Nash equilibrium and buyer rationing rules: experimental evidence.
Kruse, Jamie Brown
This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments comparing
the effect of two buyer rationing rules on capacity-constrained duopoly markets (Bertrand-Edgeworth games). This setting offers an excellent
opportunity to compare the stage-game Nash prediction with other
equilibria of a repeated game. Under otherwise identical conditions, the
rationing rule generates either a unique pure strategy equilibrium or a
unique mixed strategy equilibrium of the stage game. Further, collusive outcomes of the repeated game are supported by a wider range of discount
factors for one rationing rule than the other. This study presents
evidence that the single-stage Nash equilibrium has predictive power for
both rationing rules even in repeated settings. This result appears to
be robust whether the Nash equilibrium is in pure strategies or exists
only in mixed strategies.
In modeling capacity-constrained price games, the choice of rationing
rule is possibly the most arbitrary decision a theorist makes. In the
literature of single-shot Bertrand-Edgeworth games, we can find examples
of nearly identical models which yield substantively different results
due to differences in the rationing rule assumed. Examples are:
Beckmann's |1965~ model and Levitan and Shubik |1972~; Allen and
Hellwig |1986~ and Vives |1986~; and Kreps and Scheinkman |1983~ and
Davidson and Deneckere |1986~. Laboratory experiments provide an
interesting opportunity to examine the empirical consequences of
alternative buyer rationing rules. Knowledge of the type of buyer
rationing scheme involved with field data is usually unavailable to a
researcher. In laboratory experiments, the researcher can control the
type of buyer rationing rule to be used and compare the effects of
alternative rules. This study provides a first step toward an empirical
understanding of the effects of rationing rules.
One of the rationing rules that I study, the value queue,(1) is
mathematically more tractable than an alternative, the random queue.(2)
Hence, the authors are able to generalize the value queue models in
other dimensions. However, the value queue assumption (reservation
values that comprise demand are ordered from highest to lowest) should
be viewed as a serious restriction on the applicability of these models.
Section II relates laboratory and field experiments to single-shot
Bertrand-Edgeworth Nash equilibria. Section III describes the
development and recent contributions to Bertrand-Edgeworth oligopoly theory, and demonstrates the effect of rationing rule assumptions on
theoretical predictions. I describe the experimental design in section
IV and identify the competitive, monopoly, joint-profit maximum and
single-shot Nash predictions. Additionally, qualitative differences
predicted by single-shot and repeated-game Nash equilibria are
discussed. Experimental results follow in section V with concluding
remarks in section VI.
Existing laboratory evidence for capacity-constrained price games has
been compared to the single-shot Nash equilibrium only. Ketchum, Smith
and Williams |1984~ and Kruse, Rassenti, Reynolds and Smith |1993~
provide initial results as to the predictive strength of the
single-stage Nash equilibrium in a laboratory environment. Ketchum,
Smith and Williams compare the prices resulting from four-seller Plato
computer-assisted posted-offer markets. The comparison is between one
treatment group in which the competitive equilibrium is also the
single-stage Nash equilibrium and another treatment group in which the
competitive equilibrium is not a Nash equilibrium. They find
significantly different market outcomes between the two groups. Kruse,
Rassenti, Reynolds and Smith |1987~ test a four-seller constant marginal
cost Bertrand-Edgeworth model. Using a Komogorov-Smirnoff test, they
reject the hypothesis that the actual price distribution matches the
mixed strategy price distribution predicted by the theory. However, the
Nash prediction does provide the correct qualitative ranking of the
price distributions for the capacities studied and predicts better than
all alternative hypotheses. A field experiment by Domowitz, Hubbard, and
Petersen |1987~ uses panel data to test the price path predictions of
two supergame models (Green and Porter |1984~, Rotemberg and Saloner
|1986~). However, they find that the price-cost margins resemble a
one-shot Cournot-Nash outcome more than the collusive outcomes predicted
by the repeated game models.
The experiments I report in the following pages represent a design
similar in spirit to that suggested by Hugo Sonnenshein in Frontiers of
Economics. Sonnenshein calls for theoretical and experimental research
to facilitate the basic conceptualization of oligopolistic markets. He
proposes that duopolists with U-shaped average costs be examined in the
context of a repeated game with discounting.
Joseph Bertrand first proposed a duopoly model of firms whose
decision variable is price in 1883 for comparison with Augustin
Cournot's |1838~ quantity-choice model. Bertrand criticized
Cournot's pioneering work on the basis that it lacked a plausible
explanation of price formation. In Bertrand's model, producers
simultaneously and independently choose prices. Demand is allocated to
the lower-price seller who then produces the quantity demanded at the
stated price. Bertrand showed that the only equilibrium must be at the
price which equals (constant) marginal cost.
Francis Edgeworth's 1925 critique of Bertrand demonstrates that,
except for the case of constant marginal cost, there are existence
problems even in the homogeneous good case. Edgeworth modified the
original Bertrand model to introduce the possibility of limited
capacity. He characterized a set of demand and cost conditions in which
one firm cannot serve the entire market. Edgeworth suggested that prices
might be expected to fluctuate over a range whose upper and lower bounds depend on the two firms' respective capacities. Appealing to an ad
hoc dynamic argument, Edgeworth envisioned an unstable market which
alternates between a price war phase and a relenting phase. The price
path manifested by this model is referred to as an "Edgeworth
A majority of recent papers on Bertrand-Edgeworth oligopolies utilize
one of two rationing rule assumptions. The rationing rule specifies the
order in which buyers whose reservation values represent the demand
curve are allowed to purchase one or more units. One rationing rule,
hereafter the value queue, allocates demand by "marching down the
demand curve." Under the value queue, highest reservation price purchases are from the lowest-price seller. Whereas under the random
queue, components of demand are realized in random order.
The reason why equilibrium predictions will differ becomes clearer by
studying the residual demand under the two rationing rules. For the
duopoly case, if the price a seller has chosen turns out to be the
lowest, the rationing rule has no effect on her payoff. Likewise when
the two sellers match prices, the rationing rule is innocuous. However,
if the price chosen by a seller is the higher of the two, the residual
demand left after the low-price seller has exhausted his capacity is
quite different under the two assumptions.
Consider linear demand curve, d(P), shown in Figure 1. Under the
value queue, the residual demand curve (GD) is determined by a parallel
downward shift of the original market demand curve by the low-price
firm's capacity (|k.sub.j~). Therefore, the high-price firm's
profit function depends on its own price choice and the other
firm's capacity, which is parametric.
The random queue is generated by letting the fraction of consumers
left to the higher priced firm be a random sample of the population.
Referring to Figure 1, given |p.sub.j~, the residual demand
possibilities resulting from a random assignment of buyers to the queue
could range from GD to HF with an expectation of HD. The residual demand
under the random queue yields greater potential profit to the high-price
seller. Thus the incentive for price cutting deteriorates with the
random queue as compared to the value queue.
Theorists are aware of the impact of different rationing assumptions
on Bertrand-Edgeworth models. The following theoretical research
provides numerous examples of models which differ only in the rationing
assumption and, as a result, produce different equilibrium predictions.
Shubik |1959~ discusses the structure of a Bertrand-Edgeworth game
and three candidate rationing rules which give rise to different
contingent demand for the high-price firm. Martin Beckmann |1965~ chose
one of Shubik's suggested rules, a random queue, and explicitly
calculated pure and mixed strategy equilibria for an example with two
symmetric capacity-constrained firms and normalized linear demand. For
explanatory purposes, let D:|R.sup.+~ |right arrow~ |R.sup.+~ give the
quantity demanded at all positive prices and let c be the constant unit
cost of production up to firm i's capacity limit |k.sub.i~.
Beckmann showed that when each firm's capacity is 1/4 |Alpha~,
where |Alpha~ = D(c), the Bertrand-Edgeworth Nash equilibrium is in pure
strategies at the monopoly price. When each firm has capacity equal to
|Alpha~, the pure strategy Bertrand-Edgeworth Nash equilibrium is at the
efficient price. For symmetric capacities between 1/4 |Alpha~ and
|Alpha~, Beckmann solves for the mixed strategy equilibrium
distribution. Levitan and Shubik |1972~ adopt the value queue in a model
otherwise similar to Beckmann's. They find equilibria in mixed
strategies for identical capacities between 1/3 |Alpha~ and |Alpha~ and
pure strategy equilibria for capacities outside this range.
Kreps and Scheinkman |1983~ attempt to resolve the quantity-choice
price-choice dilemma by arguing that capacity is a long-run decision and
price, a short-run decision. They demonstrate that if firms choose
capacity first and then prices in a second stage, a Cournot pure
strategy equilibrium obtains (assuming a value queue). Davidson and
Deneckere |1986~ show that the Kreps and Scheinkman result is contingent
upon the rationing rule assumed. In fact, the Cournot equilibrium found
by Kreps and Scheinkman does not exist for any perturbation of the value
Brock and Scheinkman |1985~ present a repeated game of
capacity-constrained, price-setting firms. They focus on the role of
industry capacity in enforcing collusive behavior using a value queue
The purpose of the experiments reported in this study is to determine
the behavioral effect of different rationing rules on market outcomes.
Eight experiments are conducted involving two sellers with identical
cost structures trading in the Plato posted-offer institution with
simulated demand.(3) Figure 2 illustrates the theoretical model and its
laboratory interpretation. Each seller has a U-shaped average cost curve
with minimum at Q*. Demand will just accommodate two sellers at the
efficient price (|P.sub.e~) that corresponds with AC(Q*). Thus the
efficient outcome involves both sellers producing Q* and receiving
|P.sub.e~ for their output. In the laboratory model, each seller has a
discrete units version of a "U-shaped" average cost curve,
with minimum at four units. The market clears with each firm selling
four units at a price up to $0.15 greater than minimum average cost
|A|C.sub.i~(4)~. This yields a profit of $0.60 per period. In treatment
I, fictitious buyers are randomly queued. Treatment II buyers are queued
from highest to lowest values (value queue).
Each subject seller is given a table for calculating total and
average costs from the marginal cost schedule given on the PLATO screen.
The demand curve is not provided to the subject/sellers. Subjects are
told that demand will be simulated and, in the event of matched prices,
each subject will sell about half of the quantity demanded at that
price. A copy of the instruction sheet is contained in appendix B. Entry
cost for additional sellers is infinite, consequently the duopolists
operate in a market with zero threat of further entry. Each experiment
lasts twenty trading periods with duration not announced to control for
end-period effects. Laboratory market results are tested against the
theoretical predictions summarized in Table I. All prices are reported
in deviation from minimum average cost. The competitive and monopoly
predictions for this model form benchmarks that we may compare with Nash
predictions and laboratory market results. The competitive outcome
corresponds with total surplus maximizing exchange of eight units.
Maximum efficiency is attained at prices up to $0.15 above A|C.sub.i~(4)
with profit of $0.60 per period. Price outcomes within the range of
$0.00 to $0.15 with eight units traded will be considered competitive
results. The monopoly price of $1.15 and quantity of four units yields a
profit of $4.60. If the duopolists attempt to maximize joint profits,
they will choose a price of $0.90 and split the market to earn expected
profit of $1.38 per period.
The form of the rationing rule has no effect on the nature of the
uniform price predictions described above. However, the Nash prediction
for a single-period game does depend on the rationing rule chosen. When
we examine the price reaction functions for the laboratory value queue
in Figure 3a, we can identify the intersection ($0.15) as a pure
strategy Nash equilibrium. The random queue reaction functions in Figure
3b do not intersect. No pure strategy equilibrium exists for this case.
When its opponent chooses $0.22, either firm's best reply is to
choose $1.15. Numerical solution for the symmetric mixed strategy Nash
equilibrium of the laboratory random queue case yields the price
frequency distribution illustrated in Figure 4 with expected equilibrium
profit of $1.05.(4)
The static Nash equilibrium predicts the following differences under
the two rationing rules:
1. Random queue experiments should exhibit more price dispersion than
the value queue counterparts.
2. Mean prices should be higher under the random queue treatment than
the value queue.
The theoretical predictions in the context of a repeated game are not
as well defined.(5) The standard folk theorem is not falsifiable since
any set of price observations support the hypothesis that (almost)
"anything is possible."
Though many equilibrium prices are sustainable under tacit collusion,
I will concentrate on the joint profit maximizing price of $0.90. The
profit under simple joint profit maximization is $1.38 per period. This
is the profit that each firm may expect from cartelization of the
industry at a uniform price under either rationing rule. The single-shot
Nash equilibrium is the credible punishment for defection. The
parameterization chosen coupled with the choice of rationing rule has
the property that the single-shot Nash profit of $0.60 per period for
the value queue is substantially different from the joint profit maximum
of $1.38. Thus, a (tacit) cartel is enforceable via the credible threat
of reducing a cheater's profit by over 50 percent each ensuing
period. However, for the random queue, the single-period (mixed
strategy) Nash expected profit ($1.04 per period) is only $0.34 less
than the joint profit maximum of $1.38 per period. There is less
incentive to maintain tacit collusion under the random queue. We would
then expect by the argument TABULAR DATA OMITTED put forth by Brock and
Scheinkman |1985~ that value queue duopolists are more likely to sustain
tacit collusion than random queue duopolists. We can calculate the
minimum discount parameter, |Delta~, that would sustain joint profit
maximization as one trigger strategy equilibrium. Value queue collusion is sustainable for 0.82 |is less than or equal to~ |Delta~ |is less than
or equal to~ 1, whereas |Delta~ must be at least 0.91 to sustain
collusion under a random queue.
The observations from eight PLATO posted-offer duopoly experiments
are reported in this section. Buying order is the treatment variable,
all other procedures and parameters are held constant.
Foremost is the compelling result that buying order has a significant
effect on the market outcome. The pooled mean prices under a random
queue and value queue are illustrated in Figure 5. Using a Wilcoxon
nonparametric test for matched pairs, we can reject the hypothesis (1
percent significance level) that both sets of prices originated from the
same distribution. A t-test for dependent samples yields similar
The single-shot and repeated-game models would lead us to different
qualitative predictions on prices. Value queue prices are expected to be
lower than random queue prices in a single-shot game whereas in the
context of a repeated game, this is not the case. Value queue cartels
would have greater enforcement strength and thus better ability to
maintain (tacitly) collusive prices than random queue cartels. Failure
to reject the hypothesis that value queue price observations are at
least as high as random queue prices would support the repeated game
prediction. Rejection of the hypothesis would support the prediction of
the single-shot game. Thus the hypothesis tested is:
|H.sub.0~: Mean |P.sup.V~ |is greater than or equal to~ Mean
|H.sub.a~: Mean |P.sup.V~ |is less than~ Mean |P.sup.R~
A t-test for dependent samples yields a test statistic of 7.92
allowing rejection of |H.sub.0~ in favor of the alternate hypothesis that random queue mean prices are higher than value queue mean prices at
a 1 percent level of significance.
The frequencies of observed prices from all periods of the
experiments are shown in Figure 6. The mode for value queue experiments
is $0.15 with the probability density function skewed to the right. The
modal price observed in random queue experiments is $0.50, with more
weight on the monopoly price. The average income per period in the value
queue treatment is $0.636 which is not significantly different from the
single-shot Nash prediction of $0.60. Random queue sellers earned an
average of $1.03 per period which is not significantly different from
the single-shot prediction of $1.04.
Tacit collusion is not observed in either treatment. We can reject
the hypothesis that mean prices match the theoretical collusive
prediction of $0.90 with t-statistics of -28.76 and -27.05 for the
random and value queue respectively.
Recognizing that pooling prices tends to suppress interesting
characteristics of individual experiments, the results of experiments
P245 and P249 are presented. The random queue experiment in Figure 7 and
value queue experiment in Figure 8 help us appreciate the commanding
differences due to the treatment variable. The first four periods of
P245 in Figure 7 are characterized by competitive undercutting behavior.
In period 5 one seller abandons the price war and chooses a high price.
Subsequent periods exhibit price dispersion with no discernable trend.
This price pattern is strikingly different from value queue experiment
P249 in Figure 8. In P249, the sellers lock on the single-shot pure
strategy Nash equilibrium price of $0.15. Costly signals in periods 10,
13 and 15 go unanswered. The results of the two experiments discussed
above are robust under replication. This can be verified by studying the
results of all experiments contained in appendix C.
The multiplicity of equilibria that arise from repeated games make
falsifying evidence difficult to identify. The static Nash prediction is
one of several equilibria of the repeated game. However, it is
considered a less likely result since profits can be increased by tacit
collusion. In his discussion of repeated games, Tirole wrote,
"Although it is hoped that the testing of full-fledged dynamic
models will develop, it must be acknowledged that such models are
complex, and little attention has been paid to testable
implications" |1989, 245~. The results reported here, in addition
to the field experiments by Domowitz, Hubbard and Petersen |1987~ and
laboratory experiments by Kruse, Rassenti, Reynolds and Smith |1993~ and
others, indicate that the single-shot unique Nash equilibrium has
predictive power, even in repeated settings.
The accumulation of evidence in this study shows that the impact of
different rationing rule assumptions in Bertrand-Edgeworth models is not
trivial. The value queue has often been adopted as a mathematical
convenience in numerous Bertrand-Edgeworth models including a high
proportion of the theoretical pieces cited here. The theoretical results
from these models do not generalize to more believable queuing rules.
These experiments show the magnitude by which market outcome can change
with a change in the ordering of buyers. Theorists must move toward a
more general characterization of demand allocation or at least recognize
the limitations on the models that have been proposed.
The theory of Bertrand-Edgeworth competition has advanced at an
extraordinary rate in the last few years. Behaviorally, the outcome of
laboratory Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly competition is significantly
different with different rationing rules. The direction of the
difference agrees with the predictions of the singleshot Nash
Prediction. The experimental evidence that I report: 1) underscores the
need for a generalization of buyer rationing assumptions in theoretical
models and 2) indicates that the appropriate role of the static Nash
equilibrium in a repeated context has not been fully appreciated.
Auxiliary Instructions
Seller Cost Table
# of Units Additional Total Per Unit Cost
Sold Cost Cost (total cost/# units)
1. This is also referred to as parallel rationing or efficient
rationing. The former name is due to a geometric interpretation of the
rule's effect on residual demand. The latter name was used since it
maximizes consumer surplus. However, in a total surplus sense, the name
is inappropriate.
2. This is also referred to as the proportional rationing rule or
Beckmann rationing. This rule was first proposed by Shubik |1959~.
Beckmann |1965~ presents a closed-form solution using the random queue.
3. The Plato posted-offer program allows sellers and buyers
(simulated or human) to make exchanges of a fictitious commodity on the
Plato computer system. Sellers post a price to buyers that arrive to
purchase according to their rank in a queue. See Ketchum, Smith, and
Williams |1984~ for a detailed description of the PLATO posted-offer
4. The solution was achieved using a special application of the
quadratic programming option on LINDO and checked using a spreadsheet
5. Our laboratory experiments have an uncertain endpoint. However,
the continuation probability was not controlled, so could vary widely
across subjects.
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