Batter up! moral hazard and the effects of the designated hitter rule on hit batsmen.
Goff, Brian L. ; Shughart, William F., II ; Tollison, Robert D. 等
Despite its relatively recent appearance in the literature, the
theory of moral hazard has proved to be rich in empirical implications.
It has been applied fruitfully in a wide variety of settings, including
medical insurance, property and casualty insurance, labor contracts,
savings and loan failures, and credit rationing.(1) Perhaps the most
frequently cited application of this idea is Sam Peltzman's [1975]
study of mandatory seat belt laws. He reported evidence suggesting that
drivers respond rationally to such laws, which reduce the risk of injury
or death in automobile accidents, by driving more recklessly. Hence,
while mandatory seat belt laws have resulted in fewer automobile
fatalities, they have increased the number of non-fatal accidents and
accidents involving damage to property and pedestrians.
In this paper we argue that the introduction of the designated hitter (DH) rule in the American League but not the National League of Major
League Baseball in 1973 created the potential for a classic moral hazard
problem. Because they are not required to appear at the plate, American
League pitchers can throw at opposing hitters with greater impunity
(i.e., at a lower cost) than National League pitchers, who must take
their turn at bat. The economic theory of moral hazard clearly predicts
that more batters will be hit in the American League under such
circumstances, an implication which is supported by the empirical
evidence reported herein. After controlling for other relevant factors,
we find that American League batters have been hit by pitches at rates
10% to 15% higher than their National League counterparts in the typical
post-DH rule season.
We model pitchers as the ultimate decision makers with regard to
behavior that leads to hit batters. In making this assumption, we ignore
the principal-agent relation between pitchers and managers as well as
any externalities arising among players that may influence the number of
batters hit by pitches. Managers sometimes instruct pitchers to throw at
a batter, presumably to cool off opponent's bats or to retaliate
for opposing pitchers throwing at his team. On occasion, a pitcher may
view his own personal interests., in terms of runs and income, as
diverging from the manager's interests, so that he would not carry
out such instructions to the letter.(2) In any case, a batter may be hit
when the pitcher makes a deliberate attempt to do so or when the pitcher
has not expended much effort to avoid hitting him. While the distinction
between the two causes of hit batsmen may be important in its own right,
we treat them as being observationally equivalent. Both amount to the
pitcher altering the probability of hitting a batter by changing the
intended location and speed of his pitches.
In our elementary approach, a pitcher's decision to raise or
lower this probability hinges on a marginal decision-making calculus of
weighing the expected benefits against the expected costs of hitting a
batter. These benefits and costs would ultimately affect the
pitcher's expected utility by influencing his lifetime income and
consumption possibilities, his utility from the indulgence of personal
preferences, or both.
Increasing the probability of hitting a batter can potentially
benefit the pitcher in several ways. Hit batsmen may become more
reluctant now and in future games to lean over the plate, thereby
reducing their effectiveness against pitches low and outside; they may
become more susceptible to being fooled by curve balls that give the
illusion of being inside; or they may "dig in" less and
thereby reduce their power. All of these effects lower the probability
of runs being scored against the pitcher in present and future
appearances. Additionally, the pitcher may alter the probability of
hitting batters in order to retaliate against similar tactics being used
by opposing pitchers. This may be a means of neutralizing an
opponent's strategy of throwing at batters, and, hence, help
increase run production by the pitcher's own team. Aside from these
benefits related to run scoring, pitchers may gain satisfaction from
hitting a batter (or at least making him dive out of the way) as one way
of securing revenge for earlier home runs or other hitting success by
that batter or his team.(3)
On the other hand, pitching in ways that raise the probability of
hitting batters entails higher expected costs. Hitting a batter
automatically places him on base and may advance runners already on
base. Opposing pitchers may retaliate by throwing at the pitcher's
teammates. Finally, and what is more important for our analysis, the
pitcher may suffer a loss in utility, including the possibility of
physical harm due to the retaliation by opposing pitchers against him
Pitchers strive to equate these benefits and costs at the margin,
which vary from game to game and which depend on closeness of the score,
the number of runners on base, the number of remaining innings, the
importance of the game's outcome, and so on. The fact that such a
rational choice calculus is integral to pitchers' decisions to
alter the probability of hitting batters would seem obvious from even
casual observation. For instance, batters are hardly ever deliberately
hit in very close games, where the marginal costs of another base runner
may be very high. Similarly, batters are rarely hit by pitches when the
bases are loaded and the expected cost of hitting a batter is the
certainty of giving up another run. On the other hand, batters are hit
most frequently when the score differential is large and the marginal
costs, especially to the trailing team's pitcher, are consequently
The effect of adopting the DH rule within this framework is
straightforward. Introducing the DH rule creates a classic moral hazard
problem: The pitcher no longer bears the full costs of his own actions.
Because the DH rule lowers the marginal cost of throwing at the opposing
team's batters, the expected number of batters hit by pitches
increases relative to the situation in which the pitcher must take his
turn at bat. If the marginal benefits and marginal costs of hitting
batters were similar across baseball's two major leagues
beforehand, we would expect the American League's adoption of the
DH rule in 1973 to cause an increase in the number of hit batters there
relative to the National League where pitchers are still required to
appear at the plate.
We next investigate whether the adoption of the DH rule in 1973
actually led to an increase in the number of batters hit in the American
League relative to the National League. The data on hit batsmen, HB, are
the number of American (A) and National (N) League batters hit by
pitches each year from 1901 through 1990. The two time series -
normalized by at-bats - are plotted in Figure 1.
Basic Model
To test whether the observed divergence in the two hit batsmen series
remains significant while controlling for other relevant factors, we
specify the following regression model:
[Mathematical Expression Omitted],
where Z represents a vector of explanatory variables that determine
the position and shape of the marginal benefit and cost curves in each
league in the absence of the DH rule. The variable DH is a dummy equal
to zero before 1973 and equal to one from 1973 through 1990.
One advantage of using inter-league differences in hit batters as the
unit of observation is that it allows us to hold constant factors that
help explain variations over time in this variable that are common to
both leagues. As discussed in section II above, game-specific and
batter-specific situations are important determinants of the marginal
benefits and costs of throwing at batters. But once the observations
have been aggregated across teams and over games within seasons,
pitchers in both leagues in all likelihood will on average have faced
similar situations in terms of closeness of score, early versus late
innings, home runs allowed, and so on. Whatever other differences may
exist are assumed to be random and captured by the error term,
OLS Estimates of Hit Batter Differences Between American and
National Leagues
Variable 1901-1990 1920-1990 1947-1990
Intercept 11.54 9.31 14.13
(1.34) (0.91) (1.48)
DH 49.74 47.52 43.37
(2.28)(**) (2.15)(**) (2.17)(**)
At-Bats .006 .006 .007
(3.55)(***) (3.89)(***) (4.06)(***)
[Rho] .52 .54 .25
(5.51)(***) (5.16)(***) (1.65)(*)
[R.sup.2] .68 .74 .74
D-W 2.07 2.05 2.02
Note: t-statistics are in parentheses; [Rho] is the estimated
first-order autocorrelation coefficient and D-W is the Durbin-Watson
d-statistic. The dependent variable is American minus National
League hit batters per season. DH equals zero until 1972 and one
from 1973 onward. At-Bats is the difference in total at-bats
(American minus National). Asterisks indicate significance at the 1%
(***), 5% (**), and 10% (*) levels.
A key remaining difference between leagues concerns the total number
of batters faced by pitchers in a given season. Total at-bats differ
over time because of differences in the number of clubs in each league.
For our basic model, we therefore include the inter-league difference in
total at bats, [Mathematical Expression Omitted], as the sole
explanatory variable.
Table I presents the results of estimating our regression equation by
OLS for three time intervals: 1901-1990, 1920 - 1990, and 19471990. We
disaggregated the data into these three subperiods in order to take
account of changes over time in official baseball rules, especially
those occurring during Major League Baseball's early, formative
years. These time intervals were chosen on the basis of the following
considerations: the American League began play in 1901, the use of
"spit-ball" pitches was outlawed in 1920, and the game entered
a new era following World War II when many important changes were
introduced, including racial integration. Each of the equations is
corrected for first-order serial correlation and the correction factor
is reported.(4) Inclusive of the autocorrelation correction, the
equations explain between 57% and 73% of the variation in inter-league
differences in hit batsmen, with the explanatory power increasing with
the use of more recent data.
In each time frame, the estimated coefficient on the designated
hitter variable is positive and statistically significant at the 5%
level. Depending on the sample, the DH coefficients indicate that after
the rule's introduction in 1973, between 44 and 50 more American
League batters were hit by pitches in a typical season after controlling
for differences in at-bats between the leagues. Given that both leagues
were averaging between 300 and 400 hit batters per year in the late
1960s and early 1970s, these figures translate into a 10% to 15%
increase in hit batters in the American League relative to the National
OLS Estimates of Hit Batter Differences Between American and
National Leagues, 1921-1989
Intercept 13.43 7.62
(1.11) (.77)
DH 60.76 62.89
(2.47)(**) (2.93)(***)
At-Bats .003 .003
(1.05) (1.66)(*)
Slugging Average .16
Home Runs .006
Bases on Balls -.01
Strikeouts .005
Saves .33 .275
(1.95)(*) (1.91)(*)
Std. Dev. of Winning Percentage -.004
Attendance 5.3E-6 4.7E-6
(1.92)(*) (2.01)(**)
[Rho] .53 .51
(4.53)(***) (4.63)(***)
[R.sup.2] .77 .77
D-W 2.09 2.08
Note: t-statistics are in parentheses; [Rho] is the estimated
first-order autocorrelation coefficient and D-W is the Durbin-Watson
d-statistic. See Table I note. Except for DH, all explanatory
variables are computed as American League minus National League.
To explore the validity of our assumption that the other elements of
a vector of explanatory variables (Z) in each league tend to cancel out at the level of data aggregation employed, we collected observations on
the differences between American League and National League season
totals for several additional explanatory variables. These additional
variables include measures of pitcher control/ability, hitter ability,
degree of competitiveness of games, the amount of reliance on relief
pitching, and the financial rewards of winning. In particular we include
inter-league differences in bases on balls and strikeouts for pitcher
control/ability; home runs and slugging averages for hitter ability;
yearly standard deviation of league winning percentages for
competitiveness of games; number of saves for amount of relief pitching;
and game attendance as a proxy for the pecuniary returns to winning.(5)
The results of estimating this regression specification by OLS for
1921-1989 are reported in Table II.(6)
Cointegration Tests
Sample Period Johansen Likelihood Ratio 5% Critical Value
1901-1972 18.0 15.4
1901-1990 10.9 15.4
Note: The Johansen [ 1991] likelihood ratio, statistic tests the
null hypothesis that no cointegrating vectors exist. The version
employed here includes a constant and no time trend.
Dickey-Fuller Tests for Differences in Hit Batters
Sample Period Dickey-Fuller t-statistic
1901-1972 -3.73(***)
1901-1990 -2.04
Note: For each sample period, the Dickey-Fuller t-statistic is from
the augmented Dickey-Fuller equation, [Delta][DHB.sub.t] = [c.sub.0]
+ [c.sub.1][DHB.sub.t-1] + [c.sub.2][([Delta]DHB).sub.t-1], where
DHB is the difference in hit batters (American League minus National
League). The null hypothesis of non-stationary residuals is rejected
at the 1% level for the 1901-1972 period.
In this revised version of our regression equation, the estimated
coefficient on the DH rule is considerably larger than before. Of the
additional explanatory variables included, only saves and attendance are
significantly different from zero (at the 10% level). The second column
of Table II shows the results of estimating the same equation with only
those two additional explanatory variables included. More relief
pitching appears to increase the number of hit batsmen in the American
relative to the National League - possibly a moral hazard problem one
step removed. Greater fan interest, which increases the pitcher's
expected returns to winning, also increases the relative number of hit
Cointegration Tests
In addition to these OLS estimates, we searched for additional
evidence of the DH rule's impact by investigating the stationarity
properties of the time series. Since both [HB.sup.N] and [HB.sup.A] are
non-stationary according to Dickey-Fuller methods, we first posed the
question, are the series cointegrated?(7) That is, do the two series
share a common underlying trend? For the period prior to the DH
rule's introduction, we would expect this to be the case based on
our earlier assumption that the other factors driving both series are
nearly identical once the data are aggregated over games and teams. On
the other hand, if the DH rule has had an important impact, the post-DH
American League hit batsmen series should diverge both from its earlier
time path and, ceteris paribus, from the National League series.
Table III presents the results of Johansen [1991] cointegration tests
for the time intervals 1901-1972 and 1901-1990. The null hypothesis of
no cointegration can be rejected at the 5% level for the pre- 1973
sample, but cannot be rejected for 1901-1990.
Next, and in a closely related test, we considered whether the null
hypothesis of non-stationarity for the differenced series of hit
batters, DHB, could be rejected exclusive and inclusive of the rule
change. This is really just an alternative cointegration test where we
look at a particular linear combination of H[B.sup.A] and H[B.sup.N].
Specifying the test in this way implicitly restricts the cointegrating
vector to be equal to one. Table IV presents these results, and they are
consistent with those reported in Table III. The null hypothesis of
non-stationarity for the difference between H[B.sup.A] and H[B.sup.N],
the two leagues' hit batters, can be rejected at the 1% level for
the time frame prior to the DH rule (1901-1972). The calculated
Dickey-Fuller test statistic for the time frame inclusive of the DH rule
(1901-1990) cannot reject the null hypothesis at standard levels of
statistical significance.(8)
In recent years, growing media attention has been brought to bear on
bench-clearing brawls prompted by hit batters and "knock
downs" of batters. Some observers of the game have speculated that
this violence may be in part due to the fact that American League
pitchers do not have to bear the full costs of their pitching tactics.
Whether this has caused more brawls or whether brawls have become more
prevalent in the American League than in the National League remains an
open question. Our results lend support to the idea that American League
pitchers became much more willing to throw at batters after the DH rule
went into effect.
We thank Mike Belongia of the University of Mississippi and Keith
Carlson of the St. Louis Fed for help in gaining access to the hit
batsmen data that are the paper's centerpiece and Pete Palmer,
co-editor of Total Baseball, for making it available to us. Valuable
comments were provided by Robert McCormick, Keith Womer, Luke Froeb,
Fred McChesney, and seminar participants at the University of Kansas and
the University of Mississippi. The suggestions of Mark Zupan and two
anonymous referees were especially helpful in improving the paper. Tim
Greer and Robert Trimm supplied able research assistance. We are also
grateful to James M. Buchanan for earlier discussions which led to the
development of this paper. As is customary, however, we accept full
responsibility for any remaining errors.
1. Some of the well-known works in these areas in-elude Pauly [1968]
and Arrow [1971] on medical markets; Holmstrom [1979] on general
principal-agent problems; Cheung [1969], Stiglitz [1974], and Newberry
[1977] on labor contracts; and Stiglitz and Weiss [1981] on credit
2. We also ignore the possibility that even with the DH rule in
effect, the pitcher's teammates may continue to bear the
retaliation costs of throwing at opposing batters. By bringing their own
influence to bear on the pitcher (in the form of locker room threats or
deliberate fielding errors) they might be able to make the pitcher
behave as if the costs of hitting batters has not changed.
3. This source of additional utility may not be completely separable from the run-reducing effect of raising the probability of hiring
batters. In many public interviews, pitchers who gloat about their
control of the inside part of home plate usually explain that this is
necessary for success.
4. The results are not sensitive to omitting this correction for
first-order autocorrelation. Observations on these variables were
collected from the Baseball Encyclopedia [1990] and Thorn and Palmer
with Gershman [1995].
5. Attendance is included to test the hypothesis suggested by one of
the referees that National League pitchers have grown more fearful of
being retaliated against because their salaries have increased over time
relative to their American League counterparts. A consistent pitcher
salary time series, which takes bonuses, incentive pay, and deferred
compensation into account, is unfortunately not available. As a proxy,
we assume that the returns to winning are a monotonic transformation of
game attendance. We estimated two other specifications of our basic
model to respond to issues raised by the journal's referees and
other commenters. First, we interacted DH and at-bats to allow the
difference in hit batsmen to be proportional to the difference in
at-bats across leagues. It is not. Second, we added an additional dummy
variable, equal to one for the years 1973-1976 and zero otherwise, to
distinguish an "expansion effect" (the American League added
two weak teams in 1977) from the DH effect. The estimated coefficient on
this dummy variable was not significantly different from zero while the
coefficient on the DH variable was unaffected.
6. Our original sample is restricted to the 1921-1989 subperiod
because observations on league attendance are not available prior to
1921, and we lose the last observation in calculating the standard
deviation of league winning percentages.
7. We do not report these Dickey-Fuller tests in tabular form but
would be happy to supply them on request.
8. See McCallum [1993] for a good discussion of the limitations of
cointegration tests, especially where such tests do not support a
finding of cointegration.
Arrow, Kenneth J. Essays in the Theory of Risk Bearing. Chicago:
Markham Publishing Co., 1971.
Baseball Encyclopedia, 8th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1990.
Cheung, Steven N. S. "Transactions Costs, Risk Aversion, and the
Choice of Contractual Arrangements." Journal of Law and Economics,
April 1969, 23-42.
Holmstrom, Bengt. "Moral Hazard and Observability." Bell
Journal of Economics and Management Science, Spring 1979, 74-91.
Johansen, Soreu. "Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of
Cointegration Vectors in Gaussian Vector Autoregressive Models."
Econometrica, November 1991, 1551-80.
McCallum, Bennett T. "Unit Roots in Macroeconomic Time Series:
Some Critical Issues." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Quarterly
Review, Spring 1993, 13-44.
Newberry, David. "Risk Sharing, Sharecropping and Uncertain
Labour Markets." Review of Economic Studies, October 1977, 585-94.
Pauly, Mark V. "The Economics of Moral Hazard." American
Economic Review, June 1968, 531-37.
Peltzman, Sam. "The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation." Journal of Political Economy, August 1975, 677-725.
Stiglitz, Joseph. "Incentives and Risk Sharing in
Share-cropping." Review of Economic Studies, April 1974, 219-55.
Stiglitz, Joseph, and Andrew Weiss. "Credit Rationing in Markets
with Imperfect Information."American Economic Review, June 1981,
Thorn, John, and Pete Palmer with Michael Gershman, eds. Total
Baseball: The Official Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball, 4th ed.
New York: Viking, 1995.
Brian L. Goff: Professor of Economics, Department of Economics
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green Phone 1-502-745-3855, Fax
1-502-745-3893 E-mail
[email protected]
William F. Shughart: Professor of Economics and Self Free Enterprise
Chairholder, Department of Economics & Finance, University of
Mississippi, Oxford Phone 1-601-232-7579, Fax 1-601-232-5238 E-mail
[email protected]
Robert D. Tollison: Duncan Black Professor of Economics, Center for
Study of Public Choice, George Mason University Fairfax, Va., Phone
1-703-993-2315 Fax 1-703-993-2323