Enforcing time-inconsistent regulation.
Kleit, Andrew N.
Passage of legislation is merely the beginning of the regulatory
task. The successful translation of policy from legislative debate into
regulation is not guaranteed. Implementation may be especially
problematic for regulations that are "time-inconsistent."
Regulations have the potential for time-inconsistency if the government
cannot credibly commit itself to enforcement of the original legislation
at every relevant point in time.
Consider a law that sets a regulatory standard to be enforced several
years in the future. The regulation's implementation may take the
following course for any given enforcement period. First, firms are
expected to engage in long-term investment to move towards meeting the
standard. Second, after that investment has been completed, an
enforcement agency reviews and has the opportunity to modify the
standards, shortly before the date at which they are to be enforced.
Finally, after the agency's review, firms make short-term
investment to meet the standard. This process may be repeated for
subsequent enforcement periods.
This sequence of events presents inherent problems for the
enforceability of a regulation. During the long-term investment stage
regulated firms know that the relevant administrative agency may be
unable to credibly bind itself to future actions. Given this, firms may
believe that the agency's enforcement posture depends on their own
actions; firms may therefore be able to act strategically to induce the
regulatory agency to lower the relevant standard before its enforcement
date. Facing such incentives, firms may not undertake the desired
long-term investments. Upon review, the enforcement agency could find
that requiring firms to make short-term investments to meet the standard
may involve substantial social costs. Facing such costs, the agency may
grant regulatory relief and relax the standard.
In these circumstances, society's welfare may be greater if
firms engaged in the necessary long-term investment to meet the standard
prior to the enforcement date. In order to force firms to make the
necessary long-term investment, however, the enforcement agency may need
to threaten to punish firms by enforcing the original standard even if
firms' long-term investments are below optimal levels.
The need to threaten this punishment places the agency in a difficult
position. If firms do not undertake the desired long-term investments it
may be in the agency's (and society's) interests to relax the
initial standard to avoid the potentially higher costs associated with
short-term investments. Firms will understand this, and thus make no ex
ante investment towards meeting the standard. The regulation is
therefore time-inconsistent and unenforceable.
In the case of automobile fuel economy regulations, for example,
Congress in 1975 set standards for model years 1978 and afterwards, but
provided the executive branch, in the form of the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), with discretion to modify the
standard for model years after 1984. Automobile manufacturers then
undertook long-term product investment that may have been initiated in
order to meet the standards. For model years 1985, 1986, and 1989,
however, firms were able to gain regulatory relief from NHTSA at the
start of the relevant model years. If relief had not been granted, there
would have been insufficient time for further product innovation, and
firms would have had to meet the standard by eliminating less fuel
efficient vehicles from their fleets, a strategy that would have been
costly not only to themselves, but to their employees and customers as
well. (See Kleit |1990~ and Greene |1991~.)
On the other hand, in the 1970s the Congress passed laws to be
enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency that required automobile
companies to invest millions of dollars in pollution control devices.
While automobile firms achieved some delay in the implementation of the
law, the devices ultimately were installed. (See White |1981~.)
Pollution control devices are thus an example of a time-inconsistent
standard that was eventually successfully enforced. Indeed, the only
apparent difference between the enforceability of automobile fuel
economy standards and automobile emission standards was the agency
chosen to administer them.
This article presents a game theoretic model that demonstrates how
certain types of regulatory agencies can enforce time-inconsistent
regulation.(1) Administrative procedures, as discussed by McCubbins,
Noll, and Weingast |1987; 1989~, allow agencies to credibly commit to
policies that are consistent with their bureaucratic missions. Agencies
will be modelled in terms of whether their administrative procedures
have made them "committed" to enforcing a particular
time-inconsistent policy under any circumstances. Because firms realize
that a particular agency might be forced by its own administrative
procedures into acting against the public welfare, potentially
time-inconsistent regulation may be enforceable. This model stands in
contrast to the previous literature on regulatory enforcement, such as
Laffont and Tirole |1986~, which does not deal with issues of
The analysis here assumes that legislation is enacted setting a
regulatory standard. The legislation, however, also gives the
administrating agency authority to lower the standard should some
unforeseen event occur. As McCubbins et al. |1987, 256-7 and 261; 1989,
449~ and Hahn |1988, 224-5~ point out, if a large degree of
technological uncertainty is involved, the legislature may not desire to
choose an exact standard to be reached, given the possibility that
relevant information is not yet available. Thus, the legislature may
grant the agency the discretion to modify future standards.
This leaves the legislature with the problem of how to constrain the
agency to enforce its decisions. Even if the administrative agency
agrees with the legislative branch, and neither one's opinions
change over time, the temporal nature of the regulation, by itself, may
generate time inconsistency and prevent the policy from being
implemented. Therefore, the legislature must succeed in committing the
agency to enforcing the standard even if the desired investments do not
take place.
Conceptually, the legislature or the agency could solve this problem
by creating for itself a reputation for "toughness" or
"irrationality." Creating such a reputation, however, at least
in the models of Kreps and Wilson |1982~ and Diamond |1989~, takes a
good deal of time, given the low levels of irrationality expected from
economic actors. Since elected government officials serve for a finite period, they may find that making the investment needed to create a
reputation for toughness is not a viable option.
As McCubbins et al. |1987, 257-8~ describe, a method by which the
legislature can bring an administrative agency under control and solve
the implementation problem is through the use of administrative
procedures. Procedural requirements, often quite complex, restrict the
choices available to an administrative agency and ensure that
legislative desires are implemented by creating a credible commitment,
even without direct legislative supervision. In the context of
time-inconsistent policy, administrative procedures are presented here
as a solution to the traditional principal agent problem, not only
across political actors (as McCubbins and his coauthors describe), but
across time as well.(2)
Of course, all administrative agencies are not alike. In an
agency's enabling statute the legislature may be able to implicitly
choose its preferred level of administrative commitment. The legislature
may also be able to select from among a variety of existing agencies in
which to entrust the enforcement of a particular statute, depending on
the level of commitment it desires. The commitment of a particular
agency to a particular regulation can be thought of as a function of its
own internal procedures, as well as how consistent the particular
regulation is with that agency's political mission.(3) In turn, the
agency's mission may be a function of the concerns of the
agency's client interest groups (as in Stigler |1970~) or the
political interests of the members of the relevant congressional
oversight committees (along the lines of Weingast and Moran |1983~).(4)
Thus NHTSA, as its name implies, may be more likely to be committed to
regulations that improve automobile safety and less likely to be
committed to regulations that do the reverse. Firms can be expected to
understand this and to take it into account when making their regulatory
investment decisions.
Prior to the start of the game, the legislature passes a law setting
the standard at S. It will be assumed that S is set at the
welfare-maximizing level (S*), given that the regulation is successfully
enforced. To capture the often complicated administrative procedures
established, the regulated firm is modeled here as unaware as to whether
the relevant enforcement agency is "committed" (type = C) and
thus unable to modify the standard, or "uncommitted" (type =
N) and therefore able to do so. Under the bureaucratic "rules of
the game," however, the firm knows the probability |p.sup.N~, 0 |is
less than~ |p.sup.N~ |is less than~ 1, that the agency is uncommitted
and willing to lower the standard. This probability is a function of how
consistent the relevant regulation is with an agency's mission and
how strongly the agency's administrative procedures commit it to
that mission. The firm updates this probability during the game
according to Bayes' Law.
The game itself has two periods, t = 1, 2. Allowing the game to be
longer than one period generates incentives for an uncommitted agency to
act strategically in order to generate a reputation for toughness. This
in turn will be shown to generate a discontinuity in the firm's
optimal strategy. Each period has two stages, permitting analysis of the
two decisions made in each period, one by the firm and one by the
agency. In the first stage of period t the firm
improves the regulated aspect of its product an amount |F.sub.t~ at
some cost to itself. The firm chooses |F.sub.t~ to minimize the present
value of its expected costs over the two-period game, given |p.sup.N~
and any previous events in the game. In the second stage, after
examining the first-stage product improvements |F.sub.t~, the reviewing
administrative agency sets a standard |S.sub.t~, which may be equal to
or less than the mandated standard S*. If the agency is uncommitted, it
sets the standard to maximize net welfare given first-stage investment,
knowing that the firm will take the existence of an amended standard in
period one into account when making its first-stage investment in period
two. A committed agency sets |S.sub.t~ = S*. After the agency makes its
decision, the firm has no choice but to improve its product |H.sub.t~ =
|S.sub.t~ - |F.sub.t~ |is greater than~ 0 at some cost to reach the
In terms of automobile fuel economy standards, first-stage
improvements |F.sub.t~ can be thought of as long-term engineering
innovation and investment affecting the fuel efficiency of individual
automobiles. Second-stage improvements |H.sub.t~ can be thought of as
short-term changes in the mix of vehicles offered for sale that generate
relatively higher sales of the more fuel-efficient vehicles.
For simplicity the cost function to the (risk-neutral) firm in period
t is assumed to be
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where in general b |is greater than~ a. The firm is assumed to gain
no benefit from the production of this good, and hence without
regulation it would not be produced.
Society is assumed to value the regulated good with constant marginal
utility v. Solving for S* and dropping subscripts, the net total social
welfare from reaching a level of the regulated good S* = F* + H* where F
is generated from first-stage long-term investment and H is the
second-stage short-term investment is maximized at
(2) F* = v/2a,H* = v/2b,S* = F* + H* = v(a+b)/2ab.
It is also assumed that the agency cannot observe |F.sub.t~ prior to
the second stage of period t.(5) A sequential equilibrium to this game
will be solved using backwards induction.
Second Period: Second Stage
If the agency is of type C, it is unable to modify the
legislature's initial decision and |S.sub.2~ = S*. The firm then
improves its product |H.sub.2~ = S* - |F.sub.2~. If the agency is of
type N, it maximizes welfare over |S.sub.2~ given |F.sub.2~:
(3) W = v|S.sub.2~ - |a|F.sub.2~.sup.2~ - b|(|S.sub.2~ -
Maximizing W with respect to S yields
(4) |S.sub.2~ - |F.sub.2~ = v/2b = |H.sub.2~ = H*,
with the value of |H.sub.2~ independent of |F.sub.2~. The firm then
improves its product |H.sub.2~ = H*.
Second Period: First Stage
The goal of the regulated firm at this point is to minimize its
expected costs over the probability that the agency is of type N. That
probability, |p.sub.2~, is a function of |p.sup.N~, the a priori
probability that the agency is of type N, and the events of the first
period. If the agency did intervene in period one it has, in effect,
"shown its hand" and demonstrated with probability 1 that it
is of type N. Therefore, |p.sub.2~ is equal to 1 if intervention
occurred in period one; otherwise |p.sub.2~ = |p.sub.2~(|p.sup.N~,
|6F.sub.1~, |S.sub.1~) = |p.sub.2~ (|p.sup.N~, |F.sub.1~). (|S.sub.1~
equals S* if intervention did not occur.) The firm thus knows that given
its first-stage improvements |F.sub.2~ it will have to improve its good
H* with probability |p.sub.2~ and face probability 1 - |p.sub.2~ that
its good will have to be improved S* - |F.sub.2~. Given this, the firm
minimizes its expected costs over |F.sub.2~,
(5) Min E(|C.sub.2~) = |p.sub.2~(|a|F.sub.2~.sup.2~ + b|H*.sup.2~) +
(1 - |p.sub.2~)||a|F.sub.2~.sup.2~ + b|(S* - |F.sub.2~).sup.2~~.
Minimizing (5) with respect to |F.sub.2~ and solving yields
(6) |F.sub.2~ = (1 - |p.sub.2~)bS*/|a + (1 - |p.sub.2~)b~ = F*(a +
b)(1 - |p.sub.2~)/|a + b(1 - |p.sub.2~)~ = F*k(|p.sub.2~).
The function k is the fraction of optimal investment undertaken by
the firm given the firm's posterior probability that the agency is
type N (uncommitted) with k(1) = 0, k(0) = 1, and dk/d|p.sub.2~ |is less
than~ 0.
First Period: Second Stage
A type C agency will set the standard at S*, and the firm will have
no choice but to improve its produce S* - |F.sub.1~. If |F.sub.1~ |is
less than~ F* and the agency is of type N, it will grant relief (setting
the standard at |F.sub.1~ + H* = |S.sub.1~ |is less than~ S*) if the
benefits of doing so outweigh the costs.
Define |p.sup.E~ = |p.sub.2~(|p.sup.N~, |F.sub.1~, No relief) as the
equilibrium posterior probability that the agency is uncommitted given
that the agency did not grant relief in the first period. Let |F.sup.N~
be the first-period, stage-one investment at which the agency is
indifferent between granting relief and enforcing the original standard,
given that |p.sup.E~ = |p.sup.N~. (See the appendix for the derivation of |F.sup.N~.) At |F.sup.N~ the firm is not "fooled" by
enforcement of the original standard since the firm believes, given
|F.sub.1~, that an uncommitted agency would not have granted relief,
since doing so would have revealed to the firm that it was uncommitted.
Define region III as ||F.sup.N~, F*~. By definition if |F.sub.1~ is
in region III, the agency will not grant relief, since the costs of
granting relief are greater than the benefits. If relief is not granted
when |F.sub.1~ is in region III, the firm has no reason to believe
|p.sub.2~ |is greater than~ |p.sup.N~. Thus, if |F.sub.1~ is in region
III, it always is optimal for a type N agency to mimic a type C
committed agency and not grant relief.
Define region I as |0, |F.sup.C~~ where |F.sup.C~ is the maximum
|F.sub.1~ such that the agency will want to grant relief, given that if
relief is not granted the firm will have |p.sub.2~ = 0. (See the
appendix for the derivation of |F.sup.C~.) By definition, if |F.sub.1~
is in region I, a type N agency will always grant relief. Here the
benefits of granting relief are always greater than the costs, even
though if relief is not granted the firm believes with probability 1
that the agency is of type C (committed).
Define region II as ||F.sup.C~, |F.sup.N~~. If |F.sub.1~ is in this
region, no pure strategy equilibrium exists for an uncommitted agency.
There is, however, a mixed strategy solution similar to the one derived
by Kreps and Wilson |1982~ (see the appendix). Once the agency makes its
decision, the firm improves its product |S.sub.1~ - |F.sub.1~.
First Period: First Stage
Given the strategies calculated above, the firm now minimizes its
expected costs by choosing |F.sub.1~. If it chooses |F.sub.1~ in region
III, it knows that relief will be granted with probability 0. If it
chooses |F.sub.1~ in region II, it knows relief will be granted with
probability |p.sup.N~L||p.sup.E~(|F.sub.1~), |p.sup.N~~. If it chooses
|F.sub.1~ in region I, it knows relief will occur with probability
|p.sup.N~. The firm thus faces the possibility frontier outlined in
Figure 1.
A solution to the firm's cost-minimization problem can be
generated by analyzing the lowest cost strategy for each of the three
regions. Assume that the standard will be enforced with probability 1 -
|p.sup.N~. The firm will thus minimize its expected costs over
MinE|C(|F.sub.1~)~ = (1 - |p.sup.N~) ||a|F.sub.1~.sup.2~ + b|(S* -
|F.sub.1~).sup.2~~ + |p.sup.N~)(|a|F.sub.1~.sup.2~ + b|H*.sup.2~) + R|(1
- |p.sup.N~)(a|F*.sup.2~ + b|H*.sup.2~) + |p.sup.N~b|H*.sup.2~~
where R is the private or market discount rate. Solving for |F.sub.1~
(8) |F.sub.1~ = F*k(|p.sup.N~) = |F.sup.I~.
The point |F.sup.I~ can be in any of the three regions. If |F.sup.I~
is in region I, that is the minimum cost point for the firm. The
situation is more complicated if |F.sup.I~ lies in regions II or III. In
that case, dE(C(|F.sub.1~)/d|F.sub.1~ |is greater than~ 0 for all
|F.sub.1~ in region I and the firm prefers |F.sup.C~ to any other point
in region I. To determine the equilibrium solution, however, it is
necessary to compare the costs of |F.sup.C~ to the costs of the lowest
cost points in regions II and III.
Assume that the standard will always be enforced. Then the lowest
cost strategy for the firm is |F.sub.1~ = F*k(0) = F*. Thus, for region
III, the lowest cost strategy is F*. It can be shown with some
difficulty that there is no minimum cost point in the interior of region
II. Thus, if |F.sup.I~ is greater than |F.sup.C~, the firm will choose
between |F.sup.C~ and F*. This implies the firm will choose either to
meet the standard or miss it by a great deal. It also implies that if
the firm does not choose to meet the standard it will pick |F.sub.1~ low
enough so that a type N agency will always grant relief.
The model of section III implies that credible enforcement of a
time-inconsistent regulation requires a certain probability that the
administering agency is committed. Table I presents the maximum
|p.sup.N~ allowable for the policy to be enforced. The coefficient of
first-period costs, a, is set at 1 as the numeraire. The marginal
utility of the regulated good, v, is set at 1 in the computer program,
although the results are invariate to all positive values of v. The
private discount factor, R, equals .960.
The results in Table I indicate that |p.sup.N~ must be at a fairly
low level (never higher than 0.545) for the policy to be efficiently
implemented. Not surprisingly, the higher the discount rate of the
agency (|R.sup.g~), the harder it is to enforce the regulation.(6) For
instance, reducing |R.sup.g~ by 20 percent (from .960 to .768) reduces
the maximum |p.sup.N~ from .545 to .484.
Maximum |p.sup.N~ That Enforces Standard
a=1, v=1, R=.96
Agency Discount Rate |R.sup.g~
.960 .768 .576 .384 .192
1.0 .545 .484 .411 .320 .200
2.0 .466 .414 .351 .273 .168
3.0 .443 .393 .333 .258 .159
4.0 .433 .384 .326 .252 .154
5.0 .428 .380 .322 .249 .152
6.0 .426 .379 .321 .248 .151
7.0 .426 .378 .320 .247 .150
8.0 .425 .378 .320 .247 .150
9.0 .425 .378 .320 .247 .150
10.0 .426 .379 .321 .247 .149
Factor of 3rd Stage Costs(b)
The results also show that as b, the factor of second stage costs,
increases from 1 to 6 the maximum |p.sup.N~ for |R.sup.g~ = .96
decreases from .545 to .426. As b rises past 6, however, |p.sup.N~
declines only slightly. Increasing b has two effects on the viability of
the regulation. Higher second-stage costs raise the costs to firm of not
meeting the standard in the first stage. These higher costs, however,
also make it more painful for the agency to enforce the standard should
the level of first-period investment be suboptimal.
A large degree of administrative commitment is necessary for the
effective implementation of time-inconsistent regulation. Intuitively,
the time-inconsistency problem is mitigated by decreasing the potential
discretion of the agency that enforces the standard. Effective
enforcement of time-inconsistent regulatory standards therefore may
require legislatures to generate strong administrative procedures.
Legislatures must also have the willingness to assign such policies
to committed agencies. Congress may not have had that willingness in
1975 when it entrusted the regulation of automobile fuel economy
standards, a regulation that appears to reduce automobile safety (see
Crandall and Graham |1989~), to an agency (the National Highway and
Traffic Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation) whose
mission is to improve automobile safety. In light of their institutional
missions, the Environmental Protection Agency or the Federal Energy
Administration (the predecessor of the Department of Energy) might have
been expected to be less willing to grant automobile companies
regulatory relief.
It is also shown here that if a firm is not going to meet the initial
part of a regulation it will miss it by a great deal to force an
uncommitted agency into granting relief. There is no advantage in
missing the standard by a small amount, as in that case even an
uncommitted agency will enforce the standard. Firms may instead invest
an intermediate amount (here defined as |F.sup.C~) and see if they can
gain relief from an uncommitted agency. Thus, firms can be expected to
choose to either meet time-inconsistent standards or to miss them by a
great deal, holding themselves, their employees, and their customers
hostage to a potentially committed administrative agency.
The analysis in this appendix refers to portions of the first and
second stages of the first period of the game discussed in section III.
First Period, Second Stage: Derivation of |F.sup.N~ and |F.sup.C~
The benefits from relief are realized in the first period because the
reduced costs from the lower standard b|(s* - |F.sub.1~).sup.2~ -
b|H*.sup.2~ are greater than the loss from the lower standard v|S* - (H*
+ |F.sub.1~)~ = v(F* - |F.sub.1~) if |F.sub.1~ |is less than~ F*.
(A1) Benefit of Relief = |B.sub.A~(|F.sub.1~) = |b|(S* -
|F.sub.1~).sup.2~ - b|H*.sup.2~~ - |v(F* - |F.sub.1~)~.
The costs from granting relief in the first period are realized in
the second period. By granting relief in the first period the agency
reveals that it is uncommitted, and the firm will undertake no
investment to meet the standard in the first stage of the second period
(p = 1, thus (6) implies |F.sub.2~ = 0). Recall that |p.sup.E~ =
|p.sub.2~(|p.sup.N~, |F.sub.1~, No relief) is the equilibrium posterior
probability that the agency is uncommitted given that the agency did not
grant relief in the first period. Since the costs of granting relief are
not realized until the second period, they are discounted by |R.sup.g~,
the agency's discount rate. The costs to the agency of granting
relief, CA, are
(A2) |C.sub.A~(|p.sup.E~) = |R.sup.g~|v(F*k(|p.sup.E~) - F*k(1)~ -
|R.sup.g~|a|(F*k(|p.sup.E~)).sup.2~ - a|(F*k(1)).sup.2~~ =
|R.sup.g~|vF*k(|p.sup.E~) - a|(F*k(|p.sup.E~)).sup.2~~.
Setting (A1) equal to (A2) and solving for |F.sub.1~ yields the point
|F.sup.N~ for which the agency is indifferent as to whether or not to
show itself as type N and grant relief, given |p.sup.E~. This solution
yields a quadratic, F*, plus or minus a constant. Since |F.sub.1~ is
never greater than F*, the larger of the solutions for |F.sup.N~ can be
disregarded and
(A3) |F.sup.N~ = F* - ||(C(|p.sup.N~) + b|F*.sup.2~ + b|H*.sup.2~ -
b|S*.sup.2~ + vF*)/b~.sup..5~ = F* - |(C(|p.sup.N~)/b).sup..5~
To solve for |F.sup.C~, assume that if relief is not granted the firm
believes with probability 1 that the agency is of type C. Setting (A1)
equal to (A2) with |p.sup.E~ = 0 yields |F.sup.C~ = F* -
|(C(0)/b).sup..5~, with |F.sup.C~ |is less than~ FN if |p.sup.N~ |is
greater than~ 0.
Only a mixed strategy equilibrium in Region II:
The proof is as follows: Take any point |F.sub.1~ in region II. If
the agency's strategy is to mimic a committed agency and not grant
relief, then |p.sub.2~ = |p.sup.N~, as the firm knows that the type N
agency will try to mimic the type C agency. If, however, |p.sub.2~ =
|p.sup.N~, then by the definition of region II it is optimal for the
type N agency to grant relief. In that case, however, |p.sub.2~ = 0. No
pure strategy is an equilibrium for the type N agency because once it
adopts that strategy the firm will have expectations in period two that
make the strategy non-optimal.
Recall that |p.sup.E~ is the equilibrium value of
|p.sub.2~(|F.sub.1~). In region II that equilibrium exists when the cost
of relief for a type N agency is equal to the benefits of relief. As
shown above, |p.sup.E~(|F.sup.C~) = 0 and |p.sup.E~(|F.sup.N~) =
|p.sup.N~. The derivative of the costs with respect to |p.sup.E~,
d|C.sub.A~/d|p.sup.E~, is |is less than~ 0 and d|B.sub.A~/d|F.sub.1~ |is
less than~ 0. Since the cost of granting relief equals the benefits, by
the definition of |p.sup.E~ in region II, it implies that
d|p.sup.E~/d|F.sub.1~ |is less than~ 0 and 0 |is less than~
|p.sup.E~(|F.sub.1~) |is less than~ |p.sup.N~ if |F.sub.1~ is in the
interior of region II. Solving for k using (A1) and (A2) yields
(A4) k = 1 - {1 - ||4aB(|F.sub.1~)/|v.sup.2~|R.sup.g~~.sup..5~},
and (6) implies that |p.sup.E~ =|a + b)(1 - k)~/(b(1 - k) + a).
Assume that if |F.sub.1~ is in region II the type N agency adopts a
mixed strategy, granting relief with probability L(|p.sup.E~, |p.sup.N~)
= (|p.sup.N~ - |p.sup.E~)/||p.sup.N~(1 - |p.sup.E~)~. If relief is not
granted, the firm updates its belief according to Bayes' Law and
concludes that the agency has probability |p.sup.E~ of being type N.
Thus, the firm has no incentive to switch out of this strategy and an
equilibrium is reached.
While a mixed strategy equilibrium is the logically correct solution
for region II, it is not clear what it means in this context. A mixed
strategy equilibrium implies that before the game starts, the agency is
able to commit itself to granting or not granting relief at random
should a region II outcome occur. Thus, while the firm does not know
what type the agency is, it does know that a type N agency will have
already committed itself to a mixed strategy. It is not clear that this
is a realistic equilibrium, but given the absence of any other solution
to this problem, it is used here.
First period, first stage: If |F.sup.I~ is in Region I, that is the
minimum cost point for the firm.
The proof is as follows: Given that the probability of relief being
granted is |p.sup.N~, the firm will prefer |F.sup.I~ over all other
points in region I. Take any other |F.sub.1~ in regions II or III. The
probability of relief being granted at any such investment |F.sub.1~ is
less than |p.sup.N~. Since dE|C(|F.sub.1~)~/d|p.sup.N~ |is less than~ 0,
such a point has higher costs associated with it than if it had
probability of relief |p.sup.N~. By construction of |F.sup.I~, however,
even if the probability of relief were |p.sup.N~ at some |F.sub.1~ in
regions II and III, the firm's expected costs would be lower at
|F.sup.I~. Thus, the firm will select |F.sup.I~ since it dominates any
other |F.sub.1~ in regions II or III.
No minimum cost point in the interior of Region II:
The outline of the proof is as follows: The shape of the possibility
frontier in region II is oval and convex to the origin, which implies
the derivative of expected costs with respect to |F.sub.1~ at |F.sup.C~
is positive infinity. It also implies that dp/d|F.sub.1~ at |F.sup.N~ is
zero, and thus the derivative of expected costs at that point is
positive (this comes from the analysis of all points in region I). Thus,
the point in region II at which the derivative of expected costs with
respect to |F.sub.1~ equals zero is a local maximum and not the
|F.sub.1~ which minimizes costs in that region. The two candidates for
cost minimizing points in region II therefore are |F.sup.C~ and
|F.sup.N~. But since |F.sup.C~ is in region I, it is weakly dominated
from the firm's point of view by |F.sup.I~. Since |F.sup.N~ is in
region III, it is weakly dominated by F*.
1. This type of question has also been dealt with in a macroeconomic setting. For a review of the relevant literature, see Chari and Kehoe
2. A time-inconsistent regulation could also be undermined by the
repeal of the regulation by the legislature if the desired long-term
investments have not been made. The existence of complicated legislative
procedures (Shepsle |1979~ and McCubbins et al. |1989, 435-44~),
however, may make it very difficult to form the voting coalition
necessary to repeal such a regulation. In effect, time-inconsistent
regulations can be thought of as being protected from the legislature by
legislative procedures in the same way they are protected from an
administrative agency by administrative procedures.
3. McCubbins et al. |1989, 470-2 and 479-81~ discuss two examples of
Congress choosing between agencies with different regulatory agendas. In
the first instance, in 1976, the House of Representatives unsuccessfully
attempted to insulate the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from the
influence of the less regulatory oriented Department of Justice by
eliminating the requirement that the Justice Department represent the
EPA in federal court. This would have removed the Justice
Department's de facto veto power over EPA enforcement decisions. In
the second instance, in 1977, the House of Representatives wanted to
give the Federal Trade Commission veto power over the EPA rules on
automobile warranties. (The Trade Commission was expected to resist such
warranties on antitrust grounds.) The Senate, on the other hand, desired
the EPA to have full authority over the warranties in order to generate
more stringent regulatory provisions. The final compromise gave the EPA
full authority but limited the length of the warranties that could be
required by the EPA.
4. see Weingast |1984~ for a discussion of how both these factors
influenced policy at the Securities and Exchange Commission from 1955 to
5. For instance, a regulatory agency may have a great deal of
difficulty evaluating the effect of new fuel-saving technologies created
by automobile companies before those technologies are actually put into
6. The agency may or may not value the future at the same rate as
private agents. For instance, if an election is imminent, the regulatory
agency's political clients (the legislature and the head of the
executive branch) may be much more concerned about satisfying voters
today than voters tomorrow.
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