What have they been thinking? Homebuyer behavior in hot and cold markets.
Case, Karl E. ; Shiller, Robert J. ; Thompson, Anne K. 等
ABSTRACT Questionnaire surveys undertaken in 1988 and annually from
2003 through 2012 of recent homebuyers in each of four U.S. metropolitan
areas shed light on their expectations and reasons for buying during the
recent housing boom and subsequent collapse. They also provide insight
into the reasons for the housing crisis that initiated the current
financial malaise. We find that homebuyers were generally well informed,
and that their short-run expectations if anything underreacted to the
year-to-year change in actual home prices. More of the root causes of
the housing bubble can be seen in their long-term (10-year) home price
expectations, which reached abnormally high levels relative to mortgage
rates at the peak of the boom and have declined sharply since. The
downward turning point, around 2005, of the long boom that preceded the
crisis was associated with changing public understanding of speculative
Between the end of World War II and the early 2000s, the U.S.
housing market contributed much to the strength of the macroeconomy. It
was a major source of jobs, produced consistently rising home equity,
and served as perhaps the most significant channel from monetary policy
to the real economy. But starting with a drop in the
S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index for Boston in September 2005, home
prices began to fall in city after city. By the time the slump was over,
prices were down almost 32 percent on a national basis, with many cities
down by more than 50 percent, wiping nearly $7 trillion in equity off
household balance sheets. The production of new homes and apartments, as
measured by housing starts, peaked in January 2006 at 2.27 million on an
annual basis. Starts then fell 79 percent, to fewer than 500,000, in
just 2 years. From October 2008 until September 2012--a stretch of 48
months--starts remained below a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of
800,000 units, a 50-year-low.
As prices fell, the mortgage industry collapsed and the entire
financial system was shaken to its core. Even mortgages and
mortgage-backed securities that had been well underwritten went into
default. Very high rates of default and foreclosure sent Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, the two main government-sponsored enterprises in the
housing finance industry, into receivership and led to the failure of
the investment banks Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns in 2008. The
economy went into a severe recession in the fourth quarter of 2007. A
similar pattern infected housing markets around the world, including
parts of the euro zone and China.
What do we know and what do we need to know about the forces that
led to this huge failure of such a large market? The literature on the
housing boom and bust of the 2000s is extensive and has identified
several potential culprits: a growing complacency of lenders in the face
of declining loan quality (Mian and Sufi 2009, Demyanyk and van Hemert
2011); money illusion on the part of homebuyers that led to flawed
comparisons of home purchase prices with rents (Brunnermeier and
Julliard 2008, along lines exposited by Modigliani and Cohn 1979 for the
stock market); an agency problem afflicting the credit rating agencies (Mathis, McAndrews, and Rochet 2009); and government failure to regulate
an emerging shadow banking system (Gorton 2010). Most if not all of
these certainly contributed, even if their relative importance remains
unknown. But one thing that is known is that what happens in the housing
market depends on the behavior and attitudes of millions of individual
participants, and foremost among them are homebuyers.
We believe that one aspect of this episode has not received the
attention that it deserves: the role of homebuyers' expectations.
What were people thinking when they bought a home? At the time of
purchase, a buyer of a capital asset is buying a flow of services and
benefits that will all come in the future, and the future is always
uncertain. Buying a home means making a series of very difficult
decisions that will in all likelihood affect the buyers' lives
forever. Anyone who has ever signed an offer sheet, read a building
inspector's report, or written a down payment check, and wondered
what would happen if she lost her job or fell seriously ill, knows that
these decisions are emotional, personal, and difficult. The title of
this paper focuses on this process of thinking about the future that
homebuyers go through---calculating subjective costs, weighing risks and
one's own tolerance for risk, formulating and trading off among
preferences--all difficult topics for economists. Understanding the
housing market is really about understanding what goes on in the minds
of buyers, and we chose to go directly to the source.
This paper reports and analyzes results of a series of surveys that
we have conducted since 1988 of homebuyers in four metropolitan areas
nationwide. We begin with a description of the survey, of the
questionnaire itself, and of the sample sizes. The bulk of the paper
then asks and attempts to answer, using the survey data, a number of
questions that, we think, will add to our understanding of how the
housing market works:
--Do homebuyers know what the trends in housing prices are in their
metro area at the time of the survey?
--What do homebuyers expect to happen to the value of their home in
the next year and over 10 years?
--Are homebuyers' expectations rational, and how are they
--What brought the early-2000s housing bubble to an end?
--What caused the rebound in the market in 2009-10, and why did it
The choice of questions is constrained by the nature of the data,
and the methodologies we use to answer them are simple and somewhat ad
hoc, given that we lack a theoretical framework for our analysis. The
roughly 5,000 respondents had one thing in common: they had purchased a
home recently. Rather than look only at their actual behavior, we chose
to ask about their perceptions, interpretations, and opinions. We
singled out recent homebuyers in order to focus on the opinions of
people who were actively involved in the process that determines home
prices. We wanted to see how these opinions change through time. We
cannot, however, assume that their responses describe the opinions of
the great mass of people who were not actively participating in the
housing market during this period.
I. Our Survey of Homebuyers
More than two decades ago, to gain a better understanding of the
role of psychology and expectations in the housing market, we decided to
survey a sample of homebuyers and ask them specifically about their
reasons for buying. That survey, mailed in the late spring of 1988,
consisted of a questionnaire of approximately 10 pages, which we sent to
a random sample of 500 homebuyers in each of four locations within
metropolitan areas around the country: Alameda County, California (Oakland and much of the East Bay, in the San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont,
CA Metropolitan Statistical Area); Milwaukee County, Wisconsin (the core
of the Milwaukee-Waukesha-West Allis, WI Metropolitan Statistical Area);
Middlesex County, Massachusetts (Cambridge and the areas north and west,
in the Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH Metropolitan Statistical Area),
and Orange County, California (which includes Anaheim and Irvine in the
southern part of the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA Metropolitan
Statistical Area). These four were chosen to represent what were viewed
at the time as two "hot" markets (Los Angeles and San
Francisco), a "cold" (postboom) market (Boston), and a
relatively stable market (Milwaukee).
The questionnaires were identical across the four survey locations.
Participation was limited to people who had actually closed on a home
that spring. In a typical year, only about 5 percent of the nationwide
housing stock changes hands. Thus, our respondents do not necessarily
represent the universe of homeowners, home seekers, or home sellers. Yet
these are the people on whom we based our implicit valuation of the
entire stock.
The response rate to that first survey was extraordinary: of 2,030
surveys mailed, 886, or 43.6 percent, were ultimately completed and
tabulated. Case and Shiller (1988) presented the results of that survey
and concluded, "While the evidence is circumstantial, and we can
only offer conjectures, we see a market largely driven by expectations.
People seem to form their expectations from past price movements rather
than having any knowledge of fundamentals. This means that housing price
booms will persist as home buyers become destabilizing
speculators." In addition, we found significant evidence that
housing prices were inflexible downward, at least in the absence of
severe and prolonged economic decline.
In 2003 we decided to replicate the survey in the same four
counties, to see whether changes in market conditions and other recent
history had changed people's views. We have repeated the survey in
the spring of each year since then. Except for the addition of some new
questions at the end, the questionnaire has remained exactly the same in
all surveys. We now have completed the process a total of 11 times, and
this paper presents a first look at the aggregate results.
The response rate in the 2003 survey was 35.3 percent of 2,000
originally mailed (table 1 shows the response rates for the whole
series). The high response rate was in part the result of sending the
questionnaire with a letter hand signed by both Case and Shiller,
sending a postcard follow-up to nonrespondents, and finally sending a
second mailing. When response rates dropped off after 2005, we included
a letter signed by a colleague in each state. The response rate remained
low in 2007, at 15 percent overall.
It rebounded somewhat in 2008, to 27.3 percent, and then fell back
below 20 percent from 2009 through 2012.
II. Were Homebuyers Aware of Local Price Trends?
Table 2 compares the actual behavior of home prices in the four
metro areas with what our respondents perceived to be happening in their
area at the time. For each metro area across all 11 survey years, we
calculated the correlation of the actual year-to-year change in the
second-quarter average of the local S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price
Index with the percentage of respondents in the corresponding survey
area in that year's survey who said prices were "rising
rapidly," and with the percentage who said "falling
rapidly." (1) If buyers were well informed, one would expect to see
a high positive correlation of the year-over-year price increase with
the percentage saying "rising rapidly," and a high but
negative correlation with the percentage who said "falling
The simple correlation coefficients are indeed high in all four
locations, and all have the right sign, indicating that
respondents' perceptions were largely on target. The correlations
weaken, although slowly at first, when one compares current perceptions
with price changes in the more distant past (results not reported).
Figure 1 provides more detail. It plots the nominal
S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indexes for all four metro areas since
1987; the tables within each panel report for each corresponding survey
location the full breakdown of responses to the question about price
trends (question 14 in the questionnaire) in six of the annual surveys
(whose dates are indicated in the figure by vertical bars). In all four
locations the responses reflected a reasonable knowledge of what was
happening at the time of the survey. There was not always consensus, but
there was an extraordinary consistency in the results across time and
between metro areas. These are believable stories.
Consider, for example, the results for Orange County. At the time
of the 1988 survey, the Wall Street Journal was publishing articles
about the "buyers' panic" in the California market. (2)
(It was indeed one such article that led us to undertake the survey in
the first place.) Consistent with that reporting, 91 percent of Orange
County respondents in that first survey, when asked to describe the
current home price trend in their area, said prices were "rising
rapidly," and all the rest said "rising slowly." No
respondent said "falling" or "falling rapidly."
Similarly, in 2004, prices were again rising rapidly in Orange
County--by the end of the year they had doubled from year-2000
levels--and respondents knew it: 100 percent said that home prices were
rising rapidly (top right panel of figure 1). Homebuyers in Alameda County also correctly perceived the price trend in their metro area,
that of San Francisco (top left panel of figure 1). In both California
metro areas in both 1988 and 2004, fully 100 percent of respondents
thought prices were rising.
Our Boston-area homebuyers, in contrast, saw a great deal of
uncertainty in 1988. As the top right panel of figure 1 shows, the local
market was at or approaching a peak in that year. It appears that people
could not clearly see a trend amid the short-run noise: 37 percent of
our Middlesex County respondents said prices were "not
changing," while most of the rest were split, with 34 percent
saying prices were rising slowly and another 22 percent saying that they
were falling slowly (bottom left panel of figure 1). Home prices in the
Boston area were sticky and indeed essentially fiat, but there was a
great deal of debate at the time about the likelihood of a recession and
an actual price decline. Home prices in Milwaukee, by contrast, rose
more slowly and steadily in the late 1980s (top right left panel of
figure 1), and our respondents' perceptions reflect that. Like
their Boston-area counterparts, few Milwaukee County respondents saw
prices moving rapidly in either direction: 53 percent perceived prices
to be rising slowly, and another 24 percent said prices were not
What we observed in the late 1980s was a set of housing markets
behaving very differently across regions. By the middle of the 1990s,
however, home prices in the United States had begun to move up in many
markets at the same time. By 2000 the beginnings of a national boom were
becoming evident. Between 2000 and 2005 the S&P/Case-Shiller 10-City
composite 10 index increased by more than 125 percent. Survey
respondents in 2004 clearly saw the boom as it was occurring, In both
California counties the vast majority said prices were rising rapidly,
while in the Boston and Milwaukee areas most said prices were rising
The 2006 survey was sent out during a major turn in the
marketplace. The boom ended sometime between late 2005 and early 2007,
depending on the city, with home prices in Orange County up about 170
percent from their level in 2000. In San Francisco the increase from
2000 to the peak was 118 percent, and over the same period Boston was up
82 percent and Milwaukee 67 percent.
Finally the boom turned into a bust. The decline began in Boston,
where prices peaked in September 2005. By the time the spring 2006
survey in the Boston area was tabulated, 70 percent of respondents were
reporting that home prices were either not changing or falling. In San
Francisco home prices peaked in May 2006, and 38 percent of Alameda
County respondents that year reported that they thought prices were
either flat or falling. Prices in the Milwaukee area and in Orange
County continued to increase until September 2006. Once again homebuyers
correctly perceived the trend: in Orange County only 26 percent thought
prices were flat or falling, and in Milwaukee County the figure was 22
In 2008 Bear Steams and Lehman Brothers failed, and it was learned
that the economy had been in recession since the fourth quarter of 2007.
Home prices had fallen in every one of the S&P/Case-Shiller cities
by September 2008. By the time that year's survey was completed, 90
percent of respondents in both Orange County and Alameda County thought
prices were falling, and 95 percent thought prices were either flat or
falling. In the Boston area 88 percent reported that they thought prices
were falling, and 96 percent thought they were flat or falling.
Respondents in Milwaukee County were slightly more optimistic, with 78
percent seeing either flat or falling prices.
Prices continued to fall during 2008 and into 2009: the
S&P/Case-Shiller indexes in all of the composite 20 cities fell
through the rest of 2008 and beyond. By the end of 2009, however, all of
the cities had recorded some price increase. By 2010 there was much
debate in the press about whether the national housing market had made a
bottom or was caught in a "dead cat bounce," a pure result of
the $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers in effect from the
spring of 2009 to the summer of 2010 (additional homebuyer tax credits
were made available in California). Despite the rally, homebuyers still
perceived a down market. The results of the survey in 2011 showed that
the respondents who thought home prices were falling in that year
outnumbered those who thought they were rising--by 36 to 27 percent in
Orange County, 57 to 15 percent in Alameda County, 47 to 30 percent in
Middlesex County, and 62 to 14 percent in Milwaukee County.
Things improved in 2012. A majority of respondents in that
year's survey in Alameda, Middlesex, and Orange Counties thought
that prices were rising. However, our Milwaukee County respondents were
not as optimistic: only 22 percent thought prices were rising. The
respondents in the first three areas were correct: year over year and
month over month as of July 2012, prices were up in all four cities.
Notice also the answers to the other question reported in figure 1.
When asked whether they agreed with the statement, "It is a good
time to buy a home because prices are likely to rise in the
future," the vast majority of respondents said yes. In every single
survey in every county, the share agreeing with the statement was never
less than 67 percent, and in most it was over 80 percent. Buyers are
III. What Were Homebuyers' Price Expectations for the Short
and the Long Term?
Many stories of the housing boom in the early 2000s describe it as
a bubble driven by irrational expectations. People are alleged to have
been excessively optimistic. Our data allow us to examine such notions,
as we began to do in our 2003 Brookings Paper, but now can do even
better with the expectations data that our survey provides over the full
course of the boom, bubble, and collapse.
Two questions in our survey help us to assess the rationality of
buyers' expectations. Question 6 asks respondents how much they
think their home is likely to increase or decrease in value over the
next 12 months. Question 7 asks what they think will happen to the value
of their home each year over the next 10 years. Table 3 tabulates the
answers for every year from 2003 through 2012. One way to think of these
results is as the expected value of the average increase in home prices
over the next year (the short-run expected annual gain; top panel) and
the expected value of the average increase in price each year for the
next 10 years (the long-run expected annual gain; bottom panel).
The data in table 3 are trimmed means, calculated after dropping
the top 5 percent and the bottom 5 percent of observations. We did the
trimming because a fair number of responses suggested that the
respondent did not understand the question or was simply giving a
frivolous answer. We considered a number of different methods of
trimming and determined that the results do not change markedly over a
wide range of percentages. (For a full discussion see the appendix.)
What can be said about the patterns observed here? First of all, to
some economists the expectation of price increases in excess of 10
percent per year for 10 years, as occurs at least once in each of the
four locations, will seem absurd. But when one computes the actual rates
of appreciation in the S&P/Case-Shiller 10-City Price Index (a
nationwide measure) from 1996 to 2006, just before the peak, it turns
out to be a little above 10 percent per year on average for that 10-year
period. Indeed, more than half of our city- specific indexes show 10
years of returns averaging in excess of 10 percent per year. This was
taking place precisely as the expectations that we are describing in our
survey were being formed.
Figure 2 presents these patterns graphically. The bars in each of
the left-hand panels show, for each year from 2003 to 2012, the trimmed
mean of our respondents' 1-year expectation for home prices in one
of our four survey locations. Also shown are the S&P/Case-Shiller
Home Price Index for the corresponding metro area and the
S&P/Case-Shiller 10-City index. The right-hand panels show the
trimmed means of our respondents' annualized 10-year expectations,
again by location.
A large difference is observed between the 1-year and the 10-year
expectations. The 1-year expectations are much more volatile and at
times negative, whereas the 10-year expectations follow a simpler
pattern, peaking around 2004 and then only gradually declining. The
10-year expectation exceeds the corresponding 1-year expectation in
every year in every location, indicating that buyers are more optimistic
about price increases over the long haul than in the short term.
Both kinds of expectations are important. If 1-year expectations
are high, home sellers will have an incentive to wait another year to
sell, while buyers will have an incentive to buy now rather than next
year. But when it comes to the decision of whether to buy at all, and
comparing the expected rate of return on the investment with the
mortgage rate, the longer-term expectations are likely to be more
Table 4 presents yet another way of looking at the expectations
data. Here we look at expectations since 2003, both short- and
long-term, and at actual rates of change in nominal home prices annually
from 1996 through 2012 for Orange (top panel) and Middlesex (bottom
panel) Counties. This is important because later on we will consider how
expectations reacted to changes taking place in the market.
The first column in the top panel of table 4 shows that in 2003,
buyers in Orange County on average expected the value of their property
to increase by 9.4 percent in the following year--well below the 18.2
percent increase in the previous year. When prices then jumped 31.1
percent between 2003 and 2004, it must have been a surprise. Similarly,
in 2004 buyers expected prices to increase 13.1 percent in the year
following their purchase, but in fact prices rose 18.5 percent. A
similar pattern can be observed in the Boston area (bottom panel), but
the expected and actual rates of change are lower.
When asked to project how much their home's value would
increase or decrease in each of the following 10 years, homebuyers in
both locations were more optimistic. But even these expectations were
not unreasonable given the performance of the market before 2006. Price
increases in Orange County were actually accelerating after 2000, and
long-term expectations remained solid as long as prices continued to
rise. Even when prices started falling sharply in 2007 and 2008, buyers
continued to expect healthy price appreciation over the next 10 years,
and even their 1-year expectations resisted the idea that the severe
drops that were already occurring would continue.
IV. Were Homebuyers' Expectations Rational and How Were They
We can test whether the expectations of our homebuyers were
rational by regressing actual home price changes on the expected
changes. Of course, with our present data set we can do this only for
the 1-year expectations, since we do not have 10 years of subsequent
price data. The majority of the surveys in each year were returned in
the second quarter, so we calculated the actual price change in each
metro area as the percentage change in the S&P/Case-Shiller Home
Price Index for that area from one second quarter to the next. Under
traditional rational expectations theory, the constant term in these
regressions should be zero, and the slope coefficient should equal +1.
The top panel of table 5 reports the results. In all four survey
locations the slope coefficients are statistically significant and have
the right sign, but they are always much greater than 1. (The constant
term is always negative, reflecting a necessary correction for the mean
when the slope coefficient is greater than 1.) This may be interpreted
as implying that homeowners had information that was relevant to the
forecast but were not aggressive enough in their forecasts. A scatter
diagram of actual against expected 1-year price changes for the four
metro areas (figure 3) conveys how far individuals underestimated the
absolute magnitude of home price movements.
Contrary to what one might expect from popular stories about bubble
mentality, then, the 1-year expectations of homebuyers were not
overreacting to information, but rather underreacting to it. However,
this is not necessarily inconsistent with the presence of a bubble.
Certainly, the longer-term expectations, whose rationality is harder to
judge, seem likely to have been more in line with information in the
early years of our sample when they were predicting appreciation of over
10 percent a year for the next 10 years.
The above results do not depend on using the S&P/Case-Shiller
Home Price Indexes to measure actual price changes. Substituting the
home price indexes of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA, formerly
the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, OFHEO) yields rather
similar results (bottom panel of table 5). Unlike the
S&P/Case-Shiller indexes, the FHFA indexes include appraised values
as well as actual sales in their construction.
Much of this apparent underreaction of expectations to information
about future home prices is confined to certain metro areas and
episodes. Note that in the metro areas where prices were tamer,
Milwaukee and Boston, the coefficients in table 5 using the
S&P/Case-Shiller data are 1.50 or less and not statistically
significantly different from 1; although the coefficients are slightly
higher in the regressions using the FHFA data, they still are not
significantly different from 1.
We can test the rational expectations hypothesis further by adding
to the regression other variables reflecting information available to
homebuyers when their expectations were recorded; these other variables
should have a coefficient of zero if their expectations were rational.
We tried two such variables: the actual lagged 12-month price change in
the same metro area and the actual lagged 12-month price change for the
United States as a whole, as measured by the S&P/Case-Shiller
10-City Home Price Index. As table 6 reports, both of these
variables' coefficients have the opposite of the expected positive
sign but are insignificant. This is consistent with the rational
expectations hypothesis for the 1-year forecasts: respondents do appear
to incorporate this other information in making those forecasts.
Table 7 reports results of regressions in which the actual and
expected price changes switch sides in the equation and the time lag is
reversed: we regress the 1-year expectation on the lagged actual 1-year
price change. This allows us to see whether there is a simple structure
to expectations. The [R.sup.2]s in these regressions are substantial,
ranging between 0.64 and 0.87. Of course, the slope coefficient is far
less than 1, because as we have noted, expectations are much less
volatile than actual price changes.
Thus, the l-year expectations are fairly well described as
attenuated versions of lagged actual 1-year price changes, and yet we
know from table 6 that they also contain significant information about
future price changes beyond what is contained in the lagged actual price
change. This conclusion does not mean, however, that any story of
feedback in determining price should be modeled in rational terms.
Long-term expectations also matter importantly for demand for housing,
because as previously noted, they are important to people's
decisions about whether to buy a home at all.
As John Maynard Keynes suggested in his 1936 General Theory of
Employment, Interest and Money, it is long-term expectations that may be
the real driver of speculative booms, even though these expectations are
not normally the focus of economic forecasters. It may be a general
expectation about the vague and distant future that helps explain why
people behaved in the 2000s as if they thought that home prices could
never fall: perhaps they thought so only about the long run, as our
10-year expectations data seem to confirm.
Figure 4 shows annualized 10-year expectations of home price
appreciation from our survey, averaged across our four locations, along
with the national-average 30-year mortgage rate, from 2003 to 2012.
These two series are roughly matched in term, since the average actual
duration of a mortgage in the United States, before a move or a
refinancing or the like, is about 7 1/2 years, not the contractual 30
years. As the figure shows, these expectations, if they could have been
trusted, implied enormous profit opportunities in buying a home around
2004: the spread between the two series was roughly 6 percentage points.
Leveraging their investment 10 to 1 (as one does when taking out a
standard conventional mortgage), our homebuyers in 2004 would have
expected to multiply that 6-percentage-point spread by 10 (after taking
the other expenses of homeownership into account). This helps explain
the bubble enthusiasm of that time.
After 2004, however, long-term expectations fell faster than
mortgage rates, so that this expected profit opportunity narrowed,
sharply at first and then more gradually. Neither monetary stimulus nor
the other policy measures applied in the wake of the financial
crisis--neither lower interest rates, the federal conservatorship of
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Public-Private Investment Program,
quantitative easing, nor Operation Twist--succeeded in lowering mortgage
interest rates by anything like the decline in expectations.
By 2012, as figure 4 shows, long-term expectations had fallen to a
level practically equal to the mortgage rate, suggesting that homebuyers
no longer perceived a long-term profit opportunity in investing in a
home. Since a sample consisting only of homebuyers is likely to be
upwardly biased in terms of expectations relative to the population as a
whole, the perceived investment opportunity among the general population
may be even lower. A survey of professional forecasters conducted by
Pulsenomics LLC suggests that these professionals are less optimistic
than our respondents.
Their average expectation for annual home price appreciation for
2012-16, reported in the June 2012 Pulsenomics survey, was 1.94 percent,
about half the 10-year expectation of the homebuyers in our 2012 survey.
Why were home price expectations so high relative to interest rates
around 2004? Some simple stories come to mind but cannot be proved or
disproved with any data that we know of. One is that these long-term
expectations were formed over many decades during which home prices more
or less consistently rose. Another is that money illusion plays a role:
people may fail to consider that with lower overall inflation today than
in past decades, home price increases are likely to be smaller than in
the past.
Notably, the peak in expectations during the 2000s boom occurred 2
years before prices began to fall, 3 years before the beginnings of the
subprime crisis, and 4 years before the most intense phase of the crisis
in late 2008. This, together with the fact that the decline in
expectations is fairly steadily downward over the 8 years after 2004,
shows that the crisis cannot be the cause. Perhaps that should not be
altogether surprising, for the crisis was presented to the public as
just that--something short-term. It was associated with an economic
recession, and all recessions in recent decades have been short. So
perhaps it was not so much the crisis itself as its surprising duration
that gradually contributed to bringing expectations further down.
V. How Did the Bubble End?
Our sample period includes only one major turning point in the
housing market, the sudden, historic end of the housing bubble. Although
we have only one observation of this turning point, understanding it is
central to our objectives. Of particular interest here are
respondents' answers to a pair of open-ended questions in the
survey (questions 16 and 17):
--Was there any event or events in the last two years that you
think changed the trend in home prices?
--What do you think explains recent changes in housing prices in
[location]? What, ultimately is behind what is going on? Most
respondents wrote in answers to these questions; only a few left them
blank. The questionnaires left space for writing 20 words or so, and
many filled the available space. Only a few wrote one-word answers.
Comparing the responses to these two questions between the 2004 and
2006 surveys seems likely to be fruitful for understanding the turning
point, because long-term expectations dropped a full 4 percentage points
over that relatively short interval, roughly half of the total drop from
the peak. Moreover, the answers will not be clouded by any references to
the financial crisis, which was still entirely in the future.
Between these two years, a striking change in the tenor of the
answers can be observed. The common themes in 2004 included a
"shortage of houses," a large number of
"immigrants," "scarcity of land," "lack of
building space," "too many people," and "the desire
to have it all." These answers are mostly consistent with
perceptions of a shortage of supply. Only occasionally did respondents
mention in 2004 that affordability might be an issue. By 2006 the
optimistic themes of 2004 were still in evidence but were less
prevalent. The most common theme in 2006 was "rising interest
rates." Some themes were mentioned repeatedly, in different forms,
as suggested by answers such as the following: "high prices,"
"no equivalent rise in wages," "overvalued homes,"
"numerous newspaper & media articles speculating on/or
reporting on slowing sales," and "astronomical price spikes of
previous 2 years simply cannot be sustained."
In 2004, 14 percent of respondents volunteered the word
"supply" in answering these two questions, almost always with
a suggestion of short supply, limited supply, no supply, or demand
exceeding supply. In 2006 only 5 percent of respondents used this word.
As figure 5 shows, the phrase "housing bubble" did not
appear in a single handwritten response in 2004, although one respondent
used the term in 2003. By 2006, however, the word was being volunteered
by a few respondents. As time went on after the crisis, the percentage
mentioning "housing bubble" rose, until by 2010 over 3 percent
of the respondents were using the term.
As of 2004, a few professional economists were already responding
to the claim of some that the housing market was in a bubble. Our own
2003 Brookings Paper (Case and Shiller 2003) strongly suggested that
housing was in a bubble, but others took a different view.
Our questionnaire itself did not use the word "bubble"
except in the 2010 survey, when we added the following yes-or-no
question: (3)
Do you think the home price boom and bust in first decade of the
2000s was basically a speculative bubble and burst (prices driven
up by greed and excessive speculation and then inevitably
collapsing down)?
Eighty-five percent of respondents answered yes to this question.
It is too bad that we did not think to ask this question until 2010. We
probably did not in 2003 or 2004 because we could not have then imagined
that many people would even recognize the term "speculative
bubble" in this context.
There was a clear change in public perceptions in the 2 years
2004 and 2006. Ideas (speculative bubbles, overpriced homes) that
were "in the air" in 2004 actually were not much talked about
then, but their frequency of mention had increased dramatically by 2006.
Why was there such a dramatic increase in these notions? Between
2004 and 2006, the idea seems to have emerged in media accounts that
there are such things as bubbles and that they might be expected to
burst. Over this 2-year period, a number of analyses of bubble arguments
appeared, most of them in publications that few homeowners are likely to
have read. They must have viewed the news accounts of these debates more
as a sporting event, whose outcome was very uncertain.
In December 2004 Joseph McCarthy and Richard Peach published an
article in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Economic Policy
Review, "Are Home Prices the Next Bubble?" in which they
answered their title question in the negative. They argued that home
prices might not even have increased at all, if one adjusted for quality
changes: a repeat-sales index like the OFHEO index (or the Case-Shiller
index) may not effectively control for quality if homeowners improve
their homes between sales. However, the only evidence they offered for a
widespread change in average home quality was that the overall increase
in the OFHEO index in recent years was approximately the same as that of
the ordinary median price, which does not attempt to hold quality
In February 2005 David Lereah published his book Are You Missing
the Real Estate Boom? Lereah strongly rejected the mounting suspicion
that a real estate bubble was forming. He argued instead that lower
interest rates meant that housing was much more affordable than it had
been in the previous couple of decades, and that demand from the
baby-boom generation would keep the market going strong for years to
come. Although he was fight about these points, it was still a leap of
judgment to conclude, as he did, that the housing market at the time
offered a "once-in-every-other generation opportunity" for
In March 2005 one of us (Shiller) published the second edition of
his book Irrational Exuberance, which included a new data set on real
home prices since 1890. No such long data set of U.S. home prices had
ever been published before, and a chart depicting the aggregate series
revealed that by historical standards the current real estate boom was
highly abnormal, "like a rocket taking off' (Shiller 2005, p.
4). The chart was reprinted in a number of places, including the New
York Times.
On June 16, 2005, the Economist published a cover story titled
"After the Fall," with a cover illustration of a falling brick
inscribed with the words "house prices." The story said:
Perhaps the best evidence that America's house prices have reached
dangerous levels is the fact that house-buying mania has been
plastered on the front of virtually every American newspaper and
magazine over the past month. Such bubbletalk hardly comes as a
surprise to our readers. We have been warning for some time that
the price of housing was rising at an alarming rate all around the
globe, including in America. Now that others have noticed as well,
the day of reckoning is closer at hand. It is not going to be
pretty. How the current housing boom ends could decide the course
of the entire world economy over the next few years. (4)
Indeed, it does appear that the news media had by this time flocked
to the notion that the housing boom was really a bubble. On June 13,
2005, Time published a cover story titled "Why We're Going
Gaga over Real Estate," with an illustration of a man lovingly
hugging a house. A week later Barron's ran a cover story by
Jonathan Laing titled "The Bubble's New Home."
Why did all this media attention happen so suddenly? It is hardly
controversial to suggest that the major news media are always looking
for stories that will resonate with their readers, and that when one of
them comes across such a story, the others follow. Somehow the housing
bubble story seems to have become such a story around that time, marking
a turning point in public thinking. That people were changing their
thinking about housing bubbles in mid-2005 can also be measured by a
Google Trends count of web searches for the term "housing
bubble." As figure 6 shows, 2005 saw a sudden burst in web searches
for this term, peaking in August.
Fernando Ferreira and Joseph Gyourko (2011) find a wide dispersion
in the timing of the beginning of the real estate bubble, ranging from
1994 in some metro areas to 2005 in others. But their analysis also
shows that all this came to an abrupt end in all areas at about the same
time, just before 2006. Even many months after public opinion had begun
to turn decisively toward the view that the recent boom in home prices
was a bubble, some economists continued to argue that all price
increases were justified by fundamentals and that there was no bubble.
In March 2006 Margaret Hwang Smith and Gary Smith presented a paper
before the Brookings Panel that argued, among other things, that the
downtrend in nominal interest rates since 2000 fully justified the
increase in home prices. One of us argued, in a comment on their paper
(Shiller 2006), that whether speculative price changes are
"justified" can be answered in many ways and that the issues
in financial theory are sufficiently complex that it is hard to be
definitive, yet that there were reasons to suspect that the observed
price changes were related to swings in public opinion rather than
changes in fundamentals.
Smith and Smith (2006) is, to our knowledge, the last major paper
to argue that there never was a housing bubble in the 2000s. By 2006 a
substantial segment of the population had concluded that it was a
bubble, and professional economists as apologists largely disappeared.
VI. What Caused the Rebound in 2009-10 and Why Did It Fizzle?
The rebound in home prices from 2009 to 2010 is quite striking. In
some metro areas it was strong: San Francisco-area home prices rose 22
percent in the 16 months between March 2006 and July 2010 (see top left
panel of figure 1). But this rebound did not last, and home prices
resumed their fall. Interestingly, long-term expectations for home
prices did not increase between 2009 and 2010. What, then, might explain
the temporary uptick?
It is at first striking that very few respondents' answers to
our open-ended questions about the forces behind home price trends even
mention the "usual suspects" that economists would consider.
In none of the almost 2,000 questionnaires returned from 2008 to the
present is there a single mention of the Home Affordable Modification
Program (HAMP, created by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of
2008 and amended by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009),
the Home Affordable Refinancing Program (HARP), or the Homeowners
Affordability and Stability Plan (HASE announced by President Barack
Obama in February 2009, using funds from the Housing and Economic
Recovery Act of 2008). Nor did anyone mention either of Fannie
Mae's refinancing programs Refi Plus and DU Refi Plus. This whole
alphabet soup of relatively ineffective homeowner assistance programs
appears to have been totally missed by our respondents, although some of
their answers may have included vague, hard-to-interpret references to
them or their effects.
The homebuyer tax credit, created by the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act in February 2009, the second month of President
Obama's tenure, was much more salient, perhaps because it took the
form of a substantial outright gift to eligible parties: initially these
were first- time homebuyers, who received a credit of up to $8,000, but
later other homebuyers were granted a credit of as much as $6,500. The
credit's expiration date, originally November 30, 2009, was later
extended to April 30, 2010 (with closing required by June 30), when
non-first-time buyers were also allowed. (5) The total cost of the
program was estimated at $22 billion. (6)
The fact that these tax credits came at the beginning of a new
presidency, at a time when other stimulus programs were being announced,
may have amplified the sense of hope that they offered. A search through
our questionnaires for the words "tax credit" produced 3 hits
in 2009, 37 in 2010, 10 in 2011, and 2 in 2012. In 2010 all but one of
the 37 mentions came from first-time homebuyers. The questionnaire for
2010 differed from those in all other years in that it asked (question
22b, well after questions 16 and 17), "Are you getting the home
buyer tax credit for this home purchase?" This may have reminded
some respondents (who did not necessarily answer all questions in order)
of this fact and prompted them to mention the credit in the earlier
A remarkably large fraction of respondents in 2010--80 percent in
Orange County, 65 percent in Middlesex and Milwaukee Counties, and 64
percent in Alameda County--said that they would receive the credit. The
credit appears to have motivated some households to become homeowners:
figure 7 shows that the fraction of our respondents who were first-time
homebuyers rose to 53 percent in 2009, compared with 42 percent in 2008
and 34 percent in 2006.
These results suggest that the homebuyer tax credit was an
important factor in the temporary turnaround in the housing market:
homebuyers were aware of it, leading sales and prices to increase and
inventory (as measured by months of supply, from the National
Association of Realtors) to fall. This set the stage for a decline in
home prices in 2011, possibly unrelated to expectations of future price
A couple of theories come to mind to explain why homebuyers
suddenly came into the market just then. One theory is that the decisive
government action in legislating the tax credit persuaded them that home
prices would quickly go up. But this theory is belied by our
expectations data in figure 2. Short-term expectations generally
improved between 2008 and 2009 or 2010, but not by much, and so remained
low by historical standards. Nor did long-term expectations change much
between 2008 and 2009 or 2010.
Another possible explanation relies on the psychological theory of
regret. The homebuyer tax credit was a reason for homebuyers to act
quickly. Missing the credit, and perhaps buying soon after it expired,
would generate a pang of regret. Regret theory, as advanced by Graham
Loomis and Robert Sugden (1982), argues that people are especially
motivated to avoid the feeling of regret for having missed an
opportunity or made a mistake, and that the regret itself looms large in
their mind, sometimes out of proportion to the actual loss.
To the extent that regret theory explains the market impact of the
homebuyers tax credit on home prices, it might also help explain why the
2009-10 rally fizzled. These dates do not mark a substantial upward
turning point as did 2004-06 because there was no fundamental change in
VII. Conclusion
The rise and fall of the housing market during the past decade is
one of the most important events in modern economic history. This paper
has focused on a factor in that episode that has received little formal
analysis: the role of expectations. We have tried to draw some
conclusions from a data set of nearly 5,000 completed mail
questionnaires collected over the past 25 years from actual homebuyers
in four metropolitan areas.
The descriptions of the data and the questions that we ask may seem
somewhat ad hoc and arbitrary, but as we noted at the outset, no
theoretical framework exists to guide us. However, we can say a few
things in conclusion. First, the data suggest that homebuyers were very
much aware of trends in home prices at the time they made their
purchase. There is a strong correlation between the respondents'
stated perceptions of price trends and actual movements in prices. The
data also show that the opinions of homebuyers have varied over time.
When price trends are strong, there is little disagreement among
respondents. When there is ambiguity, respondents seem, not
surprisingly, to have a much less clear picture.
The data also show that homebuyers were, if anything, out in front
of the short-term changes that were occurring and that their short-run
expectations underreacted to the year-to-year changes in actual home
prices. Their long-term expectations have been consistently more
optimistic across both time and locations, but the absolute difference
between long-term and short-term expectations fell from a high of 8.3
percentage points in 2008 to just 0.8 percentage point in 2012. We
cannot test the rationality of long- term expectations as we can the
short-term expectations, and yet, since most homebuyers own their home
for many years, these are arguably the more important determinants of
housing demand. It is from these nebulous and relatively slow-moving
expectations that the bubble took much of its impetus, and that future
home price movements will as well.
Perceptions of where prices are headed in the short term turned
more positive in 2012, but long-term expectations continued to weaken.
Thus, although a recovery may be plausible, and home prices were rising
fairly strongly as this paper went to press, we do not see any
unambiguous indication in our expectations data of the sharp upward
turnabout in demand for housing that some observers and media accounts
have suggested.
Controlling for Outliers
The trimmed mean removes the extreme observations at the upper and
lower ends of a distribution, making analysis of the data more resistant
to outliers. The degree of trimming can, however, produce significantly
different mean values in widely dispersed data with long tails. Our
1-year expectations data fell within a relatively tight range, and thus,
as the top panel of figure A.1 shows, differences in the amount of
trimming had a minor impact. The difference between the 10 percent and
the 50 percent trimmed means (removing 5 percent and 25 percent of
observations from each tail, respectively) exceeded 1 percentage point
only in 2004, the peak of homebuyer optimism. In most other years the
trimmed values were closely aligned. The top panel of figure A.2 shows
that fewer than 5 percent of those surveyed in any year expected home
prices to increase by 20 percent or more over the following 12 months.
Not surprisingly, in the bust years the outliers were on the low end of
the spectrum. In 2008, 59 percent of homebuyers surveyed expected prices
to remain level or fall over the following year, compared with just 3
percent of 2004 respondents.
Annual 10-year expectations among surveyed homebuyers were more
optimistic and more skewed in the upper tail, as shown in the bottom
panel of figure A. 1. This was especially true in the boom years of 2004
and 2005, when year-over-year gains in monthly home prices exceeded 20
percent and many respondents believed prices would continue to rise. In
2004 the 10 percent trimmed mean expectation was 12.6 percent. Although
high, this was far below the actual annual rate of appreciation. Using a
50 percent trimmed mean reduces the expected annual rate of appreciation
by 4.7 percentage points, to 7.9 percent, far below reality. The bottom
panel of figure A.2 shows that 19 percent of all 2004 survey respondents
expected home prices to appreciate by more than 20 percent in each of
the following 10 years.
From the beginning of the housing bust in 2006 onward, the spread
between the 10 percent and the 50 percent trimmed means averaged just 2
percentage points. Having seen price appreciation begin to slow, people
came to realize that perhaps the sky was not the limit and that prices
could not rise at double-digit rates in perpetuity. By 2012 the trimmed
means were closely aligned, with a difference of less than 1 percentage
Market exuberance was not the only reason for high expectations for
appreciation. Two other factors that likely influenced expectations were
failure to understand the impact of compounding and misinterpretation of
the question on long-term expectations. For example, a survey respondent
who expects prices to double over the next decade might mistakenly
report an expected annual increase of 10 percent. In fact, a compound 10
percent annual increase would bring the price of a $100,000 home to
$285,000 over 10 years, not $200,000. Some of those surveyed also
appeared to misinterpret the question as the total appreciation over the
next 10 years, not the annual rate of appreciation. This is likely the
case among those respondents who reported their 10-year annual expected
appreciation as 10 times their 1-year expectation.
Questions have been added to the end of the survey questionnaire in
the past, and more will likely be added in the future as we continue to
assess what important additional information we might garner from
respondents. A second long-term expectations question, "How much
higher do you expect home prices to be, in percentage terms, in 10
years?" might yield interesting results. However, we would expect
to find some apparent inconsistencies between the answers to this
question and the answers to the question about expected annual
appreciation for 10 years, and we still would not know which question
elicited their true 10-year expectation. Most people are not used to
making 10-year forecasts and have trouble knowing whether prices might
double or triple or anything else. We could ask even more questions
about what scenarios and probabilities they consider plausible, but in
asking such detailed questions we would run the risk that our
questioning was educating them and making them think more clearly about
future home prices than they ever had before. As survey pioneer George
Katona (1975) stressed, most people have only the vaguest long-term
expectations and have to struggle to express them in any quantitative
terms. Yet the fundamental problem for economists is that these vague
expectations are likely to be extremely important in determining the
demand for housing.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to the National Science
Foundation, which funded the 1988 survey, and to the Yale School of
Management; a grant from White box Advisors supports our recent surveys.
Cathy Adrado, Daniel Boston, Zachary Dewitt, and Olga Vidisheva provided
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(1.) From question 14 of the questionnaire. The full questionnaire
is available on the Brookings Papers website at
www.brookings.edu/about/projects/bpea/, under "Past Editions."
(2.) See, for example, Asra Q. Nomani, "Buyers' Panic
Sweeps California's Big Market in One-Family Homes," Wall
Street Journal, June 1, 1988, p. 1.
(3.) In this year as in some others, we added one or more questions
at the end of the questionnaire, without, however, changing the wording
of any of the other questions.
(4.) The Economist, "After the Fall," June 16, 2005.
(5.) A $7,500 tax credit was also legislated as part of the Housing
and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, but that credit had to be repaid and
so was really a loan rather than a subsidy.
(6.) U.S. Government Accountability Office, in a letter to Rep.
John Lewis (D- Ga.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Oversight,
September 2, 2010 (www.gao.gov/new.items/ d 101025r.pdf). Since two of
our four survey locations are in California, it is worth noting that
California had its own homebuyer tax credits, each worth $10,000. The
first was in effect from March 1, 2009, to February 28, 2010. It was not
limited to first-time buyers but was limited to newly built homes. The
second, in effect between May 1, 2010, and December 31, 2010, allocated
$100 million to first-time homebuyers and an additional $100 million to
other purchasers of new homes. Both credits were distributed on a
first-come, first-served basis. Measured on a per capita basis, the
California program was less than a tenth the size of the federal