Racial differences in homeownership and housing wealth, 1970-1986.
Long, James E. ; Caudill, Steven B.
Black couples are found to own a disproportionately low share
of aggregate housing
wealth in the United States because they are less likely than
whites to be homeowners
and because black-owned houses have lower market values than
white-owned houses.
Probability of ownership and house value equations (corrected for
selectivity bias) are
estimated with national data for 1970, 1980, and 1986. Trends in
racial differences
in homeownership and house value are identified and reasons for
their existence are
The wage gap between blacks and whites has been the subject of many
labor market studies during the last two decades. These studies spawned
similar analyses of racial differences in other markets such as housing.
Concern over the black-white differential in economic well-being
continues today, with recent attention focusing on the wealth gap
between blacks and whites. Andrew Brimmer [1988] points out that blacks
owned only 3.0 percent of accumulated wealth in the United States in
1984, even though blacks received 7.6 percent of total money income that
year and they comprised 11 percent of all households.(1) The equity
accumulated in homes constituted the most important form of wealth held
by blacks, but even so the black share of home equity was only 4.4
percent of the total.
The value of black-owned housing will be disproportionately low if
(a) blacks are not as likely as whites to own homes and (b) blacks'
houses are relatively less valuable than whites' houses. In this
paper we investigate both of these possibilities with national data on
black and white households covering the period 1970-86.(2) Existing
research has concentrated primarily on racial differences in the
probability of homeownership, with an eye toward determining the extent
of discrimination.(3) At least two prominent Congressmen (Joseph Kennedy
of Massachusetts and Henry Gonzalez of Texas) have charged that
government regulators routinely allow discrimination in home mortgage
lending. Because most studies have relied on data from the 1960s and
early 1970s, often covering only certain metropolitan areas, no reliable
estimates of the national trend in black homeownership and housing
market discrimination during more recent years exist. The question of
how much housing blacks consume relative to whites, given the decision
to own, has received only scant attention in the literature, yet both
decisions influence wealth distribution. Our study compares the racial
differentials in these two dimensions of the housing choice--ownership
and value. A basic hypothesis of the paper is that house value
differentials by race will be larger than homeownership differentials by
race, since the factors that determine house prices are more numerous
and probably more susceptible to discriminatory influence than the
conditions that influence the decision to own rather than rent.
This section describes a model of the homeownership decision that
can be applied to available data. The model is similar to those of
previous studies in that it relates the probability of owning a home to
several explanatory variables reflecting economic, demographic, and
locational characteristics of the household. It differs in an important
respect, however, in that it is estimated on a sample that contains only
husband-and-wife households.(4) Most earlier studies that have used
samples drawn from the entire population have controlled for different
household types (e.g., single, female-headed, widowed) by means of dummy variables. This procedure generally constrains the impact of race on the
housing choice to be equal for all household types. In addition,
McDonald [1974] has pointed out that the current values of variables
such as income and labor market activity are more apt to misrepresent their permanent levels for single-person or female-headed households.
Consequently, housing market differentials attributed to race may
actually stem from racially-biased phenomena such as high labor turnover
or marital dissolution. Restricting the analysis to married couples
provides more homogeneous samples of blacks and whites and thus should
minimize bias in the "residual" estimates of racial
discrimination in homeownership.
The dependent variable, homeownership, is measured by a dichotomous variable (1 = own, 0 = rent). The explanatory variables include dummy
variables indicating the race of the household head (BLACK), veteran
status (VETERAN) and age (using AGE20, AGE30, AGE50, AGE60, and AGE70 to
represent ten-year intervals), and whether the household head was
unemployed (UNEMP) or self-employed (SELFEMP) at the time of the survey
in 1986. Binary variables are also used to control for the location of
the household in a southern(5) state (SOUTH) and in the central city of
a metropolitan area (CCITY). The income and wealth characteristics of
the household are measured by an estimate of "permanent"
family income in 1985 (PERMINC); transitory income (TRANINC); the
capitalized value of net income from interest, dividends, royalties, and
estates (ASSETS); and the fraction of income received from public
assistance or welfare (WELFARE).(6) The number of persons in the
household (PERSONS) completes the list of independent variables.
Virtually every previous analysis of the homeownership decision has
found that blacks are less likely than whites to own, so we expect a
negative coefficient for BLACK in the homeownership equation.(7) The
probability of ownership is predicted to increase with income and
wealth, perhaps nonlinearly so with age. Most studies have estimated a
positive relationship between homeownership and family size, although in
the Kain and Quigley [1972] equations the natural log of this variable
was negatively related to ownership. On the basis of the Roistacher and
Goodman [1976] and Silberman, Yochum, and Ihlanfeldt [1982] studies that
have included location variables like ours, we anticipate a positive
coefficient for SOUTH and a negative one for CCITY. Assuming that an
occurrence of unemployment or the receipt of public assistance
unfavorably affects a household's credit rating, the variables
UNEMP and WELFARE may be expected to carry negative signs. In contrast,
veterans may receive preferential treatment when securing mortgages, and
therefore VETERAN is likely to be positively related to homeownership.
Previous studies provide no guidance in predicting the effect of
self-employment status on homeownership; Ladenson [1978] is the only
study we are aware of which controlled for this variable and his results
were inconclusive.
The homeownership equation was estimated with data from the 1986
Current Population Survey on black and white husband-and-wife households
in which the household head was at least twenty years old. Because the
dependent variable is dichotomous, the logistic regression procedure was
utilized. The results are reported in equation (1) of Table I. All of
the explanatory variables are highly significant, and those whose
influence on the probability of homeownership could be confidently
predicted on the basis of earlier studies generally exhibit the correct
signs. One surprising result is the negative (but very small) influence
of wealth on the probability of homeownership. However, this finding may
not indicate a behavioral response as much as it might be a result of
measurement error and a high correlation between ASSETS, income, and
lifecycle variables in the model.(8)
The actual proportions of homeowners among black and white
households in our sample are .632 and .785, respectively, which yields a
black/white homeownership ratio of .805 for 1986. In the population as a
whole, blacks are only about 64 percent as likely as whites to own a
home,(9) which indicates that the racial gap in homeownership is reduced
considerably when more homogeneous groups of blacks and whites (e.g.,
husband-wife families) are compared. Furthermore, the value of the race
coefficient in equation (1) implies that once economic, demographic, and
locational differences by race are accounted for, the probability of
owning a home is only 6.3 percentage points lower for blacks than for
whites.(10) Therefore, adjusting for the determinants of homeownership
raises the estimated black/white ownership ratio to 0.92.
Several authors have questioned the conclusion initially accepted
by Kain and Quigley [1972], and presumed in our equation (1), that the
homeownership equation does not differ by race.(11) When we test for
this possibility, we find that the black and white ownership equations
reported in columns (2) and (3) are statistically different.(12) Some of
the more obvious differences are seen in the signs and significance
levels of the coefficients of the intercept, SOUTH, SELFEMP, ASSETS, and
UNEMP. Also, whether it is measured in permanent or transitory terms, an
increase in household income raises homeownership more for blacks than
for whites. This last result would be surprising were it not consistent
with previous studies and with the Birnbaum and Weston [1974] evidence
that blacks have a greater tendency than whites to concentrate wealth in
the form of home equity as income rises.
By estimating black and white homeownership equations, we can
decompose the racial homeownership gap into two components: a portion
resulting from racial differences in household characteristics, such as
income, age, and so forth, and a residual component that stems from
racial differences in the homeownership equation. The mean
"propensities to own" predicted with the logistic homeownership models for whites ([bar] O.sub.w]) and blacks ([bar]
O.sub.b]) can be expressed a (1) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] and
(2) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] where f denotes the vector of
logit coefficients and X [bar] is the vector of mean values of household
characteristics. Accordingly, the racial difference in the propensity to
own, [[bar] O.sub.w] - [[bar] O.sub.b] can be written as (3)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] The first difference above equals the
sum of racial differences in mean values, each weighted by the
corresponding logit coefficient for whites. If positive (negative), this
measure indicates that overall the racial disparities in income and
other household characteristics favor white (black) households. The
second or residual difference in equation (3) equals the sum of racial
differences in the logit coefficients of the homeownership equation,
each weighted by the corresponding black mean value. A positive
(negative) value indicates that racial differences in the homeownership
equation parameters favor whites (blacks) in the tenure choice. These
parameter differences may result from housing market discrimination,
omitted variables, or misspecification of the tenure choice model.
It is equally correct to express the propensity-to-own differential
as (4) [Mathematical Expression Omitted] in which case the first
component uses black logit coefficients as weights and the residual
component uses white household mean values. Consequently, there are two
different estimates of the proportion of the white-black homeownership
gap attributable to racial differences in household characteristics, and
two separate estimates of the residual component of the homeownership
differential. Because of space constraints, in this paper we report the
weighted average value of the two estimates of each component, using the
numbers of black and white households in the sample as weights.
Table II shows that the proportion of the white-black homeownership
gap in 1986 explained by racial differences in household characteristics
averaged 66.41 percent, whereas the residual portion averaged only 33.59
percent. In other words, race per se is only half as important in
determining whether a household rents or owns as those characteristics
that are merely coincident with race. Of all the potential differences
between black and white households controlled for in the model,
permanent-income and central-city-residence differentials are most
important by far, each responsible for over 30 percent of the observed
black-white homeownership gap. The remaining racial disparities are
statistically significant but relatively unimportant as far as
contributing to the homeownership gap between black and white
Table II also reveals that relative black homeownership is
increased by racial differences in location, permanent income, and
assets coefficients that are favorable to blacks. However, the
black-white homeownership disparity is widened because (1) black couples
in their twenties and thirties are much less likely than young white
couples to own homes and (2) the intercept in the housing choice model
is much more negative for blacks than for whites. As noted above, these
"unexplained" differences by race in the homeownership
equations might be the result of various forms of discrimination in
housing and other markets. Kain and Quigley [1972] note that
discrimination can take the form of supply restrictions on the tenure
choice of blacks and on the kinds of housing available to blacks.
McDonald [1974] and Ladenson [1978] speculate that blacks may have less
access to mortgage credit than whites, and Yinger [1986] finds that
blacks have inferior information about available housing. It is
significant that our study attributes a smaller fraction of the housing
differential between blacks and whites to discrimination (as measured by
the residual) than the study by Silberman, Yochum, and Ihlanfeldt
[1982]. Our use of black and white samples that are more homogeneous
than those underlying previous studies would be expected to produce this
result, as would a reduction in housing market discrimination over time.
Furthermore, there are several reasons to believe that our
discrimination estimate is biased upwards. First, the homeownership
equation omits local housing market variables such as the availability
of single-family housing and the cost of owning relative to renting.(14)
Second, because the dependent variable measures homeownership rather
than current home purchase, any lingering effects of previous
homeownership barriers confronting blacks are included in the estimate
of current (1986) housing discrimination.(15)
Previous studies have shown that the racial differential in
homeownership has changed over time, but not consistently in the same
direction. Ladenson [1978] found that the adjusted gap between black and
white home purchase probabilities declined from 1969 to 1972 and then
rose between 1973 and 1974. Silberman, Yochum, and Ihlanfeldt [1982]
estimated that the residual (discrimination) portion of the purchase
differential shrank by over 30 percent between 1974 and 1978. These
studies are comparable in terms of their data source and the control
variables included in the home purchase equation, so their results may
be combined to suggest that the intensity of discrimination fluctuated
during the 1969-78 period. In this section of the paper we investigate
whether this conclusion applies when a longer time period is examined
using substantially larger samples.
Husband-and-wife household records from the Bureau of the
Census's 1-in-1000 Public Use Samples for 1970 and 1980 were used
to estimate separate black and white homeownership equations analogous
to those reported above for 1986. With these equations we computed the
predicted black/white homeownership ratios reported in Table III. The
proportion of all black husband-wife couples residing in their onw homes
rose by 33 percent--from .475 to .632--between 1970 and 1986. The rise
in homeownership among white households was considerably smaller, 14.9
percent. Consequently, the actual ratio of black to white homeownership
rates increased by nearly 16 percent--from .695 to .805--over this
period. A comparison of changes in the two predicted black/white
ownership ratios indicates that the increase over time in relative black
homeownership resulted more from a narrowing of racial differences in
homeownership functions than from a convergence of black and white
household characteristics. The black/white homeownership ratio that
assumes equal ownership functions, but allows income, age, location, and
other characteristics to vary by race, increased by 3.0 percent from
1970 to 1986. In contrast, the rise in the equal-characteristics
homeownership ratio, which reflects racial differences in homeownership
functions, was over twice as great (7.9 percent).
The years covered by our analyses of racial differences in
homeownership, 1970 to 1986, were characterized by increased
suburbanization in the United States. If an expanded supply of homes
available to blacks resulted primarily from dwellings being deserted by
whites fleeing from central cities, rather than from new construction in
the inner city or from suburban neighborhoods opening up to blacks, then
the progress in eliminating homeownership discrimination was more
apparent than real. Furthermore, if whites were upgrading their houses
by moving out to the suburbs, then the increase in black/white
homeownership between 1970 and 1986 may have been accompanied by a
decline in the relative value of blacks' homes.
In light of these possibilities, we reexamined the trends in
homeownership using samples restricted to black and white husband-wife
households residing outside central cities. Separate black and white
homeownership equations (omitting the CCITY variable, of course) were
estimated for 1970, 1980, and 1986 and the results used to prepare the
right-hand-side estimates in Table III. Among households residing in
rural and suburban areas, the actual ratio of black to white homeowner
proportions increased by 10 percent between 1970 and 1986. Although this
increase is less than the 16 percent gain recorded among all
husband-wife households, it is still impressive, especially in light of
the Carlson and Swartz [1988] finding of a relatively smaller earnings
improvement among black males during the 1970s. Once again the movements
in the predicted ownership ratios imply that the rise in relative black
ownership resulted more from a reduction in discriminatory barriers to
black homeownership than from a narrowing of racial differences in
economic and demographic characteristics.
In summary, the homeownership analyses are consistent with the view
that housing market discrimination which restricts the opportunities for
blacks to own homes is relatively unimportant today, at least for black
households whose structure matches that of most white homeowners (i.e.,
husband-and-wife households). However, the housing choice involves much
more than the decision to rent or own; the location, age, size, and
other characteristics of the residence must be selected. Housing market
discrimination may limit the amount of mortgage credit available to
blacks and restrict their choice of neighborhoods and quality of homes.
As a result, blacks who own homes may have less valuable houses than
comparable white homeowners. This issue is investigated in the remainder
of the paper.
Racial differences in house values have not come under the same
scrutiny as homeownership rates have, perhaps because of the more
limited availability of house value data. Nonetheless, studies that have
been based on national data report substantial differences in value
between white and black-owned homes. For example, data from the 1967
Survey of Economic Opportunity, cited in Birnbaum and Weston [1974],
reveal that black homeowners had net equity in their homes of $8,374 and
white homeowners $12,113, which yields a black/white home equity ratio
of only .691--substantially lower than even the unadjusted black/white
homeownership ratio in recent years. Using data from the 1976 and 1978
National Longitudinal Surveys, Blau and Graham [1989] estimated that
young black married couples have only 30 percent as much housing equity
as their white counterparts, although much of the racial difference in
home equity can be explained by socioeconomic differences between the
Several other studies have investigated the issue of racial
differentials in house values, but only on a very limited geographical
basis. Using a sample of Atlanta homeowners in the 1978 Annual Housing
Survey, Ihlanfeldt and Martinez-Vazquez [1986] regressed owner-assessed
house value on a dummy variable for blacks and various characteristics
of the dwelling unit, such as number of rooms, location, and type of
heating and cooling system. Blacks' houses were estimated to be 28
percent less valuable than comparable houses owned by whites, although
the house value differential narrowed when racial differences in
homeowner characteristics such as income were held constant. Using 1980
Census of Population data on house values in Los Angeles, Chicago,
Houston, and New York, Boehm and Hofler [1987] found that homes owned by
nonwhites ranged from $9,000 to $23,000 less in value on average than
homes owned by whites.
In this section we specify a model of house value that will be
estimated using a national sample of black and white households that own
homes. Unlike previous multivariate studies of house value, our study
controls for the possibility of selectivity bias in the house value
equation by following Heckman's [1976] and Lee and Trost's
[1978] two-step method. The first step involves estimating a model of
the homeownership decision with probit analysis and using the vector of
coefficient estimates ([Theta]) to construct a new variable, W, which
equals f(Z [Theta])/F(Z [Theta]), where f and F are the density function
and cumulative distribution function of the standard normal and Z is a
matrix of household characteristics.(16) The second step involves
estimating a house value equation with the new variable, W, included as
an additional regressor. House value is assumed to be related to (1)
socioeconomic characteristics of the household that are measured by the
previously defined variables BLACK, PERMINC, TRANINC, ASSETS, and
PERSONS, as well as the household head's age in years (AGE); (2)
the geographical location of the house, which is proxied by dummy
variables interacting region and metropolitan residence; and (3)
physical characteristics of housing unit, such as the number of rooms
(ROOMS), the number of bedrooms (BEDRMS), the number of baths (BATHS),
the existence of central air conditioning (CENTAIR), and the number of
years since the house was built (YRBUILT).
The 1986 Current Population Survey file does not contain
information on house value, so the most recent data at our disposal for
estimating the house value equation came from the 1980 Census Public Use
Sample. To maintain consistency with our analysis of homeownership, we
restricted the sample to black and white husband-and-wife households
above age twenty who owned their homes (excluding mobile homes and
trailers).(17) The dependent variable used in the model is the
homeowner's estimate of how much the house would sell for on the
current market.(18) House value should be expressed in real terms, but
this is complicated by the unavailability of detailed cost-of-living
estimates for most metropolitan areas covered by the 1980 census, least
of all for rural or nonmetropolitan areas. The procedure followed in
this paper was to deflate house value (and the income variables in the
model) with a predicted index of relative living costs computed on the
basis of a regression model that explains inter-area differences in
annual household budget costs for medium income families.(19) Since this
adjustment technique (and the inherent sample restrictions) may
influence the results, Table IV reports both the nominal house value
equations (the odd-numbered columns) and the real house value models
(the even-numbered columns).
The nominal house value equation shown in column (1) is
statistically significant and its explanatory power is relatively high
considering that individual household data are utilized. The estimated
variations in house value that are based on household and housing unit
characteristics are consistent with previous studies, and the regional
differences in house value are in accordance with well-known
geographical differences in the cost of living. The coefficient of the
sample selectivity variable is positive and highly significant,
suggesting the presence of selectivity bias.(20) According to the BLACK
coefficient, black-owned houses were $9,330 less valuable than
white-owned houses in 1980, other things equal. Since the sample mean
values of blacks' and whites' houses were $37,563 and $60,653,
respectively, the variables in the model explain nearly $14,000 of the
racial difference in nominal house values.
According to the estimates reported in column (2), black-owned
houses were $11,352 less valuable in real terms than white-owned houses,
after correction for sample selectivity and adjustment for racial
differences in the explanatory variables. In percentage terms, roughly
40 percent of the racial differential in house value was unexplained by
either the nominal or the real value equation. The adjustment for
cost-of-living differences did not produce any major changes in most
parameter estimates other than the region variable coefficients, whose
magnitudes revealed that real house values in 1980 were substantially
higher in the West, but fairly uniform across the rest of the country.
Using a single dummy variable for black households may be an
appropriate technique for estimating racial differences in house value
if blacks and whites have the same house value equation. However, this
hypothesis can be rejected; therefore, the house value models were
estimated separately for blacks and whites.(21) Comparing columns
(3)-(6) in Table IV reveals important differences between the black and
white equations: (1) the marginal effects of income on house value are
more than twice as large for whites as for blacks, which is consistent
with findings reported by Boehm and Hofler [1987]; (2) black houses tend
to be less valuable than white houses having the same number of total
rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms; and (3) the selectivity variable
coefficients are positive and statistically significant for whites
When the racial difference in house value is decomposed (see Table
V), we find that about 59 percent of the gap between white and black
house values in 1980 can be explained on the basis of racial differences
in the model's included variables, and this is true whether nominal
or real values are utilized. The primary factors contributing to the
relatively low black housing wealth are that black homeowners have
relatively lower permanent income levels than white homeowners and their
houses are physically smaller (in terms of numbers of rooms and baths),
older, and less apt to be located in western metropolitan areas.(22)
The residual (unexplained) portion of the black-white housing value
differential is over 40 percent, which is considerably larger than the
unexplained gap in black and white homeownership. In a numerical sense,
the residual house value gap results primarily because black house
values do not increase with the homeowner's income and age and the
house's size as much as white house values rise. Of course, we can
only speculate about the sources of these phenomena.(23) They may stem
from housing discrimination against blacks on the supply side. For
example, financial institutions may restrict the amount of mortgage
credit available to blacks and charge less favorable terms than whites
confront, and Yinger [1986] suggests that realtors may steer blacks away
from the more expensive white neighborhoods in order to avoid alienating potential white clients. Alternatively, black homeowners may indirectly
select lower-valued houses by choosing racially segregated neighborhoods
for cultural, ethnic, or purely personal reasons. If black neighborhoods
have relatively higher crime rates, more smog, or other disamenities,
then black-owned houses will be less valuable than physically similar
white-owned houses because land values (a component of house value) will
be lower in black areas. Over time the ratio of black to white housing
wealth will diminish if land values rise less rapidly in black
neighborhoods than white ones. However, if blacks' desire for
racial clustering really amounts to an effort to avoid hostility toward
blacks in integrated neighborhoods, then housing market discrimination
may still exist but is occurring on the demand side, in the form of
white homeowner preferences for white (or non-black) neighbors.
Changes in the relative value of black-owned houses during the
1970s were investigated by estimating the house value equations on
samples of black and white homeowners obtained from the 1970 census
Public Use Sample. The results were used to prepare Table VI, which
shows that among all black and white husband-and-wife households, the
actual nominal house value ratio declined by 4.2 percent between 1970
and 1980. This finding contrasts with the 11 percent increase in
relative black homeownership recorded during the 1970s (see Table III).
In real terms the actual black/white ratio declined by 8 percent
(results not shown). A decrease in relative black housing wealth overall
is consistent with a pattern of white flight to the suburbs, as noted
above in section IV, but other explanations are possible. Therefore, to
obtain additional understanding of the trend in relative house values,
we again restricted the samples to households residing outside central
cities and reestimated the house value equations for 1970 and 1980.
Table VI shows that the actual black/white nominal house value ratio for
homes located in rural and suburban areas rose by 7 percent during the
1970s. (For real house values the increase was 4 percent.)
The changes in the predicted black/white house value ratios
reported in Table VI tell an interesting story. The
equal-house-value-function ratio for homeowners outside central cities
increased by over 15 percent during the 1970s. Consequently, racial
differences in homeowners and housing unit characteristics narrowed
considerably during the decade, by more than enough to offset a widening
of disparities between black and white housing value equations. Among
homeowners overall, blacks' incomes and house sizes did not
increase enough (relative to whites') to raise the average value of
blacks' homes compared to whites' homes. By implication, black
homeowners residing in central cities must have experienced an erosion
of their housing wealth relative to whites.(24) With our data we cannot
determine whether this was caused by falling land prices in black
neighborhoods, physical depreciation of black housing units, or other
factors. What our data do reveal is that, although recent homeownership
and housing wealth changes may have provided black households with more
of the homeowner benefits (such as income tax savings and protection
from inflation) long enjoyed by white couples, the gains have not been
uniform among the black population.
This study finds that blacks in the United States own a
disproportionately low share of aggregate housing wealth for two
distinct reasons. First, blacks are less likely than whites to own their
houses. Second, black-owned houses have lower market values than
white-owned houses. As long as racial differences in income, marital
status, and other factors that influence housing choices disfavor
blacks, the rate of black homeownership and the value of blacks'
homes can be expected to remain relatively low.
A disappearance of racial differences in economic and demographic
characteristics will not automatically eliminate homeownership and house
value disparities between blacks and whites if housing market
discrimination exists. Our econometric analyses of the housing choices
made by husband-and-wife households suggest that, if housing
discrimination occurs, its major impact seems to be to limit the value
of housing investment by blacks rather than to restrict homeownership
among blacks. Homeownership among black households has increased over
time so that today black couples have nearly achieved ownership parity
with comparable white couples. Government monitoring of the credit
practices of financial institutions may have contributed to the
narrowing of the homeownership gap between blacks and whites.
However, as recently as 1980 the houses owned by black couples were
substantially less valuable than those of similar white couples, and the
house value differential overall had not shrunk significantly during the
1970s. The size and persistence of the white-black house value gap imply
that it is difficult to eliminate the less overt and more subtle forms
of discrimination that do not restrict homeownership as much as the
sizes, locations, and types of houses available to blacks. If Simpson
and Yinger [1985] are correct that white homeowners are more receptive
to black neighbors with higher incomes, then this type of housing
discrimination may be expected to dissipate over time as long as
relative black wages and incomes continue to rise. In this case, new or
intensified anti-discrimination policies are not warranted unless policy
makers are concerned with the length of time it will take for black and
white house values to converge.
Logistic Regression Estimates of the Homeownership Equations for
Explanatory Total Sample Whites Blacks
Variable (1) (2) (3)
Intercept -.15068 -.15690 -.75578
(-1.61) (-1.59) (-2.60)
BLACK -.41097 -- --
SOUTH .15479 .14824 .40919
(4.25) (3.84) (3.42)
CCITY -.92917 -.95314 -.73268
(-25.98) (25.20) (-6.35)
PERSONS .09986 .09946 .08958
(7.45) (6.91) (2.34)
VETERAN .27265 .27352 .36056
(7.47) (7.14) (2.84)
SELFEMP .47258 .47689 .20630
(8.18) (8.08) (.69)
PERMINC .03977 .03975 .04223
($1,000) (30.34) (28.68) (7.14)
TRANINC .03532 .03448 .04683
($1,000) (25.96) (24.96) (9.81)
ASSETS -.00110 -.00102 .01012
($1,000) (-2.83) (-2.59) (1.88)
UNEMP -.45420 -.48468 -.10351
(-5.96) (-6.02) (-.44)
WELFARE -1.93022 -1.92220 -1.83056
(-7.33) (-6.86) (-2.30)
AGE20 -1.41967 -1.39194 -1.76696
(-25.79) (-24.12) (-8.84)
AGE30 -.43881 -.40547 -.78263
(-9.46) (-8.28) (-5.23)
AGE50 .61907 .59229 .83298
(10.09) (9.16) (4.28)
AGE60 1.17968 1.15926 1.29678
(16.55) (15.39) (5.87)
AGE70 1.15724 1.13941 1.36870
(14.97) (14.03) (5.35)
[[Chi].sub.2] 6,532(*) 5,869(*) 517(*)
n 31,252 29,238 2,014
Note: Asymptotic t-values is parenthesis.
(*)Indicates that the equation is statistically significant at the
.01 level.
Decomposition of the White-Black Homeownership
Differential in 1986
Percentage of the Homeownership Differential
Due to Racial Differences in
Explanatory Household Ownership
Variable Characteristics(a) Functions(a)
SOUTH -3.47 -11.55
(3.81)(b) (2.08)
CCITY 30.60 -11.14
(-24.00) (1.82)
PERSONS -4.33 3.86
(6.62) (0.24)
VETERAN 2.37 -2.96
(6.87) (0.66)
SELFEMP 3.02 1.26
(7.61) (0.89)
PERMINC 34.04 -7.78
(2.33) (2.06)
TRANINC .08 .04
(27.52) (2.51)
ASSETS -.73 -7.30
(23.86) (0.40)
UNEMP .95 -2.05
(5.66) (1.53)
WELFARE 1.73 -.13
(6.57) (0.11)
AGE20 -.27 5.20
(23.15) (1.80)
AGE30 .01 10.59
(8.09) (2.39)
AGE50 .40 -4.25
(8.85) (1.17)
AGE60 .51 -2.05
(14.77) (0.59)
AGE70 1.49 -2.20
(13.47) (0.85)
TOTAL 66.41 33.59
(includes intercept)
(a)Percentages reported are weighted averages of the values
obtained using white and black weights.
(b)Absolute value of t-ratios in parentheses. [Tabular Data III to
VI Omitted]
(1)Racial differences in wealth and income are long-standing. In an
earlier study using 1967 data, Birnbaum and Weston [1974] found that
whites had 4.5 times as much wealth as blacks and 1.5 times as much
income. (2)Households which do not identify their race as either
"white" or "black" (Negro in the 1970 data) are
excluded from the analyses. It is natural to focus on blacks since they
are the largest racial minority in the United States. It would be
interesting to see if the housing market experiences of other racial
minorities (e.g., Japanese, Chinese, American Indian) are as varied in
relation to whites as Carlson and Swartz [1988] find their labor market
success to be, but this is a subject for future study. (3)The most
frequently cited studies by economists in this area are those of Kain
and Quigley [1972], McDonald [1974], Birnbaum and Weston [1974],
Roistacher and Goodman [1976], Ladenson [1978], and Silberman, Yochum,
and Ihlanfeldt [1982]. (4)The sample is further restricted to exclude
households residing in mobile homes or trailers. It is unclear from
previous studies whether this restriction is customary. Since the data
sources we use to examine house value differences by race (see below) do
not contain value estimates for mobile homes or trailers, we favor this
restriction for consistency. Preliminary analysis indicated that the
black/white homeownership ratio is slightly higher when occupants of
mobile homes or trailers are included in the sample. (5)In this study
the South consists of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. (6)Cameron [1986], Goodman [1988], and
others have suggested that permanent or long-run income is more
appropriate for explaining housing market choices than current income.
In the study permanent income (PERMINC) is predicted on the basis of a
family income regression containing measures of the household
members' age, education, veteran status, health status, and labor
market activity. Transitory income (TRANINC) is the fitted residual.
Separate income regressions were estimated for blacks and whites.
Because PERMINC and TRANINC are estimated regressor, their reported
t-ratios in the homeownership equation will be too high. (7)When the
dependent variable measures home purchase rather than homeownership,
studies such as Ladenson [1978] and Roistacher and Goodman [1976] have
found that the coefficient of race is not statistically difference from
zero. (8)The study by Birnbaum and Weston [1974] is noteworthy because
it shows that the race coefficient is substantially reduced in magnitude
and level of significance when a comprehensive measure of wealth is
included in the homeownership model. However, the authors admit that
their result may be a statistical artifact caused by the inclusion of
home equity in the wealth variable. When the wealth variable was
measured more narrowly (like our ASSETS measure) it apparently had
little influence on homeownership. (9)The 68 percent figure refers to
the black/white homeownership ratio for 1988, reported by U.S. Bureau of
the Census [1989]. (10)The value of 6.3 percentage points is obtained
when we compare the two predicted probabilities of homeownership that
result from first evaluating equation (1) at sample means but ignoring
the BLACK coefficient in the calculation, and then subtracting -- .41097
from the value obtained in the first step above. (11)For example, see
BirnBaum and Weston [1974]. (12)The likelihood ratio test compared the
pooled model to the fully interacted model. Minus two times the
logarithm of the likelihood ratio equaled 93.44, which exceeds the
critical value of the chi-square distribution with sixteen degree of
freedom for [Alpha] = .005, which is 34.3. (13)The t-ratios reported in
Table II are weighted averages of the t-ratios associated with the
white-weights and the black-weights measure of the two components of the
racial differential in the propensity to own. The t-ratios refer to the
absolute size of the components of the homeownership differential, and
not to the percentage of the total differential accounted for by each
component. (14)Kain and Quigley [1972] and McDonald [1974] suggest that
local market factors influence the tenure choice. We reestimated the
homeownership equation with 1980 census data which allowed two
additional variables to be included: (1) the percentage of year-round
housing structures in an SMSA containing one unit and (2) the ratio of
median gross rent in renter-occupied units to median owner cost in
owner-occupied units. The results suggest that the intensity of
homeownership discrimination is overstated if local housing market
variables are omitted from the homeownership model. (15)Evidence of this
result was obtained by reestimating the homeownership model on a sample
of households contained in the 1970 census who had changed residence in
the last five years and, presumably, had recently decided to purchase or
rent a home. The black-white homeownership gap after adjusting for
racial differences in the model's variables was substantially
smaller for the "movers" sample. (16)We used essentially the
same homeownership model described above except that age was measured by
a continuous variable. Separate probit equations were estimated for
blacks and whites. (17)Because of the aberrant housing markets in Alaska
and Hawaii, households residing in these two states were also excluded
from the analysis. (18)Other measures of house value employed in
empirical research include sales price and the assessed value for
property tax purposes. See Ihlanfeldt and Martinez-Vazquez [1986] for
discussion and evidence relating to the differences in these measures.
Research by Kain and Quigley [1975] and Kish and Lansing [1954]
concluded that owner-occupant estimates of housing value are closely
related to professional appraisers' estimates. (19)The budget
estimates for thirty-eight metropolitan areas were reported in
"Standards of Living for an Urban Family of Four Persons,"
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Supplement to Bulletin 1570-5. The
cost-of-living regression included metropolitan population; median gross
rent of renter-occupie residences; and dummy variables for northeast,
north central, and western locations. While this model may be
parsimonious, it explained 76 percent of the variation in relative
living costs. Parameters from the model were used to predict living
costs for all 272 metropolitan areas except Honolulu and Anchorage.
Homeowners residing in non-metropolitan areas ere omitted from the
analysis of real house values. (20)A correction for selectivity is
employed when samples are not random but instead are based on individual
choices. Individuals are presumed to choose between owning and renting
housing in an optimizing manner, although analysis of this choice is
complicated by the fact that homeownership provides both consumption and
investment benefits. The only alternative to owning is renting, which
represents a substitute for the consumption benefits of housing only.
The positive sign of the selectivity variable indicates that if the
sample of homeowners were random, the average house value would be
lower, which no doubt reflects that fact that many couples not owning
homes have lower incomes than homeowners. In other words, homeownership
is a normal good. (21)A standard Chow test yielded a test statistic for
the nominal house val ue model of F(19,28241) = 20.374, which exceeds
the critical value of the .01 level. The test statistic for the real
house value model, F(15,19605) = 22.56, is equally significant. (22)The
importance of permanent income is understated when housing unit
characteristics are included in the house value equation, since income
affects the type of house purchased in terms of its number of rooms,
cooling system, and so forth. Permanent income alone explains 46 percent
of the house value gap when the model is reestimated without ROOMS,
BEDRMS, BATHS, YRBUILT, and CENTAIR. (23)One possible reason not
discussed below is that white homeowners overestimate actual house
values more so than blacks. Ihlanfedlt and Martinez-Vazquez [1986] found
that both blacks and whites overestimated the value of their homes,
relative to the predicted value based on a sales price equation.
However, whites overestimated by $1,324 more than blacks. This amount of
upward bias in white house value seems far too small to wholly explain
the racial differences in house value equation parameters. (24)Among
households residing in central cities, the black/white actual
(unadjusted) house value ratio declined by 21 percent between 1970 and
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JAMES E. LONG and STEVEN B. CAUDILL, Professor and Associate of
Economics, Auburn University. We wish to thank Keith Ihlanfeldt, the
editor, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on a previous
version of this article.