The demand for cigarette smuggling.
Saba, Richard P. ; Beard, T. Randolph ; Ekelund, Robert B., Jr. 等
An enduring issue in economic analysis involves accounting for the
behavior of agents when illegal or quasi-legal activity is rewarded.
Smuggling, retrading under regulations or restrictions, bribery, and
bootlegging are all aspects of the general phenomenon. Common
contemporary forms of such activity are the smuggling of prohibited
substances such as drugs or medicines, prohibited arms or weapons, or
highly taxed commodities between countries.(1) But smuggling or
bootlegging of highly taxed or otherwise regulated legal commodities
such as alcohol, cigarettes, or gasoline also takes place within
countries. In the United States, such illegal activity, both
"casual" and "organized", may have significant
effects on state tax revenues. It may also alter the expected
consumption effects of specific tax changes. In a competitive
environment, the existence of different tax structures between states
may mean that a given state's tax enactments will not have their
desired revenue or consumption effects.
This paper offers a new econometric methodology for estimating the
economic effect of "border crossing" between U.S. states. Our
technique, in contrast to previous models of cross-border effects,
allows accommodation of the dichotomy between variations in state-level
sales due to state-specific characteristics such as prices, tastes,
incomes and other demographic factors, the presence of organized
smuggling, tourism, and so on, and demand variations due to casual
border crossing. Beginning with a simple theoretical model of a
representative consumer's border-crossing decision, we develop a
nonlinear econometric model which produces estimates of the
representative consumer's demand in each state. It allows
estimation of the degree and direction of sales to border-crossing
consumers for each state and facilitates explicit testing of the
statistical significance of border crossing in explaining variations in
cigarette sales between jurisdictions. The data set is comprised of
state-level cigarette sales for the forty-eight contiguous states and
the District of Columbia over the period 1960 to 1986. We obtain strong
evidence that border crossing is a significant factor in explaining
cigarette sales differentials and we identify states which have
important border-crossing sales. Further, we note the consequences of
border crossing for demand elasticity estimation and tax policy: in
general, the evidence indicates that the ability of states to raise
revenue via cigarette taxation is more constrained than conventional
analysis suggests.
The paper is divided into five sections. Section II discusses
bootlegging and previous literature on cigarette demands and smuggling.
Section III presents our theoretical and empirical models, while section
IV discusses the data and our statistical results. Section V concludes
the paper and examines some of the policy implications of our findings.
Smuggling, bootlegging or "arbitrage" takes place when full
prices (net of all costs) differ for legal or illegal goods between
specific economic units. When net returns to smuggling or bootlegging -
all production and consumption opportunity costs being considered - are
positive, arbitrage will occur in an organized and/or casual fashion. A
primary (though not an exclusive) reason for smuggling has been the
often-significant divergence between full prices in different locales
caused by differences in tax treatment.
A variety of models starting with Wales [1968], have been employed to
analyze problems related to smuggling and bootlegging. Jensen, Thursby,
and Thursby [1988], and Bhagwati and Hansen [1973]) study
"Camouflaging" systems - the mixture of legal and illegal
sales - from the firm's perspective with contrasting welfare
results. Smith [1976] integrates illegal markets into the traditional
theory of taxation but explicitly ignores casual smuggling. Earlier
studies considering cross-border effects have not specified a
theoretical foundation and, in this respect, our approach is
fundamentally different.
To estimate border demands earlier studies typically weight tax or
price differences by populations along contiguous borders (e.g.,
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations [1985]). Analyses by
Baltagi and Levin [1986], and Manchester [1973]) account for
cross-border sales by including the lowest border-state prices, and find
bootlegging sales to be significant but of a small magnitude. In a
recent model, Thursby, Jensen, and Thursby [1991] differentiate between
organized and casual smuggling of cigarettes by applying an interesting
sales estimation technique to time-series data for twenty-nine states.
Their results show that, while organized smuggling significantly
affected sales in North Carolina, casual border crossing is
statistically unimportant. To accommodate cross-border effects in their
model, however, Thursby et al. [p. 807] use a rough measure of the
motivation for casual smuggling - the average retail price in
neighboring states. Hence, while a number of previous studies attempt to
control for casual smuggling, the specifications selected are not
Our analysis begins with a simple utility-theoretic model of the
"representative consumer's" border-crossing decision.
Faced with a cigarette price differential, taste for cigarettes, level
of income, and cost of travel, we determine the "critical
distance" at which the consumer is indifferent between purchasing
at home or in a lower-priced bordering jurisdiction. This critical
distance allows us to construct feasible border-crossing regions which,
when combined with population and geographic information, facilitates
simultaneous nonlinear estimation of both cigarette sales and the extent
of casual border crossing. Hence, our approach significantly differs
from previous studies by deriving the econometric specification from a
microanalytic foundation. Further, our model permits an intuitive,
direct test of the statistical significance of border crossing in
explaining state sales variations.
A Simple Formulation of Cross-Border Effects
We formulate the model by assuming that the objective of a
"representative" consumer in state i is to maximize her
utility, which is derived from the consumption of cigarettes and a
composite good with a price of $1 per unit in all states.(3) Formally,
[p.sub.i] = real price of cigarettes per pack in the homestate i
[p.sub.j] = real price of cigarettes per pack in state j which
borders state i
y = the consumer's real income
z = demographic characteristics of the consumer
[x.sup.*](p,y,z) = the consumer's ordinary demand for cigarettes
for relevant price p
c = the consumer's real cost of travel per roundtrip mile,
assumed to be independent of quantities purchased
[m.sub.ij] = the (one way) distance the consumer must travel to reach
state j
In the absence of significant income effects, consumer's surplus
provides us with an attractive approximation to the benefits consumers
receive from exploiting price differentials between adjacent
jurisdictions. In particular, suppose that border state j offers a price
[p.sub.j] [less than] [p.sub.i]. Then the additional gross benefit the
consumer receives from purchasing at the lower price is approximately
s([p.sub.i], [p.sub.j]), given by
(1) s([p.sub.i], [p.sub.j]) = [integral of] [x.sup.*](r, y, z)dr
between limits [p.sub.i] and [p.sub.j].
Travel to state j, however, implies a roundtrip cost of c [center
dot] [m.sub.ij], resulting in a net benefit (loss) of s([p.sub.i],
[p.sub.j]) - c [center dot] [m.sub.ij]. Hence, the "critical
distance" [Mathematical Expression Omitted] at which the
representative consumer is just indifferent between traveling to state j
with its lower price or remaining in state i and incurring no travel
costs is approximately
(2) [Mathematical Expression Omitted].
It is easy to see that [Mathematical Expression Omitted] is
increasing in [p.sub.i], decreasing in [p.sub.j], increasing in factors
that increase ordinary demand [x.sup.*], and decreasing in the travel
cost parameter c.
The Econometric Model
Previous studies of cigarette sales have identified a number of
special circumstances important in explaining variations in cigarette
sales across states and through time. First, there is some evidence that
professional smuggling activities ("camouflaging") may affect
sales in North Carolina.(4) This professional smuggling is to be
distinguished from the casual border crossing in which we are primarily
interested. Second, the demographic characteristics of some states'
populations differ widely, suggesting the presence of potentially
important taste variations between jurisdictions that may affect sales.
Third, the levels of tourism and transient visitation vary significantly
among states. Finally, the passage of time itself has corresponded with
a secular decline in cigarette usage as the perceived health
consequences of smoking have become more widely disseminated and as
various legal sanctions restricting smoking have become widespread.
An important complication in estimating the extent and direction of
border-crossing activity in the U.S. arises from the geographic
dimension of the problem and the related issue of consumer "double
counting." First, states typically border a number of other states
and, to the extent that two or more of these border states have lower
prices, some consumers in a higher-priced "home state" may
travel to one lower-priced border state, while others travel to another.
Further, not all border states will be "low-price" states, and
sales in the home state may also reflect border crossing into it.
Therefore, one expects sales in most states to reflect both departures
of home state consumers to cheaper border states, and the arrival of
out-of-state consumers for whom the destination state is cheaper.
Additionally, since consumers presumably differ in, for example, their
tastes for smoking, consumers who enter a state from a higher-priced
border area bring their demand characteristics and unique tastes with
them. All of these complications should be accounted for in the
econometric specification.
The issue of "double counting" of consumers arises when a
state has two or more lower-priced border states that are "close
together." Suppose, for example, that a consumer in state i lives
close to two cheaper border states. Such a consumer will then decide
which, if either, of the border states to visit based on price
differentials, travel costs, and the distances involved. If
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
are the "critical distances" to cheaper border states 1 and 2,
respectively, then any consumer who lives closer to state 1 than
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], and closer to state 2 than
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], will select one or the other state
depending on which yields the highest utility. Regardless of how one
assumes consumers are distributed within states, the relevant geographic
areas from which border crossing may occur can overlap.
To formulate the model in a tractable way, a set of simplifying
assumptions which reduce the complexities imposed by geography are
necessary. We assume the following:
1. State populations are uniformly distributed.(5)
2. Border lengths between states are "linearized" by
calculating straight-line distances from northern to southern (or
eastern to western) points of contact "as the crow flies."
3. States which meet at a "point" are assumed to have a
linear border of one mile.
Utilizing these assumptions, the relevant border-crossing areas (and,
by implication, the percentage of the state population which border
crosses) can be calculated simply as the percentage of the state's
total area (times the state's population) within the relevant
"border-crossing region," as represented by the ratio
[Mathematical Expression Omitted], where [Mathematical Expression
Omitted] is the critical distance for a consumer to travel from state i
to the cheaper border state j, [b.sub.ij] is the linearized border
between i and j, and [A.sub.i] is the total area of state i. Hence, the
border-crossing region is represented as a rectangle with side lengths
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] and [b.sub.ij]. "Double
counting" occurs when these rectangles "overlap"
although, as will be seen, the degree of double counting that actually
occurs can be shown to be trivial in practical application.
Utilizing the assumptions given above and equation (2), total
cigarette sales in the state i at time t can be given by
(3) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[] = total sales (in packs) in state i in year t
j = border state index; no state has more than eight border states
[[Theta].sub.ijt] = indicator variable; equal to 1 if border state j
"exists" and has a lower price than home state i in year t;
[[Theta].sub.ijt] = 0 otherwise
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = "critical distance" of
travel for a consumer in state i to cheaper border state j in year t
[b.sub.ij] = "linearized" border (in miles) between states
i and j
[A.sub.i] = area (in square miles) of state i
[] = population of state i in year t
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = Marshallian demand for cigarettes
of a representative consumer from state i in year t
[[Theta].sub.jit] = indicator variable; equal to 1 if border state i
"exists" and has a higher price than state j in year t;
[[Theta].sub.jit] = 0 otherwise
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = "critical distance" of
travel for a consumer from the more expensive border state j to state i
in year t
[A.sub.j] = area (in square miles) of border state j
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = Marshallian demand for cigarettes
of a representative consumer from state j in year t
Equation (3) explains sales in state i in year t as the sum of sales
to that percentage of residents of state i who do not border cross to a
cheaper state, plus sales to out-of-state consumers who cross into state
i due to higher prices in their home states. By suitably indexing the
expression for [m.sup.*] given in equation (2) and substituting into
equation (3), we obtain a nonlinear regression model which can be
estimated by nonlinear least squares techniques.
Specification of the model also requires that one assume a functional
form for the Marshallian demand curves of each state's
"representative consumer." Because of the model's high
degree of inherent complexity, and the requirement that representative
consumers be allowed to differ between states to account for sales
differences arising from population heterogeneity, professional
smuggling (in the case of North Carolina), tourism and other factors, we
adopt the linear form given by (4):(6)
[Mathematical Expression Omitted]
[Mathematical Expression Omitted] = cigarette packs per year demanded
by a representative consumer in state i in year t
[[Alpha]] = demand intercept for state i
[] = relevant real price per pack of cigarettes in year t
T = time trend variable
[] = demographic variables for state i in year t
[[Alpha].sub.1], [[Alpha].sub.2], [[Beta].sub.r] = coefficients
The demographic variables used in our estimation are (1) average real
per capita income by state per year, (2) the percentage of black
residents per state per year, (3) the percentage of each state's
residents under eighteen years of age each year,(7) (4) the percentage
of each state's residents identified as subscribing to
"Fundamentalist" Christian religious doctrines by year,(8) and
(5) a measure of each state's relative tourism dependence
calculated yearly as the ratio of each state's hotels or lodging
places per capita to the nation's corresponding ratio in each year,
the result being reduced by 1 so that a state having a mean hotels per
capita ratio (in a given year) has a tourism dependence score of zero
(for that year).(9) Further, the representative demands are allowed to
vary by demand intercept coefficients corresponding to the nine census
regions for the forty-eight contiguous states, and a dummy variable representing North Carolina, the latter as a control for the
professional smuggling alleged to occur from that jurisdiction.
Additionally, as tourists would appear to be unlikely candidates for
border crossing, the relative tourism dependence variable is mean scaled
(set equal to zero) in border-crossing demands, but is allowed to affect
home-state demands in the normal fashion.(10)
Our specification is completed by our treatment of the critical
"real cost of travel per (roundtrip) mile" variable c. Since
it is quite difficult to obtain a reasonable measure of this value, and
since the magnitude of this cost is likely to significantly affect the
estimated results, we exploit the nonlinearity of the regression
equation (3) by assuming that this cost c is unknown and represent it as
c = 1/F, where F is a parameter to be estimated. This procedure has
three significant advantages. First, the estimation results will not
exhibit bias due to incorrect assumptions about the (real) costs of
travel. Second, and most importantly, the overidentifying restriction F
= 0 implies no border crossing (by implying effectively infinite travel
costs), and is a testable hypothesis. Consequently, the statistical
significance of border crossing can be directly evaluated, and such a
test has a natural interpretation. Finally, if one assumed any
hypothetical travel cost value, then the estimated value of F can be
interpreted as the percentage of representative consumers living in the
relevant border-crossing region defined by (2) who actually border
cross. This can be incorporated in the estimation by redefining c as c =
V/F, where V is the estimated travel cost and F is interpreted as a
border-crossing participation rate. Hence, while one cannot determine
whether a given flow of border crossers represents all potential
crossers from a small area, or only some fraction of potential crossers
from a larger area, selection of a travel cost V constitutes an
uninformative normalization.
We note finally that the estimable form given by (3), which utilizes
total sales per state as the dependent variable, is almost certain to
exhibit heteroskedastic errors since sales can vary by orders of
magnitude between large and small states. To correct for this
phenomenon, we divide both sides of (3) by state i's population in
year t, thus converting the model for estimation purposes to one that
explains "sales per capita" instead of total sales. The model
we finally estimate is
(5) [Mathematical Expression Omitted]
where [Mathematical Expression Omitted]. F (and F is defined as
Data for our analysis came from several sources. Information on
average state prices per pack and total annual state sales for the lower
forty-eight states and the District of Columbia for the years 1960-1986
was compiled from The Tax Burden on Tobacco Historical Compilation 1988,
while a time series of state populations and per capita income, state
areas and other geographical and demographic information was obtained
from the U.S. Statistical Abstract, City County Data Books, and the
Costat II tapes. Religion data were obtained from Churches and Church
Membership in the United States: An Enumeration and Analysis by
Counties, States and Regions. All financial variables were converted to
real 1983 dollars.
After determining that (5) was an identified model given our sample
price differentials, we estimated (5) as a nonlinear least squares
estimation problem using the SAS NLREG procedure and DUD subroutine.
Table I gives estimated parameter values, asymptotic t scores, and
some summary statistics for our estimation.(12) (Parameter names are
relabelled for ease of presentation.) We note first that all model
variables are significant at the 1 percent level, including the price
variable which some previous studies that failed to account for border
crossing found to be insignificant. The results suggest that a 1[cent]
increase in average real cigarette pack prices is associated with a
consumption decrease of about 1.3 packs per year for a typical
representative consumer. Further, the estimates suggest that cigarettes
are a normal good, such that a $1000 increase in average real income
results in increased consumption amounting to about seven packs a year
for a typical consumer. Additionally, the passage of time has effected a
secular decline in cigarette consumption averaging about 2.6 packs per
year between 1960 and 1986.
Our other demographic variables also exhibit significant and
intuitively plausible effects. A 10 percent increase in the percentage
of black consumers increases average consumer cigarette usage by about
4.6 packs per year, a significant effect. Further, high proportions of
under age eighteen consumers and a high representation of consumers
labelled "Fundamentalist" Christians both significantly reduce
representative consumer purchases. We note also that large relative
levels of tourist accommodations, a proxy for tourist presence,
significantly increase [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE I OMITTED] cigarette
sales, and that North Carolina exhibits statistically higher
representative consumer sales even when border crossing is controlled
for, confirmation of the findings of Thursby et al. [1991] that suggest
the importance of organized smuggling in this jurisdiction.
Most important for our purposes, the border-crossing parameter F is
highly significant (t = 11.58) and of the "correct" sign.
Hence, the estimation results provide strong evidence of the importance
of border-crossing activities for explaining sales variations even when
demographic characteristics and price variations are controlled for.
The empirical magnitude of border crossing is estimated by
calculating, for each jurisdiction, the percentages of total sales
attributable to border-crossing consumers and, in similar fashion, the
percentage of each jurisdiction's endowment of representative
consumers who leave for cheaper bordering states. Table II presents the
results of this exercise for the years 1973 and 1986. States losing at
least 2 percent of their consumers to cheaper bordering jurisdictions in
our sample mid-point year 1973 include Connecticut (2.4 percent), D.C.
(8.4 percent), Kansas (5.7 percent), Nebraska (4.6 percent), New Mexico (6.2 percent), Utah (5.3 percent) and Wyoming (4.7 percent), while
Kentucky, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont all
"imported" between 2 and 9 percent of their total sales from
their neighbors. Somewhat surprising is the estimate of just six-tenths
of 1 percent of total sales to border crossers in North Carolina, a
result that may reflect the low-tax policies of North Carolina's
neighboring states (such as Kentucky) in 1973.
The figures for 1986, the final sample year, illustrate both some
major changes in tax treatments and several enduring differentials in
relative tax burdens as reflected in prices. Jurisdictions losing
non-trivial percentages of their customers to lower-priced neighbors
include Delaware (1.5 percent), D.C. (51.0 percent) and Massachusetts
(1.0 percent). The very high figure for the District of Columbia
reflects the extreme ease of border crossing combined with the high
taxes levied there on cigarettes throughout the 1980s. States importing
at least 2 percent of their sales in 1986 are New Hampshire (4.5
percent), Rhode Island (3.6 percent) and Vermont (2.4 percent), all of
which border relatively populous, more highly taxed jurisdictions such
as Massachusetts or Connecticut.
Although our results suggest that, for most states, border crossing
flows are small, the existence of some areas with extensive border
crossing suggests that the ability of border crossing to affect demand
elasticities and cigarette tax revenues may be significant. To address
those issues and examine the importance of border crossing for
estimation of the revenue effects of cigarette tax policy changes, we
estimated a restricted version of our model given in equation (5) by
imposing the condition F = 0 (i.e., no border-crossing effects), dubbed
the "naive model," and calculated the price elasticities of
total demand for all jurisdictions using actual 1973 and 1986 prices and
sales and parameter values from both the "naive" and
unrestricted model. Table III presents the "naive" estimation
results, while Table IV presents the elasticity estimates.
We note first that in all cases the naive elasticities are less than
the unrestricted elasticities, the difference often amounting to a
factor of two or more.(13) Further, while naive estimation typically
suggests inelastic responses, price elasticities greater than unity
emerge in the majority of cases when border crossing is included. These
elasticities exceed by a wide margin those found [TABULAR DATA FOR TABLE
cigarette demands. Further, the jurisdictions exhibiting the greatest
elasticities are often those in which the magnitude of border crossing
is seen to be greatest: the District of Columbia, estimated to lose 51
percent of its consumers to neighboring jurisdictions in 1986, exhibits
a very high sales price elasticity of -9.87 for that year, although one
is reluctant to place excessive emphasis on such a result for so
atypical a jurisdiction. Similar though less sharply drawn effects are
seen for Rhode Island and Vermont. These results suggest that, for some
jurisdictions, the ability of cigarette taxes to raise additional
revenues may fall far short of what simple analysis might imply.
This study uses a formal microanalytic foundation adaptable to
econometric estimation in order to investigate the impact of border
crossing on product demands within and between jurisdictions (our
particular application being to cigarette sales among the lower
forty-eight states for the period 1960 to 1986). Our model permits both
an estimate of the actual extent of casual bootlegging, and a test of
the significance of border crossing in explaining variations in state
sales. Our findings suggest the following conclusions.
(1) Border crossing is a significant determinant of cigarettes sales
in at least some states.
(2) While the extent of border-crossing activity is typically small
(less than 1 percent of total sales), several jurisdictions enjoyed
large inflows of buyers, while several others exported thousands of
consumers to less costly adjacent jurisdictions.
(3) Cross-border effects typically result in large increases in
estimated price elasticities over those elasticities implied by naive
(4) Prices are significant determinants of sales.
(5) Cigarettes are a normal good.
(6) Black consumers, those over eighteen years of age, and those not
identifying with "Fundamentalist" Christian traditions buy
more cigarettes.
(7) Relatively high levels of tourism result in increased sales.
(8) Sales in North Carolina are especially high, possibly reflecting
professional camouflaging operations in that state.
A number of important policy conclusions are suggested by our model.
In terms of cigarettes, the empirical results indicate that, for some
states, price elasticity could be much higher than policymakers may
believe because of border crossing. In addition to creating a large
excess burden due to out-of-state smuggling, tax revenues (from
increases in a state's cigarette excise tax) may rise far less than
anticipated. Naively instituted state policies, at the very least, will
clearly have the effect of exporting taxpayers.
Finally, it should be emphasized that the model developed herein is
perfectly general as regards "jurisdiction" and
"product." Generally, any cheaply transported product is a
candidate for smuggling when taxes (excise or other) or any other
factors create significant price differentials between political
jurisdictions. In this light, cigarette price differences created by
different tax impositions within states are only one example of the
motivation to smuggle. The recent and ongoing border-crossing
"crisis" between Canada and the northern-most states of the
United States, only partially generated by huge cigarette price
differentials, is a case in point. Given the availability of appropriate
data, the Canada-U.S. smuggling "crisis" or the effects of any
cross-border differentials may be analyzed using the general methodology
introduced here.
1. In 1991, for example, Singapore invoked the "three-quarter
tank rule" whereby cab drivers crossing to Malaysia (with
dramatically lower gasoline taxes) were required to have three-quarters
of a tank of gas. The measure is a crude attempt to raise the cost of
2. Other studies of cigarette and alcohol demands have emphasized the
addictive and/or social aspects of consumption. See Saffer and Grossman
[1987], Coate and Grossman [1988], Lewitt, Coate, and Grossman [1981],
and Chaloupka [1991] for some interesting results.
3. It is important for interpretation that the "representative
consumer" concept be kept in mind. For example, a
"representative consumer" smokes one-third of the time, etc.
4. See Thursby et al. [1991] for a discussion of this issue.
5. Unfortunately, the representation of state population
distributions using more complicated "frequency gradients"
leads to discontinuities in border-crossing flows as parameters change,
and therefore represents a very difficult estimation problem. These
discontinuities can be made unimportant by making the population
gradient finer, although this can lead to unsolvably large problems in
the absence of enormous computing power. As a practical matter, several
state-specific simulations of border-crossing demands suggest that the
assumption of uniformity is not destructive in general.
6. The simple linear form of (4) is not required by our theoretical
framework and is adopted for ease of estimation only. The inclusion of
additional variables and/or a structure similar to Chaloupka [1991] is
also possible, although the extreme nonlinearity of the model imposes
great burdens in estimation when the number of parameters becomes
"excessive." Seber and Wild [1989] offer valuable guidance.
7. Estimation utilizing the percentages of consumers over sixty-five
years of age produces results consistent with these reported here.
8. We are indebted to Professor Melissa Waters for providing us with
the religion data and suggesting the "Fundamentalist
Christian" classification we use. This classification includes
several Baptist denominations, Mormons, and numerous smaller churches.
9. Letting [h.sub.t] be the average number of lodging places per
capita among jurisdictions in year t, and hit state i's lodging
places per capita in year t, our variable is ([]/[h.sub.t]) - 1.
This form was adopted so that changes over time in the average sizes of
lodging places are controlled for, and so that the mean measure of
tourism is equal to zero in any given year. Direct use of the variable
[], however, produces highly consistent results.
10. This restriction is unimportant for the results obtained.
11. This formulation clearly requires that prices be
"exogenous," a framework consistent with the assumption that
cigarettes are competitively supplied at prices approximating long-run
average costs. In particular, we require that prices be stochastically independent of the disturbances in the sales equation.
12. Sales data for North Carolina for the period 1960-1968, and sales
data for Colorado for the period 1960-1984, are unavailable. However,
the data include all other variables necessary for estimation, so that
Colorado and North Carolina border-crossing demands can be incorporated
every year, and no inconsistency or missing values arise at any time.
Rather, all that occurs is deletion of these sales observations
dependent variables for these states for these years.
13. This condition is not imposed by the functional form of (5) since
border-crossing representative consumers may have less elastic demands
than home-state buyers.
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