Monetary policy alternatives at the zero bound: an empirical assessment.
Bernanke, Ben ; Reinhart, Vincent R. ; Sack, Brian P. 等
THE CONVENTIONAL INSTRUMENT of monetary policy in most major
industrial economies is the very short term nominal interest rate, such
as the overnight federal funds rate in the case of the United States.
The use of this instrument, however, implies a potential problem:
Because currency (which pays a nominal interest rate of zero) can be
used as a store of value, the short-term nominal interest rate cannot be
pushed below zero. Should the nominal rate hit zero, the real short-term
interest rate--at that point equal to the negative of prevailing
inflation expectations--may be higher than the rate needed to ensure
stable prices and the full utilization of resources. Indeed, an unstable
dynamic may result if the excessively high real rate leads to downward
pressure on costs and prices that, in turn, raises the real short-term
interest rate, which depresses activity and prices further, and so on.
Japan has suffered from the problems created by the zero lower
bound (ZLB) on the nominal interest rate in recent years, and short-term
rates in countries such as the United States and Switzerland have also
come uncomfortably close to zero. As a consequence, the problems of
conducting monetary policy when interest rates approach zero have
elicited considerable attention from the economics profession. Some
contributions have framed the problem in a formal general equilibrium
setting; another strand of the literature identifies and discusses the
policy options available to central banks when the zero bound is
binding. (1)
Although there have been quite a few theoretical analyses of
alternative monetary policy strategies at the ZLB, systematic empirical
evidence on the potential efficacy of alternative policies is scant.
Knowing whether the proposed alternative strategies would work in
practice is important to central bankers, not only because such
knowledge would help guide policymaking in extremis, but also because
the central bank's choice of its long-run inflation objective
depends importantly on the perceived risks created by the ZLB. The
greater the confidence of central bankers that tools exist to help the
economy escape the ZLB, the less need there is to maintain an inflation
"buffer," and hence the lower the inflation objective can be.
This paper uses the methods of modern empirical finance to assess
the potential effectiveness of so-called nonstandard monetary policies
at the zero bound. We are interested particularly in whether such
policies would work in modern industrial economies (as opposed to, for
example, the same economies during the Depression era), and so our focus
is on the recent experience of the United States and Japan.
The paper begins by noting that, although the recent improvement in
the global economy and the receding of near-term deflation risks may
have reduced the salience of the ZLB today, this constraint is likely to
continue to trouble central bankers for the foreseeable future. Central
banks in the industrial world have exhibited a strong commitment to
keeping inflation low, but inflation can be difficult to predict.
Although low inflation has many benefits, it also raises the risk that
adverse shocks will drive interest rates to the ZLB.
Whether hitting the ZLB presents a minor annoyance or a major risk
for monetary policy depends on the effectiveness of the policy
alternatives available when prices are declining. Following a recent
paper by two of the present authors, (3) we group these policy
alternatives into three classes: using communications policies to shape
public expectations about the future course of interest rates;
increasing the size of the central bank's balance sheet; and
changing the composition of the central bank's balance sheet. We
discuss how these policies might work, and we cite existing evidence on
their utility from historical episodes and recent empirical research.
The paper's main contribution is to provide new empirical
evidence on the possible effectiveness of these alternative policies. We
employ two basic approaches. First, we use event-study methods to
examine financial market responses to central bank statements and
announcements. By using sufficiently narrow event windows, we can get
precise estimates of the market's responses to central bank
communications and to other types of financial or economic news. Second,
we estimate no-arbitrage vector autoregression (VAR) models of the term
structure of interest rates for both the United States and Japan. (4)
For any given set of macroeconomic conditions and stance of monetary
policy, these models permit us to project the expected level and shape
of the term structure. Using the predicted term structure as a
benchmark, we are then able to assess whether factors not included in
the model--such as quantitative easing in Japan, or changes in the
relative supplies of Treasury securities during the recent debt buyback
episode in the United States--have economically significant effects on
interest rates.
Our results provide some grounds for optimism about the likely
efficacy of nonstandard policies. In particular, we confirm a
potentially important role for central bank communications to shape
public expectations of future policy actions. Our event studies for the
United States confirm the result of Refet Gurkaynak, Brian Sack, and
Eric Swanson that surprises in the setting of the current policy rate
are not sufficient to explain the effect of monetary policy decisions on
policy expectations and asset prices? These effects, however, can be
explained by the addition of a second factor that reflects revisions to
private sector expectations about the course of the policy rate over the
subsequent year. Changes in the second factor appear strongly linked to
Federal Reserve policy statements, providing support to the view that
central bank announcements can help to shape market expectations.
The U.S. record also provides encouraging evidence that changes in
the relative supplies of securities significantly affect their relative
returns. As we know from the classic paper by William Brainard and James
Tobin, (6) if assets are imperfect substitutes for each other, then
changes in the composition of the central bank's balance sheet
might be an effective nonstandard policy. To assess this possibility, we
apply the event-study methodology to three important episodes in which
U.S. financial market participants received information that led them to
expect large changes in the relative supplies of Treasury securities:
the announcement of debt buybacks following the emergence of budget
surpluses in the late 1990s, the massive foreign official purchases of
U.S. Treasury securities over the past two years, and the
"deflation scare" of 2003, during which market participants
apparently believed that the Federal Reserve was seriously considering a
program of targeted bond purchases. We supplement the event-study
evidence with results from our estimated term structure model, which
provides a benchmark against which to compare the actual behavior of
Treasury yields during the above three episodes. Our evidence generally
supports the view that financial assets are not perfect substitutes,
implying that relative supplies do matter for asset pricing.
Our analysis of the recent Japanese experience focuses on two
nonstandard policies recently employed by the Bank of Japan (BOJ). The
first is the BOJ's zero-interest-rate policy (ZIRP), under which
the Japanese central bank has committed to keeping its policy rate, the
call rate, at zero until deflation has been eliminated; the second is
the BOJ's quantitative easing policy, which consists of providing
bank reserves at levels much greater than needed to maintain a policy
rate of zero. Our evidence for the effectiveness of these policies is
more mixed than in the case of the United States. In event-study
analyses, which may be less informative in Japan because of small sample
sizes and our use of daily rather than intra-day data, we find no
reliable relationship over the past few years between one-year-ahead
policy expectations and policy statements by the BOJ. This result, taken
on its own, suggests that the BOJ was either unwilling or unable to
influence one-year-ahead expectations during the period considered (but
see below).
On a more positive note, Japan provides the only evidence of recent
vintage bearing on the second type of nonstandard policy, namely,
changing the size of the central bank's balance sheet (or
quantitative easing). Although the BOJ has used this strategy recently,
many consider the manner in which it has done so to have been relatively
restrained and limited. Moreover, other forces have no doubt been at
work at the same time, making it difficult to parse out the effects of
quantitative easing on the economy. Nevertheless, our estimated term
structure model for Japan does suggest that yields in Japan were
noticeably lower during the quantitative easing period than the model
would have predicted--a bit of evidence for the effectiveness of this
policy. A similar result emerges for the period when the ZIRP was in
effect, suggesting that the event-study analysis may not have captured
the full effect of the BOJ's policy commitments on longer-term
Despite our relatively encouraging findings concerning the
potential efficacy of nonstandard policies at the ZLB, we remain
cautious about making policy prescriptions. Although it appears that
nonstandard policy measures may affect asset yields and thus potentially
the economy, considerable uncertainty remains about the size and
reliability of these effects under the circumstances prevailing near the
ZLB. Thus we still believe that the best policy approach is one of
avoidance, achieved by maintaining a sufficient inflation buffer and
easing preemptively as necessary to minimize the risk of hitting the
ZLB. However, should that outcome prove unavoidable, we hope that our
research will provide some guidance on the potential of nonstandard
policies to lift the economy away from the zero bound.
Monetary Policy Options at the Zero Bound
It is not without some irony that the resurgence in work on the
ZLB, which for a few generations of economists seemed to be a relic of
the Depression era, traces to a remarkable achievement by central banks
in the major industrial economies. Among those countries, annual
consumer price inflation has fallen to around 2 percent, about one-third
the pace of twenty years ago. (7) For instance, as shown in figure 1,
the median inflation rate among twenty-six countries labeled
"advanced" in the International Monetary Fund's World
Economic Outlook database has moved down steadily since 1980. (8) This
disciplined pursuit of low inflation has no doubt generated
macroeconomic benefits and should be considered a singular
accomplishment, but it also has been associated with episodes of very
low inflation and sometimes outright deflation. (9) The minimum
inflation rate observed among these twenty-six economies has often been
negative--and consistently so over the past ten years. In the case of
Japan, deflation over the past five years implies that the current level
of consumer prices is now slightly lower than in 1995.
With inflation low and likely to remain so, industrial countries
are at risk of encountering the ZLB on nominal interest rates
periodically in the future. This raises the stakes for answering the
question: What options exist for monetary policy when lowering the
nominal short-term interest rate, the usual response to a weak economy,
is no longer possible? Many previous studies have discussed possible
answers to this question, and we will not review this extensive
literature in detail. Instead, as background for the empirical results
to be presented later, we provide an overview that focuses on some key
debates about the effectiveness of alternative nonstandard policies and
describes existing empirical evidence bearing on these debates.
Bernanke and Reinhart discuss three alternative, although
potentially complementary, strategies when monetary policymakers are
confronted with a short-term nominal interest rate that is close to
zero. (10) As discussed in the introduction, these alternatives involve
either shaping the expectations of the public about future settings of
the policy rate; increasing the size of the central bank's balance
sheet beyond the level needed to set the short-term policy rate at zero
(quantitative easing); or shifting the composition of the central
bank's balance sheet in order to affect the relative supplies of
securities held by the public. We use this taxonomy here as well to
organize our discussion of nonstandard policy options at or near the
Shaping Policy Expectations
Commentators often describe the stance of a central bank's
policy in terms of the level of the short-term nominal interest rate.
For example, the very low short-term rates seen in Japan in recent years
have led many to refer to the BOJ's monetary policy as
"ultra-easy." (11) However, associating the stance of policy
entirely with the level of the short-term nominal interest rate can be
seriously misleading. At a minimum, a distinction needs to be drawn
between the nominal short-term rate and the real short-term rate; in a
deflationary environment, a nominal interest rate near zero does not
preclude the possibility that real interest rates are too high for the
health of the economy.
A more subtle reason that the level of the policy rate does not
fully describe the stance of monetary policy is that a given policy rate
may coexist with widely varying configurations of asset prices and
yields, and hence with varying degrees of policy stimulus broadly
considered. In the United States, at least, the short-term policy rate
has little direct effect on private sector borrowing and investment
decisions. Rather, those decisions respond most sensitively to
longer-term yields (such as the yields on mortgages and corporate bonds)
and to the prices of long-lived assets (such as housing and equities). A
given short-term rate may thus be associated with relatively restrictive
financial conditions (for example, if the term structure is sharply
upward sloping and equity prices are depressed) or, alternatively, with
relatively easy conditions (if the term structure is flat or downward
sloping and equity prices are high). Indeed, copious research by
financial economists has demonstrated that two and possibly three
factors (sometimes referred to as level, slope, and curvature) are
needed to describe the term structure of interest rates, implying that
the short-term policy rate alone can never be sufficient to fully
describe even the term structure, let alone the broad range of financial
Financial theory also tells us that the prices and yields of
long-term assets, which play such an important role in the transmission
of monetary policy, depend to a significant extent on financial market
participants' expectations about the future path of short-term
rates. In particular, with the relevant term, risk, and liquidity
premiums held constant, expectations that short-term rates will be kept
low will induce financial market participants to bid down long-term bond
yields and (for given expectations about future corporate earnings) bid
up the prices of equities. Because financial conditions depend on the
expected future path of the policy rate as well as (or even more than)
its current value, central bankers must be continuously aware of how
their actions shape the public's policy expectations. The crucial
role of expectations in the making of monetary policy, in normal times
as well as when the policy rate is near the ZLB, has recently been
stressed in two important papers by Gauti Eggertsson and Michael
Woodford (EW). (12) Indeed, in the context of their theoretical model,
EW obtain the strong result that shaping the interest rate expectations
of the public is essentially the only tool that central bankers
have--not only when the ZLB binds, but under normal conditions as well.
We will have several occasions to refer to the EW result below and to
suggest that the levers of policy are greater in number than they
How, then, can a central bank influence private sector
expectations? EW, like most of the literature, emphasize the importance
of the central bank's committing in advance to a policy rule. Under
the assumption that such a commitment is feasible, they focus on the
problem of designing policy rules that perform reasonably well both
close to and away from the ZLB. EW are surely correct that predictable,
rule-like behavior on the part of central banks is an important means of
shaping the public's policy expectations. Central banks have
generally become more predictable in recent years, reflecting factors
such as increased transparency and, in some cases, the adoption of
explicit policy frameworks such as inflation targeting. However, there
are limits in practice to the ability of central banks to commit
"once and for all" to a fully specified policy rule, as
envisioned by theoretical analyses of monetary policy under commitment.
Although a theoretician might be able to specify the appropriate
state-contingent policy plan for a given model, in practice a central
bank would likely find it particularly difficult to describe the details
of its reactions to highly unusual circumstances, such as those
associated with the policy rate being constrained by the ZLB.
Given that their ability to commit to precisely specified rules is
limited, central bankers have found it useful in practice to supplement
their actions with talk, communicating regularly with the public about
the outlook for the economy and for policy. That is not to say that talk
is an independent instrument of policy, because statements by a central
bank will be believed by the public only if the central bank has a
proven track record of delivering on its stated commitments. However, if
central banks perceive a sufficient reputational cost to being seen to
renege on earlier statements, communication in advance may enhance the
central bank's ability to commit to certain policies or courses of
action. Moreover, at all times such communication can be helpful in
achieving a closer alignment between the policy expectations of the
public and the plans of the central bank.
Although communication is always important, its importance may be
elevated when the policy rate is constrained by the ZLB. In particular,
even with the overnight rate at zero, the central bank may be able to
impart additional stimulus to the economy by persuading the public that
the policy rate will remain low for a longer period than was previously
expected. One means of doing so would be to shade interest rate
expectations downward by making a commitment to the public to follow a
policy of extended monetary ease. This commitment, if credible and not
previously expected, should lower longer-term rates, support other asset
prices, and boost aggregate demand.
In effect, public statements by the central bank may foster the
expectation that it intends to follow what EW refer to as optimal
monetary policy under commitment rather than prematurely remove policy
accommodation in the future (as happens in EW's no-commitment
case). (13) The expectation that the nominal short-term rate will be
kept sufficiently low for long enough to ward off deflation should also
prevent inflation expectations from falling, which would otherwise raise
real interest rates and impose a drag on spending. Because interest rate
commitments have implications for inflation expectations in equilibrium,
our description of policy in terms of expected interest rate paths is
closely related to the types of policies analyzed by Paul Krugman and
Lars Svensson. (14) These authors stress the importance of the central
bank committing to generate sufficient future inflation to reduce the
expected real interest rate to levels supportive of aggregate spending.
Our emphasis, as in EW, is on policies under which the central bank
commits to keeping the short-term nominal rate low for long enough to
achieve the same results.
Bernanke and Reinhart note that, in principle, such commitments
could be unconditional (that is, linked only to the calendar) or
conditional (linked to developments in the economy). (15) Unconditional
commitments are rare. The Federal Reserve's commitment to peg
short-term and long-term rates during the decade after 1942, discussed
below, might be considered an example of an unconditional commitment, in
that the pegging operation was open-ended and did not specify an exit
strategy. More usually, central bank commitments about future policies
are explicitly conditional.
An important recent example of a conditional commitment is the
zero-interest-rate policy of the Bank of Japan. The BOJ reduced the call
rate to a level "as low as possible"--to zero, for all
practical purposes--in February 1999. In April 1999 then-Governor of the
BOJ Masaru Hayami announced that the BOJ would keep the policy rate at
zero "until deflationary concerns are dispelled," clearly
indicating that the policy commitment was conditional. (16) However, in
a case of what might be called commitment interruptus, the BOJ then
raised the call rate to 25 basis points in August 2000. In February
2001, following a subsequent weakening in economic conditions, the rate
increase was partly retracted. The ZIRP was then effectively reinstated
in March 2001, when the BOJ announced that it would henceforth target
bank reserves at a level well above that needed to bring the call rate
to zero (a policy of quantitative easing; see below). Since that time
the BOJ has attempted to assure the markets that the reconstituted ZIRP,
together with its other extraordinary policy measures, will be
maintained as long as deflation persists. Indeed, under Hayami's
successor as BOJ governor, Toshihiko Fukui, the BOJ has become more
explicit about the conditions required to move the call rate from its
zero floor, asserting that the ZIRP will not end until year-over-year
core inflation has been positive for several months and is expected to
remain positive.
A relevant, although less explicit, example of policy commitment is
also available for the United States. From the latter part of 2002
through much of 2003, Federal Reserve officials expressed concerns about
what they described as a "remote" possibility of deflation.
Subsequently, in late 2003 and early 2004, although the deflation risk
had receded, the slow pace of job creation heightened concerns about the
sustainability of the economic recovery from the 2001 recession.
Although the Federal Reserve's policy rate remained at least 100
basis points above zero throughout this period, policymakers became more
specific in communicating their outlook for policy in the attempt to
shape expectations. For example, the August 2003 statement of the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC, the body responsible for the
conduct of monetary policy in the United States) that "policy
accommodation can be maintained for a considerable period" may be
interpreted as an example of conditional commitment. (17) The
conditional nature of the commitment was made clear in the
committee's December 2003 policy statement, which explicitly linked
continuing policy accommodation to the low level of inflation and slack
in resource use. Likewise, the FOMC's stated plan in 2004 to
"remove policy accommodation at a pace that is likely to be
measured" gave the market information about the likely direction of
the policy rate but also emphasized that future actions would be linked
explicitly to the condition that inflation remain under control.
Empirical evidence on the ability of central banks to influence
policy expectations through statements, speeches, and other forms of
talk is relatively limited. For the United States, Donald Kohn and Sack
present evidence that the issuance of FOMC statements increases the
variability of market interest rates on the day of the statement,
suggesting that these statements convey information to financial markets
over and above the information in any accompanying policy action. (18)
However, they do not specifically address the ability of the FOMC to
influence expectations of future policy in the desired direction or at
longer horizons. In the next section we extend the work of Kohn and Sack
to provide additional evidence on the effects of FOMC statements on
policy expectations and asset prices.
More work has been done on the effects of the BOJ's ZIRP,
primarily by researchers at the Bank of Japan and affiliated research
institutions. The majority of this research suggests that the ZIRP has
been successful at affecting policy expectations, and thus at affecting
yields, although the greatest impact is observed at the short end of the
maturity spectrum. (19) Also, studies that include both the early ZIRP
period, before August 2000, and the later application of the policy,
which commenced in March 2001 with the introduction of the quantitative
easing policy, tend to find modestly stronger effects in the latter
period. (20) In an interesting paper, Kohei Marumo and others use an
estimated model of the Japanese term structure to back out the evolution
of market participants' beliefs about how long the ZIRP would hold.
(21) They find that, over the period from February 1999 to August 2000,
the mode of the probability distribution over the expected remaining
time of the policy ranged from less than one year to about three years.
For the second incarnation of the ZIRP, after March 2001, they find that
modal expectations of the time to the end of the policy varied from
approximately two to three years. Kunio Okina and Shigenori Shiratsuka
obtained similar results, ultimately concluding that "[t]he policy
duration effect was highly effective in stabilizing market expectations
regarding the future path of short-term interest rates, thereby bringing
longer-term interest rates down to flatten the yield curve." (22)
A shortcoming shared by most of these studies, however, is the
absence of an adequate benchmark for the term structure. That is, most
existing studies do not effectively answer the question of what yields
would have been in the absence of the ZIRP. Hence we really do not know
(for example) whether the exceedingly low level of longer-term
government bond yields in Japan during recent years primarily reflects
expectations of low future policy rates or the belief that Japan faces a
protracted period of deflation. In an interesting recent paper, Naohiko
Baba and others address the benchmark issue by estimating a
"macro-finance," no-arbitrage model of the term structure
(discussed in more detail in the next section). (23) They use this model
to estimate what yields in Japan would have been at each date, given the
state of the economy, under the counter-factual assumption that no ZIRP
was in place. A comparison of the actual term structure with the
estimated benchmark permits inferences about the effects of the ZIRP.
Notably, these authors find somewhat stronger net effects of the ZIRP on
long-term yields than does much of the earlier work. We apply a similar
strategy in our empirical analysis below.
Our discussion, like much of the literature, has focused on regimes
in which the short-term nominal interest rate is the instrument of
monetary policy. However, other variables can and have served as a
nominal anchor for the system and thus as a target or instrument for the
central bank. Svensson has called attention to the nominal exchange rate
as an alternative policy instrument when the ZLB binds, noting that
monetary policies that can be defined in terms of current and future
values of the short-term nominal interest rate can equally well be
expressed in terms of paths for the nominal exchange rate. (24)
Switching the policy instrument from the short-term interest rate to the
exchange rate does not eliminate the constraints imposed by the zero
bound: some paths for the nominal exchange rate cannot be engineered by
the central bank, because the values of the short-term nominal interest
rate implied by interest rate parity would violate the ZLB.
Nevertheless, we agree with Svensson that commitments by the central
bank to future policies may be more credible when expressed in terms of
a planned path for the exchange rate rather than in terms of future
values of the short-term nominal interest rate. One obvious benefit of
expressing policy commitments in terms of the exchange rate is that such
a commitment is verifiable, in that the central bank's announcement
can be accompanied by an immediate and visible change in the exchange
rate; promises about future values of the short-term interest rate
cannot be accompanied by immediate action, if the current policy rate is
at the ZLB. (25)
These considerations suggest that exchange rate-based policies may
be the best way for smaller open economies to break the hold of the ZLB.
For example, the Swiss National Bank increased its use of the exchange
rate as a policy indicator during its recent struggle with the ZLB.
Whether large economies like the United States or Japan can have success
with exchange rate-based policies is more controversial. Skeptics have
argued that the strongest short-term effects of the devaluation
suggested by Svensson would be felt on the patterns of trade, raising
the possibility that the large country's trading partners would
accuse it of following a beggar-thy-neighbor policy. Svensson has
replied that growth in domestic demand would ultimately raise imports,
offsetting the terms-of-trade effects created by the devaluation.
Whether these second-round effects would develop quickly enough to help
defuse the political problem, however, is difficult to judge, and we
have nothing to add to this controversy. Because large industrial
countries have traditionally emphasized interest rates and money growth
as policy instruments, the remainder of the paper focuses on these
variables. That said, we believe that empirical study of the use of the
exchange rate as a policy indicator when the ZLB is binding would be
highly worthwhile.
Increasing the Size of the Central Bank's Balance Sheet
(Quantitative Easing)
Central banks normally lower their policy rate through open-market
purchases of bonds or other securities, which have the effect of
increasing the supply of bank reserves and putting downward pressure on
the rate that clears the reserves market. A sufficient injection of
reserves will bring the policy rate arbitrarily close to zero, so that
the ZLB rules out further interest rate reduction. However, nothing
prevents the central bank from adding liquidity to the system beyond
what is needed to achieve a policy rate of zero, in a policy known as
quantitative easing. As already noted, Japan has actively pursued this
policy approach in recent years. Announced in March 2001, the BOJ's
quantitative easing policy might initially have been interpreted as a
recommitment to the policy of keeping the short-term rate at zero--that
is, of maintaining the ZIRP. However, the BOJ raised its target for
current account balances at commercial banks (essentially, bank
reserves) a number of times, to the point that reserves substantially
exceeded the level needed to pin the call rate at zero. (The BOJ's
target for current account balances reached 30-35 trillion yen in
January 2004, compared with required reserves of approximately 6
trillion yen, and the monetary base grew by two-thirds in the three
years following the initiation of the quantitative easing policy.) (26)
However, as has been frequently noted, growth in bank reserves and base
money in Japan has not resulted in comparable growth in broader monetary
aggregates. In large part this limited effect stems from the poor
condition of banks' and borrowers' balance sheets, which makes
profitable lending difficult and induces banks to hold large quantities
of idle balances.
Whether quantitative easing can be effective in relieving
deflationary pressures and, if so, by what mechanism, remains
controversial. As already noted, EW have provided theoretical reasons to
doubt the efficacy of quantitative easing as an independent tool of
policy. They show that, in a world in which financial frictions are
sufficiently minimal to permit full insurance against idiosyncratic
consumption risks, and in which effects of monetary policy on the
government's budget constraint are ruled out, quantitative easing
will have no effect, except perhaps to the extent that the extra money
creation can be used to signal the central bank's intentions
regarding future values of the short-term interest rate. The assumptions
that financial markets are essentially frictionless and that fiscal
budget constraints are independent of monetary policy are rather strong.
If these assumptions do not hold, we may have some basis for believing
that quantitative easing will be effective.
Why might injections of liquidity that go beyond the point
necessary to drive the short-term policy rate to zero help the economy?
One argument for quantitative easing is what might be called the
reduced-form argument. Broadly, those making this argument are agnostic
about the precise mechanisms by which quantitative easing may have its
effects. Instead, in support of quantitative easing as an
anti-deflationary tool, they point to the undeniable fact that,
historically, money growth and inflation have tended to be strongly
associated. It follows, according to this argument, that money creation
will raise prices independent of its effects on the term structure.
Basing policy recommendations on reduced-form evidence of this sort
is problematic, however. As the Lucas critique warns us, historical
relationships are prone to break down in novel circumstances. In
particular, there is no reason to expect the velocity of money to be
stable or predictable when the short-term interest rate (the opportunity
cost of holding money) is close to zero, and thus no reason to expect a
stable relationship between money growth and nominal income under those
conditions. To make the case for quantitative easing, we need more
explicit descriptions of how additional money growth might stimulate the
economy even when the short-term interest rate has reached zero.
At least three channels through which quantitative easing may be
effective have been advanced. The first builds from the premise that
money and other financial assets are imperfect substitutes. (27)
According to this view, open-market purchases of securities will raise
the amount of money relative to nonmoney assets in the public's
portfolio. The private sector's collective attempt to rebalance
portfolios will tend to raise the prices and lower the yields of
nonmoney assets if money and nonmoney assets are imperfect substitutes.
Higher asset values and lower yields, in turn, stimulate the economy,
according to this view. Recently, Javier Andres, David Lopez-Salido, and
Edward Nelson have shown how these effects might work in a general
equilibrium model that includes sufficient financial market frictions.
So long as technology has not made it possible to pay a grocery
bill with a stock certificate or the deed to a home, it is difficult to
dispute the premise that, as a general matter, money and nonmoney assets
are imperfect substitutes. However, in the special situation of a
binding ZLB, large additional injections of liquidity may satiate the
public's demand for money, implying that, at the margin, extra cash
provides no transactions services to households or firms. If money
demand is satiated, money becomes (at the margin) just another financial
asset, one that happens to pay a zero nominal rate, to be riskless in
nominal terms, and to have an indefinite maturity. In this situation it
is no longer obvious that money is a particularly poor substitute for
nonmonetary assets. For example, with the important exception of its
maturity, money's characteristics are very close to those of
short-term Treasury bills paying close to zero interest. Of course, even
in this situation there will be assets--real estate, for example--that
are not very substitutable with money, implying that the central
bank's choice of assets to buy may matter a great deal.
A second possible mechanism for quantitative easing to influence
the economy is the fiscal channel. This channel relies on the
observation that sufficiently large monetary injections will materially
relieve the government's budget constraint, permitting tax
reductions or increases in government spending without increasing public
holdings of government debt. (29) Effectively, the fiscal channel is
based on the government's substitution of seigniorage (a tax with
little or no deadweight loss in a deflationary environment) for direct
taxes such as income taxes. Alan Auerbach and Maurice Obstfeld provide a
detailed analysis of both the macroeconomic and the welfare effects of
the fiscal channel and find that they are potentially quite substantial.
(30) These authors also note, however, that the fiscal effect of
quantitative easing will be attenuated or absent if the public expects
today's monetary injections to be withdrawn in the future. (31)
Broadly, if the public expects quantitative easing to be reversed at the
first sign that deflation has ended, they will likewise expect that
their money-financed tax cuts will be replaced by future tax increases
as money is withdrawn, and this expectation will blunt the initial
impact of the policy. Thus it is crucial that the central bank's
promises to maintain some part of its quantitative easing as the economy
recovers be perceived by the public as credible. Auerbach and Obstfeld
show that, if the central bank is known to be willing to tolerate even a
very small amount of inflation, the promise to maintain quantitative
easing will be credible. A similar result would likely obtain if the
central bank associates even a relatively small cost with publicly
reneging on its promises. Thus it seems reasonable to expect that the
fiscal channel of quantitative easing would work if pursued sufficiently
A third potential mechanism of quantitative easing, admittedly
harder to pin down than others, might be called the signaling channel.
Simply put, quantitative easing may complement the expectations
management approach by providing a visible signal to the public about
the central bank's intended future policies. For example, if the
public believes that the central bank will be hesitant to reverse large
amounts of quantitative easing very quickly, perhaps because of the
possible shock to money markets, this policy provides a way of
underscoring the central bank's commitment to keeping the policy
rate at zero for an extended period.
More speculatively, quantitative easing may work through a
signaling channel if its implementation marks a general willingness of
the central bank to break from the cautious and conventional policies of
the past. A historical episode that may illustrate this channel at work
(although the policymaker in question was the executive rather than the
central bank) was the period following Franklin D. Roosevelt's
inauguration as U.S. president in 1933. During 1933 and 1934 the extreme
deflation seen earlier in the decade suddenly reversed, stock prices
jumped, and the economy grew rapidly. Christina Romer has argued
persuasively that this surprisingly sharp recovery was closely
associated with the rapid growth in the money supply that arose from
Roosevelt's devaluation of the dollar, capital inflows from an
increasingly unstable Europe, and other factors. (32) Because short-term
interest rates remained near zero throughout the period, the episode is
reasonably characterized as a successful application of quantitative
easing. Romer does not explain the mechanism by which quantitative
easing worked in this episode, other than to observe that real interest
rates declined as deflation changed to inflation. (33) Peter Temin and
Barrie Wigmore addressed that question, arguing that the key to the
sudden reversal was the public's acceptance of the idea that
Roosevelt's policies constituted a "regime change." (34)
The policymakers who preceded him had shown little inclination to resist
deflation and, indeed, seemed to prefer deflation to even a small
probability of future inflation. In contrast, Roosevelt demonstrated
clearly through his actions that he was committed to ending deflation
and reflating the economy. Although the president could have simply
announced his desire to raise prices, his adoption of policies that his
predecessors would have considered reckless provided a powerful signal
to the public that the economic situation had fundamentally changed. If
one accepts the Temin-Wigmore hypothesis, it appears that the signal
afforded by Roosevelt's exchange rate and monetary policies was
central to the conquest of deflation in 1933-34. (35)
Outside of the suggestive evidence from the interwar period just
discussed, there has been little empirical analysis of the quantitative
easing channel. The only recent experience to draw upon, of course, is
that of Japan since March 2001. Masaaki Shirakawa reviewed the
quantitative easing policy after one year and argued that, although the
policy may be credited with reducing liquidity premiums in some markets,
it did not have discernible effects on the prices of most assets,
including government bonds, equities, or foreign currency, nor did it
increase bank lending. (36) Takeshi Kimura and others studied the
effects of quantitative easing by vector autoregression methods and by
estimating a money demand equation. They concluded that any effects of
quantitative easing have been very small and highly uncertain. (37)
The recent moderating of deflation in Japan and the signs of
recovery there are, of course, a bit of evidence in favor of the
effectiveness of the BOJ's quantitative easing policy.
Unfortunately, however, they are far from decisive. Other factors have
certainly played a role in the recent improvement in the Japanese
economy, including structural and banking reforms, a strengthening world
economy, and the ZIRP. The quantitative easing policy, although an
important departure from the standard policy framework, has in fact been
somewhat conservative in its execution. Despite some interesting
initiatives intended to promote the development of various financial
markets, the BOJ has largely restricted its open-market purchases to the
usual suspects--government securities--thereby inhibiting any effect
that might work through imperfect substitutability. Even more important,
there has been a notable absence of cooperation between the monetary and
the fiscal authorities (indeed, the BOJ has expressed repeated concerns
that monetary ease might facilitate fiscal indiscipline), and the
communication and signaling aspects of policy have been subdued. We will
present some evidence that is consistent with quantitative easing having
been effective in Japan, but our findings do not clearly isolate the
effects of quantitative easing from other influences. The reality may
well be that the Japanese experience does not support strong conclusions
about the potential efficacy of this particular nonstandard policy.
Altering the Composition of the Central Bank's Balance Sheet
The composition of the assets on the central bank's balance
sheet offers another potential lever for monetary policy. For example,
the Federal Reserve participates in all segments of the Treasury market,
including inflation-indexed Treasury debt: its asset holdings of about
$700 billion are distributed among Treasury securities with original
maturities ranging from four weeks to thirty years. Over the past fifty
years, the average maturity of the Federal Reserve System's
holdings of Treasury debt has varied considerably within a range from
one to four years. By buying and selling securities of various
maturities or other characteristics in the open market, the Federal
Reserve could materially influence the relative supplies of these
securities. In a frictionless financial market, as EW point out, these
changes in supply would have essentially no effect, because the pricing
of any financial asset would depend exclusively on its state- and
date-contingent payoffs. However, in a world with transactions costs and
in which financial markets are incomplete in important ways, the Federal
Reserve's action might be able to influence term, risk, and
liquidity premiums--and thus overall yields. (38) The feasibility of
this approach is, of course, closely related to the issue of whether
different types of assets are imperfect substitutes for each other, as
discussed earlier.
The same logic would apply, of course, to other financial and real
assets that the central bank might buy or sell. Except under certain
emergency provisions dormant since the 1930s, however, the Federal
Reserve is restricted to purchasing a limited range of assets outside of
Treasury securities, including some foreign government bonds, the debt
of government-sponsored enterprises, and some municipal securities. (39)
Various methods might effectively make these restrictions less binding.
For example, the Federal Reserve has the authority to accept a wide
range of assets as collateral for loans from its discount window. Some
other central banks face fewer restrictions on the assets they can hold;
for example, the BOJ's expansionary efforts have involved purchases
not only of treasury bills and Japanese government bonds, but also of
commercial paper, various asset-backed securities, and equities (from
commercial banks).
Perhaps the most extreme example of a policy keyed to the
composition of the central bank's balance sheet is the announcement
of a ceiling on some longer-term yield that is below the rate then
prevailing in the market. Such a policy would entail an essentially
unlimited commitment to purchase the targeted security at the announced
price. If these purchases were allowed to affect the size of the central
bank's balance sheet as well as its composition, ultimately the
policy might also involve quantitative easing. A "pure"
pegging policy would require the central bank to sell other securities
equal in amount to its purchases of the targeted security. A commitment
to peg a longer-term yield may also help to convince the public that the
central bank intends to keep the short-term rate low for a considerable
period; such a policy would thus include an element of expectations
shaping as well.
As with quantitative easing, whether policies based on manipulating
the composition of the central bank's balance sheet can have
significant effects is a contentious issue. A fair characterization of
the prevailing view among financial economists is that changes in the
relative supplies of assets within the range of U.S. experience are
unlikely to have a major impact on these premiums and thus on overall
yields. (40) We will present new evidence on this issue later in the
paper. If the view is correct that financial pricing approximates the
frictionless ideal, then attempts to enforce a ceiling on the yields of
long-term Treasury securities would be successful only if the targeted
yields were broadly consistent with investor expectations about future
values of the policy rate. If investors doubted that rates would be kept
low, this view would predict that the central bank would end up owning
all or most of the targeted security. Moreover, even if large purchases
of, say, a long-dated Treasury security were able to affect the yield on
that security, the yield on that security might become
"disconnected" from the rest of the Treasury term structure
and from rates on private sector securities, thus reducing the economic
impact of the policy.
Such caveats notwithstanding, history offers a number of examples
of rate pegs by central banks. During the twentieth century, central
banks in a number of countries successfully pegged (or imposed a ceiling
on) long-term government bond rates in order to facilitate the financing
of war or postwar reconstruction. In the United States, the Federal
Reserve maintained ceilings on Treasury yields at seven different
maturities between 1942 and the 1951 Accord; among these were caps of
3/8 percent on ninety-day Treasury bill rates (raised to 3/4 percent in
July 1947) and of 2 1/2 percent on very long term bonds. The peg on
bills appeared to be binding, in that for most of the period the rate on
bills remained precisely at the announced level, and Federal Reserve
holdings of bills grew steadily, exceeding 90 percent of the outstanding
stock by 1947. (41) In contrast, the 2 1/2 percent cap on very long term
bond yields was maintained without active intervention throughout much
of the period, suggesting that the cap was not a binding constraint.
There were exceptions to this generalization, however: Notably, from the
beginning of the regime in April 1942 through December 1944, long-term
bond yields fluctuated in a narrow range between 2.43 percent and 2.50
percent, suggesting that the cap had some influence. (42) Also, between
October 1947 and December 1948, the Federal Reserve appears to have
intervened actively to keep bond yields just below the peg, in the
process raising the central bank's holdings of bonds from near zero
to about 13 percent of the outstanding stock. (43)
The relative ease with which the Federal Reserve maintained the
ceiling on long-term government bond yields for an entire decade raises
intriguing questions. During the early part of the pegging period,
memories of the low interest rates of the 1930s and ongoing low
inflation (enforced in part by wartime price controls) plausibly implied
equilibrium long-term yields either below or not far above the ceiling.
After the war and the elimination of wartime controls, however,
inflation rose quite sharply. Yet the long-term peg remained intact.
Barry Eichengreen and Peter Garber argue that the public was confident
that the Federal Reserve would reverse the postwar inflation and hence
remained content to hold low-yielding bonds. (44) Likewise, Mark Toma
notes that there is no logical inconsistency in promising a monetary
policy that is easy in the short run but anti-inflationary in the long
run, as the pegging policy seemed to do. (45) In this paper we focus our
empirical analysis on more recent episodes, and so we confine ourselves
here to raising a few questions about the pre-Accord period that we
believe merit further analysis. First, if we accept the
Eichengreen-Garber argument that long-term inflation expectations were
well behaved during this period, we might still ask how, if at all, the
Federal Reserve's pegging policy influenced those expectations. For
example, did the pegging policy communicate a commitment to low
inflation, perhaps because the public understood that the Federal
Reserve would do all it could to avert the capital losses to banks and
on its own account that would be suffered if inflation and long-term
rates rose sharply? Second, did the pegging policy affect term premiums,
for example by reducing the perceived risk in holding long-term bonds?
Finally, did the Federal Reserve in fact succeed in pegging long-term
yields below their equilibrium levels in 1942-44 and 1947-48, and, if
so, what were the consequences?
A second well-known historical episode involving the attempted
manipulation of the term structure was the so-called Operation Twist.
Launched in early 1961 by the incoming Kennedy administration, Operation
Twist was intended to raise short-term rates (thereby promoting capital
inflows and supporting the dollar) while lowering, or at least not
raising, long-term rates. (46) The two main actions underlying Operation
Twist were, first, the use of Federal Reserve open-market operations and
Treasury debt management operations to shorten the average maturity of
government debt held by the public, and second, some easing of the
interest rate restrictions on deposits imposed by Regulation Q. The
current view, shaped largely by the classic work by Franco Modigliani
and Richard Sutch, (47) is that Operation Twist was a failure. (48)
Their empirical estimates of the "habitat model" of interest
rate determination led them to conclude that Operation Twist narrowed
the spread between long-term and short-term yields by amounts that
"are most unlikely to exceed some ten to twenty base points--a
reduction that can be considered moderate at best." (49) However,
Modigliani and Sutch also noted that Operation Twist was a relatively
small operation and, indeed, that over a slightly longer period the
maturity of outstanding government debt rose significantly, rather than
fell. (50) Thus Operation Twist does not seem to provide strong evidence
in either direction as to the possible effects of changes in the
composition of the central bank's balance sheet. In the next
section we consider the effects of more significant changes in relative
supplies of government bonds of different maturities than were observed
during Operation Twist.
The Potential Effectiveness of Nonstandard Policies: Evidence from
the United States
Although the federal funds rate declined to 1 percent in 2003,
short-term nominal interest rates in the United States have not been
effectively constrained by the ZLB since the 1930s. Nevertheless, the
recent experience of the United States provides some opportunities to
test the potential effectiveness of nonstandard monetary policies in a
modern, financially sophisticated economy.
The previous section classified nonstandard monetary policies under
three headings: using communications to shape policy expectations;
increasing the size of the central bank's balance sheet beyond what
is needed to bring short-term rates to zero (quantitative easing); and
changing the composition of the central bank's balance sheet in
order to affect the relative supplies, and thus possibly the relative
prices, of targeted securities. As far as we can see, the recent
experience of the United States does not contain any episodes useful for
studying the potential of the second type of nonstandard policy.
However, as we discuss in this section, recent U.S. experience does
provide valuable evidence, both direct and indirect, on the
effectiveness of the first and third types.
We first address the question of whether the recent communication
policies of the Federal Open Market Committee have influenced market
expectations of future short-term interest rates, as would be required
to affect longer-term rates by shaping market expectations (the first
class of nonstandard policies). Our principal methodology is event-study
analysis; that is, we draw inferences about the impact of FOMC
statements from the behavior of market-based indicators of policy
expectations in a narrow window surrounding FOMC announcements. We also
use the event-study approach to determine whether FOMC statements affect
the responsiveness of policy expectations to other types of news, such
as employment reports. The event-study analysis shows that FOMC policy
statements do in fact have a substantial impact on market expectations
of future policy, both directly and indirectly, suggesting that the
committee does have some scope to use communication policies to
influence the yields and prices of longer-term assets. To assess further
the magnitude of these effects, we next estimate a macrofinance model of
the term structure of Treasury yields, which links the term structure to
macroeconomic conditions and to indicators of monetary policy.
Comparison of this benchmark model of the term structure with the actual
evolution of yields provides additional information on the magnitude and
duration of the effects of FOMC "talk" on the term structure.
In the second part of this section, we present evidence that bears
on the possibility that changes in the composition of the Federal
Reserve's balance sheet might influence asset prices--the third
type of nonstandard policy. The key issue here is whether changes in the
relative supplies of assets, such as government bonds of different
maturities, have significant effects on prices and yields, holding
macroeconomic conditions and policy interest rates constant. We address
this issue indirectly by considering the market effects of three recent
episodes: first, the period of Treasury debt buybacks of the late 1990s,
during which the Treasury announced its intention to shorten
significantly the maturity structure of U.S. debt; second, the large
purchases of U.S. Treasuries by Japan's Ministry of Finance during
the period of Japan's exchange rate interventions after 1998; and
third, the "deflation scare" episode of 2003, during which
bond market participants purportedly saw a significant probability that
the Federal Reserve might use securities purchases to try to affect
longer-term yields. Using the same two methodologies as applied in the
study of FOMC statements--that is, an event-study approach and the use
of an estimated model of the term structure as a benchmark for
comparison--we find evidence that "supply effects" have at
times significantly influenced bond yields, suggesting that targeted
purchases of bonds at the ZLB could be effective at lowering the yields
on longer-dated securities. However, the duration and magnitude of these
effects remain somewhat unclear from our analysis.
Do FOMC Statements Influence Policy Expectations?
Has the FOMC historically exerted any influence on investors'
expectations about the future course of policy? Although members of the
FOMC communicate to the public through a variety of channels, including
speeches and congressional testimony, official communications from the
FOMC as an official body (ex cathedra, one might say) are confined
principally to the statements that the FOMC releases with its policy
decisions. (51) In this section we investigate whether FOMC statements
have observable effects on financial markets over and above the effects
of policy changes themselves. We undertake a similar exercise for the
Bank of Japan later in the paper.
The FOMC has moved significantly in the direction of greater
transparency over the past decade. Before 1994, no policy statements or
descriptions of the target for the federal funds rate were released
after FOMC meetings. Instead, except when changes in the federal funds
rate coincided with changes in the discount rate (which were announced
by a press release of the Federal Reserve Board), the FOMC signaled its
policy decisions to the financial markets only indirectly, through
open-market operations, typically on the day following the policy
decision. In February 1994 the FOMC began to release statements noting
changes in its target for the federal funds rate, but it continued to
remain silent following meetings where no policy changes occurred. Since
May 1999, however, the committee has released a statement after every
policy meeting.
The FOMC statements have evolved considerably. In their most recent
form they briefly describe the current state of the economy and, in some
cases, provide some hints about the near-term outlook for policy. They
also contain a formulaic description of the so-called balance of risks
with respect to the outlook for output growth and inflation. A
consecutive reading of the statements reveals continual tinkering by the
committee to improve its communications. For example, the
balance-of-risks portion of the statement replaced an earlier
formulation, the "policy tilt," which characterized the likely
future direction of the federal funds rate. Much like the policy tilt
statement, the balance-of-risks statement hints about the likely
evolution of policy, but it does so more indirectly by focusing on the
committee's assessment of the potential risks to its dual
objectives rather than on the policy rate. The relative weights of
forward-looking and backward-looking characterizations of the data and
of policy have also changed over time, with the FOMC taking a relatively
more forward-looking stance in 2003 and 2004.
Of course, investors read the statements carefully to try to divine
the FOMC's views on the economy and its policy inclinations. (52)
This careful attention is prima facie evidence that what the committee
says, as well as what it does, matters for asset pricing. Here we
support this observation with more formal evidence and try to judge the
magnitude of the effect.
To measure the influence of these FOMC announcements, we first take
an event-study approach. We look at the movements in three market-based
indicators of the private sector's monetary policy expectations
during the periods surrounding FOMC decisions--including both decisions
made at scheduled FOMC meetings and decisions made between regular
meetings--since July 1991. (53) The first of the three indicators is a
now-standard measure of the surprise component of current policy
decisions. This measure, derived from the current-month federal funds
futures contract in the manner described by Kenneth Kuttner, (54)
provides a market-based estimate of the difference between the federal
funds rate target set by the FOMC and the value of the funds rate target
that market participants expected just before the FOMC's
announcement. (Essentially, the change in the near-term federal funds
contract in response to the decision, when scaled by the number of days
remaining in that month-long contract, provides a measure of the change
in expectations.) The second indicator is the rate on the Eurodollar
futures contract expiring about a year ahead. Roughly speaking, the
change in this rate during the period that spans the announcement of the
FOMC's decision is a measure of the change in year-ahead policy
expectations (and movements in the term premium associated with those
changes) induced by the committee's decisions. Finally, we also
consider changes in the yield on Treasury securities of five years'
maturity, which provide an indication of changes in market expectations
of policy (as well as associated changes in term premiums) at a
five-year horizon. To isolate the effects of policy events on these
indicators as cleanly as possible, we focus on movements in the three
market-based indicators over the one-hour window (from fifteen minutes
before to forty-five minutes after) surrounding the policy
We would like to test whether the private sector's policy
expectations over the hour surrounding an FOMC announcement are affected
solely by the unexpected component of the policy action itself, or
whether there is room for additional influences on expectations arising
from the committee's statement. The earlier literature has mostly
considered the effects on asset prices and yields of the current policy
surprise only. (55) If the "one-factor" view of the effects of
FOMC decisions implicit in these studies is correct, there can be no
independent effect of the committee's statements on policy
expectations or asset prices. To investigate this issue, we follow an
approach similar to that of Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson to determine
whether significant factors independent of the current policy surprise
are needed to account for the response of policy expectations at the
one-year and five-year horizons. (56) Specifically, we construct a
candidate set of factors through a Cholesky decomposition of our three
indicators of changes in policy expectations. We assume that the first
factor equals the current policy surprise, as inferred from the federal
funds futures market, which also affects the year-ahead futures rate and
the five-year yield. The second candidate factor equals the portion of
the change in year-ahead policy expectations (as measured by the change
in the Eurodollar futures contract) not explained by (that is,
orthogonal to) the first factor, which is also allowed to influence the
five-year yield. As a residual, the third candidate factor is the change
in the five-year Treasury yield not explained by (orthogonal to) the
first two factors. If the one-factor view of the effects of policy
decisions is correct, then the second and third candidate factors should
account for only a small portion of the changes in longer-horizon
interest rates in the period surrounding FOMC decisions, and they should
be unrelated to aspects of the FOMC decision (such as the statement)
other than the change in the policy rate.
The loadings of the three market indicators of policy expectations
on the three factors, as determined by the Cholesky decomposition, are
shown in the top panel of table 1. By construction, each of the diagonal
elements of the table is equal to unity. As already mentioned, the first
factor has been set equal to the surprise component in the current
policy decision, as measured by the method of Kuttner. (57) Note that
the second and third elements of the first column show the effect of a
one-unit increase in the current policy surprise on policy expectations
one year and five years ahead, respectively. As found by Kuttner, the
effects of a current policy surprise on yields diminish as the horizon
lengthens. The second factor has (again, by design) a unitary effect on
year-ahead policy expectations and a diminishing effect on the five-year
yield, whereas the third factor (by design) affects only the five-year
An important finding is that the second factor (defined, again, as
the part of the change in the year-ahead rate that is orthogonal to the
surprise in the federal funds rate) plays a substantial role in
determining policy expectations. This point can be seen in the bottom
panel of table 1, which reports the standard deviation of the effect of
each factor on the three market indicators of expectations in the period
since 1998. (58) The standard deviation of the component of the
year-ahead futures rate accounted for by the second factor (10.1) is
twice that of the component accounted for by the first factor (5.1).
Putting the results in terms of variances, we can infer from the bottom
panel of table 1 that only about one-fifth of the variance in the
year-ahead futures rate in the hour around policy decisions is explained
by current policy surprises (the first factor), and that the other
four-fifths of the variance is captured by the second factor. This
result confirms a primary conclusion of Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson,
(59) who argue that two factors are needed to explain the influence of
FOMC announcements on monetary policy expectations out to a horizon of a
Also significant is the finding that the second factor makes the
largest contribution to the variability in the five-year Treasury yield
during the hour around FOMC decisions. In terms of standard deviations,
the contribution of the second factor to the variation in the five-year
yield is about twice that of either the first or the third factor. In
terms of variances, the second factor accounts for 68 percent of the
variability of the five-year yield during the event window, whereas the
first factor explains 12 percent and the third factor 20 percent of the
Having determined that policy expectations are determined to an
important degree by a second factor that represents influences on market
expectations of policy not captured in the policy decision itself, we
next ask whether the second factor is related to the FOMC's
communications. (60) Informal inspection of the historical realizations
of the various factors reveals that the second factor has become
increasingly important in the latter part of the sample--the period when
policy statements came into regular use. Even during the years from 1994
to 1999, when policy statements were used more sporadically, many of the
large realizations of the second factor coincided with policy
statements. In contrast, larger realizations of the first and third
factors do not seem to line up with dates of policy statements.
To investigate more formally the link between FOMC statements and
the three factors, we follow an approach similar to that employed by
Kohn and Sack. (61) As described in the previous section, Kohn and Sack
showed that, for given values of the policy surprise, the issuance of
statements by the FOMC increases the variability of market interest
rates, suggesting that statements contain information relevant to
financial markets. Here we extend their approach in several ways, in
part by examining the effects on expectations of different types of
statements (including "anticipated" and
"unanticipated" statements), by linking statements to policy
expectations at differing horizons (as summarized by the three factors),
and by checking whether the directional effects of policy statements on
policy expectations seem reasonable. (62)
As a first step, and in a manner analogous to Kohn and Sack's
approach, we regress the squared values of each of the factors on
several dummy variables related to policy statements, to determine
whether statements "matter" for policy expectations at
different horizons, as summarized by the three factors, without having
to quantify the statements. We define the first dummy, which we call
STATEMENT, to equal 1 on any date on which the FOMC released a policy
statement following its meeting, and zero otherwise. A positive
estimated coefficient on STATEMENT implies that this particular factor
tends to be larger in magnitude on dates on which a statement is
released. Of the 116 policy decisions in our sample, 56 were accompanied
by statements.
Of course, a statement that market participants fully anticipated
would not be expected to generate a market reaction. With this in mind,
we define a second dummy variable (called STATEMENT SURPRISE) that
equals 1 on dates when the issued statement included important
information about the state of the economy or the path of monetary
policy that a substantial portion of market participants did not expect.
Obviously, assigning values to STATEMENT SURPRISE involves some
subjectivity, because investors' expectations about statements
cannot be quantified as easily as their expectations for settings of the
policy rate. To construct this dummy variable, we read a set of
commentaries written before and after each statement was released, to
determine whether the statement was substantially as expected by market
participants or instead surprised the markets. After-the-fact
commentaries that we examined included internal staff analyses from both
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Board of Governors of
market reactions to the policy decision and the statement, as well as
next-day articles about the FOMC's decision from the Wall Street
Journal. A drawback of relying on after-the-fact analyses to determine
which statements were surprises, of course, is that the authors'
interpretations may have been influenced, consciously or unconsciously,
by the observed market responses. (63) To guard against this source of
bias, we also used several before-the-fact sources, including a
pre-FOMC-meeting survey of expectations for the balance-of-risks (or
policy bias) part of the statement, conducted by Money Market Services
and its successor Action Economics; commentaries put out just before
each meeting by the ISI Group, a leading financial firm that specializes
in monitoring FOMC action; and the results of a survey conducted by the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York that asks primary dealers about their
expectations for the statement. We took all occasions when the policy
bias or the balance of risks differed from the median survey response as
surprises. Using these materials, we identified thirty-one of the
fifty-six statements in our sample period as involving some
nonnegligible surprise. (64)
Table 2 presents the regression results; we focus first on the
odd-numbered columns. Column 2-1 shows the results from regressing the
square of the first factor (the current policy surprise) against a
constant term and the two dummy variables. The first dummy, which
indicates the presence of any statement accompanying an FOMC policy
decision, enters the regression with a positive and significant
coefficient. The most likely explanation for this result is that, for
much of the sample period, statements were released only on days on
which the federal funds rate was changed; not surprisingly, policy rate
surprises tend to be larger on days when the federal funds rate target
was changed than on days when no change in the target was made. The
coefficient on the second dummy variable, STATEMENT SURPRISE, is
negative and significant, which suggests that the FOMC views surprises
in the policy rate and in the statement as substitutes, or possibly that
the FOMC was simply reluctant to issue surprising statements at the same
time that it was also surprising the markets with its policy action.
The regression reported in column 2-3 shows that the squared second
factor, by contrast, appears to be driven entirely by statement
surprises. The coefficient on STATEMENT SURPRISE is both highly
statistically significant and economically important; the regression
results imply that, on average, the variance of the second factor during
the one-hour window surrounding the release of the statement is about
196 basis points (the sum of the constant term and both regression
coefficients) when the statement is surprising, but only about 42 basis
points (the constant term plus the first coefficient) when the statement
is as expected. Moreover, the variance of the second factor is not
significantly different from zero on days when no statement is released
or when the statement is as anticipated. This result suggests that
surprise statements have a major impact on policy expectations a year
The magnitude of the third factor seems unrelated to policy
statements, because neither dummy variable enters significantly into the
regression for the square of that factor (column 2-5). In other words,
we find no evidence that FOMC statements affect the five-year Treasury
yield independent of their effect on year-ahead expectations. (However,
recall from table 1 that independent variation in year-ahead policy
expectations--the second factor--accounts for the bulk of the variance
of the five-year Treasury yield during the periods surrounding FOMC
decisions. Thus, holding the current policy decision constant, a
surprising statement has an important effect on yields at the five-year
horizon, albeit indirectly through its effects on one-year-ahead policy
expectations.) As we saw above, the third factor is quite small and may
simply reflect residual noise in the five-year yield.
Investors are most interested in statements that provide hints
about the FOMC's inclinations regarding future policy actions (as
opposed to, for example, statements that describe past economic
developments). From the committee' s point of view, the effects on
market expectations of statements bearing on the future course of policy
should also be of particular interest, since this is the type of
statement that theory suggests should be most useful when the policy
rate is near the zero bound. To examine whether statements that provide
new information about the likely future path of monetary policy are
particularly influential, we used the sources noted above to identify
nine statements among the thirty-one surprise statements that seemed
most explicitly focused on the likely future path of policy. The dummy
variable PATH SURPRISE takes a value of 1 on the dates of these
A number of these statements occurred recently, in a period when
the FOMC was attempting to provide additional stimulus to the economy
despite the fact that the federal funds rate had already been reduced to
as little as 100 basis points. For example, in August 2003 the FOMC
stated that "policy accommodation can be maintained for a
considerable period," marking the first time that the FOMC
statement discussed an extended outlook for its policy path. (65) This
phrase was repeated in FOMC statements following the September, October,
and December meetings. At its January 2004 meeting the FOMC replaced the
"considerable period" phrase with the assertion that "the
Committee believes that it can be patient in removing its policy
accommodation." This substitution caused long-dated Treasury yields
to jump 15 to 25 basis points, a clear indication that the
committee's language was important in shaping longer-term policy
expectations. Policymaking by thesaurus continued through 2004. After
repeating the "patient" language after its March meeting, the
FOMC in its May statement replaced this phrase with the statement that
it "believes that policy accommodation can be removed at a pace
that is likely to be measured," and it maintained that assessment
through the end of our sample. These statements, because they are so
explicitly focused on the policy path, may provide the best natural
experiments for assessing what could be accomplished at the zero bound.
As can be seen in the even-numbered columns in table 2, the PATH
SURPRISE dummy enters significantly only in the regression explaining
the square of the second factor, further confirming the association of
this factor with policy statements. Relative to a situation in which an
unsurprising statement is issued, a surprise statement about the likely
future course of policy increases the variance of the second factor
during the event window by 233 basis points (the sum of the coefficients
on surprise statements and policy path surprise statements), indicating
that statements providing new information about the prospective path of
policy have a powerful effect on year-ahead policy expectations and,
hence, indirectly on the five-year Treasury yield as well.
So far we have shown that year-ahead policy expectations react
strongly to unexpected changes in the FOMC's statement, in the
sense that the absolute change in year-ahead expectations tends to be
much larger when the content of the statement is unexpected. We have not
yet shown that the change in expectations is in the predicted direction,
for example that unexpectedly "hawkish" statements cause
expectations to shift toward a greater degree of policy tightening. To
take this additional step, while recognizing once again that the
quantification of purely qualitative statements is necessarily
hazardous, we used the source materials described earlier to
"sign" the thirty-one surprise statements in terms of their
apparent implications for subsequent monetary policy actions. We
summarized this information in a dummy variable, SIGNED STATEMENT, which
is assigned the value of +1 for surprise "hawkish" statements
(those that implied a higher future path of the federal funds rate than
previously expected), -1 for surprise "dovish" statements, and
zero for all other observations, including those with nonsurprising
statements or no statements at all. We then regressed the levels (not
the squares) of each of the three factors on the signed dummy variable.
We also tried regressing the levels of the factors on the signed values
of statements corresponding to policy path surprises (SIGNED PATH,
defined as the product of the SIGNED STATEMENT and PATH SURPRISE
The results, shown in table 3, further strengthen our findings.
Columns 3-1, 3-2, 3-5, and 3-6 show that no significant relationship
exists between the signed statement surprises and either the first or
the third factor. In contrast, signed surprises have a large and highly
statistically significant effect on the second factor, with hawkish
statements raising and dovish statements lowering year-ahead policy
expectations by 12 basis points on average (column 3-3). The effects are
even larger (16 basis points) when we restrict our attention to the nine
policy path surprises (column 3-4). Recalling from table 1 that the
loading of the five-year yield on the second factor is 0.64, we can also
estimate that, with the current policy surprise held constant, a
surprisingly hawkish statement raises the five-year yield by about 8
basis points and a hawkish statement about the policy path raises the
yield by about 10 basis points.
Conditioning Effects of Policy Statements
The immediate effects of official FOMC statements on policy
expectations likely underestimate the overall impact of FOMC
communications on expectations; for example, our focus on statements
alone ignores the potential effects of speeches and testimony by FOMC
members. Also, beyond their immediate effects, FOMC statements may
affect the formation of policy expectations by influencing how those
expectations respond to various sorts of incoming data. In particular,
to the extent that FOMC policy commitments are conditional, that is,
tied to specific economic developments, policy expectations should react
more strongly to macroeconomic news that bears on those developments.
A leading example is the market's responsiveness to monthly
reports on payroll employment. (66) Throughout the recent period, the
FOMC was concerned about the "jobless" nature of the economic
recovery and repeatedly pointed to weakness in the labor market as a key
factor shaping the outlook for policy. When Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan introduced the phrase "considerable period" in
his semiannual report to Congress in July 2003, he indicated the Federal
Reserve's concerns about resource utilization and "unwelcome
disinflation." (On several occasions in congressional testimony,
Greenspan has also indicated his preference for the payroll employment
series over the household employment series as a measure of current
conditions in the labor market.) Each FOMC statement that used the
"considerable period" language also discussed labor market
conditions, and the December 2003 statement tied the "considerable
period" outlook for policy closely to slack in resource use.
Statements since December 2003 have continued both to place substantial
weight on labor market conditions (as well as inflation) and to provide
information about the FOMC's policy expectations.
With this background, if FOMC communication is effective, one might
expect to find that financial markets have become more sensitive to news
about payroll employment. Figure 2 confirms this hypothesis: it shows
the responsiveness, over a thirty-minute window, of the ten-year
Treasury yield to surprises in monthly payrolls, where the surprise is
defined as the reported payroll number less the median survey
expectation as reported by Money Market Services. The sample is divided
into the period through August 2003, just before the meeting when the
"considerable period" language was introduced, and the period
from September 2003 to the present. In the earlier period, as indicated
by the thin regression line in figure 2, a positive surprise of 100,000
payroll jobs translated into a 4-basis-point increase in ten-year
Treasury yields during the thirty-minute window. Since September 2003
this responsiveness has strengthened, as is visible from the larger data
points. The regression line for the recent subsample shows that ten-year
Treasury yields increased by 11 basis points for every surprise of
100,000 jobs above the consensus expectation. The difference in
coefficients is statistically significant.
If FOMC communications are responsible for the increased
responsiveness of yields (and the associated policy expectations) to
unexpected changes in payroll employment, it should also be the case
that markets have responded less to macroeconomic developments not
flagged by the committee as likely to have a strong bearing on policy
decisions. This should especially be the case over the period when,
conditioned on the ongoing sluggishness of hiring, the FOMC indicated
that policy would remain highly accommodative. That this latter
conjecture is likely to be true is shown by figure 3, which reports
implied volatility measures derived from options on Eurodollar futures.
These measures are market-based estimates of the expected volatility of
short-term interest rates over two horizons: four months and one year.
As the figure shows, the short-horizon volatility measure fell to
historic lows during the second half of 2003, but the same result does
not hold at the longer horizon. These data provide a bit of evidence
that the FOMC's communications in the second half of 2003 reduced
the volatility of (or "anchored") near-term policy
expectations. Since we have seen that policy expectations simultaneously
became more sensitive to certain types of macroeconomic news, such as
the payroll report, the decline in overall volatility suggests that the
responsiveness of markets to other types of news declined.
Shaping Policy Expectations: Evidence from a Macrofinance Model of
the Term Structure
Our event studies confirm that FOMC statements have important
influences, both direct and indirect, on private sector policy
expectations. Event studies have the drawback, however, of showing only
very short term effects. They may overstate the more important
longer-term effects, if, for example, yields tend to overreact in the
period just around announcements; or they may understate the longer-term
effects, for example by not accounting for types of communication other
than statements. In this section we address this issue by developing a
benchmark macrofinance model of the term structure. Here and in
additional exercises in the remainder of the paper, our model provides
estimates of what the term structure would have been on a given date,
given the state of the economy and the stance of monetary policy but
excluding other factors. By comparing this benchmark estimate of the
term structure with the actual term structure at crucial junctures, we
may be able to get a sense of the quantitative impacts of these other
factors on the maturity structure of interest rates.
To develop a baseline model of the Treasury yield curve, we
estimate an affine term structure model (that is, a model that is linear
in the factors). (67) The affine term structure model imposes a
no-arbitrage condition that links yields at every maturity of the term
structure, thereby increasing the efficiency of estimation and allowing
us to forecast the entire yield curve as a function of the variables
designated as underlying factors. We differ from most of the previous
literature in identifying the underlying factors that determine the term
structure by means of observable indicators of macroeconomic conditions
and the stance of monetary policy, and not relying on unobserved factors
or longer-term yields as the assumed drivers of term structure dynamics.
As to the dynamics of the underlying factors, we employ a vector
autoregression (VAR) in five observable variables: a measure of the
employment gap (payroll employment, detrended by a Hodrick-Prescott
filter); inflation over the past year, as measured by the deflator for
personal consumption expenditures, excluding food and energy; expected
inflation over the subsequent year, taken from the Blue Chip survey and
with inflation defined in terms of the GDP deflator (the Blue Chip
survey does not forecast core inflation); the federal funds rate; and
the year-ahead Eurodollar futures rate. Together these variables should
provide a reasonable summary of economic conditions, including the
current setting of monetary policy (as reflected in the federal funds
rate) and the expected path of policy over the near term (as captured by
the Eurodollar futures rate). The data are monthly from June 1982 (when
the Eurodollar data first became available) to the present, and four
lags of each variable are included in the VAR.
As already noted, to measure the influence of these observed
indicators on the Treasury yield curve, we construct a no-arbitrage term
structure model in which the five economic and monetary indicators are
treated as factors. In general, Treasury yields are determined by two
components: the expected future path of one-period interest rates, and
the excess returns that investors demand as compensation for the risk of
holding longer-term instruments. The estimated VAR can be iterated to
provide forecasts for the one-period interest rate at each horizon
(where we treat the monthly average federal funds rate as the
"one-period interest rate"). In addition, we make a standard
assumption of affine models of the term structure, namely, that
equilibrium prices of risk are linear functions of the factors (the
variables in the VAR). With that assumption, the entire Treasury yield
curve can be priced from the VAR estimates.
To be more specific, suppose we write the estimated VAR in the
following form:
(1) [X.sub.t] = [mu] + [PHI][X.sub.t-1] +
where [X.sub.t] is the vector of state variables. To develop the
no-arbitrage part of the model below, it will be convenient for the
state variables to follow a first-order autoregressive process. Thus in
equation 1 we have stacked the VAR variables so that the state vector
[X.sub.t] includes the contemporaneous values of the five variables and
three lags of the variables (hence [X.sub.t] is a 20 x 1 column vector).
We assume that there is no arbitrage in the bond market, implying
that a single pricing kernel determines the values of all fixed-income
securities. The pricing kernel is determined by investors'
preferences for state-dependent payouts. Specifically, the value of an
asset at time t equals [E.sub.t][[m.sub.t+1][Y.sub.t+1]], where
[Y.sub.t+1] is the asset's gross return in period t + 1, and
[m.sub.t+1] is the one-period pricing kernel. Because we will be
considering zero-coupon bonds, the payout from the bonds is simply their
value in the following period, so that the following recursive
relationship holds:
(2) [P.sub.t.sup.n] = [E.sub.t][[m.sub.t+1][P.sub.t+1.supn-1],
where n is the remaining life of the bond, and the terminal value
of the bond, [P.sub.t+n.sup.0], is normalized to equal 1.
Following the approach of Andrew Ang, Monika Piazzesi, and Min Wei,
(69) we assume that the pricing kernel is conditionally log-normal, as
(3) [m.sub.t+1] = exp(-[y.sub.t.sup.(1)]
1/2[[lambda]'.sub.t][[lambda].sub.t] -
where the [[lambda.sub.t] are the market prices of risk associated
with the VAR innovations (the source of uncertainty in the model), and
[y.sub.t.sup.(1)] is the one-period interest rate expressed on a
continuously compounded basis. As already noted, we assume that the
prices of risk are linear in the state variables:
(4) [[lambda].sub.t] = [[lambda].sub.0] +
We restrict the prices of risk to be zero for all but the first
five elements of [[lambda].sub.t], and we assume that those prices of
risk depend only on the contemporaneous values of the VAR. (Recall that
the final fifteen elements of the stacked column vector [X.sub.t] are
lags of the five factors.) These assumptions imply that only thirty
parameters must be estimated in this block of the model, a manageable
number while still allowing the model the flexibility needed to provide
a good empirical fit of the term structure data.
Manipulation of equations 1 through 3 shows that the zero-coupon
yields can be written as linear functions of the state variables, as
(5) [y.sub.t.sup.(n)] = [a.sub.n] + [b'.sub.n][X.sub.t],
where [a.sub.n] = -[A.sub.n]/n and [b.sub.n] = -[B.sub.n]/n, and
the vectors [A.sub.n] and [B.sub.n] are determined by the following
recursive formulas:
(6) [A.sub.n+1] = [A.sub.n] + [B.sup.'.sub.n]([mu] -
[summation][[lambda].sub.0]) +
1/2[B'.sub.n][summation][[summation]'][B.sub.n] -
(7) [B.sub.n+1] = [([PHI] -
[summation][[lambda].sub.t])'[B.sub.n] - [[delta].sub.1].
The starting values for these equations are [A.sub.1] =
-[[delta].sub.0] and [B.sub.1] = -[[delta].sub.1], and the parameters
[[delta].sub.0] and [[delta].sub.1] describe the relationship of the
one-period yield to the state vector, that is, [y.sub.t.sup.(1)] =
[[delta].sub.0] + [[delta]'.sub.1][.sub.t]. In our application,
because the one-period yield (the federal funds rate) is included in the
state variable, this relationship is trivial: All elements of
[[delta].sub.0] and [[delta].sub.1] are zero except for the element of
[[delta].sub.1] that picks out the current value of the federal funds
rate, which is set to unity.
Given a set of prices of risk, the entire Treasury yield curve can
be derived using equation 5. We estimate the prices of risk by
minimizing the sum of squared prediction errors for zero-coupon Treasury
yields at maturities of six months and one, two, three, four, five,
seven, and ten years. Our data are zero-coupon Treasury yields, based on
the Fisher-Nychka-Zervos yield curve for the period 1982 to 1987 and on
the zero-coupon yield curve constructed at the Board of Governors for
the period since 1987. (70) Note that to some extent we are explaining
one set of interest rates by another, since the federal funds rate and
the year-ahead Eurodollar rate are included in the VAR and thus serve as
factors. As already mentioned, however, including the latter indicators
in the VAR serves the important function of capturing the effects of
current and expected monetary policy actions on the Treasury term
structure; this will be important later when we use the model to isolate
relative supply effects on Treasury yields. Moreover, our procedure
implies no internal inconsistency, because both indicators of monetary
policy differ in substantive respects (for example, in credit risk,
liquidity, and maturity) from the Treasury rates that they are being
used to model.
Our model contributes to the growing literature that includes
macroeconomic variables in no-arbitrage term structure models. An
appealing feature of our framework is the substantial simplification in
estimation and analysis achieved by our assumption that all the factors
driving the term structure are observable economic and monetary
variables. As noted earlier, related models typically include unobserved
factors as determinants of the term structure and even of the observed
economic variables in the system. (71) The use of unobserved factors has
advantages in some applications, but it greatly complicates estimation
and may make the economic interpretation of the results more difficult.
(72) Our approach instead directly links the term structure to
observable economic conditions, thereby providing us with an easily
interpretable benchmark for gauging the potential effects of unusual
monetary policy strategies.
The estimated model does a quite creditable job of explaining the
behavior of the term structure over time. Figure 4 compares the fitted
and actual time series for the two-year and ten-year Treasury yields.
The model predicts Treasury yields reasonably well at all maturities: as
reported in the first column of table 4, the standard deviation of the
model's prediction error is 33 basis points at the six-month
maturity and increases to around 80 basis points for longer maturities.
Also shown in figure 4 are the two-year and ten-year
"risk-neutral" yields. These are derived by setting the prices
of risk equal to zero--that is, they are the rates that investors would
demand if they were risk neutral. The differences between these lines
and the predicted yields, then, are estimated term premiums. Figure 4
shows that estimated term premiums for longer-dated securities have
declined over time, presumably reflecting greater stability in the
economy and in policy, but they remain fairly large. Of particular note
is that variations in the term premium are estimated to account for a
significant portion of the variation in long-term yields; part of the
reason is likely to be that the forecasting model does a better job
capturing low-frequency movements in the data than high-frequency ones.
Those residuals in predicting high-frequency movements, then, are
imputed to the term premium.
In the event-study analysis described earlier, we found that an
important part of the effect of a monetary policy decision is
transmitted through its impact on year-ahead policy expectations, but
that expectations also depend importantly on FOMC statements. The
importance of year-ahead policy expectations for longer-dated yields is
generally confirmed by our term structure fitting exercise. We can
assess the importance of innovations of the futures rate by ordering it
last in a Cholesky decomposition. In doing so, we are attributing as
much as possible of the movements in futures rates to the other
variables. Even so, innovations to the futures rate are important for
explaining movements in the yield curve. As can be seen in the second
column of table 4, excluding the year-ahead futures rate innovations
from the VAR causes a significant deterioration in the fit of the
estimated model, particularly at shorter horizons. For example, doing so
raises the standard deviation of the prediction error for the two-year
Treasury yield from 73 basis points to 97 basis points. The inclusion of
a variable such as the year-ahead futures rate, and to a lesser extent
the survey measure of inflation looking one year ahead, has the
advantage of improving the fit of the model. But it also implies that
some of the influence of policy in shaping expectations will be captured
by those variables in the forecasting model. If so, our later attempt to
interpret deviations of actual yields from those predicted by the model
will tend to be conservative, in that the macrofinance model may well
capture some expectations effects.
It is tempting to combine the result of the event study (that FOMC
statements have a substantial influence on year-ahead policy
expectations) with the result from the term structure fitting exercise
(that year-ahead policy expectations are important determinants of
Treasury yields) to conclude that FOMC statements have an important
influence on the term structure. That conclusion may be a bit premature.
Notably, the innovations to the Eurodollar futures rate obtained from
the VAR need not correspond closely to the innovations to the same
variable obtained from the high-frequency event study. To illustrate
this point, table 5 compares, for various subsamples, the monthly
standard deviation of innovations to the year-ahead Eurodollar futures
rate, as calculated from the VAR (first column) and by summing the
changes in the Eurodollar rate around FOMC decisions (second column). In
general, the variance of the VAR innovations to the Eurodollar rate is
significantly greater than the variance of innovations to the Eurodollar
rate directly associated with FOMC decisions. Several plausible
explanations for this difference come to mind: First, the movements of
the Eurodollar rate in the hour around FOMC decisions certainly do not
capture all of the effects of FOMC communications, including the effects
of speeches and testimonies and the point, demonstrated earlier, that
FOMC statements can affect the responsiveness of policy expectations to
various kinds of macroeconomic news. Indeed, as table 5 illustrates, as
the FOMC has made greater use of communications strategies, particularly
since mid-2003, the variation of the Eurodollar rate around FOMC
decisions has risen, while the variation in the corresponding VAR
innovation has actually fallen, possibly reflecting better anchoring of
short-term policy expectations. That said, it seems clear that not all
of the VAR innovation represents unmeasured communication effects;
certainly, some part of the VAR innovations to the Eurodollar futures
rate reflects responses of policy expectations to developments in the
economy unrelated to FOMC communications (and not captured by the
economic variables included in the VAR).
As a simple case study, we considered in more detail the VAR
innovations and the event-study innovations during the period in which
the FOMC introduced the "considerable period" language (August
to December 2003). During that period, according to the event study,
FOMC communications pushed down the Eurodollar futures rate by a
cumulative 19 basis points, whereas the VAR shocks lowered the future
rate by 63 basis points. (73) As an upper bound on the effect of the
"considerable period" language on the term structure, figure 5
uses our estimated model of the term structure to show the effect on the
yield curve associated with a 63-basis-point decline in the Eurodollar
futures rate. The model predicts an effect of the "considerable
period" language ranging from about 25 basis points at the two-year
horizon to about 7 basis points at the ten-year horizon. (74)
Overall, the evidence suggests that FOMC statements have
importantly shaped the policy expectations of investors, particularly
over the past five years. Indeed, yield curve movements around FOMC
decisions cannot be adequately described by the unexpected component of
policy decisions, but are instead influenced to a greater extent by a
second factor, which appears to be associated with surprises in the
policy statements. These findings suggest that policymakers may have
some scope for influencing investors' expectations if the federal
funds rate were to fall to the zero bound.
The Effects of Changing the Supply of Assets
We turn now to evidence bearing on the third type of nonstandard
policy, namely, changes in the composition of the central bank's
balance sheet or targeted asset purchases. The question is whether
substitution among assets is sufficiently imperfect so that large
purchases of a specific class of asset might affect its yield, over and
above any influence those purchases might have on investors'
expectations about the future course of the short-term interest rate. Of
course, the Federal Reserve has not undertaken any such actions in
recent years. However, it still may be possible to learn about the
effects of such actions by looking at the effects on yields of other
actual or expected changes in the relative supplies of assets.
We identified three episodes in the past five years in which market
participants in the United States came to anticipate significant changes
in the relative supplies of different Treasury securities. These three
natural experiments are, first, the Treasury's announcement in 1999
of a plan to buy back government debt in the face of prospective budget
surpluses; second, the investment in Treasury securities by Asian
official institutions of the proceeds of their foreign exchange market
interventions since 2002; and third, the emerging belief on the part of
some financial market participants in the spring of 2003 that the
Federal Reserve might resort to targeted purchases of long-term Treasury
securities in order to combat incipient deflation.
We look at each episode through two prisms. First, we consider the
movement in a number of yields in narrow windows surrounding important
announcements--in essence relying on an event-study methodology to
isolate the market response to news. Then we apply our no-arbitrage
model of the U.S. term structure to provide a benchmark estimate of the
pattern of yields, attributing residual movements to relative supply
THE PAYDOWN OF TREASURY BONDS. We begin with "the case of the
disappearing Treasury bonds," that is, the debt buyback episode of
1999-2000. In the mid-1990s a confluence of economic forces and policy
changes turned federal budget deficits into surpluses. By the end of the
decade, extrapolation of those trends led to forecasts that Treasury
debt would disappear by 2010. (75) The Treasury dealt with that windfall
in three stages. Initially, it cut the issuance of Treasury bills as the
deficit shrank, which reportedly led to some deterioration of liquidity
in that segment of the market and a shift toward three-month Eurodollar
instruments as the hedging vehicles of choice. Next, the Treasury
trimmed the issuance of longer-term securities by eliminating a few
maturities and scaling back the volume of the remainder. Third, the
Treasury announced in August 1999 that it was considering buying back
some older, off-the-run issues, so that its remaining auctions would
remain sizable enough to retain investors' interest.
Developments in the market for Treasury bonds are most interesting
for our purposes because the expected supply of those securities changed
abruptly. Two events stand out as marking a significant shift in
investors' view of the prospects for Treasury bond issuance,
namely, the mid-quarter refunding announcements of February 2000 and
November 2001. At the 2000 refunding, the under secretary of the
Treasury for domestic finance, Gary Gensler, made a comment suggesting
that the ten-year note would replace the thirty-year bond as the
benchmark long-term security, triggering speculation that the issuance
of thirty-year bonds would be discontinued. At the November 2001
refunding announcement, the Treasury confirmed that it would stop
selling the long-term bond.
The supply of bonds was also being reduced by Treasury debt
buybacks. Actual market repurchases began in March 2000 and had
cumulated to $67 billion when the repurchases ended in 2002. Only bonds
were purchased, the bulk of which matured beyond 2015. These debt
buybacks represented a significant relative supply shock, as they were
concentrated in one maturity segment and amounted to about one-tenth of
the outstanding stock of bonds (as of the beginning of 2000). Moreover,
the buybacks were widely expected to be much larger than they were, with
some dealers in early 2000 estimating that they would reach $100 billion
a year soon thereafter. Thus, in terms of anticipated supply, the shock
was much larger.
Views about the magnitude of debt buybacks seem to evolve over time
and thus do not lend themselves easily to event-study analysis. However,
we can look at the immediate market impact of the two quarterly
refunding announcements, identified above, that provided information
about the discontinuation of bond issuance. The news from these
announcements bore primarily on the pattern of sales rather than on the
outlook for net issuance of government debt. Even so, as shown in table
6, the Treasury yield curve rotated down dramatically in both cases when
investors learned that the managers of the government debt would shy
away from longer-maturity securities.
The market's reaction is seen more starkly in the movement in
yields across the maturity spectrum in the month bracketing the February
announcement, as plotted in figure 6. (76) No doubt, macroeconomic news
relevant to interest rate expectations and risk attitudes and
perceptions also came out during that month. But the fact that yields on
bonds as opposed to notes declined sharply over a month in which
important information about the elimination of the issuance of long-term
securities was released seems suggestive of the possibility that
relative supplies matter.
We can also look at this episode using our estimated term structure
model to control for variations in the economy and monetary policy over
the period surrounding the buyback news. Figure 7 shows the prediction
error of the model for the twenty-year Treasury yield in the period
around the debt buyback. (77) We see that yields during this period
dropped from about 20 basis points above to about 80 basis points below
the prediction of the model (which, again, controls for the effects of
current and expected monetary policy).
The decline in bond yields during the buyback period is significant
in economic terms. To make a rough assessment of their statistical
significance, we performed a simple bootstrapping exercise with the
model by first forecasting the yield curve for January and February 2000
(about the middle of the episode), conditional on economic and yield
curve data observed just before the start of the period. We then added
shocks by randomly drawing observations from the set of historical
errors of both the macroeconomic and yield curve variables over the
entire period. By repeating this process 10,000 times, we were able to
get some sense of whether the observed errors were outside standard
confidence bands. In fact, conditional on our model, the fall in the
twenty-year Treasury yield early in 2000 had an ex ante probability of
occurring of less than 10 percent--that is, the observed decline in the
twenty-year yield appears to be statistically significant. The ex post
errors observed along the yield curve at shorter maturities, however,
were much more likely to have occurred by chance. These results support
the intuition derived from the marked shift in the yield curve already
shown in figure 6: the buybacks significantly altered the shape of the
long end of the Treasury yield curve and had no material effects on
shorter maturities, supporting the view that relative supplies matter.
These results are only suggestive, of course, in that the term
structure model is unlikely to capture all the determinants of yields or
to control adequately for shifts in expectations. In addition, the
precise magnitude of the effects is not clear: the size of the shock is
hard to determine because we do not know the probability that investors
were attaching to a sizable paydown. Moreover, we cannot be sure that
the effects shown here are scalable in a predictable manner; hence these
results give little quantitative information to policymakers
contemplating targeted asset purchases. Finally, as discussed earlier,
movements in Treasury yields arising from targeted purchases need not
pass through to the interest rates on private transactions that
presumably influence spending decisions. As a bit of evidence on this
last point, swap spreads--a good indicator of risk premiums on private
sector securities--widened noticeably at the thirty-year maturity (but
not at the two-year maturity) during the period when long-dated Treasury
yields declined (figure 8). The sharp increase in long-term swap spreads
and its subsequent unwinding coincide closely with the dip in prediction
errors in figure 7. Thus private sector interest rates apparently did
not follow the long end of the Treasury curve down as investor concerns
regarding the availability of certain maturity classes of Treasuries
of the Asian currency crisis in 1998, policymakers in many Asian
economies apparently decided that it was desirable to limit fluctuations
of their currencies against the dollar. The result has been a steady
accumulation of dollar reserves, often in the form of Treasury
securities. For instance, securities held in custody at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York on behalf of foreign official institutions now
total about $1 1/4 trillion, about double the amount at the end of 1998.
Japanese authorities, in particular, intervened heavily in foreign
exchange markets from 2003 to the first quarter of 2004 in an effort to
counter or slow the yen's appreciation against the dollar. Japanese
intervention purchases totaled $177 billion in 2003 and $138 billion in
the first quarter of 2004. The Japanese Ministry of Finance holds the
proceeds of its intervention activities as either bank deposits or
Treasury securities, and its deposit holdings generally are reinvested
in Treasuries over time. According to market reports, those purchases
have tended to be concentrated in maturities of no more than ten years.
The Japanese interventions in the five quarters ending in 2004:1
cumulated to about $300 billion, which bond market participants
anticipated would be invested in Treasury securities. Since the Japanese
interventions were presumably only weakly linked at best to expectations
about future U.S. monetary policy, these purchases provide the basis for
a second natural experiment for testing the relationship between
relative asset supplies and yields.
The simplest exercise is to regress the change in various Treasury
yields on the dollar volume of intervention. (78) Although the
interventions were not publicly announced, an examination of newspaper
articles indicates that operations were immediately recognized by market
participants, who also generally appeared to have an accurate
understanding of the scale as well. Thus, even though foreign exchange
market transactions settle two days after the transaction (t + 2), the
effects on Treasury yields should occur at date t, as market
participants anticipate near-term purchases of Treasury securities.
However, to allow for the possibility that in this case the market did
not recognize the interventions until the date of settlement, we looked
at changes in yields from day t - 1 to day t + 2. The sample includes
all Japanese interventions from January 3, 2000, to March 3, 2004. As
can be seen in the first column of table 7, two-, five-, and ten-year
Treasury yields all fell sharply on dates around Japanese interventions,
and the estimated coefficients are highly statistically significant.
Treasury bill yields did not react to the interventions, however,
perhaps because they are pinned down by the current and near-term
expected path of the federal funds rate.
Returning to figure 8, swap spreads did not move materially in the
period of heavy Japanese intervention, suggesting that any effects on
benchmark Treasury yields were transmitted to yields on private
securities. This contrasts with the experience during the bond paydown
episode and may be due to the fact that the Treasury buybacks were
concentrated exclusively at the long end of the yield curve, whereas
Japanese purchases probably spanned a wider band of the maturity
spectrum, in which both the Treasury and private markets are deeper.
Although these results are suggestive of an important role for
relative asset supplies in the determination of yields, they suffer from
potential problems of joint endogeneity. For example, weak economic data
could cause Treasury yields to fall and the dollar to weaken, with the
latter prompting foreign exchange intervention by the Japanese finance
ministry. To try to address this problem, we excluded from the sample
all days with major U.S. data releases (see the notes to table 7). Their
exclusion produced smaller and less statistically significant
coefficients (shown in the second column of table 7), but the results
remain broadly unchanged.
This episode provides us another opportunity to apply the
no-arbitrage term structure model to control for a changing
macroeconomic environment. The results, shown in figure 9, indicate that
both five-year and ten-year Treasury yields remained below the
model's predictions by an average of 50 to 100 basis points over
the period January 2000 to March 2004. This suggests that some force not
captured in the model was exerting downward pressure on yields over this
period. But although the evidence is suggestive of effects from Ministry
of Finance purchases, it is not conclusive. Indeed, yields moved down to
those levels in advance of the sizable Japanese intervention (but of
course did not move back). Moreover, as table 4 indicated, prediction
errors of this magnitude are not uncommon.
To assess the statistical significance of these findings, we
repeated the bootstrapping procedure described earlier, this time with
the goal of putting confidence bands around yield predictions from May
2002 to April 2003. Those results suggest that the underprediction of
yields of Treasury securities with maturities from one to ten years was
quite unlikely given the structure of the model, as the observed errors
differed significantly from zero at better than the 10 percent
confidence level. We would hesitate, however, to ascribe this effect
exclusively to foreign purchases of Treasury securities because, as we
discuss next, other important events were leaving their imprint on
yields at about the same time.
THE 2003 DEFLATION SCARE. From the fall of 2002 through the summer
of 2003, with the economy remaining weak, inflation low and apparently
falling, and the federal funds rate quite low, FOMC members began to
talk about the risks of deflation in the United States and the possible
responses of monetary policy if the federal funds rate were to hit its
lower hound. Table 8 provides a brief chronology of relevant speeches
and testimonies by Federal Reserve officials during this period.
Although Federal Reserve officials consistently referred to the
risk of deflation as "remote" and the FOMC's planning for
the contingency of hitting the ZLB as purely precautionary in nature,
some market participants apparently interpreted these and other public
comments as indicating that the Federal Reserve was seriously
considering "unconventional" policy measures--in particular,
purchasing large amounts of longer-term Treasuries. The perceived
likelihood of such actions seemed to peak after the May FOMC meeting,
when the committee pointed to the (remote) risk of a substantial decline
in inflation. The possibility of direct purchases of longer-term
Treasuries was seen to be taken off the table when the June FOMC
statement did not mention it, and when Chairman Greenspan testified to
Congress in July that "situations requiring special policy actions
are most unlikely to arise." (79) Again, large movements in
Treasury yields were observed on many of those days, with little
alternative explanation. (80) Most notably, the ten-year Treasury yield
fell sharply on the May FOMC statement (20 basis points) and after the
chairman's speech in early June (10 basis points), and then rose
abruptly following the June FOMC statement (26 basis points) and the
chairman's testimony in July (20 basis points).
Of course, the FOMC never undertook targeted purchases of Treasury
securities, but in an efficient market even the incorrect anticipation
of such an event should affect yields. Figure 9 shows a sharp downward
spike in the model errors in May and June 2003, which is reversed in
July. These findings, taken at face value, suggest that the perceived
possibility of Treasury purchases had an impact on the order of 50 basis
points or more. The unexplained dip in yields in May and June is highly
statistically significant, based on a bootstrapping exercise similar to
that described above. Once again, however, one must be particularly wary
of identification issues. The events that conveyed information about the
possibility of Federal Reserve purchases of Treasuries most likely also
conveyed information to the public about the risk of deflation. Changes
in the perceived risk of deflation would affect long-term yields
independent of supply effects. Moreover, some overlap exists between
this episode and the period of Ministry of Finance purchases, discussed
If the Federal Reserve were willing to purchase an unlimited amount
of a particular asset--say, a Treasury security--at a fixed price, there
is little doubt that it could establish that asset's price.
Presumably, this would be true even if the Federal Reserve' s
commitment to purchase the long-lived asset were promised for a future
Conceptually, it is useful to think of the Federal Reserve as
providing investors in that security with a put option allowing them to
sell back their holdings to the central bank at an established price. We
can use our term structure model to price that option. As a purely
illustrative example, suppose the Federal Reserve announced its
willingness to purchase the current ten-year, zero-coupon Treasury
security one year hence at a yield of 5 1/2 percent. We will consider
the value of this option, jumping off from the last observation used in
estimating our model, that of May 2004. (We assume that the rate in May
2004 equals the value predicted by our model rather than the actual rate
prevailing in that month.) Without this commitment, according to our
model, the yield on that security would be expected to be 5.67 percent
one year hence, implying that the put option has a 58 percent chance of
ending up in the money. (The yield is given by [y.sup.(9).sub.t+12] =
[a.sub.9] + [b.sub.9] [X.sub.t+12].) The strike price of the option will
be K = exp(-9 x cap), where in our example cap = 0.055.
The price of the put option is
(8) put = [E.sub.t] {[m.sub.t+1] [m.sub.t+2] [m.sub.t+3] ...
[m.sub.t+12][[K - exp(-[a.sub.9] -[b'.sub.9]
We can compute this expectation by doing 10,000 simulations of the
model. Note that the simulations determine the correlation between the
payouts on the option and the value that risk-averse investors place on
those payouts (which depends on the evolution of the state variables on
the path to the payout). The results indicate that this option would
lower today's ten-year rate by 34 basis points, or more than the 17
basis points by which the option is in the money because the convexity
of the option gives it value.
Thinking of a pegging strategy in terms of options also highlights
the potential that the pass-through to private securities of such a
strategy might be limited. In this case, those investors holding a
ten-year Treasury security receive the put option, but the holder of,
say, a ten-year high-grade corporate bond does not. Thus the value of
the put option would be reflected in the price of the corporate bond
only to the extent that the marginal investor viewed Treasury and
corporate securities as close substitutes. As shown in figure 8, and in
contrast to the prediction of theory, swap spreads actually narrowed in
the first half of 2003, when deflationary fears were building, and
widened after those fears lifted later in the year. The range of
variation, however, is quite narrow and so may relate to other
macroeconomic and idiosyncratic developments.
Japan: A Modern Industrial Economy at the Zero Bound
So far we have made use of a variety of natural experiments from
recent U.S. experience to try to gauge the potential effectiveness of
policy tools at or near the ZLB. In particular, we have analyzed the
effects on market expectations of FOMC statements (relevant for
strategies that involve the shaping of policy expectations) and
considered how the net supply of various Treasury securities influences
the yield curve (relevant for strategies that involve the size or
composition of the central bank's balance sheet). The possible
effectiveness of such policies in the U.S. context is of great interest,
but of course the inferences made are necessarily somewhat indirect,
because the policy rate in the United States has remained at least 100
basis points above zero. In contrast, Japan is a modern industrial
economy that has actually grappled with the ZLB for some seven years
now; and although the Japanese economy differs from that of the United
States in many ways (notably in its financial structure), its experience
still should provide useful lessons for the United States and other
industrial countries. In this section we apply some of the same methods
used in the U.S. analysis toward understanding the experience of Japan.
An Event Study of Policies of the Bank of Japan
We begin our analysis of Japanese monetary policy by conducting an
event study analogous to the one we conducted for the United States. As
in the U.S. case, the objective is to analyze how monetary policy
expectations at different horizons (as measured in financial markets)
respond to central bank statements. Because the Bank of Japan in recent
years has used its statements not only to try to shape expectations, but
also to provide information regarding its programs of quantitative
easing and targeted asset purchases, in principle the event study should
cast light on the effectiveness of all three types of nonstandard policy
options available to an economy at or near the ZLB. In practice, the
relatively small number of BOJ policy statements in our sample leads to
results that are less sharp than we would like. In the latter part of
this section, therefore, we report results based on estimation of the
term structure model for Japan.
Two preliminary issues must be addressed before proceeding to the
details of the event study. First, the BOJ did not gain its independence
until April 1998, which shortens the available sample considerably.
(Before the BOJ became independent, monetary policy in Japan was largely
controlled by the Ministry of Finance.) We include in our sample all
policy meetings and dates of policy decisions by the BOJ since
independence, which gives us 110 observations. Note that, during most of
the sample period, the overnight interest rate was very close to zero.
Second, intraday financial data are difficult to obtain for Japan, and
so we are forced to rely on daily data. To complicate matters further,
on some occasions BOJ statements have been released just before the
close of Japanese financial markets, whereas at other times they were
released just after the close. Because we could not easily ascertain the
exact timing of all releases, to avoid contamination of the results we
examine two-day changes in the financial market variables considered,
from the day before each policy meeting to the day after. The use of a
considerably longer event window than in the U.S. analysis increases the
scope for factors other than policy actions or announcements to
influence the financial variables. The extra noise will reduce the
efficiency of our estimates but should not bias the results.
As in the event study for the United States, we employ three
market-based measures of policy expectations at various horizons. The
first is intended to capture the unexpected component of changes in the
policy interest rate, the (overnight) call rate. Unfortunately, we
cannot measure these surprises in exactly the same way as we do for the
FOMC, because there is not an active futures market on the call rate in
Japan. Instead we measure current policy surprises as the change during
the event window in the first Euroyen futures contract to expire, which
reflects unexpected changes in the policy rate over a slightly longer
horizon. (8) Innovations to policy expectations at the one-year and the
five-year horizons are measured as changes during the event window in
the year-ahead Euroyen futures rate and in the five-year zero-coupon
Japanese government bond (JGB) yield. These two indicators of policy
expectations are essentially identical in concept to the analogous rates
in our event study for the United States. (82)
As in the U.S. event study, we apply a Cholesky decomposition to
derive three candidate factors to explain the movements in the
market-based policy indicators in the period around BOJ decisions. By
construction, the first factor corresponds to unexpected changes in the
current policy setting during the period around BOJ decisions, as
measured by the change in the nearest Euroyen futures contract. The
second factor, equal to the part of the change in the year-ahead futures
contract that is orthogonal to the first factor, is intended to
represent year-ahead policy expectations not explained by changes in the
current policy setting. Finally, the third factor equals the change in
the five-year zero-coupon JGB yield not explained by the first two
The links between these factors and the policy indicators, shown in
the top panel of table 9, are remarkably similar to those found for the
FOMC (top panel of table 1). Notably, as in the U.S. event study, we
find in the case of Japan that the first factor has an effect on
longer-term interest rates that diminishes with maturity, and that the
loading of the five-year yield on the second factor is significantly
greater than that on the first factor.
However, the magnitudes of the three factors, shown in the bottom
panel of table 9, differ from the U.S. case. In particular, the first
and second factors are much smaller (as measured by their standard
deviations, the diagonal elements in the table) than in the U.S. event
study (bottom panel of table 1). That is, changes in both current and
year-ahead policy expectations in periods around BOJ decisions have been
more subdued than in the U.S. case. However, the standard deviation of
the third factor, which reflects longer-horizon policy expectations, is
about the same, at 3.5 basis points, in the Japanese and the U.S. cases.
The influence of the ZLB may explain the limited variation in the first
two factors: both current and year-ahead futures rates were near zero
over much of the sample, which restricted changes in policy expectations
and rates in the downward direction at least. However, the ZLB is not
the whole story; even in the period before 2001, when the year-ahead
futures rate was generally above 50 basis points, the standard deviation
of the second factor was only slightly higher (3.9 basis points) than in
the sample as a whole (results not shown). Overall, it appears that the
scope for the Bank of Japan to "use" the second factor, or its
willingness to do so, was less than in the case of the Federal Reserve
over the same period. (83)
As in the U.S. event study, we are interested in examining the
relationship between the three factors describing changes in policy
expectations and the statements issued by the central bank. We again
define a dummy variable, STATEMENT, that equals I on dates when the BOJ
released policy statements and zero otherwise. As in the U.S. analysis,
we also define a dummy variable, STATEMENT SURPRISE, that indicates
statements deemed to be surprising in significant aspects to market
participants. To determine which statements were surprises, we again
relied on several after-the-fact documents, including internal write-ups
prepared by the staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
articles in the Wall Street Journal, and one before-the-fact source, a
series of commentaries prepared by Nikko/Citigroup just before each BOJ
Of the 110 observations in our sample, 19 involved the release of
statements about the economy or monetary policy; we exclude 10
statements concerned only with various technical aspects of monetary
policy operations without implications for the economic or policy
outlook. Of these 19 statements, 10 were identified by our methods as
surprises. (84)
As in the U.S. event study, we proceeded by regressing the squared
factors on the dummy variables indicating statements and surprising
statements. Again, following Kohn and Sack, (85) the use of the squared
factors as dependent variables allows us to determine whether statements
were associated with large changes in policy expectations (large
realizations of the factors), without requiring us to specify the
"direction" of the statements.
The regression results, shown in table 10, differ considerably from
those found for the Federal Reserve (table 2). First, we find that the
square of the first factor has a statistically significant relationship
to STATEMENT SURPRISE but not to STATEMENT. One interpretation is that,
unlike the FOMC, which appears reluctant to surprise the market in terms
of both the policy setting and the statement at the same meeting, the
BOJ often did so. Indeed, a review of the record shows that the BOJ on
several occasions combined announcements of major policy innovations
with unexpected changes in the setting of the interest rate. Notably,
the announcement of the adoption of the zero-interest-rate policy on
February 12, 1999, coincided with a 9-basis-point policy rate surprise
by our measure, as the call rate was reduced from 25 basis points to a
value "as low as possible," initially 15 basis points; and the
introduction of quantitative easing on March 19, 2001, coincided with an
11basis-point policy surprise, as the call rate was reduced from 12.5
basis points to essentially zero.
Second, and in striking contrast with the results for the FOMC, we
find no evident relationship between the second factor and the
BOJ's release of statements, whether surprising or not. This
result, together with the small magnitude of the second factor already
reported, suggests again that the BOJ was either unable or unwilling to
influence year-ahead policy expectations with its statements. (In making
this interpretation, however, we again note that the Japanese sample is
much smaller and that a coarser two-day window was used rather than the
one-hour time span in the U.S. case.)
Third, in Japan, unlike in the United States, the magnitude of the
realization of the third factor is linked to the issuance of surprising
statements by the central bank. However, this finding is largely the
product of a single observation, the February 12, 1999, statement
announcing the introduction of the ZIRP. Standard reasoning suggests
that the announcement of the ZIRP should have influenced the third
factor by leading to a drop in long-term bond yields; surprisingly, the
third factor actually rose by 14 basis points that day. Our reading
suggests that market participants were disappointed that the statement
did not announce large-scale BOJ purchases of JGBs, as had been rumored.
Perhaps, then, we should think of this important observation as
consisting of two surprises working in opposite directions.
To examine the effects of BOJ statements further, we categorized
the surprising statements into three types: statements providing new
information about the likely path of policy (PATH SURPRISE, analogous to
the variable of that name in the event study for the Federal Reserve);
statements announcing an unexpected change in the BOJ's target for
purchases of JGBs (JGB SURPRISE); and statements announcing unexpected
changes in the BOJ's target for commercial banks' current
account balances, in the period following the introduction of
quantitative easing (CAB SURPRISE). In principle, this categorization
should provide information on the relative effects of changes in policy
expectations, targeted purchases of securities, and quantitative easing.
Statements were allowed to fall into more than one category, if
Again, the problems arising from a small sample are apparent, as
the number of statements in each category is relatively small. We
identified only two statements as potential path surprises: the
introduction of the ZIRP in February 1999 and the introduction of
quantitative easing in March 2001. These, of course, represented major
shifts in policy strategy, and thus their effects may differ from those
of the policy path surprises identified in the U.S. event study. Five
BOJ statements announced changes in the target for JGB purchases
(including the implementation of the quantitative easing program), three
of which we identified as surprises to the market. Ten statements during
the sample period announced changes in the target for banks'
current account balances (including the statement that initiated the
program), of which six were identified as surprises to the market.
Because the direction as well as the magnitude of statement effects
is important, we report here results based on the "signed"
dummy variable approach introduced in the earlier section. (86)
Specifically, for each dummy variable corresponding to a surprising
statement, we assigned a value of 1 for statements that would be
expected to increase interest rates and a value of -1 for statements
that would be expected to lower interest rates. Nonsurprising statements
were coded as zeros. We then regressed the levels of each of the three
factors on the signed dummy variables, allowing us to judge not only
whether statements influenced expectations but also whether expectations
were influenced in the expected direction.
We added one further innovation to the analysis at this point. Our
focus thus far has been on the link at various horizons between central
bank policy actions and statements, on the one hand, and interest rates,
on the other. However, the logic of quantitative easing and targeted
asset purchases implies that the most important effects of these
policies may be felt on the prices of assets other than government
bonds. To investigate this possibility, we included a fourth candidate
factor in this event study, defined as the portion of the change in the
Nikkei 500 stock index during the event window that is orthogonal to the
other three factors. That is, the fourth factor reflects the impact of
the BOJ's action and statement on prices of Japanese equities (an
important alternative class of asset), holding market expectations about
current and future interest rates constant. (87) If BOJ policy decisions
are influencing asset prices other than through expectational channels,
this factor should pick that up.
The results, shown in table 11, amplify but also generally confirm
the results discussed earlier in this section. We saw earlier that
surprises in the policy setting (the first factor) and in the statement
tend to be associated in Japan. Column 11-1 of table 11 shows that these
surprises tend to be in the same direction (that is, both toward
tightening or both toward ease), consistent with the earlier discussion.
Further, as column 11-2 shows, unanticipated changes in the policy
setting also seemed to be associated with statements that provide
information on the future path of policy (that is, the PATH SURPRISE
dummy accounts for the entire relationship between the first factor and
statement surprises). This result is driven primarily by the
announcements of the ZIRP and the quantitative easing program, which, as
already mentioned, were associated with surprises in the policy setting
as well.
We continue to find no significant relationship between the second
factor (the innovation in year-ahead policy expectations) and BOJ
statements, even with this finer categorization of statements (columns
11-3 and 11-4). This result is the strongest and most important contrast
between the findings for the BOJ and for the Federal Reserve.
The level of the third factor (which, again, corresponds to the
fluctuation in the yield on JGBs during the event window that is not
explained by current or year-ahead policy expectations) appears to be
linked with certain types of statements. As column 11-6 shows, a
statement that surprises the market in suggesting that policy will be
tighter in the future (that is, a positive path surprise) causes
five-year yields to fall; the effect is statistically significant. This
finding can be rationalized by the argument that a near-term tightening
lowers inflation expectations and thus nominal interest rates at long
horizons. Perhaps more interesting, the third factor also has a
statistically significant link to JGB surprises; that is, BOJ statements
announcing unexpectedly large targets for JGB purchases (an easing move,
therefore coded as -1) are associated with declines in the yield on
five-year JGBs, as should be the case if targeted bond purchases by the
central bank affect their yields. However, the estimated effect,
although statistically significant, is not large (5 basis points) and is
of necessity based on relatively few observations.
The results for the fourth factor, which is essentially the change
in stock prices during the event window, are of interest. Columns 11-7
and 11-8 of table 11 show that the Japanese stock market index drops
between 1 and 2 percent on average when the BOJ issues a surprisingly
hawkish statement. The statistically strongest link is to BOJ
announcements of new current account balance targets. Inspection of the
data shows that, on three of the six occasions when the BOJ made
surprise announcements of increases in its target for current account
balances, the Nikkei 500 rose between 3 and 6 percent, including a 5.9
percent increase on the announcement of the quantitative easing policy.
On one other such occasion the market rose nearly 2 percent. Thus, in
the event study at least, quantitative easing appears to provide a
positive impetus to the stock market, with both current and future
interest rate expectations held constant.
Two general conclusions emerge from the BOJ event study. First,
there is little evidence that the BOJ used its statements to influence
near-term policy expectations during this period. This contradicts the
finding of other research that the ZIRP was effective; we revisit this
issue below. Second, our findings provide some tentative support for the
view that asset prices respond to quantitative easing and targeted asset
purchases; specifically, we find statistically significant links between
JGB purchases and JGB yields on the one hand, and between quantitative
easing and stock prices on the other. Whether these latter effects were
large enough to have a significant influence on the Japanese economy
will be addressed next.
A Benchmark Term Structure Model for Japan
As a final exercise, we estimate a benchmark term structure model
for Japan and compare the results with actual term structure behavior.
As in the U.S. case, the model is a no-arbitrage affine term structure
model driven by observable factors. The underlying factors are assumed
to be the unemployment rate, the inflation rate (the twelve-month change
in the consumer price index), the overnight call rate, and the
year-ahead Euro-yen futures rate. These variables are closely analogous
to those used for the U.S. estimation, except that we do not have a
monthly inflation expectations measure for Japan to include. The
dynamics of the factors are determined by an estimated VAR with four
lags, where the estimation uses monthly data over the sample period June
1982 to May 2004. (88)
With the estimated VAR in hand, we then fit the no-arbitrage term
structure model using data from the JGB market. The data on JGB yields
are month-average zero-coupon yields at maturities of six months and
one, two, three, five, seven, and ten years, obtained from Bloomberg for
the period since April 1989. The prices of risk are estimated using
yield curve data from April 1989 to December 1997, based on the VAR
dynamics estimated over the full sample. The fit of the model is quite
good (figure 10). We show the fit of the model through 1997 only; as we
will discuss next, for the period after 1997 we need to make an
adjustment for the proximity of short-term yields to the ZLB.
When short-term interest rates fall to very low levels, the ZLB
constraint begins to influence the shape of the yield curve. One effect
is that the ZLB reduces the possibility of declines in interest rates
(and obviously eliminates them at short-term maturities), which limits
the Scope for capital gains on fixed-income securities. To compensate
for this, investors will demand higher yields on fixed-income assets,
(89) thereby steepening the yield curve.
We can account for this effect in our VAR model. The price of a
two-year note, for example, should equal the expected product of the
pricing kernel over the next twenty-four months:
(9) [P.sub.t.sup.24] =
We computed the bond price defined by equation 9 by performing
10,000 simulations of the model over the subsequent twenty-four months,
determining the path of the pricing kernel in each iteration, and then
taking the average of the product of the pricing kernel over all
simulations. This exercise can be performed either ignoring the ZLB or
imposing it.
If we perform the simulations without imposing the ZLB, the
predicted bond prices will (asymptotically) be the same as those
obtained directly from the VAR (such as those shown in figure 10), since
the VAR dynamics do not recognize the presence of the ZLB constraint. To
impose the ZLB, in each simulation we assume that, in any month that the
policy rate would go negative, there is a shock to the policy rate
sufficient to pull it back to zero. (90) We can rigorously price
fixed-income assets according to equation 9 under these alternative
simulations, which then allows us to estimate the effects of the ZLB on
the term structure. In this exercise we account for the fact that
investors, in valuing bonds, take into account the effect of the ZLB on
the future path of short-term interest rates, as well as its effects on
all of the state variables that affect the prices of risk. (91)
Figure 11 shows the results from this exercise for four
representative months: December 1998 (several months before the
introduction of the ZIRP), May 1999 (several months after its
introduction), November 2000 (several months after the end of the ZIRP
but before the introduction of the quantitative easing policy), and June
2001 (several months after the introduction of the quantitative easing
policy). The influence of the ZLB (shown by the shift in the predicted
yield curve) is to shift the yield curve upward in all cases, the
magnitude of the shift depending on the proximity of rates to the ZLB.
More important, the predicted yield curves (considering the ZLB) tend to
lie above the corresponding actual yield curves. In other words, the VAR
term structure model has difficulty explaining the low JGB yields during
this period.
This result holds even though the VAR offers a very pessimistic
view of the Japanese economy over this period. For most of the period
since 1998, the VAR predicts that deflation will persist for some time
and that short-term interest rates will remain very low. This forecast,
however, probably should be regarded with some skepticism. The VAR is
estimated over a sample period in which unemployment was rising and
inflation falling; as a result, it finds that these variables are very
persistent and extrapolates these trends. One could presumably improve
upon that forecast by taking into consideration additional information
or a more detailed model. Nevertheless, the interesting finding for our
purposes is that, even given the VAR's downbeat projections of
short-term interest rates, actual longer-term JGB yields seem to have
been even lower than projected by the model.
An interesting question, then, is whether the low level of JGB
yields was associated with the policies of the BOJ. Figure 11 suggests
that the ZIRP and the quantitative easing policy may have played some
role: the deviation between the predicted yields (taking account of the
ZLB) and actual yields widened after the introduction of the ZIRP,
narrowed once the policy was abandoned, and widened again after the
introduction of the quantitative easing policy. Also of interest is
that, in May 1999, after the introduction of the ZIRP, the spread
between actual and predicted yields is greatest at the short end of the
maturity structure--a result consistent with earlier research on the
ZIRP, as discussed above.
As noted earlier, assessing the effects of the ZIRP and especially
the quantitative easing policy is in general difficult because of the
problems of controlling for other factors that influenced yields over
the periods when these policies were in effect. It is intriguing that,
when we control (at least roughly) for macroeconomic conditions and the
current stance of monetary policy, as well as for the effects on
longer-term rates of the option created by the presence of the ZLB, we
still find that the Japanese term structure has recently been lower than
predicted. Moreover, the deviation of the actual term structure and the
predicted pattern of yields increased immediately following the
introduction of the ZIRP and later of the quantitative easing policy.
This evidence, more than the event-study analysis described above, gives
some reason to believe that nonstandard policies in Japan have been
effective at lowering longer-term interest rates. Whether the lower
rates led to a material strengthening of the economy is beyond the scope
of our discussion.
This paper has developed new empirical evidence on the likely
effects of nonstandard monetary policies when nominal interest rates are
near their zero lower bound. Although the evidence is to some degree
indirect, it generally supports the view that nonstandard policies would
be effective when the policy rate is at zero. Notably, the Federal
Reserve has successfully used its communications to affect expectations
of future policies and thus longer-term yields. We also find some
evidence that relative supplies of securities matter for yields in the
United States, a necessary condition for achieving the desired effects
from targeted asset purchases. The event studies for Japan provide only
limited evidence that the Bank of Japan has been successful in using
nonstandard policies, but the analysis based on an estimated model of
the term structure for that country does suggest that longer-term yields
have been lower than might have been expected in recent years. The
latter result holds open the possibility that the zero-interest-rate
policy and quantitative easing policies have had expansionary effects.
Despite finding evidence that alternative policy measures may prove
effective, we remain cautious about relying on such approaches. We
believe that our findings go some way toward refuting the strong
hypothesis that nonstandard policy actions, including quantitative
easing and targeted asset purchases, cannot be successful in a modern
industrial economy. However, the effects of such policies remain
quantitatively quite uncertain. Thus we believe that policymakers should
continue to maintain an inflation buffer and to act preemptively against
emerging deflationary risks. (92) There are trade-offs, of course, in
that erring toward the side of ease when rates are low tends to create
an inflation bias, but the goal of zero inflation seems unwise in any
case. Moreover, a systematic tendency to err toward an easier policy
when adverse shocks bulk large and nominal interest rates are low can be
offset by a willingness to unwind that accommodation quickly once the
situation clears.
Shaping investor expectations through communication does appear to
be a viable strategy, as suggested by Eggertsson and Woodford. (93) By
persuading the public that the policy rate will remain low for a longer
period than expected, central bankers can reduce long-term rates and
provide some impetus to the economy, even if the short-term rate is
close to zero. However, for credibility to be maintained, the central
bank's commitments must be consistent with the public's
understanding of the policymakers' objectives and outlook for the
Table 1. Factor Decomposition of Monetary Policy Indicators, United
States (a)
Effect or standard deviation Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Loading of factor on (b)
Current policy setting 1.00 0.00 0.00
Year-ahead futures rate 0.51 1.00 0.00
Five-year yield 0.27 0.64 1.00
Standard deviation of effect of
factor on (c)
Current policy setting 10.00 0 0
Year-ahead futures rate 5.10 10.1 0
Five-year yield 2.70 6.50 3.5
Source: Authors' calculations based on data from the Chicago Board of
Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and GovPX.
(a.) Factors are constructed by means of a Cholesky decomposition, in
which the first factor is the policy surprise contained in a
policy statement, as inferred from the federal funds futures market;
the second is the portion of the change in year-ahead policy
expectations (as measured by the change in the Eurodollar futures
contract) not explained by (that is, orthogonal to) the first factor;
the third is the change in the five-year Treasury yield not explained
by (orthogonal to) the first two factors.
(b.) Sample period is July 1991 to the present.
(c.) In basis points. Sample period is April 1998 to the present.
Table 2. Regressions of Squared Factors on Dummy Variables for Federal
Reserve Policy Statements (a)
Independent variable
Factor 1
Dependent variable 2-1 2-2
Constant 64.7 64.7
(1.85) (1.82)
STATEMENT (b) 131.6** 131.6**
(2.04) (2.03)
STATEMENT -149.4** -139.5
SURPRISE (c) (-2.05) (-1.75)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] .04 .04
Factor 2
Dependent variable 2-3 2-4
Constant 24.1 24.1
(1.48) (1.51)
STATEMENT (b) 18.3 18.3
(0.61) (0.63)
STATEMENT 153.3** 120.7**
SURPRISE (c) (4.54) (3.35)
PATH SURPRISE (d) 112.5**
Adjusted [R.sup.2] .26 .30
Factor 3
Dependent variable 2-5 2-6
Constant 3.2 3.2
(1.10) (1.10)
STATEMENT (b) 6.3 6.3
(1.18) (1.17)
SURPRISE (c) (1.33) (1.19)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.07 0.07
Source: Authors' regressions.
(a.) Numbers in parentheses are t statistics. ** indicates statistical
significance at the 95 percent level. Factors are as defined in
table 1.
(b.) Dummy variable set equal to 1 on dates when the FOMC released a
policy statement following its meeting, and zero otherwise.
(c.) Dummy variable set equal ton dates when the FOMC issued a
statement that included important information about the
state of the economy or the path of monetary policy that a substantial
portion of market participants did not expect, and zero otherwise.
(d.) Dummy variable set equal to 1 dates when the FOMC issued a
statement that included important information about the path of
monetary policy that portion of market participants did not expect,
and zero otherwise.
Table 3. Regressions of Factors on Signed Dummy Variables for Federal
Reserve Policy Statements (a)
Dependent variable
Factor 1 Factor 2
Independent variable 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4
SURPRISE (b) (0.83) (10.21)
SIGNED PATH -1.5 15.8**
SURPRISE (c) (-0.49) (6.38)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] -0.03 -0.03 .47 .26
Factor 3
Independent variable 3-5 3-6
SURPRISE (b) (-0.68)
SURPRISE (c) (1.37)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] -.02 -.01
Source: Authors' regressions.
(a.) Numbers in parentheses are t statistics. ** indicates statistical
significance at the 95 percent level. Factors are as defined in
table 1.
(b.) Dummy variable assigned the value of +1 on dates when the FOMC
issued a surprise "hawkish" statement (implying an increase in the
federal funds rate),-1 on dates of surprise "dovish" statements
(implying a decrease). and zero otherwise.
(c.) Product of PATH SURPRISE (see table 2 for definition) and SIGNED
Table 4. Prediction Errors for Treasury Yields in the Term Structure
Model Basis points
Standard deviation of predicted yield
Maturity VAR with VAR without
Eurodollar shocks Eurodollar shocks
6 months 33.0 62.1
1 year 50.3 78.9
2 years 73.3 97.4
3 years 81.2 100.7
4 years 82.5 98.3
5 years 81.5 95.0
7 years 83.3 93.3
10 years 80.8 87.8
Source: Authors' calculations based on data from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Blue Chip Financial
Forecasts, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Federal Reserve.
Table 5. Year-Ahead Futures Shocks in Vector Autoregression and in
Event Study
Basis points
Standard deviation of innovations to the
year-ahead Eurodollar futures rate
Sample period (a) VAR shock Event-study shock (b)
July 1991 to January 1994 35.9 4.2
February 1994 to April 1999 35.2 6.8
May 1999 to July 2003 40.1 8.2
August 2003 to May 2004 25.2 11.7
Source: Author's calculations based on data from sources listed in
tables 1 and 4
(a) Overall period begins in July 1991, the earliest date covered by
the event study. Break dates include the date at which the FOMC began
announcing interest rate decisions (February 1994), the date at which
the FOMC began issuing statements after every meeting (May 1999),
and the date at which the FOMC adopted the "considerable period"
language (August 2003).
(b.) Aggregated to a monthly variable for comparability with the VAR
Table 6. Changes in Treasury Yields around
Quarterly Refunding Announcements (a)
Basis point
Date of quarterly refunding
Maturity February 2000 November 2001
2 years -5 1
5 years -13 -9
10 years -13 -20
30 years -27 -43
Source: GovPX.
(a.) Changes in the yields of on-the-run issues from the
day before the announcement to the day after.
Table 7. Response of Treasury Yields to Japanese Foreign
Exchange Intervention (a)
Basis points per $1 billion
Excluding days of
Maturity All days in major U.S. data
sample period releases (b)
3 months -0.18 -0.18
(-1.16) (-0.80)
2 years -0.78 ** -0.55 **
(-3.00) (-1.99)
5 years -0.83 ** -0.66 **
(-2.37) (-1.98)
10 years -0.73 ** -0.66 **
(-2.29) (02.14)
No. of observations 1,086 892
No. of interventions 140 112
Source: Authors' regressions.
(a.) Table reports coefficients from a regression of the
change in the yield of off-the-run issues from the day
before an intervention to the day of settlement (two days later)
on the size of the intervention; the sample period is January
2000 to March 2004. Numbers in parentheses are t statistics,
where standard errors are adjusted for autocorrelation and
heteroskedasticity using the approach of Hedrick (1992).
(b.) Days excluded are those of the release of reports on
employment, GDP, business activity (ISM), retail sales, or
consumer confidence.
Table 8. Notable Events and Changes in Treasury Yields
during the 2003 Deflation Scare
Change in
yield (a)
2- 10-
Date Event Content year year
November 21, Bernanke Presents arguments for 7 6
2002 speech making sure "it"
(deflation) doesn't
happen in United States
December 19, Greenspan Says United States is -7 -10
2002 speech nowhere close to sliding
into a "pernicious"
March 30, Reinhart Discusses policy options -5 -9
2003 speech at the zero bound
May 6, FOMC Points to risk of an -9 -20
2003 (b) statement "unwelcome substantial
fall in inflation"
May 22, Greenspan Argues deflation is a -1 -5
2003 testimony "serious" issue but the
risks are "minor"
May 31, Reinhart Emphasizes importance 7 2
2003 speech of shaping expectations
June 3, Greenspan Mentions continued risk -13 -10
2003 speech of declining inflation,
need for a "firebreak"
June 25, FOMC eases, Smaller-than-expected 29 26
2003 (b) issues easing; statement does
statement not mention unconventional
policy measures
July 15, Greenspan "Situations requiring 9 20
2003 testimony special policy actions are
most unlikely to arise"
July 23, Bernanke FOMC should be willing -4 -4
2003 speech to cut the federal funds
rate to zero if necessary
August 12, FOMC Drops "substantial" 5 20
2003 statement from statement on risk
of "unwelcome fall in
Source: GovPX.
(a.) Except where noted otherwise, changes are daily changes in
on-the-run Treasury yields. Dates of changes that were strongly
associated with the event listed are in italics.
(b.) Changes in yields are two-day changes, since the market
continued to respond on the day after the FOMC meeting.
Table 9. Factor Decomposition of Monetary Policy Indicators, Japan (a)
Effect or standard deviation Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Loading of factor on
Current policy setting 1.00 0.00 0.00
Year-ahead futures rate 0.55 1.00 0.00
Five-year yield 0.32 0.64 1.00
Standard deviation of
effect of factor on (b)
Current policy setting 3.4 0 0
Year-ahead futures rate 1.9 3.0 0
Five-year yield 1.1 1.9 3.5
Source: Authors' calculations based on data from Bloomberg,
the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Bank of Japan.
(a.) Factors are constructed by means of a Cholesky decomposition, in
which the first factor is the policy surprise contained in a policy
statement, as inferred from the nearest Euroyen futures contract; the
second is the portion of the change in year-ahead policy expectations
(as measured by the change in the year-ahead futures contract) not
explained by (that is, orthogonal to) the first factor: and the third
is the change in the five-year zero-coupon JGB yield not explained
by (orthogonal to) the first two factors.
Sample period is April 1998 to the present.
(b.) In basis points.
Table 10. Regressions of Squared Factors on Dummy Variables
for Bank of Japan Policy Statements (a)
Dependent variable
Independent variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Constant 7.4 8.2 ** 10.9 **
(1.79) (2.78) (4.18)
STATEMENT -1.2 -1.2 -5.7
(0.09) (0.12) (0.66)
STATEMENT SURPRISE 50.5 ** 10.40 25.8 **
(2.79) (0.81) (2.25)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] .12 .01 .06
Source: Authors' regressions.
(a.) Numbers in parentheses are t statistics.
** indicates statistical significance at the 95 percent level.
Factors are as defined in table 9. Independent variables are
defined in a manner analogous to the definitions in table 2 for the
United States.
Table 11. Regressions of Factors on Signed Dummy Variables for
Bank of Japan Policy Statements (a)
Dependent variable
Factor 1 Factor 2
variable 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4
SIGNED 4.75 ** 1.1
STATEMENT (4.80) (1.14)
SIGNED PATH 9.8 ** -2.2
SURPRISE (4.13) (1.01)
SIGNED JGB 0.9 -2.7
SURPRISE (0.53) (1.64)
SIGNED CAB 0.4 0.4
SURPRISE (b) (0.26) (0.28)
Adjusted [R.sup.2] .17 .16 .01 .03
Dependent variable
Factor 3 Factor 4
11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8
STATEMENT 0.5 -1.12
SURPRISE (1.11) (-1.90)
SURPRISE -6.3 ** -1.94
SIGNED JGB (-2.54) (-1.45)
SURPRISE 5.1 ** -1.16
SIGNED CAB (2.80) (1.17)
SURPRISE (b) -0.0 -1.70 **
(-0.02) (-2.0)
Adjusted [R.sup.2]
.06 .13 .02 .10
Source: Authors' regressions.
(a.) Factors are as defined in table 9. Independent variables
are defined in a manner analogous to the definitions in tables 2
and 3 for the United States. Numbers in parentheses are t statistics;
** indicates statistical significance at the 95 percent level.
(b.) CAB, current account balances (at commercial banks).
(1.) Examples of the first approach include Woodford (2003),
Eggertsson and Woodford (2003a, 2003b), Benhabib, Schmitt-Grohe, and
Uribe (2002), and Auerbach and Obstfeld (2004); examples of the second
include Blinder (2000), Bernanke (2002), Clouse and others (2003), and
Bernanke and Reinhart (2004).
(2.) Phelps (1972), Summers (1991), and Fischer (1996) have noted
the relevance of the ZLB to the determination of the optimal inflation
rate. Coenen, Orphanides, and Wieland (2004) and Adam and Billi (2004)
provide simulation evidence on the link between the ZLB and the optimal
inflation rate.
(3.) Bernanke and Reinhart (2004).
(4.) The VAR-based models we use are similar to that of Ang and
Piazzesi (2003).
(5.) Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2004).
(6.) Brainard and Tobin (1968).
(7.) October of 2004 marked an important turning point in those
efforts: Twenty-five years ago, then-Federal Reserve Chairman Paul
Volcker and the other members of the Federal Open Market Committee fired
the initial salvo in the battle to conquer inflation in the United
(8.) Data from Iceland and Israel, which both experienced bouts of
very high inflation, are excluded from the sample because they distort
the maximums shown in the figure.
(9.) Key references on the potential benefits and costs of low
inflation include Friedman (1969), Feldstein (1997), and Akerlof,
Dickens, and Perry (1996).
(10.) Bernanke and Reinhart (2004).
(11.) "BOJ Leaves Policy Unchanged, Keeps Ultra-Easy
Stance," Japan Policy and Politic's, November 5, 2001.
(12.) Eggertsson and Woodford (2003a, 2003b).
(13.) Also see Reifschneider and Williams (2000) on the importance
of committing to keeping rates low.
(14.) Krugman (1998); Svensson (2001, 2003).
(15.) Bernanke and Reinhart (2004).
(16.) Fujiki and Shiratsuka (2002).
(17.) The full texts of the FOMC's statements can be found at
www.federalreserve. gov/fomc.
(18.) Kohn and Sack (2003).
(19.) Fujiki and Shiratsuka (2002); Takeda and Yajima (2002); Okina
and Shiratsuka (2004).
(20.) Nagayasu (2004).
(21.) Marumo and others (2003).
(22.) Okina and Shiratsuka (2004, p. 75). However, these authors
also argue that the ZIRP did not help the economy much, "since
[the] transmission channel linking the financial and non-financial
sectors has remained blocked."
(23.) Baba and others (2004).
(24.) Svensson (2001, 2003).
(25.) In principle, a policy that relies on nominal interest rates
could be made similarly verifiable by announcing a desired range for an
intermediate- or longer-term yield, perhaps in conjunction with central
bank purchases in the corresponding segment of the market, a question we
discuss below. Up to now the literature has tended to focus on the
exchange rate, not a note or bond price, as the intermediate policy
(26.) As reported in Baba and others (2004).
(27.) This view is associated both with monetarist expositions,
such as Meltzer (2001). and with Keynesian classics, such as Brainard
and Tobin (1968) and Tobin (1969).
(28.) Andres, Lopez-Salido, and Nelson (2003).
(29.) Bernanke (2003); Auerbach and Obstfeld (2004).
(30.) Auerbach and Obstfeld (2004).
(31.) Their point is closely related to Krugman's (1998)
important analysis, which emphasized the crucial role of central bank
credibility in most nonconventional monetary policies.
(32.) Romer (1992).
(33.) Dollar devaluation, of course, improved the competitiveness
of U.S. exports and raised the prices of imports. But, in an economy
that was by this time largely closed, the direct effects of devaluation
seem unlikely to have been large enough to account for the sharp
turnaround. Eichengreen (1992) argues persuasively that the devaluation
stimulated the economy by freeing up the money supply rather than by
changing relative prices.
(34.) Temin and Wigmore (1990).
(35.) Meltzer (1999) has also drawn on the experience of the first
half of the twentieth century, including episodes in 1920-21, 1937-38,
and 1947-48, to argue for the potential benefits of quantitative easing.
(36.) Shirakawa (2002).
(37.) Kimura and others (2002).
(38.) In carrying out such a policy, the Federal Reserve would need
to coordinate with the Treasury, to ensure that the latter's debt
issuance policies did not offset the former's actions. In
principle, the Treasury could alter its debt management patterns to
achieve the same effect, much along the lines discussed by Tobin (1963).
(39.) Clouse and others (2003) review the Federal Reserve's
legal authority.
(40.) Reinhart and Sack (2000) show that a simple mean-variance
model of portfolio choice predicts that even sizable changes in the
composition of the public's asset holdings would have only small
effects on yields. However, a number of studies, including Roley (1982)
and Friedman and Kuttner (1998), have provided evidence of imperfect
substitution among broad asset classes.
(41.) Toma (1992).
(42.) Hutchinson and Toma (1991).
(43.) Toma (1992).
(44.) Eichengreen and Garber (1991).
(45.) Toma (1992).
(46.) Modigliani and Sutch (1966).
(47.) Modigliani and Sutch (1966, 1967).
(48.) The Modigliani-Sutch conclusion was not uncontroversial; see,
for example, Holland (1969).
(49.) Modigliani and Sutch (1966, p. 196)
(50.) This was also noted by Tobin (1974).
(51.) Some testimony, notably the Federal Reserve chairman's
semiannual report to Congress, might also be interpreted as reflecting
the collective views of the FOMC. Speeches by the chairman are not
technically official communications, but, because of the chairman's
influence on policy decisions, they are watched carefully by market
(52.) It has been said that a mark of great literature is that
readers can find meanings in the text that the author did not
consciously intend. On this criterion FOMC statements certainly qualify
as great literature.
(53.) Determining precisely when each decision was conveyed or
signaled to the markets is a tedious process. See the text and
especially the appendix of Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2004) for a
discussion and a detailed listing of the timing of decisions.
(54.) Kuttner (2001).
(55.) Kuttner (2001); Bernanke and Kuttner (forthcoming).
(56.) Our analysis extends the work of Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson
(2004) in two ways. First, we analyze the relationship of the policy
factors to FOMC statements in greater detail. Second, as discussed later
in the paper, we extend the analysis to the case of Japan.
Methodologically, our approach also differs from theirs in some
respects. In particular, Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson use four futures
contracts covering policy expectations out to a year; we use only one
contract to measure year-ahead expectations but use a longer-term yield
as well. In addition, we use different methods than Gurkaynak, Sack, and
Swanson to identify the underlying factors.
(57.) Kuttner (2001).
(58.) The post-April 1998 subsample in the bottom panel of table 1
is chosen for comparability to the results presented below for the Bank
of Japan. The results reported in the table are similar if the full
sample is used.
(59.) Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2004).
(60.) Gurkaynak, Sack, and Swanson (2004) also address this issue
and conclude that the second factor is indeed related to FOMC
(61.) Kohn and Sack (2003).
(62.) Also, unlike Kohn and Sack (2003), who use daily data, we
continue to use intraday data.
(63.) Although written after the fact, the Federal Reserve staff
analyses not infrequently reported that the market's reaction was
different from their ex ante assessment of the likely response,
suggesting that the retrospective bias may not have been severe.
(64.) The breakdown of statements into surprises and nonsurprises,
together with a brief commentary, is available from the authors on
(65.) The "policy bias" that was part of the statement
for the brief period from May 1999 to December 1999 was usually
interpreted as pertaining to a much shorter time frame, such as the
period between FOMC meetings.
(66.) A second important example, not pursued here, is the
responsiveness of the market to data on core inflation.
(67.) Affine term structure models were popularized by Duffle and
Kan (1996), whose formalization encompasses earlier models due to
Vasicek (1977), Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985), and Longstaff and
Schwartz (1992), among others. Bolder (2001) provides a useful
introduction to these models.
(68.) Thus the first five rows of the matrix [PHI] include the VAR
estimates, and the rest of the matrix contains zeros and ones at the
appropriate locations.
(69.) Ang and Piazzesi (2003); Ang, Piazzesi, and Wei (2003).
(70.) Fisher, Nychka, and Zervos (1995).
(71.) Related models include those of Ang and Piazzesi (2003) and
Rudebusch and Wu (2003).
(72.) Ang, Piazzesi, and Wei (2003) employ a model in which, as in
our analysis, the pricing kernel is assumed to be a function of
observable variables. However, the only macroeconomic variable in their
model is GDP growth, and they do not focus on the properties of the term
structure model itself but rather on the implications of their framework
for predicting GDP growth
(73.) Because the VAR models month-average variables, we sum the
realization through January 2004, because the "considerable
period" language was not removed until the end of that month.
(74.) Note that an innovation to the Eurodollar futures rate has an
effect on Treasury yields that is less than one for one at all
maturities, suggesting that the futures rate measured here has excess
variation relative to Treasury yields. This could reflect the
(presumably small) credit risk premium embedded in the futures rate,
premiums for the relative liquidity of the two instruments, or simply
measurement noise.
(75.) Reinhart and Sack (2000) review the economic consequences of
such an outcome. Auerbach and Gale (2000) provided a real-time reminder
of the fickleness of far-ahead fiscal forecasts.
(76.) For the past three decades, the longest-maturity security the
Treasury issued has been either the ten-year or the thirty-year bond.
Points on the yield curve beyond the ten-year maturity, accordingly,
come from thirty-year securities of varying issue dates. The four-year
gap in the figure corresponds to a gap in Treasury issuance.
(77.) In order to include the twenty-year Treasury yield in the
model, we reestimated the prices of risk. The predicted yields at other
maturities did not change materially.
(78.) We have benefited from discussions with Alain Chaboud and
Jonathan Wright on this topic.
(79.) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
"Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan: Federal Reserve Board's
Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress," July 15, 2003
(80.) The fact that rates did not uniformly change by large amounts
on all the dates listed is not surprising, because other, unrelated news
important to financial markets may have been released on some days and
because the events themselves varied in the extent they provided new
(81.) These contracts are written on the three-month Euroyen
deposit rate at the time of expiration; in practice, the ease with which
investors can switch among money-market assets ensures that this rate
will be closely tied to the average policy rate expected to prevail over
that interval. The Euroyen futures contract expires 1 1/2 months ahead
on average, implying that the futures rate corresponds approximately to
the expected call rate from 1 to 4 1/2 months ahead.
(82.) The Euroyen futures contracts trade on the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange. Data for the zero-coupon five-year JGB yield were taken from
(83.) An institutional explanation for the smaller second factor in
Japan is the BOJ's practice of releasing policy statements only in
conjunction with policy actions, rather than after every scheduled
(84.) A description of all statements over the period and our
method of coding them is available from the authors on request.
(85.) Kohn and Sack (2003).
(86.) We also tried regressing the squared values of the factors on
the various dummies; this exercise did not add much information to that
already reported in table 11.
(87.) It turns out that 99.2 percent of the variance of stock
prices during the event window is orthogonal to the first three factors;
that is, almost all of the change in stock prices is explained by the
fourth factor, unrelated to interest rates.
(88.) Data on the Euroyen futures rate are available only from June
1989; for earlier dates we regressed the futures rate on the five-year
JGB yield and the call rate for the sample period June 1989 to May 1999
and used the fitted values from this regression as a proxy for the
actual futures rate.
(89.) As described in Bomfim (2003); see also Ruge-Murcia (2002).
(90.) The year-ahead futures rate is assumed to respond
endogenously to these policy shocks, based on a Cholesky decomposition
in which the policy rate is ordered second to last and the futures rate
is ordered last. Without this endogenous response, the futures rate
would often go negative.
(91.) This exercise seems to get us a long way toward properly
accounting for the effects of the ZLB on the term structure of interest
rates, but it still has some shortcomings. Specifically, the dynamics of
the VAR and the relationship between risk prices and economic variables
may change in important ways near the zero bound, so that their dynamics
are not well captured by the VAR with policy shocks. A similar criticism
applies to other work on the effects of the ZLB, such as that of Bomfim
(92.) Reifschneider and Williams (2000).
(93.) Eggertsson and Woodford (2003a, 2003b).
Comments and Discussion
Benjamin M. Friedman: This paper by Ben Bernanke, Vincent Reinhart,
and Brian Sack is a welcome contribution to the new line of literature
that examines, in a far more eclectic way than used to be done, how
monetary policy works and what effects it has on the financial markets
and the nonfinancial economy. The paper is valuable both because the
question it asks is important--whether what the authors call nonstandard
policy measures can be effective when ordinary monetary policy actions
are constrained by the zero lower bound on short-term nominal interest
rates--and because the analysis it brings to bear on this question is
largely empirical. The paper also reaches what I regard as a sensible
conclusion: that the potential efficacy of these nonstandard measures
notwithstanding, it is wise for monetary policy both to aim at an
inflation rate distinctly above zero, so as to allow for a buffer
against disinflationary shocks, and to ease policy preemptively when
necessary to avoid significant risk of hitting the zero lower bound on
interest rates. Finally, the paper is important also because of who
wrote it, but more on that below.
The authors consider three conceptually distinct classes of
nonstandard monetary policy measures: central bank communications,
changes in the size of the central bank's balance sheet, and
changes in the composition of the central bank's balance sheet.
(The last of these is what would normally be called debt management
policy if it were executed by a country's fiscal authority rather
than by its central bank.) It is important to point out, however--and
this is the focus of my one major concern about the paper--that even
when the authors are addressing the effects of changes in the size or
composition of the central bank's balance sheet, what they are
actually analyzing in their empirical work is still communications. Most
of their empirical exercises focus not on policy actions but on official
statements regarding intended future actions. Even when they examine
such episodes as the U.S. Treasury's buyback of Treasury
securities, during the happy but all-too-brief period in the late 1990s
when the U.S. government ran surprisingly large budget surpluses instead
of shamefully large deficits, their attention is more on what the
Treasury said than on what it did.
In principle, of course, credible statements about future actions
should matter for the pricing of medium- and long-term assets in
speculative markets. The ground for concern is rather in how this
approach to addressing questions of monetary policy reinforces the
increasingly exclusive focus in recent literature on what many
economists engaged in this line of research (for example, Gauti
Eggertsson and Michael Woodford in a Brookings Paper last year) (1) call
"expectations management."
Surely everyone today believes that expectations matter, and
therefore that whatever influences the public's expectations,
including communication from the central bank, matters as well. I am
also sympathetic to the authors' presumption that, when an economy
has reached the zero lower bound on short-term interest rates, central
bank communications may be even more important than normally. But the
net impression, delivered both by the authors' discussion and by
the battery of empirical tests they perform, nonetheless resonates too
strongly, at least for my taste, with the idea, which they attribute to
Eggertsson and Woodford, that "shaping the interest rate
expectations of the public is essentially the only tool that central
bankers have--not only when the ZLB binds, but under normal conditions
as well." (I will not repeat here my criticism of this view, but
interested readers can refer to my remarks as a discussant of the
Eggertsson-Woodford paper.)
This concern aside, I regard the authors' empirical analysis
of the effect of Federal Reserve and Treasury statements on market
interest rates as carefully crafted, and I find their conclusions easily
credible. I especially admire their willingness to go beyond the
standard event studies and use a multifactor term structure model to try
to identify the role of "surprise" elements of Federal Reserve
statements, as distinct from the policy actions that these statements
accompanied. One might quibble with some of the details, and no doubt
subsequent researchers will suggest alternative specifications, but that
is not my purpose.
My only real regret about this part of the paper is that the
authors never say what they think of the specifics of the two recent
Federal Open Market Committee statements they examine: the August 2003
statement that "policy accommodation can be maintained for a
considerable period" and the May 2004 statement that the committee
intends to remove policy accommodation "at a pace that is likely to
be measured." How do they think these statements measure up to the
now-conventional mantra that central bank communications with the market
(and the general public) should be clear and transparent? What are we to
read into their highly quotable remark about "policymaking by
thesaurus"? FOMC practice may perhaps require a certain opacity,
but publication in the Brookings Papers presumably does not.
The authors' extended analysis of what amounts to debt
management policy (actually, statements about debt management policy) is
a further strength of the paper, and it, too, merits comment. The basic
principle at work here is that the vector of market-clearing expected
returns on all traded assets emerges as a consequence of the equilibrium
of respective asset supplies and asset demands. Given the conditions
underlying the public's asset demands--importantly including the
risk properties of specific assets, investors' risk tolerance, and
investors' assessment of the magnitudes of various risks and of the
relationships among them--changes in the relative supplies of any
"outside" assets (that is, assets supplied by issuers, such as
government, whose portfolio behavior lies outside the model of market
equilibrium) normally result in changes in the entire vector of
market-clearing relative returns. Whether the degree of imperfect
substitutability among the relevant assets (especially longer-term
obligations that are likely to be closer substitutes to equities and
other claims on capital) is sufficient to render policy interventions of
this kind potentially important is then an empirical question.
The authors rightly question the familiar presumption that the
Federal Reserve's "Operation Twist" effort in the early
1960s provides evidence against the effectiveness of debt management
policy. Not only did the Treasury's choice of maturity for its new
issues offset the Federal Reserve's policy of buying in long bonds
and selling bills, as James Tobin often rightly pointed out; indeed, the
situation was worse than that. Treasury data show that the early 1960s
was a quite exceptional time. In the three decades immediately following
World War II, during which the mean maturity of the outstanding Treasury
debt declined from ten years to just two-and-a-half years, this was the
only time when the mean maturity lengthened. Why should the yield curve
have flattened during these few years?
The authors' empirical efforts show a modest impact on the
yield curve from the Treasury's statements about its late-1990s
buyback program. I find these estimates credible. Indeed, they are close
to what I myself found some years ago, using a structural supply-demand
model for different debt instruments to estimate the impact of debt
management policy. Specifically, I used my estimated model to simulate
the effects of a switch out of long-term Treasury bonds and into
short-term Treasury bills, in a quantity that was fairly large back in
the pre-Reagan days when there was not much debt outstanding. My
estimates indicated that, in response, the Treasury bill rate would rise
by 18 basis points, the rate on three- to five-year securities would
rise by 7 basis points, the rate on six- to eight-year maturities would
fall by 21 basis points, and the rate on thirty-year maturities would
fall by 25 basis points. These higher bill rates and lower bond rates,
in turn, would induce private borrowers to shift their debt issuance
from the short toward the long end of the available maturity range. As a
result, although the rate on long-term government bonds went down by 25
basis points in my estimates, the rate on long-term corporate
bonds--which is presumably what matters more for real economic
activity--went down by only 12 basis points.
My only reservation about this part of the paper concerns the
framing of the analysis in terms of the zero lower bound on nominal
interest rates. What the authors are investigating is debt management
policy (or, to repeat, statements about debt management policy). There
is no reason to believe that the effects of debt management policy are
any larger at or near the zero lower bound, nor is it necessarily the
case that debt management policy is uninteresting away from the zero
lower bound.
My reaction to the authors' treatment of changes in the size
of the central bank's balance sheet likewise focuses not on what
they did or what they found, but on how they describe this inquiry.
Although they are careful to use language that does not make the point
explicit, the question they are really asking here is whether changes in
the quantity of money matter--even for prices! And their answer is
mostly no, or at least that they do not matter under the economic
conditions they have in mind.
It is a mark of how far the economics profession has come in the
last two decades that it is possible to ask this question, and to give
this answer, in the totally innocuous way the authors do. Twenty years
ago most economists (although not everyone around the Brookings Panel
table) automatically assumed that increasing the money stock would lead,
at the least, to rising prices. Changes in money were what monetary
policy was about. The idea that, once interest rates fell low enough,
money and short-term securities became perfect substitutes, so that
further increases in money no longer mattered and monetary policy became
impotent--that policymakers could not "push on a string"--was
anathema. Today the whole conversation about monetary policy is couched
in terms of interest rates, and any notion that the central bank would
seek to increase or decrease the quantity of money, or that such changes
in money would have any effect, in the absence of changes in interest
rates is labeled "nonstandard." Indeed, the whole discussion
now takes place without requiring mention of the word "money."
Who ever said there is no such thing as intellectual progress?
Two smaller matters also merit at least some comment: First, why
does the definition of a "pure pegging policy" require that
the central bank match purchases or sales of the pegged security with
sales or purchases of some other security, rather than with changes in
the monetary base? In a model with only one kind of bond, "pegging
the interest rate" always means being willing to vary the monetary
base for this purpose. Why preclude that usage in a world with two or
more kinds of bonds? And second, although I understand the desire of
policymakers to take credit for all sorts of benefits that follow from
"greater stability in the economy and in policy," I suspect
that a major contributor to the decline in long-horizon risk premiums
over the last decade and more, to which the authors point, has been the
improvement in the efficiency and availability of the market's
hedging facilities.
Let me close by returning to my remark at the outset that one
reason this paper is welcome is simply that the authors are who they
are. I have always regretted a certain cultural difference between
policymakers in different domains: It is de rigueur for former active
participants in foreign policy, for example, to write after-the-fact
accounts of how policies were made, typically including details of the
push and pull of how their institution or organization went about
reaching its decisions. The practice among monetary policymakers, by
contrast, is far more close-mouthed (or empty-penned). One can cite
Sherman Maisel's book of a generation ago, and more recently books
by Alan Blinder and Laurence Meyer, as well as by John Crow in Canada.
But the serious student of the subject longs for books that were never
written--in the United States alone by William McChesney Martin, Allen
Sproul, Alfred Hayes, or other key players of that day; by Paul Volcker,
or Anthony Solomon, or Gerald Corrigan; or by Alan Greenspan (although
his would still be premature). Such books might not have the same public
appeal as the classics of diplomacy by George Kennan and Dean Acheson
and Henry Kissinger, but for students of our discipline they would be
invaluable. I hope Governor Bernanke continues to engage in written
reflection and analysis of his and his colleagues' actions, and of
the thinking and discussions behind those actions, and that the book he
will write in time will add to a literature that still stands much in
need of further contributions.
Lars E. O. Svensson: (1) This paper by Ben Bernanke, Vincent
Reinhart, and Brian Sack is an important and interesting one, with a
good theoretical discussion of and new empirical results on monetary
policy alternatives at the zero lower bound (ZLB) on nominal interest
rates. The paper is important and interesting also for the obvious
reason that two of its authors are important and influential insiders at
the Federal Reserve System. Notwithstanding the qualification that the
views expressed are not necessarily shared by anyone else in the
organization, the paper reveals some aspects of the Federal
Reserve's thinking about and preparation for the possibility that
the ZLB might bind at some future time.
I have no disagreements with the substance of the paper or the
empirical results that the authors find. However, I believe that the
paper's focus and emphasis are not quite right.
Consider a liquidity trap--a situation when the ZLB is strictly
binding, in the sense that it prevents the central bank from setting the
interest rate that is its instrument rate (the federal funds rate, in
the case of the Federal Reserve) at its optimal level. What is the
problem in a liquidity trap? The problem is that, even though the
instrument rate is at zero, the real (short-term) interest rate is too
high, and as a consequence the economy is in a recession or inflation is
too low (perhaps even negative), or both. The central bank would prefer
a lower real interest rate and a more expansionary monetary policy
stance, if that were possible.
How can the problem be solved? The central bank can lower the real
interest rate if it can induce the private sector to expect a higher
price level in the future. If expected inflation increases, the real
interest rate falls, even if the nominal interest rate is unchanged at
zero. But how can the central bank induce such expectations of a higher
future price level? Indeed, this is the real problem in a liquidity
trap. Consequently, in assessing policy alternatives in a liquidity
trap, the focus should be on how effective each of those alternatives is
in affecting expectations of the future price level. In this paper,
however, the focus is mostly on affecting expectations of future
interest rates, which is likely to be much less effective. (2)
Price-Level Expectations in a Liquidity Trap
Let me illustrate with a simple New Keynesian model. Let [x.sub.t]
[equivalent to] [y.sub.t] - [[bar.y].sub.t], denote the output gap in
the current period t, where y, denotes (log) output and [[bar.y].sub.t],
(log) potential output. Potential output is assumed to be an exogenous
stochastic process. Let r, denote the (short-term) real interest rate:
[r.sub.t] [equivalent to] [[pi].sub.t]+1]| [equivalent to]
[i.sub.t] - ([p.sub.t+1]|t - [p.sub.t],
where [i.sub.t] denotes the nominal interest rate (the instrument
rate), [[pi].sub.t+1]|t denotes private sector expectations of
one-period-ahead inflation, [p.sub.t], denotes the (log) price level,
and [p.sub.t+1]|t denotes the expected one-period-ahead (log) price
level. Let [[bar.r].sub.t], denote the neutral (real) interest
rate--that is, the Wicksellian natural interest rate, the real interest
rate that would arise in a hypothetical flexible-price economy with
output equal to potential output. In the simplest case, the neutral
interest rate is given by
r [equivalent to] [[rho].sub.t] + (1/[sigma])([y.sub.t+1|t] -
where [[rho].sub.t], is the rate of time preference (an exogenous
stochastic process) and the positive constant [sigma] is the
intertemporal elasticity of substitution for consumption. Hence the
neutral interest rate is determined by the rate of time preference and
expected growth of potential output. The output gap depends positively
on the expected future output gap, [[chi].sub.t+1]|t, and negatively on
the real interest rate gap, [r.sub.t], - [[bar.r].sub.t],, according to
the following aggregate demand relation:
[x.sub.t] = [x.sub.t+1|t] - [omega]([r.sub.t] - [r.sub.t]),
which follows from a first-order condition for optimal consumption
choice. The aggregate demand relation can be solved forward to period
[x.sub.t] = [x.sub.T+1|t] - [sigma] [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0)]
([r.sub.t+[tau]|t] - [[bar.r].sub.t+[tau]|t].
This expression shows that the current output gap depends
positively on the expected output gap T periods ahead, [x.sub.t+T|t],
and negatively on the sum of the current and expected future real
interest rate gaps, [r.sub.t+[tau]|t] - [[ba.r].sub.t+[tau]|t], for the
next T periods. I assume that the horizon T is chosen such that the
economy is expected to be back to normal by then, in the sense that the
output gap is expected to be approximately equal to zero, [x.sub.t+T|t]
[approximately equal to] O. The current output gap then depends only on
the sum of the current and expected future real interest rate gaps for
the next T periods. If the current output gap is negative (the economy
is in recession), the reason is that the sum of the current and expected
future real interest rate gaps is too large--that is, the current and
expected real interest rates are too high relative to the corresponding
neutral interest rates.
Under the assumption that the economy is expected to be back to
normal T periods ahead, the current output gap can be written as
where the first equality uses the definition of the real interest
rate, and the second equality uses the fact that the sum of future
inflation equals the total change in the (log) price level. I also
assume that the economy is expected to be in or close to a liquidity
trap during the next T periods, so that the expected instrument rates
for that period are approximately zero, [i.sub.t+[tau]|t] [approximately
equal to] 0 (0 [less than to] [tau] [less than to]- 1). Then the first
term on the right-hand side is approximately zero. For a given current
price level [p.sub.t], (I assume that the current price level is
sticky), the output gap depends only on the expected price level T
periods ahead, [p.sub.t+T]|t, and the sum of the expected neutral
interest rates during the next T periods. If the output gap is negative,
so that the economy is in a recession, this is for two reasons: the sum
of the current and expected future neutral interest rates, summation
over [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0)] [[bar.r].sub.t+[tau]|t], is too
small, and the sum of the current and expected future real interest
rates, [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0)] [[bar.r].sub.t+[tau]|t]
[approximately equal to] -[p.sub.t+T|t] - [p.sub.T] is too large. That
is, the expected future price level, [p.sub.t+T|t], is too low. It
follows that the real interest rate can be lowered and the negative
output gap reduced or eliminated if the central bank can induce private
sector expectations of a higher future price level.
However, this paper is mostly about reducing the negative output
gap by inducing private sector expectations of lower future instrument
rates. Thus, in the case when the expected future instrument rates
during the next T periods are not exactly zero but positive, they can
perhaps be reduced further toward zero. However, these rates are already
low, and therefore what can be gained from reducing them is small.
Furthermore, it may be possible to induce the private sector to expect
instrument rates close to zero after period T as well, after the
liquidity trap is over. In the above framework, this would amount to
creating expectations of a positive rather than a zero output gap T
periods ahead, [x.sub.t+T|t] > 0, which would reduce the current
negative output gap. It seems likely that any such attempt to lower
expectations of future instrument rates toward zero, when these
expectations are already low to start with, will have very small,
second-order effects on the current output gap.
In contrast, there is potentially a large first-order effect on the
output gap from increasing expectations of the future price level. This
is where I wish the focus of this paper had been.
How Can the Central Bank Affect Expectations of the Future Price
The insight that the solution to the problem of a liquidity trap
involves affecting private sector expectations of the future price level
is due to Paul Krugman. (3) Krugman also noted that this principal
solution immediately encounters a practical problem, namely, a
credibility problem, in that it is not easy for a central bank to
purposely affect such expectations.
In particular, a central bank that has built a reputation for
consistent low-inflation policy finds it difficult to convince the
private sector that it has suddenly changed its mind and wants the price
level to increase substantially.
EXPANDING THE MONEY SUPPLY. One possible way to affect expectations
of the future price level is by increasing the money supply: what the
paper refers to as increasing the size of the central bank's
balance sheet. As Krugman noted, this is effective only if the private
sector perceives the increase in the money supply to be permanent.
Unfortunately, there is no mechanism through which a modern central bank
can commit itself to a particular future money supply.
We can see this in the above framework. Let us assume that the
horizon T is chosen such that the liquidity trap is expected to be over
and interest rates are expected to be positive beginning in period t +
T: [i.sub.t+T|t], > 0. To a first approximation, we may take demand
for the monetary base to be proportional to nominal GDP when interest
rates are positive. This implies (disregarding any constant)
[p.sub.t+T|t] [approximately equal to] [m.sub.t+T|t] -
where [m.sub.t+[Tau]|t] denotes the expected (log) monetary base T
periods ahead. That is, as an approximation, the expected future price
level is directly related positively to the expected future monetary
base and negatively to the expected future output level. If the central
bank could affect private sector expectations of the future monetary
base, it would, all else equal, also affect private sector expectations
of the future price level to the same extent.
Unfortunately, it is not easy for a central bank to directly affect
expectations of the future monetary base. The Japanese liquidity trap
and the Bank of Japan's response to it provide an unusually
clear-cut example. In March 2001 the Bank of Japan instituted its new
policy of "quantitative easing," which consisted of a dramatic
expansion of the monetary base. By the summer of 2004, the monetary base
had increased by more than 60 percent. Suppose that the private sector
believes this expansion to be permanent. The private sector would then
believe that, some time in the future (for concreteness, say, in four
years) when the Japanese liquidity trap is over, nominal GDP will have
risen by more than 60 percent. Suppose that the private sector believes
that Japanese real GDP in the next four years will rise by only some 10
to 15 percent. The private sector would then believe that, four years
hence, the price level will be some 40 to 45 percent higher than today.
If this were the case, either the yen would depreciate by some 40 to 45
percent, or Japanese long-term interest rates would rise substantially,
or some combination of the two would occur. In fact, neither has
occurred. The obvious conclusion is that the private sector does not
believe that the expansion of the monetary base is permanent. The
quantitative easing has not affected price-level expectations. It
appears to be a dramatic failure.
or, better, a price-level target would be a fine solution, if it were
credible. However, merely announcing the target would not be enough: the
announcement would have to be combined with statements and actions that
make it credible. This seems to be a particular problem for central
banks like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, since they have
clearly demonstrated over many years their notorious aversion to any
numerical target or other explicit commitment.
FISCAL POLICY. A fiscal expansion--an increase in the fiscal
deficit--may or may not be expansionary and increase aggregate demand,
depending on the composition of the fiscal expenditure, the degree of
Ricardian equivalence, and so forth. Typically, Ricardian equivalence
does not seem to hold, and a fiscal deficit is expansionary; however,
private sector behavior may be closer to Ricardian equivalence in a
crisis, with a fiscal deficit that is perceived to be unsustainable and
an expected imminent fiscal consolidation through increased taxes,
reduced spending, or both. Japan has certainly tried to implement an
expansionary fiscal policy, but this, too, has failed to free Japan from
the liquidity trap, although it has certainly led to a dramatic
deterioration of Japan's public finances.
A money-financed rather than debt-financed fiscal expansion is
often proposed as a remedy for a liquidity trap. But often it is not
understood that, for a given fiscal deficit, and aside from any
debt-induced inflation incentives for government-controlled (rather than
independent) central banks, both money and debt financing work through
exactly the same mechanism discussed above in regard to expanding the
money supply. Money financing of a fiscal expansion will affect
expectations of the future price level only to the extent that it is
interpreted as a permanent expansion of the money supply. Again, since
there is no mechanism by which the central bank can commit to a future
money supply, current money financing of a deficit does not exclude the
possibility that the money supply will be reduced in the future. Money
financing of a fiscal expansion hence provides no separate mechanism by
which to affect expectations of the future price level.
line with the above discussion, the empirical assessment of alternative
policies in a liquidity trap should focus on their impact on price-level
expectations. An obvious problem is that there are very few examples of
this approach being taken, and so a case study approach seems the only
feasible one. The "Rooseveltian Resolve" of 1933-34 seems a
good case to examine from this point of view, with its devaluation, its
new commitment to end deflation and reflate the economy, and its
associated impression of a regime change? An examination of price
expectations data from this period would prove interesting. Generally,
it seems more relevant and revealing to look at price expectations data
than interest rate expectations data when assessing alternative policies
in a liquidity trap. In particular, one may want to look at data on the
effect of central bank communication on price-level expectations.
THE FOOLPROOF WAY. In several recent papers, (5) I have promoted
what I call the "Foolproof Way" as an effective policy to
escape from a liquidity trap. The Foolproof Way involves, first, the
announcement and implementation of a price-level target; second, a
currency depreciation and peg consistent with the price-level target;
and, third, an exit strategy, to be undertaken when the price-level
target has been reached, in which the currency is floated and inflation
targeting or price-level targeting is instituted.
In terms of the above framework, the idea is to induce private
sector expectations of a higher future price level, such that the real
interest rate falls and the economy expands out of the liquidity trap.
Let the price-level target for period t + T, [p.sub.t], be such that
price-level expectations satisfying
(1) [p.sub.t+T|t] + [p.sub.t+T|t],
and zero instrument rates during the next T-1 periods would be
adequate to achieve the desired fall in the real interest rate and
increased stimulus of the economy. Price-level expectations and exchange
rate expectations will be related according to
(2) [p.sub.t+T|t] = [s.sub.t+T|] + [p.sup.*.sub.t+T|t] -
where [s.sub.t] denotes the (log) exchange rate, [p.sup.*.sub.t]
denotes the (log) foreign price level, and q, denotes the (log) real
exchange rate. I assume that the horizon T is chosen such that the
economy is expected to be back to normal by then, and in particular that
it is chosen such that the real exchange rate is expected to be back to
its natural (neutral, potential) level, [q.sub.t+T|t], and hence can be
treated as exogenous from the perspective of current monetary policy. I
also assume that the foreign price level can be taken as exogenous.
Under these assumptions the expected future price level and the expected
future exchange rate are directly related and move together.
By interest parity, the current exchange rate is related to the
expected future exchange rate and the interest rate differential between
the home and the foreign interest rate, [i.sub.t] - [i.sup.*.sub.t], by
where the second equality follows from solving forward T periods.
By equation 2, we get
[s.sub.t] = [p.sub.t+T|t] - [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0)]
[i.sub.t+[tau]|t] + ...,
where the exogenous terms have been left out. The expectation that
future instrument rates will approximately equal zero implies that the
current exchange rate is directly related to and moves together with the
expected future price level. An increase in the expected future price
level corresponds to an equal current depreciation of the currency. The
exchange rate peg of the Foolproof Way implements the exchange rate
consistent with the future price-level target and the zero instrument
rates. (6) If the Foolproof Way and its price-level target are
immediately credible, price-level expectations will rise to fulfill
equation 1, and the currency will, by equation 2, depreciate by the same
amount, and the peg will not be binding. Otherwise, the peg forces
private sector price-level expectations to be consistent with the
price-level target.
Many comments on the Foolproof Way, including in this paper, have
suggested that a potential improvement in the trade balance due to
currency depreciation under the peg may be problematic for the trading
partners. However, any effects on the trade balance will be exactly the
same as would result from a credible price-level target without any peg,
or a lower instrument rate, if that were not prevented by the ZLB. The
truth is that any expansionary monetary policy implies a real
depreciation and thus a trade balance effect. Furthermore, any net
effect on the trade balance from expansionary monetary policy will
consist of income and substitution effects of opposite signs. In a
liquidity trap and a deep recession, the income effect on the trade
balance may be particularly strong and actually improve the trade
balance for the trading partners. Finally, nothing prevents the trading
partners from conducting their own expansionary monetary policy to
counteract any contractionary effect from the Foolproof Way. In this
way, an optimal world monetary expansion might be achieved. (7)
Changing the Composition of the Central Bank Balance Sheet
The paper also discusses changes in the composition of the central
bank balance sheet as a policy alternative in the vicinity of the ZLB.
(8) The purpose of such a policy is to affect various risk premiums
through portfolio balance effects. For example, consider the relation
between the interest rate on a nominal discount bond with a maturity of
T periods, [i.sup.T.sub.t] and the instrument rate,
[i.sup.T.sub.t] = (1/T) [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0]]
[i.sub.t+[tau]|t] + [[phi].sup.T.sub.t].
Here [[phi].sup.T.sub.t] denotes a term premium, which may depend
on the relative supply of maturity-T government bonds, denoted
[B.sup.T.sub.t]. If initially [i.sup.T.sub.t] positive, by changing the
composition of its assets so as to increase the proportion of maturity-T
bonds and reduce the proportion of Treasury bills, the central bank can
reduce the relative supply of maturity-T bonds and lower the term
premium, thereby lowering [i.sup.T.sub.t] toward zero. It is possible in
principle for central banks to lower the interest rate on longer-term
bond rates somewhat this way. The paper reports some very interesting
empirical results on the Federal Reserve's attempts to affect
long-term interest rates. But it is not clear that such attempts will
have a substantial effect on the current output gap. The impact is
probably one of a few basis points, or at most a few tens of basis
points, on long-term bond rates that are probably already low. Compared
with changes in price-level expectations, it seems to be a second-order
effect. (9) Although the paper's empirical results are very
interesting and the analysis is well done, it seems clear that we are
talking about rather small effects.
In conclusion, it seems obvious that, in the face of a liquidity
trap, monetary policy should focus on policy alternatives that are
capable of affecting expectations of the future price level rather than
just affecting expectations of future interest rates. The effect of
changing price-level expectations and related exchange rates seems much
more powerful than that of changing long-term nominal interest rates or
expectations of future short-term interest rates that are already close
to zero. Obviously, there is no bound on prices or exchange rates
similar to that on nominal interest rates. Therefore I would like to see
more theoretical and empirical research on policies in a liquidity trap
that focus on affecting pricelevel expectations.
General discussion: Robert Gordon agreed with Lars Svensson on the
importance of distinguishing between the effects of monetary policy on
expectations about future interest rates and its effects on expectations
about the future price level. But he disagreed with the view that there
is a direct connection between monetary policy statements or actions and
expectations about the price level in an economy like the United States.
In his view the output gap and supply shocks such as changes in oil
prices or exchange rates are the major factors affecting inflation, and
they do so with long and variable lags. In order for statements or
actions by the central bank to affect expectations of the future price
level, they have to alter expectations of these variables. Even before
the emergence of modern financial markets, the monetary base, the
instrument directly controlled by policy, was not reliably related to
either the money supply or nominal output and prices. The classic
example is 1938-39, during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt,
when the monetary base tripled in the United States as gold flowed in
from Europe. Although the increase in the money supply was substantial,
it was far less in percentage terms than the increase in the monetary
base, and there was no jump in the price level. The Japanese experience
in the face of a liquidity trap in 2001 was similar.
Lars Svensson agreed that a liquidity trap is an extreme situation
and that in those circumstances it would be difficult for any central
bank to affect expectations by announcing a price-level target. But, he
argued, the exchange rate is a much more effective means of affecting
price-level expectations. Furthermore, the exchange rate, unlike the
nominal short-term interest rate, has no zero bound. Olivier Blanchard
remarked that a currency devaluation would increase costs for some
firms, which would lead to an immediate increase in some prices and
quickly affect expectations of the future price level. Gordon expressed
his doubts, observing that, following the 1992 breakup of the European
Exchange Rate Mechanism, the pass-through of the exchange rate change to
domestic price levels was far from complete.
Several Panel participants pursued the question of whether
communications are effective during a liquidity trap. Robert Lawrence
found the evidence on the efficacy of such nonconventional monetary
policy mechanisms in normal times quite compelling, but he thought it
risky to assume the same results in the unusual circumstances of a
liquidity trap. This could be why such policies have not worked very
well in Japan. Adam Posen echoed Lawrence's concern that
announcement effects may not work in a zero-interest-rate environment;
he and Kenneth Kutther had written a paper that reported little impact
of statements by the Bank of Japan. William Nordhaus wondered whether
one reason Japan has not had success is the lack of a unified central
bank with a highly credible leader. John Leahy was also impressed with
the evidence on the effectiveness of central bank communication, but he
emphasized that the communications studied in the present paper were
about monetary instruments over which the Federal Reserve has clear
control. It is not obvious how much impact the Federal Reserve could
have when commenting about variables, such as the inflation rate, that
are not under its direct control. Posen, reminding the Panel that a
fiscal expansion brought an end to the Great Depression, suggested
analyzing the effects of coordinated monetary and fiscal actions near
the zero lower bound. Statements about a coordinated monetary and fiscal
policy in such circumstances were likely to be more effective than
statements about either one separately. Nordhaus found the results on
communications both interesting and persuasive. He thought they were
consistent with a 2003 paper by Ray Fair in the Journal of International
Money and Finance, which estimated the responses of stocks, bonds, and
the exchange rate to unexpected announcements in official releases of
various economic indicators. Of these "data shocks," those in
employment reports had the largest effect on interest rates. However,
Nordhaus questioned the authors' interpretation of the United
States going off the gold standard as an example of quantitative easing,
arguing that Roosevelt's action was essentially an exchange rate
event. Ben Bernanke replied that that devaluation could indeed be
interpreted as a case of quantitative easing, because it freed up the
money supply rather than changing relative prices.
(1.) Eggertsson and Woodford (2003a).
(1.) I thank Kathleen Hurley for secretarial and editorial
(2.) Although, in some cases, a particular path of future interest
rates may induce desirable price-level expectations in equilibrium, this
way of affecting price-level expectations is certainly very indirect and
in practice fraught with many difficulties. Furthermore, an interest
rate commitment alone may not be sufficient to uniquely determine the
price level, as emphasized long ago by Sargent and Wallace (1975) and
more recently--in the context of a liquidity trap--by Benhabib,
Schmitt-Grohe, and Uribe (2002).
(3.) Krugman (1998).
(4.) This episode is discussed by Bernanke (2000).
(5.) Svensson (2001, 2003, 2004); Jeanne and Svensson (2004).
(6.) The peg may need to incorporate a rate of crawl to be exactly
consistent with a zero home instrument rate. A constant peg would imply
a home instrument rate equal to the foreign short-term interest rate,
but the practical difference is small.
(7.) See Svensson (2004) for an analysis of the international
effects of the Foolproof Way. One possible problem with the Foolproof
Way is that the central bank may have an incentive to renege in the
future through an unanticipated currency appreciation, so as to achieve
low inflation ex post. However, Jeanne and Svensson (2004)
show--starting from the fact that a currency appreciation reduces the
home-currency value of foreign exchange reserves, and given the strong
aversion toward negative central bank capital revealed by central bank
officials and noted by central bank commentators--that a central bank
can manage its capital so as to create a commitment not to appreciate
the currency in the future.
(8.) Note that the management of central bank capital so as to
create a commitment not to appreciate the currency, discussed in Jeanne
and Svensson (2004), is an example of a policy that changes the
composition of central bank capital (see note 6).
(9.) In the simple analytical framework used in this comment, it is
not clear whether [i.sup.T.sub.t], or [T-1.summation over ([tau]=0)]
(i.sub.t+[tau]|t] matters more for the output gap. A more elaborate
model, one that does not use first-order approximations, is needed to
answer that question.
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The views expressed are our own and are not necessarily shared by
anyone else in the Federal Reserve System. We have benefited from
conversations with many colleagues. We also thank Thomas Gallagher of
the ISI Group and Jeffrey Young of Nikko/Citigroup for providing data on
their real-time interpretations of, respectively, U.S. and Japanese
monetary policies.
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