demand
for other items of consumption does not automatically follow. However,
there are good theoretical and empirical reasons to believe that
increases in real estate prices do increase demand for consumption and
investment. I will return to both these caveats.
The real estate market not only is large but also plays a special
role in both the amplification and the propagation of shocks to the
economy. If firms use real estate as collateral for borrowing and find
other channels of raising funds more costly if not inaccessible, then a
decline in the value of real estate will reduce the value of available
collateral, and with it the availability of funds for investment, and
thus reduce investment itself. That is, real estate bears an important
role in allowing firms to raise funds. In good times, increases in real
estate prices further increase investment. In bad times, declines in
real estate prices can amplify recessions. Similar arguments can be made
about housing and consumption demand for households seeking to borrow.
Real estate plays a special role in another way. Because a
significant share of bank portfolios consists of mortgages, declines in
real estate prices that lead to mortgage defaults deplete bank capital.
Because banks are an important source of financing for investment,
particularly for small firms, a decline in real estate values causes a
reduction in investment by reducing the supply of bank credit.
In summary, this paper and topic are of particular importance
because of the special role that real estate plays in economic activity,
disproportionate to its magnitude. Through providing collateral for
loans and through its importance for bank capital requirements, real
estate prices amplify and propagate shocks to the economy. The paper
does not highlight them, but I encourage the reader to think about the
paper's findings in terms of these channels.
Case's first main conclusion is that real estate prices have
risen by significantly less in the current expansion than they did in
the previous one. Housing prices have risen about 25 percent over the
last five years. The paper takes as a working hypothesis that the
decline in real estate prices was an important amplifying mechanism in
several regions during the 1991 recession. I suspect this is correct.
The consensus view of the 1991 recession as a "credit crunch"
is consistent with real estate playing an important amplifying role.
Thus the question that one faces is, if real estate prices contributed
to instability or volatility in the late 1980s and early 1990s, can they
do so again now? I read the evidence of the paper as saying that the
answer is probably yes, but that the situation is not as fragile as it
was in the late 1980s.
Second, Case also points out that the recent increases in real
estate prices are significantly smaller than the increases in stock
prices over the same period. During the same five years that housing
prices were rising 4.9 percent a year in nominal terms, the S&P 500
index gained 25 percent a year. One might then argue that one should be
more concerned, if one is the type to be concerned, about the stock
market than about the real estate market. But this would be to ignore
the special roles of real estate just discussed. Anyone who fears a
market crash should be concerned about high real estate prices because
of the role that real estate plays in financing investment and on bank
balance sheets.
Third, Case demonstrates that the recent increases in real estate
prices are not uniformly distributed across the population or regions of
the United States. He shows, somewhat surprisingly, that despite
considerable regional variation, declines in house prices are infrequent
and relatively small (relative, that is, to declines in the stock
market). To take one of the most extreme examples, in Massachusetts at
the end of the 1980s housing prices declined over three years, and the
decline eliminated 25 percent of the gain that had occurred over the
previous five years. In other words, in this extreme case, the decline
in prices was only a quarter of the preceding increase, yet the effect
of the decline, at least by some accounts, seems to have been very
large. In the absence of other large regional shocks, the bankruptcy of
the largest regional bank in New England appears to be evidence of real
estate as a channel of amplification.
The fourth main conclusion of the paper is that the implied
increases in consumption spurred by the recent housing boom are not
large. Case bases this argument on an estimated marginal propensity to
consume out of housing wealth of 5 percent, a number attributed to Alan
Greenspan. Multiplying this by the increase in housing wealth leads to a
number quite small in relation to aggregate consumption.
Without seeking to quarrel with the Federal Reserve chairman, I
would like to begin my discussion of these four points by discussing the
consumption effects of an increase in housing prices. I suspect that,
given real estate's argued amplification effects, the impact of
real estate prices could be large. Think first about the simplest case,
namely, an exogenous increase in house prices. Such an increase would
lead to gains that are not evenly distributed across households. But if
all households chose to spend all of those gains on housing, total
wealth less the present value of housing consumption costs would be
unchanged, and so demand for other consumption would remain unchanged.
There are three reasons, however, to think that the response of
nonhousing consumption would be well above zero. First, the increase in
the price of housing is likely to cause households to reduce their
demand for housing. This would reduce the original price increase and
lead to less new construction. The increase in wealth would be less than
it would have been absent a behavioral response, but whatever wealth
increase there is would lead to other forms of consumption. Second,
households differ in their marginal propensities to consume. For young
households that own houses and have large amounts of liquid wealth, the
increase in house prices will be roughly balanced by increases in the
cost of housing. But for older households, an increase in the price of
the house they own increases their wealth more than it does the cost of
housing consumption over their remaining lives, and for
liquidity-constrained households, such an increase allows them to borrow
more. Both effects increase the consumption of nonhousing wealth. Third,
there is empirical support for a significant propensity to consume out
of housing wealth on average.(1)
There are also reasons to believe that the direct impact of changes
in housing wealth on consumption could be of an order of magnitude similar to that of the recent stock market boom. More households own
homes than own stocks, which implies that increases in housing values
are more evenly distributed across the population than are stock
returns. The propensity to consume out of wealth, at least in the short
run, is decreasing in wealth. In other words, the rich save more.(2)
Coupled with the fact that the returns to housing wealth are more evenly
distributed across the population, this implies that changes in housing
wealth might, in the short run, be more important for consumption demand
than changes in stock market wealth. The structure of financial markets
today also implies that households have reasonably easy access to
housing wealth through second mortgages and home equity loans.
Liquidity-constrained households and households for whom precautionary
saving is important may not be able to borrow against increases in their
pension wealth, but they may be able to increase their borrowing and
their consumption when the value of their house rises. Finally, the
well-established equity premium puzzle is due to the fact that
consumption does not respond much to stock market wealth. In summary, it
is entirely possible that increasing house prices are more important for
consumption demand in the short run than one would be led to believe
from housing's share of wealth and consumption and from recent
returns on housing and the stock market.
Consistent with this idea, the ratio of consumption to GDP in the
United States increased during the late 1980s, when housing prices rose
rapidly, and did not increase in the late 1990s, when housing price
increases were more restrained but stock returns were enormous.(3)
Although housing prices are indeed an important determinant of
consumption demand, consumption demand is also an important determinant
of housing prices. The flip side of the increase in the consumption
share of output in the 1980s is that a significant share of that
increase consists of spending on housing services. The ratio of
consumption to GDP rose 5 percentage points from 1980 to 2000, 1.4
percentage points of which represent increases in the consumption of
housing services. So, if consumption demand increases house prices, and
house prices increase consumption demand, what are we to make of the
current runup in prices and the fact that the increase seems less than
in the last expansion?
Several observable phenomena are candidates for explaining why
increases in housing prices in this expansion have been less than in the
previous expansion. The main ones are the factors other than the price
of a house that determine the effective cost of homeownership, namely,
the real interest rate, the inflation rate, and the tax deductibility of
nominal interest payments on mortgages. The most important change in
these factors since the mid-1980s is that brought about by the 1986 tax
reform, which removed the tax deductibility of interest on consumer debt
except for mortgage debt. This reform gave households an incentive to
decrease their consumer debt and to increase leverage in housing after
1986. This move to favoring housing consumption over other forms of
consumption, conditional on wanting to hold enough secured debt, should
have increased demand for housing and encouraged leverage. I think that
this may well explain much of the difference in behavior of real estate
prices between the previous and the current expansions. In addition,
whereas from 1995 to 1999 inflation fell slightly, increasing the
effective cost of homeownership, from 1985 to 1989 inflation was not
stable but showed no consistent trend, first falling and then rising.
The real interest rate fell during the second half of the 1980s and rose
during the second half of the 1990s. All of these factors are consistent
with a smaller increase in house prices in this boom than in the last.
Another observable factor that may be holding down the demand for
housing is the changing age structure of the population. Gregory Mankiw
and David Weil pointed out that the changing age distribution of the
population, coupled with the typical pattern of demand for housing over
the life cycle, implies a declining demand for houses starting in
1990.(4) The logic is simply that the baby-boom generation is starting
to retire and that retirement has historically led households to reduce
their consumption of housing. Although prices have not declined as
predicted, we are observing a smaller increase in house prices in this
expansion than in the previous one. I remain skeptical of any important
role for the age structure, however. Empirical work has found only a
small role for changes in the age distribution in determining
consumption demand.(5)
A final observable factor is the continuing development of
financial instruments that allow households to borrow a larger fraction
of their home's value and to do so more quickly and at lower cost
than in the past. Home equity loans and second mortgages certainly have
steadily become more common, and they may, by making housing wealth more
liquid, increase the demand for housing. I do not know of any evidence
that suggests that this effect might be less strong in the current
expansion than in the last. Nor is it obvious that this is not a
reaction to the tax incentives created in 1986.
I can only speculate which of these factors are actually at work.
But the returns to a better understanding of the real estate market are
large, and I encourage the author to pursue the causes of the
differences that he uncovers.
Now let me return to the issue of distribution by focusing on
regional variations in real estate prices. There is much to learn from
regional variations in real estate cycles, and I simply wish to
highlight the important issues at stake. First note that the role of
real estate as an amplifier of shocks varies significantly with the
distribution of real estate debt and mortgage holding. Because firms
that are collateral constrained react more strongly than other firms to
changes in the price of collateral, the impact of a macroeconomic shock
in a region is jointly determined by the extent of firm indebtedness and
the magnitude of the movement in the price of real estate.
Now consider a region in which the economy is booming. A regional
shortage in housing or corporate real estate may act as a significant
barrier to growth. The same increases in real estate prices that are
slowing growth, however, may help other firms grow by increasing the
value of their collateral. Finally, increased borrowing against
high-priced real estate could increase the financial fragility of the
region. In a related and quite interesting paper, Owen Lamont and Jeremy
Stein show that, in cities in which households are more leveraged,
volatility in house prices is greater.(6)
Finally, cyclical movements in real estate prices provide some
potentially important clues to the sources of economic development and
cycles. In thinking about real estate booms, one must ask why such a
boom is ever regional. Case discusses regional booms as if they are a
natural phenomenon, but why does economic activity seem so tied to a
specific location? The price differentials between San Francisco and
most other cities in the country imply that the costs to a technology
firm of moving out of the San Francisco area are enormous. Why does
out-migration of jobs not reduce the price pressure? Instead one
observes in-migration of workers. Spatial agglomeration is surely at the
heart of this issue, and here real estate cycles may have a lot to teach
Let me conclude by pointing out that, at least along one dimension,
the real estate market appears more fragile than it was at the end of
the previous expansion. Note that stability, or absence of propagation
of shocks, decreases with leverage. Although real estate prices have not
risen as much as they did in the last expansion, mortgage debt is higher
relative to both disposable personal income and the market value of
residential real estate. Figure 1 shows that the ratios of mortgage debt
to each of these series are at historical highs. Mortgage debt rose
significantly from the 1950s until the mid-1960s and remained roughly
constant until the mid-1980s. I think that the Tax Reform Act of 1986,
which, as noted above, preserved the tax deductibility of mortgage
interest and only mortgage interest, is an important causal factor here.
To go further, these large levels of mortgage debt may mean that the
housing market--and the banking sector--are more vulnerable to a
negative shock to the economy than they were in 1990.
In summary, I think that movements in housing prices have a
significant effect on consumption, although one must keep in mind that
there is surely also an effect of consumption demand on house prices. I
postulate that policy changes that altered the effective price of
housing, particularly the Tax Reform Act of 1986, may well explain much
of that movement. The real estate market has much to tell us about the
sources of fluctuations and growth, and I commend the author for
providing this tour of the details of recent market developments.
Finally, I do not see much evidence that the real estate market is more
stable today than it was at the end of the 1980s.
General discussion: Robert Gordon reasoned that examining a longer
period, such as the last fifty years, would provide far more variation
in real estate markets from which to draw inferences. Although the 1986
tax reform, which the paper emphasized, was an important factor
influencing real estate markets, earlier events and other aspects of
financial deregulation may have been equally important. The
extraordinary inflation in housing for the country as a whole occurred
in the 1970s, and it was followed by serious financial problems among
lenders. Bank deregulation over the 1978-85 period had major
consequences for the thrift industry, which for years had been the main
source of housing finance. And more recently, shopping for second
mortgages and home equity loans on the Internet has made those markets
more competitive and accessible to homeowners. Henry Aaron observed that
the high inflation of the 1970s interacted with the tax system to make
homeownership especially desirable, since the nominal appreciation of
home values is essentially tax free, whereas mortgage interest payments
are tax deductible. This contributed to the rise in house prices and
magnified the wealth gains from real estate, which in that decade were
far larger than those from the stock market.
Several panelists discussed Alan Greenspan's estimate, cited
by Case, of a 5 percent propensity to spend out of changes in housing
wealth. Gregory Mankiw pointed out that the increase in wealth from
housing appreciation and the higher cost of housing cancel each other,
suggesting that this propensity should be near zero. Robert Hall observed that, more formally speaking, a homeowner's consumption
possibilities rotate around his or her endowment point, leaving no
wealth or income effect. Mankiw questioned the empirical importance of
two exceptions to the rule that had been mentioned: older homeowners who
do not plan to leave their home as a bequest and homeowners who have
benefited from appreciation in their own neighborhood but plan to move
elsewhere. He had no view on the importance of liquidity-constrained
consumers who use their appreciated home as collateral for a home equity
In this connection, Mark Gertler reported on a study from the Bank
of England that found a close connection between movements in house
prices and borrowing against real estate, suggesting that this avenue
might well justify Greenspan's estimate. Shang-Jin Wei observed
that, in economies like Hong Kong and Japan, borrowing against real
estate values has been a major source of credit expansion and
contraction for business if not for consumers. George Akerlof suggested
that a positive propensity to spend out of housing wealth could be
understood by applying q theory to residential construction. With
construction costs determining the replacement cost of housing and the
cost of home improvements, higher market values for existing homes may
induce home improvements or the construction of new homes. Matthew
Shapiro noted that even if housing wealth is an unlikely source of
shocks to the economy, housing may nonetheless be important in
propagating shocks from other sources. Suppose the desired stock of
housing falls because of a change in wealth, for example, from a sharp
decline in the stock market. The downward adjustment in the housing
stock relative to the current trend could lead to a prolonged recession
in the construction industry.
Dale Jorgenson applauded the detailed data on real estate prices
that Case had assembled and noted that they do not show the generalized
U.S. asset price bubble that some commentators have warned of. He also
emphasized that major real estate crises have not generally been part of
the national business cycle but rather have reflected regional booms and
busts. The oil price collapse in the mid-1980s was responsible for the
Texas crisis, and defense cutbacks were key in the crashes at the end of
the decade in California and Massachusetts. He noted that increased
securitization that spreads mortgage exposure geographically and away
from mortgage originators could lessen such problems of concentration in
the future.
(1.) See, for example, Hurst (1998) and Skinner (1996).
(2.) See, for example, Gentry and Hubbard (2000), Parker (1999),
Quadrini (1999), Carroll (2000), and Dynan, Skinner, and Zeldes (2000).
(3.) See Parker (1999).
(4.) Mankiw and Weil (1989).
(5.) See Paxson (1996), Attanasio (1998), Parker (1999), Deaton and
Paxson (forthcoming).
(6.) Lamont and Stein (1999).
KARL E. CASE Wellesley College