Demographics, productivity growth and the macroeconomic equilibrium.
Sheng-Cheng Hu
The demographics in the United States are, as in other industrial
countries, experiencing drastic changes. The birth rate is falling while
life expectancy is rising. As a consequence, the ratio of the elderly to
the working-age population is projected to rise sharply in the next
fifty years.
The aging of the population imposes both real and imagined burdens on
the economy (Aaron [1990]). Most importantly, it is predicted to cause
substantial increases in the tax rates needed to sustain existing social
security benefits, thereby bringing about an increase in conflict
between the working and the elderly generations (Wildasin [1991], Von
Weizsacker [1990] and Verbon [1988]). Population aging also means it is
more likely that the pay-as-you-go system of financing social security
will be dynamically inefficient (Hu [1993]). In this case, the economy
is better served by switching to another financing system. Indeed, a
number of countries, most notably Chile, have chosen to privatize their
state pension systems.
More broadly, there is evidence that the changing age distribution in
the U.S. population has significantly affected consumption, housing
investment, money demand and the labor-force participation rate (Fair
and Dominguez [1991]), and is potentially very important for explaining
the U.S. rate of national saving for the next fifty years (Auerbach and
Kotlikoff [1990]). It also affects capital accumulation by causing
changes in family insurance and intergenerational trade (Ehrlich and Lui
Existing studies of the economic effects of demographics assume
either that both work hours and retirement behavior are exogenous, or
that work hours are endogenous but retirement behavior is exogenous. For
example, Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner and Summers [1990] model the
labor-market effects of population aging by imposing the projected age
distributions on the current labor-force participation rates across age
cohorts, rather than on those corresponding to the projected
demographics. As such, they implicitly assume exogenous work hours and
concentrate on the age-distribution effect of population aging. Auerbach
and Kotlikoff [1990] set an exogenous retirement age of sixty-five
although they allow endogenous determination of work hours. Feldstein
[1980] provides evidence that incorporation of induced retirement
improves the prediction of how social security affects capital
accumulation. Likewise, studies of the effects of demographic changes
and their interactions with social security will be more fruitful if
retirement decisions are explicitly recognized. This is particularly
true since the 1983 Amendment to the Social Security Act would gradually
relax the retirement test, thus removing the distortions that prevent
retirement decisions from adjusting to changing demographics.
This paper provides a computational study of the effects of
demographics on the macroeconomic equilibrium and welfare within the
framework of an intertemporal optimizing model with age heterogeneity and endogenous productivity growth. The model extends Tobin [1967] and
Cass and Yaari [1967] to allow for endogenous retirement decisions. It
differs from Hu [1978; 1993] in that it incorporates endogenous
productivity growth. A key feature that differentiates this analysis
from previous studies is that retirement decisions are characterized by
a binary choice of whether to work or not to work, but work hours are
exogenous during working years.(1) To facilitate comparisons, we also
provide a simulation which shows what would happen if social security
provisions were such as to prevent the retirement age from adjusting to
the demographic changes.
To study the effects of demographics on the macroeconomic equilibrium
involves explaining their effects on the labor-force participation rate
and aggregate consumption, their interactions with social security, and
their implications for the welfare of the economy. In our computational
analysis, we first calibrate the model with current U.S. data, and then
consider three alternative scenarios. The first two scenarios correspond
to the demographics projected for 2015 and 2040, respectively. While
these two scenarios depict an "aging population," the third
scenario incorporates an increase in the growth rate of labor
productivity. However, since demographic projections are highly
speculative, our purpose is to illustrate, not to predict what might
happen in the future.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly describes the
model and individual intertemporal optimizing behavior. Section III
derives aggregation of the endogenous variables. Section IV provides a
computational analysis of the short-run and long-run economic effects of
demographics and productivity growth. Section V considers their
implications for the government budget. Section VII extends the analysis
to the case where the growth rate of the economy is endogenous. The
final section summarizes the results.
Assume that the population grows at the rate of g. Individuals have a
maximum life span of T years and face a constant conditional probability of death [Pi] each year until age T. They work full time for the first N
years and retire at age N if they survive until that time. During each
working year t, they earn a wage income of w(t), paying a payroll tax at
the rate of [[Tau].sub.s] and a wage-income tax at the rate of
[[Tau].sub.w]; thus their after-tax income is
(1-[[Tau].sub.w]-[[Tau].sub.s])w(t). Upon retirement, they receive each
year social security benefits in the amount of y(t), which are
nontaxable and indexed with respect to real wages. They also pay a tax
at the rate of [[Tau].sub.c] on their capital income. Individuals are
intertemporal optimizers and their behavior is characterized by the
life-cycle/permanent income hypothesis of consumption extended to allow
for endogenous retirement. A description of the extended model appears
in the appendix.
The structure of the social security system is summarized by the
income-replacement ratio, [Psi] =
y(t)/[(1-[[Tau].sub.s]-[[Tau].sub.w])w(t)]. Undoubtedly, how the
social-security system is calibrated will affect the computational
results. Until 1983 the U.S. Social Security system was financed by a
payroll tax under a pay-as-you-go system, and it imposed an earnings
test that amounts to a heavy "implicit tax" on incomes earned
by social security recipients. Although the 1983 Amendment to the Social
Security Act shifted the financing system from a pay-as-you-go to a
partially funded system, the accumulated funds are expected to be
exhausted by around 2020. The 1983 Act also contained a number of other
changes that would greatly reduce the distortions on retirement
decisions imposed by the earnings test. For example, the normal
retirement age would be increased from sixty-five to sixty-six by 2009
and further to sixty-seven by 2027. In addition to the increases in the
normal retirement age, there would be a gradual rise in the penalty for
early retirement and in the delayed retirement credit, as well as a
gradual liberalization of the earnings test. On the basis of these
pending changes in social security provisions, we assume that the social
security system is financed by a pay-as-you-go system but does not
impose an earnings test. To facilitate comparisons, we also provide
computational results under the assumption of an exogenous retirement
age, N. This pertains to the case where social security imposes a
stringent retirement test which prevents workers from adjusting their
retirement decisions to the new demographics.
Tables I and II report simulation results illustrating how retirement
and consumption decisions respond to changes in the economic and
demographic variables. In these simulations, the model is calibrated
with the U.S. data. In the benchmark case, the values of the three
demographic parameters are as follows: the maximum life span (T) is
eighty-five years; the conditional probability of death ([Pi]) is 0.85
percent; and the population growth rate is g = 1.85 percent per annum,
which is taken to be the sum of the live birth rate and the net
immigration rate.(2) We also assume that initially the wage growth rate
([Theta]) is 1.5 percent, and the before-tax interest rate, r, is 5.04
percent per annum.(3) The subjective discount rate ([Rho]) is 4 percent
per annum. There is considerable controversy about the elasticity of
instantaneous utility with respect to consumption, [Beta]. To
accommodate the various estimates of the elasticity, we set the
benchmark value of [Beta] equal to [Beta] = 0.15 but allow for the
alternative cases where [Beta] = 0.5 and where [Beta] = -1.(4) We also
set the utility cost of work so that the benchmark retirement age is
sixty-two.(5) The payroll tax rate is 14 percent, while [TABULAR DATA
tax rate is 13.5 percent and the capital-income tax rate is 33.1
percent.(6) Given the benchmark demographic parameters, the
income-replacement ratio ([Psi]) is 88 percent of after-tax earnings, or
66 percent of before-tax earnings ((1-[[Tau].sub.w] -
As shown in the appendix, retirement takes place at the point where
the marginal cost equals the marginal benefits of earlier retirement.
The former is the net income forgone due to earlier retirement, while
the latter is the marginal valuation of leisure and is an increasing
function of total wealth. Line 1, Table I shows that a permanent
increase in the real wage rate does not affect the retirement decision
in the steady state when physical wealth is endogenously determined,
because a wage-rate increase affects both the marginal cost and marginal
benefit of retirement equally. However, in the short run when physical
wealth is exogenously given by past history, the wage-rate increase
affects the marginal cost of retirement more than it does the marginal
benefit, and thus it causes a delay in retirement. Unlike a
once-and-for-all increase in w, a rise in its growth rate [Theta]
affects the retirement decision both in the short run and in the long
run. The long-run effect of a rise in [Theta] from 1.5 percent to 2.5
percent is to cause a delay in retirement by 0.31 years (see line 2,
Table I). The life-cycle/permanent income hypothesis literature has
extensively discussed how a change in the interest rate induces
intertemporal substitution in consumption (see, for example, Hall
[1988]). Line 3, Table I shows that it also induces intertemporal
substitution in labor supply. A rise in r from 5 to 6 percent lowers the
retirement age by 0.35 years from age 62 to 61.65.
Although a change in the level of wage income, w, does not have a
long-run effect on the retirement decision, any tax change that alters
the income-replacement ratio has a long-run effect on the retirement
decision. For example, lines 4 and 5 in Table I show that the retirement
age decreases by 0.2 years from age 62 to 61.80 if there is a
one-percentage point increase in the wage-income tax rate, while it
decreases by slightly more than 1.2 years from age 62 to 60.77 if there
is a one-percentage point increase in the payroll tax rate. The reason
that each percentage-point increase in the payroll tax rate has a larger
effect on the retirement decision than the corresponding increase in the
wage-income tax rate is that it raises the income-replacement ratio
[Psi], by more (7.6 percentage points) than the latter does (1.22
percentage points).
An extension of the maximum life span, T, or a fall in the death
rate, [Pi], leads to a postponement of retirement by bringing about a
negative wealth effect on the marginal benefits of retirement, while a
lower population growth rate, g, affects the retirement decision only
under a pay-as-you-go social security system. In this case, a fall in g
shifts the age distribution of the population toward older cohorts, and
thereby lowers the income-replacement ratio [Psi] that can be supported
by the existing payroll tax rate. A less generous [Psi] in turn reduces
the marginal benefits relative to the marginal cost of retirement and
thereby delays retirement. Table I shows that, other things being equal,
the retirement age increases by six years from age 62 to 68.08 if the
maximum life span increases from 85 to 100 (the value of T assumed in
scenario 1, Table III); in other words, it is delayed by 0.4 years per
year extension of the maximum life span. The retirement age also
increases by 0.75 years from age 62 to 62.75 if the death rate falls
from 0.85 percent to 0.7 percent (the value of [Pi] assumed in scenario
1, Table III). Finally, a fall in the population growth rate from 1.85
percent to 1.47 percent (the value of g assumed in scenario 1, Table
III) increases the retirement age by nearly two years from age 62 to
63.93 in a steady state.
Let c(s, t) be consumption at time t of a representative individual
born at time s. As shown in the appendix, c(s, t) is proportionate to
the sum of physical (a(s, t)) and human (h(s, t)) wealth, the latter
being the present value of future earnings. In a perfect-foresight
steady state equilibrium, individual consumption so determined rises or
falls with age (n = t - s) at the rate of [Mu] = ([r.sub.a] - [Rho])/(1-
[Rho]). Moreover, initial consumption (c(s, s)) rises with the birth
date, s, at the rate of [Theta], as does initial human wealth (h(s, s)).
In column 1, Table II, we normalize initial human wealth and consumption
for the youngest cohort so that they are equal to 100 in the benchmark
equilibrium. By assumption, physical wealth equals zero on the date of
birth. The marginal propensity to consume refers to the ratio of initial
consumption to initial wealth. We see that an increase in life span from
age eighty-five to one hundred lowers the marginal propensity to consume
slightly by about 0.1 percentage points from 5.15 percent to 5.04
percent. Human wealth is left unchanged if retirement is exogenous, but
it rises by about 7 percent to 107.11 if retirement is endogenous. As a
result, initial consumption falls by slightly more than 2 percent to
97.78 if retirement is exogenous, but rises by nearly 5 percent to
104.88 if retirement is allowed to respond to the increased life span.
Similar results also hold for a fall in the probability of death. A
slowdown in population growth affects individual consumption only to the
extent that the social security system is pay-as-you-go. In this case,
the fall in population growth from 1.85 percent to 1.47 percent reduces
initial consumption by 2 percent to 98.00 if retirement is exogenous,
but leaves it unchanged if retirement is endogenous, because the induced
change in retirement fully accommodates the decline in the
income-replacement ratio that accompanies the fall in population growth.
At the benchmark equilibrium, consumption rises with age at the rate of
[Mu] = -0.74 percent. This rate is invariant to changes in wages or
demographics, which only affect consumption through the wealth effect,
but leave the intertemporal substitution in consumption unchanged.
However, a rise in interest rates not only affects human wealth but
induces substitution of future consumption for current consumption. As a
result, regardless of whether retirement is endogenous, a one
percentage-point increase in the before-tax interest rate increases the
rate of consumption by 0.8 percentage points from -0.74 to 0.08 percent,
while it lowers initial consumption by 15.3 percent.
In this economy, the production side is characterized by a
Cobb-Douglas technology that displays constant returns to scale in labor
and capital. The elasticity of output with respect to capital ([Alpha])
is 30 percent and, as before, labor productivity grows at the rate of
[Theta] = 1.5 percent. Following Mankiw, Romer and Weil [1992], we set
the depreciation rate of capital equal to [Delta] = 4 percent. Finally,
factor markets are perfectly competitive, so that the price of each
factor of production is equal to the marginal product of that factor.
Since workers retire at age N, the labor force consists of all
workers age N and below. Therefore, the labor-force participation rate,
l, at any time t is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
is the density function of age cohort n = t - s. Given the benchmark
parameter values, the labor-force participation rate, l, is 82
percent.(8) The implied dependency ratio, d, is 21.92 percent.(9) (See
line 0, Table I.) A demographic change affects labor-force participation
not only directly through the age-distribution effect but also by
inducing retirement. The former effect refers to the change in
labor-force participation brought about by the demographic change while
retirement age is held constant (column 2a, Table I). A longer maximum
life span, a lower probability of death or a lower population growth
rate all contribute to a fall in the labor-force participation rate by
bringing about a rise in the ratio of the retired to the total
population. This effect plays a key role in the pessimistic view about
the economic consequences of the projected population aging as described
by Wildasin [1991]. However, the support for this view is weakened if
the induced-retirement effect is also taken into account, because, as
illustrated in column 2b, Table I, the induced-retirement effect more or
less offsets the age-distribution effect. For example, if life span
increases from eighty-five to one hundred years, the age-distribution
effect is to lower the labor-force participation rate by 5.23 percentage
points, while the induced-retirement effect is to increase it by 5.40
percentage points. Consequently, the total effect of the increase in
life span is to cause a slight increase in the labor-force participation
rate by 0.17 percentage points from 82 to 82.17 percent. Likewise, a
fall in the population growth rate from 1.85 to 1.47 percent raises the
labor-force participation rate slightly to 82.08 percent but would have
lowered it by 2.24 percentage points to 79.96 percent if it did not
induce later retirement. A fall in the death rate from 0.85 to 0.7
percent raises the labor-force participation rate to 82.02 but would
have lowered it to 80.22 percent without inducing later retirement. (See
lines 7 and 8, Table I.)
As can be seen from equation (1), changes in the wage growth rate,
the real interest rate and the tax rates affect labor-force
participation only by inducing retirement. Substituting the numbers in
column 1, Table I into equation (1), we find that the labor-force
participation rate rises by 0.33 percentage points if the wage growth
rate increases by one percentage point. It falls by 0.36 percentage
points if the interest rate increases by one percentage point. It falls
by 0.21 percentage points if the wage income tax rate rises by one
percentage point, and by 1.3 percentage points if the payroll tax rate
rises by one percentage point. (See column 2c.)
Aggregate consumption per capita, [Mathematical Expression Omitted],
is the sum of individual consumption by all age cohorts (t - s),
weighted by their densities f(t - s):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
The effect of a demographic change on aggregate consumption is
twofold. First is the age-distribution effect. This refers to the change
in aggregate consumption brought about by the shift in the age
distribution of the population, represented by f(n), due to the
demographic change. If individual consumption falls (rises) with
age,(10) any shift in the age distribution of the population toward
older cohorts reduces (increases) aggregate consumption. As can be seen
from column 2b, Table II, at the benchmark equilibrium, [r.sub.a] =
(1-[[Tau].sub.c])r=(1-0.331) x 5.04 percent = 3.37 percent [less than] 4
percent = [Rho]; therefore, the age-distribution effect is negative.
Second is the induced-consumption effect. This effect refers to the sum
of the changes in initial consumption induced by the demographic change.
When retirement decisions are exogenous, the induced-consumption effect
of an increase in life span or a fall in the death rate or a fall in
population growth under the pay-as-you-go social security system is
negative and reinforces the negative age-distribution effect, giving
rise to a negative total effect. When retirement is delayed by the
demographic change, the induced-consumption effect is positive and
offsets the age-distribution effect, leading to a small increase in
aggregate consumption. The upshot of this illustration is that it
underscores the importance of recognizing age-based heterogeneity (Fair
and Dominguez [1991]) and induced retirement in the study of demographic
effects on consumption. (See columns 2a and 2b, Table II.)
A rise in productivity growth does not affect the age distribution of
the population based on head counts, but it does affect the age
distribution of human capital and thereby aggregate consumption. Suppose
there is an increase in the productivity growth rate from 1.5 percent to
2.5 percent. The initial endowment of human wealth of the youngest age
cohort, a(t, t), rises by 28 percent, and so does their consumption.
However, consumption of an older age cohort relative to that of the
youngest cohort, c(s,t)/c(t,t), falls with n = t - s at the higher rate
of [Theta] = 2.5 percent. Thus, the percentage increase in aggregate
consumption (8.59 percent) is less than that in initial consumption of
the youngest age cohort (28.11 percent).
We now consider the short-run and the long-run equilibrium effects of
the demographic changes. The main differences between the short-run and
the long-run steady state are that (1) the capital stock (or aggregate
physical wealth) per person rises at the constant rate of [Theta] in the
long run, but it can rise at either a higher or a lower rate in the
short run as output net of depreciation and growth requirements is
larger or smaller than aggregate consumption plus government spending per person; and (2) the distribution of aggregate physical wealth among
age cohorts is endogenous in the steady state but is exogenously given
by past history in the short run.
As noted above, in the short run, since aggregate wealth and its
distribution among age cohorts are exogenous, a once-and-for-all rise in
the wage rate increases the marginal cost of earlier retirement more
than it does the marginal benefits; therefore it leads to a delay in
retirement and a higher labor-force participation rate. In the long run,
when aggregate wealth and its distribution among age cohorts are
endogenous, the wage increase leaves retirement decisions and the
labor-force participation rate unchanged. Likewise, because the capital
stock is historically given in the short run, the aggregate demand for
labor is less elastic in the short run than in the steady state. This is
shown in Figure 1 by the fact that the aggregate labor-supply curve is
upward sloped in the short run (labeled [l.sub.s]) but is vertical in
the steady state (labeled [l.sub.L]), and the aggregate labor-demand
curve is steeper in the short run (labeled [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]) than in the steady state (labeled [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]). Comparing the short-run ([e.sub.s]) and the steady-state
([e.sub.L]) equilibria, we see that a demographic change has a larger
impact on the labor-force participation rate but, depending upon the
relative slopes of the short-run demand and supply curves of labor, its
effect on the wage rate can be either larger or smaller in the short run
than in the long run.
Table III illustrates long-run equilibrium effects of demographics
for three scenarios. The first scenario depicts the demographics
projected for 2015: the maximum life span is 100 years, the population
growth rate is 1.47 percent and the conditional probability of death is
0.70 percent. The second scenario pertains to the demographics projected
for 2040: the maximum life span is 110 years, the population growth rate
is 1.47 percent and the conditional probability of death is 0.61
percent.(11) Although the productivity growth rate is held unchanged at
1.5 percent in these two scenarios, there are theoretical grounds and
empirical evidence that a change in demographics may induce a
corresponding change in the growth rate of the economy. (See Ehrlich and
Lui [1991] and Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner and Summers [1990].) While
section VI considers the growth effects of the demographic changes, the
third scenario assumes that the demographic parameters remain at their
benchmark values but the growth rate of labor productivity rises
exogenously from 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent. Ignoring the second-order
terms, we can take the total effect of demographic and productivity
changes as the sum of the two effects (line 1 or 2 plus line 3, Table
As mentioned above, the benchmark equilibrium values of r, the
before-tax interest rate, and N, the retirement age, are, r = 5.04
percent and N = 62 years. In the first scenario (see line 1a, panel A),
the new equilibrium retirement age is 72.43 years. This implies a
labor-force participation rate of 82.48 percent, and a dependency ratio
(d) of 21.24 percent, which is below, albeit only slightly, the
benchmark ratio of 21.94 percent despite the aging of the population.
Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner and Summers [1990] measure the welfare
implications of the demographic changes by their effects on the standard
of living (consumption). They show that the projected demographic
changes will improve the American standard of living in the short run
but lower it slightly over the very long run. We measure the welfare
implications of the demographic changes by their effects on the
steady-state equilibrium level of individual lifetime utility As such,
we take into account the tradeoff between consumption and leisure. Using
this measure, we show that the economy is better off as a result of the
projected demographic changes. Line 1b, panel A shows what the predicted
equilibrium values would be if the induced-retirement effects of the
demographic transition to scenario I are ignored. With the retirement
age staying at sixty-two, the labor-force participation rate falls to
72.6 percent and the dependency ratio rises to 37.75 percent. The model
now predicts that each retiree will be supported by 2.6, rather than 5,
workers. Ignoring induced retirement leads to less optimistic predictions of the economic consequences of "population
While the recognition of induced retirement significantly alters the
predicted effects of the demographic changes on the dependency ratio and
the labor-force participation rate, it has only a minor impact on the
predicted equilibrium wage and interest rates. This is because the
increases in output and aggregate consumption that accompany the
increased labor-force participation rate roughly offset each other,
although the former is slightly larger than the latter. Therefore, the
predicted real wage rate is only slightly higher (102.68 vs. 102.55) and
the predicted interest rate is only slightly lower (4.50 vs. 4.52
percent) when retirement is endogenous than when it is exogenous. These
results are shown to be robust with respect to the specification of the
elasticity of utility with respect to consumption, [Beta], in panels B
and C, Table III.
A higher growth rate of labor productivity implies a larger labor
supply in efficiency units. It is expected to cause a fall in the wage
rate per efficient unit of labor, denoted [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], and a rise in the real interest rate (see Baily [1981]). Line
3a, panel A, Table III confirms that a rise in labor productivity growth
([Theta]) from 1.5 percent to 2.5 percent lowers the real wage rate per
efficiency unit of labor by 5.86 percent, while raising the real rate of
interest by almost 1.4 percentage points from 5.04 to 6.41 percent.
However, the implications of the rise in labor productivity growth for
retirement decisions depend on the elasticity of utility with respect to
consumption ([Beta]): it leads to earlier retirement if [Beta] = 0.15
(from 62 to 61.95 years) and if [Beta] = 0.5 (from 62 to 61.56 years),
but to later retirement if [Beta] = -1 (from 62 to 62.23 years).
Columns 4 and 9 in Table III show, respectively, consumption per
effective person ([Mathematical Expression Omitted]) and lifetime
utility of the representative individual (U). We see that productivity
growth improves welfare while it lowers consumption per effective
person. For positive values of [Beta], the welfare gains from
productivity growth are less when retirement is endogenous than when it
is exogenous. The reason is that under the pay-as-you-go social security
system, a higher rate of productivity growth increases the divergence of
the real rate of interest from the natural rate of growth (g + [Theta]),
which in turn leads to a greater distortion of labor supply and capital
accumulation, offsetting the gains from choosing the retirement age
optimally. This distortional effect is not present in the exogenous
retirement case.
Table IV illustrates the short-run effects of a transition in
demographics from the benchmark case to scenario 1. As mentioned above,
the short-run effects of the demographic changes are highly dependent on
past history that affects the level of aggregate wealth and its
distribution among age cohorts. We assume that the demographic
transition is immediate in order to dramatize the differences between
its short-run and long-run effects. The table shows that if retirement
is endogenous, the adjustments in the real wage and interest rates are
monotonic. The labor-force participation rate, on the other hand, falls
initially to 77.82 percent before it rises back to the new steady-state
equilibrium level of 82.48 percent. As a consequence, there is also a
short-run worsening in aggregate consumption, the dependency ratio and
the income-replacement ratio. If retirement is exogenous, the
adjustments in aggregate consumption and the income-replacement ratio
are monotonic, but there is overshooting in the wage and interest rates.
The real wage rate rises to 103.72 before it falls back to the new
steady-state equilibrium level of 102.55. The interest rate falls
initially to 4.30 percent before it rises back to 4.52 percent in the
new steady state.
In sum, the overshooting responses to the demographic changes are
likely to take place in quantity variables such as consumption and the
labor-force participation rate if retirement is endogenous, but in price
variables such as the real wage and interest rates if retirement is
The demographic changes affect not only the government's social
security budget but also its operating (non-social security) budget. The
distinction between the two budgets is important; under a pay-as-you-go
system the social-security budget is balanced each year, but the
government's operating budget can have a permanent deficit or
Since, by assumption, social security is pay-as-you-go, its budget is
balanced each year. Using the balanced-budget condition, we can
calculate the income-replacement ratio to be [Psi] [equivalent to] y/[(1
- [[Tau].sub.s] - [[Tau].sub.w])w] = [[Tau].sub.s] l/[(1 - [[Tau].sub.s]
- [[Tau].sub.w]) (1- l)], or 88 percent in the benchmark equilibrium
(see line 0, panel A, Table III). With exogenous retirement, the
income-replacement ratio sustainable (with respect to after-tax
earnings) by the current payroll tax rate would fall to 51.2 percent in
scenario 1, and to 43.7 percent in scenario 2. To put it another way, if
the income-replacement ratio is to be maintained at the benchmark
equilibrium level, the payroll tax rate must be raised from 14 percent
to 24 percent and to 29 percent, respectively, in the two scenarios.
This result is compatible with that obtained by Wildasin [1991].
However, if retirement is allowed to change, the dependency ratio and
thereby the benchmark income-replacement ratio can be sustained without
having to raise the payroll tax rate despite "population
aging." For example, in scenario 1, the dependency ratio would
actually fall slightly from 21.94 percent to 21.24 [TABULAR DATA FOR
TABLE IV OMITTED] percent and, consequently, the income-replacement
ratio would rise slightly to 90.92 percent despite the aging of the
population. Thus, failure to take into account the induced-retirement
effect may lead to an overstatement of the burdens of social security on
Turning to the government's operating budget, we assume that
government spending ([Mathematical Expression Omitted]) is financed by a
tax on wage income at the rate of [[Tau].sub.w] as well as a tax on
capital income at the rate of [[Tau].sub.c]. The operating-budget
surplus as a fraction of net output is
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is the aggregate capital
stock, [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is government spending, and
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] is net output per person. A constant
[Xi] means that in the steady state, the government's operating
budget surplus per capita rises at the rate of productivity growth, but
the ratio of government debt to aggregate output stays constant. Column
8, Table III indicates that in the benchmark equilibrium the
government's operating budget sustains a deficit equal to 0.18
percent of net output. In terms of the absolute amount, it rises at the
rate of 1.5 percent per annum.
A change in demographics or productivity growth affects [Xi] both
directly and by causing changes in r, the interest rate, and w, wage
income. However, under the assumed spending rule and the
constant-returns-to-scale technology, any induced change in the
labor-force participation rate affects both government revenue and
expenditure nearly proportionately, and thus its effect on [Xi], if any,
is insignificant. The recognition of the induced-retirement effect does
not alter the predicted effects of the demographic and productivity
changes on the government operating budget. For example, the government
operating budget deficit as a fraction of net output rises from the
benchmark value of 0.18 percent to 0.49 percent in the
endogenous-retirement case, and to 0.50 percent in the
exogenous-retirement case in scenarios 1 and 2. However, a rise in
productivity growth from 1.5 to 2.5 percent per annum turns the
government operating budget from a deficit of 0.18 percent into a
surplus of 0.5 percent of net output, because a higher productivity
growth rate increases the ratio of capital to net output. In sum,
regardless of whether retirement is induced, changes in productivity
growth and demographics affect the social security budget more than they
do the government's operating budget. The reason is that the
spending rule already takes into account the induced-retirement effect
of the demographic changes. This result still holds if the tax and
expenditure rules are based on gross output.(12) That is to say, even
though fiscal policy is passive, the rule that stipulates spending as a
constant fraction of output provides the feedback of the demographic
changes on output and the budget deficit.
We have assumed that the technology displays constant returns to
scale with respect to both capital and labor. As a result, the
steady-state equilibrium growth rate of output per person is determined
by the exogenous growth rate of labor productivity, [Theta]. Demographic
changes affect only the steady-state equilibrium level of output per
effective person. However, a large current literature suggests that the
growth rate of the economy may be affected by the spillover from
learning by doing and other forms of externalities due to physical and
human capital accumulation. (See, for example, Romer [1989] and Stokey
and Rebelo [1993].) Following this argument, demographics affects the
growth rate of the economy to the extent that it affects intertemporal
substitution in consumption.
This section considers the demographic effects on the rate of
economic growth in a slightly different direction than that taken by
Ehrlich and Lui [1991]. We focus on how induced retirement affects the
economy's ability to capture the externalities generated by capital
accumulation within the framework of the so-called "Ak" model
(see Barro and Sala-i-Martin [1992]). As shown in the appendix, within
this framework, although the production function is subject to
diminishing returns at the micro (firm) level, it displays constant
returns to scale at the aggregate level, with respect to capital.
Consequently, the growth rate of labor productivity [Theta] and thus the
growth rates of output and consumption per person are no longer
As shown in Table V, the projected demographic changes would raise
the growth rate of output by around 0.4 percentage points regardless of
whether induced retirement is taken into account. That the demographic
changes have a positive effect on the growth rate of the economy is
consistent with the findings of Ehrlich and Lui [1991]. Here, population
aging increases saving, and thereby capital accumulation, as well as the
accompanying learning by doing. The reason that induced retirement does
not significantly alter the growth effect of the projected demographic
changes is because induced retirement affects both aggregate consumption
and output by roughly the same proportion, thus leaving the aggregate
savings ratio roughly unchanged. In other words, although induced
retirement affects significantly the composition of consumption (leisure
vs. real consumption), it has only an insignificant effect on the
predicted growth rate of productivity.
We have studied how changes in demographics and productivity growth
affect the steady-state equilibrium. These effects can be decomposed into an age-distribution effect and an induced-retirement effect. Our
numerical analysis reveals that (1) not only aggregate consumption and
output but retirement decisions are highly sensitive to changes in
demographics and productivity growth, thus induced retirement cannot be
ignored in studies of the economic effects of the projected population
aging; (2) whether retirement is endogenous [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE V
OMITTED] affects primarily the predicted effects of the changes in
demographics and productivity growth on the quantity variables (such as
labor supply, aggregate consumption and output), but not their effects
on the price variables (such as wage and interest rates); (3) depending
on whether retirement is endogenous, the economy tends to display
different patterns of dynamic adjustment in the quantity and in the
price variables; and (4) the fiscal implications of the changes in
demographics and productivity growth fall primarily on the
social-security budget rather than the government's operating
We find that the projected demographic changes improve the welfare of
the economy even as they bring about population aging. More importantly,
the welfare improvement tends to be larger if there are no distortions
(such as an earnings test in social security) which prevent individuals
from adjusting their retirement decisions to the changing demographics,
although induced retirement does not affect the projected increase in
the growth rate.
A caveat to this analysis is that it has not taken into account the
demographic effects on health-care expenditures. It is implicit here
that the population as a whole is as healthy, if older, in scenarios 1
and 2 as it is in the benchmark equilibrium. Thus, health-care
expenditures are not affected by population aging. Unfortunately, the
relationship between the projected population aging and health-care
expenditures is not yet well understood. On the one hand, there is
empirical evidence that with or without adjustment for health, an older
person has a greater demand for health-care. (See Burner, Waldo and
McKusick [1992].) If the aging of the population is not accompanied by
an improvement in health, it potentially can cause a sharp increase in
health-care expenditures. On the other hand, one expects future cohorts
to have a longer life span only because they will be healthier than the
current cohorts are at the same age. Therefore, the net effect of the
projected population aging on health-care expenditures is ambiguous.
Insofar as population aging leads to an increase in health-care
expenditures, its implications for the economy depend on the
substitutability between health-care and non-health-care consumption.
Derivation of Optimal Consumption and Retirement Decisions
This section describes the model that is used in the computational
analysis. Consider a representative individual who was born at time s.
If he retires at age N, then his life-time allocation problem at time s
[less than] t [less than] s + N is given by
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
subject to
(A2) [Delta]a(s, v)/[Delta]v = ([r.sub.a] + [Pi])a(s, v), + z(v) -
c(s, v),
where 1 [greater than] [Phi] [greater than] 0 is the parameter
representing the disutility of work, 1 [greater than] [Beta] [greater
than] -[infinity] is the parameter representing the elasticity of
intertemporal substitution, a(s, v) is the individual's physical
wealth (consisting of both corporate capital and government debt),
c(s,v) is his consumption, and z(v) is his after-tax income at calendar
time v, with z(v) = (1 - [[Tau].sub.s] - [[Tau].sub.w]) w(v) if v - s
[less than or equal to] N, and = y(v) if v - s [greater than] N.
Implicit in equation (A2) is that there exists a perfect annuity market
to insure against uncertain life span at the actuarially-fair rate of
[Pi]. (See Blanchard [1985].) Since the after-tax rate of interest is
[r.sub.a], the total after-tax rate of return on physical assets entered
in equation (A2) is [r.sub.a] + [Pi].
Holding the retirement age (N) exogenous, the Euler equations for the
optimal consumption allocation require that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted], and that u[prime](c) = [u.sup.+[prime]] (c) at t = s + N.
Using these conditions, we can solve for (s, t):
[Mathematical Expression Omitted].
Here h(s, t) is the individual's human wealth at time t, namely
the present value of after-tax wage earnings and social security
benefits that he expects to receive over his life, and [Gamma](s, t) is
the marginal propensity to consume out of total wealth. The marginal
propensity to consume in the text refers to [Gamma](s, s).
Substituting equation (A3) in (A1) and differentiating the resulting
expression with respect to N yields the optimality condition for N:
(A4) [Gamma](s, s + N)(1 - [(1 - v)
/([Beta][Gamma] v)]([Rho] + [Pi] - [Mu][Beta])
/{1 - exp[-([Rho] + [Pi] - [Mu][Beta])(T - N)]})
(a[s, s + N] + h[s, s + N])
= (1 - [Psi] - [Psi]N{1 - exp[-([r.sub.a] + [Pi])
(T - N)]} / ([r.sub.a] + [Pi]))
(1 - [[Tau].sub.w] - [[Tau].sub.s])w(s + N),
where the right-hand side is the marginal cost and the left-hand side the marginal benefit of earlier retirement.
In a perfect-foresight steady-state equilibrium, expectations at
t[prime] regarding a(s, t) for t [greater than] t[prime] must be
realized, which implies that
(A5) a(s, t) = [integral of] [w(v) between limits t and s
- c(s, v)]exp[([r.sub.a] + [Pi])(t - v)]dv
= w(t) (exp[[r.sub.a] + [Pi] - g)T] - 1)/([r.sub.a] + [Pi] - g)
- [Gamma](t, t)h(t, t) (exp[([r.sub.a] + [Pi] - [Mu])T]-1)
/([r.sub.a] + [Pi] - [Mu]).
The short-run effects of demographics are analyzed under the
assumption that a(s, t) is exogenous, while the long-run effects are
studied under the assumption that a(s, t) is determined by the above
Equilibrium Conditions
The accumulation of the capital stock per capita, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted], can be written as
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is gross output,
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] is net output, [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is aggregate consumption, and [Mathematical
Expression Omitted] is government spending, all in per capita terms. We
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
exogenous in the short run, but allow it to be determined in the long
run by equation (A6) under the condition that [Mathematical Expression
Omitted]. Sections IV and V assume that dlogA/dt = [Theta] = exogenous.
Section VI assumes that A = [A.sub.O][Kappa], where [A.sub.O] is a
constant, and that [Kappa] is exogenous to individual firms, but
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] at the aggregate level, due to the
learning by doing induced by capital accumulation.
1. Although both the labor-force participation rate and retirement
decisions are responsive to economic incentives as well as other
non-economic influences, existing literature seems to suggest that
social security affects primarily the retirement behavior, not the work
hours of male workers. See, for example, Hurd and Boskin [1984], Krueger
and Pischke [1989]), and Leonesio [1991].
2. The live birth rate and the net immigration rate were,
respectively, 15.8 per thousand population and 0.27 percent in 1989. See
U.S. Department of Commerce [1991].
3. The growth rate of labor productivity is based on the average
growth rate of output per hour in the U.S. for 1979-91, compiled by the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [1992]. The depreciation rate follows
Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner and Summers [1990] and is consistent with those
used by Mankiw, Romer and Weil [1992], who assume the depreciation rate,
[Delta] equals 3 percent, and by Romer [1989], who suggests that [Delta]
= 3-4 percent. Cutler, Poterba, Sheiner and Summers [1990] assume the
real interest rate (net marginal product of capital) to be 10.3 percent,
while the U.S. Social Security Administration (Yang and Goss [1992])
assumes the real interest rate to be 2 percent for 1987-90.
4. See, for example, Eichenbaum, Hansen and Singleton [1988], Zeldes
[1989], and Mankiw, Rotemberg and Summers [1985].
5. Calculations based on the estimates by Leonesio [1991] indicate
that the mean retirement age for male workers is 63.6, with the exit
rate being highest at 65 and 62. According to the estimates of Sueyoshi
[1989], the mean age of full retirement is 64.75 and the mean age of
partial retirement is 62.79. The mean married female retirement age
estimated by McCarty [1990] is 58.01.
6. The total tax rate is 13.85 percent for Old-Age and Survivors
Insurance and is 1.45 percent for health insurance. The tax rate on wage
income is taken to be the marginal income tax rate on modified income,
table 3.4, Statistics of Income, 1989. The capital-income tax rate is
based on the estimate made by Fullerton and Henderson [1989].
7. A study of the Retirement History Survey for 1979 by Boskin and
Shoven [1987] indicates that after adjusting for taxes, children and
certain bonuses, social security fully replaces average earnings of the
elderly poor and replaces over half for middle-income families.
Specifically, the replacement rates are 152.3 percent for married
couples with career average annual indexed earning less than $7,500,
99.6 percent for $7,500-12,500, 77.3 percent for $20,000-30,000, and
45.5 percent for $30,000-50,000.
8. The labor-force participation rate so calculated is consistent
with the male labor-force participation rate excluding the sixteen to
nineteen-year-old age group, but is higher than the overall labor
participation rate. See Yang and Goss [1992].
9. The dependency ratio defined here is different from the commonly
used "aged dependency ratio." The latter is the ratio of the
population ages sixty-five and above to the population ages twenty to
sixty-four. The latter ratio accurately reflects the dependency of the
elderly population on the economy only when workers actually retire at
age sixty-five.
10. This occurs if the growth rate of consumption, [Mu] [less than]
([greater than])0, namely if the after-tax interest rate [r.sub.a] [less
than] ([greater than])[Rho], the subjective discount rate.
11. There is considerable controversy about whether the maximum life
span can be extended. The U.S. Social Security Administration
projections assume that the maximum life span cannot be extended
substantially beyond 85, while others argue that it can be extended to
120. We consider here the "worst-case" scenario in which the
maximum life span is 100 for 2015 and 110 for 2040. The live birth rate
is projected to be 12 per 1000 population by 2015 but to remain steady
thereafter. Assume no change in immigration policy, so that the rate of
immigration remains 0.27 percent. The death rate was .84 percent and is
projected to fall to 0.70 percent in 2015 and further to .61 percent in
2040. (See Bell, Wade and Goss [1992] and Wade [1992].) My calculation
is based on a projection by the U.S. Social Security Administration
(Wade [1992]). The projections are provided for males and females
separately under three alternatives. I use the most pessimistic
projection in the study. The life expectancy used here is the weighted
average of the male and female life expectancies.
12. Replacing net output with gross output, we can show that this
conclusion requires that the capital-income tax be based on gross
income, without allowance for depreciation.
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